Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1943, p. 5

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THE P Wednesday. December 22. 1943 /* , j> /** STEPHENS WILKINSON . i GREETINGS. With the snows and crisp December dys, come our Greetings of the Season. To you all of you we wish the Merriest Christmas ever; Health, Happiness and Suc- cess in full mesaure and may all your hopes come true. 0. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON, Ontario . Season's Greetings To you and your family and to all our Customers If and Friends, we wish a Merry Christmas and much success throughout the year upon which we are entering. Howard Milligan BARBER Flesherton, Ontario I? Christmas Greetings May the Spirit of Christmas stay with you throughout the coining year, and guide you to greater, health, wealth and hap- piness than you have ever known. That is our Christmas Greeting to all. 0. W. Phillips & Son : Harness & Shoe Repairing Flesherton, Ont. To Our Customers and Friends In appreciation of your support and friendship, the Season's Greetings are extended for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year F. H. W. HICKLING General Merchant -:- Flesherton, Ont. % a | E'RE tired of the camp and we're going to move on. See?" Orrek Gordon lifted his head. "Qo- tng to walk out on me and quit? Your wages are good here." . The foreman of the lumber gang sneered, "Say, money ain't every- thing. We want to get back to town and we're going." He slouched back to the tent and joined th crowd of surly men around the great camp- fire. From the log bungalow beyond . . camp twinkled many lights. Orrek stared at the Christmas can-dies. Marcia had placed them there, say- ing they brought peace to the house- hold. And now, with his men walking out on htm, Marcia would be lost to him A g Dimming SOUHG On the flrm snow aroused Him and Marcia, a gay little figure in her white furs, caught at his arm and came to a stand- A very happy evnt :ooii place at the home of Mr. ana iirs. Albert Wii- jdn^on, Rock Mills, on. \Ve<ines<iay, Dec. loch, at 3 JO p.m., when :.-.^:r -r.^eii daughter, Hazel Elizabeth, was ^r.r.ed in marriage to Wiliiam Sykes Stephens, son of Mr. Dougald Steph- ens and the Late Mrs. S:ei>fler_5 ;i Fever-sham. Rev. L. Jacklin, Angli- can minister of Dundalk, performed :he ceremony in ;he presence of forty relatives and friends of the bride and "Wbj stay oat here when I want you?" her skis. "Why stay out htr^ -The handsome young entered :be livic,g room on the arm of her rather to the strains of Lofcengrrin's ">V~i.:;r.g March, played by Mrs. F. B. Keys, and took her place beneath an arch ;-f evergreens, beautifully decor- ated with flowers, pink and white streamers and large white bell She *-a= aaired in a street-length frock of . i~'.j blue ;r;ple sheer with sLver .rinunings, and wore a wreath of pink and blue gardenias in her hair and jj.-r-.ed a shower bouquet of Sweet- heart roses. Miss Dolly Out-well, as -r-.'i. chcse for her costume a r*-o-piece dress otf treasure gold crepe and also carried Sweetheart r':~ts. ; "ce and Dorothy Wilkiiscr., -s: sisters of the bride, who pre- ceoc-i her to ;he arch, made very pretty flower girls, gowned ir. pale ,:::& silk crepe and each carried a ;asket of maave and white 'mums. The groom was supported by his brother. Mr. LI*: yd Stephers. While the register was being signed Mr. and Mrs. Keys sang very sweetly "O Perfect Love." Mrs. Keys alsc entertained with several musical num- bers, which^were much enjoyed. The groom's gifts to rhe bride and brides- maid were silver casseroles, to the rganist pyrexwire. to :he flower girls necklaces, and to the grooms- man a silk scarf. At six o'clock the bridal couple led the way to the dining room. v. was tastefully decorated irt pink and -.vh.te. when dinner was served, she rabies being lovely with cut flowers POULTRY WANTED We will pay the fallowing prices far Live ind to oar Creamery. Poultry HENS CHICKENS Over S Ibs. . ' 4 r -2 :bs. " 4 Ibs. Alive '.V Graie .... 21c .... 19c 17c 3 to 4 Ibs 15c "tbder 3 Ibs. . 13c Dressed A' Gracse 2oc 24c 22c 20c 18c Alive 'A' Grade 25c 23c 21c 19c I7c : 4 A' Gr*e 32c 30c 29c 27c 27c DRESSED DUCKS "A" Grade over 5 Ibs. 27c 4 to 5 Ibs. 26c DRESSED GEESE . .... "A" Grade 25c TURKEYS AT HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Flesherton Creamer; i Produce Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager FEVERSHAM making up a bridge table. A bridge table when his futur* career was toppling down! "Orrek, what's wrong with the men?" she asked. "My maid told me there had been row there." Orrek's eyes blazed as he tucked the small hand under his arm. How he loved her! In a few brief sentences he told her of the discontent among I his men. "It's the loneliness that ' gets them," he finished, "the lack of amusement." "If they walk out you cannot keep your contract. That will queer you with the owners." She turned and left him in silence. Back at the bungalow Marcia tum- I bled the contents of her clothes closet I while talking rapidly to her maid. I Ninette. "Isn't it lucky that I taught i you those chords. Ninette?" 1 The camp men. grumbling around the fire, fell into sudden silenc* as the gay plink-a-plunk of banjo sounded in the clearing. Gebert, surly gang leader, Jerked out his pipe. "Listen, boyf ' Down the hill Marcia came gaily, her fingers bringing jolly notes from the strings. The frosty air echoed and re-echoed as Ntnetta joined in. *,"! know that," declared Gebert. Carried along by memories, th men joined in, forgetting the loneU- nest- of the Christmas eve, rbrget- ! ting their fancied troubles. Marcia had come to the very edge ' of the great Are and stood there picking at the strings. Above her towered the man she loved, just be- yond her stood the men i lemi- elrcle. their unshaven facm lighted by a mutual love of music. "How many of you play small in- struments?" she asked softly. The answers brought a quick smile to her lips. "I thought there would be many of you to help me out," i> cried. "I want to have a string-band," hurried on Marcia, "and I need vol- unteers. A violin, maybe two o* three. A guitar" "I play the flute." interrupted Jacques. "At home 1 have an accordion," came a wistful voice, "but " "Fine," Interrupted Marcia. "I have, tonight, made out an order that should have been mailed soon- er. It is my Christmas gift to our men. The order is (or musical in- struments. I wish each man would write down his instrument and give it to me. With luck we should have the orders Oiled in three days and we'll practice hard so that New Year's day may find us ready How about ttT" There was an instant response as hardened palms came together. Just beyond the pines a wolf howled, but Marcia was looking up into her lover's eyes. lAaiaclaMd Nw*p*pr* WTtV r"~j during the supper hour. The bride's table was centred with a three-story wedding cake adorned wir^ :i miniature bride ,i"d groom, '.he case *ving made and decorated by the bride's aunt. Mrs. E. Russell. Miss Mable Ross presided over the table* assisted by three girl i of the bride. Misses Elva. Ver- -J Eleanor Russell. During the of th? dinner a t : was >ride. and om by ^.'v. JaoV.-.r. and Mr Key*, and was ied to by the groom. Later in the evening the yoaag couple left amid showers of cort\::i and food wishes for a short honey- trip to Toronto and other points, the bride travelling in two-piece .iress of old crepe. English wool .wted coat and brown accessories. Or. their return they will reside on the srroom's farm near Feversham. Fol- lowing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson had their youngest ter. Dorothy, baptised. ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS Rock Mills Ladies' Aid thvir annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft on Tuesday, Dec. 14, when the officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President Mrs. F. B. Keys. Sevrvtary Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Asst. Sec. Mrs. Dick Clark. Treasurer Mrs. Ned Croft. Flower and Treat Cons. Mrs. W. Aki:: artd Mrs. Albert Blackburn. The treasurer reported a very pro- itable year. The farmer is now told that h? must preserve his good humus. With fleh) a* svarve as it is at present, it must be even harder to preserve his vrood humor. Last Friday evening the lar.tcr?. slides shown in- the Gospel W.-rkers' Church, depicting the life erf David Livmgstone. were very much enjoyed. A short program was j-.ver.. .liter which prizes were iistribiiteu :.. .-; children by Mr. Merv.r. Davidson, saperjtendect c-f the Sunday Schocl. Rev. and Mrs. MoXichcl were also presented wr.h gifts from th< con- gregation. * * \r f* TTU- jtir. anu jirs. G. Eby iri<. attended :he funeral :r. afternoon af the former's sister. Miss Margaret Eby. at P,'n Elg-.r:. Miss Eby passed away after u short ill- We extend our sympathy Several in the village are ill with the 'flu. They are: Mr. ar.j Mrs. Frarcis and Ruth, the latter has a-, an attack ..-t' pr.eur--.oria. Mr. .i-'i Mr-. H. Alexander. Bill .-..: Jack McKee. We hope they will all be wtll - soon. A number o: the school cV.drvr. are s:ck a^d the school has been closed this week. The concert, which was to have beer, held Tuesday rsight. has been postponeo. --?. Wed- nesday. Jan. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Marion and Mrs. r>:nald.KT. ??:-.: Sunday w::h Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby i"'- Stephen a: Barrie. Sheila Armstrong re tamed wkh t>. to sp<?r.c :he wi-:er w.:- - oarests. Mr. a=c Mrs. J T. Davi-iscn. CAN FOXES SWIM A .- : -pi* of weeks ag-o or. this page we had a st^rv $ how 4 flock of 'Wellington C-:u-.ty ducks cutwitted three foxes by s-.ayi-.g well out from i.-.-r-. :.". ".heir :avcun:e ;;-!. F.xes ru: - - co wt statec. do noc sw:rr.. rut .lie ca:s prefer T? keep their feet iry. Here, it would seem, we were wrong-, not a very sn-isual occurrence at that. Mr. Albert K:r'ir.*ss. .\r' Arthur Towrtihi?, ^ays so. and he ppjbatiy knows more About :: tha". we do. Foxes do not t they take to the water. It ' Reynard, - . a bit, v the hounds off the scent, then We hacl-v ar.d secure safety. This is a cleve- trick, but c-<? or. which the fox has no; a - Mr. Kirkness cla:~< -^ -.i-i ~r^- jacknbbita -i> the same tr.:-.g. ar.d who ever thought is i tjlungtf a s:r that jacks could swini '.' tehprise. Arthur En- CANADIAN PACIFIC CHANGES IN TRAIN SCHEDULES FLESHERTON - TORONTO On SUNDAYS. PHC. J .TAX. J. ch train will . leave Flesherton ..: 6.01 p.m: for Toronto, making- all intermediate stops to Streetsville. TORONTO - WINNIPEG Oil THURSDAY. Dt-X 2 J3. coach train will leave To- ronto Union at o.OO p.m. for \VIN~N1 PEG. stopping 1 at Farkdale and West Toronto, and important intermediate points. TORONTO - HAMILTON On DECEMBER J.\ J4. Jo. JS. TANT'ARY J. 5. 4. rcsiiilar train due to leave Toronto Union at 0.55 p.m. will be delayed, and will leave at 11.30 p.m., Sunnyside II. 38 p.m. for HAMILTON NOTE :- On DEC. JS this train will operate through to DUXNVILLE. Consult Agent for further information CANADIAN PACIFIC Cold Weather Necessities 2 Ne Ranges, just in. Wnod Renter Circulator. Simmons and Maple Laf CrossKut Saws .... $S-50 J S*s BrtMH-hinp Team Harn*ss .......... $60.00 set 2 Sets Team Hrnssi without Breeching . $39-30 Ooud Supply of Ions-straw and short-straw Hors* Cellars .... $3.00 ti> $8.75 New >l<.^ormick-lVrin K Cr'rn Separator $120.00 2 New B#ttv 1'ump.s. e ch - $12.23 Good Supply Ski-Slds $2.50 and $3.30 each Wrapptni Small Gifts An unusual way to wrap num- ber of small gifts that are to be given to good-sized Christmas box \M to tuck each one in an envelope made of either plain red, holly, stt- i ver or gold paper. Wrap each gift first '.r-. plain white tissue paper, folded in envelope tyle, and seal the flaps of both the inner and outer envelopes with contrasting seals. Patterns (or the envelopes oan be cut from ordinary envelopes by tearing one apart and either enlarg- i ing on it or trimming it down. BALANCED FEEDING IS MOST PROFITABLE Pi* Stater 18 % $2.65 Calf Meal loO Ibs. $3.73; 3* f1 -** Pig Developer $2.40 Sol-Min Mineral Supplement * 4 - w cwt - HOK Concentrate .... $3.15 Chalmer's Mineral Siw*r"' l ** t ' ?** Laying Mash 18% $2.70 Purity and ** H"** 1 "** "" S 3 -** > Laying Concentrate Super J5% $4.15 Prairi* Bw* Floar $2.b S International Harvester implements and Repairs f \VF TH VNK Ml 01 H r\ STIXUBRS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE WRING THE PAST YEAR AXD X WISH V 01 VU A HAPPY CHRISTMAS SEAS ON AND V PROSPEROUS NEW YE VR. ^ II FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE, FEVERSHAM ! J. M- STAFFORD. Prwp. ^ v v><^<KVKVVXXV^^VV^NVVX^^<K^>NV^

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