i Wednesday, January 28, 1942 THE FUtSHERTON ADVANCE ONTARIO REPAIR FARM MACHINERY NOW! MORE TOOLS FOR VICTORY MEANS LESS STEEL FOR AGRICULTURE Avoid costly break-downs and loss of time and labour during feeding and harvest. Check your machinery for necessary para and repairs. Do it at once while pares are available. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR REPAIR PARTS IMMEDIATELY SAVE LABOUR WITH MACHINERY Us custom equipment where necessary. Co-operate with neighbours for greater use of power equip- ment in your community. Exchange work and implements with your neighbours. Plan your crop programme to extend the period of haying and harvest. Your Agricultural Representative and your County Agricultural War Committee will co-operate with you. MAKE THE BEST POSSIBLE USE OF WHAT YOU HAVE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE . M Dt WAN, Mfcntor W. R. REIK, Dtpvty MMitor THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published oa Collingwood fWbarton, Wednesday of wk. Circulation ov.r 1,000. Priee in Canada ft.OO per yaar, WBMI paid to advance Si.M; to U. 8. A. f&M par year, wkm paid in advance $2.80. f. J. THURSTON, Editor. C E N TRE LINE We have had a week of grand weather, mild with very little snow or wind. The cars are running on this line again, and the road is also good for cars to Portlaw. Mr. Robt. Osborne and John spent most of last week at Mr. John Bad- gerow's puxiing the large pile of wood there. They think they have around 200 cords. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cudmore and baby, Kenneth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne. Miss Bernice plantt has returned to Toronto, after spending a month or more at her home here. Messrs. Russell and Fred Linton are busy taking out logs and wood from the piece of swamp recently purchased from Mr. Spurgeon Mc- Nevin. Mr. Wm. Ferguson, who is work- ing near Orangeville, spent the week end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell White of Saugeen Jet. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Little. Wareham Red Cross met in the basement of the church last Thurs- day afternoon. The West Group will meet this week at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little. The annual congregational meeting of Mt. Zion church was held last Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 21st, with Rev. Dr. Mercer presiding. The re- ports of the different societies were given and the treasurer's report showed a nice balance to start the new year. The following officers were elected: Session: C. D. Meld mm was appointed to the session. The other members are W. G. Jamieson (owing to ill health cannot be active) Mrs. Florence Lyons, Fred Plantt. Stewards: Fred Plantt, C. D. Meld- rum, Luther Love, Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mrs. Gilbert Little, Mrs. R. Osborne. Trustees; W. G. Jamieson, Fred Plantt, Fred Taylor, Luther Love, Ellwood Stevens, Wm. Nicholls, Mrs. G. Little. M. and M. Committee: Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mrs. Osborne; Par- sonage Trustee: Fred Plantt; Con- gregational Sec.: Mrs. Osborne; Or- ganist: Mrs. Florence Lyons, assist- ant, Miss Sadie McKce. Envelope Steward: Mrs. Florence Lyons. Stew- ards' Treasurer: Mrs. Robt. Osborne Auditors: Luther Love and Fred Plantt. A hearty vote of apprecia- tion was given Dr. Mercer for his splendid work during the year. Dr, Mercer closed the meeting with prayer. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned) until Saturday noon Feb. 14, 1942, for switchboard oper- ator for Osprey Municipal Telephone System, duties to commence March 1. Free dwelling and lighting serv ice charge provided successful tend- erer, to take one week instruction without pay before entering employ- ment. For further particulars con- sult Frank Short, Chairman of Com- mission. Send alt applications stat- ing salary by month or year to Alex Cameron, >Sec.-Treas., Eugenia, Ont ENTIRE Satisfaction "ENTIRE SATISFACTION" U the splendid report we get from every user of our MEAT LOCKERS, because the meat is properly kept, and the saving is really worth while. MANY OF OUR PATRONS ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF FILLING THEIR LOCKERS NOW. Take our tip: get a locker and fill it before the spring rush begins. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO BRING IN ANY SURPLUS CREAM CANS YOU MAY HAVE ON HAND. THE NEED IS URGENT. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager St. John's Church Annual Meeting The annual meeting of St. John's United Church was held Thursday evening, Jan. 22. A splendid spirit prevailed throughout the meeting. Reports of the various organizations were heartily received. It was decid- ed that no annual statement would t>e printed in booklet form, but that it be published as follows in The Advance. The giving* of individuals will be listed and posted at the rear of the church. The Session report showed that the membership is suffering from re- movals because of war. The total membership has changed very little, with an increase of two during the year. Eleven new .members were received. The Session report which follows give the details. It is gratifying to find that the local account is balanced with all bills paid, when there was raised, in addition $182 for the building fund. The Woman's Association commenc- es the year with a substantial bal- ance. They are looking forward to making some needed improvements in the church. The C.G.I.T. and Trail Ranger groups, whose reports were presented by Genevieve Milne and Keith Goeasel, respectively, do not appear below. Each had a good year. There are 24 members in the former and 12 in the latter. The program carried on by these teen- aged groups is exerting a fine influ- ence on their character. Another children's group that is doing good work is the Mission Band. During the course of the meeting appreciation was expressed for the services given by: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan, in keeping the Treasur- er's books so efficiently; Mrs. R. G. Holland, treasurer of the Missionary and Maintenance committee; Mrs. E. Blackburn, organist and choir leader; Mr. R. Park, caretaker. The meet- ing closed with Mr. G. H. Cairns voicing the appreciation for, and con- fidence in, the work being done by the minister, Rev. G. Keith McMillan, and his wife. Mr. McMillan stated in reply that he and Mrs. McMillan were very happy in their work in Flesherton. TREASURER'S REPORT BOARD OF STEWARDS Receipts Balance from 1940 f 38.41 Envelopes and Donations .... 1398.10 Loose collection 216.10 Ladies' Aid 100.00 Special offerings 161.50 Anniversary supper 69.27 Fowl supper 262.06 Wood - Mr. McMillan 30.00 Bank loans and rebate 550.30 Expenses 12826.73 2818.66 Balance on hand Expenditures Minister Caretaker .......... Organist Pulpit supply Presbytery dues .............. Envelopes, postage, etc. Fuel and Hydro ............ Anniversary expenses .... Fowl supper expenses Repairs Printing ~... Insurance and interest .... Notes repaid 11500.00 180.00 200.00 30.00 20.33 57.79 $ 7.07 CHURCH BUILDING FUND Receipts Donations $ 182.00 Interest 04 Expenditures W. Wellwood, for painting Balance on hand I 182.04 MISSIONARY A MAINTENANCE 18.52 92.65 1.50 21.00 27.65 550.06 92818.66 160.00 22.04 $ 182.04 Total receipts f 388.16 Sent to United Church Treas. $289.00 On hand to be forwarded . Number of families 167. Number of individuals 463. Resident members 196. Non-resident members 85. SESSION REPORT Burials 13. Weddings 0. Baptisms 3. Receipts Total receipts $ 80.77 Balance on band SESSIONAL FUND Expenditures Books for' soldiers $ British Church relief .......... Flowers & Christmas boxes for the aged 6.22 9.00 9.00 WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Receipts Annual members' fees New Life Members Thankofferings Envelopes- Associate Helpers Donations, plate, etc. .. Bale valued at | 7.00 25.00 73.05 41.55 8.60 26.60 17.00 $ 198.80 Expenditures General expenses $ 3.30 Bale > 17.00 Sent Preabyterial Treasurer 178.60 $ 198.80 hand Receipts Cash on Fees y Collection at picnic .. Bake sales Hot meat supper Sale of stove Group money Ceylon share of taxes Garatremen's supper 201.96 Bank interest .33 WOMAN'S ASSOCIATION Expenditures Parsonage repairs 9 6.75 Play books, stamps, tele- phone, etc 2.52 Meat pie supper 10.88 Dishes and silverware 5.13 Stove 7.00 Building fund 50.00 General fund 60.00 Advertising 2.78 Garagemen's supper 98.72 Taxes 63.09 M. and M. Fund 10.00 General fund 50.00 16.29 20.00 2.76 24.11 48.27 1.60 86.10 15.76 $ 417.06 Balance on hand 9 356.87 60.19 9 417.06 SUNDAY SCHOOL Receipts Balance on hand 9 24.12 Concert Dec. 19 37.00 White Gift offering 30.82 Donations 2.25 Missionary collections 14.92 Offerings of year 97.83 I 206.94 Expenditures Supplies for year 9 114.68 Ont. Relig. Elu. Council .... 5.00 Picnic expenses 5.72 Missions 26.00 Cradle Roll supplies - 3.72 Br. Bombed Child. Fund 30.76 Concert expenses 12.13 Stamps and postage .46 Balance on hand 9 197.46 9.48 9 206.94 ELECTIONS ELDERS Elected for three years: Jos. McKee, J. Parker, T. J. Fisher. STEWARDS Elected for three yean; Gordon Irwin, R. J. Wilson, John Gowanloek, Albert Qnarks. One year replacing C. R. Chappie: T. J Fisher. M. & M. COMMITTEE Mrs. R. G. Holland, Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. Geo. Cairns, Mrs. J. Heard, Mrs. T. J. Fiaher, Mrs. J. Cargoe. USHERS Jim Thurston, Keith Ca'rns, Gordon Irwin, Everett Black- burn, Emery Fisher, Roy Best. If shouting were logic, some folk would never lose an argument. Rusians dont seqm to want to takt a day off to let the Gen-mans figure out how it has all happened. A girl who fell on the slippery snow-patched sidewalk the other day gare everybody an Icy stare when she pulled kerself up. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Chemists have discovered a way of making cakes lighter. Well, well. Ac if grandma didn't know that trick years ago! Calling a person an "old heel' will take on new meaning, especially if t.ho heel Is of rubber. Waste not, want not. Hardware In this twenty-ninth month of the war, the restric- tions on many things becomes more apparent* We are doing the best we can to help in the war effort, and will do all we can to supply the Hardware needs of this community. Now is the time of the year for CroMcut Saws, Axes, ShoveU, Barn Forks, etc. F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFJCATES Back your Buck Privates with you Private Bucks 'MMlM I !> Ml *** PRICEVILLE The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's church was held on Monday evening of last week. Rev. Mr. Brown of Dundalk was present and presided over the meeting and J. A. Nichol acted as secretary. Con- siderable business was dealt with and the various reports heard. Last year was the "best year the .church has had since it was built. The meeting closed with .prayer. On Tuesday afternoon Miss Nellie McLean was hostess to the W.M.S. and W. H. Society, with * good at- tendance. Mrs. Dan Campbell pre- sided. Miss Margaret Nichol, who has been president for the past two years, resigned and Mrs. Wro. Brown was appointed as the new president. Mr*. D. L. McArthur was re-elected as secretary for the third year. The services of both Mi^s Nichol and Mrs. McArthur have been greatly appreciated, as they have been very faithful in attending all meetings. Mrs. Aldcorn gave the topic for the W. H. Society and the roll call wa& answered by a New Year's resolution Roll call was answered by paying of membership fees. February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. P. Si me. Messrs Neilbert McKenzie and Grant Muir left Wednesday for Gait, where they have secured work. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean ent- ertained Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims (station agent heer) to dinner Friday night. Mrs. Gerald Magee of Eugenia spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson. Mr. Phinn, student minister of To- ronto, occupied the pulpit Sunday in St. Andrew's church and delivered a splendid sermon, also singing a solo. Next Sunday Mr. Duncan Ferris of Toronto will be the speaker. We are sorry to know that Rev. Sutherland has pleurisy and hope he may soon be better. Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Bert Irwin, we are pleased to say, are showing signs of improvement. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McArthur and Eleanor visited her sister, Mrs. E. Bennett, Mt. Forest, Saturday night. Mrs. T. Nichol, who has been visiting there, returned home for a week. Mrs. Neil Cameron had a quilting on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Chas. Boyce of Gait was home over the week end. Miss Anna McVicar of Toronto spent the week end with her par ents. Mr. John Shortreed is drawing the mail on Route 2 for W. Frook. Mr. and Mrs. Herman McLean vis- ited on Sunday with friends in ghelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson of Dur- ham visited on Sunday with his mother, brother and sister. Mr. Wallace Meads is working at Archie McKechnie's. Miss Margaret McArthur of To- ronto spent the latter part of last week at her parental home. Messrs. Jack and Lome McArthur, Priceville townline, have both enlist- ed, the former in the R.C.A.F. The crokinole social planned for Jan. 9th, but postponed on account of bad weather, will be held Thursday evening, Jan. 29th, in the basement of St. Columba church, under the auspices of the W.A. Everybody is wekome. Miss Margaret Ferguson of Hoi- stein spent a few days at the home of Mrs. F. McKinnon and Mary. Priceville Red Cros workers have turned into the Flesherton-Arteme- sia Branch for the month of Jannary 7 helmets, 8 qu.lts, 1 blanket. The compulsory school attendance age limit in Ontario will be 'jowered from 16 to 15 years, Premier Hep- burn announces. Fletherton United Church REV. G. K. McMlLJLAN, BJL. BJO. 11.00 a.m. Wip, Flesherton tt.M a.m. Sunday School, Flesherto n 2.00 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesherton Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER. BJ>, D J). Minister 11 a m. Mt. Zion. 3 p.m. Wart-ham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. Note; There will be no service worship in Eugenia church next Sunday morning. The minister will preach th second sermon of the series on "The Great Questions of the Bible." The annual congregational meeting of the Official Board will be held on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 29th at 2 o'clock sharp. A full attendance la respectfully requested. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS B ' PTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys, Pastor ROCK MILLS SERVICES Sunday School 2 p.m. Church Service 8 p.m. FLESHERTON SERVICES Church Service 11 a.m. Sunday School 12 o'clock PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomson, B.A. Minister Evening Service at 7.30. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Rev. C. McNIehol. Pastor Feversham Appointment Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11. Sunday Evening Service 7.30. Olivet Appointment Service at 3 p.m. Open As Usual Thursday Afternoon Western Oats, Barley and Wheat for sale SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATES ON HAND 18% Laying Mah $1.50 per 100 Ibs. * Flesherton Planing Mill Telephone: 24w Flesherton, Ont .