Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Dec 1942, p. 6

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ft t POWERFUL PREACHMENT 'l.oosu talk" poster, by Charles Clement, drives homo important message forcefully. It was one of more than HOOO entered in Nation- al War 1'oster contest held by Museum of Modern Art, New York. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING COD LIVER OIL Fishermen have long recognized that cod liver oil sooths and heals wounds, frostbites and skin lesions, notes The New York Times. It wa not until 1934, however, that cod liver oil began to be usexl extern- ally in modern medicine. In that year a Gorman physician named l.ohr published the results of bis clinical experiments. In iy3C two Russian doctors reported that they had used a cod liver oil ointment in 263 LI-., of various wounds and burns with dramatic recov- eries. Now conies Or. R. H. AJdrich of the Harvard Medical School with the results of an eight-year study of a 70 per cent cod liver oil ointment in treating wounds' and burns. He finds cod liver oil, as a wound dressing, safe and aa effective a* the sulfa compounds. The experience of the British Air Force- has shown that face burns present a difficult problem. The skin of the face Is extremely thin and contains more sweat glands and hair openings than other parts of the body. Because of the nose and mouth, face wounds are llabe to become easily Infected. I>r. Aldrlch'H results with cod liver oil were better than those obtain- ed by scab-formers such as lannlc acid, which are uncomfortable and provide an Ideal scaffolding for Infection. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How should I dry a wet fui coat? A. When one has been caught: In the rain and the fur coat is very wet, never try to dry it near th* heat. Instead, place th coat on a hanger ami hang by an open window. When dry, brush the coat thoroughly with a stff brush. Q. How large a lemon should be used if a recipe calls for the juice of one lemon? A. It is fnr safer to use three tablespoon fuls of lemon juice. The size of lemons and the amount of juice yielded vary so much, that a measured amount is often profitable. Q. How can 1 remove Iodine SlRllld? A. An Iodine stain can be re- moved by rubbing Ui spot with bilking K<>da. Q. Mow ciiu I avoid burning tlie flimero when removing a hot dish from the oven 1 ' A. Do not use a damp r>r wet loth or holder In removing a liot dish from Hie oven or stove. A dry OIIB prnvonts the beat from penetrating and y.onlilng Hie flu- gem. <J. Mow can I ki- ( p tlu> kitchen riih 111 Koort condition? A. If tho kitchen sink Is nibbed occasionally wllh kerosene. It will he ki'pt In good condition. Britain Trebles Bomber Output J. J. Uewelliii, former minister of aircraft production, announced that Hi-Mum trebled her hcitvy bomber output in HI42, and "for very 100 ton* of aircraft pro- duced in September we produced J10 tons in October. Thcce fig lire* are food," hr said in HII ml dress, "hut. they must go on get ting: better." 10 th*> First UITUI War 9b,!lu New XeiiUmlern nerved overseas. 'iwiuiltl of 68501. Nazis Set Booby Traps In Desert UoiiiiiuTs late position at El Alaniein was found to be strewn with booby-traps, says the New York Times. The Germans are as clever at making them as they were in World War I; innocent- looking helmets, pocket knives, fountain pens, left lying around (or perhaps a broom behind the door of an abandoned and very filthy hut), attached by thread or wire to hidden grenades. Since Oct. 2-1 the Marshal's craftsmen haven't had much time to devote to these cunning works of art. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Le 1. la It good manners to hold a bite of food suspended on the fork while talking? 2. Should a man light a girl's clgarettu before lighting his own? 3. Is It necessary to thank a doorman when he opens the door for you? 4. What should one do when a person In a group makes a glar- ing conversational blunder? 5. When a young man Is going to take a girl to a picnic, how should he tell her that the girls are expected to bring the lunch? 6. W'hwi making reference to a servant In the household should one refer to her an "hired girl" or "help"? ANSWERS 1. No; this Is very bad form. 2. Yes. Me should hold the match for a few moments until the sul- phur fumes are gone, then hold it for her. 3. No. This Is merely a routine service that he performs hundreds of times a day, and he does not expect to be thanked each time. 4. The tactful person who notices such a blunder will immediately change the subject. 5. Merely say, "The girls are go- ing to bring a little lunch. Do you think you could bring a few sand- wiches, or whatever you like? 6. Neither. Refer to her as "the maid." Bells Kept Ready For War or Peace British Bellringers Oil Bear- Ings and Clean Metal Work Bob is an old Vo kshire bell- ringer. He lived for the science of campanology until the war came to silence the belfry. I might say Bob has always wrunjj his pleasure out of life. That is why he is sad now. He fears these idle years will cause the skill of the rinjfers to rust with their un- swingin); bells. But I find the huilringcrs lire keeping their hands in. 1 was told yesterday by a man who has been rinpinjy over 60 years, and who talks of bellrinping as though Wendell Willkie, number one civilian traveller in the United States, and Mrs. Willkie hud their American TlmnkstriviriK "on wheels" when returning to New York from Toronto on their special railroad car with their host, K. C. Vaughan, chairman anil president, Canadian National Railways, with whom the Willkies are shown above. Mr. Willkic spoke in Toronto recently in launching Canada's dominion-; wide "Aid to Ku*sia Fund." Furs Are Wanted For Seamen's Vests Not only hunters, but all classes of citizens, have an opportunity to help along an endeavor which is now (retting under way in Can- ada, for the benefit of some of our most gallant fighting men, says the Windsor Star. An ap- peal has gone out for furs that can bo made into vests for mem- bers of the merchant marine. This i a movement that lias been under way in the United Slates for some lime. Us adoption here is splendid iden. People are lieing urged lo turn \n their old fur garments, and hunters arc asked to contribute the pelts of nil animals thoy kill. There should be nn immense stock of furs avail- able for this purpose, nml thero should be an instant response to the request that they be contri- Skin from llminderN Is being nsod III Holland for show le.nthw and to ii'Miilr mitomohtlo tln-K. WORRY OVER COAI. SUPPLIES IS UNNECESSARY Owing to so many people ordv Ing nil and sometimes more lli.m they need for the season, coal de- liveries lira hard to make on HflK-diile. Don't mako this tint- atlon worse. Bn patient until the prcieul TIIKU la over. Then tup piles fan be distributed equally and no one will Huff or. Anil when yon do order conl, make sure It'i 'bluu roar. It given more hent, more comfort and inoiw rroiinmy la every ton Your nearest 'blue foal' di'Hlei will gladl.v help you 10 solu- vi'iiv cotil problem*. I'ttnne him it were a mathematical problem, that they manage to put in a little rehearsing with hand bells. He mentioned that in .tome parts of the country bullringers have tido the clappers so that they could pull the ropes as usual in their complicated peels, but without a sound above. These ghostly re- hearsals at least enable them to avoid losing that "feel" of a bell which is so important. No, by the by, are the bells rusting. My bcllringei friend points out that thu bearings are regularly oiled and the metal work cleaned. The bells arc ready for parachutists or peace- and in either event I do not suppose his hearers will bo critical if he pulls H quick one badly. SPEAKERS DREAD LOSS OF VOICE Flghl off hootseneii with ut of Lymoidt "Hoarseness tfl a apeaker'a wont enemy.** writes n Montreal aunounc*r. "Now I dread I. no lonRr bet'imao I.YMOIPS have taught m how I'nin- it In to get rolief." Carry a handy olzfl box of LYMOID8. At Hi* flrnt aign of thrnnt irritation, tickla or coitgh- inu, (linnolvo I.YMOIDH in ii,,, mouth. Their nnthlnir. medicinal oils will quickly relieve your distress and embarrassment, i Moir itorcj .,11 LYMOIDS In hanily lOc ami 25c. boxtt. Ifttnabtainuhle. ifml UV in itam/>i ot fain, lo I YMCIIDX, 111 Pi I Slirtl, Relieves distress from MONTHLY*, FEMALE WEAKNESS I.yrtia E. rinkhnm'a Vegetabla Oampound not only helps reilevn monthly pal" but. also weak, norv- ouit feeilnm-due to monthly func- tlonnl disturbances It. help . build up reMstarco i\nlnnt illstrcsn of "rtlP.I- cult <tn'-:,." Made Have You Heard? The professor had been dining out, and, as most of the guests were ardent fishermen, he had had to listen all the evening to stories of the size of their catches. He was extremely short-sighted, and as he was crossing a field on his way home he came across a scarecrow with arms widespread. Memories of the "tall" stories he had heard that nitfht floated back to him, and he halted in front of the scarecrow. "My dear sir," he exclaimed, "I simply reftise to believe you; there never was a trout that length." New Uncle (by marriage) Well, Tommy, I've met all your brothers except the old- est, George. What side of the house does he look like? Tommy Gorp? Oh, he's the one with the bay window. A member of a Ladies' Aid Society in a small town went to the bank to deposit, as she told the banker, "some aid money." Unfortunately the banker thought she said "egg money," and replied: "remarkable, isn't it, how well the old hens are doing these daya?" Then he couldn't understand why the woman gathered up her passbook and hurried from the bank! Little Boy: "Half a peck of potatoes with eyes, please." Grocer: "Why with eyes?" "Mother jays they'll have to see us through the rest of the week." My Witness: "I'm not guilty, wife can prove a lullaby." Judge: "Alibi, you mean." Witness: "Be^gino; your pardon, it was a lullaby; at two o'clock on the morning in question 1 was walking the floor "with the baby." A woman who fasted for 62 days. To prove that the stunt could be done. From hundreds of Scots- . men had letters of praise, And proposals from seven- ty one. "Ha! ha!" laughed the recruit. "You can't fool me. I know they've got potato-peeling ma- chines in this army." "Yes, smart chap," replied the sergeant, "and you're the latest model!" To Mass-Murder Half Polish Jews Only 4O.OOO Jews Now Re- main in Warsaw Ghetto The Poll&h Government said that Heinrlch Himmler, Nazi Ges- tapo chief, had ordered the ex- termination of one-half of the Jewish population of Poland by the end of this year, and that 250,000 had been killed through Septem- ber under that prog-ram. "According to information leak- ing from the German labor office only 40,000 Jews are to remain in the Warsaw Ghetto only thor- oughly skilled workers to be em- ployed in the German war indus- try," a government statement said. The most convincing proof of the dwindling numbers in the Ghetto lies in the fact that for September, 1942, 130,000 ration cards were printed; for October, the number issued was only 40,- 000." The statement said that those- marked for extermination at any time are "driven to a square where old people and cripples are segre- gated, taken to a cemetery and f-hot." "The remainder," ft said, "are loaded into freight cars, 150 to a car Intended for 40. The floor on the car is sprinkled with a thick layer of lime or chlorine-sprinkled water. The doors of the cars are sealed. Sometimes the train 'starts immediately. Other times it waits on a siding for daya. "The people are packed so tight- ly that those who die of suffoca- tion remain in the crowd side by side with those still living. Half of the people arrive dead at the destination. Those surviving are sent to special camps. Once there they are mass-murdered." "A paratroop haa to under- go very exhausting training," states an Army man. He cer- tainly has to keep at it until he is fit to drop. SAFES IT.M.-.I j,.uc HOOKS miJ < (Mi from I nil aad limits w have slse <! type of Sure, or ( M net. for 1117 purpoae. VUll lu. or writ* fat prlrra. etc. <o n. in n J.6CJ.TAYLDR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 14.1 i i ".i i -i K.. loronlo r.litl.lltlir.l is:,:. A TIMELY > SUGGESTION CHEW 77,, PERFECT CheutnqTobacco Costly Diamond The largest diamond ever cue and polished in a South Africa factory has beeu valued at $150,- 000 a 21 H carat stone, measur- ing one inch by a half-inch recent- ly found in Kimberley diggings. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AlTII.MIIIIIl.K L'SKI* CAMS WITH .!UOD TlllUS. Sea us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Umlted. L'si-d Car Lot at iUu YOIIHC Street: Head Office, C>32 Mount Pleasant Kuad. To- ri>nl. THi-|>lionc II V "IM. _ ll\ll\ CIIU US MAltTINDAI.K'S 1943 CHICKS rcndy Jan. 4th l!:irrcil Hocks, New Hampshire*, Unlit Sussex. White ljvKhi>ni8. and Hybrids. Ciiimitiiin Approved and Illooil- MV.iteil. I'tiMei- frei-. Murliiuinlii'B Kami llatehciy, r.-iledunia, Out. T.VKIO A UHHv AT T1IM HOMK f i unt. Food ii vital. All markets call fur full production. That inc. in* r:iivfu1 Inlying of Iwsic ntnrk. Our 1'JIJ Is ready, and wi '<! nd\ Isr early ordering 1 . HHVC you our ( forms? Hriiy Hiitcherj, 130 John St. N.. Hamilton, out. \s \\ \ vn i> \VK PAY TOI- CASH i-itiCKs TOR modern. Mill, and movie cam- eras What have you? Write to- dny. J. (.'. Wlllhinis, Optician. B Itlchmom! HI reft R. Toronto. i mi KK.NS. ,.. i ^i . \\ \ 1 1 i> KTl. I'Jtll'KKNS. FOWL, iJKKSK TI'K- ke>M and Duck.i. llrlim >i>ur dii-xscil I'oultry to \i*. Highest M ici s paid. Qualily Mont 1'sck- ci-s, 2(13 Firai Avenue, 't'oronto. IH.MI -II. Ill I I' \\4XII M VVANTKI>, A I'AfAHI^K COl'NTUV tjlrl 01 \\oiiiuii cxperienco Hot iiecessiii.v, to help in modern counlry home five miles went of Toronto. Apply Mrs. Ii. Sllver- lliorn. lilinnion, Oma r I o. KAKM FOH NAI.K ONK Ht'NDlilOU Ai'UFS ON HAV of (Julntr. new hoiiae, modern convenlence.H. furnace, three- piece bath, hhower. electric pump, running watrr In barn. K'ood ten- mil home: .silo;- hen house: work- Hhop; Uotibld RariiKf,' all In Rood repair. lOlectrlclty In all; plenty of wood; g;oud fishing and boat- IIIK. Clarence Mnllory, Ili-iil K- tate AKitnl, llloomf ield, Out. FOHl"'.SAI.E MKAT AND (lltOCERY HHOP IN Onturiu vIllitKc. Moutreul 100 milp.M. Weekly turnover |400 to $500. \. i , home, barns, garden. Vuliio $8,000. Consider revenue boarltiB: property part payment. tlox 209. 73 Adelaide \V., Toronto. 111 I'lM. A CI.ICANINO HAVIO YOU ANYTH1NU NKUDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to u* for Information, we are rlad to n:i r your quostlon*. Depart- ment H. Parker's Oye works Limited. 7!l' YonK* Street. To- roiito. KNTKnTAINMKNT B.NTKltAINMKNT FOH ANY (K% rusloii Concerts, Banquets, Church Hoclula, Kalr, Carnivals, Dano*Si etc. I'rcferonco to patri- otic .iooli>tles. The K in.;ia Farm- er, llrusscls. (intario. ISSUE 50 '42 l-HUl MAI.K 111 ACRKS t;t>OI> (lAHliKN UAN'D, all kind.i of small fruit . orchard, building*, hydro. Immediate po- les^lon. Write or Phone 601W. Mr. A. licit z, 234 Willow Rd., iUflph. i i idii ACJUOS KOK y.-Vl^b: 2V, Mil. US from town in prosperous farming community, trood soil, 9 roomed house, furnace, good outbuildings, cement floors, running water, litter carrier. Bargain for cash. Further particulars write Mrs. Margaret Uyini, Itenfrew, Cnt. PATRNT9 I'KTI-IKllSTONHAUliH & CUMVA.NV t'atcnt Solicitors. U9tabll?hed 1890; 14 Kins Went, Toronto. Ruottiet of Information on rt- niiext I i. Ill II \l M UAHMBKKA KUOT BALM deatroyi offeiialvo odor InataDtly. 4Sc bottle. uctawit agent Penman Drui; Store. Ottawa. . .11 I) K>lllOM4I.\(i INK I'SK IT TON CHRISTMAS C'AKDS. parcels, party cards. Your own inuulu-i ituiK In beautiful raised Kold letters. Many other attrac- tive articles. Send 25c and re- ceive (iold or Silver ink. or just .i-.l niimo and address for free Information. Taylor Specialty Co., Dept. B., Toronto. M v< nisi ui i mi >\i i OR WANTKU WK IUIY. SKI.U AN1> TUAU1-: IN lluuuner Mi MM. IMntc Mills, Hulls, Mixers, etc. Stock of parta for moat mills carried. Morlej K Son. 71 Duke Street, Toronto. OFFER TO INVGNTOHS AN C>Fli'lilt TO 10VKKY l.NVKNTOM 1.1 a of Inventions nnd full Infor- mation 8cnt free. Tho Ramsay Co.. IteK'IbtoreJ I'atent Attorneys, 27S Rank Street, Ottawa, Cannda. AI. ITS I'ltOVKN RYEUY Sl.FFKR- er of Hheumatic Fains or Neur- itis should try DKon'n Remedy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 KlKin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. SICK? CONSULT MK UKliAKDlNd TOUR health problem, (Consultation fre). Write or call when in the City. Chiropractic Science gets lick people well. Phillip's Scien- tific Cicneral Health Service, IS Queen Knst. Toronto. VALUABLE TONIC | MKH. H. 0. UAl.I.tNC?ER, FINCH, Ontario ays: "They are worth n Kood deal more than what 1 paid for them. I hardly ever knew what a real Mlght' sleep WRJI, but now 1 surely enjoy my deep and I feel tike an entirely new person." 100 I'llU 75c, Post- paid. ORFORD B. MOR1SSF.Y 137 Main St., St. Jc-hu. M.B. .NKW EMBOSSED H1CTUHES NEWEST THtNCi! ! BEAUTIFUL embossed pictures, assorted sub- jects, including religious small. $1.00; medium. ii:0: large. $1.50. Postpaid. A reft) elft. (Dealers write). Ace Art Service, f Well- ington I-!.. Toronto. PATENTS A i n \i)i MARKS ECiliUTUN R. CASE. .. uu .w United States. Canadian, ........ Patent Attorney. Booklet gratis. Established over forty years. IS H.ilsam Avenue. Toronto. HV/.OHK VMI 111. *1E VERY .UVEl'TAl'.LE GIKT KOR the boyu. t mil Christmas I will mall prepaid In Cniinda one safety razor, fourteen blades. 35c. Three orders one dollar. Extra blade* twenty centa dozen. Walter Ives* 5P8 Palmerston Ave.. Ttironto. I'KKSOXAI. MAUUiKn OK KM.;AI;EDT TIIKN you should read the unusual, sensational booki*. "Pacts of Life." 2Sc postpaid. i;iu paKes. Adults only. Cuaranteed. Illus- truted medical catalogues In- eluded free. The Medical Health Hureau. Station l-\ S7 Toronto. HIIKIMATIC IMIN9 SATISl-'Y YOl'liSKlJ-" sufferer of Kheuniutic Pains ur Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munro'B Druic Store ;i:!.'i KlKin, Ottawa. 1'iwt- plilU $1.00. _ Tl'KKKVS TVUKKY i-or I.T s r i 1 i: B Kronze Itourbon Ked, Whit* HoltHiul stock from Government Handed Blood-tested (locks. liookinK orders for 14S. A. W. Kd w urds, Ixnisdiiwue. Ontario. i-uoi >..n ti-in DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Meat, Imiu or UmU HAVE YOUR SNAPS ii.-iivi-r.-ii by Mall Any C or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only Ho. Supreme quality and fast aervlco Kiinruntcerl. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto SAKK WANTK1) SAFE WANTED STATE A (i R. condition, ln.Ul size and price. Box U. 7S Adelaide St. W., (To- ronto. 25 FREE CHICKS 8RND FOR Ot'U t'KICK IJST OF- ferliiR free chicks for early order.M, and place your order early. OoiUlard Chick Hatchery. Britannia Ht-lnhts. Ontario. TtiRKKVS M <.,- Hens ment wards TIUIKKYSL splendid youim Toms aiiA from bloodtested Qovern- banded stock. A, W. fid- Uinsdown, Ont. The Oennau ttoMfer gets bis t- . thOfSC. ji'.'i Mid id ;m ,1 -i . .1 i,>i m

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