Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1940, p. 2

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Defence Minister Roger* Inspects R.C.A.F. While Abroad units of the Iloya! Canadian Air i'oi England. Mr. Koy;ers was in Kngland mcnt. IS |)K-turfi! iifif as 111' inspefted vo at their station in the west of (onffniny wilh the liritisli yovc-ru- • HAVE • I YOU HEABD?i ♦ A young mari was invited to a dance. Having been accepted by • pretty gir! as a partner, they danced together for some time; after which the man thanked her. "It was lovely," he said, "and I shall always remember it." "1 see," said the g'irl. "Ele- phants never forget." Thetroublewitlithemodern parkingtyttemif thatyoucan't getoutofalinelikethlsone. â€" â€" The film people had made tiia picture fiom the book. That is. they had almost raad* it. They were on the laat scene. And they were stuck. They couldn't figure out how to end it. Suggestion after suggestion as to how to end it was made, but none seemed to b» the right ending. And then somebody got a won- derful idea. A novel suggeelion â€" iomcthing no one had thought of. "Why not have the same end- ing the book has'.'" was the amaz- ing suggestion. New Cook: "How shall I cook the potatoes for dinner tonight, madam?" Mrs. Uppity: "With th« jackets on. It ii a very for- mal dinner!" â€" o â€" Howler* A monologue is a conversation between two people, such as man and wife. A worm looks like a caterpillar ^ that has been shaved. Petroleum is a sort of oil-cloth used for coverinif floors. Lighthouse keepers have fe.v oppoi tunities for gardening. - -0- - Guest (at weddint): "It's hard to loia a beautiful daughter." Father (with two yet to |o): "It's a lot harder to late tb« homely ones." -<) â€" Taking off hii cap politely as he entered the office, the mess- enger handed over the note. "That's all right, my hoy," said the recipient. "Just run back and tell Mr. Jones that -" ".Sorry, sir," replied tlie lad. "My employer said I was not lo fo back till you giv» me the money you owe him!" "Oh!"' said the clelttor. "I won- der if he'll reroeni/.e you with a bsard?" Canadian National Railways Earnini^t 1 lie nlo^.i iev(Muic.s for the ail- inclusive Canadian .\aiioiial lUi'- wayd for the week ending May 7. MMO, were $J,ri68,74h â-  « complied with 3,ol6,17(» /iir llie cone^pondintr wock of l!t3tl, an it - <:r.«ii-.f of .. i,nr.2.rr,"'- Nervous Restless n* I I <"ranlcy.> Rcsllrss? lalVIQ I cian't v'.cep? Tlr* Hjll Id g ''MUy'' SnnnyKibTta- mulo (unrtionsl dU- ocdrrsand montltly dtstresn? Then tak« tfdla E. Plnklmm's VegeLible Com- Vound, famous tor over 60 years In iHlplag Ruch rtmdown, we«k, nerroiui •mdltlons M.ide ftprnaUi/ for uomtn. W«tL WORTH TRYtNOI Golf at Jasper Good This Year The Course Ha* Never Been In Better Shape for the Sea- son, Declares The Veteran Greenkeeper at Famous Mountain Resort "Xever before in the many long years I have been greens- keeper, have I ever seen a golf course come through a winter so soundly true and even as did the course at .Tasper this year," do- tlared W. H. "Bill" BVinkworth, veteran grecnskeeper at the fa- mous mountain course as he pass- ed through Winnipeg. "Every green and fairway is already in fine condition and we have been cutting the greens for nearly three weeks. With such a good start, the course will be in excel- lent shape for the heavy play it is bound to receive this year," h« stated. "Brink" has just spent a few days at Minaki, where ho has been checking over the golf course. Hij son, Gordon Brinkworlh, has been appointed grecnskeeper there this summer. Gordon spent the last two years at Elk Island course, .Alberta, and previous to that had many years tutelage un- der his father at Jasper. He re- ports considerable work to ha done at Minaki, but slates the course will be in good shape for the opening near the end of June. Mr. Brinkworlh points out that the course at Jasper wintered in first class shape despite the lack of snovv during the winter. "The country around Ja.sper was bara of snow most of the winter. How- ever, our elk fenc-e kepi the ani- mals off the course and the grass was given every chance to come through, it ha.^ never beeii in sudi uniformly good condition a'. thi.? time of year in its history," concluded tin* Kc'f expert. Britain Cutting Butter Ration Hecause of the cessation of Danish supplies, Britons were told last week by Lord Woolton, fuod minister, to prepare for the re- duction at an early date of the liiilter ration from eight to four ouncfti each week. Butter first wa.«i rationed at four ounces weekly beginning January 8, hut the amount wa.s in<iease<i to eight oun<cs weekly on March 25. Lord Woolloii warncil that the sunar ration of 12 ounces each w.^ok might he redured also. Three huiidri-d wrpck-s which liav* lain in Tablt- Bay at Cape- town, South .-Vfrica. for ycirs are bt?ing buried in connociion with the city's $'.! 1,000,000 harbor pro- jeit for building a new civic and "hopping center on reclaimed land. The work is being done with dreilcf i«. !' Modern Etiquette BY ROUKU I A LLL Q. In the social world. do«>s the rule to "return good (or evil" ap- Illy? A. This rule applies anywhere and every where. As Tiilotson puts it, ".V more glorious victory cannot be gained over another nLan than tliis. that wlien the Injury began on his part, the kindness should be- gin on ours." Q. Is It necessary to get a per- son's consent before listing him on some conimitte&'; A. Ves. It is Inconsiderate tp place him on tlio commlttre- with- out first .nsking his consent. Q. How should small cakes be eatcu at the table? A. The fingf-rs should be used to convey them to tho nioulli. Q. When a hostess sends a maa .111 invitation to dinner, and the invitation is not acknowledged, wh.Tt should she do':" A. It might be best to phone thl3 man and ask if he recwved the In- '.itption, as it is possible that tlirough DO fault of his he did not receive it. If he did, the average liiistess will never repeat th» In- vitation. Q. Would it be> permissable to wi-ile a brtadand-butier note, or any kind of "thank you" note on a postal card? A. No. The regular social station- i»ry should bo used. Q. Are wedding guests supposed to call on the bride's motjieir after the wedding? A. Yes, within a week or ten days. t What Science Is Doing >â- â€¢ • * ^ â- *• < -• H CRIME PREVENTION Prof. Joslyn Kogers of the Uni- versity of Toronto, analyst for the Ontario Government and well- known crimln-ologist, predicts that much crime will be controlled within a few years through com- bined knowledge of chemistry and medicine. Prof, Kogers says that behavior largely is the outcome of bodily function and contended that ab- normal behavior might be due to abnormal functioning within a body, which is in essence chem- ical. â€" o â€" STOPS HAIR GRAYING Isolation of a vitamin which prevents and cuies graying of hair in animals is announced by a group of University of Wiscon- sin bio-chemists. The scientists said they had not determined def- initely whether the vitamin also would be effective in treating hu- man beings to maintain or restore the youthful color of their hair, K.xperiniental quantities of the pure vitamin were removed from liver. â€" o â€" WORST UNSOLVED PROBLEMS "The two most difficult prob- lems yet unsolved by medical science" said Dr. Kusscll L. Cecil of New York, last week, "are tu. berctilosi.s and the virus diseases, the latter group including polio- myelitis, enceplialitis, iiifiiienzs aiul the common cold." Dr. Tracy J. Putnam said that ojiilei>sy was now the commonest diseases of the nervous system, and that fiOO.OOO people in the I'nited States are subject to con- vulsions. He said that the prob- lem "looked pretty nnproniising a decade ago" but that phy.sicians now are "heS'uriing to get somo- wheie with it." More Educated Police Force London, Onlaiio's police com- mission ha.i dei-ided to raise the educational standard.t ot the city police for<o. The comniini.ssioneri went on record f.ivoiiiiir matricu- lation as the iiiiniiinim edu<ation- al reiiuircment for ill new men taken on the foice. This decision came a.s the com- mission aiiproved the appointment of •lame.'. R. House of London, as a menil)er of the police force, t'hief Down said that House has his malHi-ulation. A STRONG, 25- YEAR ROOFING Why wasrc jnon«f on wood thiiulti tlut hum? Roof your tnildings v)chM&TALforprrnianent,c. prot« tmn tod cconotnT. PtdUiiNu-Roof inthe"(-oun<iISuoci4r(l" lli«nJ,ii Gutnatwrd fot 21 Years. Send dimeniions of rout bnilJinf foe ou fn« Mtimate of complrre ton Polder ani prun (»» appit€At*i*n. ^Ml PIDIAR riOPlI IIMITIO E.'ah{t^h04 tS61 Hm4 Ode* Oikowa. Out. Mootrett Orrtwi Toronto Wiompeg Cilgtrr VftflCM)T*f PEDIARS NuRoof â- / How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY 1 Q. How fa;i i smooth a curd> cualard? A. Beat up a raw egs !ind slowly beat the curdled CLStartl Into It. Q. How can I rcsl::? an Axmiii^ler rn",? A. Stretch the rug tigh: and tack face down on a floor, or some JIat surfiire. Sprinklft with a .sol- nticii made ' y sonking and dls- Eolvln.? 'i j)Ound ot flake glue In l/2gallon of water Let" the rus dry at least one da.v. Care shonid be taken not to pd on so much fiiuo Hint it w" sliow on the right side. Q. Haw can 1 wash vesc-l:il)!os n;ost satisfactorily? A. Try isiiig an ordinary teu- sliaken around several times in the v.ater, nnd v.h lifted out the vegetables will be bii.shl and cl Q, How n I cause a kerosene lamp or lantc-rn t. -'- e a much brighter light? A, adding a snnil! pinch ot salt to the oil in the bowl. Q. How can I prevent bugs and woinis in my winilow bo-xesV A. Bugs and woritts can be pre- vtntod by healius the earth for window boxes or potted plants in the oven before using. White- wash the inside ot window boxes before filling with earth to keep out inserts and lo kf'<>p the' boxes from rolling. "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" HANDV SEAL-TIOHT POUCH - 15e Vi-LB. "LOK-TOP" TIN - fiOt also packed in Pocket Tins -•-♦-->â- â™¦â€¢â€¢- » f â- â-º-«â-  « -« « fc ->-*-» ♦•->>> I HEALTH I TOPICS ^- * > -rf V < • -1 Ontario to Carry On Usual Surveys Paul I.edut, Minister of Mine.<i of Ontario, has announced that geological investigations will be carried out by his department this summer. These investigations will include surveys of new prospect- ing fields, examination of deposits of strategic minerals and detailed study ill some -of the niinini; camps. Party assistants have been ap- pointed and include 27 students from the Department of Geolojgy and Mining Engineering tario universities. Geology at oil- Use Essential Foods For War-Time Health "Kvery housewife can do her bit â€" and help others do theirs â€" by keeping her family's health at a high level." â€" Canadian Medicrd -Association. Thus ends the introduction on the inside front cover of a new booklet just now coming off the preses, entitled "Food for Health in PcafC and War." Prepared by the nutrition ex- perts of the Canadian Medical Assn., and embodying knowledge gained after years of study and research, including the very lat- est, the booklet is published by the leading life insurance cotn- T)anies in Canada. Weekly Food Budget it is written in the simplest language, and instead of ramb- ling on about vitamins and cal- orics â€" about which the average housewife knows very little of practical use in the kitchen â€" (|uickly turns into a set of week- ly food budgets for single per- sons, children, and various size families. So many quarts of milk, pounds of cheese, bread and so forth, for a family of five. Cost, $8.95 â€" on the basis of citv prices. For those living on tha land, the quantities are given ia pounds and fractions of a pound. It all boils down to this: Eafc first the hind and amount of food required to maintain normal dis- ease-resisting health, then add whatever you w-ish or can afford after that. But GET THl:; ESSEN- T1.\LS â€" • and thwart the germs that rnay descend on the world a'* did the 'Flu in 191!». ficeently, in Toronto, Dr. Fred- erick F. 'Tisdall, chairman of tha Committee of Nutrition, Canad- ian Medical Association, in a na- tion-wide radio broadcast stated that if every Canadian would ^t the proper foods in the propt?? quantities (set forth in the book- let) the consumption of Can- adian-grown foods would be in- creased by 12 per cent. "Dead Man'Tays Taxes in Winnipeg .A "dead man" walked into Winnipeg's civic offices one day last week and paid his taxes. When he gave his name, a clerk dug out his file and said: "Say, we've got you down as 'dead.' We've sent out your tux. bill for this year and last, an-i ecah time the pest office has re- turned it marked 'deceased'." "Dead nothing." replied the thoroughly alive "corpse" as ha paid two years' taxes after smoothing out a change-of-ad- dress tangle. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... At;i-:xTs WA.\Tt:u LIOHT.NI.N'G KOD AGE.VT VVANT- nd to sell Phillips Light nine Pro- tective Sj'steni. B. Phillips Comp- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue. Toionlu. TC>V\N .A.N"I> JtlRAf, RKPRKSK.NT- Mtivt'.H iv.'iiit(!(i. Incmise your eiirii- !M«-i by liundiins,' one at the fin- est lines of oils, ixreiisea, tires. li:itlerics. spark plus's, in.<:ecti- • ide.". eleclrlc fpiae controllers, bouse pniiils niui root roatiiiK iiiriterials'. Write W.iri-u & f)il Limited. Toroiitu. SOW voi; i-A.N' .stai:t a litisi- jit-sM fi(im your bomo. No capital ie<uiiroil. We .suppl.v e ver.vtliintf. Yon liMiiille only fust selling itpm.i. ('.iiuniissioiis siibstuiitiat. J''iee »vluilf.»!ilp i-at.-iliigup iirid sellins plan, MOW AGIO ioN"n-:nri;isios. :{ II. 1'. :;i;j I'oi r, Winnipcr,:. AUTii-'iiiAi. i.nins H.\:<(iJ01! Ll.MB CO., 124 WK1>LL\'0- toM Htrool West. Toronto. Improv- ed l.imba without slioukler straps, l-'i ct- i:il:iloK-iu-. iiAivioitv ioui;h'>«i:m B.\ K ions' ovi:n.s a.nd m.\ciu.n'- er\. rebuilt; eiiuipmeiit .-liwayi on hand. 'J'ernis air:uiKeU. (-'oires- Durulriiie invited. Hubbard I'oi t- .-•bl« Ovi-n Co.. l(i:i llatluu-st St.. Toi onto. IIAII\ < UK IvS BAtSY ClIK-ti.S .Mit; CUKAl'Klt IF thi-v do inoie for .vuu when mat- ureil. lO.KTKA LHIZIONS of CKKt i" Ih« A-Iiu-Ke Kntilc. put.s K.KTP.A AIONIOV ill yotir pocket. TrpiU I'hi'-ks ;un bced to do this for joii Miicl till ilie basket loo. Our Utb HHason. prodiU'iiiK 7,000 rliick^ vv.eUlv in O.NK (:OUL> (iltAIJE. Yi.ii Kti our BJ-;ST i:arrrd i:orl!9. VVhiti- LcKhortis. Now Ilainp-shircs. Kvhrids. l''or belter ri-.sult.H lin- lome a ''rrent Clilcli Customer." Write lo Tr.'iLt lOlectrir llalclicr.v, i:o\ [.:;:;«â- . Tronton, Ontario. a>:ai.n tiik oi.i> IHK-V voi^'Vio Kot In liny extra U< K<1 hiKh (iiiiil- iiv clilcks in expludcU. Tweddle I'itO lUstruncrs by the do/.ons i'l.iiu- linik for mure chli-ks. TIliK IS jirout of iiualilj. Seiiil for oui- [.I iri-i. DoulilK AA Quality Whito 1 ..•iilinrns. New llanips 5!>.70, l-tnr- r.'d I'.oilis $10. -(I. It. olh»M- vnrlct- io-t Id (Iwrtso from, t'lipons. Iiirkey poults, tree en laluBUe. 'I'weddle Cliick tlatchr:-i,- .â- < Lliiutod. l>rj:u.> < )ii1ai ill. M vKf. .M(i.\i:>' WITH m,\ Hiiiy ihii-k.x. Order imw. Quick di- llveiv. New ll.iinp.-llll I'.---- r.uvveii rto.U!". T.ov;lioi ll:i OriLr I.. .S. \ and Ula.-k Miiinn-iis. .lune de llvi-r.i, I'.'iruaiii.') sl.'irled .-ookenlf i>rder Turkeys sonn. "Ordcrln: MOltK llray t'liiil(» • coort ."ir I'l'S-i ' Lid woiiderfiill,v well.' S. .1:1) Hriy I'usifomer.-' Remeinbei Itray CliieUM 1'ny lirriv Italih.i) l.TIl .(obn .'^t. N.. II.'\iniltoii. Onl •â- M.I. LlVIV(i A'l' .SI.V wroKKs, writes llnrold Rlechor. Itroirn . tiutv" who received 100 rnvreil Hov:K.< nnd SO New [tani|>9. Tlini'^ tlirt kind we Bell. Top Nolcb Chleli I nre from mrefull.v culled «nd Mood-tost ed tireedcrt. Thiy are "mid at the rlRbt prio<-. SIniid «rd giiam>- I.efflioins JS.SO; 00 p« 'â-  >ent t'tilleis JIC.JS: foekoreln »l,lii Harred Ttofkn $S 9S, Piillfis $11 7.\ CorkiTe!!. Jii jn Npw linmps in ft.'.. Pulli-ls SM.'i. Coekerels Si.fli. Wbilc rXniUf Hybrldii $!l.9.V r-ull-'s JI575. i:i"''H*l'eU ILSt I.iti;.' KirK Qualllv Add on« cmf. ISiKter I'rof'.t add livo <-eiit!i. T,ow- '^r prleo.^ for .Ttipp. Free ratnloffue. " Notch Chirker!f.'. Otidph, Onl Before po! \.\ng furniture, first go over it with a p"Cc of cheese- cloth wrung out of hot water, th<»n apply polish. Thia icivoa ax- cellent results. w 1 1 A'l' LJVKi:v lUiK'K .ni:v.ioi: .•-liiiuld know. Wbeii you buy Baden I blclis you set hi.eli quality Ciov- •M-nment Approved chicks from blood-tcslc-d breeders and sold at rbo riijht price. .\ew prices go into effect May 22nd. iSlandard White l.eRliorns $8.75, 30 per cent. Pul- lets $18.45, Barred Rocks, New Itnmpshires JO.i'.'i, Pullets 514.0;. â- Rarred Hock cocl;ercls $ti.7o. New llampshire cockerels $L7.".. While -iloeks. H.vbrid.s P^arrcd Koclcs x .\'ew Hanips. New Hanips x Kar- red Rocks $10.25. Pullets $lf..9,-.. Cockerels $7.7.''. Bif,' l-iSK Quality and K.vtra Select slishtly hiKhpr. Started chicks. Capon". Made?) 101- fctiic Chick Hatchery I,td., Ba- fU-n fintririo. < A'i'Tl.10 roll SAi.v: f. loci.s'i'Kmoi' Hiouioi.'Oitris. bulls .-iiid beifers for sale, priced rea- sonable. Wilbert .Ma', lloute '-'. i>i:ui.;e% illc, ()nl:iriu. 1)1 Ml' \v v<;<;t>\ i'lH; yAMO â€" iiO().'iij:i: l)t:MP wapuon. Olio and three quarters yard capacit.v. .\lmost iie-.v. L!ar- irain for c.ish. -Appl.v C. II. KoKers. McVarlane Street. Pclcrboroush, Onlriiii^ lOI.IOl TUIC M(>'r<>l!>s i-:i,io(:ti:ic motohs ov ioviory ilescrlption. al-io V Rel's and Pul- leys, .lonos & Moi.ic lOIectric. 2!)f. Adelaide Wosl. TmiTit.'. MUSlOnV STOCK lO.X TI-lHMIXA'I'Olt ••DRni'U" lU'C; KILLKI;. S.'.c. exter- niinates bedbups. moths, cock- rnaclips. crickets, fleas, lice, ticks. •DUIIAT" Hat and .Mouse Killer .'iOc. harmless to bumans. animals, fowl .\ r lO.'iti.ns. SiiTip-sons, 'I'.-imbl.vns. loc- al dfale-s. o-- I'eii..- Products. Tl.c- onto BICGEST Sl.UO U.ARDKN! 2U UU'- fcrent Perennial Plants (Delphin- ium. Pyrethriim. Swcetrocket, etc.) Barberry. .N'inebark, Japonica Shrubs: Evergreen: Weeping Wil- low; 250 .Seeds: CJayfeather Bulbs. Prepaid. Two orders $1.80. Dollar .Nurseries, l^onthill. Untario. PHOTO FINISHING I'P.KIO: YOC CAN NOW OWN A coniplc-le sec of beautiful silver- ware absolutel.v without cost. niaTjufactured and guaranteed by- International Silver Company. You ma.v have this complete set abso- lutely free b.v sending" your films to Imperial. Send an order no'iv and receive ctmiplele particulars of this amaxin.ic offer. Si.v or eight e.vposure films developed nnd printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25c. plus your choice of a free enl.irgement in easel mouul or free silverware. To Kct the best in quality and s»r- vice send your films to Jmperi.'tl Photo Service. Station J„ Toronto K. I'llOTOGHAPHV M.\Y spiocial; tp.ial roxa. or eisht reprints. 15c, with advertise- ment. London Photo Service, Koic London. (Ontario. Ul'lI.T I'ATCIUOS I .Vlt.M I'OU >Al.i: IM ACKIOS. HAIBV SKCTION well fenced, drained: brick bou.^e banl; barn, slrawslicd. silo; nea- ♦ own. .lohii I-'orniaii. Lislowel. Out taiow i:ii». ATrio>ii<>M flit IT (JKOWlOliS. (LMllJlONIOns. Write lt» us for prices on .\ our re- Hiiireincnlp of fruit an*l vccelahle pa. li.'icc-. The ()al;\illc Basket '•.I . l.iiniird. Oakcillc. Ontarln lioTri.s « \>Ti:i) (>ri: siT'CKSS in .skluinc lurr. •â- Is i-i re.-ill,\' pbcnomciial. We will bo pleased to Irive an opportunity t.> tiy to sell > ours. A\'e advertise in ever.v paper in Oiil.-irio. l-'or our t.'nn» write to P.eri Weir * Sons Lealtors. London. Ulitari... ' n icMTiHi: con sAi.i' 1 TUNITI IJI: MAIKiAIVS PltlOK cataloKue of new niul used furni- ture baru-. i r - mil oil rcqucsl. .Ml «oiiiis soil! on inoiie.' -back fiuar- anlei*. Wholesale Pllinitlirc, ICIt llMbiir^f Street, 't'oi-nnfo. ] M IODIC M. ;'ol: i;\i'Ki,i.KNT itiosi i.i Ts tkv olthei '.Nslhnia-Tone' for milder A.stbtpa or- ".\'' for .se- vere Asihinn. C{.nvinc<» vour.self. Order L'.'ic biitlh- from- .\slhhia Tone L'lborniorliv. 41'. T'.rirlon K lLn\iill<-.n. t')i'.iai iu. fi-:iiso\Ai JL'IT TUHACCt) SMIl'M--. W.AillUV Inexpcualvely Home remedv Teslinionlalt*. Oim i ini ecd Adv ic<? Jj J» nnrtletfi r;.»\ I \V inIl;l..^l,â-  Guaranteed CAR AND rRUCK PARTS Used â€" New Sl'|.;( lU.I.'.i \«. IN iiiisiii.i Mli- TOH<i, fllWI IIIMIs. IK.Irniilh lloUu Will' It. -^. <:t-nt-i -It i.r^. â- .liirl- er«. ^Iii,.nci '.-. .irl.iirt.,., .. i;itiH),|. nr» â€" I %•â- :.-. ;ii;e S^-^^^.â- ,- l.lti^^ ^ SatUtiieiion or rrfniiil. Lrrt Auln Ql (LTl.NC; PATCHKS 5 LI:; Jl.lO. postpaid. Washfast colt": print and broadcloth, " .x B up Textil* .lobhers. 20 Maud S t reet, Toronto. SAI.IOS.^HOV WA^TIOU Familex 'Quality Products becorainff heller known ever.v da>-. vre need more salesmen lo insure the beat possible service to satisfied cus- tomers. Any active and honest man C!in make a livins sellinR 200 Jtecessilies which brinsr repeat or- ders b.v themselves. There is NO JtlSIC with our Successful Plan. Ask for KUI-MO c.atalog-ue nnd in- form.nlion: FAMILION' COMPANY. 570 St. Clement St., AIONTTMOAI. LYONS' tiiO('<iMiri'iti\i:i> I'l FtM'i'|:nii: BARGAINS! $19. neauiilnl li-uc; loom oiitfit. IjdKc 3 piece Clieslerfieid Suite, upholstered In brown mohair with fiRUred reversible Marshall uprinii cushions, bridKc lamp and Rillc sliado. walnut end table, silk cush- ions table lamp nnd silk shade, and modern smoker, a real out- atandin:? value. $24. Solid oak PitiinK Koom Suite, lar^o buffet, evtensioti table n?nl 6 leather upholstered chairs, com- plelel.v refinlshed. $63. Modern solid oak dining ron?n suite, larjre buffet. CNlonsion labia china cabinet and fi Irnlher tipbol- slerecl chairs, completely refin- lshed. $S3. licautifiil solid walnut dinin« roob< suite, coinplelely rufinished. larpe buffet, extension table, chins cabinet and (t leather scat chairs J29. Chesterfield Suite. S pieces, up- bolstered l!i repi> ncilerial, rust shade, rcver.-^iblrt Marshall spring cusbiiin*', perftHt condition. $49 Kroebler Cbeaterfield Red Suit* $ pieces, upholstered In brown mohair figured reversible sprin< cusbions. thorouarhly reconditi(»M- ert. Complete with new mattroys. $59 .M.idein Bed Itooni Suite, floor jsjjiple. in the new blenched wal- nut ftniah with round Vfiheriiu mirrofs. d?e5t?f ^ifTriiTly. â- fhiffoti* hr flill siie bed. s.iclpsg spiinK ana now mattre.-is. $29. Smart Breakfast Sulle In wal- nut finish, buffet with cabinet top extension .lack-knife li nnd 4 chairs f.ike fiew. Ife leaf lab!* $13 95 Hooaier Kitchen Cabinet, sllil- InK por.'plain top. r.^rgo nssnrlinenf of diessprs. bed% .sfove« odd chairs chesterflplds at ridicn'iiiis!'- low prices to clear. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Vcn^e St. â€" Toronto ISSUE NQ. 21^40

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