Gef ready NOW to protett your MEW HAY C ROP Cure with Windsor Salt to preserve vital food value . . . check fire hazard ! This year above allâ€" make sure your Hvestocic get a/i the food value from your new hay crop. Curing with Windsor Salt prevents excessive heating â€" saves food value â€" increases palatabilityâ€" reduces menace of spontaneous combustion. Spread 20-30 lbs. of Windsor Salt per ton of hay when storing in mow or stacking. Don't wait until tht hay's eutâ€" get your supply of Windsor Salt now! WINDSOR SALT WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Future Aircraft British pilots decidely like jet- propelled aircraft. Highly exper- ienced and critical test pilots say Ihey are easily flowr.. very res'pon- •hre to controls, and ihe high-speed rotary power units are so smooth Uid vibrationless in operation that they prefer them to orthodox types. Their advantages are many, accord- bg to the men who fly them. To keg'in with, the power produced is •pplied directly. There is no trans- Mission gear of conversion mechan- liin. Thus the power plant is sim- plified, weight is considerably re- tfnced and Joss by friction is avoid- ed. Then It does not need high- vrade aviation gas as fuel. Paraf- Bn, diesel or tar oil can be used in its stead and so-called "safety" fuels can be used without any loss ef efficiency. There is no compli- Mted supercharger, with gear Aiiis, clutches and boost control. Only a simple fuel-injection sys- tem Is required. Also the vibration ii reduced, the airscrew is eliminat- ed, saving further weight, simpli- lying control and reducing compli- cation. Predictions are that with the coming of this British gas tur- Wne, the design of future aircraft â- will be revolutionized. Turbines are fceing kept in mind for high-speed, Wgh altitude passenger aircraft, and for the huge transport planes now being planned. Mosaic of Photos To Aid Invaders The British have announced that Allied invasion planners have had the benefit of a minute detailed mosaic of 3,000 miles of continental kivasion coastline, put together fron% pictures made by the R.A.F. Five hundred thousand pictures were used In the mosaic. They were taken by reconnaissance pilots fly- ing seven miles high at six m.iles a minute, sometimes diving 400 miles an hour toward the "subject." RHEUMATIC I WASH THEM linS! AWAYl DOES YOUR BODY ACHE? Here'a quick relief from miser- able neuritla. rheumatic, ar- tJultlG and lumbago pains â€" Drink water abundnntly and rely upon "B'WEXL" .>icrbal remedy as an internal cleanser. Aj pain and fever producing «cld» art washed away â€" Pain must lol Relief may be felt right at the start. Take Mul- veney's "BWKLL" regularly be- fore retiring and wake up eacb morning feeling flnel Sold Inr over 2.U0O druggists. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY REUEVED It you are troubUd with Itching CI1C8 or reciat gorenes*, lio oot delay •atment and run the risk of lettiau Ibia condition become chroQic. Any Itching or soreness or painful paeo- age ofstool Is nature's warning and proper treatment ehould be secured at once. For this purpose get a. package ot Bem-Koid from any druggist and •se as directed. This formula which is used Internally Is a small, wuy to take tablet, wiU quickly relieve Ihe Itching and soreness and aid lu healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Hold is pleasant to use, la ftlghly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and cbroalc pile condition when luch a fine remedy â- lay be bad at such a small cost. tl you try Hem-Rold and are oot •utlrely pleased with the results, your will gladly return four money. ^YOUWOMENWHOSUFFERFROM> HOT HASHES If you sutler from hot flashes, dizzy spells. Irregular periods, are weak, nervous â€" due to the "middle-age" period In a woman's life, take Lydla â- . Plnkham'B Vegetable Compound. U'B helped thousands upon thou- sands of women to relieve such symptoms. Plnkhams Compound Is also a fine stomach tonici WorVi trying I Made In Cnuada. CANADIAN CHIEF In an unusual division of duties, Maj.-Gen J. C. Murchie, above, has been appointed chief of staff of the Canadian Army, with tem- porary rank of lieutenant general. He'll be responsible for Dominion forces in North America, while Lt.-Gen. Kenneth Stuart, whom he succeeds, retains responsibility foi forces overseas. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If two sisters are tiniiiarricd and are living together, what would be the best way to address a letter to thcin? 2. If a written invitation to a baby's christening is received, is one oljligatcd to send a gift? .3. Is it proper to fold the napkin when one has finished eating? 4. May one use a spoon or knife for eating peas when dining at a formal affair? 5. Docs a woman have the pri- vilege ot refusing to shake hands, even if the person she meets ex- tends his hand? 6. If somone mispronounces one's name, would it be all right to cor- rect him? Answers 1. Address the envelop to the older sister, then include both their names in the heading of the letter. 3. Yes; it imposed this obligation. 8. \o; leave the napkin lying loose- ly beside the plate. 4. No; peas should always be taken with the fork no matter if the affair, is in- formal or formal. No kind of food is ever conveyed to the mouth with a knife. 8. No; do not refuse an offered hand. 6. Yes, but It should be done graciously wtihout showing any resentment. Government Issues Garden Pamphlet Incidental to any vegetable gar- den are diseases which affect the crops, and insect pests, but the methods of control are not dif- ficult. These are described in brief, easily understood terms in the new edition of "The Wartime Garden". This pamphlet can be obtained by writing to Dominion Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. It is not only useful to the recruit to wartime gardening, but the experienced gar- dener will also find it valuable for frequent reference, â- will also find it valuable for fre- quent reference. Another feature of the new edition of "The Wartime Garden" is a table indicating the best kinds and varieties of vegetables to grow, the amount of seed or plants required for garden rows of no feet and the probable re- turn obtainable. .\nother table shows the time to sow seed or set out plants for every region jn Canada. Seaman Sabo Officially listed and drawing ra- tions as Ordinary Seaman Sabo, the cocker spaniel mascot of a Can- adian destroyer, is so named be- cause of an amazing ability to sab- otage food and gear. Ordinary Sea- man Sabo slept serenely in his "mick,' 'or hammock, all through a hot naval action. AWARDED BAR TO DSO Stalin Doesn't Want *To Own Europe* Forrest Davis, .Associate Editor cf the Saturday Evening Post, quotes Marshal Joseph Stalin in a Post article published not so long ago as saying that the Soviet Union has no desire for the lands of its neighbors. In the first of two articles, "What Really Hapencd at Teheran," Mr. Davis says Mr. Stalin made a sweeping declaration at Teheran of "his desire to conciliate his neigh- bors, saying flatly that he had no desire to own Europe." Mr. Davis says Mr. Stalin added that "his country is only half pop- ulated and the Ru.'isians liave plenty to do at home, v.ithout undertaking great new ' territorial responsibili- ties." Mr. Davis has not disclosed the source of his inioniiation. 'Floating Hedgehogs' Aid Nazi Defenses "Floating hedgehogs" â€" guns and antiaircraft batteries mounted on naval units â€" have been added to Nezi anti-invasion defenses in the English Channel and the North Sea, says the Weekly Military Re- view published by the German High Command. "This increase in defen.^es has be- come necessary because of intensi- fied air warfare from Britain," the Review said. The "hedgehogs" apparently are an adoptation of the "Floating Is- land" fortresses established off the British coast as a defense measure earlier in the war, but are equipped with some sort of motive power. Col'fce was introduced into Eu- rope from .Arabia in the Ifith cen- tury. SITTING ON SUDDEN DEATH Brigadier E. L. Booth, D.S.O. ol Toronto, who has been awarded the Bar to the Distinguished Service Order, for valor in the Italian cam- paign. Few envy the RAF armorer in the photo above. Literally sitting on sudden death, he's making adjustments inside 8000-pound bomb. Easy to roll, delighfful â€" to smote FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Have You Heardl A "Save -Your- Waste- Paper" campaign reminds one of the story of the four men who died on the same day. One was an author. He left tn. The second w-as a bookseller. He left $60. The third was a publisher. He left $500. Fourth was a waste-paper mer- chant. He left $50,000. One of our prominent men, in an interview, was asked to give his definition of an ex- pert. His answer was succinct and definite : "An expert is one who can complicate simplicity." Bill: "Did you go to your lodge meeting last night?" Pat: "No, Bill, we have to post- pone it." Bill: "Why?" Pat: "Well, you see, the Grand All Powerful, Invincible, Most Un- conquerable Potentate 'dun got beat up by his wife." BABY CHICKS BPECIAIi PRICES FOR JUNE ASD JULY Barred Rock Mixed 10c New Hampshire Mixed .... lie White Leghorn Mixed. .... 10c Barred Rock Pullets 17c White Leghorn Pullets .... lOo Don't delay. $1.00 books your order. CarletoB Hatclicrr, Britannia Hclshta, Ontario. THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE- ttme to secure some ot these well started White Leghorn pulle^y, 1, S, 4. B and 6 weeks of age at rock bottom prices. Also other •tarted chicks. Send for started Brlcellst today. Also day olds and free range pullets eight weeks and older. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DON'T TRUST TO LUCK â- hat we'll have chicks later on for delivfry. If you wi.wh them for delivery June. July or even later, we should h.ive your order now. and oan meet your delivery date. Right now reasonably quick delivery, especially with Leg- horns. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. OET TOP NOTCH CHICKS FOR a Top Notch Market. There'll be an active demand for every Top Notch chirk you raise and every egg your Top Notch pullets produce. And If theyiH as good as their blood-tested (government Approved breeders the broilers and roaster.'! will have the weight and quality to do your heart Mod and the layer.'? will be the kind that keeps t^'e egg cases full.' "Write for 1944 catalogue and reduced May priceliet. Also •tarted chicks, free range pullets jl weeks ot age and older. Top Notch Clilckeries, Cuelph, Ont. REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICK.S. Barred Rocks and Leghorns lie. lieghorn pullets 22c, Barred Rock Sullets 2nc. Leghorn."! are Barron train. Rocks are O.B.S. breed- ing. All breeders are blood tcst- «d. One dollar books your order. J. D. Johnson. Fergus, Ont. THE NEAREST THING TO LIFE Insurance for chicks I.s the name St a reputable long-established atcher.v that handle.s Oovernment Approved chtok.s from bloodtosted fcreeder."". th.nt made good in their own right. This ai;.«Turanco Is yours When j-ou buy Tweddle Chicks â€" fllus the advantage of hatching, nsperting and shipping methods prov^ed best by n gen( ration of experience. Already this se.'i^on our mall Is filled with grafoful messages from cu.'itomers: "Be.«t I ever had" â€" "Best I ever bought" â€" "Bought BOO pullets month, still have 510" . . . arc a few of the remarks we arc get- ting from customers. Reduced prices for M.Ty. Get the, Tweddle 1944 cnt.nlngue and reduced prlcc- Hat. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. KEm<'En ri!ii-E.'^ m.vy & june CHlCK.c: FRO.M A REAL BREED- ING FARM OF 5UO0 BREEnERSâ€" Wo give prompt shipment In Hay-old Chicks, also a limited number of Started Chicks and Day-old Cockerels. Our high quali. ty Chicks are moderately priced. Don't take chaP'H'.s on ordinary chicks. We have tlone our best to produce well bred, heal*'.. . disease free (^hicks and our , rocs are rea.sonablc. not the lowest or the June hatched Chicks or Started Chicks will make you real money if you start with good Chli'ks and manage them proper- ly. Thous.inds of customers have made nionev with these high quality thicks. PI-RE BRED SUSSEX: SfSSK.V X NEW H.VMP- SHIKE: SrsSEX X BARREr-> ROCK: LARGE TYPE WHITE I.EnHORNS: BARREH ROPK.-^: T!,\RR10n ROCK y LEGHORNS: sr.'^SEN X LE'MIOUN.'^: NEW â- H.\MI'SHIRES. Or.'ev from this atl. any h'^avv breed ^Tlxed Chicks jtinin per ion. .send for Priec L'st on <'*ockerr''!. Pull'"''' nod Ktnrled List. T,.VKT.:VII'V.' POITL- TRV EAR.M -^VEIN V.V.Of- t'h'^no 78, Exeter. Ont. DTEIA'G * CLEANI?rG HAVE TUU ANYTHING NEEDS for Information. dyelns or cleanlngT Writa to oa D. We an clad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Worka Limited. T91 Yonga Street To- ronto. RAIRDRBSSIITG AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdresslng at Can- ada's flueBt and largest schools. Aeflned, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdresslng Schools, 181 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 Kins Street, Hamilton, and 74 RIdeau Street, Ottawa. LBARN HAIROKBSSI.VG VBB KobcrtaoD method. Information SQ request regarding classes, :obarta0D's Halrdressing Acad- emy, 117 ArsDue Road, Toronto, WIGS, .TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations. Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for Illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hatr Supply Co.," 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. MEDICAL NATCRE'S HELPâ€" DIXO.VS RKIJI- edy for Rheumatic Pains. Neur- itis. Thousands praising it. MuD- ro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" F:ee! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto S, Ont. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offanslT* odor Instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. GOOD RE.SOLVT10Nâ€" EVERY SUF. ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis ehould try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 E\gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. I>HUT0GR.4.PHY DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CANT BE T.A.KEN AGAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost â€" Prompt Mall Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This Is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio, serving customers all over Canada. You'll like our work. too. Any Size Roll â€" 6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED .\ND PRINTED 25c Praising Star Snapshot Service, « customer at Windsor, Ont.. writes: "I suppose It's hard to give your usual quick service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, I'll wait â€" If I have to wait" 3 MOU.NTED EN1.,.\KGEME.NTS 2Bc Size 4.'i6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivorv tinted mounts; 7x9" in Gold Silver. Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 6!ic each. If enlarge- ment colored. ?tic each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your .Vame and Address Plainly on All Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour films proi'erly dovelopud and printed 6 OR 8 E.XPOSURE ROLLS 25c KEPltlNTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE Voii may not kci all the films you want this yei\r, but you can get all the quality ami Kcrvicc you desire by "cndint? your Mnis to nil'C':RIAI. I'llOTO SlilRVICB iStation .). Toronun. PATENTS rBTHEHBTONHAOtjH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet cf Information on re- quest FOR SALE A milkman, inducted into the army, wrote back home from camp: "Bessie, I sure do like this army life.. It's nice to lie •bed every morning until five- thirty." Private Jones had been in the Army a week when the icrgea::! asked: "What do foa think of the Army so far?" "I may like it after a while," re- plied Jones, "but just now I think there's too much drilling and fi:s- sing about between meals.' MILKING MACHINES OBN CINE H I N M A N RUBBERS and parts for old-style shaft line milkers. Service by mail. G. O. Howe & Company Limited, DIs. trlbutors, 47 Crang Ave.. Toronto. Onr. PEACH TREES. APPLES, PEARS, cherries, plums, currants, grapes, asparagus, strawberry plants, ra.spberries. Norfolk Nursery, SImcoe. BURLINGTON, B OH 20 ACRES; apples and pears, bearing: no buildings. Box 141, 78 Adelaide West, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE. IN TEMISK- aming district, close to highway, rallwa.v. markets, bargains. Write Zalek VertHeb. Wawbewawa, Ont. 10 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM farm, tiled 4 rod apart, tobacco acreage, good buildings with hy. trv full bath In house, good rock well with pressure system: close to Bchool: S miles from Essex. With or without farm stock and Implements. Concession 8. Col- chester North, Essex County. iieorge 8. Tlce, Cottam, R.R. 8, Ont. NEW ZEAL,\ND WHITE RABBITS, Junior stock, 2 months, weight 4'4 lbs. mature at 12 lbs.. $10.00 trio. Pedigreed. Gua-anteed live delivery. We buy all you raise. Writ: United Babbitry, Dart- mouth, N.S. rOR ANGORA BREEDING STOCK, write for prices to Halycon Aii- g'oras, Plckcrinir, Ont. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK- Ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. DeWalt Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect con- dition, $3.25 delivered. Ladles' army shoes, perfectly rebuilt. $2.25 delivered. Money-back guar- antee. State size, send money order. Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont FREE â€" COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees: Evergreens: Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees: Roses; Brookdale-Klngswny Nurseries, Bowmanvllle, Ontario, SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING â€" Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Sliplt also has many houeshold uses 2Sc up at most grocery. hardware and chain .stort-s. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. ELECTRIC MIITORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2.'!2(; Dufferin St. Toronto, JIST OCr, ILLUSTRATED CAN- adian catalogue. 1944 edition, DOc. Vincent's Stamp Shop. 294 St. t-'athcrine West, .Montreal. W.\R M.\P BARGAIN. AN E.XCIT- intt and thnruughly readable war niip showinir dated events: a map everyone should own. A limited tmmber onl.v. ."^end payment. 3'u- to I'nn.idinn l*'ine Printin'.r Pro- ducers. 319 BtLv Street, Toronto. HtYl SAR6E WHERE'S YOUB MINARD'S SOLDIIRS, Mil OUT TIRED ACHE» FOR SALB NEW BICYCLES FOR MEN AND boys. $42.50 â€" $44.00 â€" $44.76 and $48.60. For women and girls, $43. 50 â€" $46.00 â€" $46.50 and $45.50. MiiV money order and write height of rider to McBride's, 36 Queen East, Toronto. BEWING MACHINES REPAIRED $1.60. Farts extra. If required. f'arts still available. A. Gilbert, 229 Dundas St., Toronto. HEW INVENTED SNAUB TRAP IF YOU ARE I.N'TERESTED IM catching bears, wolves, foxes or groundhogs and weasel, her-j'» your opportunity, a simple in- expensive Trigger you can m.'iks In 10 minutes is a sure catch for any suspicious animal. $1."'' 'T plan and instructions. Zlepnig, Waltham, Quebec. POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble An.ilysls guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by. using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more egg.s. Available Immediately in lOO lb. bags in any iiuantity. Write for sample"; .-iiui prices. DEALERS WANTED 8TINSON REEII Sl-'PPLV CO. LIMITED nnSS Deloriniler Are,, MontrenI HEI.P WANTED EXPERIENCED ~FLOOr]IiaN~ANO all round printer, permanent posi- tion. Apply Fyle H7fllM, Near- est selective Service Office, THE CORN"R'ALL GENERAL Hos- pital, Cornwall, Ont, is now se- lecting applicants for student nurses August 1, 1944. WANTED FULLY QUALIFIED teachers for Home Economies and General Shop, to teacli work in morning periods. Writa giving qualifications and salary expected, to A. Colebourne. Soc- retary, Rivprsldo Public .School Board. 345 Fairview Blvd., Riv-r- side, Ont $60. 00 MONTHLYâ€" WO.MAN F:jlt general housework, good home. Mrs. C. H. Day, Burnhnmtho.-ps Park Rd., Islington. W.IXTED WANTED I.N VOUR DISTRICT someone to take orders In their spare time for day old chicks for a large Canadian Govcrnmint Approved Chick Hatchery. No in- vestment required. Liberal com- mission. Write for full details. Box 130, 73 Adelaide St Woit, Toronto, MANUFACTURER OF LIGHrNl.VC* rod equipment desires local .lalo.-;- men for part-time work through- out Ontario. Drawing- account against commlssion.s arranged. Apply B. PhlUlpa Company Lim- ited. 200 Main Street. Toronto. PROTESTANT TEACHER AS PRIN- cipal for four room school. Good disciplinarian. State quallfii ation.i and salary expected. Duties to commence September. Mrs. John Wilding. Sec.-Treas.. S.S. No. 5 Korah, R.R. 1, Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario. CORDWOOI) ( <»\THA( T«m WA.>TEl> WANTEDâ€" CORD WOOD CONTRAC- tor to cut and put on rnllwiv cars 1.50(1 cords of wood in R.".:.;" burton County. Close to ro.i !•» and railway. $7.50 a cord. A C. Conway, 45 Adelaide St. Toronto. PMiM >i\iin\t:i<^ FARM TRACTORS WANTKii. ANY CONDITION. PRE. feiMbly Kordson: also Bevri:il ve- built Kiirrtsons jL'.'iO.Hii \ip sala 15 Ija riante Ave., Toronto.