Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1942, p. 3

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A FAMOUS BRAND Aden's FINE CUT Operated by Pat Burton, twice winner of the North American and Canadian Calf Roping Championships at the Calgary Stampede, the Burton Ranch in Southern Alberta was estab- lished in 1890 by F. A. Burton. BRAND OF THE BURTON RANCH HL Vessel For Navy Every 48 Hours Figures for British naval pro- duction given in London recently how that an average of o. war- hip is being launched in Britain /very 4? hours, according to th BBC. The broadcast added that new corvettes, Britain's fast antisub- fiiarine .-raft, completed sine* 1939, amounted to more than 120. This covers war losse* tnany times over. Nineteen new cruisers have come into service lnc 1939. 75 percent of Germany's war Industry is located In the Ruhr. Have You Heard? President Roosevelt Is reported to hare enjoyed the following par- roc yarn so much tht he shared It with Prime Minister Churchill: A eallor walked into an auction shop as the auctioneer was asking for bids on a parrot. "Fifteen dollars." said the sail- or "Twenty," said another bidder. "Twenty-five." said the sailor. "Forty," aald the other bidder. "Forty-five," said the sailor. No further bids were heard, and the auctioneer said. "Sold." The sailor took the bird and cage, passed over the money, and said: "That's an awful price to pay for a parrot. Can he talk?" "Can he talk!" exclaimed the auctioneer. "Why, sailor, he was biddin? against you." o Said Mr. Hobson: "A baby's troublesome, that's true: but remember the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." Replied his wife: "Well, ' then, suppose you assume world-domination for the even- Ing while I go to the movies." o A worker due to take on a hearr Job, was being examined by the works doctor who found an un- usual scar. The man denied erer having had an accident, but cas- ually volunteered th Information that he had once been gored by a bull. "Don't you call that an acci- dent?" asked the doctor. "No," said the man. bitterly. "He did It on purpose." "I say, old man, have you change for a pound note?" "Yee, certainly." "Well, just lend me ten shill- ings of It, will you?" Three Canadian soldiers sleep- Ing In a tent In an English camp were awakened by a terrific crash not far away. "What was that thunder or bombs?" asked one of them. "Bombs." was the laconto ans- wer. "Thank hearen for that!" chim- ed In the third. "I thought we ware going to have more rain!" DOWNHEARTED? NOT VERY Though far from their Nazi-oppressed homeland, thousands of loyal Polish refugees in Iran continue to work, fight and die that their country may regain its freedom. Polish "WAAC's" relax after day'* work. Modern Etiquette 1. La it necessary for a woman to say "please"' and "thank you" to her own servants? 2. When receiving an invita- tion to a wedding that is to taka place at a hotel, is a reply nec- essary? 3. Should one pick up a drop- ped napkin when dining in a res- taurant? 4. When the guests at a din- ner are few In number, and they are all intimate friends, would it be all right for the place cards to bear only their first names, Mary, Elizabeth, Helen, etc.? 5. How should the card of a doctor read? 6. Does a good conversationalist keep repeating: "la that so? You don't mean it. Really" etc?. ANSWERS 1. There ig nothing obligatory about it, but as it i* such a trivial courtesy to extend to the people who are serving one, a well-Bred woman will do so. 2. Yes. 3. No; let the waiter pick i* up. He will also furnish a clean napkin. 4. Yes, when all the guesti are close friends. 5. James Walker, M.D., or Or James Walker. 6. No; such a habit is a/ways annoying. We asked housewife what we could expect from these no- egg, no-butter, no-iugar pes. And her answer was No cake. Dutch Harbor received tU am from the legend that a Dutch ship WM the first vessel to enter H* bay. THAT WILL HELP A GREAT CANADIAN CAUSE This year, the Canadian Open Golf Cham- piunship has a significance far beyond its status as a major sport event. It will again present a spectacular struggle for the Open Championship and the Seagram Gold Cup; it will again foster international goodwill by bringing together famous golfers from Canada and the United States; bur, in addition, the entire net proceeds of this year's tournament will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross Society. The House of Seagram is especially glad to ba associated with the 1942 Open, which will b held at the Mississauga Golf & Country Club, Toronto, August 6th, 7th and 8th. And, u donor of the Seagram Gold Cup, the House of Seagram welcomes the golfers of both Canada and the United States to the fairways of international friendship. . I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ACCORDIOXS ACCORDIONS WANTED Best ;>rn * paid for piano accordion*, twelva to hun- dred and twentx baas. THE T. EATON CO. LTD. Intrui*t l>-prtme Toroato Y I I "MO.lll I I -I.IJ USED I'ARS WITH GOOD TIRE3. Se us first. We will re- fund yuur cost of transporta- tion to Toronto. If you buy from us. Mount Pleasant Motors Ltd. Used Car Lots at 1650 Danforth Avenue and 2040 Yonge Street. Head Office. 632 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto. Telephone High- land 2131. At.EXT WASTED BE ULK EXCLUSIVE MAGAZINE Subscription Agent in your own locality. Highest commissions on all publications. Full or part- time work. Write tho Davis Ag- ency. 7iia Adelaide Su West, To- ronto, Ontario. AI.IC.Vl"* WASTED HOUsliWIFK WHO WANTS TO supplement family income. Bus- iness t-'xpvrience or full time not necessary. Write to Avon Pro- ducts of Canada, Limited. 1016 St. Alexander ^t.. Montreal. Que. BABY (.HH K- START THE FALL SEASON RIGHT with Bray chicks. We're prepared to hatch to order for delivery on and after September first. Mar have a few started clucks avail- able this summer, but write for particulars. Bray Hatchery, ISO John X., Hamilton. Out. II lit' CHICK!! TWO AND THREE WEEK OLD non-sexed. pullets or cockerel*.. Ulso older free range frojn 4 weeks U6 weeks old. Send for illustrated catalogue and price list. 17 pure breeds. ) hy- brid crosses and i breeds of tur- keys tu choose from. Tweddl* Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fer^m, Ontario. BAKERY i;i(l 1 I'M > > [ BAKJERS' OVENS A-VD ilACHLN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co.. 101 Bathurst St., Toronto. BEI.TIXG, ETC. FOR THRESHKKMK3I BELTING FOR THRESHMERMBlJ. Endless thresher belts, Uo*** feeder canvas, pulleys. shifting hangars, bearings, motors. Spep* tal Belting for traces, 1 inch I- ply, 15c foot. All type* of trena mission supplies In slock Cor immediate shipment at attraotlr* low prices. Merchandise {uar*> teed and shipped subject to your Inspection. Send your order* t THE YORK BBLTINO CO. II YORK STREET. TORONTO COOK WAJITED HXOJ2LLENT COOK IN CHRIfC tian Home. Sleep out. 110 m start Phone MI 6IXIS for ppoLuf- ment or write II Parkwood. T- ronto. KAKM EUCIPMEMT REBUILT 38 H.P. LISTER Diesel Engine, complete clutch and cooling tank*; H.P. Blackstone; 26 HP. Deu*S[ Marine engine J50 H.P. ; Wn and Link Harrows; L*ti Combin- ation Fed Mill; 19IS stak* bo<l International Truck; demonstrat- ing and rebuilt Malotte Cr*am Separators; paint, while It lut*, tl.SO per gallon. The above r* all specials for July and August. Melotte, Magnet *nd Premier Cream Separator Parts; Mrer* Water Systems; on* only Ham- mer Mill: on* only M oral* Portable Milker S. A. Lister. Stewart Street, Toronto. DYEING CIKA.MXG HAVK *OU ANYTHIN'i; NBEO8 dyeing or cleaning? Write to tu for Information. We are jTlad to answer your questions Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Work* Limited. 191 1'ong* Street. To- ronto. FARM _ STOCK FEED; ANALYS'S PEtt- centase. protein 14.65. fat l.ZT, crude fibre 1.93: puffed wheat siftlnss. thoroughly cookeil. JlS per tun. Kavanush Food, Toron- to. FOOT HALM B.Vl'MEEKA FOOT HALM destroy* offensive odor instantly. 45o bottle. Ottawa asent. Denman Drug tiuire. ottaw.i. GROCERY STORE GOOD LO- cation. No opposition, n^.tr rosl- drntial district. Fixtures JSOO. Stock at invoice pr:.-.-. Write I:.IK jr.. st. Thomas. Out irio. mil -vi.i: NUTRIA. FINEST (JL'ALITY. II for J150: puir S-o. James Byrna, P..R. 1. Woodslee. Out. MAIM IV 1 VI' K 11 WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL house work. No children. Every Sunday off. '_K>od wage*. Mrs. C, K. Grosskurth. Westun. Ont. EDICAIi DO.VT DELAY: EVERY SLTFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dlxon'.i Remedy. Munro's Drug Sure. 33J Elgin. Ottawa. FETHKK.STUNHAl.UH a: COMfAWt Patent Solicitors. JsiHblleh*d ISati; it King West. Toronto^ Booklet of Information on re- quest. DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH rhr Heat, Italn, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered 07 Mill Any o or S exposure film perfect)! developed and printed for only iSn. Supreme quality and fast servic* guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICI Station J. Toronto HHEIMATIC PAIX1 PROVEN REMEDT EVERT ferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dlxon's Rem- edy. Munrn's Drue Store. Itl Elgin. Ottawa. OLD KLGS KEWOVEN NEW RL'US. NEW UHJS MJLDE old. Dominion Rug Weaving Coos, pany, 964 Queen St. W.. Torontev \Vr!te for boolclwi. SERVICE VTATIOJf FOR Rj KH.UMER'S GARAGH AND 3BR. vi. -e Station. Delhi. for rent. Equipment tncludo computor pumps, hydraullo Jacks, acetylene wulding outfit, tlr* ruloanlnr. lath*, drill preee, *m*ry motoft valve refacer and spray t*u*y Apply to Superteut PetrolSuil Corporation Limited, London, or Frank H. Butcher, Aylraer. TEACHER WAKTBD fct'ALIFIED P ROTEST AM* tettvher for S.S. No. T Radellf Apply statin*;, xp*rl*no* ealary expected. Duties to menc* Sept. I. W. L. .Vad ton, 3*c.-Trea*., Combermer*. WASTED l-'l ISL WOOD MAPLE AND MIXBO CORJ>W>_ ilso Rard nnd Softwood Slab* Uundl* Edgings. Glv* fuU tlctilars. Walter 8ohl*M. Nine Mellnd*. Street, Toronto. ISSUE 32 '42 HOW^AN I? Q. How can I wash impacted wicker furniture and preserve rU white appearance? A. Wash it quickly with a strong solution of aold water a*d salt and put in the hot sun to dry. Never wash wicker with *>*p euds, nor allow H Do dry sHowly, as it will result In a poor color. Q. How can I have a neater front lawn? A. Perhaps the reason it doee not have the trim appearance others have is the fact that the edges of the lawn next to the sidewalk have not been cut. A tiny trench cut along the graes edge gives a neat appearance and crispness to the lawn. Q. How can I rid the kitchen of flies or mosquitoes? A. By placing a cup of vinegr on the stove where it will simmer enough to make an odor. Or, burn camphor gum on the stove two or three times a day. (j. How can I use less sugar when making applesauce? A. Add your sugar to" the apple- sauce before removing it from the stove, and in this way much less sugar will b reqnlrKl to sweeten the sauce. Q. How c;in I kill crickets or drive out ants? A. Put some cucumber peel, cut in thin strips, on the floor at night near their haunts. Nearly 200,000 tons of sun- flower seed will be crushed for oli in Argentina this yonr. ITCH STOPPED 'i * Jiff if *OP Montr Biefc Foe quick relief from ttrhiniof *e*Hn, pimpl<, fa- lftte> fiml, .1 Ir-. .. *hir. rhf ami iKhfr ffitnriuU/ cuw<l .kin tnnibl, IIH f.i..ciin. ,-oolim, tai- |Kir, liquid U. 1>. U. IVm-nption. " niilla. !mn!r.< .Soolhcn irriution *nd qutrkly r, ,,.. in*i " l f SS*" ">' Iwllle pmrn It, or SHBJ* hct. /Vsk iRHrkirvHtn. End Of War In '43 "If We Are Lucky" Cpt. Randolph Churchill, *o*i of th British Prlma Mlnita*\ pwdicted last week that "if w* ar* lucky" -h* United Nation* would win the war by th and * nrt year, "and if w'r* bh*n we'U win by th* and m. 1944." "We, th* British, war* only MV* quarter ready for this war," W said at a press confereno*. "(3a> many prepared for twenty yj for thl war. The Englljh hare not been as elever in this war M th enemy. "We hava bean 'arga.y enthuav- iagtic amateurs in this war M compared to professional nilliuu/ men. We still hav a lot to learn, but we are learning fast and we are ipoing to win." Capt. Churchill said that bo took a hopeful view of the Ej ian situation. SAFES Protect -"iir HOOKS Hntl C i from I mi and rmi \i - W bar* disc and type of Saf*, i Cabinet, for :in. purpose. \ 1iU uw, or write for prl< p oa. etc. t*> J.6CJ. TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS i i.-. i r.n, < St K.. loriinlii Kmnhllh<>d I.SV, ] 'MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS suffer hot flashes, dizziness caused by this period in a woman's life try Lydta E. Plnkuam's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands r*- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made ID Canada.

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