-4C \ >. '« :t I • ( I â- i \^i Sets Building Boom Coming In Canada PrediL'tions of a coiniiiui'ii increase in the building of homes diir- «t the second half of 1940 was made ret'ently by Edward A. uith, Sales Manager of The 'Beaver Company Ltd., Thorold, Ont. r. Smith is shown conferring with one of his Beaver Wall Board <lealcrs over the advertisement, "Look Forward, Canada," which has created wide comment by its emphasis on the confidence of home- owners in the future of Canada. • HAVE • 1 lYOO HEARD?! tie was tlie final speaker at a banciner. Speakers before him bad droned on Interminably. The audi- eoce '.vas bored almost to tears. The toastmaster announced, "Wil- ton Lackaye, the famous actor, will give you his address." Lackaye rose and said, •'Gentlemen, my ad- dress is the Lambs Club, New York." Then he sat down. The applause was tremendous. The optimist's motto, de- clared a psychologist, is "You never can tell till you try." And I woman's, "You never cnn tell till you try it on." To Judge Vocal Competitions ARTHUR COLLINGWOOD Adjudicator, educationist, jour- wlist who has been appointed adjudicate the vocal competi- ions at the Canadian National ihdiibition this year. Prof. Col- Ingwood has been widely honored y several Old Country universi- fes and various musical orga>i- wtions under Royal patronage. 'â- or twenty years he conducted le -Aberdeen (Sooitland) Choral Inion and the .\berdeen Madri- ttl Choir. He is now Carnegie rlflfessor at University of SasU- •tchewan and conductor of the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra. Ihiring the summer months in xecent years he has conducted the British Broadcasting Com- ptuiy's symphony orchestra on â- various occasions in London. >•â- ••>•• !*--••#.».»♦.♦-, HEALTH TOPICS FOR MENTAL HEALTH Dr. Horatio M. Pollock of the Kew York state mental hygiene department believes that there are 10 "fundamental characteristics «f mental health: "A sense of well being, keen- a«sii of observation, soundness of judgment, clearness of thought, accuracy of memory, control of •motions, stability of will, con- tinuity of purpose, friendliness of attitude and freedom of expres- aloD." COULD ERADICATE T. B. Tuberculosis can be virtually eradicated within a generation, «cc«rding to Dr. Pteul DeKruif, famous doctor-writer, originator and operator of the "Detroit y)an" for tubercular control. In what he declared to be his dHrst public address. Dr. DeKruif appeared before the San Fran- alsco Tuberculosis Association^ glared the city to wipe out tuber- aolo^is and ur$;ed it to battle the white plague on the btesis of wld «aah. He declared that by spfndinjr 9100,000 annually on the ty^tem â- which he has inaugurated and op- «rated at Detroit foi?, the past five ycats, the city c<ould save more Mian $3,000,000 annually. He declared that Detroit by an •spenditure of $500,000 since 3935 has recorded a saving of $1,600,000 in its care of tuber- cular patient."!. rFEMAlE Wk Women who sxiffcr pftlnf \il, Irtcgii- lar periods with nervtms. mpoOy xpelU due to tuactlonal cause â- •heuld find lydlaE. Pinhh.mi's Vrmtable Compound timp]j mt,\- tpfoijs to relieve such distress. r-lnXh.im'» Compound In niailc eipeciaUv to help weak, tired wom- »n to go "ifnlllnK thru dlfllcxilt Ua>a. Over lOOO.OOO women have reporlcil HDiMlng ^euelit», WELl. WOHTK TRY INI. I jj • â- > > • Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE For five or six liays he had been digging in the garden for an air- raid shelter. What with the rain and clay he was not In the be«t of humor. Suddenly an old friend looked over the wall and said: "HeUo: Digging for your .shelter?" "Xo," was the reply. "As a mat- ter of fact, I bought a swing for the kids, and the ropes are too long.' 1. When a man, with his wife, are traveling by automobile, and have not made hotel reservations, what should he do when he drives up to a hotel entrance? 2. When removing the plates from the family dinner table, where should one begin? 3. What should a woman guest wear to a morning wedding? 4. How should a bridegroom sign the hotel register for him- -self and his wife? 5. Should the conversation be- tween two persons ever be in- terrupted in cader to introduce a third person? 6. Would it be all right to serve buffet style on a bare table ? Antwert ]. His wife can remain in the t«r while he goes in to investi- gate accommodations. 2. Begin with the hostess and proceed to her right. 3. Street clothes which are suitable for the time of year. 4. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Har- ris, Buffalo, N. Y. Omit the .street address. 5. No; one should await a better opportunity. 6. Yes, though a cover of some kind is more attractive. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all-in- elusive Canadian NaUonal Rail- ways System for the week eudinK June 14tb. 1940, were $5,467,110 as compared with $3,423,697 for the corresponding period of 1939, an Increase of $2,043,413 or 69.7 per cent. The problem of what to do while waiting in a dentist's of- fice has been solved in London where a notice attached to an unfinished scarf reads: "If you have to wait, would you care to knit a few rows on this scarf?" The talkative workman was in conversation with an admiring aud- ience in the village store. He was explaining that even In hla job, which people might think dull, there was sometimes quite a lot of excitement. "Why r can remember once a gas explosion tore up a main street where I was working." ".â- Vnd what did you do?" "Oh. I tore up a side street." Don't expect to keep your friends if you give them away. Joggins: "How do you get on with the boss, old man?" Juggins: "He's about the mean- est man I know." Joggins: "How's that?" Juggins: "He's had the legs all sawn off the wheelbarrow so that I can't sit down and rest." What Science Is Doing SALT PORK FOR NOSEBLEED.S Dr. Alfred Jared Cone, of Washing:ton University School of Medicine in St. Louis, reported last week that simple salt pork packs are "'invaluable" in control- ling hemorrhage. Ill cases of severe nosebleed, whether after operation or from disease, plugs of salt pork in the nose, said Pr. Cone, are far more effective than ordinary gauze packs. sr^ ^â- ^v' AT ROCtBiriTIM PRICES Take advantage of recent Firestone price rgducUojis and equip your car with safe, ne'w FireMone tir«^ In juMition to the sensational new Champion ti^e, he nas three kinds of lower- price^ Firestone tu-es that are^the season's best buys. Fireiitones «lo not cost one cent more than ordinsry tires and on tlic basis of cost per mile they are the cheapest^yon can own. Drive in tf>dav and Mtve money. I Whcoever you nerd mmw lirca firtl go to your B«are«t Firestone Dealer. He hat % tire in •Tory price clau to suit every purse ... a lire th«t will serve you better and satc you moiir>. I SCARLET FEVER PILLS A pill which inununizes against Ecarlet fever has been announced to the American Medical Assoc- iation. These pills a-e a substitute for vacL-Ination and are taken with a drink of water. The pills have been tritd on 102 persons who took them daily lor two or three weeks. Of these test cases, 94 per cent were inv munized and the re.st had trans- ieni scarlatine ra.shes. MEASURE ULTRA-VIOLET Northwestern University has obiained the first unit in a pro- posed network for measuring the intensity of the sun's ultra-violet ray.<;, vital to the health of people, rtees and plant.s. Physicians regrard the mea.sur- ing experiment with keen inteicst because of ulora-violet ray.s' wide usage in therapeutic treatment, their production of vitamin D through chemii-al reactions, their curative effect on rickets and their effect on living things, en- abling them to assimilate chem- icaJs for bones and teeth. S^v^alloved Land Since 1100 the North Sea ha.^ swallowed up nearly 2,000 square miles of land and covered 14 1 towns and villajje.s. Newsprint production in Can- ' a<la during .\pril amounted to 268,p47 tons compared with 251,- 279 ton.s in March. Grass silage wa.s little used on American farms up to three years ago, but is now gaining populnr- iiy as cattle feed. A MfTAI Roof is NKEPROOF! Mctai has nevct ycr sutrttdz fite! Protect yoi:r vUuabJe ktoikuiJtropsuith PEDLAKiB â€" auide:o the 'amoas "Counc:! Sundard" Brand. "Good (of a Lifsttn* â€" Sold with a 25 Ymu Guoiantoe' PEDLAHIB IS siormproot uid firepioti^ Send dimcn&iuns of your building fof our Free estimate of complcic ruofius )ub, iociudio^; aiminings. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE E^iaoliir.ciS 1S6J Hood OKica • Oshowo. Ont. Montical,Ott»fta.Toionto,Winnipeg.Caifiaty,V-Jirouver ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... .IGEM'S \V.4.\'rEl> LIGHTXIXG ROD AGE.VT WA.N'T- ed to sell Phillips LiglitniuB Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited. .12 Osborne Avenue. Toronto. Ar.ENT.S WANTKD TO REPr.ES- tnt "The Old Reliable Fonthill Xurseries." E.xclusive territory in town or oountry. Liberal terms paid weeklv. Handsome free out- fits. Stciiu and Wellington, Tor- onto. _^ A\ i.vriox URGENTLY P.KQUIKES THAlNilP men. capable of maintaining anu building tiircrnft. <:anaela's lara-est Aviation Training School offers courses in Flight Training. Air- craft Mechanics and Aircraft WTelding which should assure in- tvlligenr, .-apablo men of future in an industry which will develop indefinitely; not fade away when the w.ir is over. Look to your fut- ure. Full particulars from Leav- ens Broiher.s, Barker Airport, or Island Airport. Toronto. Phone KE:-.v.-nod :!S:i1. MAKERV EULII'MK.NT BAKER.S' OVENS A.ND MACHIN- ery. also rebuilt eiiuipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co.. 10.'! Bathurst St.. Toronto- KAIIN t'UK'KS HAVE VOr ENOUGH PlLl.ETS and (^.>ckerr-'t.s to take oare of the coming markets? V'ou <>an buy with confidence of good. <iuick, steady performance such July Brav breeds as New Hampshires. N.H. X T^.K.. I.rf-ghorn.'!, L.S. x N.H. Rock.s. Order now-. Hray Hatchery. 130 John N.. Uaniiltun. NE-w" ixnv PRICKS i.;o into ef- fecT. June ITth. Orade "A" ^Vhite Leghorn.-; JT.I'o. SO per cent Pul- lets $15.?0. ('ockcrels $1.50: New Hampshircs iSAT,. Pullets Sl'.'.JO. 'â- â€"kerels $0.15. Brown Leghorns, Black Minoroas. White Minorcas. Anconas. llvbrids. Ula.k Minorcas X â- White Leghorns $8.45, Pullet.i »l6.i>0. Cockerels $2.00. Barred Rooks J8.45, Pullets J12.9.1. Co.-k- •relB JC.9J. Rhode Island R- d.". "White Rocks. White Wyandottes, Light Sussex. Jersey Ul.ack Giants. Black Aiistralorps, Hybrids Par- red Rocks X Now Hamp.s, New Hamps X Barred Rocks. I-ight Sussex X New Hamps, Whltp leg- horns X Barred Rocks $8.9.1. Pul- lets $13.95. Cockerels $7.95. .Start- eU "r'aicks caoon.". Turkeys. All popular breeds shipped nn 24 hrs, notice. Twoddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Pergiis. Ont. BUY QUAF.ITV CHICKS. E.\SV" TO r.iise. tile stand-by of thousaMd^ of pouUrykeepcrs year after yea.". r>ay oltl and started. Two hatches » -week to take carti of prompt shipment. Visorous hrp.»dlng stock. Selling Farms & Hatchery. Klmir:*. Ont.'trio. Bam Roofing â€" Granary Lining SUPERTITK .steel SHEET.S COST le».s. covi r more, last longer, lay fa.ster. save sheathing, lluy now before war advances prices. direi:t from faotiiry. .Superior Prodxn-ts Limited, lo Nelson Street. Sariiia. Ontario. YOl' RECEIVE THE WORTH OF your money when you buy John- son's chicks. They are bred to lay and are good table fowl. Prices for June and to the end of the season; Rocks 8 cents. 90 per cent, pullets 14 cents, cockerels 7 cents. Leghorns 8 cents. 90 per cent, pul- lets 17 cents, cockerels 2 cents. All are blood te.'^ted. Rocks are bred from O.B.S. stock. leghorns are the Harron strain. Safe arrival Sruarnntocd. 10 per cent, with or- d<r. .1. n. Johnson. Fergus. Ont. JfLV PRICES ON TOF .VOTCH Chicks, all from banded bloodfest- ed stock. Standard Quality White Leghorns Sti.9,'>, 90 per cent. Pul- lets $13.90. Parred Rocks. New Bamps $7.45. Pullets $10.95. Barred Rock Cnckerel.s $(5.90. New H.imp i^'ockcrels $fi.25. White Rocks. Hy- brids Barred Rocks x New Hamps. N»w- Hamps \ B.irred Rocks $7.9.^. â- pullets 811. 9.';. Cockerels S7.9n. Larg'! Egg Quality add Ic. Biirger Profit add 2c. After July 15 deduct 60c per hundred from non-scxeil and pullit chicks. Free lirculnr. Tup Noti h Chiokeries, '!uclph, OtJtario. Ill si.\E: OI'1'OUri.-MTY STAHTKf" CHICK PAROAINS while they Irist. two week old Sfandaril Quality I»Khorns. 90 per cent Puilets $17.60. B:<rred Rocks $I0.7f.. Pulle.ts $14.45. Cock- •rels $9.75. Big Egg Qunlity add one cent, three week old udd three ^nts. Also started turkeys. B.iden fclr-ctrlc "'hick Hatchery Limited. Badeti. Ont.'trio. E\TERMi:»ATOIl "TKRPO- BI a KILLER â€" Sio. KX- termin.ates bedbugs, moths, cock- Toflohcs, crickets, flca.s, lice. «nd ticks. At Kntons. .Simpson's. Tamblvn.'. lo- ,-.-il fi'-aleis or l.>erpo Products. To- ISSUE 26-40 .tRE VOU INTERESTED IN MAK- ing moncv'.' Start a business of your own at home in spare time. Valley Field .Sales Company. P.O. Bo.v .^92. Toronto. PAHM K<IHP>II-:\T SPECIAL BAE'.^.UNS WHILE THEY Liist â€" all equipment recondition- ed and guar.antecd. Demonstrating and Rebuilt Melotte Cream Separ- ators: Ekefric Grinders: Grinders: Hammer Mills: Letz Roughage Mills: Die.cel Engines, all sizes; c.asoiine Engines: Electric Light- ing Plants: Tine and Link Har- rows: Washing Machines: Coal and Wood Stoves: Water Pumps and Pre.ssure Systems: Electric ..Floor Polishers: Aerated Milk Coolers: Fractional Horsepower Motors; Write me to(^M.\-. S. .A.. Lit- ter. .Sieu;trt .St.. Ti^ronro. FIL.'IIS FREE ENIWRC.EMENT WITH OR- ders over 20c. Roll films develop- ed and 8 prints 25c. Reprints 3c. The ctuall;.\' of our work has kept our customers across Canada sat- isfied for over 10 years. W. A. .starnaman Co.. Web.;r St. E.. Kit- -â- heiter, Oni. FtU-Ml'lRl!; FOH 'SALE FURNITURE BARGAINS â€" FREE catalogue of new and used furni- ture bargains sent on request. All goods sold on money-back guar- antee. Wholesale Furniture. 46i' B.-^^tiurst Street. Toronto. i.itowKK^:, A rru.N'rntX! FRUIT GROWER.S. GARDENERS. Write to us for prices on your re- quirements of fruit and vegetable package?. The Oak\ille Basket ''p.. Limifd. Oakville. Ontario. II VlRUItl'.SSIM; HELENS BEAUTY .SCHOOL Ap- proved instruction for Beginners -and Hairdressers. M«»ST UE.i.SONABl.K H.VTESi >'OW .So pn-pare for »he biii-y Fall and AVinter Season. Send for fren hookl-r. 7(1S Voni-'e Str-et. TOR. • JNTO. HELP « AXTEU â€" KE.MALE DOMINION-PROVINCIAL YOUTH Training offers free domestic ser- vice course to young women be. tween si.xteen and thirty years of age. For further information ap- ply in writing to Supervisor. Home .Servic-o Training School. Dept. of L.abor. ParMament Puildings. Tor- onto. >if;v w a>tkij A GOOD IIUSI.NESS PAYING t;OOI> income find with future possibili- tle"=. Selling Familex Products ni< n and u-»>men all over Canada have found the secret of success. Wh.v don't yoii get in on it too? NO OBLIC.-\TIO.N. .*sk for FREE catalogue describing 200 necessitv products ,":ul pl.-.n. F.\MILE.\ PRiMir.TS, .'70 .<• .'i.nicnt St.. M< iN-r!:i;.M.. Ml -ilt Al, HKUl I1«I:ME>TS lp;t us Look after vour mus- ics: renulrements. Music. Instru- metlt^i. ac.-'essories-. Broadway ^fu- sic. l'"7,7 Yonge St., Toronto". l'KU«iO^HI OUT TOB.ACCO SNUFF. EASILV. inexpensively. Home remedy. Testtmoniala. tJii.-trnfi'eed. Advice free HsrOeif^ l^o^ 1 Winnipeg, PER'l'Il.r/.K.K PI HE. lNl.E.A.CHEn HAKIIWOOJ) .â- \.sh> s f,)r I'ertillai r. One Thous- and tot!. FREE CIRCU1..AR. Geo. Stfv,-n--J. roTerborough. Ontario. PHOrEHTY KOK SALE HOUSE, TWO ACRES l^AND. FIVE mile s iinrih Cornw all. Mrs. L G. Ru.'i.'^ei:. M:i:ris^'irs Corner.-J. On' SAI.KSMEV W V\TEn M.AKE $5.IM| A 1>AV: SELLING Ex- clusive lines of Lingeiie. Dresses and Men's Wo.ir. Highest commls- Hions paid. Thousands of satisfied customers. AVrite quickly. The MORRIS TEXTILES CO., Drum- morui BtiiUling. Montreal. m UK V(1I<)>- HUME COURSE FREE WITH EVERY STRING IN- strument. Send for biff No. 39 cat- alog. Instruments exchanged, re- paired. Peate .Musical Co.. 14S1 M:\nsficld. Montreal. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New SI»K< IA1.1'/,I><; !>• KEIII ii.r »nt- TOH«*. l'OWER-»MT«l. Hydraalte H o I « t • . AVIarhria. Ueneratam. $tnr4er.i. Mnnnelon. I'arburetnrM. RmllntnrK â€" Kxckaagr Service, filaaai â€" Haiuritoilon or refaad. ».»â- »> .Kw>a I'ariai. Vfpt, '.. Tvrvmtu. PHOTO 1I\I-H1V>. FREE! You Can Now Own complete set of l^cauiiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver Company. You may have this complete set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. .Send an order now and receive complete partic- ulars of this amazing offer. ;51x or â- ight exposure films developed . nd printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25c, jilus your choice of a free enlarge- i.-.ent in easel mount or free silver- • are. To get the best In quality i.:id service send your fllm.^ to Imperial Photo Service, Station J. Toronto. Tt HlvE\ » TURKEYS? ORDER BRAY'S NOW. day-old, started, fine stock, im. mediate shipment. With chic!;* on range put the brooder hou.se to work with Turkeys. They'll make you that extra money. c:irder Jiilv .-hick.s now tool â€" Tlray Ko-.-h'-ry. 1:10 John N.. Hair, Hon. Tl IlKEV POULTS IF YOU W.VNT rHE BEST IN TUR- ke.v s and at greatly reduced pric- es for July send for our price list and free turkey -ircular, which Tells you how to feed and ca:-e for turkeys. Three breeds: Man-.moth broad-breasted Bronze. Burboun Reds. White Holland. All turkeys hatched from Hatcher.v Approved and Ontario Turkey Breeders' As- "iociatlon bloodtested stock. Tw-eddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- fd. F"ruiis. i^tntario. w vrKit W ELI.« WE "â- JUWRANTEE WATER OP. NO monej*. ^Ve use soreep.s in al'. veils where quick sand 's encour.rc-red. Special plan for dug wells needing curbing, saves half. Large screens ^or dug well with b.id <tu!ck ,»nnd. Wells drilled. Send five d.-'ilars for iniiking tests or 'lOcatiniT wa. â- .-. V ,1. .\5),toM. r â- -- Hop-: Orr, LYONS' SI. MM EH "..ALE BECO-VUITIOSED FLR.MTmB The largest assortni.nt of high- class reconditioned furniture ::; the city. Every article guaranteed ;hor- oughly clean and sold with a posi- tive money-back guarantee of satis- faction. $19.50 3-pioce Chesterfield Sui'e, in figured Jucquard. reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. $7.95 Single ChcsterfKlds In r-pps. and mohair covers, ideal for sum- mc r c.ittages. $22. .'lO .Smart 3-piecc repp Ch-.'ter- fleld suite. Revers;bl« Marshall spring cushions. $27.00 L-irge brown mohair Ch ster- fleld .Suite. 3 pieces, b'igure.i re- versible Marshall cuirhions. $35. oO Modern 3-pi6ce '"hestorfleld Suite in rust repp. Figured rever- sible .Marshall cushions. $4!>.00 Beautiful large 3-piece Ches- terfield Suite, uphol.'-tered in ireen mohair. Marshall spring cushions. Perfect. , $;7.50 Solid oak dining room ''â- aitp. mis-matched. Buffet, table and •i chairs. $24. ou Fumed oak dir.ing suit- buf- fet, extension table and 6 l-<ather upholstered chairs. $31>.0u Solid oak dining suite. ? piec- es, buffet, extension tabic, hinn. cabinet, and 6 leathtr uphol'cered ch.airs. J59.IM1 Modern 9-picce oak dining suite. buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 5 leather uphol- itered chairs. $P9."0 Uirge dining ."^u'te In r:h 2- tone walnut finish, huffet, exten- sion table, china cabinet a;id 6 leather upholstered chairs. tS9.i"l Beautiful solid walnut i!;.ilng suite (cost new .approximately $225.1 large buffet, extension ' ible. china cabinet and r, leather tiphol- srrred chairs. $1 29.00 tviree solid walnut .1 ling suit. 9 pieces, chair seats and hacks upholstered in genuit^e lea- tjier. $24. "0 Ij»rge dresser In waln'j- fin- ish. Simmons steel bed to match complete with saglcfS sprins and new mattress. $35.00 Complete bedroom Su;:-! In rich walnut finish, dresser, chif- fonier, full size bed. sagless 5i>ri"K and new mnttrcs.s. $47.00 I,nrge bedroom suite In two- tone w-nlnut. Triple mirror V-iiity. chitfrobe. full slje bed, s.-'s!cs» spring and new mattress. 159.00 Factor.v sample bedroom >-jife in bleached walnut finish. T».-aler- fall design, round Venetian mir- rors, dresser, vanit}-, chiffonier and full size bed. |ir..95 Ijirge double door war-1r->be. modern in two-tone walbu: fin- l.sh. $14.50 i piece breakfast suite, buffet drop-leaf table and 4 chairs. tll.50 Kitchen cablnet.s. siiJ'.nB porcelain top, roll front.s. 110.50 Studio Couch makes In'.^ 'trlii beds, -sprins mattress, t back cu- shions. $12.95 .Simmon.'* sleel bed In wa;nut finish. complete nith 93^'eaa •prlng and new mnltress. Rny Wltk 4'onridP*ev 411 K<M>d.i «old vrlfh a p»slflv# atoarT-bncli ic«nrnnt<-e Af fturUfKO- tlon. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto