* I I Wednesday, February 25, 1942 THE FLESHERUON ADVANCE PROTON STATION The weather has been very cold and bitter, and the snow plow has made a number of trips into the village. Mr. Donald Kerr spent Sunday at Toronto. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Neil MeCannell Jr. on the death of her father, R. J. Talbot, Which oc- curred on Thursday in Orangeville hospital. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon in Dundalk. A number of friends from here at- tended. Our local hockey team made a vic- tory score in Dundalk Wednesday evening, when they played Swinton Park. Mr. Chas. Hodgins has had his truck repaired, after a collision several weeks ago. Monday morning finds us all in readiness for Canada's Second Vict- ory Loan canvass, which is tremend- ously important. May 't soon hasten hospital. Mr. Will Halliday T r. is home from Toronto on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blair, Grand Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever visited with friends in Holland Centre ami Markdale. Mr. Dan MeCannell, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy MeCannell and Mrs. Wm. Sackett spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Parks attended the fu7ieral of the late Andrew Wilt- shire on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesh erton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts. Canadian Editors (Continued from Page 1 -) the day victory. of peace and complete (Intended for lait Week) Friends and relatives were shock- ed to learn O f the death of Mr. And- rew Wiltshire, a respected resident of Proton township. Mr. Wiltshire was found by his son, John, Friday evening. Our sympathy is with those who were so suddenly bereaved and particularly John, who will miss very much the help and companionship of Ms father. Mrs. Bertha "Wauchope visited one day in Flesherton with her son, Gor- don, who is recovering nicely from a recent operation In the Markdale NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late Alma Mathewaon, late of the Township of Artemesia, County of Gray, who died on the 24th day of September, 1941, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the undersigned solicitor of the estate, on or before Monday, March 16th, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the ad- ministrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to such claims as they will then hare notice. Dated at Markdale this 9th day of February, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor fc> Ohe Executor. Picture Show FREE Canada Packers will show Shur-Gain Feed Service * , in the Flesherton Town Hall Wed., March 4th at 2.30 p.m., daylight saving time Included in this show will be a comedy picture and the opportunity to discuss feeding problems. Sponsored by Flesherton Planing Mills Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sys- tem now carrying an abnormal wartime loud. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which pro- duction effirienry may depend. 'OTHER "WARTIME TUEPHOM TACTICS" . i '_!.* ' UK SI! HE you hav- tlic 1 ,,,,mJ.-r ... commit <">- A!SSWEK promptly !>' 1 1"' I ln-ll rinu. 111. lilUI.I . Cl'-r >"" r ln "' f '" I tin- next ratl. I'SK on-'-rKAK ii<"- {or y" r ' ,,,^ Dl-iunri- I '.all*. Tbtir ilt> '' l nnk "'/''"*!*"' OH 6, s i'n, .'') .'.') ftltpet -. ,7-^ calli.il"> <"* ttryiii't""''""' to (Voi ! Local and Personal as well as a soldier, I believe that the General has a right to place al- most the whole alphabet after his aamo to indicate degrees and decora- tions. He did not look wel'l at that time, and since then has been forced to take a month off to rest and re- ; cuperate. I have never met anyone who knew him who did not charac- | terize him as "a fine fellow." After that day, I could understand. Having fed us the customary Eng- lish afternoon tea. Gen. McNaughton took us upstairs to his own office. It was large and airy. Maps hung on all the wails. A dozen editors and a few staff officers sat down at taihles, with the General in the centre of the horseshoe, and he gave a short address and then answered every question. There was no hesi- tation or no evasion. Occasionally, having told us something, he woaild say that was not for publication, but that was the only restriction. He kept no secrets from his visitors. Of all the editors present, I seem- ed to be the only one taking notes that afternoon. They were fairly complete. Looking over them now, some months later, I find that they are still timely and valuable. At that time, Moscow and Petrograd were both threatened by the enemy. Since then, the situation has chang- ed, but -without altering what Gen. McNaughton said of the Russian* and of the war in general. It was ii this talk he coined the famous phrase about the Canadian Corps being "a dagger pointed at the heart of Berlin," but more valuable perhaps were his remarks on equipment training and reinforcements. Feeling that the important mess- are which he asked us to give Can- adians should not be condensed, I will devote a separate article to the things which Gen. McNaughton said that Hay. It will foe the next in the series. On other days, during my visit in Britain, I met members of the Head- quarters staff in London. One even- ing, I had dinner with Major Chas. Stacey whose task is to write the official history of the part which the Canadian Corps takes in the war. He is a nephew of Mrs. Perry, formerly editor of the Elora Express. Before he took over his present work, he was a professor of history. He will do a good job. Photographically, the story of the Corps is also being well looked after, hut there seem to be no Canadian painters on the job. That is a lack that should be remedied. I believe two young painters are with a unit in Canada, but apparently there are none in England or in Scotland. Captain Gillis Purcell, our guide that Any, is back in Canada. Ho met with an unfortunate accident a few weeks after our visit, losing a leg. when a canister, being dropped from a plane, broko awny from its para- chute and struck h' m below the knee. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK. IMI'LEMKNTS. Etc, GORDON LONG will sell by public auction on Lots 143-144, 1 S.W.. Artemesia Ms Mile north of Flesherton THURSDAY, MARCH 5 the following, namely: HORSES Bay Mare, 7 years old; B:iy Horse, H years old; Bay Horse, 10 years old. CATTLE Grey Cow, 5 years old, supposed duo in May; Holstein Cow, 5 years old, supposed due in May; Blue C.PW, 7 years old, calf at foot; 1 It- ri 1 ford Cow, 8 years old, calf at foot; Black Cow, years old, calf at foot; Black Cow, 7 years old, sup- posed due hi May; Red Heifer, rising 2 years old; Red Steer, rising 2 years old; Red Cow, farrow; Here- ford Bull, :! years old; 3 Yearling Cattle. (All Cattle T-B Tested.) PIGS - Yorkshire Sow (bred, Yorkshire Sow; 10 Pigs, 10 wks. old IMPLEMNTS, Etc. M.-H. Bind- er, 6 fcot cut; M.-H. Mower; Cock- shutt Fertilizer Drill, 11 disc, nearly new; Duering Cultivator; Cutter; So> Disc Harrows; Light Wagon; Heavy Wagon; 2 Scuff lers; Fanning Mill; Hay Rake; Set Scales, 1200 Ibs.; Set Sloop Sleighs; M.-H. Root Pulper; Walking Plow; Set 12-Bull Drag Harrows; Gang Plow; Stock Rack; Cockfihutt Riding Plow, 2 furrow; McCnrmick-Dcernig Cream Separat- or, good; Set Breeching Harness; Set 1'iow Harness; Set Single Harness; 7 Horse Collars; Hay Rack; 8 Tons Hay; 50 bu. Parley; 200 bu. Mixed Grain, and numerous other articles. SALE COMMENCES AT 1 P.M. No Reserve; nothing to he removed from property until fettled for. TERMS; Cash GEO. McALISTEn & SON, Auctioneers. F. Wickens, W. E. Myers, Clerks. Mr. Emerson McKillop of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mrs. Guy Hazard spent the past week in Burlington. Mr. H. W. Kernahan of Toronto visited in town last weak. Mrs. John McBeth returned Satur- day from Markdale hospital. Mrs. H. Down is visiting her son, Bob, and family in Markdale. Mr. Roy McCauley of Toronto vis- ited his brother, Howard, Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. McMillan and Ronald spent a day this week at Shelburne. Mrs. G. E. Henry spert a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. W. Boyd spent the past week in Toronto with her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Crossley. Aircraftman Mack. Duncan of To- ronto spent the week end w*th his parents in town. Sergt. Bill WeltoT) of Camp Bor- den was a visitor in town for a couple of days last week. Mrs. D. D. Goessel of Kincardine spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel. Mrs. Geo. Goldsborough returned the -first of the week to her home at St. Catharines. Cpl. Norman Stoddart, R.C.AF, To- ronto spent the week end with his wife and family here. Miss Gertie Lever of Richmond Hill spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. T. T ever. Mr. Lome Fawcett of Burlington spent the week end with his brother, Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Williams and family of Feversham visited recently with Dave Williams and family. We were pleased to see Mr. F. G. Karstedt able to be up town on Tuesday. Mr. Karstedt suffered a slight stroke some weeks ago. The W. I. meets at the home of Mrs. Turney on Wed., March 4th, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call: an Irish joke. Visitors welcome. Mr. Ted McTavish of Toronto is holidaying at his home here and at Oshawa, prior to rporting at Gait on March 5th at the aircraft school. Mr. Bill Hamilton, Mrs. Martha Hamilton and Mrs. Jack Hill, all of Mt. Forest spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston, Bruce and Barry, visited on Sunday with the former's mother at the home of N. H. Durrani, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of To- ronto were recently presented with a bed couch by their friends frfom Springhill and Flesherton. Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville is spending this week with her fath- er, Mr. D. McTavish, and members of the family. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley were in Toronto for a couple of days lust weok. Mr. McCauley attended a convention for lumbermen. Pte. Walter Thompson of Camp Borden spent a couple days last week with his uncle and .unt, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts. * Rev. and Mrs. John Anderson of Port Elgin spent the first of the week with his sister, Mrs. C. P. Wilson, and Mr. Wilson. Mrs. Oldfield of Corbetton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, SpriTighill. Her brother, Alister, returned with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett and little daughter, accompanied by Miss Vera Holland and Jim Brown, of Burlington, spent the week end at tty? home of Guy Hazard. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexajuler and son, Allan, u.f Weston and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Alexander of Collingwood visited their mother, brother and sisters here. Miss Gertie Irish has returned to her home after spending the past couple of weeks in Toronto. Miss Irish and her mother expect to leave in the near future to reside in To- ronto. The churches of town joined in the Women's World Day of Prayer oti Friday, service being held in St. John's United Church. The program was both interesting and inspiring. Mrs. F. G. Karsledt presided, while a number of women took part. The offering amounted to $3.10. Mr. Mark Stewart of Detroit, Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Stewart and daughter and Mr. Frank Stewart .and son, Franklin of Toronto spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, west backline. Mr. Will Stewart returned to Toronto, after visiting with his brother, John, for the past couple of weeks. KIMBERLEY We are sorry to report a number of our people ill with colds and 'flu. Mrs. D. Weber and Miss Weller are the- worst sufferers. Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesherton is relieving at the school for Miss Weller. Mr. A. King of Hamilton had charge of the Baptist church on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hutchiinson, who has not been in. good health, is spending this week in Markdale hospital. We will be glad to know of 'her early recovery. MARKDALE 5, FLESHERTON 4 A real .stirring hockey game on Thursday night of last week in the Flesherton rink resulted in a win 1 for Markdale 5-4, the winning goal being scored in the last period, the only goal. Markdale took the lead in the first period twice and each time Roy Best tied the game up, but another counter for the visitors put them one up Markdale added another in the second, followed by two by Jim Thurston on passes by McMillan and Banks to again tie the count. The only goal in the third period was scored by McCullough from Stewart. Flesherton Goal, Bannon; de- fence, Me Vicar, Thurston; centre, R. Banks; wings, Dargavel, Plester; al- aternates, R. Best R. Phillips, Mc- Millan. In Memoriam TURNER In loving memory of our dear Janie, who passed away on February 26th, 1026. In our home she Is fondly remem- bered, Sweet memories cling to her name, Those who loved her in life sincerely Still love her in death just the same. Ever remembered by her loved ones. Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, 3J>, DJX Miniiter Service will be held as follows: Maxwell 3.30 Rev. Thomson. Eugenia 8.45 Rev. McMillan. No definite announcement can be made yet regarding service in Mt. Zion or Wareham, but it i hoped that word can be given about these through the schools on Friday. Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN. B.A, BJD, Morning Subject: "Th Growth of the Kingdom." At the evening service there will be a special men's choir with th singing of old familiar hymns, with special emphasis on those of George Matheson. MIMIMIIIIIIIMM MM > HOCKEY Playoff Centra! Ontario League Monday, March 2nd FLESHERTON ARENA Markdale vs Flesherton Admission : 25c Game called 8.30 p.m. M*M I !*. Small Ad. Column WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Meads, Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 72, 73, 1st Range North Durham Road. 100 acres cleared. Apply to Jas. Sandiland, Dundalk. 39p2 HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F. Eagles, Pn ton Station, R.R. ."!, phone 41r3. WANTED Man, or boy around 16 years, to help with general farm work. Norman R. Brown, R. R. 2, Clarksburg, phone 166rl3. 39p2 FOR SALE Eight pigs 7 weeks old; good fresh cow, and good work horse. Fred Barber, Pro- ton Station, R. R. 3. 38p2 STRAYED From G. J. Clark's sale small black and white beagle hound, answers to name of Tony. Norman Loucks, Flesherton. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of th late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. THE MARKETS call, poultry keep- ers. Ready? Now's the time to order Bray chicks, started, day- olds. March delivery cockerels a nd turkeys should be ordered immed- iately. Bray has what you need. Order through John McWilliam, Flesherton. GIRL WANTED Girl or woman to help with house work on fruit farm near Beams ville; no outside work; all modern conveniences ; high wages to suitable person; country girl preferred. Apply by letter to Box 125, The Advance, Fleiherton. 34p2 FARM FOR SALE Farm, about 100 acres more or less, with dwelling house and good buildings, about 3 miles north of Feversham. For sale conditions ap- ply Elmore C. Carr, Solicitor for Walter J. Milne Eestate, Thornbm FOR SALE 20 Good sheep, sell reasonably. Mrs. Archie Stewart, Proton Station, phone 32rll. 39 FOR SALE Choice alfalfa and timothy hay, $15 at barn . J. H. Radley, Flesherton. 38c3 FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, S.U.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is rtuated a bank barn 46x55, also large driving shed. This propertj must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47 e BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our special- ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at The Vdvance office. WALTER SEELEY See me about your auction sale. AX sales conducted on buiine** ciples. Phone me at Fererekam or make arrangement! at Flesherton Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Hours -_ Afternoons, l.SO to 4. Evenings, 7 to 8.M Sundays and Thursday afternoona bj appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, A.J & A.M., meets in the Fraternal HalV Flesherton, the second Friday in ea<* month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; Sec- retary: C. J. Bellamy.