CHANGE TO UPTON'S IT'S |f£|/^ flav*Mr«dJb«w itwaak •r •trotiK ... Ms rick. fMll-badlad flavour linear* in avwy eunfab How Can I ? SV ANNt AS>l-t' kV Q. How can I make a good soap Jelly? A. Tbia can be made from tbe â- craps of Eoap arounJ the house. Dissolve these small pieces of soap In Just enougli water to cover them and add one teaspooniul aX boras for each pint of the mixture. Q. How can I prevent pies from overflowing in the oveu? A. Insert a Short piece o! uncook- ed macaroni in the top of the «ru8t. This will stop the overflow. Or do this at the start to prevent overflowing. Q. How can 1 prepare a solution for chapped hands? A. A good lotion for chapped hands ts one pan of aqua ammonia to two parts of glycerine. A'ld en- ough rosewater to obtain a slight perfume. Q. How can I reoiove the odor from an empty. medicine bottle? A. Fill the botile half full of cold water and add one tablespoon of dry mustard. Shake thoroughly, let stand for half a day, and then rinse carefully iu cold water. Q. How can I make easier the task of boiling eggs? A. Try using an old flour sifter for 'boiling the eggs. Place the sift- er containing the eggs in a kettle of boiling water. When the eg^s are done, it will be easy to remove them. Q. How can I clean jewelry? A. A solution of one-half ammon- ia, and one-half water is excellent for cleaning jewi>lry. Thea polish tWith a chamois. SCOUTING . . . The formation of Anti-Rumor Par trols" la one of the original war- time activities of the Boy Scout* of Trinidad and TolJago. They aim to nip kny false and alarming newt in the bud, aa a contribution to- â- ward maintenance of a steady mor- ale 03 those islands. A elubroooi for overseas and other Scouts In His Majesty's forc- es has been opened at Imperial Boy Scout Headquarrer.B, London. The club is open dally from 9 a.w. to 11 p.m. and meals are obtainable at all hours. A gpeclal welcome Is extended former overseiu Scouta. An. X-ray machine was the last valuable contribution of the Sconta of Montreal to the equipment of the Children's Memorial Hospital. The apparatus was purchased by tie Montreal Scout "Good Turn Fund."' For some years a Cub and Scout Troop for the young patients of the hospital have been carried on by Montreal Scouters. Scours and Scout leaders of the Canadian We«t who regularly tra- vel long distances to attend meet- ings have their long-distance bro- thers in New South Wales. A lady Cubmaster at Loekhart, N.S.W., cycles 28 miles each week over iBte ' bush roads to take her Cub Pa^; meeting. Six Walgett Patrol Le;^^ ers wheeled 114 miles to attend a Pati-oi Leaders' Training Course, then wheeled the same dtstanca bom-^. «a»«««»ii«»»»«»i«»«»«»ii Modem Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. How aJiould one - gnij.:a Ui tipe, and know whether to give a tip of a dime or a dollar? A. Tipping must be regulated by tke contents of one's purse. It Is really vjlgar to be ostentatious and overdo It. Wlien a person earns say $30 or $40 a week and go«e around giving fifty cent 'and one dollar tlpa, be should have a guardian. 3. When giving an iaformal din- ner, isn't it all right for the bos- teee to eay, "just sit anywhere you wlab?" A. No. This is very confusing. It ta too much like playing the old game of •'musical chairs." Tbe hoa^ ees should designate where eacn guest eball sic Q. Would it be proper for a young young woman to sign a business letter, Miss Alice Jones? A. Ves. but the Miss abould be enclosed in parenthesis. Q. Is it all right to sign a valen- tlae? A. Yes, if you vlsb, tboagb many people prefer leaving tbe Identity of the sender to the Imagination of tbe one who receives tie valentine. Q. When children are eating ar tbe same table with adults, ahoold they be served first, laet, or in ret- n!ar rotation. A. Serve the children In same 'O- tatiOD as tbe adults. Q. What is ;lie me&aing of tbe abbreviation, S. B."? A. This is from tbe Latin oota 'oene, meaning "note weU." '"^1 «i^.r^sk^ «i^SS^3SS^ K«0' UCKLEY' I MIXTURE . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . AOfclXTS WA.VTEO _ Link Trainers Being Buih at Gananoque For R.A.F. A million-and-a-half dollars are being: spent in the little Ontario town of Gananoque to build planes that will never fly. The money is being spent by the British air ministi-y on 200 Link trainers, the stubby, motor- leu "planes" used to teach young pilots of the royal air force the intricate problems of piloting the modern fifhting planes of the K.A.F. HaveYooHeaid of the Henpecked Club. Sudden- ly the door opened. His wife sailed in, grabbed him by the collar, shook him until his teeth rattled, and exclaimed: "What do you mean by attend- ing this club.' 'Vou're not hen- pecked." An Englishman and a Frenchman were arguing over whose country owned tbe finer navy. They asked tbe oM Irishman in tbe corner to settle the argument. "The Irish bava tbe best navy," be said. "In Heaven's names where is the Irish naryT" said the other two. "And what a fool I'd be to be telling you when you might be a couple of »ples," said the Irishman. "Some mer» thirst after fame, aome after love and some after money." "I know something they all thirst after." "What's that?" "Salted peanuts." What Science is Doing 'A passecser on board ship found that be bad left his toothbrush In tbe washroom. Returning to recover tt. be found a man ssing It. "Sir," be exclaimed in amaze- ment, "that is my brush you are ailng!" "Ob." replied the man apologetl- eaHy, "I'm g« sorry, i though It be- toaged to the boat." Doctor: "Why do you have â- r 7052 tattooed on your back?" Patient: "That'a not tatto- aed, doctor. That's where my wife ran Into me with the oar when I was opening the garsfle rfoors." A professor at^a' famous seaiin- ttj was addressing the students 4m to take their departure. He had %#•â- Terbose and KO*y- "Knally, gentlemen," be conclnd- •4, "ramerober that whan you go ««t Into the worM 7«u will ttoA IMHMtvea face to taee with a lot f( fO(9l» who bar* loet thair iaaida.* Ne was sttend'na a meeting MAY REPLACE INSULIN Discovery of a substance which in laboratory investigation has re- duced blood sugar in rabbits and monkeys and in a few cases in dia- betic individuals, is announced by Dr. J. B. Collip, head of the. Bio- chemistry Department at McGlU University. The substance, prepared from a pituitary tissue, is given by tbe mouth. If proven effective, it would eliminate the mental discomfort and physical suffering caused by re- peated injections of Insullc in the treatment of diabetes. 6.000 TIMES BRIGHTER Using an odd camera which now makes round stars Into sq'iare ones William H. Christie ha* determin- ed the brightness of 18 globular star clusters. "All the stars In the clusters are hotter and more brilliant than our tun," says the Mount Wilson obser- vatwy astronomer. "The total brightness of the smal- ler clusters Is 6.000 timee that «t tbe sun, and that of tbe larger 1« S00,000 times. "Despite their brilUance, obI/ two olu«t«^ are near anough to to seen with tbe naked eye. Machine Tricks "Poker Faces" A machine with an uni.'aiiny an- ility at getting behind a "poker face" and telling what's going on there, was demonstrated to a group of about fifty Western On- tario policemen last week by Dr. D. J. Wilson of the Psycholog? Department of the University of Western Ontario. of the officers outsmart- ed the machine, others had their secret thought bai'ed. If there i.<! a name for the appa- ratus it is not "lie detetlor,'' Dr. "Wilson explained. It is only one of several instruments all of which are used in the so-called lie detectors of the United States, to measuf, emotional response. J^y f« o.""o. RMwRmftifp Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all-in- clusive Canadian National Rail- ways system for the week ending February 7tb, 1940. were 14,369.293. aa compared with $3,163,696. for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- crease of $1,205,597 or 38.1%. WEIIRY DESPONKIir AlHl Qa t^i'yioC sp«lls. irritabta WMlal J aetvtt due to (unctianai ^â- â- •â- â- We "monthly" pain should ted art*! "woman's frtuid' ic Lydia E. Pink- bem's Vsgatable Componad. TVy ixt LyiliaLPinkhain'si TIRED FUT •; AUE VlM rl.A.XNlX; A XUW Kill lir;X OK UATIlROOMf Iaii!ali«Hi« -BAnci-AY TILE" THE U.V'rJSbT CO.NTRIBL'TIO.N to hotud modernizing: easily and un!i;iily applied; attractive color â- jombi.'iat'ons for kitchen, bath. room. KdmMiid Hind Lumber Co., Ltd. 2379 Danforth Ave.. Toronto. Tqroi aljr. or yoar I^rtDcr.l Lumber De ItAltV ClllClv!» BJlBY CHl'.ICi;, AU. VJ PEP. HU.VD- red. Bari>:',i Hooks. White -Leg- horns. H. i. P.eds. Wyandoties. New Hatiipshire.". February and ilarcli delr.ery. Carlton Hatchery, Britaania Heights. Ont. EJRAV ••HICK.? .^lAKJS PROFITS for ivise poultry keepers. Order now. Chioks, cockerels, pullets, capon;. started chicks. Bray Hatchers-, 130 John St. X.. Hamil- A. CO-Ml'LETE CPUCK SERVICE. We have 13 purebreds, five eross- breds nunsexed chicks, sexed pul- lets, spxeil cockerels, capons, start- ed ohicks. older pullets. We hatch SO.OOu to 60,000 chicks every week. We have four hatches a week. Due ;o this enormous production, we can save you money. Free calalogiie and price list on re- quest. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries. Limit*?d. Fergus. Ontario. BADE.N (50VERXME.NT APPROV- ed Chicks at rock bottom prices. Standard Quality White Leehorns J8.93. B.Trred Kooks, New Hamp- ahlrcs. Hybrids J9.4o, White Rocks, White Wyandottes $10.45, Heavy Breeds M0% Pullets J16.90, Cock- erels $6.2&. Send (or free '-ireuUr and price list. Baden Electric Chl.:k Hatchery Limited, BaJcn. Onta:!i. BIG. HIJSKY. QUALITY CHICKS. buy from ,i breeder who has a re- putation for liveability. We hon- estly believe our stock the best obtainable. White Leghorns. Bar- red Koi'ks. Hampshires. low prices. Siagarn Poultry Farm. Niasara- on-thc-Lako. Ontario. LOt;l>-ALLY POULTRY FARM Bred chioks arc better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection. 7 cents and up, farm rais- ed pullets. Circular on request. Hlehway Poultry Farm. H.R. \o. 1, Waterloo. Ontario. CHICICS. AVHITE IJEOHOR.N.S. 9o. Barred Rock.'s and New Hamp- shires 10c. from 'Jovernment ap- provi'd. blood-tcstid .stock. Write for <*arRlo.rno. Hrui-eJal© Poiikrv Frirm, â- -;:â- Thom-'-i. thit. lll'ilXKS.S OlM'ORTr^ilTY RADIO ELECTRICAL STORE â€" larsfe repair busini'ss â€" truck, seventeen hundred rash. Smith Business BrokeTnge. Sfi'i Adcl'.ide K. T..roi!:o. KUi:rATI*tX,lL STUDE.NTS NUW E.NKOi.lJNG FUR courses in Matriculation. Short Story Journalism. Shorthand and Speech Culture Make v«6» of your spare time. Write today. Canad- ian Correspondence College, (es- tsMij-heJ 19<'-:) :2'.i rocgs street. Tor.inf' ELEITIUC MOTORS KLECTRIC MOTOKS SUIT VBLE for every purpose. Jones A Moore Electric. 296 Adelaido .street W.. Toronti*. riSHIM. TAIKI.K OR M'OHFlNtJ tiOOUS fishi:rmen: sk.vd fop: our ne* larger. 1940 Fishing Tackle cata'oguo. out March iOth. E. ManI* 171 Craig St. W.. Montreal, Quebe.', FILMS BKST RESULTS â€" ROIJ^ DEVEL- oped with higlos.i deckled edged prints â€" 25c. Reprints 3o. Beauti- ful enlarKomert free. Prompt ner- Tice. Excel Photos, ] 2<6 L^n.-i- do^^n^^- Av.\. Tr'r'>fU.>. K1I..MS â€" I'OIXTS FREE E.M...VRGEMENT IN STUDIO. Folder with each order. Flimj de- Teloped and printed by txperts. JBc: reprints 10 for 25c. Nu-Wav Photo Service. Station "A" Tor- onto. i-'OR SALE â- XCELLENT FAR.\I LANDS. BE81' dlatrlcts "Western Canada, reason- able prices and terms. Some wheat irlalds over seventy bushels p«:- •cre. Splendid climate. Writ* or •M R. J. liollls * Co. Ltd., hn- eombe. Alberta. rVRK BKED ANOOR.V .HABBITS. nature breeders, four dulla.-a each â€" Routlcdpc. 410 Fourteenth Ave.. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Uacd â€" New srRCMi.izixn i3i rebmlt mo- TOIUi, POWER-t'lflTS. Br'Taallc â- •lata, Wiaokca. Rrarratan, Sfart- •â- â- , IK«ar*«<oa, Parhur^tora. Ra4lat- mtn â€" Kxck«as« Servii'v. QIaaa â€" (•attaraelloB »r rttumi. lArrr Amto l^rfa. Tarrtntn. ISSUE NO. '40 liARII> tri'l I-: i-KKRS aAKUY APi'Li:; I'KEtis - 60 CTfc. eaoh. Canada's Uiwest Priced .Sur. •ery, ero-x.-jsg leading varieties Fruit Trees. Ornameatals: Write Immediately .-equesting sensation, al offerings. Tohe's Treery. Nla- etrn nn-ThP.|jikP Mntn^'lo H.\RKS, IIAIIB1T!> RAl.SE AXGOP..V WOOL R.\BBITS. Splendid profits. Good markets for wool, honest erailng. top prices in the Angora industry. Write F. A. Sutcllffe. V;:e President. Federa- tion American Angora Breeders. Abercorn, Q'l^b*::. LEGHOKSS FOR SALE BECKER STR.iJN. SINGLE COilB dark brotvn I.*ghorns, males 13.00, trios SS.O'i. H-nry Becker. Water- loo. Ontario. MILKIM; M.4CHIXES GRADE ••A" MILKER MILKS TWO cows at once into separate con- talners. Xo pulsators. No old-fash- ioned pipelines. Write to-day. Wil- liam E. Eawden, 21 Quebec Ave., Toronto, M,H H1>"ERV CLEAliA-NCE â€" TWO ONLY â€" Brand New- Whittc Portable Saw- ing outfits, steel frame, stael wheels tvith tongue, swinging steel saw frame takes 24" or 26" circular saws â€" 5 H.P. Hopper cooled horizontal gasoline engine, fitted 'Tvith magneto, can be used as portable power plant â€" sale Sricc. $285. The A. H. Wliiiams lachinery Co. Ltd., «4 Front St. West. Toronto. NACUIXERV FOR SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS. reasonably pricaj. easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A H. Williams Machinery Co., Ltd,, 6* Frnn: St . We.»l, Toror. r^. ME\ WANTKU ARE YOU THE M^VN? YOV CAX have a •â- olid business established within three months. If you are tired of woklng to earn profits for someone else OWN YOTR BUSINESS and enjoy araailng pro- fits every hour selling 200 guar- anteed necessities used in every home. No Obligation. Get det.alls and oatalofrue free. Fanillex Pro- ducts. .tTO St, Clement. Montrol. Nl R.SKHY STOCK HARDIEST FRUITS. RARE ORNA- mentals. Roauost illu.strated cata- logue and planting guide: 600 var- ieties, trees, shrubs, perennial flower.', tested and grown at Droptnore. Order early for frse booklet on new fruit recipes, also premium with order. Strong plants: export packing, guaran- teed delivery s^^â- whe^e. The .Man- itoba Hardy Plant Nursery. Drop- ni'^r--, M.i n i tob.'i, OKFKR TO I>VF:.>T0RS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVE.NTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Rams.iy Co Registered. Patent Attorney's, 278 Bnnk Street. Ottnw.-i. t^?^nrtd:i, OProKTlMTlKS KOU ME\ PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE. IN- dustry urgently requires trained men. Learn electric welding now. 'lenera! Wi'lding ^V'orks. 100 Jar- vi.-'. Toronto. l'i:ii>«i> %i .iClT TOBACCO. S.NLFF. EASILV, Ine.'isensiveiy. Home remedy. Tastimonials Guaranteed. Advice free, B.irtletts Box 1, Winnipeg, HEPATOLA KliLIEVES STOMACH and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains In right side, under shoul- der blades a::d across hips. Indi- gestion, gas. constipation, nil trouble. Formula of doctor. Re- sults in one day! Price J5.00. Mrs. Geo. St. Almas. Box lOTJW Saska- toon. Sask. STOMACH S'KFEREKS: GIVE DR. McLeod's Remedy Stomachic a chance to clear up your stomach trouble. At Drug Stores, or write Dr. McI,A!od's Stomachic Co., 568 Bathurst Street, Toronto. health: .-v. SI.VIPLE rREVESTIVE of common colds, self-applied, bas- •d on radio primiples, "static" In the nervous system. Corrective cir- cuits made with the hands. Kffec- tive til blood pressure and heart weakness, etc. Easy Instructions isnt on receipt of fS.OO. F. C, Fra- l*e. Brentwood Bay, VancoUTer Island, B.C. FALSE TEETH LOOSENESS AND annoyance bani.«hed cheaply at borne b.v dentist's wonderful dls- eovery for building up old plate to fit. Users amazed. Free Infor- BBatlon without obligation. Ran- dolph Laboratory, 22 Whitehall Hoad. Toronto. g.tLKS MAMURR 'WAXTEU DISTRICT SALES M.VNAGER T<-"> inpervlse agents talUng shoes. H. Illchle Shoe Co.. *55 Craig St W, torttreal, •IF.KU FOR iiALE GOVEKNMENT TESTED SEEDS from (grower to aowerl shipped In sealed bags, properly mlxsd for a wonderf'.il Hav or pasture crop. Bad Clover, Alslke. Timothy, mJx- t«r». »1J.!5 psr IM lbs. rrei^ht Mil], bags fr«e. MIscer Seeds. Fort Dov«r. Ontario. SEED PUrATOES BUYINU, SELLl.N'J. CAR LOTS, Truckloads, Table. Certified seed. Ontarioa. Islands. Ask Hiseja, th« largest potato dealers in Ontario, u4 Front St- E. T<.'r>>rito, >k:t::i> O.A'l!» ERBA>» OAT.<. LEAF RUST P.E.^IS- tant. 6Sc pf.- bushel. Duncan Mc- Dunald. Ethi;i. Ontarin. STAHl'S >. A.>Ti:.lJ STAMPS O.N ENVELOPES. .NOTH- Ing after U70. Will buy for casta. R. G. Purdy. 310 Glen Manor Drive Toronto. I SOl.L»lKH> htl^ou Itlll.L \>U CERTIFICATE HO.VOR ROLL OR CEKTlFiCATB of service, beautifully designed every province and â- unit repre- â- ented. Size 16 s 22 in 7 colours, suitable tSf frajziing, space tor photograph and scroll for perFij. anent record. Every soldier 3 home needs one. Mailed to any place io Canada. 11.00. E. Mackintosh, photographer and copywri!.M £9 Granbv S::-,-cf, Tor*'tit>i TLKKEYS tOK S.lLt. WHITE HOLL.AND TURKEYS. Government approved and utility, stock. Prices on applicatio::. Bert Irwin. Sfaforth. Oti'ario, ISEU CLtlTHl-M. SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN LiSSKD clothing; Write for big, tree illus- trated catalogue on Men's, Ladies' and Children's used clothing. Gowdy's Mail Order Department, J37 Notre Dame Avenue Winnl- peg. M.Tnitoha WATCHH-lKlX, LEAR.N WATCHiLAKlNG AT HOME Beginners' outfits from 15. Nation- al Watch, Begina. .'^ask. L \ O .N S Febr-aary Clea.rance Sale New & Reconditione.i FUR.MTURE All used furniture is completely re- conditioned, guaranteed thoroughly clean and sold with positive money- back guarantee of .eatisfactloti. J19.50 THREE PIECE CHESTF.R- field Suite, upholstered in novelty repp, reve.'sib.'e Marshall sprinis cushions. 124.50 SMART, 3 PIECE CHESTER- fieid Suite, upholstered In Ulue shade velour. reversible Marshall spring cushions. 135.00 BE.VUTIFUL BROWN' M«V hair Chestfrfield Suite, t3 poe.), figured reversible Marshall spring cushions. I32.0O 10 PIECE LIVING ROOM Outfit, comprising 3 piece Ches- terfield Suite. Bridge Lamp. 8ilk Shadew End Table. Silk Cushion, Table Lamp. Silk Shade, Metal Smoking Stand, 112.50 STUDIO COCCH, STRINO filled mattre,»s. makes into double or two single oeds. 117.50 8 PIECE SOLID OAK Dl.STNa room Suite, buffet, extensio.n table and 6 leather upholstered c!mir». 124,00 SOLID OAK DINING ROOM Suitei. buffet, extension table and S leather seat chairs. Perfect. 139.00 COMPLETE 9 - PIECE DIN. ing room Suite, solid oak, buffet, china cabinet, extension table, < leather upholstered chairs, tSS.OO LARGE DINING ROOM Suite, In rich walnut finish, buffet, cabinet, extension table and leath- er upholstered chairs. J6S.0O MODERN 9 PIECE DININO room suite. In beatitlful 2-tDiie wal- nut. BxJffet, china cabinet, e:tlen.' slon tabic, and 6 leather upholster- •d chairs, tl09.OO BEAUTIFUL. 60UD WAt> nut Dining Room Suite (cos; new approximately S373}. large buffet, extension table, china cafclce!. S leather upholstered chairs. $B9.00 FLOOR SAJVIPLE, MODERN Chesterfield Suite (S pieces), reg. 179. Upholstered in novelty repp, in brcwn, green or rust shades, bullet type, reversible M&rstaalt spring cushions. |«9,00 MODER.N BEDROOM SUITHI (factory sample). In bleached wal- nut finish, waterfall desig:;. Ven- etian mirror, dresser or v.-^nity, chlffoBler. full size bed, saglesa spring and new mattress. $«9.00 SOLID WAX^NUT DINTNQ room 8ulte, (cost new approxi- mately $250). large buffet, txteo- •Ion table, chlija cabinet and six leather upholstered chairs. 119.50 SIMMONS STEEL BED IN walnut finish, sagless spring new mattress and large dresser In wal- nut finish. $3100 MODERN BEDROOM S"-ITIB In two.tone walnut finish. Dresser, chiffonier, full sisa bed and aag. less spring. $45.00 C>3.MPLETE BEDROOM Suite. In two- tone walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed. saglesa sprlnc and new roa;»re"'!«. $59,00 Ft>OOR S.VMPLE BEDr.<X).M Suite In 'he new bleached ivxinut finish with waterfall fronts and Venetian mirrors. Dresser, cirffon- fer full size bed, lagltss tprlnst and new mattress. $89,00 CLNMNGHAM HAN") tN mahogany case. Wonderful condi- tion. $$.95 HOOSIER KITCHEN Crt^STN- . at with sliding" porcelain top. 14.50 < PIECE BREAKFAST !?T-mi In Ivory enamel trimmed b.nck. buffet, table and 4 chairs. All merchandise careftjlly cra*<: 1 for saf» shipment on receipt of mi>o«j' order and sold with a pofiltlve tnoiA- •y-back guarantee of aatlsfsctlon. Lyons Furnitu-'e Co. 478 Yong:e St. TORO^TTO