Wednesday, March 5, 1941 THE FI.ESHB!tT«N ADVANCE British Advance in Western Desert British twldiers read iJ^wR amusement reports of the war in an Italian newspaper found in an Italian position captured in the vict ious British sweep from Eirypt into Libya, when 120,000 prisoners tak(>n by the British array. WE WONT SELLYOU too mnch fire inmraneeâ€" ^bat we'll aeU jrou rare protection and quick aervice. H. W. KERNAHAN Flesherton, Ont REPRESENTING Writing •elecCeJ riMk* in â€" Automobile, Fire, Plate Class, Buri^rri Public Liability, and otber general insurance. Head Office, Toronto. Testing Seed Grain Ontario farmers are being advised by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture to test all seed for germination be- fore planting this year. With farm help scarce, every acre tilled should b« made to produce more bushels per acre. Farmers can test seed at home and there is no time like the present. Any method which keeps seed moist and at average room temper- ature for six to ten days should re- sult in satisfactory germination, says Dr. G- P- McRostie, Field Husbandry Dept. O. A. C. Guelph. He states a fi];e inch or larger flower pot makes a suitable container. This can be filled about three-quar- ters full p^ither sand or loamy ear^ which sMwRlrbe firmed down. Scat- ter the seeds to be tested over the top of the soil, Pack firmly and keep moist but not wet. Set in some suit- able place not too near the stove oi window. Count the germinated SeeSs at the end of six days and again at tj\e end of ten days. The total number of the 100 seeds which produce sprouts will be the percentap^mrmination. Any sprouts whiclivi*e weak and sickly looking shonid be discarded and not included in the final percent germ- ination as they would not likely pro- duce healthy plants. If the germination is about 85 per- cent the seed should be quite satisfac- tory to plant at the regular rates of seeding. If it is between 60 and 86 percent, the rate of seeding, should be increas- ed in proportion to the percent of kernels that do not grrow. If germination is below 60 per cent, it would seem advisable to secure other seed for planting. If this is im- possible the . rate of seeding would have to be increased as previously suggested, states Dr. McRostie. SPECIAL MARCH ^ Economy Sale Buy More and Save More at This Store MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 89c Here you are men, a great range of vShirts worth much more than this price. Economy Sale 89c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS A large range of patterns in doe skin and ducks. Economy Sale .. 89c WORK PANTS $1.79 Hough and rugged work pants in plain and checked denim, built for long wear. Economy Sale $1.79 SPECIAL IN UNDIES 23c 'Good quallity lock and plain knit rayon Undies in v.ests, bloomers and panties. Here is extra value at a small price. Economy Sale, per garment 23c MEN'S WORK SOX 2 pair for 45c A good weight sox 75% wool, wijl give good wear. Economy Sale 2 pair for 45c LADIES' SLIPS 79c Look Ladies! A heavy weight ray- on Slip in all the newest shades.bias cut, a full-fitting garment. Economy Sale 79o HOUSE DRESSES 89c A grand collection of styles and patterns of new House Dresses, doz- ens to choose from. Sale price .... 89c LADIES' LISLE HOSE 59 doz. extra quality fine Lisle Hose different shades to choose from. This line will give extra long wear. Econ- omy Sale 23c; 2 pair 45c YARD GOODS DEPARTMENT WHITE FLANNELETTE HILL'S FOOD VALUES White Flannelette, a good heavy 5^,^,^^^ ^^isp Corn Flakes .... 3 for 21c quality, about 27 mches wide. Leon- Tomatoes, size IVi standard qual. 10c omy Sale 13c; 8 yards $1.00 Choice quality 12c Fancy Quality MARQUISETTE Canned Peas No. 4 sieve 20 oz size 9c This line will appeal to any house- pg^s No. 3 size, 20 oz. tin lie wife and fine quality in white and Co^n, choice quality 20 oz. tin, York ecru, about 42 inches wide. Economy brand 9c 'table oTiciSjVHSPKIALl" C'""" ''t"amv p.^k'i^c'^"' '""^ By all means check on your require- Unwrapped Laundry Soap ments now. The price means a big ]| i^^^^ j^^ 25c saving to you, a large range of pat- p^rk & Beans 20 oz. tins for 15c terns to choose from. vVhite Beans 6 lbs. for 25c il !"• ^!^;t y^''\ "c PURITY FLOUR 54 in. width yard 43c ail. i. •• a^ NEW PRINTS A real *»"Y^^ -" ^2.95 All the newest designs in prints, LIPTON S TEA fast colors, these are extra value, full A real tea at the price. 36 in. wide. Economy Sale Price Red Label lb. 75c per yard 19c and 25e Ylcllow Label lb. 80c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. I t t t T T T T t t t t T T t t T T T T Local aod Personal Mr. Ted McTavish of Toronto spent the week end at hia home. C.Q.M.S. Angus Turney was in To- ronto over the week end. Mr. Ted Dixon of Toronto was in town on Saturday. Mr. J. A. Senn of Parig was a week end visitor in town. Mr. Fred Stuart of Bracebridge was a visitor in town on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Doupe and Joan moved to Owen Sound, where Edgar has secured a position. Dr and Mrs. A. E. ittle of town observed the 37th anniversary of their wedding on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ' O'Brien and children spent a ispiiph 4ayjs the first of the week with her ififther, Mr. "^. G. KariteiJt. Mrs. G. - Alan Keith, . ' Mies Ruby Aikenhead and Miss DqHS; Keith of Toronto were week end visitdW witti **'â- • a"4^^««^.H- W. Hicklini^- V.V Aircraftsman Thos. J. Banks "vtii last week ntoved to the new, bomb- ing and gunnery^scj^ool at iB^ajidon- ald., Man., 12 jani^ jaei»t of if<vi^^ la Prairie, Man. < ' ^ ' A dance was held in the Frabemal Hall on Friday evening last when the draw was made on the L.O.Bj\.. quilt, which was won by Mr. Jas/Causlder of Hagerstown, Maryland. * Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Richards and son, George, of Lucknew were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards on Sunday. Mr. Prank Leavell moved his fam- ily and household effects to CoUing- wood On Monday, where they will reside. Prank is employed with the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company. Mr. C. B. "Wilson of St. Catharines was a visitor in town on Saturday. He spent the week end with Mrs. Wilson, who was assisting in nursing her mother, Mrs. W. C. Hanley, who has been ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Harold Morrison of Owen Sound is visiting her sister, Mrs. Guy Hazard, Meaford Road. Mr. Morrison has been transferred as a Provincial Police Officer to Owen Sound. Mr. and MraT^Alla'iT Si^th and son, Gordon, of Shelbume, accom- panied by Mr. Smith's brothers, Roy and Henry, and sisters, Alberta and Lillian, spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Doupe and family. Messrs. C. S. McTavish, J. Nuhn, G. B. Welton and â- J. P. Collinson attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alex. Mcintosh, sister of Mr. J 0. Dargavel of iPlesherton, which was held on Thursday at her home near Dornoch. yiiiiiiiuiiiiuuuiiiitiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiu^ FREE FREIGHT ON FEED GRAINS We have all the information for the ordering and handling of feed grain for the farmer. If you will call at the oflfice we will be glad to show you the re- gulations which must be followed. These regulations came into effect on Feb, 20, 1941, and are to be effect- ive until July 1941, or until Ontario quota of 3^200,000 bushels has been ordered. CHICK STARTER We now have a fresh lot of 19% C%idc Starter at $2.75 per owt Flesherton Planing Mills # ^ Phone 24w or Residence 24j â- IHIIIIIIIinilHIIIIlllllllillllllllfllHtBlllllllllli Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Quantity of dry cedar. Mervin McFadden, Flesherton. p IFIOR SALE i^ Chemical toilet, al- "ijiost new. â€" C. P. Wilson, Flesh- . Jj^ertoivOnt. 39p3 ^^^ S^t^:^ 1$) egg Queen incu- â- '• ;.fi(ii»r/'^fflk^ condition, re- ^tailably pri^4<r^^'8.Chas. Moore, Prd^ Station. >Hiig^wa;;i 10. NOTICE â€" After this date, Feb. 26, my Hereford bull yri^%t(Qt' be avail- able for public use. '^ir-' i^hn Pow, Pri^evfilfe, ^, R. 3; â- â- [j^Jsif. FOR SALE â€" 3 Young sows, bred, $17 each.â€" Geo. Udell, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" 24 Young Yorkshire pigs, ready to wean, â€" R. Allen & Son, Flesherton, phone 4&r21. c GIRL WANTED â€" Cftp^^We- girl to help with general liougewor&i-^Mrs. Chas. Goddard, AIders&(>tV Q&i., or phone Flesherton "32rl^, /^^^ aScl WANTED;; position For partii Heather, Reliable girl desires d' (^hristiftot home, write Miss Muriel a, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Housfr in Flesherton,. with seven rooms, hai3^^l^|i^^.^^Mf); water, double lot and barn;"^or full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Executor. 30c FOR SALE â€" Library table and 2 chairs, 2 beds, bedroom tables, electric 2-bumer stove with oven, and numerous other articles. â€" F. Pinder, Flesherton. 40cl One of the best arguments in sup- port of advertising is the fact that to the man who does not know about you, you do not exist. f Italy is reported to be calling up more troops, and one part of the new regulations is that they shall be able to do 100 yeards in 10 seconds flat. Prince Don Juan makes it known that he is the claimant of the throne of Spain. That's all right by us we don't want it. "Mabel is a Very decided blonde, isn't she?" "Yes, but there is a slight hesita- tion at the roots." Some of us are inclined to think that problems cannot be solved un- less we find the answers, in advance, in the back of the book. He â€" "Indeed you are very pretty." She â€" ^"Poohl pooh I So you'd say if you didn't think so." Heâ€" "Well, in that case and so you'd think if I didn't say so." There was one report of a govern- ment snow plow being burned in Western Ontario. We have such things around here too, but just how one would set fire to them is some- thing we do not understand. Mrs. Smith â€" "Our new neighbours are awfully noisy. The other night they were having a party and were making such a row that I knocked on the wall." Mrs. Brownâ€" "What happened?" Mrs. Smith â€" ^"They came around and asked Alf what he meant by hanging pictures at that time of the night.- FOR SALE â€" Small farm, 18 acres, near Eugenia on County Highway good Ihouse, bam. Bargain for cash. â€" Mrs. R. Bentham, Flesh- erton. 38c4 LOGS WANTED â€" Highests prices paid for soft and hardwood logs, where they can be reached by the trucks. â€" R. MoNabb, Flesherton, Phone 61w. 40pl FOR SALE â€" Purebred Berkdiire boar, rising 2; B Berk sows ready to breed, eligible for registration to breed also 4 Berk boars, ready to wean, all eligible for registra- tion. â€" W. E. Loucks, Flesherton,. B. R. No. 2 39p2 EXCHANGE â€" Established garage business in down town Toronto,, equipped and a going concern for small furm in trout fishing district, Wonderfal opportunity. Owner called up. Estimated worth (3000.. Box 212, Flesherton Advance. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con, 1, SJiJL, Aite- mesia, containing JfiH acres, on whkk< is situated a bank bam 46x66, also •- large driving shed. This propert!y must be sold to wind up estate. Those- interested communicate with Joba Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex. ecutors for the estate, 47e SAVE TIME â€" See our Bray agent For immediate delivery Leghorns, N.H. x LJS. Capons. Pullets. Bar- gains in cockerels to catch the sum- mer broiler markets. Order now, â€" John McWilliam, Flesherton. Farm For Sale â€" 29 Acres, Range 2, Proton. Good buildings. Half mile west of highway no. 10 at Vic- toria Corners. Ideal premises for poultry farm. J. F. Acheson, Prot- on, R, R. 1, FOR SALEâ€" In Ceylon, comfortable 7-room house, electric lights, hard and soft water, good stable, hen house and garage with cement floor, lot containing 1 acre more or less. For particulars apply to Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist, Badjeros, R. R. 1, or Fred Irwin, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 6 Cows, 4 yearling calves, 2 JPolled Angus year-olds, 2 reg. Yorkshire sow, 8-year-old horse; aged mare, bred; oil-bath Cockshutt mower, like new; wagon, sleigh, cutter, harness, harrows, scuffler, etc. â€" Geo. Allen, Flesher- ton R.R. 3 (Mt. Zion.) 39pl FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 6 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, comfortable dwelling, bam and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- erton on No. 1 Highway, reasonably priced for quick sale. â€" Apply to Fred Irwin, Fleshertor Ont. NOTICE To Whoai It May Coneera: I have interviewed Mr. F. North, Markdale, and he adniU the rumor which he wta supposed to have made in regard to my porchashig <^ logs, is abeolately falw. â€" R. McNABB, Flesherton, Ont. AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET See me about your auction sale. All sales conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversbam 4rl2 or make arrangements at Th» Flesherton Advance office. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received b^ the undersigned for the position o{ caretaker of Flesherton High School up to and including Saturday, March 16th, 1941, duties to commence April 1st. Outline of duties may be secur- ed from the Secretary. Lowest tend- er not necessarily accepted. â€" R. W. PIPER, Secretary. Ceylon, OnC BUSINESS CARDS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 â€" day or night "" MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Dwhaai St. Office Boon -> AftemoMM, 1 JS Is 4, BfWilBg% 7 to MH Sundays an4 Thursday a f tw c e ss fef appointment only. Piinee Arthur Ledge No. SM, A.V. * A.M., meeta te the Fmt«twl Sd^ Flesherton, the aeeead VrMsy is «Mk month. W.M., Heri>. Cevtatt; Is^ retary, a J. BoUaay. ROYLANGFORD Distrlet Afea* tar MUTUAL LITB OP CANADA Aocunmr »a4 ncBMSM, AUTOMOnLB. BUBOLABT «aidel»al UsMHy Aay bsHM FLBSHERTON. (M. P L^ itumm