Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1940, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 22, 1<> 4 si- Seasonable Offerings White Shoes OXFORDS, TIES, STRAPS and PUMPS FOR LADIES, GIRLS, CHILDREN. Canvas Footwear WHITE AND COLORS. NEW SEASON'S STYLES. CEYLON I'ROTON STATION Sport Shoes Sport^Shirts Sport Pullovers 2 Sflk Hosiery Specials Service weight substand- ards from regrular Dollar Lines. Full fashioned, pure silk; all new shades, all sizes. Per pair 69c Ringless Chiffon, guar- anteed first quality â€" full fashioned, pure silk. All new season's shades; all sizesi Per pair 69c VSS F. H. W. HICKLING Gmeral Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. The 1941 auto markers will be white with green fifrures, and don't forget yovi will have to get them in about seven and a half months. The women and ;:hildren first ap- pears to be the motto adopted by Nazi bombers when attacking a new country^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mr. and Mrs. W;llard Wiley and family and the latter's sister ot Wodehouse were Sunday visitors at the home of Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. (jeo. Cairns and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe, Mr. J. McKee and Mr. and Mrs. F. Collinson attend- ed teh funeral of the late Henry Cairns at Eugenfe on Saturday. Miss Catherine Cairns ^nd Sherman Piper nre home from the Toronto University. Charlie McWilliam and Murray Marshall are home from Kirkland Lake. /.Among those taking in Inspector Pentland's Niap-ara trip on Saturday were Messrs. John and Will Meads with Miss Susie McKinnon and her pupils, while Miss Frances Collinson accompanied those from the Spring- ' hill school. Mrs. Pedlar, Mrs. Stella Wright, , Mr. and Mrs. Hary Pedlar and two sons and Misses Irene and Elsie Fisher of Toronto were visitors re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Patsy and Ruth Stewart, Frances and Jimmie Adams took part in the musical festival at Owen Sound on Friday and were accompanied by Mrs. Melville Hogarth. The Ladies' Aid meets at the home of Mrs. Roy Piper for their May meet- ing. Mrs. J. Sinclair and Mrs. M. S. McLeod will look after the cake for the luncheon, while Mrs. A. C. Muir and Mrs. Hunt have charge of the sandwiches. The young people gave their play 'Deacon Dnbs," at Flesherton Friday ni.<rht, when a good crowd attended and a nice sum was realized. Sunday services have been changed from the afternoon to the morning, fhe service being held at 10.00 a.m. It the Ceylon church. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir on Thurs- day last. Owing to the small attend- ance the election of officers was held •^ver until the June meeting. The financial statement showed a balance â- >n hand of $23.67. It was decided to hold a rummage sale in the hall the 'econd week of June and contributions for this will be welcomed. Mrs. J. Beatty will have th^ June meeting. Mr. Roy Piner suffered a fractured "heek bone Saturday when the iron 'ever of the seed drill slinped and -♦â- rnok h'^n i" the face A similar accident befel Mr. .A. S. Muir the same dav, bn*' hi< iniuries were only a very deep cut in the ear. A cooking class, under the auspices of the W.I., will be held at the home of Mrs. Dever next Saturday. .Mrs. Eldon Blackburn and Miss Ina Corbett attended a domestic instruc- tion class at Guelph under the auspic- es of the W.l. .Miss Ruth M. Sherso*. .â- \..T.C.M., attended the musical festival at Owen Sound last week. Miss Marjorie Bates was hostess at a birthday party in honor of her friend, Mr. Harvey .Archibald. Ceylon. Miss Margaret Mills entertained her friends at her birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hindle and daughter Jean, and Mr. and Mi-s. Mo- Kenzie visited at Mrs. Consley's on Sunday last. Mr. Lloyd Wauchope and daughter, Phyllis, and Mrs. Wauchope Sr. mot- ored to Hamilton on Sunday. Mrs. Wauchope remained there with her daughter. Mrs. Crawford and Miss Eva Brig- ham of AUenford, who were visiting wth Dever Bros., have gone to visit friends at Berkeley. We are sorry to report Mr. Richard Hodgin ill. Misses Helen Whyte and Vema Baker were home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. Emmett Jackson i.s engaged to drive a truck for Mr. tlayton Betts. Mr. A. Baker is working for Dever Bros. ^â- ^ FOREIGN EXCHANGE ACQUISITION ORDER SPECIAL NOTICE Subject to certain exemptions, the Foreign Ex- change Acquisition Order requires every resident of Canada who had any foreign currency or foreign currency deposit in his possession, ownei-ship or control on May let, 1940, regardless of amount, to sell the same to an Authorized Dealer (chartered bank) on or before May 31st, 1940. Unless an extension has been granted by the Board, any resident who has not complied with the terms of the Order on or before May 31st, 1940, will be in default and subject to the penalties provided in the Order. The Order does not require the sale of foreign securities. Further information and particulars may be obtained from any branch of a chartered bank. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD Spring Song Spring is here and the urge is great For housewives to redecorate; Whatever paint they need to buy Duncan's Hardware can supply. When you use Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes you are assured of comi^ete satisfac- tion, for they are easily applied, cover more surface, and beautify with a durable finish that is easy to keep dean. SPRING NEEDS FOR The Home â€" Brooms, Brushes. Mops. Wall Clean- ers, Electric Irons and Washers, Hot Plates The Garden â€" Royal Purple Seeds, Rakes. Hoes, Spades, Dig-g-in^ Forks. Bamboo Rakes. The Farm â€" Wire Netting, Farm Fence, Bract Wire. Formaldehide. Ceresan. Plow Shares. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS See our line of Fishing Tackle, Rifles, Sporting Goods F. W. DUNCAN HARDWADE Phone 54 FLESHERTON Elgin Mc<Jutcheun 'nee Gracv Mi.:i- zies ) who were married Saturday. The Mt. Zion W.A. held their meet- ing last week at tfie home of Mrs. Jack Badgei-ow. T^ere was a larvje attendance and a good meeting. The next meeting will be held at the homt of Mrs. Russell White at i:>au);een Jet on June 4th, a week earlier than usual. The word for the devotional roll call will be "Father." PRICEVILLE CENTRE LINE The wet weather of the past week ha.' delaved seeding amd it does not look very promising yet. although it â- ; warmer than last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and Stan- 'pv spent Sunday with friends at Heathcote. Mr. Joe Little had the misfortune •^0 cut hi^ foot last week, while work- •np in *he swamp near Feversham. Although it was a severe cut. it is ''"nlinor nicely. Oiiito a numhc ^rom PortHw went 'o Niagara <^" Saturdav. The three •^ntrnnce nnnils. Chester Plantt. Don- ald ShenHow^ an-^ Victor Wh'te 'hf^yr tpachpr M^^c fT'^''""kiTts.'^*^ "Sf..- â- ^•rr-^ PlpTi+1- !i"H Mf-* Pprrv of Bethel 'istrict wr^rp in thp oarty. Congratulations tn Mr. and Mr<: Miss Marie McLachlan left to spend the summer at North Bay. Mis.s Elizabeth Brown returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elford Watters on the arrival of a baby girl on Saturday. May 18th. _ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Kenneth visited recently with her si-ster at Fairbaini. Messrs. Wilfred Black and Jack MacCannell have been busy clipping sheep around here. Mrs. McMeekin returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and family have moved to their new home. Rev. Hagen occuoied the pulpit on Sunday in St. Andrew's church and those who were absent missed hear- inâ„¢ a wonderful sermon. This Friday night the people in this vicinity are planning to see the play "My Irish Rose'' by the Lisle Y.P.S. Mr^. Hooper, who has spent the winter at the home of Mr. Wra. Bea- ton, is not very well at present. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell visited on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Hill at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and sons, Eleanor McArthur and Mrs. T. Nichol visited Sunday at Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Wip. Walker and two daughters, Blanche and Raith, and Mrs. Wm. Timmins of Eugenia were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. Alex. Carson. Mrs. John McFarlane land little son. Colin, returned Sunday with her husband to Toronto, after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean. The car to watch is the car behind the one in front of you. CSniMET DOUBLE-ACTING iBAKINC POWDER EUGENIA Rpv Mc.Auslan of Heathcote snn- nlied in the nulnit in the United Church here on Sundav morning, ow^- 'ng to the absence of Rev. Dr. Mercer. He hroneht forth an interestin? and imorpssive messas-e. M'ss Dorothv .JaniipsoTi was organist in the absence it Miss Carnither^. Mr. and Mi-s. CeciT Conn of St. Ca*'harino'= ond Mr. find Mrs Ted Par- ""n and children and Mrs. Sherson of Swintnn Park visited recpntlv -vrith M»* and Mrc .T Pir'^on nnd Ranald. Mr and Mrs. F. H. nri;-! ^is« Lorppn. Jicpomnanied bv Mrs. Tnglis nnfl Miss .Alberta of Walker- ton visitpd on Sunday with Mr. and Mr« S. Campbell Miss Dorothv Jamieson. Margaret McMillan, and .Tp-^n Proo*^or accom- nanied Mr. Ian Wilson to Hanovpr or Saturdav and attended the show "Gone With the Wind." Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne and family have moved to Owen Sound. We will miss them from this localitv, but wish them good luck in their new home. There was a good attendance at the meeting of the W. A. at the home of Mrs. Alex. Carruthers on Thursday of last week. Mrs J. Otteiwell, president preskkd. The ladies decided to have a pla- "Truth Takes a Holiday," by Heathcote talent at an early date, to assist in raisinjf funds. "They also decided to re-cover the pulpit and make a runner for the altar table. Mrs. J. Campbell and Miss Carruth- ers donated a vase for flowers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Campbell in June. Messrs. AlexN Begg, Fred Leitch an'' Bill Morgan of "Toronto spent a day at the Purvis cottage near the lake and enjoyed fishing. Mr. Edwin Purvis was home from Toronto over the week end. We extend our deep sympathy to the Cairns relatives in their sad ber- eavement. A dance will be hald in the Orange Hall Eugenia, on Friday, May 24th, under the auspices of L.O.L. 1118. Admission: 25c, ladies with lunch free WAR EH AM Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson and Lillian and Mr. and Mrs. J. McCutch- eon visited in Toronto on Sunday. John and Minnie Lougheed. Bill Fisher and Grace Cole motored to Claremont on Sunday to spend the day with Miss McCuUough at her home there. Miss McCullough re- turned with them, much improved in health. Dr. Mercer was in Toronto over the week end and in his absence Mr. Wm. Miller of Dundalk had charge of the service on Sunday. His sermon, which was on "True Religion." was very well received. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Cameron and son of Woodbridge and Mrs. Acheson of Bethel visited reeenflv at the home of Robert Cole. .A successful box social was held in , th? church ba.oempnt on Fridav even- i ine by the C.G.I.T. On the program i was n duet by .â- Mice Cole and Jean : Lvons, a duet by Anna Fisher and Grace Cole and also a duet by Mrs. ! Thomoson and Minnie. Readings werp ' n-iven by Miss Viola Gordon .ind Doris i Fisher. .After an interesting "(iiiizz.*' , in which even-one n-ent on the air, ' thr boxes were sold and somethinjr -lore about the contents. .Although not m.-«ny claim to he "pnther nronhets. ,]? are ajrreed that Wareham is likely to see showers this «p"V ( Fred McCnteheo" Vn« gone to the ItK line to issist Mrs. Wes Plantt for a short time. m^MMm^ * * * ^(>*'* ^® only way to describe this dynamic ^J^^ "•^ Chevrolet's road action . . . and Its popularity, too. . . . People "go" for Chevrolet, when they learn how It goes for them! "THE LONGEST OF THE LOT' From front of grilU to raar of bodyâ€" for hngth wftofo Ungth countsâ€" Ctiovrolut for 1940 ii riio longoit of all lowMSpricod caral Big outiido, big infido, big in value! VACUUM POWER SHIFT It â- â- â- ^tiS*"'- • • Tho only tt»»f ing column goor- thift thai dooi •0% of tho work for you aad roquiroi only M% drivor I W^'i CJU © IT** ^°"'" 8" ^ "^ "bang" ^^^^1 out of the new size and spaciousness, tbe swank "Royal Qipper" Styling, the luxurious Fisher Body of this longest of all lowest-priced cars â€" this streamlined "Beauty Leader" of the 1940 parade! s0^ |#U| I ^** You'Utevelinitsdmll. I ing power and pace, its acceleration and climbing ~power. Its 80% auto- 5 matic Vacuum Pouer Gearshifting and its road- smoothing "Ride Royal"* â€" ^tor it's the greatest action car you've ever driven, bar oooe! l^llll l# f '*'''**^-^^ O U4J m\ • And dien vou'U â-  understand why Chevrolet has out-sold all other cars during eight out of the last nine years! Tbe 1940 Cbetrolet gives higher quality at low cost! â€" Low Prices â€" Low Operating Costs â€" Low Upkeep. 'Chtvnta's Perfected Kntt-Actiom Ridlmt Sytttm. on SteL-ial Dt Luse Modelt. c-o» D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. Grummett, Dundalk (Associate Dealer)

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