'â- :i'- Britain's Coast Anti-Air Defence PosU Stand Ready For Foe . .. ^ ,4«M>9M^ -,^-S^ (- -A^ aV'^ §<^: r-^-.^^. '-"^^ii-asr:' Â¥^- *^i^1f\r^'°"^ '''^ British coast anti-air defence posts stand ready to do their bit in re- opted Nazi invasion of England. This large calibre coastal-defence gun, lifts its head in In the sand ..v.. !*!S)"? *°? attempted Nazi invasion of England. in:s large canore coastai-aeie tliallenge to any invader. Note the barbed wire entanglements about the gun. ««i«««iiti.i.. ,.,,,,,,,, Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. When a guest brings a gift to Mb or her hostess, Isn't It untact- ftri for the hostess to say: "You needn't have don© that," or some â- Imilar phrase? A, Yes. It is very ungracious for the hostess to say such a thing •which Implies that the guest did It, not from a sense of appreciation and generosity, but meroly as a dwty. Q. How long should a guest re- main after a luncheon in a friend's Itome? A. Thirty minutes to an hour is â- uffkient, unless the luncheon is followed by cards or some other Mit^rtainment. Q. Should a man wear a wbite tie â- with a_tnxedo7 A. No. Q. K a young man sends a g^rl a corsage to wear to some particu- lar affair, hut the flowers do not liarmonlze with the one suitable sown she must wear, what should •he do? A. Wear them anyw^ay, or cxiry them. It would be very rude to leave theim at home. Q. Isn't the bridegroom privileg- ed to wear any kind of clothe* he l»efers, for the ceremony? X No. He should choose his «lothee to correspond with the for- mality of his bride's dress. Q. Is it correct to address an eld- erly housekeener as "Mrs." or "IJJss"? A. Yes. Into the water. A bit thick, wasn't it?" "Hurry up, Harry! t simply must go out and show off my new dress." "Walt a minute. I simply must cut the frayed ends off of my coat sleeves." Ontario Plans Refugee Care Province Expects 500 Child- ren Every Two Weeks f f » » m • m m t i • HAVE - TOO HEARD? The oldest inhabitant had just oelebrated his birthday, and a re- porter from a local newspaper was •«nt to interview him. "And, t«U me, what would you do M you conld have your time all ©ver again?" , There was a long silence, while the oldest inhabitant appeared to fe« deep in thought "I think I would part my hair IB the middle," he replied. Teacher: "Why» Mary, that's • queer pair of atockings you have on â€" one green and one brown." Mary: "Yea, and I've got an- •ther pair like these at home." A man was boasting of his own strength, and how he had once fel- ttA an ox by a blow from his fist. "That's not bad," said a listen- •r, "but I once saw a chap knock ^wn a factory with one blow of a kammer. "Some Samson, that chap!" the toaster sneered. "No," replied the other. "He wag 90t much of a chap to look at. but k* was a Jolly good acutloneer!" An American prison provides pocket-money, four meals a day, tobacco, radio and films for in- mateA 'Guards are posted on the walls to prevent attempts at •scape by the public outside. I 8p° 19 o f the passengers were re- lating th»ir experiences of fogs. I "Yes," nald the old salt. "t*ve teen pretty thick fogs In my lime. ♦hy. off the coast of Newfoundland JQ^e fog was sometimes so thick *Vat we used to «!t on the rail and |»an against it! We were sitting m* night, as ueual with our backs tacAlnst the fog. when suddenly fog lifted, and we afl wt^t flop Plans for the care of British and French refugee children in Ontario are rapidly approaching comple- tion, Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Public Welfare, announced last week. The province's plan provides for the establishment of a central clear- ing house in Toronto where the children will receive complete phy- sical examination and any neces- sary immediate care. They then will be placed in private homes. It was learned that the Ontario government expects to accept 500 children every two weeks and that their ages will range from eight to fourteen. [What Science j j Is Doing j NEW ANTISEPTIC Another new antiseptic solu- tion to control bacteria in wounds, just announced, is a form of t'hlorine, the deadly poison gas which combines with water in the lungs or on sweaty parts of the body to form hydrochloric acid. The solution, known as "Azo- chloramid," can be applied in wet dressings directly on a wound and by the slow liberation of chlorine it attacks germs direct- ly. â€" â€" COLOR PHOTOS OF INSIDES A devit-e for making color pic- tures of the inside of the human body is announced by three .At- lanta, Ga., physicians. They have adapted a miniature color camera to a cystoscope, one of the four types of telescopes used to explore inside the body, and made photographs of the bladder's interior. Experts in surgery declare that the camera also might be adapted to instruments used to examine the interior of the head, lungs and stomach. INFANTILE VIRUS? Definite proof that sewage car- ries the virus of infantile par- alysis during even a small ep;- demic of this disease is announc- ed in the Journal of Experiment- al Medicine. The virus is the cause of in- fantile paralysis. Where it comes from or where it hides between epidemics is a medical mystery, whose solution is sought as a pos- sible means of. combatting the disease. The virus was found in sew- age of three U. S. cities during small epidemics last summer. HEALTH TOPICS Hay Fever Hay fever can be cured, says Dr. John W. S. McCullough of the Health League of Canada. The larger number of cases are caused by pollen from windborno pollenated plants, including cer- tain grasses, weeds, especially rag- weed, and trees. Flowering plants such as the rose, dandelion and goldenrod cannot be blamed. Cer- tain foods, powders, animal dand- ruffs and feathers may act as causes. But everyone does not contract hay fever. It occurs in persons with an inherited sensitivity to one or other of the causes. Over &0 per cent of persons who suf- fer from hay fever or asthma have inherited a sen.<itivity to the various agents. Chief Causes: (1) Grasses such as timothy, , red top, blue grass and others. (2) Trees such as the cotton- wood, oak of many species. (3) Weeds, of which the chief offender is ragweed. It is said that 70 per cent cf all hay fever victims in America owe their trouble to common ragweed and related species. Hay Fever Seasons: Grasses and trees as a rule, cause attacks in the Spring and early Summer, whereas weeds are the cause of late summer and early Fall at- tacks. Methods of Treatment In Canada, the common rag- weed, the chief offender, is found at its worst in the south- western peninsula of Ontario, and almost equally so in the rest of settled Ontario and Southern Quebec. Through all the sparsely settled North, from Gaspe to Rainy River and even on the open prairie, the ragweed found is usually the related perennial rag- weed of the West or the great ragweed both of which occur rather sparingly eastward. Relief depends on: (1) Getting beyond the bounds ASTHMA SUFFERERS Cl.l!:AKAZ.tlA In a Ben meulciue Koarantccii to sivc quirk and p«- •itlve relief (r«nt .\stlima at- tacks. If you are not satisfied with results after use. simply return the empty box and we'll refund your money. Write for a box of CIJEARAZMA, to-day and enclose $1.00 cash or a money- order. ASSOriATE» DKl'G I'RODICTS IVTTT ttueea Street West. Toroato, Oatarlo Nervous Restless Girls! Cranky? Restless? Can't sleep? Tire easily? Annoyed by fe- male functional dis- orders and monthly distress? Then take Lydla E. Plnklmm's Vegetable Com- poimd, famous for over 60 years In helping such rundown, weak, nervous conditions. Made e»pecil>liy lor vomen. WELL WORT? TRIINai ^ f'nSDUJUZf'^for PBtMANOiCei Whea yotu btra ot other buildiofi is tocM aiM) sided with PcJIu'j Nu-Roct or PEDLARIB â€" "Council SitniJud" Bruid, \ •>ut buildings arc "Pcdlarizcd" tsainstilltheelements "Cooncit Studard " is the best rahie moner no kuy. Send Jimeasrons for oiu free estimate. "^OOOO FO« A LIFETIME - lOLO WITH A »J YEAR GUARAMTIE" PEDLARS"""ROOFING THI PIDIAI noni lIMinD lutaNuMmt MoattMl • 0«a«« • Twomo â- â-¼iaait>et • Ctlfn • Vwk»ut«( of the plant to which the indiv- idual is sensitive, or (2) Having determined what pollen is responsible, submitting to desensitization with the ap- propriate pollen extracts for pro- tection. Change of Climaite: Sensitive persons should get away in the hay fever season to resorts on the north shore of the St. Lawr- ence, on the Gaspe Coast or near- by Lake Superior or Rainy River. Comfortable places to stay tHU be found in either area. DESENSIT1Z.\TI0.V Desensitization Treatment: .\ series of small scratches is made on the surface of the skin with- out pier'^ing the true skin. On these scratches extracts of pollen, animal dandruff, focds or dusts etc., are placed. If a hive or red- dened area is produced by one or more of the extracts used, it is an indication that the individ- ual is sensitive to that particular product. Having discovered the cause or causes, the next step is to desensitize by injecting a small quantity of the offending agent or agents. Treatment should be begun 2 nvonths before the season when the attack usually occurs. If the attacks are due to pollen, it will be necessary to continue the des- ensitization for 3 or 4 years. Most of the sufferers will say LASTS 10H«^ THAT'S EASY -BIG BEN! :^^ /j \f(^ BIG BEN The P E R F E CT Che wing Tobacco that, having gained a cure, it has been worth while. While working on a film, Bette Davis has six large glasses of milk in the course of a day. "Older people do not seem to realize that as a result of so many new developments the younger generation is bound to be dif- ferent." â€" WiiHam Lyon Pheips. ..CLASSIFIED AOVEBTISEMENTS... AGENTS W.VXTED LIGHTNING ROD .A.GE.VT WA.\"T- ed to sell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited. 32 Osborne Avenue. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED TO REPHE.«- ent -The Old Raliable Fonthill Nurseries." Exclusive territory in town or country. Liberal terms paid weekly. Handsome free out- fits. Stone and Wellington. Tor- onto^ .IITHORS: NEW YOfilC BOOK PCBLISUER is searching for unusual and out- standing book manuscripts for publication on both royalty and co-operation ba.sis. Falcon Press, 274 MadL'^on Ave. New York. AVIATION URGENTLY REQUIRES TRAINED men. capable of maintaining and building aircraft. Canada's larirest Aviation Training School offers courses in Flight Training, .Air- craft Mechanics and Aircraft Welding which should assure in- telligent, capable men of future in an industry which will develop Indefinitely: not fade away when the war is over. Look to your fut- ure. Full particulars from Leav- ens Brothers. Barker Airport, or Island Airport. Toronto. Phone KEnwood Z%%\. BAKBKV KULIf.ME.NT BAKERS' OVENS .AND .VIACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment alway» on hand. Terms nrranged. Corres- pondence invited- Hubhnrd Port- able Oven Co.. MS Bath'.ir?t St.. T-irnnr.-i lt.*l«V fHK KS YOU RECEIVE THE WORTH OF your money when you buy John- son s chick.-?, they are bred to lay and are good table fowl. Prices for June and to end of .reason. Rocks 8 cent.=. 90 per cent Pullets 17 cer.ts. Cockerels 2 cents. All are blood tested. Rocks bred from O. B. S. stock. Leghorn.-* The Barron .Strain. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent with order. J. D. John- son. Fergus, Ontario. BUY QU.VMTY CHICKS, EASY TO raise, the «land-b\- of thousands of poultrykeepers .\-ear after year. Da.v old and .started. Two hatches a week to take care of prompt shipment. Vigorous breeding stock. Selling Farms & Hatchery. F.Irnira, *'>nt:)rio. Bam Roofmjj â€" Granary Lir'ng SUPERTITE .STEEL SHEETS '-OST le^.«, cover more, la.'^t longer, la.v faster, save sheathing. Buy now before war advances prices, direct from f.actory. Superior Products Limited. 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia, Ontario. REDU('ED PRICES GO INTO KF. feet July 1st on all Baden High Oualit.v Government Approved •'hicks from blood-tested breeders. .Standard Quality White Le.ghnrns J7.25. 90 per cent. Pullets SH..iO. • 'ockerels $1.4,'>. Barred Rocks. New Hamps S7.7.i. Pull, ts $11.45. Barred Rock cockerels $t;.7.i. New Hamp cockerels Sfi.SO. White Rocks, "White Wvandottes. Li?;-ht Susse-v. H.vbrids Barred Rock<^ v New Hamos. New Hamps x Barred Rocks, â- ^^'hite Leghorns v Barred Rocks JS.25. Pullets 511.95, i:'ock- erels $7.7.*. After Julv 15th, lower prices, non-sexed chicks, 30 cents per hundred lower. Pullets ':o cts. lower. Started chicks. Turkey Doults. Capons. Big Egg Quality hat'-hed from 25 to 30 ounce eatgs sllghtlv higher. Free catalogue. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery. Limited, Baden. Ontario. THERE IS PROFIT IN JUNE chicks ind extra profit if you pur- chase Tweddle High Quality liv- able fast-maturing chicks. New low prices effective June 17th. Grade ".V White I^-horns MM. SO per cent Pullets .<16.no, Cock- erels $1.0(1. Barred Rocks $S..'n, Pulleto J13.no. Cockerels $il.95. New Hamnshires $.i!.00. Pullets »'4.0fl. Cockerels $6.4.i. also White Wyandottes. White Rocks. Light .Sussex. .Jersey Black Giants. BrowD Leghorns. White Minnrcas. Black Minorc-»s, Ancon.-?s. Black .Australorps. five Hybrid crosses all at extr'^mcly low prices. Also started chicks, capons, turke.v poults. Free catsTioguc. Tweddle Chick Hatcheptps Linjited. Fergus?. Ontario. THESE NEW I,0\V PRICES FOR Top Notch High Quality chicks from carefully culled blood-t#Sted breeders go into effect July 1st. Standard Quality White Leghorn chicks $(!.9,^, SO per cent. Pullets 113.90. c-^ockerels $1.4S. Barred Rock.-t, New Hamn.<i $7.4 5. Pullets 110.95, B.-ir^ed Rock Cockerels M.90. New Hamp cockerels 16.2,'i, White Ro>-'<;s„^,White Wyandoites. Hybrids. Barr»d Rocks x New Hamps. .New Plamps t Barred Hooks «T IS. Pullets «n 95. Cock- erels S7.9ii. Ijirge Egg Qunlitv »nd Bigger Profit Quality sllgh:- ly higher. Prices RO cents pef nvm- dred lower effectlTC July ISth. Also started chicks and capons. Top Notch Chickcrie.s, Guelph. Oniirln. ISSUE NO. 25â€" '40 JIXEâ€" JULY CHICK.S MUST HAVE liuick Starr, fast growth, early, full development, early produc- tion. Bray's have proven money- makers for many Summer cu.s- tomers. Specialties now: L.S. x N. H. Leghorns. .V.H. x B.R.. Colum- bian Wyandottes. with European market sources closed, Britain will look to Canada for supplies. Bray Hatchery. 130 John .v.. Ham- ilton^ 11.4TTEUV SELF-CHAUGEK WHY BUY NEW P..\DI0 "V," BAT- tcrics'' Guaranteed to recharge old ones like new. SI. 25 brings com- plete .autom.-iiic self-charger and fvill plan. Minard Moiisen. P-trk- sid-?. Sa^'.i. UVSINK.'iS OPFORTINITV ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAK- ins money? Start a business of your own at home in spare time. Valley Field Sales Compan.v, P.O. Box 592. Toronto. ELECTRIC JIOTOKS attention: â€" 'i h.p. motors, liO or 25 cycle. $5.50, rebuilt, guar- anteed. .Spadina Electric, :!u2 Spa- tiina. Toronto. E X T E K .11 1 N AT O R "DERPO" BUG KILLER â€" Sic. Ex- terminates bedbugs, moths, cock- ro.-tches, crickets, fleas, lice, and ticks. At Eatons. Simpson's, Tamblyns, lo- cal dealers or Derpo Products. To- ronto. 1--.VUM EtU'lPMENT SPECIAL BARGAINS WHILE THEY Last â€" all e*iUipment recondition- ed and guaranteed. Demonstrating and Rebuilt Melotte Cream Separ- ators: Electric Grinders: Grinders: Hammer Mills: Letz Roughage Mills: Diesel Engines, all sizes: Gasoline Engines: Electric Light- in.rr Plants: Tine and Link Har- rows: Washing Machines: Coal and Wood Stoves; Water Pumps and ITessure Systems: Electric ..Floor Polishers: Aerated Milk Coolers: Fractional Horsepow^er Motors; Write me today. S. .A.. Lis- ter. Stewart .St.. Toronto. USED PIPE. CULBERT. HEAVY 2" mesh fencing, street railway windows, doors â€" sash, structural steel, used galvanized sheeting â€" everything for the farmer. Frank- '-â- l Brotiiers, Liniit'^d. Hon and Ea^teni --Vven-.i". TORONTO. FILMS FREE ENL.VHGFMENT WITH OR- ders over 2iV. Roll films develop- ed and S prints 25c. Reprints 3c. The iiuality of our work has kept our customers across Canada sat- isfied for over 10 years. W. .A. Starnaman Co.. Weber .St. E.. Kit- chener. Ont. piBMTi r:-; for s.vi.e FURNITURE r.\RC,AlNS â€" FREE catalogue f^f new and used furni- ture barg;'ins sent on request. -All goods soM <fr\ money-back guar. .^nt'^e. W'tiolesaie Furniture. 466 BThurvt Street. Toronto. GRowF.Rs. \ttextkin: FRUIT GROWERS. G.VRPENERS. Write to us for prices on your re- quirements of fiutt and vegetable packnge.s. The Oakville Basket ';'o.. Limited. OnliviHe. Cntario. HELP WANTED â€" FEMALE POMINION-PR<~IVI NCl.AL YOUTH Training offers free domestic ser- vice cotirse to >'oung women be- tween sixteen .-ind thirty years of age. For further information ap- ply In writing to Supervisor, Home S»-rvice Tr-iining School. Dept. of I.«abor, rarl!.im-;tit r-uildings. Tor- MACH.. FVRM IMIM.RMK>T<5 Bowman Electric Herder FUI.I. GUARANTEED. « VOLTS. Disk regulator. High-Ixiw switch battery, insulators. Price com- plete â€" $16.00. Dealers wanted. Bowman !-;ic-;r'c '-Ic-der. Peters- Ini-g. Onta;-i-'>. Ml'SlCAI. RE«IIRE»IE."VTS GET t'Sr IXWIK AFTER YOUR MUS- ica; requirements. Music, instru- ments, ac^-cssories. Broadway Mu- sic. 2375 Yonge St Toronto. l'KR<Mt^*l QUIT TOBACI-O. SNUFF E.ASILT inexpensively. Home remedy Testlmonial.s. Gni»-sn*ecd Advice fr-ee Bqriteft-Q Hot 1 W'nnlneir Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New «r^riAi.iy.i\«i i> reih n.r mo- tors. I1>%% KR-l XITS. Ilydranlie H » I â- t «i . Wtncllcs. (ieacratorn. Starlem. MnAueton. ('nrbnr«toni, RadiatvD* â€" KxeliaaiEe SerTler. Ulau â€" SatiafaetiOR or refund. Lriy Aalo l*ar<.<. I>*vt. J., Tvroato. MEN AND WOIIE.N W AN TED EXCELLENT DIRECT SELUNG opportunity â€" exclusive territory rights for live-wire ambitious mtn and women, selling a line of guaranteed quality products. Send for our Plan and catalogue TO- D.A.T. Familex Products Company, 5711 St I'lement St., MONTREAL PHOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own â- 'i.-mpiete set of beautiful silver- ware absolutely without co.it. manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver Company. You ma.v h.ave this complete set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partlc- ula.-s of this amazing offer. Six or eight exposure films develooed and printed 2oc. or S reprints 25c. plus your choice of a free enlarge- ment in easel mount or free silver- - ware. To get the best in quality and service send your films to Imperial Photo Service. .St.ation J. Toronto. ftVICK ACTION HOME COIRSe" FREE WITH EVERY STRING IN- strsment. Send for big No. 39 cat- alog. Instrviments exchanged, re- paired. Peate ^lusical Co., 1431 Man-field. Montreal. TIRKEVS TURKEYS â€" WITH CHIt'KS O.N range, put some fine Bray Tur- keys in the brooder house t.-t come along fast for F.all and Winter markets. Day-old. started, nrompt shipment. Bray Hatchey. 1 30 John N.. H.^milton. WATER WEI.LS WE GUARANTEE WATER OR NO money. We 'use screens in all wells w-here quick sand is er-^ountered. Special plan for dug wells needin.g •'urbing. saves h.alf. Large screens ^'>'T dug well with bad quick s.-^nd. Well.s drilled. Send five dollars for T"-!icing tests or l0'*-> -.ing ,>v;.- ter. R. J. .A.= hton Port K.-pe. Or.r. LYONS' SIMMER S.ILE RECONOITIOXED FVRVITIRE The largest assortment of high- class reconditioned furniture in the city. Every article guaranteed thor- oughly clean and sold with a posi- tive money-back guarantee of satis- -'aotion. $19.50 3-plece Chesterfield Suite, in figured .iacquard, reversible Mar- shall spring cushion.s. $7.95 Single Chesterfields in repps, and mohair covers, ideal for sum- mer cottages. $22.50 Smart 3-Diece repp Chester- field suite. Reversible Marshall spring cushion.s. $27.00 Large brown mohair Chester- field Suite, 3 pieces. Figured re- versible Marshall cushion.'*. $35.00 Modern 3-piece Chesterfield i^uite in rust repp. Figu:-ed rever- sible Marshall cushions. $49.00 Beautiful large 3-piece Ches- terfield Suite, upholstered in green niohai.-. Marshall spring cushions. Perfect. $17.50 Solid o.ak dining room suite, mis-matched. Buffet, table and 6 chairs. $24.00 Fumed oak dining suite, buf- fet, extension table and tf leather upholstered chairs. $39.00 ."Solid oak dining suite. 9 piec- es, buffet, extension table, china cabinet, and 6 leather upholstered chairs, $59.00 Modern 9-piece oak dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and G leather uphol- stered chairs. $69.00 Lare-e dining suite in rich 2- tone walnut finish, buffet, exteti- sion table, chin.a cabinet and € leather upholstered ch,airs. JSS.Ort Beautiful .solid walnut dining suite fcost new approximately $225.) largo buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. $129.00 t«arge solid walnut dining suit. 9 pieces, chair seats and backs upholstered in genuine lea- ther, $24.00 Large dres.ser In walnut fin- ish. .Simmons steel bed to match complete with sagless spring: and new mattress. $35.00 Complete bedroom Suite in rich walnut finish, dresser, chif- fonier, full size bed, sagless spring- and new mattress. $47.00 Large bedroom suite In two- tone walnut. Triple mirror Vanity, chiffrobe. full .siZ8 bed. Saglcss spring and newt 'ixtattress. $59.00 Facforv sample bedroom suite in bleached walnut finish, water- fall desi.gn. round Venetian mir- rors, dresser. vanity, chiffonier and full size bed. $16.95 Large double door wardrobe, modern, in two-tone walnut fin- ish. $14.50 6 piece breakfast suite, buffet drop-leaf table and 4 chairs. tH.3il Kitchen cabinets, slidlnr porcelain too, roll fronts. $10.50 Studio Couch makes into twin beds, spring mattress, 3 back cu- shions. $12.95 Simmons steel bed in walnut finish. complete with saglc.'i* spring and new m.attre.ss. Bay With r««ridrac<- Ml xnodA noM wHfc n po«ltlT« ntAaev.ttnek gnnrantee «,f ^nlinfac- tl«a. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. â€" Toronto