Wednesday, December 29, 1943 THE VANDELEUR Happy New Year to the Editor and readers of The Advance. The annual Vhrigtmas concert was held by Vundeleur school on Tuesday evening of last week. The school was nicely decorated and a well-laden Christmas tree filled the corner of interest. Mr. Chas. Boland ably filled the chairman's seat and a well prepared program of dialogues, drills, choruses, recitations, solos and duets was given by the pupils and their teacher, Miss M. Dawn. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan was pianist, and others assisting were Misses Marie- and Dorothy Johnston with a duet, and Melville Buchanan a solo. Mel- ville also conducted the community sing-song of Christmas carols. Pre-school pupils to give recitaions were: Donna Wyville, Ruth Graham and Jimmie Shaw. To complete the splendid entertainment Santa Glaus arrived in his usual jovial spirits and distributed the gifts. Pte. H. Fitzsimmons and Vern Fawcett act- ed as assistants. The appreciation f all present goes to our teacher, Mlsi Dawn, who Oapably prepared this junior and young set of scholars to give such an enjoyable evening's entertairnent. The Farm Forum met on Monday- evening of last week at the home o* Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson. Pte. Hilliard Fitzsimmons is vis- iting^ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam "~l^itzimmons. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harbottle and family have moved to Meaford. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and family of Flesherton, Mr. Richard Fawcett of Wodehouse, Pte. Ted Fawcett, wife and daughter and Mr. L. Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Sewell spent Christmas with the letter's parents at Eugenia, and Mr. and Mrs. R. S< well at Cherry Grove. Mr. Will Ratcliffe and daughter, Kathleen, of Hamilton spent the week end at their home here. Miss Pauline Hutchinson of To- ronto was home for the week end. TORONTO LINE NORTH A Happy and Prosperous New Year to the editor, staff and readers. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickens and Mr. and Mrs. M. McFadden spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and family were ChrXtmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smart at Barhead. Misses Evelyn and Iva Brown of Toronto spent the holiday week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and daughters of Eugenia were visitors on Christmas with Mrs. T. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sparks anc family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. MeKee, 4th Line. Mrs. Humphrey, who has been with Mrs. Stephen in Owen Sound for the past several weeks, returned home last week. We arc pleased to learn that Mr. Albert Stewart is improving after his accident. Miss Gertrude Lever spent Christ- mas with friends in Owen Sund. STEPHEN'S CORNERS A Happy New Year to The Ad- vance Staff and Readers. Miss Brown of Winnipeg, Man., is visiting her friend, Miss Annie Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Londry and Jim spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Marry Cherry and family, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Seeley and Mrs. Bill Arnill of Dundalk wen- Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and Laureen. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Dec. 26th. Miss Ethel Fenwick, Rcg.N., has returned home after spending some time caring for Mrs. Jos. Whyte and daughter, who had been quite ill with pneumonia. Miss Mabel Fenwick of Colling- wood visited on Christmas at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, and family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Bill Stephens (nee Hazel Wilkinson) of Feversham who were recently married. Miss Laureen Pedlar visited re- cently with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. I. Murphy, Orange- ville, visited recently with the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Roy Fenwick, and family. Local and Personal **MM++**M<++++*M I !>***+ I ****' Best Wishes j As the present year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity of thank- ing the people of Flesherton and the sur- rounding district for the generous patronage with which we have been favored. We have enjoyed doing business with you and shall appreciate a continuance of your good- will and custom. HAPPY NEW. YEAR MacDonald's Bakery, Flesherton ROCK MILLS The public school concert was held in the school Tuesday night oif last week, when a splendid program was presented by the scholars. Much credit is due their teacher, Mrs. Seeley, for the fine way she had the children trained. At the close treats were given the children. Cpl. Bob Clark of Centralia and Aircraftman Harold Clark of Mon- treal, Que., were at their home foi Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brodic of Max- well spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Field. Gnr. Arthur Belts of Nova Scotia spent several days on leave at his parental home. Flying Officer Leslie E. Seeley ol Camp Borden and Mrs. Seeley of Barrie are spending Christmas leave with the former's parents, Mr. am Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, Collingwoot Gravel Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards visited the first of the week at Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thompson spent Christmas day at Durham. Mrs. Harold Black is visiting at her parental home at Burlington. Major W. Turney was home from Camp Borden on Christmas leave. Mrs. Geo. McTavish spent the first of the week at Oakville. Miss Ruby Dunbar spent Christ- mas with her sister at Barrie. Miss Effie Sandilands of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. Wes Arm- strong over the wek end. Misses Kate McMillan, Laura Boyd and Lusy McDonald, teachers of To- ronto are holidaying in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Watson of Owen Sound visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dargavel. Mrs. W. E. Morgan spent Christ- mas with her daughter, Mrs. Glen McDonald and family at Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton re spending the winter with Mrs. W. Hill at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCutcheon, Colleen and Patsy, of Toronto spent Monday with the Teeter and Sewell families. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellamy, Strat- 'ord spent Christmas with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bellamy. Messrs. Walter and Elmer Russell of the O.A.C., Guelph, spent Christ- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell, east back line. Additional Local Items Miss Ruth Blacbkurn of Toronto is visiting this week in this district. Miss Jean McTavish, Toronto, was home Christmas day. Mr. Clifford Litlejohns is taking a short course at Guelph this week. Mr. Clarence Hamilton of Kearney is visiting this week at his home. Mr. Earle Thurston is spendjng a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. Dan McTavish is visiting at the home of his son, Mr. Chas. Mc- Tavish, in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Armstrong and Miss Dor- othey Armstrong sipent Christmas at their parental home at Meaford. Misses Doris, Ethel and Aileen Taylor of Toronto holidayed at their ACCLAMATION IN OSPREY Township Council was re- turned by acclamation ?t th nomina- tion held at Maxawell on Monday. The Council is composed of: Reeve, M. F. Sayres; Deputy Reeve, Herbert Hale; Councillors, A. Buie, C. Sprott anada W. McCutcheon. CREDlALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1944 1>4 miles north of Dundalk comer on No. 10 Highway Six months' cred'it; no reserve. Frank Trudgeon, Geo. E. Duncan, i Proprietor. Auctioneer NOTICE TO CREDITORS home in town. All persons having claims against the estate of MRS. MINNIE PAT- Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton of Mt TON> late of the Village of Flesher- Forest spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart spent Christmas with members of their family in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Crowe and daughter, Hilda, of Toronto visited this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. The temperature on Thursday of last week reached 22 below zero and this week, following the mild days for the Christmas week end, has been growing steadily colder. This Wed- nesday morning it was 10 below. Mrs. Frank Ball and little daughter and Miss Grace Parker of Toronto are visiting this week with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker. Mr. Ball, also Mrs. W. Hill of Markdale spent Christmas at the Parker home. There are more than 14,000 w<. men in the Canadian Women's Army Cnrps. now in its third year of service. *<*#*<*#***<***<**<*^^ Near Year . We thank our customers and friends for their patronage in the year just closing. We wish all happiness and prosperity during 1944 PHONE 7 F. T. Hill & Co. Limited MARKDALE, ONTARIO 'WE DELIVER Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates of Ham- ilton and Miss Inez Brown of Mark- dale spent Christmas with their mother. Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Don Helson of Toron- to spent the week end with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc- Cracken. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavish and children of Oshawa spent the Christmas week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. McTavish. Misses Irene and Oly McDonald of Toronto spent Christmas day and the week end with their paernts, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquett* of Owen Sound and son, Aircraftman Alan Colquette, spent the week end with thi'ir daughter. Mrs. E. J. Fis,her, and family. Mr. I. Wolfe, Gouvenrneur, Sask.. rirftiived last week to spend the win- ter with his wife hen-. Mr. and Mi> Oacpr McKoe of Hamilton visile;! at tlu' Wolfe home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Tooter ami TVrrance and Donna Marie of To- ronto spent the holiday week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. F. J. Thurston on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, 1944, at 8 p.m. Roll call: a New Year's thought. Visitors are welcome. Misses Jean Loucks and Agnes McMilaln of Toronto Normal School are holidaying at their parental homes. The former will teach at Springhill and the h'tler at Ceylon for a week at the opening of the new term. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Richards fn Christmas dny wt'iv: P.O. Geo. Dundas of Chatham, N.H., C|>l. Howard York, Vancouver, H.C.. Mrs. Everette Hill of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Preston York, Dr. and Mrs. Stan Thibaudeau, Mrs. W. Dun- das, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowler and Phyllis, all of Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and Maxino of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Service of Collingwood and Tpr. W. K. Johnson of IVtawawn spent tho Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnson. Tpr. and Mrs. A. C. Hamilton of Barrio Illumed their greetings on Christmas day. Among the member? of the Armed Forces visiting at their homes were: L.A.C. Muck Duncnn of Deseronto, L. A.C. Ted McTavish of Montreal, L.A. C. Joe Banks of Trenton, L.AC. El- don Fisher of Mountain View, Pte. Tnl Fawcett from the West coast, Cpl. Ivan Henderson of Slmcoe, Air- oruftman Harold Best of Paulson, Mnn., Pte. Stanley Westcott of Sim- i IT, Pt.e. Harvey Croft of Brampton and Mrs. Croft of Toronto, Pte. Em- r^on MeKillop of Prterboro, nnd A ire raft mini I.nverne Wood, Toronto, nnd Pte. Wesley Littlejolma of Dun- durn, ton in the County of Grey, widow, who died on or aftxmt the 16th day of December, 1943, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor to the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, full particulars of their claims, the last day for the receipt of such being the 15th day of January, 1!>44. Immediately, after the said date the Executors of the estate will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will not be liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have aotice if for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 28th day of December, A.D. 1943. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale. Ont. Solicitor for the Execultors. IN MEMORY OF JOHN CAMACK Just a few lines in memory of the late Mr. John Camack as, having lived near him for a goodly number of years, we learned some of his good qualities of citizenship. He was an obliging neighbor, never known to do harm to any of his neigh, bors and when asked to help, when help was needed, responded willingly, as so did his daughter. Miss Edith. Mr. Camack lived to a ripe old age. but, as we all know, we cannot live forever in this beautiful world. Yes, beautiful world. I often wonder just how many of us ever stop to think of God's kindness and goodness, to us, in giving us so many nice things the flowers, the birds', and everything man could wish 'or. What dependent creatures we are? Let God withhold just for one year, our bounteous crops and where would we be? Every breath we breathe comes from God. We should try and remember all this. Mr. Camack was very honest and was proven in our dealings with him. Cont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of CARRIE BELLE DYER late of the Vilalge of Flesherton in the County of Grey, widow, who died on or about the 7th day of December, 1943. are hereby notified to send to Jit administratrix with will annexed, in care of W. E. Hai.-is Markdale, Ont... solicitor, full particulars oif their claims, the last day for the re- ceipt of such being the 15th day of January, 1944. Immediately after the said date the Administratrix of this estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and she shall not be liable to any person whose claim sfce shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 28th day of December. A.D. 1JH3. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administratrix with will annexed. Small Ad. Column WANTED Driving shed. Jim Harrison, phone 41rll, Flesherton. WANTED Good used violin. Mrs. J. Crawford, Eugenia, R.R. No. 1, phone Feversham 9r41. FOR RBNT 6-Room house and half acre lot for rent in Maxwell. Apply to Mrs. Garnet Magee, Maxwell. FOR SALE Shorthorn red bull calf, y mos. old, eligible for regis- tration. J. W. R. Lever, Flesherton FOR SALE Goose and gander. ' Archie McKechnie, Priceville. WANTED Horses and cow* fit Station, R.H. 3, phone 41r3. for mink feed. F. Eap:lt, Protor FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, 3 yrs. old. Donald McMillan, Price- ville, phone 4l)rl2. WANTED Anunala suitable for mink and fox feed. Bert Mclntoat Eugenia, phone Fevarshf-i 5r25 FOR SALE 5 Young breeding ewes or will five on shares to re- sponsible parties; 11 pigs about 120 Ibs. Gordon Stuart, Flesherton FOR SALE Electric seal fur coat, zipper muff to match, both good as new; also sheepskin baby carriage robe. Mrs. J. Crawford, Eugenia. R.R. No. 1. 2i>2 FOR SALE In good condition, in Flesherton: 8-room house with gar- age nnd modern conveniences; nUo bungalow, 6 rooms and garage. Both place* in good condition. Ap,l>ly to A. Down, Chatsworth. FOR SALE Grade Hereford bull, 8 months old. Everette Blackurn, phone 45r2 Flesherton. 28p2 HIDES Agaim in 'he martlet ft hides beef, hone, sheep and catt skins. Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pi*. ton Station, phone IlrS F'Wncrton. FOR s'ALE Frame house in Flesh- erton, five rooms, woodshed, good cement cellar, stable, garden. Nec- essary to sell to wind up estate. Apply to T. J. Fisher, Flesherton. FOR RENT -- In Eugenia, dwelling with barn, poultry shed, drive shed and 12 acres ol land, the property of Robt. Purvis; immediate poss- ession. Apply to Alex. Cameron, Eugenia, phone 5r21 Feversham. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KA1TTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our apec ty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. D.'.tes in-ranged at Th* Advance office or phone 4w. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St. v - Office hours; afternoon* t to *- Wednesday and 'Saturday 7.80 to 10 p.m. No office hour* co Sunday 1 <1 k