.^ Sterling Silver Service Buttons For Relatives of Men and Women in Armed Forces I Wear a aterling • t 1 V e r button ahowlns the num- ber of a o n a, duughtera, alNtera or brothera YOU hiava aervin^ In tha armed (urcesl Diera are lupol- Htyla buttona for men, pins for Ijioincn, enamelled in tha patriotic Md, white and blue, iium- <« «jp fti^rlnK from one to five I.Zj kbtual alio, sketched. Eact â- »•••»» All Taxea Im'liidad SIMPLAY INSIGNIAS 314 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. LED PARATROOPERS Lieut. S, W. McGowan, Winnipeg, Man., the first Canadian Paratroop assault infantry officer to drop down through the roof of France near Caen, leading the way for the now famous 6th Airborne Division in opening; the Allied invasion of Europe. f THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson SA WISE GIRL NEVEf?. BLOW* HER. KNOWS," .Si*^^ JEAN CHAMBERLIN, /IQi25 .. _ _ ' \ KEXT: Twenty-five thousand nues an hour, and no tire9 neededt FUNNY BUSINESS SIDE GLANCES By George Clark a«;i9ie «<« inwicOnK.Bt6.MWT aw "Just look I And I told that camp counselor not to let you gci a single freckle on youi- nose this summer'" Toda^'is INrATMTRY, versatile -fast moving / ^^ THE UTTLE 6IANT ^f TANKDUSTER â- me NEW PI AT" ANTl-TANVC WEAPON CAN ALSO BE USED Nz> A r^0RTAt5_ !^C^^" jip.(i.{*S PIAT GUN Newest addition to the Canadian infantryman's arsenal is the Piat anti- tank weapon, the unorthodox but . simple bomb-thrower that makes the lone soldier more than a match for the heavily armoured tanks being thrown against him by the enemy in Italy. Called for official purposes a "projector, infantry and anti-tank," and derving its name from the first letters of those four words, the Piat throws a bomb that explodes on impact and will penetrate four inches of the finest armour-plate. It spells death to tank crews and concrete pillboxes are no defence against its powerful blast: also it may be readily used as a mortar and in a house-breaking role. The Piat weighs only 34 pounds and can be handled easily by one man. Canadian soldiers overseas are already well trained in its use, while here in Canada most of the infantry tradn- ing centres have courses on the Piat in full swing. FAM ^^Y LIKENESS ^&> 15 PIAY1N6 CONTENTEDLY WITH PING6RS WHEN MOTHER BRINGS VISI- TORS IN KM0W6 THEY'RE RELA- TIVES BECAUSE THEY BEGIN OlSCUSSIMS WHOM HE LOOKS LIVCB ONE OF THEM REMARKS HE'S CERTAINLY THE tWlN<3> IMA6E OF UM MOTHER AND DADPyS COUSiM JANE SAVS NOMSENSe, HE FAVORS HIS FA- THER'S SIDE OF THE FAMILY TO WHICH COUSIN ELLA POINTS OUT THAT Ht OBVIOUSLV HAS HIS MOTHER'S NOSe SETS RESTLESS UNMR THIS SCRUTINY. WHAT DO THEY THINJC HE »S, S0METHIM(3r IN THE ZOO COOSIM JANE SAYS SHE COUSIN ELLA SNIFFS HAS HIS FATHER'S AMD REMARKS HE NOT BABY PICTURE, AMO ONLY HAS HIS MOTHER'S THE LIKENESS IS NOSE BUT HER HAIR. ASTONISHINCj (OopTriiti. lap. br lb. aa Br«iv»i^ Lm.) DECIDES TO Give TMEM THE WORKS. MA'YBE NOW NEITHER «n>e WILL WANT TO CLAIM A LIKENESS THE SPORTING THING BY L/INQ OftKlSTRONO , 'V^V^J'I'^ "Look at your faiher reading that 1940 auto catalogue Ira found when he searched the attic for scrap . . . You'd think it was the latest best seller." "It's his first jump!" FRkt! BOOK. Ikâ€" - Tells How REX Oil This valuable booklet "How Rex Oil Feeding Ald> Better Breeding Reiuiti" containi actual cote hislorlei ihowing how 50 Canadian Formerj, Government Institution) and Agri- cultural Colleges increased profits through the use of Rex Oil. It explains how Rex Oil provides the nutri- tional factors so esientiol to proper function- ing of the reproduction system. Every cattle, horse, twins or sheep breeder will be Interested In learning how many common breeding problems can be solved. Write for your copy today. 4 ex. $1.15 . 30 ox. $5.00 VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED N.O.G. Post ortlco Box 60 I MontroAl, Que. ylOIH (CANADA) LIMITED. N.D.G. Poit Offtc« BoK iO, Montreal, Ou«. Pitas* i«n<t me frta copy of your booklet "How Rex Oil Feeding Aids Setter Breeding Resulli". POPâ€" Now They Fit to a "T" By J. MILLAR WATT NAME AODDESS ZEL REG'LAR FELLERS-His Sea Legs By GENE BYRNES ^v" LOOWT THE SWELL SAILOR SUIT MV MOM BOU(3HT ME .' /^ IT SURE IS A BEAUT, ( PINHEAO, BUT WHY DOhh'CHA ^- , PUT IT ON RIGHT ? / SURE. .' >0J'D be able TO / WALK EVER SO MUCH FASTER •^ SO THAT'S THE OTHER PA^^â- S'LEG.' I WUZ wonderin' WHAT THAT THING WUi i; ' V r