Wednesday, April 24, 1940 THE FLESHERTON AQVANCE w Archdukf Otto von Hap»burg paid a visit to Toronto. Hi> i» the pre- tender to the Austrian throne. And that means he has to pretend there is an Austria and Uten pretend that he is likely to get it. There seems, says the C^rgus News Record, to be an epidemic of short- ages in municipal treasuries in the district lately, and it seems that such things are not entirely confined to Ontario. Accordinf^ to an American newspaper, a new system of audits across the border revealed many shortages in one State. Fertilizer Car of Fertilizer COMING IN NEXT WEEK. ALL GRADES. SUITABLE FOR SPRING CROPS Get your requirements off-dar and save that one dollar per ton I Shur-Gain Feed Service I FLESHERTON PLANING MILL Phone 24w for prices delivered or off-car Live Stock Report (By Dunn & Levack) Almost 4,000 cattle arrived for Monday's market and the trade was active and strong for cows and bulls, also stocker cattle, but butcher cattle iind heavy steers were slow of sale and generally from 15 to 25c lower. Lambs featured the market, advanc- iiiK to lie for choice feed lot lambs, while ho(;s met with a very poor market and prices surprisingly lower. Choice butcher cattle and weighty steers brought from 7.00 to 7.25; faij' to good from 6.50 to 7.00. Choice baby beeves 7.50 to 8.50. Selected stockers and feeders from 6.25 to 6.75. Choice butcher cows were from 5.00 to 5.50, with some light heifery cows up to 6.00; fair to good butcher cows 4.50 to 5.00; common to medium 3.75 to 4.25; canners and cutters 3.25 to 3.75. Choice butcher bulls made from 5.50 to 6.00; good heavy bolognas 5.25 to 5.50; common to medium 4.50 - 5.00 Choice feed lot lambs sold readily at lie, with some Ontario lambs of medium to good quality at from 10.50 to 10.75. Choice butcher sheep were steady at from 5.50 to 6.50. The calf market opened strong, with choice calves selling from 10.00 ot 11.00; fair to good from 8.50 to 9.50; common to medium easier, from 5.50 to 8.00. The hog market is in an upset con- dition, as buyers were bidding much lower prices, but finally most of the hogs sold alive at 8.00, leaving a small number of hogs for sale on a dressed weight basis at 11.00. Local and Personal ^' Hill's Dynamic ^' t Y HERALDING A WAVE OF SHOE ECONOMY THAT WILL BE WELCOM- X Y ED BY HUNDREDS OF THRIFTY SHOPPERS . . . CHECK THE FEAT- !t! Y URE VALUES LISTED BELOW AND HURRY AND GET YOUR SHARE. X % THERE'S GOING TO BE FAST SELLING AND QUANTITIES ON MANY X LINES ARE LIMITED WOMEN'S "SWANKERS" FOOTWEAR 500 Pair to from and every one a "fai>liion favorite." New shoes for that new dress â€" that is essential if you want to look your best. You'll be saving smartly if you choose from our wide selections found in this popular line. Strajjs, ties, pumps and oxfords in black, brown and blue. Suede, pat- ent or side leathers with hipfh, low or Cuban heels, sizes 4 to 8. Standard widths in the gfroup. Pair $L94 GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS Styled for long wear, comfort and trim appearance; sturdy Hlucber Ox- ford of soft selected black leather, good quality wear-])ro()f sole and low walk- ing heel with rubber' lift; E-width in all sizes 3-8. Sale Price $1.89 FOOTWEAR FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN A special purchase of Misses and Children's Shoes make these prices possible. lilack calf, patent or side- leathers in group, with leather soles and rubber heels. Ch<jice of straps or oxfords in a pleasing assortment of styles. Colors arc black and brown, sizes 3-10 and 1 1-2. including half sizes Sale Price, pair 95c to $1.95 FOOTWEAR FOR YOUTHS AND BOYS Black calf leather oxfords, sturdy leather soles and Ifoletite rubber heels. Smart and serviceable. Pxtvs' sizes 1-.^. Sale Price $2.35 Youths' sizes 11-13J/,. I'rice .. $1.95 OUT FOR QUICK CLEARANCE Krinkle Bed Spreads â€" Clearance of mill ends of poi)iilar Krinkle Spre.ids. Woven from best strong cotton yarns, ea« ' to wash, nerd no ironing. P.ach picv? approximately 2'/ yards lonir. flouble bed size. Specially Priced .. 95c STURDY OXFORDS FOR MEN Good wearing and comfortable shoes made from sturdy black leather, have durable leather soles and rubber heels ; good sturdy- build and built on a wide, roomy last; good shoes in everv way, yet how little they cost here. Sizes 6- 1 1, half sizes. Sale Price, pair .... $1.95 MEN'S RUGGED WORK BOOTS Built to take hard knocks and stand the toughest wear; extra heavy work boots with choice of leather or panco soles and choice of plain heels or with heavy steel plates. Full grain leather in black or brown, with extra heavy stitching and plain toes; wide lasts. These include such famous makes as Valentine Martin, Tillsonburg, Buaer and others (all sizes).. vSiiecially Priced per pair $3.50 and $3.95 SPECIAL IN THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Our 1010 patterns of Sunworthy Wallpaper now in stock. Here's a golden- oiJiiortunitV to repair your home at really worth-while savings. Here you will find Sun worth v Wall- pai)er for every room in your home at small cost, so put this on your "must see" list, if you have pa])ering to do. Your inspection is invited. GROCERY SPECIALS Seedless Kaisins 2 lbs 21c Shredded Wheat 2 for 23c Choice Quality White Corn .. 3 for 3.^c Choice Golden Bantam 2 for 19c Wheat Flakes 5 lb. bag 21c Bulk Cocoa 2 lbs. V-c Supreme "Shortening 2 lbs. 25c Purity Flour 98 lbs. $2.95 Cooking Onions 10 Ib.s. 15c t t t t t I I .Mrs. Robt. Milsap of Napanee is the jfuest of Mrs. Alex. Kennedy. Mr. Lloyd C. Watson of Wood- bridge and Mrs. Mace of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mrs. Holland. Mr. Ted Dixon left on Monday to take a course at the aircraft school at Gait. Mr. Neil Milne of Toronto spent the week end with his brother. Dr. J. E. Milne, and Mrs. Milne. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Andrew and Eileen of Corbetton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy Sunday. Mr. Geo. -Mitchell and daughter, Aleda, who have spent the winter in Toronto, arrived home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and Miss Lucy McDonald attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Matthew Wood, at Markdale Tuesday. The annual meeting of East Grey County L.O.L. will be held in Plesher ton on Tuesday, April 30, 1940, at the hour of 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Smith and two children and Mr. Delbert Smith of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and two children of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Rev. Samuel Johnston of Toronto, minister in the former Presbyterian church in Flesherton, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. W. S. Inkster on Wed., May 1, at 3 p.m.. Roll callâ€" A Recipe My Grandmother Used." Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips, who have been residing near Holland Centre for the past couple of years, are at present with Mrs. McKee" in .town. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besse, recent bride and groom, visited with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavell, leaving for their home at Shanty Bay on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe and daughter, Mary K., of Malton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoi'ton of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. Stewart returned with them to visit for a week. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor were: Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald, Miss Doris Taylor, Miss Benson and Messrs. Tarter, McMaster and Heard, all of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Donald of Eugenia. -HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS The following report indicates sub- jects in which the pupils have secured fifty per cent or more during the winter term. The order of names represents the class standing: GRADE X Florence O'Neil â€" Eng. Comp., E. Lit., Social Studies, Latin, French Science, Math., Health. Jean Duncan â€" E. Comp., Art, E. Lit., S. S., Latin, Fr.. Hath., HeaUh. Ruth Whyteâ€" E. Comp., E. Lit. S. S., Lat., Fr., Sc., Math., Health. Jean Loucks â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat.. Fr., Math.. Health. Marian Collinson â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat., Fr., Sc., Math., Health Janet Campbell â€" E. Comp., E. Lit.. S. S., Lat., Fr., Sc., Math, Health, Art. Bob O'Dell â€" E. Lit., E. Comp., S. S., Lat., Fr., Ss.. Math., Health. Mary McMullen â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat.. Fr., Sc, Math., Health. Harold Clark â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat.. Fr., Math., Health. Jean McTavish â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat., Pr., Sc., Math Health. Emerson Beaton â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat., Fr., Sc.. Math., Health. Emerson Meads â€" E. Comp., E. Litu Hist.. Fr., Sc., Math., Health. Gordon Nichol â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Fr., Sc.. Math., Health. Edna Doupe â€" E. Comn., E. Lit., S. S., Fr., Sc., Math., Health. Gordon Sturrock â€" E. Comp., E. Lit.. Lat., Fr., Sc, Math.. Health. Bob Banks â€" E Comr^ E. Lit., S. S., Fr., Health. Marjorie Thistlethwaite â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., S. S., Lat, Fr., Health. Elma Hamilton â€" E. Comp., E. Lit.. S S., Art, Math., Health. Keith Cairns â€" S. S., Art, Fr., Sc, Math., Health. Fred Marshall â€" E. Comp.. E. Lit., Fr.. Sc, Math.. Health. Earl McKinnon â€" Art., Science. Joe Banks â€" Health. Chem., Fr., P. T. Ben Bellamy â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., A. Hist.. Pr., P. T. Donald Meads â€" E. Comp., E. Lit, Geom., Chem., P.T. Bernice Leavellâ€" E. Comp., E. Lit., Arith., Chem., P. T. Melville Buchanan â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., Arith., Chem., Latin, P. T. Ross McConkey â€" E. Comp.. E. Lit.» Arith., Latin. French, P. T. Jean Proctor â€" E. Comp., E Lit., An«i Hist, Chem., P. T. Emerson Watson â€" E. Com., E. Lit., Geom., Chem., French, P. T. Jim Thurston â€" E. Comp., E. Lit. Arith., P. T. Perhaps the person who started the permanent wave did so after looking at one of those corrugated iron pipes. t T t T T T T t t T T T t t t t t T T t ? T T T t i CEYLON GRADE XI Alan Chappie â€" E. Comp.. E. Lit., A. Hist, Geom., Chem., Lat., Fr. A., Fr. C, P. T. Laura Pedlar, E. Comp., E. Lit, Anc. History, Geotn., Chem., Latin, French, Phys. Training. Robt. Sutherland â€" Eng. Comp., E. Lit., Anc. History, Geometry, Latin, French, Physical Training. Frank "Warling- E. Comp., V. Lit., Anc. Hist., Geom., Lat, Fr.. P. T. Virginia Wilson â€" E. Comp.. E. Lit., A. Hist., Geom, Chem., Lat., Fr. P.T. Dorothy Watson â€" E. Comp., E. Lit., A. Hist, Lat., Fr., P. T'. Wm. Stephenâ€" E. Comp., E. Lit., A. Hist, Lat., Fr.. P. T. Earl Plester â€" E. Comp., Geom., A raw onion rubbed across the- windshield will keep sleet off, but you may prefer the sleet. TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday, April 28, 1949 Full information from Agents GoModUin GddSic Stand by THE OPEN COMPETITIVE MARKET WHERE YOUR INTERESTS ARE FULLY PROTECTED Ship year Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs to Dunn andi Levack Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Established 1893 â€" Write to us for Dependable Information. Union Stock Yards - TORONTO Small Ad. Column FOR RENT â€" Apartment with all conveniences. â€" J. A. Richards. FOR SALEâ€" Small field peas for seed. â€" J. W. R. Lever, Flesherton. 46c2 TO RENT â€" Good 5-room house near Eugenia. Apply to Mrs. R. Ben- tham, Flesherton. 45c2 LI F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. ^r t Miss Evelyn McDermid went to To- lOnto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir and Mr, nnd Mrs. Earl McLeod spent Sunday with friends at Lions Head. Don Porter of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. J. S. McDermid. Miss Emma Oliver of Heathcote was some for the week end. Miss Frances Collinson spent Sun- day in Toronto. Don't forget the Ladies' Aid social in the church Wednesday evening at '^ p.m. and the cake sale on Saturday !it the garage of Down & Boyd in Flesherton. Pte. Victor McMaster, of the 48th Highlanders, Toronto, spent the week end with his sistei', Mrs. Thos. Stewat, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander at Dun- Q-annon on Sunday. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Knox Thursday evening with a good attendance of members and visitors. The meeting opened with the president, Mrs. Smillie, pre- â- â- â- iHintr. by singing the Ode. Mrs. Gordon Stuart read the Scripture les- son and Mrs. Muir, Mrs. J. Sinclair and Mrs. K. Mi-I.eod read articles of interest. Miss Ixittie Whittaker won the contest conducted by Mrs. Sinclair. Mrs. A. C. Muir invited the W. I. to meet at her home in May, which will be the annual meeting and election of officers. We are sorry to report Mrs. Mel- ville Hogarth under the doctor's care. Mr. Chas. Royce, who has been mider the doctor's care at Dundalk, is iccuperating at the home of his sister, Mrs. Shier. ' Mr. I. R. Whittaker, accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Beatty, spent the wpok end at Wingham wHth Mrs. Whittaker and daughter. Messrs. Snowden and Earl McTjCod and J. W. MrMullen entertained the niaiTied couple on Friday night at a dance in the hall. There was a good crowd and everyone enjoyeil the get- together. -VOTICEâ€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" r. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE' â€" O.A.C. No. 21 barley. Gov. Grade No. 1, recleaned by power mill and grader. â€" Alex. S. Muir, R. R. 1, Ceylon, phone 49rl4. FOR SALE â€" Erban or Irish White Oats for seed, also no-barb barley. â€" 'Wm. Johnson, phone 41r31. 10c FOR SALE â€" Pontiac coupe in good condition. â€" Alex. Henderson, Flesh- erton. 45p2' FOR SALE â€" Vanguard (JBts gov. grade 1, 90f per bu., Erban oats grade 1, 70c per bu.â€" Allie McLean, Priceville, phone 49r3. 10c3 FOR SALEâ€" Potatoes, Grade: Canada No. 1, Dooley, Katadins and Warbas â€"A. S. Muir, Ceylon, R. R. No. 1, Phone 49rl4. - 4Qc2 NOTICE â€" Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. â€" Ross Mitchell Dundalk, phone 77. 45ctf FOR S|ALE â€" 7-room brick house, large lot, garage, good well; must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrst â€" Apply to John Stewart, Executor, Proton Station. Phone 32 r 4. 45ctf BRAY agent here will save time in correspondence. See him about your chick order, and ask about Daily specials. _ Bargains now in started cockerels, fine for summer broiler trade. Order May chicks now, John McWilliam, Flesherton. LOST â€" Between Feversham and CoUingwood Twp., heavy cutter robe. Finder please communicate with Mrs. Jas. Fletcher, R. R. 2, Ravenna, phone CoUingwood 129rl3. FOR SALE â€" Cream separator, truck scales, uniform heaters, Wash-Hite washers, Acorn steel ranges, Cook- Rite ranges. Royal ranges, Vanity ranges ; cash or temis. â€" The Ren- frew Machinery Sales, A. C. Weir, Priceville, Ont lOpl Wanted â€" White Balm, Spruce, Pop- lar logs, cut 12 ft., delivered, at $15 per M., sound. Trucking in connec- tion with mill work $1.00 per hour; Custom Sawing $7.00 per M. All dem. sawing $8.00 per M. Shingles GOc per bunch and graded to suit customer. Terms: strictly cash. â€" R. McNabb, Flesherton, phone 61w. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT SACRIFICE for quick sale â€" 300 acres, 60 workable, balance pasture and bush, more or less; house: frame bam 50x50, hog pen, running water and well at; I '4 miles east. H mile north of Flesherton. Apply to S. Hemphill, Ceylon, or Miss Edith Hemphill, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Lot 36, Con. 10, Osprey, 100' acres; 6* acres arable land, 40 acres pasture and wood land; frame house, two frame barns, and other buildings. Situated 1^ miles from Highway 24, 3 miles from Singhampton. For terms apply to ... E. Fair, solicitpr for E. Galloway Estate, 43 East Elgin S., CoUingwood. . 17pl BUSINESS CAKOS DR. F. E. CONNER FLESHERTON. Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Acconchenr Graduate of Queen's University Office in Mrs. McDonald's resldeoM Telephone 82 DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" Afternoons, l.M to 4. ETenings, 7 to S.Mi. Sundays and Thursday afternoons liy appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, AJT. & A.M., meets m the Fraternal HaU, Flesherton, the second Friday in MMk month. W.M., Alb. Blackburn; Sec- retary, C. J. Bellamy. ROY LANGFORD District Aceat fo>r MUTUAL UFB OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SIGKNBSS. FIR^ AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Mnnieipal LiabOHy Gaaraatoe Any Inanwnee Probten TelephoM 122. MARKDALK,