THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30d^N6M.ember, 1943 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up Reserve fund !"!!"!!!"!$ 20,000,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward a< per Profit and Lost Account 3,815,487.77 I 23,815,487.77 48,391.38 515,000.00 Dividends unclaimed. . Dividend No. 225 l*t t' December, 194.1 per annum;, payable lit I 3o.000.000.00 24.38B.379.15 Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- I 59,388,879.15 Deposits by and balances due to Provincial Govern- ments Deposits by the public not bearing interest Deposits by the public bearing interest. Including interest accrued to date of statement Deposits by and balances due to other chartered banks in Canada . Deposits by and balances due to banks and banking correspondents in the United Kingdom and foreign countries Notes of the bank in circulation Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding liabilities to the public not Included under the foregoing heads 211, 399,141. 17 18.927.734.21 650,405,984.64 500.036,292.49 2,973.04 19,119,072.51 1,399,891,198.00 12.851,348.37 35,135,037.13 1.831,108.91 1,509,097.571.64 ASSETS Cold held in Canada .. t 91.51 Subsidiary coin held in Canada 1,656.538.43 Gold held elsewhere 28,503.42 Subsidiary coin held elsewhere 1,304.002.47 Notes of Bank of Canada 33.824,111.25 Deposits with Bank of Canada 87.977,394.64 Notes of other chartered banks 301 .969.74 Government and bank notes other than Canadian . 54.538,164.13 I 179,630,775.5* Cheques on other banks $ Si. 535, 963. 61 Deposits with and balances due by other chartered banks in Canada 4.641.01 Due by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 90.054.607.39 143.395,21;. 01 Dominion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value 415,240.179-87 Other Dominion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities, riot exceeding market value 226,658,440.40 Canadian municipal securities, not exceeding mar- ket value 10.446.95461 Public securities other than Canadian, not exceeding market value 50.U13. 288.08 Other bond*, debentures and stocks, not exceeding market value 13,426.379.78 Call and short not exceeding 30 days, loans in Canada on bonds, debentures, stocks and. other s securities of a sufficient marketable value to cover JS9.088.1I Call and short (not exceeding JO J.. . loans else- where than in Canada on bonds, debentures, stocks and other securities of a sufficient mar- ketable value to cover 37.933,121.08 11,104.703,439.54 Current loans and discounts in Canada, not other- wise included, estimated loss provided for 277.921. 237.00 Loans to Provincial Governments 2.479,527.83 Loans to cities, towns, municipalities, and school districts 13,472,816.54 Current loans and discounts elsewhere than in Canada, not otherwise included, estimated loss provided for 55,225,770.78 Non-current loans, estimated loss provided for. .... 794.368. 42 Bank premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off. . . Real estate other than bank premise* ** Mortgages on real estate sold by the bank Liabilities of customers under acceptance* and lettars of credit as per contra Shares of and loans to controlled companies Deposit with the Minister of Finance for tha security of not< cir- culation Other assets not included under the foregoing heads 349,S9J,n0.5T 12,762,442. U 1.224.5J4.2U 724.089.3* JS.l. IS. 037.1! 2.995,461 W> 900.000.00 758.S4b.WI fl.509.047,571.64 M. w. WILSON, President nJ Man*(in Director. S. G. OOBSON. General AUDITORS' REPORT To urn S>MpKi;r>ir>Fns Tup Ror.u. BANE OP CANADA: We haveeiamined the above State men t of Liabilities and Assets .is at 30th November. 1I3, with the book! :i:;d account* of The Ruyal Bankuf Canada at Head Office and with the ...'.- returns f torn the branches. We have cliccked tho cash and the secuiilies representing the Bank's investments lield at the Head Office at the close o(th fiscal ysar. and at various date* during thr year have alto checked the cash and investment securities at severalof the imnortant branch^ We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required, and in our opinion the transactions of the Bunk, which have corn.- under our notice, have Iwen within the powers of the Bank. Tha above statement is in our opinion properly drawn up so as to disclose the true cundiiiunuf the Bnnk LM at 30th November, 1943, and is as shown by tiie btx>luot the Bank A. BAU.ANTYNE, C A.. of Heat. Marwirk. Mitchell i Co. M. OC'.DEN H.toKKM.. C.A.. .i Il.iskcll, Eldcrkm & Co. Montreal. Canadj, Dcccmher 24. 194:;. Audilon. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance of Profit aiul Loss Account . JOth November, 1942 J ...JSI.l'W.U Profits for the year endeJ -10th November. 1M4J. af tci providing $2, 281, 952. W) for tXmiinion i .--.. -i- nu-nr tuxes and after making nppropriaticms i Contingency Reserves, out of which KCM.-IM--. provision l".r all bad and doubtful debts liu- becl^ iiuiJc 0.685.487.77 APPROPRI \Tir> AS FOLLOWS: Dividend No. 222 HI b' . per nnnuni Dividend No. 2 2.1 ut b' . per annum Dividend No. 224 at ' : ; per annum Dividend No. 2 25 at b''; per annum Contribution to the Pension I'und Society. Appropriation for ll.mi Pietnle<i Balance ol Profit and 1 os. carriej forward M. W. WILSON President and Munetfing Director. Montreal, December 24. 194J. * S2S.lKHI.lH) S25.0tl0.0ll 525.0UO.OII 525.IHH).00 t 2,100,01111.00 6,ft85. 487.77 s. c;. UOBSON, licncrul Moniger WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Altitude Efficiency For War Planes race for ever higher e- efficiencies for bombers aim fighters more emphasis neces- sarily has been placed on the study of conditions in the upper atmosphere, states The New York Times. If battles ara to be fought and bombing raids successfully completed at levels of 25.000, SO.uOO and 40,000 feet, we must learn more of the effects of oxygen deficiency, reduced pres- sures and extremes of low temper- ture not only on the pilot and hl3 crew but on the pilot-airplane- instrument team which goes to make up the efficient combat weapon. At the great service technical centres, such as Wright Field, and in the plants of engine aud aircraft manufacturers, apparatus Is being multiplied for the study of high-altitude phenomena. In the remarkable labora*."-? at Great Xeck. L.I.. conditions encountered in the stratosphere up to an alti- tude of CO.OOO feet can be simulated Temperatures can be lowered to minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Long before these xtrenii.-s .ire reached as man climbs above the empire of the eagle, the blood bubbles, all rnflexea slow down, even life can only be sustained by breathing pure oxygen. To fight a 40ii-mile-an-hour airplane at any altitude calls for the high- est skills and co-ordination. To fight it at H", OOii feet and upward imposes additional handicaps upon the pilot, engine. instruments and airplane which can only be overcome by the patient research of the scientist and, the physiolo- gist in the pressure chamber and the refrigerated cell. Here they are helping not only to win the war but to blaze new trails for the safety of sky commerce in the days to come. How Can 1 1 1 By Anna Alhley Q. Hw can I make windows stay clean for a longer time? A. Add a little vinegar to tb water when cleaning the win- dows and they wilii remain clean much longer. And a litle bluing :id<iiM to the water will produce more brilliancy. Q. How can I make a good cleanser for oilcloth? A. By dissolving five ounces of melted paraffin in one pint of turpentine. Use a sponge and rub the oilcloth with this solu- tion. Q. How can I mako a salve for chapped hands? A. A remedy can be made by mixing ten drops of carbolic acid in one ounce of glycerine. Hub a small (juantity into the hnmls and allow to dry. Q. How can I make black putty. A. Mix whiting and antimony sulphide (tlie latter finely pow- dered) with soluble ((lass. If. is claimed that after hardening, tins putty can be polished with a burnishing usrati 1 . Q. How can I TernoU' ;*c. i :i!chi i s from funiitiii-i-'.' A. L'nk'ss too deep, they can be removed liy rubbing sweet oil into the scratches with a finger tip, then polishing with a soft cloth. Q. How can I remove a cork that has boon pushed down into a bottle ?, A. I'ut enough ainnniniu in the buttle to float the cork and put away for a few days. The am- monia will eat or destroy the cork enough to permit its removal. LANDING BOATS DODGE BOMBS IN NEW BRITAIN INVASION Tliis was a moment of tenxe drama on Uon>rainville, Jap suipevs had ambushed this parly of Ma- rines in the junjflo. The i-onimandev of the leading tank had been shot, and so had another Marm whose leg's are visible in left foreground. Covered by three other men including pfc. John v. Mahoney (whose face is visible) of Clinton. Conn.. Pfc. Robert K. I.ansley of Syracuse. N.Y. (eroucliing near tank) has crept ahead and picked off one of the snipers.*le.y, Mahon*y !nd a trained dog also are credited with wiping out two strung Jap positions. ' Modern Etiquette By Roberta Le 1. Is it good form foi' a man to refer to his wife as "the missus"? 2. Should wedding invitation* be sent to friends of the bride- , who are unknown to the '-3. What kinds of food may be placed on the tablr before the guests are seated? 4. Is it correct to say, "I haven't had lime to write to you beca .se I have been so busy" when answering a letter after a long delay? 5. Does the family of the bride or that of the bridegroom, send out the wedding invitations and announcements ? 6. Is it all right to break bread or ci'ackers into the bowl when partaking of soup? Answers 1. No; to acquaintances he should refer to her as "my wife" or as "Mrs. Blank." and to friends he should call her by her Christian name. 2. Yes; invita- tions should be sent to them even though the bride doesn't know them. 3. Olives, radishes, salted almonds, or any other similar relishes. 4. No, if you are embar- rassed about the delay merely say that you are sorry. 5. This is the duty of the bride's family. 6. No; this is not good manners. Have You Heard! The. l>us was full, and the con- dust ress was about to ring tha bell, when the usual last man, puffing and blowing, jumped on board and started to climb to the upper deck. "Here, you'." said the conduc- tress curtly. "You can't go up there!" '"Why not?" retorted tho passen- ger. "Isn't the top going?" Jones: "I hear you bought a car cheap the other day. How are you getting on with it?" Smith: "I'm just realizing how hard It is to drive a bar- gain." o Teacher: "Johnny, who was Anne Boleyn?" Johnny: ".Viine Boleyn was & flat Iron." Teacher: "What on earth do ytm mean '!" Johnny: "Well, it says in tha history book. 'Henry, having dls- poned of Catherine, pressed Mi suit with Anne Boleyn'." -n "I've had all sort* of help this year,' 'sighed the first farmer. "Good, bad, and Indif- ferent." SAFES I'roipcl viuir ii'ii-K- iinil CASH from .mi -..MI rim- vi v We hnve n lie anil type of Snfv. <ir .iniii.'i. fur ni mini. is.. Vla-ll MS. or write for firli'c*. etc. lo DIMM, w J.&TJ-TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 1 1.1 !" run i !I 1 . 1 u run I u HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY II yuu uro treuuic-U will) itclung piles ur ruvlul soreness, du not de- lay tte'iliiiuiit und run tlie risk of luLlHm tins c-ondilion become chron- ic. Any itchiiiB or soreness or Pitintiii imssayu ut stool is nature's warning und proper treat [lu-nt shuulo be secured at unco, L.'or this purpusc yet u p;iciu of Hera-itoul truin tiny drim^iat mid use .-! directed. This Formula which Is u-icd interiiully i a =mu!l, eu.> tu liii4u tiibltit. will <iuicKly relieve tn iirniim unJ SUI-CIILSS und aid in huiilitii; tDu scro tender sputa. Hum-Kuiil is plctisuiil to use, la highly i ocuinmui.dcd atul it suema tho heiyht of lolly tor uny ouc to risk u painful und chronic pilo con- ditu.n when such a fit)* rttinedy may Ud liad HI .-uci] u small cost* It you ivy nmi are not entirely plca.-.ed with tho results, your driiKH"-'' will gladly return jour money. ITCH STOPPED in a Jiffy or Money Back tot quick rf I if f fmm il"-hin( of rmomii, pimplr f. idi- lele' f.x.l, -tfslfa. vhic. rmlir". Jiul . -thfi f t lerntllT i M^.-.l akin tr.nil.lri*. utf fatt-Mcliug, ntolion, .inli* "<.-... liquid I'. I>. l>. Pnri|itiuii. i..r ..-!r- SUinlrt*.^irritmi..u aml(iltf klv l- - r - tiitrn** llrhini(.3> trial lK.ttlf|Jr..* it, '.r moutv lck. \ i,,,., dnii.t PILES jo p r o t ' 'iding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Mouey back K the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. Relieves distress from MONTHLY- FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydla E. Plnklwm's Vegetabla > PH. i-. .:.--,. not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelliiK* line to monthly func- helps build tip resistance against distress of "dlin- eult dnys." Mnde '.n CniiHdti. "Mire's been all one kind," replied the second tiller of the soil. "Different:" o At Northampton. Mass., over- run with the WAVE trainees, a young navy officer went swing- ing down the street. "O, look!" .sin i in .'it a little girl to her playmates. "A man WAVE!" And was that future admiral peeved! And there was the Indian rope trick performer who wa discharged from the navy be- cause every time he climbed the rigging he disappeared. She: "Here's a story of a man out wnst who bartered his wife for a horse. You wouldn't swop me fcl' a horse, would you. darl- ing?" He: "Of course nut i pause}, but I'd hate to have anyone tempt me wlih a eood motor oar." "Is Mary your eldest sister?" "Yes." "And who comes after her?" "You and two jther fel- lows." Welcome A wait* British Brides More than 1G,000 Canaditui soldiers will bring English and Scottish girls home with them a* wives after t ; war, Canada'* High Commissioner to Britato, Vincent Massey, said in an ad- dress in London's Guildhall re- cently. "A true welcome awaits these) new Canadians," he said. PIMPLES CURBED 1st DAY Ar. 1 y..u .iMb.-irr;ts*.-d by uiiljr, disfisunne pimpl. and skin blem-'3'.' No mutter how long; you havsj suffered or whut you huve tried you CM 11 aii - .v start .-urbintj Pimple* licliiiij,'. E.-zcma-liki- rash. Itlng- wurin. juid other skin irritations will thi- very first application of a nu\v T i-.-atnu-nt called M.voilrrm. It stops the Itching in 7 minute* and .-li.-uid help mukc your -ki cloiiri-r, noftfr, sm.M.thrr the very first f.-vv iluy.i in fact ; ; must sat- isfy you i-uniplftrly nr cost noth- ing. Ju*' .-' Vivudrrni I mm your drtijfBist u.'d:i>- under the money- bHi-k I;-'-,! nff.T See how- fast It u-.,r!;s .:.i h>nv much '-ft:.-;- you CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS II A II \ till' I ;HTKEN Win'-- Hvlnu plete . h:.-li- l pull' u m:.- '.hey l L,-u r hin-ii. pull-!.-. S-iut '' jiric'i-1:--'. Als.i f"r imine. liiit :.' I'hii-U Hatrli --i"-:u>. i Hi'.tr'.n. - ' '<l Ho-k uid delivery. i. rn-- I.iiu- Ttio i. ATE: TOO I.ATE NEXT SPUING DdN'T LET IT CE sa'.d "too hit-:." riund for our price list and order your buby chicks now. One floll.-ir bonks your order. Uoilcl.irJ Chicle Hutcbery, E:-.t..:.- nin Heights. Ont. BHAV CHICKS i\ r,n; IIE Kully honked fur inunths in many l>r>-i<ls. \Vel ..... nun. :ui \<ju ,triler miw wha'. y.ui ii-.-.!. H:uc-hinK limited ijuaMtlties for JuuiM-.y delivery. }lruy H;ii.-lu-ry . 13ti John .S'.. Hamilton. 'n!. LOOK AT THESE 1'HU'ES FOR AVliiti' leghorn pullets IS weeks old $1.20, 20 weeks nlil J1.40. Al?o older Whiia I-^Kliorns. Bar- red Uoi-k :mU Hyl>riil>. S-nd for f.-ttuli^^ue jincl pricpllsi. Al.-o day- old i-lli.-kH. Top NoU'h I'llirli. rios. <uelph. Ont. MAKE NO MISTAKE VLinlT IT Cfreat Britain i still going: to need every bit of food thut WB can send her. Snme of the.^e days we uro going: to have an ever- incriMisinit amount of the con- tinent i-if Europe :o foed. They HTO Koini; to bo hungry more hiiiui-y than you and I hav e\er been or we hope ever will be. And In our own .-^.untry we are eating more poultry and emts i vi-r hefnrft. We can gret ready to supply eggs and miiiv egs and at prloeB that will !>. attractive. I'liin now to take ndvitntuije of this unlimited markot. Send for catalogue and jiriri'llsf . Also rt!ady-to.I]iy :uid laying i>ulk-t for 1 mined In I c cln- llvt-ry. Twi'dille ('hick Hatcher- -..-. l-:mlii'il. 1-Vrmis (.mturlo. DAHLIAS BK SI'CCESSKL'L IX (JRUWIN'G exliiliitinn dnhllns. Our ontnloifue and instnii'lions on I'nlillii riil- tiir \vill be mailed freo tn ymi on reuii'-^t. I-ov-'iir i.' v o 1'ahiln ' :.-r.-.|. ns. Call. I'll'. \ i IV. . i , \ >, i \ - . HA vi-: t)ij A.NVTHIM: NEED;* Uyting or cleanlni:;? \\'ntu to us fi-r iiirormat ion. \V'e u:a slad to a:i-u - i.-i yull' M'lr's'.'i r-.. i ! , men! 11. rarlii-r'a l.'yo W ..:!;.- L.iniiled. Vltl Voiifeje l:'et. To- rol. l:l,i:t Tim. AI, i- \'i L'l.KCTKIC MUTOIIii. M:'.\V. bought, sold. icuiiili; b u 1 t 8, l><i!li-ji , brti^lit.". Allen L^k-ctnc .'oiiipa:iy L:d.. Jll-fi L'uffcrin St.. 'I'O! "Mt 1.'. _ i-'ult > in-: ONK 01'' TI1K Ml'ST rKI.'KIT AUI .U rural luisinossch today Is the FKK1'. MIX-IN'! AM' HP.IM'INU I 'u.-.iii'-^.^. \\'-- h;ive several Rood mills offered for sale in differ- i'iit .-tctiinis of the province. No .IL;--!!'':. fue ehart;-'l. If you can, jiet into this rapidly growing bus- ilu-ss now. Hci.\ 7S, T3 Adelaide _ St. _ \\ ., Toronto. I- I Mil II \ I 11 BAL'.MklKKA K( 11 II HALM dL-aln/ys offonsiv* odor icittautly. 4Dc Collie uuuwa n^cnu Dcnroan Priii; Slure. nitawa. l-'MIM l-'l i II .-. M.I-: i'-Ai'KK Kitrri' I--\I:M. ::n A.T.KS bt-iiviiii; fruit. in.->ll> l ii>t'!">. _' urros bu.>h, 1" a- .-'.-- flue Tubao- co. i Kilns, packing .-licil. 1m rn. sinull luitisc. liviini. Uevcnue fl-nni farm last y.-a- S^. ..... . P.. M. Wild", KinuMVilit-. _ Oil rail, .. _ IIAIII Onl.v fuMi ill Canada iiiaiiuracluriiiK ladies' and ffantlemon'a hair Momls oxclUBlvcly. \Vritc ua for purticu- la ' s. \\HII !:> ii \ i ii coons ii mint i- -M N. .i if. M L. Ii A It .N HAIUL'UL'SSING 1'Hl; liubcrtson melhocl. Informatiuu on request reuurdlng ula.ti<eR. KuDsruon'i UalrdraMlni Acad- emy, I ',!'! Avu line Hoad. Toronto . MKDIC VI, NVTI'HKS HK1..1' -I'lX'l.N'S HKM- t-uy for Uliuumatic I'ains. Nvin- iti.i. Thousands pniisinii it. lluiuo's I'rut; S'on. ;;.:.'i KlBiti, Otfiwa. I'osli-nid $1."'.'. "NOW AVAILABLE" I,vi/ Combination Keeil Mills ran uda'a most prufil nl>U farm feed IM-oi-.-sKliiK unit. I'seful all yenr rounrt. Kills sil.'H, ohfiiis liny into mow, R rinds Kniin for hoKa. -a tile and poultry, and (l<n'. man} nth.-i feod pr0MtUl8 .i"''s. 3 Htxrs. \\'t-ite for fr.-'- liu-rrt f iirr. GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO. LTD.. LONDON, ONTARIO MIIK. \\llilr tlffl tllr'll.'i%. Kiln .illi-r-. .-I.. I ' . vi , i '. " ., H i., hi, lloeri' 'l l til it-!". Ki|itl|tm<Mi4. CLASSIFIED ADV ERTISEMENTS oi'i'oiti i MTII-> i mi >n:> t.\u \V<MII:> LEARN Mi:T.\sr||-;N._'i: AND !n.ii;.j MI ,!.. druu- li-sa lu-:ii;iitf. I .... sim- ;<--nsiv <-orrt-.-;. ... . \\ rn e t o: '' " ' of C ,:...'i., L : isver 5. 1'V!" . : -. .... . 1,1 > . . orri:ii 10 i>vi:.\ nis AN Ul-'KKI; TO KVUP.v l.SVUNTUR List of inv" : full tntor- mution icni frt.-e. T'IU P.arnsay Co., Ueplstcred I'-.f-ct Attorney*. '^l" I':.:. I; .-lr.-et I'l-.nv. ''T;H,'|>. PHOTOCHAI'IIV DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T RE TAKEN AGALV Get finer "-.r'.iir.v' i- . .- ,*t Ti.nipt Ma;! .s, rvice, sj.-nd your film ruils to tftar .Simjishut S<.rvic to be developed .nd yruit-.-d. Tui is Canada's lai'K'.it ft irsJuni,' stu- dio. .lerviMK rutin".-H all ..ver Canada. Y,>u"I i;ku >u: work. too. Any Size Hull (i or i i^t DEVELOPED AND PRIXTKD U PruiMiiitj St.-i:- .Snnp.-hi.'. Survico. * .MiMuiiu-r ;it U'iiulsor, (>t;t , \vritei: "I :'tip|>iiHt: it's li.i: 1 t '..<? y.iur Usual i|Ulc:k arrvu-e with help SO hard to set. but ua Inns as yoit turn <nit surh fine pl.'turos. I'll wait If I Imve to wait." S MOt'NTKD ENLAR'IICMK.NTS 25e Size lit." in IVautlful Kafel Mount* Enlargements 4<5" on lv.ry tlnte4 mounts; Tx'.i" in Gold, Silver. Clr- I'ussiiin Walnut or Ulti. k Ebonjr. finish frHmen. .lap each. 1' -nlarge- nient .-ol'.rcd, Tito (j.ich. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE But II". 1 . I-'O-,::I'L '!Vrni:i)a: A. Toronto Print V.nir N Plainly cm All tnj Addrc MAIL YOUR FILMS I> IMrKKI.VI. !*i>R yl'At.ITT. .-.vtr < -pi latfal ; -i >r 8 exponurn films 'J.'.c'. :-i'i>: :- s tar Jfj.- lime, r-'.-i: I'h.'- . Sc . ' Sta- tion .1 fM I.'IIO i. KIT vori.T!;> I;I:IT \\nrn: ; MI-;. . , i m:tllHr , : i ST1NSON UK1 ' .-' i.Y c 'ci.. '.!].- i inier M II M I'K \l. M I'K Vc'Tlc'AI. Nt ilSK Uciri.!' c'AKH fm- I'lcli-rly C,III,M fo: ront at farm. bi-nt cvirp asMii c.-.! : husbatt4 would work farm. Mrs. V. Tay- 1'..'. il.Ml. 1'arli. On'tri". & IJUM l-'nten: SoHcitor^. Established ISllli; l* King West. Toronto. L'ooUIet o' Information on r- QllCii . "ELIJAH CUM ING BSFURai 'hi 1st". iviindrr'ul boolt frea, Mcniilde Mission, Rochester It, M V\V l-'l II > MA>TKI1 OM-: SKIN OK T11OI SANDS IT \v i 1 i.;i> you to .-hij) .. OntTrlo'si I -rini'lu -I - 'H II- 'I I'-: ' - l-uT.i'.iVS) III !'l'i'i'i\w tllO hiKlli'-. t:l.i.'net p;--<-. . \\ r io r..'T sh.|'l>.!l- ! - 'I a-ivi'.. fi'iins. Mr:.rr.i ! u: i in- .:;" Co-operative, Lim . J, 50 \'<-l k Vil'r- ^11. . ' ' - . llllh'l M M'll ! Vl.\> 'iiion iiKsm.t'Tin.v K\ i-:ur sui f. < . r -. ( Kli.-tiin r 'ulna > r \.Miii:-s should !i^ I'tx-ii- K-'tii- i-.l>. M-.IITI ..- s I ' ii.- Si -. -. :3$ i-:i>;-i!. . '! i A ii. I'osi pnid s - " STUDENT NURSES vinms'i'i'i'K <;Ks'.:t: \ i.os. lui'il Si-h.n.l fur Niii'Hitii. >M!| ud- nii'. .i .-I;!.-..-, i.f stuii'-r^i .-* f^.r thn-i- yonr.i' tniinitii,- in M.\i:i'H. I'M I. Ilitfh Schu.. I 'ir.idiiHtn* wishins tu .-nriill 1:1 :his , hiss kindly a.ldr.'ss npplir.i T I-MI to th .Sllln'l in.'oinloiit of Nurst-s, U'cuxl- stock <;<-IH;I-MI ll>i.--pii-ri. \\'i.i.j- STAMPSWANTBO UANTKI'. Ol.l> I'O^'I A.;;-'. BTAJtPfl* boPl c;ii>h priro t'Hi'l. i^on.J vour loi^ t,- \. stt-rn, -Jurt :<!. c.ither* ine bt. l'".:isl. Mo:i; 'J'IMMl'.Vl' STAMPS .SI'EClAl.j Jl.''" v:iluc fur "Mi- tn approval >-LI: t ..iii^r.". Si-tnips l)*r.ii^ht. (.'tl- onitil. I'u.v. ."..VI. ri;i.-<.- d'Arinet^ sTi>M\rll \\|. TllflKAI.' \VOUMS i)fnii me (he cause of iii-ha.'iUk In tiiimins nil IIKOS. No one im- iniinr 1 Why not find out if tlii is your iroiihle" Ititori'StiriK Mculr Free! vvri!o Hulveney'a I'.r-mccl e--. sj-i-i , - ( |.s' . T-<u>nli> Unt.