Wednesday, March 6, 1940 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 4^^<^^^«4y»^4^^«^<M^4^4»«^<M^<M»jM^^4M^<M^<^^<H^^^ I T COMMENCEMENT will be held in the ) FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL Conimencinjj at 8 p.m i FRL, MAR. 8, '40 VARIED PROGRAM OF GYMNASTICS, DANCES, PYRAMID BUILDING AND TUMBLING Presentation of Diplomas, Crests and Scholarships A MODERN COMEDY PLAY "Courage, Mr. Greene^^ will be presented By arrangement with Samuel French & Co., Toronto SPECIAL SPEAKER Agnes Macphail M.P. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c t I I I Ltfcal aod Personal LADY BANK i MAKE Your Dollars Go Further In This Big March Sale t T T t t T T t T T t T MEN'S NEWEST SPRING SUITS Never before have we had such a wide selection of fine quaUty suits to show you. With prices risinjjf daily these suits are priced to save you doll- ars by buying now â€" Single drape, double breasted and natural sack mod- els to choose from. Smart strioes, checks, etc., in the new greens, greys, blues and browns. Three or four piece suits. Sizes for everyone 34 to 46. PRESENTING THE PICK OF NEW SEASON'S HITS Ladies' printed and plain crepe dress- es ; new styles, new details, all emohas- izing the importance of color. Have one of these for your new spring wardrobe. Popularly priced at $4.95, $5.95 and $7.95 LADIES' FOOTWEAR Ladies' fine shoes in black monk san- dal, two-eyelet lace tie or sung fitting They are popularly priced P""iP f yk; high, medium and low $14.95, $16.95 and $22.50 MEN'S KNEE RUBBER BOOTS Be prci)ared for the wet days this coming spring with a pair of these low priced black Rubber Knee Boots with red rolled sole, solid heel. Every pair first quality Canadian make. Will stand plenty of good hard wear; sizes 6- 1 1. Sale Price, pair $1.95 PLAIN OVER RUBBERS for Spring Men's Rubbers, sizes 6-11, pair .... 69c Boys' Rubbers, sizes 1-5, pair S5c Youth's Rubbers sizes 11, 12, 13, pr.45c Children's Rubbers, 5-10, pair ...... 45c Ladies' Rubbers, sizes 3-8, pair ...... 49c Spring Fashions in NEW SPRING CREPES A gorgeous array of new floral pat- tern crepes at a price to suit everyone's purse. New styles and shades. Full range of sizes.. Your choice $2.95 WOMEN'S HOUSE FROCKS Another large shipment of the fam- ous Ida Mac, guaranteed fast color frocks; smart styles, excellent quality and a good assortment of sizes. Rest values in "ears 69c Cuban heels in choice of suede patent or soft selected leathers, combination fitting lasts; dre.ssy shoes at a moder- ate price; sizes 3j4',,to 8. Sale Price .. $2.45 and $2.95 NEW MILLINERY STYLES FOR SPRING Just arrived ! A new assortment of spring straws and felts in new ward- robe styles that make a woman look her best. All the newest stvles and colors are here, infcluding muted blue^ grey with red, pressed rose, haze, tur- quoise, as well as n^vy and white, bfack and white and red^ For first selection see them early and the price will suit everyone. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES Carnation Milk ...».' 3 tins 25c Jewel Shortening ......>... lb. 13c Lux Flakes, large size 2v3c small size lOc JiflF Flakes, with free bowl, both .... 27c White Clover Honey 4 lb. pail 45c Buckwheat Honey 4 lb. pail 35c Choice Quality Golden Bantam Corn :.' 3 for 25c Choice Quality Tomato Juice, 26 oz. tin 2 for 19c Pure Pepper lb. 19c Mrs. Chas. Phililpa of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Trempe^ Mr. Jas] Wilson visited at Durham on Friday. Mr. Thos. Banks of Brantford is visiting at his parental home. Keep Monday, March SSth, open for the big Faster Dance in Flesherton. Miss Audrey Brown of Malton spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Service at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald of To- ronto : spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Frank Taylor and family. Mrs. Ida Alexander is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander at Dung^nnon. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart and little eon spent the week end with her parents at Lynden. Mrs. W. E. Morgan spent a few days last week at Chatsworth and Gait. Mr. Douglas Morgan and friend, Harold Lumsden of Gait Aircraft School spent the week end with the former's mother. Dance to Wilf Johnston orchestra at Robinson's Hall, Feversham, this Friday evening. Roads are open and in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards ,were in Toronto on Saturday attending the wedding of the former's sister, Lyla, to Corp. Wm. Melville of the Toronto Scottish. Sam Croft brought a caterpillar into The Advance office for the editor to see. It was found lying on top of the snow and was living. Is this another sign of early spring. A political meeting in the interests of Karl D. Knechtel, National Con- servative candidate, was held in Flesherton Tuesday evening of this week when the hall was well filled to hear the problems discussed. The Easter Thankoffering meeting of St. John's United W.M.S. will be held on Thursday, March 14. Mrs. (Rev.) S. E. Annis of Markdale will be the guest speaker. An invitation is extended to the ladies of the town to be present. This district must be considered an appropriate place by ducks to spend the wintier. Eight ducks have made their home all winter on the open water in the Boyne river and appar- ently did not suffer from exposure to the cold. The ducks were white with black head and wings. Tuesday evening of next week, March 12th, the Flesherton Junior tiand is holding another skating party in Flesherton rink. Come and skate to the music of the band and enjoy yourself. A large crowd at- tended Uie last skating party. The usual admission price of 16 and 10 cents will foe charg«d at the door. Th6 Advance editor tenders birth- day congratulations to Mrs. Selina McKee of town who observed her 86th anniversary on March 1st. We are glad to Ichow that Mrs. McKee is en- joying good health and able to be arouqd .the house at her various dutie^ eacK day. Thorsday^ February 29tii, proved to be of I some importance to this district when! two babies were . bom on this Leap! Year day. Their next birthday will «ome in four years. Daughters were . born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marrjott; of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richadson, one mile north of tojwni Dr. J. E. Milne was the .attending physician in iboth cases. ! The gniards have been taken off the armof'ies at Markdale and Durham, and fk caretaker appointed. Sergt. Art. ^wor- and Pte. Rhesa McClean were at Durham and Corp.'W. Heslip and Pte. Garnet Teeter at Markdale, with Sergt. Ted Dixon and Pte. D. McLean relieving when needed. AU but the latter left for Toronto Mon- day morning for a medical examina- tion on completion of their servic*. March came in like a lamb. Mr. Geo. Dobson is engaged haul- ing wood to Collingwoo4 for Mr. AJex. . Moore. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Dave Roberts is slowlv improvin*. Mrs. Ken Eagle and two children of Gibraltar visited for a week witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. * '<>x. Maxwell and family. Mr. Jack Poole was aasistin" Mr. Mr. Jack Poole was assistinj? Mr. for a 'ew days. Mr. Ernie Semple spent Sunda with his wife and family. BALI^ ft POPLAR LOGS WANTED- Cut 12 ft. and delivlred in yard ili per M, also custom sawing, lumber and shingles. Bring in your logs an^ shingle timber; shingles ctrt on hand- ' swing machine, and graded to suit customer. R. McNABB phone- 61w -Flesherton, OnC If the winter's backbone isn't brok- en, it's at least badly bent. Norway's neutrality policy ap- pears to be as irregn^lar as hec oast- line. TENDERS FOR POWER MAINTAINER INSURANCE Consult me on your needs for auto- mobile, burglary, cargo, guarantee bonds, liability, plate glass and flro insurance. Licensed Agent for th» best companies. â€"HERBERT CORBETT, Proton Station, Ont. Phone Dundalk, 44r21. TENDERS FOR TRACTOR POWER TOWNSHIP OP OSPREY Tenders marked "For Power Main- tainer" will be received by the under- signed until Saturday, March 9th, 1940; 12 o'clock noon, for Power Maintainer to do construction and maintenance work in the Township of Osprey, during the season of 1940, tenders to state price per hour of op- eration. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk-Trcas. Feversham P. 0. Dated, Feversham, Feb. 24, 1940. TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Tendes marked "For Tractor Power" will be received by the under- sighed until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, March 9th, 1940, for t^ractor power suitable for the operation of the Township's grader. Tenders to state the price per hour of operation. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk-Treas; Feversham P. O. Dated, Feversham, Feb. 24, 1040. Small Ad. Column notice;â€" Good prices paid for hor- ses or cows suitable for mink meat. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Shorthorn Bull li yrs. old T.B. tested, Herbert Corbett, Proton, phone Dundalk 44 r 21. FOR SALE â€" two year old purebred Sorthom bull, quiet, T.B. tested. â€" H. Betts, R.R. 3, Flesherton. Phone, 7p2. FOR SALE or RENT â€"In Flesherton 7 room house, double lot, garage. Apply to John Stewart. TRADE OR SELL â€" Model A Ford car and V-8 IJncoln, will trade for young horse or cows. â€" ^Harold Best, Flesherton, phone 79. 21c2 LADIES' SHOES â€" Special prices on Ladies Shoes: 25c, 50c and 75c, reg. prices $4.50 to $7.00. â€" F. G. Kar- stedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire Sow due on Feb. 21; also black Percheron team 3 and 5 years old. â€" G. S. Grummett, R.R. No. 1. Flesherton phone Fev- ersham 11 r 13. 12c2 LOST â€" Ladies' yellow gold wrist watch, either at rink or on street to the rink. Finder please leave at The Advance office and receive reward. ' FOR SALE â€" Fresh cow T.B. tested:. â€" D. W. Adams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow, 6 years old due March 11. â€" E. Proctor, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 2 fresh cows and m few to freshen. â€" Herfoert Corbett, Proton Sta., phone Dundalk 44rai. FOR SALE â€" Seed Oats, Vangnaid Or Erban Grade No. 1.â€" Allie Iie> Lean, Priceville, phone 49rS 21el FOR SALE â€" Durham cow 5 yeax« old, due to fresh April 5.â€" Wilfred Magee, Eugenia, phone Fev. 5 r 33. BABY CHICKS â€" Order early and secure "Hillside" baby chicks for the best results. Good layers. â€" F. J. Chard, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" 12 and 16 inch maple and beech body wood; also 16 inch limb wood. â€" Harold Richardson, Flesherton. BABY CHICKSâ€" X)ur Bray agent will help you with your chick order. Bray March chicks will get into production for the grood late sum- mer markets. Order now. Immed- iate shipment. Capons and 2-3 week chicks to order. Turkeys. â€" John McWilliam, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE. Ont. The girl who thinks no man is good enough for her may be right, but she is more apt to be left. A man in Wales enlisted saying he was just 66. It was alright until it was found he had a son 46. Student: "I'm handling this plane pretty well." Instrnetor, "Ysah, just kpeep it up.** "Why do you say that beaotifnl photograph of your wife was just a snapshot " *^ell it must have bMB. Her mouth was shot." Sduth half of Lots 26 and 27, Con. 14, lArtemeeia, containing 103 acres mor^ or less. Good bnildin|(s, hard water in house and bam, running streoun 'in pasture; toot house, hen pig (md sheep pens and garage. For further particulars apply ' to 4-MRS. ALEX. CAIUtUTHERS, Phone 74 r 22 R. R. 4. Flesherton FARM FOR SALE Ninety-five acres, IHi miles outside Flesl^erton, near highway, good soil, 60 acres workable, freshly seeded, re- mainder pasture and soft timber, running waiter, small bam on founda- tion, cement stalbles; comfortable house, well at door. Part cash. Write to box 226, The Advance office. FARM FOR SALE , Good farm a quarter of a mile out- side Flesherton, being lot 144 on No. 10 Highway, containing 61 acres, well fenced, good bank barn 45x60, drilled well, 7 room frame house, soft water; the land is in excellent state of culti- vation, plenty of water at pasture. For full particulars apply to â€" â€" "WM. Burnett, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE OR RENT SACRIFICE for quick sale â€" 300 acres, 60 workable, balance pasture and bush, mors or less; house: frame bam 50x60, hog pen, running water and well at house; 1% miles east, </i mile north of Flesherton. Apply to S. Hemphill, Ceylon, or Miss Edith Hemphill, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 9 Shorthorn, coWl weighing 1200 to 1400 lbs, all to freshen soon; 6 yearlings; Tam- •worth sows, due March 29. â€" Gordon Stuart, Ceylon, FARMS FOR SALE IN OSPREY AND ARTEMESIA 11, J^. L. Oonklin farm, lots 36 and 37, con. 11, Osprey Twp., 150 acres, good buildings. J. B. McClennan farm, lots 3, 4 and 5, con.- 1, Osprey Twp., 160 goqd bam and frame house. Ifxigh Wright farm, lot 9, con. lot !9, con. 10, Osprey Twp., 200 ai good brick house and two bams. Gilbert LiUle farm, lots 79 and 80, con^ 1, Artemesia Twp., 100 acresr goojd buildings. - For prices and terms apply to-W. H. Hunter, R. R. 1, Vamey. phone> Holjstein 31 r 11. BUSINESS CARt>S DR. F. E. CONNER j FLESHERTON. Ontario Physldaa, Sargeoa and AMevcaew Graduate of Queen's Un l T erslty Offke in Mrs. McDonald's redd 1... , DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Dnhaii St Office Hoars â€" AftwnooM, LJ0 to 4. EreBlata, 7 to tM. Sundays and Thursday aftomooaa bf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSt, A^. ft A.M., meets in* the Fntcnwl Mtt^ Flesherton, the second Friday in «Mk month. W.M., Alb. BlaeUmm; retary, C. J. Belkuny. ROYLANGFORD DisMst Acwk fw MirruAL Lomi w Canada AOCnXBMT ud nOBNHBS, WOM, AVTOMOBILS. BUIOLAKT i|