How Can lit By Anne Athley WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Snake Bite Kit One of the most ingenious uses to which plastics have been put is In the snake bite kit, army issue to American servicemen fighting in the tropics, relates the Financial Post. Snake bite is a serious nieracc to men fighting in tliese regions, snd qaick measures have to be taken If the victim's life is to be saved. Main requirement is to suck the tenom from the lymph capillaries of the person bitten by a poisonous reptile, if death or serious illness Is to be averted. * * • The U. S. jXrmy Medical Corps has provided .\merican army men with a handy snake bite kit, small and compact, and <:ontaining ma- terials for quick roatment. In it •re a tourniquet, liandagcs, iodine and ammonia capsiilts, in a plastic ease v.!."cii is du^lprcof and water- tight. There is also a small knife for opening the wound, and a pump to suck the venom from it The pump was originally made of aluminum, which was a great Improvement over the rubber bulb •uction pump formerly used. When aluminum became scarce, the pump was re-designed in plastic, which has proved superior to aluminum. The tbin walls of the aluminum pump bent quite easily, thus de- atroying its effectiveness. * * * Great problems were involved m moldini? the plastic parts of the kit. Hm tMW double defence against colds, grippo •fxl bronchitli li to build Immunity wltf« VHoVox â€" a small laitelssi copsule combining COLD VACCINE plus VITAMINS M catching cold, toka VitaVax to reduce leverily ond speed recovery, t you've just hocj o cold, toU VlloVax to •M^ercoflie fatigue and Increase vitality, Par (clenlific precautions against future cold^ irtppe and brondiitls, protect oH tlie family •Ml VHaVox Copiwles. Only $3.50 for •ii* to two month* average requlremeniik Aik your druggist, or for details write toâ€" â- •kerta Melegkal Laboratory, Toronto START TODAY. - VITAVAX COLD VACCINl pi^4 VITAMINS THROAT (or common •rdinary sore throat .. /y^ '^ ^u»T ^^i El 1 If Back Aches Help Kidneys Do you feel older tlian you are or suffer Oettlng t7p Nlihtt, BacknrliF, Nervoui- L«g Pains, Rlieumetic Pains. Burntnt, jti or frequent pasiagea? If <o, remem- inet Tour Kidneys are vital to your Ith ana ttiat these syniptonix may be due Kidney and Bladder troubles â€" In iucli OriUx usually kIvts prompt and loy- eoe relief by helpluK the Kidneys ofean St poisonous riress acids ai d wastes. You *e sterythlng toialn and nothing to lose trying ry»t««. The Iron rlad monej-back acreenent assures a retund of your money ~ return of empty package unless fully satlsfled. Don't de- 'JMV '*>'' °'*' ^'ritex , >^>^^ i8ls»-tni from your â- tisi ciut lueiii dragglst today. /Riliaves distress from MONTHLY\ FEMALE WEAKNESS tydta E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound not onlv helps relieve monthly pain hut also weak, nerv- ous feelingsâ€" due to inoiittily tunc- tlunnl (llHturbnnccs.It helps build up refllntancp nijcnln.'il distress o£ "dlffl- <:ull ilan " Mucle In Ciinnda. There are 11 components in the complete set, each of which "must be a perfect fit in its matching part." The pump also had to be designed so it could be taken apart quite easily in the field, cleaned and then reassembled. The pump, as described in Mo- dern Plastic, is "very ingenious me- chanically, as it will maintain a constant suction without continual pumping." One of the tests to which it was subpected included lifting a 4-lb. weight by the vacuum created and holding it suspended for some time without activating the plunger. Q. How should brushed wool be washed ? A. Make u suds of pure flakes and warm water. Squeeze the gar- ment in the suds, changing the wa- ter freiiuentiy. Rinse thoroughly, adding a few soap flakes to the last rinsing. Spread out flat to dry, turning the garment when one aide is dry. Q. How can I improve the fla- vor of apple sauce i A. Add a few drops of lemon juice. This addition will be a great improvement -if the apples have a flat taste. Q. How can I remove ink from a piece of linen that has been in the laundrj and returned with a number on it? A. Apply a saturated solution of cyanide of potassium with a camel's hair orush. Wash in cold water immediately after the mark is removed. Q. How can I take good care of furs ? A. A fur will collect dust and dirt just the same as any other artidc of apparel, and it should be brushed, conioed and aiied oc- casionally. Q. How can I remove blood stains from garments.' A. Hold the stained material under cold running water and then launder in the usual manner. US.S. SARATOGA'S LATEST PORTRAIT The photo above is the latest of the mighty U.S. aircraft carrier Saratoga, veteran of many Southwest Pacific battles with the Japs and probably a unit of the world's greatest concentration of carriers which provided bombardment and air cover for invasion of the Marshall Is- lands. Photo taken from plane whose tail appears in foreground. Have You Heardl A little girl was taken to the Zoo by her father. They stood before a lion's cage and the father ex- plained how fierce and strong lions \yere and how they would attack and devour human lieings. The little girl looked thought- fully at the lion. Then she said: Taddy, if it got out of the cage and ate you up, what number bus would I have to take to get home?" ^oâ€" Bomb Loader: "That's fun- ny, when I told him ray nick- name he started to rim." Bombardier: "What's your nickname?" Bomb Loader: "Butterfin- gerg â€" why?" â€" o â€" Having told all his friends that he was going to retire, .Sandy ex- cited some comment by continuing to catch the 8:43 to tlio City. At last one of llieni tackled him. "Here, .Sandy," he said, "didn't you tell us that you had retired?" â- 'Ay, anil 1 have," replied .Sandy; "but I must work out my season ticket, ye ken." Employer (interviewing ap- plicant for job): "Know any- thing about electricity?" "Ves. Sir. " "What's an armature?" "A chap who boxes for nothing!" â€" (»â- -- Oldtimrr: "Is your married life one grand sweet song?" Newly Wed: "Well, lince our baby's been born it's more like an opera, full ofg rand marches, with loud calls for tlie author every night." â€" .,) â€" Thii thought t think I think Is not my thought. But the thought Of one Who thought I ought To think his thought. Many Downed Air Crews Are Rescued Vicf-,\dm. .Aubrey W. Fitch, South Pacific air commander, aay.s it's almost •mhelievable how many of his do ,cd men have been res- cued after battling the Japanese Dvrr Ralniul, New Hritain. He reported recently that more, fiO percent of the personnel forced to laiul at sea have been picked lip and rescued. He said the total was iiround 1,500 men. Wild Animals Plague Norway Bears, wolves, wolverines and foxes have st.igcd such a comeback in Norway during the last three years that they have become a plague to the Norwegian farmers. Stripped of their firearms by Naii order, the Norwegians are unable to combat the pests. Wolves, for- merly confined to northern Nor- way, have spread southward. One Gudbandel farmer recently lost 36 sliccp in a single niglit. NOW.,, GIVES YOU A SUPER-REMEDY Buckley's gave you Buckley's Mixture, Canadii's large.^t selling couKh and cold remedy. Now Buckley's gives you one of Canada's most hiBhIy medicnted, fastest acting rubs. yesnuckley'sStainless White Hub is different â€" better. It rubs in quicker â€" penetrates deeper â€" relieves pain faster. Try it for your own or baby's chest cold, or for stiff, sore muscles, tired burning feet, and over 30 other common everyday aches and ailments. It must give relief faster than any rub you have ever used or mo^icy back. Price 3Uc. and SOc. at til drug stores. IT'S BETTER IT'S BUCKLEY'S THAT'S WHY RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY REUEVED It )'uu ara troubUd with llchlng pUeH or rectui lureiiuaa, liu uol dplay ireutmunt and run the riah of letuns ttila cundlllon beeume chronic. Any ItchlUM or aoroiiesa ur painful pain- imu ut alool is uaiure'e warniiiK uiid proper treutineni sbuuid be aucured at onco. for tills purpose got a package ot llem-ltold frum any druggtal and uae aa directed. Tlila (orinula whlcli la uaod Internally la a auull, eaay to take tablet, will iiulckly relieve the llehing and aoreneaa and aid In liualiiig the aore tender apota. Hem-ituld la pleasant to use, la highly recommended and It aeema the hulght ot fully for uny one to itiilt a painful and chronio plla condition when auch a fine remedy may ba had at such a fcmall cost. It you try Hera-Uoid and are not eiUliely pleiiaod with the reauita. your drug'iiat n-iU Kladly relurn your money. Defies Jap Guns To Get Butterflies Pharmacist's Mate Robert Shul- man of Brookhn, NY'., finds Bou- gainville Island a swell place â€" for catching butterflies. With a net fashioned from a G.I. mosfjuito head net, the ama- teur entomolofiist spends his spare U.illV C'lllC'IvS CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS SO.MK^Vlil^li; .\1AUCH, AI'UII.. Alixed uMil PullfitH. li. Rocks, l-lc, 24f. K. Humps. 13c. 24e. W. taoin.i I'JQ, :;iic. -V breeder hatch- ery, all breeders Uovernmeut biiiuled imd blood tested. Way's Hatchery, .Stratford, Ont. WK H.VVK STAHTKD CHICKS, iinnn-uiatu delivery. Orders .or Mulch chicks uhould be in now. lieghorn pullets (or your futurtj etri,' markets, also. IJray Hat^-h- «ry, 13U John N., Hamilton, Ont. BARUlil) liOCKS AND I^lKtiE i^ White L,eghorna. All mat- inus bloodtestcd, bred to Jay and exlr^ (luallty Kocks mixed 14i4c. White ijeBhorna mixed i-c. I'ul- lels aOc.^Uock Cockerels FeS. 4c, March 5e. Cochrane's i'jultry, J)'arm. Kidgetown,^ Ont. tti'uucii:i^i!:iuu whitu liKuauiiN UiUIl 1>AV AUILITV UAJIV CHICKS! This STRAIN IS A FRACT iCAl., J, '.-oven egg-producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production back of them. They will pay well for grood keep and care. This Is certain, because they, are doini; this on our own farm- one of Canada's largest eug-pro- duclng farms, i'ou get e.xaotly. the same breed, strain and grade as We raise for ourselves. Poul- try nian.Tgement handbook "High Pay Abiltty" sent FREE on re- quo.'i* Get our price list. We ad- vise early orders. â€" SPRUCE- LEIGH FARM LIMITED, Box 350U, IBrantford, Ontario. TWEDDLE OFFERS ALL THE popular breeds â€" but be earlyl TwedcTle H;itcheries offer Kocks, Leghorns Reds â€" all the proven breeds and cross breeds: all Gov- ernment Approved from blood- tested breeders that proved their Inborn husklness. healthine."S and prnductivo iiualities. That's the kind of chicks that will give you every advaiituge when you catch up with what will probably, be the blKgost ilemand for 'hioken meat and eggs in Canadian his- tor.v. Send for Tweddle catalogue and prlcelist now. Also ready to lay and laying pullets for im- mediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries IJmited, Fergu.s-. Ont. STARTED PUIJ^ET.S. BARRED Rocks, 1 week old. 23 cents; 2 weeks, 26 cents. White Leghorns. 1 week old, 20 cents; 2 weeks old, 30 eenis. February and March pullets only. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. FLETCHER BRADLEV'S FAJIOUS Au^itralian White Leghorn b.iby chicks, nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 3 eftKS to their 1, extra largo eggs. World's record layers at contest. Reduced from $25 per 100 to $li!.50. This will bo a record year In chicks. Book e.irly for delivery when â- wanted. Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. A $2.00 deposit will book your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Write ICO Bunk St.. Ottaw.i. K'WnY TO LAY AND LAVING .I'hito Leghorn pullets at reas- onable prices for immediate de- livery. .'Vlsci i:uned Rocks 'and Hybrids. Fret) catalogue. Also day old chicks for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, C>ntarlo. aOVERMMENT APVltOVED, blood-tested chicks from High Productive strains. Ten Thou.sand chicks available weekly. Immed- iate delivery on day-old and started chicks. Gaywood Farm, Mount Hamilton. POITLTRY-KKEPERS. BE SURE of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this coming season. Good chicks mean good hens and more eggs. Immediate dellver.v on day- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- alogue and prices on our Gov- ernment Approved chieks. MONK- TON POULTRY FARMS. Monk- ton, Ontario. TOO I^ATE â€" TOO I,ATK NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE aaid "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery. Britan- nia HelKhts. Ont. DON'T GAMBLE PEDI(5REE SlKEIi BARRED Rock or White Leghorns and Pure Christie Now Hampshires re- moves all chance. Our prices are very low. Special discount until Fob, Kith. Kelllewcll Farms. Eh^cx. Iliil. HI i.i, KOU S VI, 10 F. lU SALKâ€" IIEHKFORU BULL ,> months (ild. Brumni!'! breed- ing. 'IM'. Tc.stcil. tJoud color niarkiiiK-'^ :nul fU'^h. l';ii-ticnlars, Osburnc Irwin. .Maii.sfieki, (int. III'CK.S E.XUiniTID.N .Wn M.XKKKT TVTE Mammnth I'ekin a n d Uouen duck.s, iMMU.i. jri.OO Durks $4.00. Wiiltcr <!rav, Inmnvillc, Oiil. IIOSIKSTU- IIEI.i" W.l^TKI* QIRI., OH WO.VIAN WANTED FOR home in ('(Uintry. with <'hiUli-cn. AH modern i-onvciiicnccs: iu> washing. $4(1.00 iicr mtoilh. Ham- ilton, dm. lUstriit. Bi.x 22. 73 Adelaide \V., Toronto. IIVHllNti « «;|.t<^/\NIIVt> HAVE VOU ANVrmNG NliKUH dyeing or cieuning? Write tu ua for Informiitioii We art glad to answer your guestlons. Depart- ment ti. Parker's Dyo Worka Limited. 791 Vonge .stieet To- ronto, EILKCTHICAL IOUtl|l'MiO,\T ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e I t a, pulleys, brushes. .Mien Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Du'fcrin SU. Toronto. i':i)rc.*'rio.\Ai. LEARN MORSE CODE AT HOME Sending and receiving pr.ictice on automatic Teiiplex machines. Send for details and low monthly rental rates to: C:in:idian Eleclronlos Ltd., l>«pl, W., 22y Yongc .SI,, Toronto. KttO'l IIAI.,W I1AIIMEEU.A fllll'l llAl^iM ilvnlluyF offensive odui insiMnily. 4Se bottle Ultatvu urieiil., I'enmho Drug »<iuru. 1) 1 unv u. i''Ai«M i:mi'i.ovmi:>'I' wa.nteii .siNDLi;. i;.'<i'i!i;ii;.N( i;ii iii;i:i>s- ni;in, wmild manage or InWv lariii on shares. Box 874, llriimpioM. Ont. time pursuing his favorite hobby, «ven to within range of Japanese guns. A Marine combat correspondent wrote thus of Pharmacist's Mate Shulman to a friend: "One of the strangest things I've seen on Bougainville was a camouflage-clad warrior, net pois- ed, wallowing through a swamp, chasing butterflies. "When I saw him I.i was only a short distance behind the front lines. 'Bongainville is a swell place for butterflies," he told nie. 'Beau- tiful species tverefrsoine so rare yoti never see them in books.' " The grapefruit was brought to Florida by the Spaniards in the Itith century. FAK3I HELP WA> TKU EX-PERIENCED MARRIED MAN, Iruit tarm, yearly employment. House, usual privileges. Sluto tamiiy, age, wages expected, reiertnee.s. H. J. M. Fiske, 2, St. Catharines. F A U M E R, EXI'ERIE.NCED, kiiowieuge oi beet lultle and i^iiecp, married man, house avail- aOK', uppij' i-iliow iiriar Jj'arm, Mono .Vli lis. F.4lII>IS »v^:.NTIiU> WANT TU itENT i'AUM, 6U-100 aurts, by. experienced farmer, anywhere from Orillia South. Apply, ijox 21, 73 Adelaide V\ ., 'i" or on to. WANTED, TWO HUNDRED ACRE tarm. With or without equip- ment. Bargain â€" Cash. Box 100, 73_Adelaide VV.. Toronto. FAH.'HS FOK S.AI.E GOOD FAR.MS FOR SALE WITH frontage on Lake Muskoka, near Bal!'. 158 Macpherson Avenue, Toronto. FAR.M FOR SALEâ€" CONSISTING ol li>3-;i acres, with or without stock and machinery. Apply to J. W. Eraser, Maxville, Ont. ONE ACRE L.4.ND, GOOD HOUSS:. barn, garage. Greenhouse and equipment. Box 192 W Ingham. VALUABLE FARM IN WATERLOO County for sale, consisting ot 214 acres. Including 12 acres cedar swamp, 32 acres hardwood bush, S acres orchard, balance all under cultivation. Situated 2 miles from Waterloo, 3 miles from Kitchener; 11-room brick house, large bank barn, 2 im- plement sheds, also equipped â- with hydro. For full particulars apply to Harley C. Stautfer, R.R. No. o. Waterloo, Ont. $7,5011.-1 ACRE. t;-R0O.M HOUSE. Buildingsâ€" 5,000 feet floor space. Hydro and Water in all build- ings. On Railway siding, Toron- to Twenty Miles. Ill health rea- son for sale. R. H. Kane, Rich- mond Hill. TOBACCO, D-VIRY FAR.MS, LOW priced â€" small down payments, some equipped. Gus Campbell, Mt. Bryd ges. GRAI> FOR .SALE ASSORTED CARLOADS OF BAR- ley meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other grains for sale. Carlots only. The Atla.s Grain Company, Board of Trade Build- ing. Montreal. ' HELP M.l.NTEIJ GENERAL FOK RESIDENTIAL Farm. 30 dollars month. Fivo minutes from train and Church. Fare refunded. Write to Jlrs. Oesch, Source Road, Strathniorc, Quebec. UAIRURESSLVG SCUOOL L£iARN HAIRDKESSINU THfl Kobertson melbud. luformatloo on request regarding claasea. Robertson's Hairdresslug Acad- emy. t:i? Avenue Koad. Toronto. IIAH.MI.S.S OUES.'Sl.Nt; SLIl'lT HARNE.SS DRESSINGâ€" Fine:-t leather and harness pre- aervaiive. Slipit also has man.v household uses 25c up at most grocery. hardware and chain atores. .\ product of Lloyds Lab- orgtoric.^ , Tor onto. IIAIU UOOU.S H.VIR GOODS We maiuifacturo the finest hair goods ever produced tor men and women, N.atural in iippearance. Toupics for men $40.00 up. Full - transformations for ladies $ij5.00 up. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 129 Vongo St., Toronto, Ontario OKKEH 'I'U l9iVE!«'l'UItS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 27 o__Ba n k Street . Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS FETHERSTONH.AUGll & CO.MPA.NX Patent Solicitors. Established ISMO; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of InrormatioD en re- qni'Sl i-iiii loi^ii.irii \ PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rulls lo Caiuula s large photo tinishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Sue Roll â€" or S E.siiosures. DEVELOPED AiND PKl.NTED iio-j A customer at Berwick, .N.S., writes "I want you to know how pleased 1 am with youi wonder- ful work and prompt service." We have .'.uch letters rioiii all over Can- ada. F.\L.\KGEME.\TS I for 25c 4M1" ii] Easel .\Uiuiit.s. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING ANO COLUKlNG Enlui -.cineiiia tMl uii ivioi unied mounis Vxlt" in Gold. Silver, Circas- sian Wuiiuit or llliirk Ebony liiilsh frame-', 5llc each. If enlugement coioiii t. d. (lie each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Uo.\ 12',', t'uslal TerlllllKll A, I'ololUo Pruu Vour .\aMiu and Addieas I'laiiily on .Ml Orders. MAIL YOUR^fFlMS TO I.... iiu; ij. .VI.ITV. servien ami >ai isiueiioii. h ur ti exposure lilms 25e; reprints S for 2jc. imperial I'lioto Service, Sta- _tloii .), Toronto. MKOICAI. ~ U.VMSII Till', ill,...ii-.s'r OF ITCM- iiig ec/.i'.nia, iisoriasls, acne and pimples, I'osl.s I'Jczema Siilvu will not disaiquMiit ,\uu. Skin troubles lenpuiui leadiiy to Ihio stainless odourless oimnietit j-o- ganiless ol Imw sUibborii or nopeless lliey may .seem. Sent post iree. »l.oo ikt Jar. Posts lieniedles, 88!) liueun St. E., To- roiilo. lUIKI II \IH rA|.\> I'ROVE.N Ki..Mi;in- i;\ ijnv si'F- leier ol Kin iimalic I'aiiis or -Neuillis should iry l>i\,,,is Rem- edy. .Miinios I Mug Stole. 33,") El- DONT li|;i.AV: WXEItV SUKKIII!- el of l;heuin,ui.- rains or .S'eiii- Iti." -holll.' ,ry DiMui's l;emed\ .Miiiiros Urug Stole. ;):I5 Eigiii' Oliuuu, I'ostp.iiU j^i.oti. â- SIATTUESSES l''Oll SALE NEW SPRING .MATTRESS Jlb.SS â€" Delivered free to your nearest station. Ves, really brand new. Just what you have been wailing; for. Thoroughly springtilled lux- urlous mattresses of better qual- ity at lowest delivered price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money, back, i'ou'll actually save several dollars on every one. Shipment in aoout 1 week it you order. Immediately. All sizes. iJuy trom the old relialile and send remit- tance to WHULEbALt: FuiiNi- TUUE, 10 Market St., Toronto. MALE HELP WASTED F A R MH .A .\ D, EXPERIENCED. Kood milker and teamster, giva age, nationality, and references. Apply J. S. Howell, JerseyviUe, Otitario. MALE HELP WAXTEU MARRIED MAN, EXPKitlE.NCED, for fruit farm, house, lights, milk s'lpplied. Fruit and vege- tables in sason. State age, taja^ Jly wages. Give references. Ap« ply VV. C. Nickerson, 2, St. Catharines xiasEsty STOCK FREE â€" COLORED .N'URSERY Catalogue. •* Full line of Fi ult Trees; Evergreens; Flowerins Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Roses; Brookdale-Kingsway. N ur.'series, Bowmanvillo, Ontario. O.VrS FOK >iALE "CARTIER" 1943 SEED OATS, Grade 1, extra sample $1.35 bu., our station, bags free. R. Mac- Arthur. Thamesford. «>nt. PElliiUNAL "ELIJAH CUMING BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11, -N.vr. POl LTRY liUir POULTRY GRIT .Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaraiiteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by- using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immediately :n 100 lb. liatrs in any quantity. Write for sarnples iitid prices. DEALERS WANTED SriVSOX HKEIt SVPPLV CO. LIMITED 5.%,*>.1 l>t-loriniler Ave. , viiiutreiil itllLTI.VU PATCHE'S QUILTING PATCHES FROM HIGH GRADE FA.VCV TOP- ooiUing about G x 1?. t'O pi-.-oe» $2.50 postage Included. Also suit- ings « X IS, « X IK H.ilf yard, lengths for boys' kneo 'pants. Also remnants tor ladic-i'. men's, ohildren's clothes. LOUIS RICE. 301 Spndina Avi'.. T"ron;o . H VUltlT.S F»>Il > VI. E FOR SALE. ANGOH.N. KMIDITS, $3.00 each fiu- .Vlalei. ,-5. on each for Females. Helen Mowbray, Lucknow, Ont, PEDIGREED ANGORAS, IINRE- lated bucks and doc.-;, breeding: age. Finest strain for wool and show. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. E. Mooney. Little Current. Ontario . stom: kep.viic i-Aitrs STOVE REPAIR PARTS ^^^iC CAituv .v ro.Mri.):;Ti'; of stove parts. .Specify ii.inie and number and what needed. '.Ve also have reconditioned stoves, all ma k e s. Enquiries Hcleomed. Lakoshore Stove, 439 Queen West, Toronto. »i'rt)\ i:s STOVES $12.95 CLEARANCE NKWLV ltKC0NI>lT10NK|i GCAR- antecd eoal. wooil cottage stoves, 4-lid, oven, $12.95. Quebec cook stoves. $19.50; cast cook stoves, 6-lid, $19.50: enamelled warming oven or reservoir, $5.00 extra. Late model range. enamelled, good c-ountry stove, coal or Wood, l.ugo fire liox and oven, G large lids, steel body, enamel- led warming oven and reservoir, .speeiol $39.50. Send money order. Lakeshnie Stove, 439 liueeu West. Toronto. M:Wl\t; MACIII>ES SEWING MACHINES $8.95 NEW WILLIAMS (.IR R.VV.MONI)S. iipiiglit models, with two diaw- er.«. $8,95. l«itest models, $11.95. William.'', Raymonds. Eaton's dropheads, with 2 drawers, $17.95. Later models with 4 drawers. $20,95. Singer's upright. $12.95; later models, $14.95. Singer drop- heads with 2 drawers, your elioica round or long shuttles, $28.95; later models with 4 drawers, $32,95, Ver.\\ latest. $39. "0. Singer Hand .Machines, without cover $11.95; with cover and lock $10 95. Crating extra $1.00. .\I1 abovenieiitiotied machines are re-coiidilloned In our machinB shop and are guaraiUeeil to be in best working condition. .Send money order In full or $5.00 de- Po.sii. balunee pay.-ible on deliv- â- i,^. C.W.VIHAN SEWING MA- ''IIIN E CO., 117 Elm St.. Toronto. M â- »MIi:il KESOIt'l'S KOU SALE FIVE CABINS .VN1> ' 'OTT.M ;KS, near B.ih, ,,„ UjUe Muskoka. lor sale. 158 M.iepherson Vv- i.'ie, 'l"o- roiuo. I'APEtVtlll.n S10.MACU AND THUEAU Wl>UMS ofien me the oauae of Ill-health III liumiiis all ages. .N"o "\e Im- mune! Why not find oul ii thia 13 youi tioulile? ItiterestliiK par- ticularsâ€" Free! Wiiio .Mulveiiey'a Remedies. Specialists Toroiiio 3, A'lrEXTIO.X THAI'PEIl.S! W01,|.'- KOX . covoTE T U A P- Pers, wilh pieaenl and future high tiir in lees and bounly voU ',',:"''>â- , nave a wonderful ehaiiee. I'lshii s seieiuifle courie and, glMIHl seellls rtill lc:u-h voU all >ou will ever need to luiow to I'ccome a sueeesslul t! iipper. All the best trappers today use thia system. How to treat ^ind set .traps no .lulnnil cun detect. Ihe gliiiii xcenls lures them with- out •suspicion. No belter invist- nieiu eould be m.-ide now th.nn this. Siamp for pi.rtieul •.-«. 1- i.-dur. lloll.eam. Sa-=k TUAI'PHUs' SI |>|>|.IE<« AM.\AI, snakes: tSleol enMe. loel-. â- ^ni\el). Pox $:i oo; ,.o', .,te' $1,101 dozen lo-ep.aid. t:ir. ular;- nu ii.ippiiig .sH;i;-;r, lilies, eie. liiii lioffm:iii, l;iis.-ll, .Man. ikiiriiiilili â- MM ^MMHH