Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Feb 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, February 9, 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- T^w^-y Had the Government announced the premium on high-grade nogs sooner it would huvc preventeu tnc slaughter of much breeding stock. The old law of compensation al- ways gets in its dirty work, inere is less static on the radio in winter, but more comedians. "I say, has your wife' been fight- injrV" "Kighting! Why no." "Vvell, whafs that pad over her eye? â- Â» ad. That's no pad. That's her new nat. Anyone who does not boMeve that an election is in the offing should read the paper more carefully â€" and thoughtfully. Maybe another reason there are not so many house-to-house salesmen nowadays is they wouldn't find the housewife at home anyway. (Hitler tells the Germans that the "hardest" iiart of the war is yet to come. The R.C.A.F. is helping with a little "softening up" process. ♦♦•><~xk~><'<'<**><'<"M*<"X*<"X*'>^<*<»o*>'><'<»<«<"I~><'<K'<««H";k*<~X">»mk*'^^^^^ I I ? Y y y I ? ? ? Y ? I I I Thanks a Million We are {2flad to announce that our butter produc- tion for the year 1943 has been very satisfactory. For this we thank our patrons for their co- | operative effort. 'X I May we ask that even greater effort be put forth :»; in 1944 â€" the country needs it. It will also pay ji« you well. The Government bonus is now 10 x cents per lb. butter fat. There is still a big- demand for both live and dressed poultry. The Creamery will be closed Saturday eveningfs until further notice. Flesherton Creamer' & ProduLe Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager /m;.a.;m%aa.?..*..:..m.a.:.a.:.a.%a Maxwell School Report Orade 8 â€" Kdith tSlakey H2, Marie Blakey 7l>, Wallace 70, r>iil Moffatt 60, George Porteous 67, Leonard Ilolmes GO', Wesley Long 59. Grade 7 â€" Ross Alliston 76, Or- ville Broderick 5G. Grade 6 â€" Ivan Young 76. Grade 5 â€" Lois Coulter 80, Phyllis Davidson 78, Clarence Young 71, Ar- thur Long 67, Ross Porteous 60, Ron- ald Wright 60. Grade 4 â€" Fay Blakey 84, Jim Londry 65. Grade 3 â€" Mildied Duckett 87, Margaret Porteous 84, Glenn Wright 76, Vernon Long 70. Grade 2 â€" Hilda Blakey 78, Marie Porteous 77, Leslie Lougheed 77, Deane Wright 75, Raymond Young 73. Grade 1 â€" Shirley Morrison 81, Carl Young 77, Lloyd Lougheed 67. Primer â€" Arnold Lougheed. Total enrolment 31. â€"Hazel Wright, Teacher. UST-MINUTETIPS ON HEAT-SAVING Whistle while you shave- but turn off the hot >vater Heat goes down the drain when you let hot water run needlessly. So turn off hot water even between razor strokes. You'll beat your heat prob- lemâ€" <j«J save fuel! A friendly reminder from /our 'blue COaP dealer F. Hardware FLF.SHEKTON ♦^^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<M>************Jh»J>^^^ t T t T t t t t T t T T T t T i Clearing Sale C Ladies' Dresses, Coats and See the Rummage Table in our Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Department MEN'S WINDBREAKERS .Men's Wiiulhrcakcrs in f^ood (|uality wool cloth with full zipper front, sizes .^0 to 40, rcjrular $4.50 . Cleariny- at $2.95 MEN'S HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR Shirts and drawers slij^litly Ck-'arinj^ at, cac-li BOYS' UNDERWEAR soiled. $1.00 .Shiils and Drawers, cream and natural color. PRINT Pl:iin knil CI c'lnn"' 59c t t T T T T T T J J ? t New Prints, smart patterns. M) in. wide. Special, ])er y.'ird 22c WOOL CREPES A f:(ood ranj^e (d' shades, 36 in. wide, Clearing at, ]ier yard 98c KIMONA CLOTH l?eautiful smart flowerel i)attenis, in several different shades, M* inches wide. Special, per yard 49c BOYS' MACKINAW COATS Nice, heavy warm Coats in plain RTey or plaids, sizes 34 only. Clearing- at $2.95 MEN'.«J RUBBERIZED WINDBREAKERS Heavy fleece lined small check pat- terns, full zippcrcd front, sizes .V) to 40. Clearinj^- at $1.95 MAKE YOUR OWN DRESS Here is extra value all-wool series, .U) in to 54 in. Price, per yard 95c GROCERY SPECIALS P.uv ( ^ranj^-f this week an save. 216 and .^S2 sizes, dozen 19c FLOUR â€" Ci-enm of the West, Purity ^ Oi^ilvies, Royal J louseliold - J ' 9S 11). bag- $2.69 *J* 7 11). bags of the above brands i Si^ecial 23c i California l-igs 19c lb. *;^ Local and Persona Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamiltor spent the first of the week with rela- tives at Grand Valley. Mi.sses Laura Boyd and Minnie Swanton of Toroato spcat the weel. end in town. Master Roddy McDouR-all of Mit- chell is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards. Mrs. Chris. Thomson is in Mark- dale hospital at present undergoing treatment. Mr. Bert Hale of Feversham spent the week end with his tncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell. Miss Ruby Dunbar, manager of the local branch of the Bell Telephone, is at Southampton for two weeks as an instructor in the Bell office there. Messrs. K. G. Betts, G. B. Welton and W. U. Betts are this week attend- the convention of the Ontario Elect- rical Association being held in Toronto. Sergt. Laurie Smith of Red Detr, Alta., Mrs. Smith, Marilyn and Ron- nie of Toronto, visited the first of the i week with the former's parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Isaac Smith. | P.O. "Pat" Madden, formerly of the Power House staff, called in town on Wednesday mornin.a: while he is on furlough. Pat recently graduated as an observer with the R.C.A.F. Siiturday another thaw visited us and heavy rain fell during the even- ing, later turning colder. Tuesday morning the thermometer a.srain reg- istered low at four degrees below zero. The weather is changeaible. Mr. Norman Dungcy returned fi-om Owen Sound ho.sipital on Saturday, where lie had been t:iken following infection in his eye. It was thought at first he would lose his sight, but we are glad that such was not the case. In renewing for Tlic Advance Mr. T). W. Clinton Cif Toronto remarks that he '-as taken the paper from itiS first issue by the late A. R. Faweett, and looks forward each week for its ai-rival. The editor is pleased to know that Mr. Clinton has been en- joying good health this w-inter and would be pleased to have him drop in any time and visit. Mrs. iG. A. Hutchinson has return- ed home after visiting with her daughter, Kathleen (Mrs. E. W. Fcsttr) and a number of nephews and nieces in Mimico and Toronto. While away her daughter, Rachel; (Mrs. F. J. Smith) of Thamesville joined her and had a fine visit. On hei- way home Mrs. Hutchinson visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett in Dundfllk. The fireside service held Sunday evening in the Baptist Church was well attended. Rev. Bythell of Christ Church, Markdale, was the speaker and with frequent touches of humor, gave spice to an address which de- li.H'hted his hearers. An unique lighting arrangement focused on n pi^'tiu'c of Christ stiUimg the tempest, carried the congregation through the storm to the sun-shine. A girls' quar- teitte sang very acceptably. Four Brit-sh Fi5»hlers Sliont Down P.-sur Out of Eiorh*. Grrr-â€" ^-!--^, Co3ssl9?'H- H.A.'P'. mans came straight at them. the Bay of Biscay on th? loilr-r.ut f-r ^"Polish R.A.F. flight-sergeant fired a U-bcats attem'iting ti crceTi "-t I'-'c the Atlantic. Di:r!r- "-->" -?--' •- cent patrol four Mosouitos cf thf R.A.F. cncourtrr^d v. fcrmitin ^' eig^t Ju. F''e. S-»einT th? R.4..F. planes were oatnum.bcrcd, the G-rr- short burst a'; h^ pas' -"d the enemy and one of the Ju^. dived into the sea. After a thrilling fight, four of the enemy wer" definitely destroyed and others seriously damaged. ♦> Canned Cioods â€" Peas, Corn and To nialoes, 1 of each to customer This Store closes at 6.30 Saturday Nights F. T. HILL & CO., Limited PHONE 7 MARKDALE, ONTARIO 1: 4 t t ? T Y WE DELIVER ♦ St. John's Church Ne-ws S.'voi'al weeks a?5 the Sur('A>- School bi'sran a memnry course, ccn- S'isrting of the followinig: the Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, 2Srd Ps^alm and the backs of the Bible. Last Sunday morning lit the regular church servic?, cer'.ifi- cates shewing comnletion of this I course wjrc giver. ;o: Evelyn McTav. ! ish, Marjorio Braeker.hury. Margot Goesscl , Barry Thurston. Marian : Stauffer, Evelyn Stewart, Shirley j McCracken, Joan Turncy and E!ir.-r i Sparks, the last five being the entire I class of intermediate' .girls. It i.* I hoped that as many others as possible i will qualify f'^r cr>rt!fi("itps Ky the I firt t Sun.';.y in March. i At 11 a.m. last Sunday the minis- I ter ST5oke on the subject of "Peter." ' The basement was well filled and ver; ; comf'-rtriWo. The Y.P.U. held their regular 'cctiiMr Tuesdav eveT'i'T in th" - 'me'v: of the church with Jeanette H'?""? and Lois S;»rks' in charge. N'e.^t Tuesday, the young people are '-/in- a -kating farty from 7.30 to 8..1O, follcwsd with lunch at the church. The February meeting of the W.A. v.-as held on Tussdny at the home of Mr.-i. Gj3. Mc-Pavish, whose group was in carge of the program. Miss Hcjtderson took the devotional exer- cises. Plant, solos were played by Tan^et Bett;-., Frances Buchanan and j Evelyn McTavish, and readings were given by Miss Nicholson, Mrs. K. G. : Betts and Mrs. Henry. The W. A. ; plan^ to hold a St. Patrick's supper in March. !n Ontario the average cost of keeping a person in jail is $536.55 per year. ,Tohn MeCormack, Irish tenor, has qrit sinsring. Ireland will now have Small Ad. Golunm WANTED â€" Ammuirf suitable fo: mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Eugenia, phone Fevershr -t 6r26 FOR SALE â€" Lot 161, 1 N.E., Art- emeria. .Apply to Geo. Boyd or Miss Laura Boyd. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Several young pigs, weaned two weeks. â€" Jas. Pedlar, R. K. 1. Flesherton. 36pl CeilinB on Dozen Like This Alright Davo HolUngsheaa who farms on >Hi,gliw;iy 2'S west of faimerston, came into Tne office wiiii an egg that was reaily a whopper, it was, we believe, the biggest nen egg we have ever seen. Laid by a hybrid pullet, the egg weignert six and a half ounces. We measured the egg with a bit ot cord and a ruler and found that around one way the cir- eumferenee was nine ana a half inches. Seven and a halt inenes /a.s the other dimension. I'o get a tiittor picture o-f the size of the cuj;, hold your tluinih and index linger three and a half inclvs apirt. That egg woiiUi .lust he ne'd betwoni tiiem. â€" Palmerston Observer. FOR SALE â€" Five purebred Here- ford heifers, rising 2, registered, vaccinated. â€" Jas. Hudson, Fever- sham, phone 7 r 22. 3;ip2 FOR SALE â€" 7 Purebred Oxford Oowii ewe lambs, $l,'i each if taken at once. â€" Claude .-Vkins, R. R. No. 3 Proton Station. 32p2 IFOR SALK â€" About 15 head two- I yeir-old cattle and 10 head year- j lings. â€"Gordon E. Wilson, Kimber- ley, phone Tho bury 153rl3. p FOR SALE â€" Brick 7-iooni residence will) 6 acres of land, good barn. Musi be sold to wind up estate. Apply to J. A. Richards, Flgsherton. A college protestor says plain girts are clever. Hut, professor are clever girls piam? FOR SALE â€" Livingstone's Energy Feed $;!2.00 per ton, hgg Mash, Pig Starter and Grower, Calf Meal, â€" Russell Linton, Victoria Corners, phone Duiutalk 5or4. 32c2 'ihirMy residents of Western On- tario are convinced that the weartn- cniinn is on a spVee. It is one thing for a m.-.r. to have convictions and something else for fnv him to have the night convictions. Shaking hands mny be an exru-ess- iiM! of true friendship or just putting the finger on you. FOR SALE - Two pair skates, le 3 and 5 in pood condition, or will exchanjie for si-ae 6, preferably white. â€" Eunice Thompson, K. R. 1, Singhnmpton. 82p2 HIDES â€" Agiaia in 'he marlcet for hi'ies â€" beef, hor-e, sheep and i».«tf fkir.s.â€" I'^ank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro- ton Station, phone IrS P'esherton. FOR SALE â€" Frame 7-room house with hydro, well and cistern, also 2 acres oi land, with small bam and garage, just west of Flesher- ton. Write J. Beatty, 415-7th St. E., Owen Sound. 35tf FOR REaNT â€" In Eugenia, dwelling with barn, poultry shed, drive shed and 12 acres of land, the property of Robt. Purvis; immtjdiate poss- ession. Apply to Alex. Cameron, Eugenia, phone 6r21 Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Used lumber and brick: 1 in. boards, I'ac a foot; 2x4 scant- ing. Uac running foot; 2x10x12, 3 cents; birch and maple flooring S^-ac; brick 1V4 cnts each; 2 quar- ter-acM- lots, very cheap. â€" F. N. Field, Ceylojt. ; 2p2 . BUSINESS CAtK j:^ BR.VY White Leghorn^. Many poul- try keepers count on these fcr their oKB mnrkels. They should be ordered now. Some started chicks av5>iiabie. Bookings heavy, so order now whatever you need. Agent John McWilHam, Fle.sherton. AUCTIONEER WM. kAITTING L I (' r N S K n A V C T 1 O M F. K â-  for the County of Grey Farm and stock snh-s o..r spec - y. Terms: reasonable. Satisfactioa guarantrori. H v? jirranpod «t Th« \dvanee office or phone iw. DR. .1. E. MILNE (â- 'Hoe - Ouilino; Si. Office hours; &ftemooiM I to UIl Wet^n^vday »nd S»tard«y •vfcJags 7.30 to 10 pjn. No offt<^ b«or« on Snadojr. iiiiMi ^

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