Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1942, p. 4

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Wednesday, July 1, 1942 FUiSHJSK'FON THE FLESHERFON ADVANCE .-ubtUhed on Collirurwood Straet, Flesherton, Wednesday of e*eh week. Circulation ovr 1,000. Priee in Can*d* $2.00 Pr JMtf, vhen paid in advance $1.60; i US. < $B.60 per year, whB i kid' :o advance $2.00 r. J THUnSTON. Editor Promotion Examinations HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS FOR MIDDLE & LOWER SCHOOL L.A.C. JAMES HAW Son of Mrs. Wm. Haw of Swinton Park and graduate of Fleshc-rton Hitfh School. He attended the radio college in Toronto, prior to which he was employed at Long LBC. He enlisted in the Air Force at Win- nipeg, Man. IF YOUR LABEL IS NOT CORKFXT LET LS KNONV This week the mailing list of The Advance was corrected. If you have paid your subscription during the past six weeks, kindly look and st-i- if your laliel has been changed. If your lalx-'l reads before July 42 your paper is in arrears and we would .he ipleased to receive your renewal. It takes the money from your subscription as well as a thou- sand others to keep the .paper going, so please don't neglect to renew and pay up the arrears. Thank you. FLKSHERTON AM) KOO' MILLS BAPTIST nil'Itnil-S Frank B. Ki-y. f'a,'or ROCK MILLS WICKS Sunday School 2.30 p.r Church Service - 3.30 p.m. Fl,ESHLi<l'i;.-: SEUVH'KS Church Service 1 1 a.m. Sunday Servict - 12 o'clock Individual reports have been mailed to all pupils who were in attendance for the final term. The asterisk be- fore a pupil's name indicates that the pupil is engaged in Farm Service, and standing is dependent upon furn ishing evidence of satisfactory com pletion of the conditions of employ- t. Subjects bracketed after a ppuil's percentage indices failures GRADE XII .lean Duncan 80. Ruth Whyte 80 Robert Odell 71, Agnes MacMillan 69.1, 'Emerson Meads 69, Marian Collinson 66, *Jean Loucks 64, *Janet Campbell 63, *William Stephen 59, Jean McTavish 58, 'Emerson Beaton 56. 'Mary M. cMullen 55 ' 8 ' Mar J orio Thistlethwaite 55, *Gordon Nichol 5S, Forlence O'Neill aegrotat. GRADE XI Donald Cameron 7!>, *Lois Wood 70, Ena Adams 68, Isabel Karstedt <>5.:i. John McConkcy 65.1, John Mc- Millan 64, Willis Sayers 57.3. *Grucc Parker 57, Earle Thurston 55, 'Fred Bannon 63.4, Arlene Taylor 53 (His- tory, Geometry), 'Carman Loacks 51. Arthur Proctor 40.7 (Chemistry). Dorothy Falconer 4'J.4 (Chemistry , Angus Mt-Vii-ar 47 (History, Latin, Margaret McMillan 46 (Chemistry, Latin-, Joseph McWililam 42 (Chem- istry, Latin. French). Ethel Taylor ;{'.) (History, French Mathematics X) GRADE X Frances Buchanan 75. Jane Kar- stedt 73.57. Genevieve Milne 73.4. Eunice Allen ("-'J.85, 'Muriel Smith 6442. Marjorie Brackenbury 63.4, Margaret Turney 62.2, Jean Mc- Cracken 58.7, Jean McMullen 58.1, Sarah McMillan 55.3 (English), Vernon Atkinson 52.85, Kenneth Henry 41.4 (Social Studies. Mathe- matics, Latin, French). GRADE IX Evelyn McTavish 76.75, Marie Phillip* 74, Marg.rH Smith M.V-, Doreen Hagan G.i.5, Robert Avis r,li:{. 'Gordon Miller 59.13, Dorothy Plester 57.25, 'Marie Meads 57.13, Edward Banks 54.38, 'Bcrnice John- son 53.25, 'Douglas Falconer 53.25, "Burton Russell 5*.25, Vclma Sewell 51.63 (Mathimatic.t), Mary Banks 50.75 (Mathematics), Keith Goessel 4H.5 (Mathematics, Science) Helen Brown 47 (Mathematics. Science), Delbert Plest.T 33 (English, French, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science Business Practice). WORK UNDERWORLD WOMEN "Ttfrs. F.B. Keys, wife of the Bapt- ist Minister will address the congre- gation at Flcsherton and Rock Mills Baptist Churches, Sunday, July 5th. Mrs. Keys was the first secretary of the Big Sisters Association of Van- couver, B.C. Owing to thi- nature of the subject stated above it is requested that all children be accompanied by parents. The objective of the Rock Mills Sunday School to go over the one hundred mark in attendance by the end of June was more than establish. ed last Sunday when every available dealing space was occupied ami some were forced to remain standing throughout the service. An improve- ment Committee" has been appointed to work on plans for the renovation of the basement of the church, the installation of furnace seating equip- ment, etc. Flesherton United Church Services during the summer will be held as follows: 10.00 a.m. W rship at Ceylon. 11.00 a.m. -Worship and Sun day School at Flcsherton. 7.30 p.m. - Vesper service at Fleshcrton. David Aberdein (,H), Jim \rmstnong Shirley McCracken (H), Ted Newell (H), Marion Stauffer, Evelyn Stew- art (H), Stanley Teeter, Bruce Thurston. By Examination: Frank Taylor, Bob Long. To 6 On year's work: Jack Milne (H), Dannie McTavish Eleanore Sparks (H), Barrie Thurs- ton (H)i Joan Turney. By examin- ation; Donald Banks, Billie Richard son, Jack Turvey. To Grade 5 On year's standing: Audrey Wauchope (H), Erma Aber- dein (H), John Milligan. By exam- ination: Bob Stoddart, Mark Wilson, Earl McKechnie (R). To Grade 4 On year's standing: Margaret Anne Goessel, Pat Stauf- fcr. By examination: Bob McCrack- en, Ros* Loucks, Eldon Fawcett (R), Garnet Hamilton (R). To Grade 3 On year's standing: Muriel Sparks (H), Mary Jane Mc- Tavish (H), Elaine Cook (H), Jo- anne Wood and Milford Loucks equal, Joan Avis. By examination: Marilynn Smith, Bobbie Teeter, Iso- t,el Dungey. To Grade 2 Beverley Cook (H). Billio Aberdein (H), Marie Stewart (H) Marjorie Richardson (HI, Jack Banks. Anne Stuart. Roy Park. Sl..fHev McKechnie (R). Margrave, May Mossop, Russell Winters. firad? 4 to 5 Glenn Davison, Rus- 11 Hargrave, Doris Lepard, Uel'bert L<?patd. Grade 3 to 4 Doreen Buckton, Phyllis Davison, Jean Mossop. Grade 2A to 3 Fay Blakey, Eve. lyn Gallagher, Reggie Grummett, Dannie Mo.^op, Lcona Wilson. Grade 2B to 2A .Kenneth Inkster, Nina Young (austnt for examination) Grade 1 to Grade 2 Billie Har- (Names arranged alphabetically not in order of merit.) E. M. Oliver, Teacher Rock .Mills School Grade 7 to 8 Bob Croft 65 (irade 6 to 7 Harvey Atkinson 73, Marian Croft 68. Grade 5 to 6 Allan Betts 75 (H Ivan Betts 72, Donald Smith 65. Grade 4 to 5 Irene Portcous 8 (IH), Gordon Helmkay 80 (Hi Myrtle Betts 7< (H), Frank English Grade 3 to 4 Bobby Betts 8 (H), Goldie Atkinson 73, Shirle Partridge 67. Grade 2 (Easter) Les. Porteous. Grade 1 - - Ethel Betts. Entrance (all successful) - - Viva Atkinson. Edgar Betts, Mabel Chard, Bill Clark, Earl Helmkay, Bill Smith Mrs 0. Dolan, Teacher. VICTORIA^CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Waller and Miss )orothy and Mr. Jas. Bannon of Tor- nto spent the weeik end at Milton Sannon's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coon and Bob .nd Billy of Acton visited the latter's Barents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson. Mrs. Waltar Arnold and Bobbie of Buffalo visited at her parents home harles Moore. Mr. Waltar Allen of Toronto attend- ed the Acheson reunion on Saturday and visited his brother-in-law, Walt- er Acheson. Laurene Talbot has been holiday- ing with her brother Dave Talbot and sister Mi> Ciena Livingston of Corbetton but has returned home. The farmers are taking advantage of the few days dry weather to fin- ish the seeding started in the nice weather in April. NOTICE The property of the late Donald Stewart, consisting of 160 acres, being Lots 6, 7 and 8, Con. 3, N.D.R.. Township of Artemesia. Good land,- brick house, well watered. This pro- perty must be sold to wind up the estate. For further particulars ap- ply to Alex. Stewart, Ceylon. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. EARLY CLOSING The following merchants are clos- ing their places of busines at 7 pjn. Daylight Saving Time, each Tuesday and Thursday evening during the year, to which the public is request- ed to co-operate : EUGENIA Mrs. F. Cairns, Mrs. J. Cairns, Mrs. R. Park. MAXWELL C. M. Heron, H. B. Poole. FEV- ERSHAM G. Eby, J. Stafford, J. W. Robinson, Mrs. H. A. McKee, George Sled. r# Feversham Public School To Grade 8 Harold Parker (H), Marion Eby, Douglas Davidson. To Grade 7 - - Bcrn'ce Hollings- head (H), Gwen Fadden (H), Bruce Hollingshead (H), Helen Parker, Gladys Teeter, Burton Hale, Dallas Osborne. To Grade 6 Jack McKee ( i), Carl Hawton, Wilma Williams, Al- metla Tyler. To Grade 5 Charlie Pedlar (H). Jack Fadden (H), Yvonne Davidson. To Grade 4 - Beth Courvoisier (H). Isabel Gould (H), Ruth Francis. Donna Osborne, Reg. Tyler. To Grade 3 Ronnie Davidson. To Grade 2 Joan Davidson, Ken Teeter. Grade 1 - Grade 2 Norris Moore (H), Sadie Stewart, Gerald Teeter Cora Attridge, Teacher. Flesherton Public School (H) for honors (R) recommended, others passed. To Grade 8 On year's standing: Wareham School Grade 9 to f - - Irene Davison, Helen Hargrave, Garfield Lyons. Grade 8 Muriel Grummett, writ- ing at Feversham. Grade 7 to 8 E<lith Blakey, Jean Lyons. Grade 6 to 7 Marie Blakey, Vel- ma Davison, Jean Grummett, Jessie Mossop. Grade 5 to 6 Bruce Blakey, Glenn Priceville Public School Grade 7 to 8 Betty Hincks 68, Allan McLuehlan 67, Reta McDoug- iill 67, Angus McLachlan 65, Alice Sawchuk 64, Laurie McKpchnie 60 Rec., Jinvmic McArthur fifl Rec. Grade fi to 7 Kenneth McKech- nie 66. Grade 5 to 6 Marybelle McLacn- lan 67, Shirley Hincks 61 Rec. Grade 4 to 5 Carman Whyte 67. Grade 3 to 4 Priscilla Suther- land 81. Grade 2 tn 3 Clare McLean 72, Agnes Campbell 60 Grade 1 to 2 Kenneth Hincks. Catherine McLachlan, Jackie Camp- bell. Bessie Stoncouse (Rec.) Grade 1A t 1 Alfreda MeLach- lan, Jinvmie Campbell. Irwin Matthews, Teacher. S. S. No. 6, Artemeftia Grade 1 to 2 David Hincks. Grade 2 to 3 Jane Fnwcett. Grade 3 to 4 Mervin Fisher. Grade 4 to 5 Beth Fawcett, Joyce Tucker, Mwry Hineks. Trying Entrance -Betty Tucker. Mary McDonald, Teacher. The Japs are now reported to be in the Rat Island group of the Aleu- tians. As far as we are concerned they have been in the rat group for months. That rubber stamp means sve can say Canada's cotton textile in- dustry is 11 times ahead of its war pro- duction records of 1914-18. - - .- ' * The industry is delivering about 215,000,- 000 yards a year of aircraft fabric, ammunition pouches, anti-gas cloth, camouflage netting, gun covers, parachute webbing, powder bags, uniform cloth, web equipment and other essential materials. "* i -~. Dominion Textile is proud to have a part in this. We also wish to report that our plant employees are earning 28 % more per hour than in 1939, and we pay 5.4 times more in taxes than the total paid in dividends to our several thousand share- holders. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED MONTREAL - - - CANADA vell United Church REV. fiKO. L. MKKC'KIt, B.D., D.I). Minister SERVICES OF WORSHIP (SUNDAY, JUNE 21) 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 8.HO p.m. Maxwell. Summer Time Table KflVctlve I'Vida). June 2. \9-\2 LEAVE FLKSIIKKTON TO TORONTO t 10:10 a.m. H 7:45 p.m. TO OWEN SOUND c 6..10 p.m. 'Mm p in h Friday only C Saturday only. d Sunday & Holid".v.s. (Knstern l>Bylirht Savinjr Time) GREY COACH LINES SUGAR RATIONING by COUPON IS NOW IN EFFECT 00 NOT US* THtSE COUPONS UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO DOMINION g5 CANADA Temporary War Ration CarJ Ratlonnemcnt do Guarr* Cart* Temporalro Sr/; No. No. de erit- Nftnt /Vom_ (i..i Nfntt-Nom At immlllfi (rti< MuwM fi AddrtM AJreise.. .. ;. /VunlVSfO .-Irft- U under If ytt. Aft. u-dttoui du 16 mu Ciircttt Coun(r Cool/ Ixuod bi Th W., Mm. PrioM und Tr.4 ImU par La Commiralan dmu prll t tlvi aoinmarci n twmpc d* |um SUGAR SUGAR SUQAR SUQAR SOME IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT YOUR RATION CARD Good Aug. 24 Good Aug. 10 Good July 27 Good Julv 13 Good July 1 and thfrtoftir and th*r*a(lii and thirtoftn and thereafter and thtreafltr The ubitvf i /nrwimi/<> only und rannnl be <</. 1. A rlatioti Card is required tot each ndividucil person, regardless of age. 2. Each numbered coupon is good lo: a two weeks' ration of 1 Ib. of sugat. 3. Coupon No. 1 is good July 1st. ,:oupon No. 2. July 13th; coupon No. 3 inly 27ih; coupon No. 4, August 10th oupon No. 5, August 24th 4. Coupons cannot be used beloie the ;peci!ieJ dates, but may be used am ims aftorv.ards. 3. Only couj^ons 1, 2, 3. 4 and >S car be use:! (01 gv gar buying. 6. Do uol u:-e coupons A. B, C, D am E, unless instructions are issued by The Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Do not detach them. 7. Coupons must be detached in the presence oi your retailer. He will no; accept loose, detached coupons. 8. If you do tho buying for your home >r for a number of people, you ma> purchase sugar ior them by taking theii ration cards with you to the store. 9. If you order by telephone, coupont must be detached in the presence of, 01 by the delivery man. 10. Retailers may hold customers' ration cards and detach coupons for them in cases where customers are not ordinarily at home to take delivery; or in the case of summer cottagers having deliveries made by mail or expres*. 11. If you go visiting for a week oi more, you should take your ration card with you for your host to use. 12. K you are a regular boarder in a house, you should turn your ration card over to your landlady so she may secure your sugar allowance. 13. You do not use coupons for the purchase of sugar for preserving, can- ning, jam or jelly making. Additional quantities are allowed for these pur- poses. for which you sign a special ougar Purchase Voucher, which your .jrocer will give you 14. You do not reguire coupons for sugar that you consume in restaurants ->r public eating places. These places are rationed and can only sorve limited " i.-> th?'r customers. 15. Misuse of ration coupons is illeg- al and offenders are liaibk 1 to pro- secution. 16. Ruport to the nearest Wartime Prices and Trade Board ofl'ioe (a) if yi;u lose your card, (to) if you change your name or address. 17. If additional ration cards are needed for new babies, or new Cnn- adian residents, write to th<> nearest Win-time Prices and Trade Hoard rfflce, THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD ft 4

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