N 1.1 MAVf YflU MIAM •>»*>* ^ C*bm6m starch Roa* U. Ai^M•>. fuDoqa CooUsf Authori^? It oOus • wid* nuiM ot ih » inmN SYRUf V<:( Write now for the BooUat evr titled "52 Cukea a Year". EacJoM , â- label from any Canada. Stairch 1^~^ ProduL-t and oddreaa The i^auila .\^ ' .. Starch Homa Service DiBt.. A, / '\ ' 49 WalUngton St E. / ^. Tonmto. ^--' SS"*"*/ HaveYouHeaid Tlw explorer, boving low, ap- froacbed th« savage chief. "1 com* to you from, beyond tie •ttiuwt," the white sun began cere- aumiously, "trom the Great White Mng â€" " "Tell me," Interrupted the chief. "why doa't you guys do something •boat the punk radio programs you â- end over here?" "I am very proud of the way my wm has worked his way to the "What la he doing?" "Well, he started as a shoemaker •ad finished as a hairdresser." Kuth Tra/s a sweet girl. Sh« vas wartlTicf a book that gave the mean- lac of namee. Her mother was watching her, and thiaking of all tk* young men who were attracted tober. "Mother," says Ruth, "it says nt&ip meenB lover of horses, and James means beloved. Mother, I wonder what George means?" "I h(^e, my dear, that George means business." In these modern days of radio and propaganda, it la now poesibte tor half the world to learn how the other half lies. A man appeared at the gate of a nudist colony, rang the bell and waited. rrom Inside: "What do you wantr "1 want to join." "Tou can't Join with that blue â- alt on." "That isn't a blue suit, sir. I am Jnat cold." "Do you enjoy novel reading Hlsa Prim?" "Oh, verj- much. One can assi- elate with people in fiction that one wouldn't dare to speak to in nai\ life." What Science D IS oing St-EEPtNG SICKNESS SECRET? For sis years. Dr.. Alma J. Keill, a physiology professor at the Uni- verolty of Oklahoma, haa been working ou her theory that liie disease of sleeping sickness spring:) trom a toxiu carried in grains of corn, possibly other plants. From the results of her experi- ments, Dr. Neill believes that the disease Is not a contagious one, but rather is a eondltion transmitted from plants to animals when the plants are eaten. EASE BATTLE WOUNDS New method of "spot deadening" e( war wounds has been developed to aid in caring for injured soldiers OB the battlefield. I'he emlmination of pain by ap- ylylug auaeathetica directly to a wound or the narves near it with- out deadening the entire body is Ut» secret of this method of treat- ment. "INVISIBLE GLASS' â-² method for coatiug the su^ Jaoes o£ lenses for eycgULsscs and oamecas with a film that wiU re- sist ordinary wear and will trans- torm the Senses into the so-called iSTisible glass by eliminating re- flections from its surface, has been worked out at the Massaclvjsetrs Institute of Twhiioliigy. re ^ DUE TO COUGHS^ COLDS Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all-ln- cluslra Canadian N'ational Rail- ways for the week ending Jauuary 2l3t, 1340, were ?3,813,320, as com- pared with $3,127,076 for the coi^ responding week of 1933, an In- crease of ?6S6,24-i or 21.3 per cent. New Head of CBC Rene Morin, of Montreal, has been appointed chairman of the board of directors of the Canad- ian Broadcasting Corporation. • eaaaaeaai>a>< Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is a friend who does not po.«- sess the least trace of envy worth cultivating? 2. Should a prettj- girl in an o*. fice expect special favors on ac- count of her sex? 3. What would be a good toast to give at a wedding anniversary? 4. When one is going away on an e.vtended trip and a friend gives her a "send-off" party, should .-jhe write this friend a letter while away? 5. When yt'u are a guosc at a small dinner party, and a dish is served that you particularly dis- like, what should you dol 6. How can a man entertain bis friends if his only home is one hotel room? Answers 1. Yes, because this friend ;ii all probability has many otlier vir- tues. .According to La Rochefou- cauld, "The most certain sign of being born with great nualities is to be born without envy." 2. Nev- er. Uer position depends upon her efficiency, and she is not there to be (.'ourted or petted. 3. "May your coming anniversaries be out- numbered only by your coming pleasures." 4. Yes, and 3.s soon as possible after leaving, expressing again how much she enjoye.i her thoughtfulness. 3. The courteous thing to do is to take a small por- tion, and pretend to eat it. tj.'He can give a dinner or supper at the hotel, also a theater or opera party. Early Edition A level inch of snow last night Has spread a scribbled page of white Where all who walk in (.•arefai shoes May read the early morning news. The ni'lkraan with a six-foot stride Carae here, and from the other side The newsboy tossed a folded page Of doings on a wider stage. Here Towser took his morning run ! .\nd groveled in the snow for ' fun . . . But breakfast calls us; back we fo .\nd leave our doings on the snow. â€"Gerald Raftery Feathers Bought Canadian Feather & Matlrcs* Co. 4147 SPRUCE ST., TortOMTO »â- » • • » • •♦H How Can I ? I 8V MNNfe ASHI ev Q. Ilow can I make a novelty candlestick salad? A, L'se a thick slice of pineapple for the base, place half a banana upright for the candle, and top this with a maraschino cherry. Serve with French dressing. Q. Ilow can I keep the piano free of moths? A. Ilaug a couple ol small bugs of gum camphor Iqside, near the felt. Be sure that the bag::, do not touch the resounding k»ys. Q. How can 1 prevent the mat- tress and bedding Jrom aequirias rnst stains? .\. Give the bed springs a coat of white or cream-colored paint. Q. How can 1 clean alum<.nu:n- ware? A. Try pouring a few ounces of vinegar into each aluminum uten- sil, heating it and then scouring the surface. The surface will look like new. Q. How can I prevent the iron from sticking to starched goods? A. A small quantity of turpen- tine added to the pot of starch will prevent the Iron from siicklDg to the goods. Q. How can I remove the odor of stale cigarette smbke from a room? A. Place a pan of ammonia water in the room overnight. HEALTH TOPICS DON'T OVERDO EXERCISE Too much emphasis is placed on exercise as a health factor. Dr. Wil- , 11am O'Brien, director of post-grad- nato medical education at the Uni- versity of Minnesota believes. Exercise Is beneficial In small doses but there Is danger in over^ doses. "If you feel In 'the mood for exercise, the best thing to do is sit down and rest until the mood baa I>assed," he said. After the 40th birthday more rest and a firmer cheek ou bad habits is necessary, he declared, because the body cannot stand 50 mucii punishment. DIET FOR COLDS Complete iimnunity to infect ioas cannst be brwsht about by diet- ary means, anft with many diseases nutrition has no effect, but a tre- mendous amount can be done to keep resistance at a high level by proper nutrition. It has beeii found that a Jei'ic- ieucy of any of the necessary food elements tends to increase suscei> tlbility to infectious. The foods to emphasize are milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. If you are susceptible to colds take some sourco of Vitamin D. Field Crop Value CiitnDea m i^o^ $634,130,000 in Past Year Was Canada's Best for Nearly Decade â€" 15 Per Cent Over 1938 Ui'Css vaiuj to Canadian tarmors of field crops harvested in laoit »as SG;!4,130,0»ii, some .fS-I.OCl.OUO more tbau in 1S3S, i:ie Dominion Hureau o£ Sta:i.-t!C3 reported in Us ;bi:d estiroalo of 193tt yit^ids. Th3 revised Vri'J figure an in- crease of 15 per cent, over WSS was the higiiesl since 193U whon tho valiiatiou was ?(iU2,04U,a0ti. Valuation ot last year's proihic- tiou. nowever, ranked far beuw It'll) because liigu prices for the tielQ urops a: l!;at time set an all- time top af ?1.237.1(i9,UUiJ. Lower farm prices ::J many insf.ui;:e<3 in It'Sa onset iucrea^jea pi'oductiou :u many lines. Valuo ot lUe 193!) wheat crop, now e.sti:uated at 4SSt,ti23,ooa bus:i- els, was placed at ?2D2,(Vy,000, au increase of ?4I,al4,U0U trom 1"J3S. Kasler prices cttset some of the productioa boost. Coarse grain prices, however, wore Detter for t;io l»3a crop than for the iy3S. Oats were vaIU'-<l at $11)5,1163,000, a!i increase ot ?l''>ti2«,- 000; Oarley at ?33,I47,00(i, au in- crease of ?4,701,Oi»0; rye $5,708,000. an Increase of 92,t>19,000. The total value mixed grain was place<t at $18,!IO£,000, an increase ot $3,776,000. AU tbe other coarse grains show- ed increases, especially flax seed at $3,030,000. more than dou^^te the year liefore when the crop was valued at *1.420,0<)O. W UH**^*^ -^ Six-Week Feast Chinese begin preparing for their .New Year (February 18ih) a month in advance. The entire house is washed down and t^veiy corner scrubbed. It is dec u'uteu on the outside with paper on which good wishes are written : everyone must l>athe and women wash their hair. The custom is to wear a completely new outfit and on the first day of the year on:y vegetable.'! like soya-bean curd, are eaten. Real feanting begins on the sei.>ind day when the 'en- tire population ceases work. The poor feast for fourletn days, the middle-class for three weeks and the ricli for si.\ weeks. Even at dinners given by the poor it would be shameful to' sit down to fewer than nine ilishes, while at mocc elaborate banquet.-, the least num- ber of L-ourses is twenty-four. School hours in Grimsby, lOiig- lar.d, have been changed so that children may get home before the mid-day traffic rush. Canaiia's production of auto- mobiles for the eleven raoiuiis'ead. ed .November 30, 15)39, amounted to i:{S,33S units. I I %0n -orM^n'^/Baek For quick rHiff frocn iubics of encwx. piicpiM. &tt- Jeto'flfoot. »*ilfc KAUts, raaCiC* sDd o:let fxtur^y caused akiD trculiits. <it» worid-timouf, cooiii:^ &i:t>- 'ifptic, liquid D. IJ. O. IV^acrtptior:. Crm«:«fc yuri'fW. r^uothcs irriUtxn &n<l quiuiy Mops imccM ilchinx. 35otnkih(HtloproTesit. ormoDfrba^. AsJc W dr otat Codu fcr O. 0. 0. PftESCmPHOM. BUSINESS COURSES BY MAIL I-earn )•) c;:. n ;i gouj salary. Tuko a .Shaw .S6c>'otui'i:il. .Stciin- i;ru.ptiic, Acrouni.-iiicy, Advert i.-;. ins or .Show-card Writlntr i'our>i . Bent r<.'sults at reu.'onablo co.it from a <".inp.(ilan srliool of 4m years' exptsiencc. Writo for pa;- tleulai-9. S0\W SCHOOLS Drpr. W., 11:11 liny St., ruroDlu . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . .».G EXTS U .\ .\T EU 127 HO.VAEWORK PL-\.NS BE VOUR OWil-l TtHTtA. THE.SE plana can bo Wi5elfe*- anywhere. Particulars frce:-.')auai-cllan Ex- change. :)71 College St.. Toronto. SHUE.S â€" VVUHKLV; a.UtilE.NTS. Sell Dress and Work Shoes. Sport.s and ^strvice Coot.-,, alau Men's â- Wurliins Oarmeiits. Free »ulling einiil'iiieilt. bonii-i^s. .Steo-Ensy Shoe--:. I'.eyr'd.. Uiu" .Votro Ijimo Wfsr. M.intn-al. AUK MH iM.\>\i\t; X m:>v Krr<;iiE.N <»k U-VTUito«>.yi ; IiitesiiKnIe "il.iKCI.AV ril-l-:" THE l^A'fhSiT CONTHIBU'TION to homo modoriiizinif; easily uud quitricly .ipplled; attractive oiilor combinatioiid I'ur kitohen, bath- room. Edmund Hind Lumber i;o.. Ltd, 2B7'J Dnnforili Ave.. Toronto, Or your Local Lumber Dealef. IIAUV CHICKS* PRICE IS .V niCr EEATfHE OF Twoddle 13-10 Chicks and at uew low prices tor 1!)40 you gfc fam- ous Tweddle Chicks noted for Uv- •biiity. OSS layins ability and food meat birds. Vou can buy weddlo White Lcshorna as low »3 SS.t'5: Barred Hocks, New Hampshires at *'J.45. We have 13 pure breds. 5 cio»s breds. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chiok Hateh- eries. Ltd., Fereus, Ontario. BILA.\ CHICK.-?. QtrCK A.NU HIGH production mean earlier profits. Uet them by ordering now. Two hatches weekly. Started chicks immediate shipment 1 - -l weeks, 3 week old Capons to order. Cata- logue. Bray Hatchery, 13U John St. N., Hamilton. OAK HlUt;E FAH.n'S CUICKS H.O.F. SIKED FltOil BIXIODTEST- ed stock, also Oovornincnt .Ap- proved and pedigreo mated. Our large tra;)uest breeding farm ro;- over I'J years under Oovernuient 1{.0. L'. inspection haa apeoialized In the world famous Tom Barron White Eeshorns and 0..i\.C. Barred Itock.s. .Send for our new early or- der price list and free poultry book of building plans, feuding: directions, treatment of disease.-!, etc. Special Discounts for chick orders booked by Feb. 13th. O.ak UidBO Farm. Bo.\ 106. Port CTi-dit. Oni. HAUV i'Hl<.-K.-<. .VLl. Sa t»ER HIJ.ND- red. Barr.a ItocU,-^, White Les- horii!*, H. I. Heil.-i. Wyandot te.s New Hanipshire.-i. February and ilari.-h delivery. i."uriion Hatchery, Hrit;il:ni-l H.,>ib'lU-<. 'Ult. i:i II. l> t li:i>ll': 6-l!OOM IJLNUAUnVS BUILT ON your lot for S-,.iiJU on vjovt. Ijo:i:i. Terms of iZji) down â€" $14.71 per monih. VfirU Hoishts Devolupmiot Co.. 3'd'i i;:iy .-itivct. T.jronto. CIIK!»l'i:itl--|l-:i.llS |-<Ht SALE CUES'l'EUFlELlJS â€" SI WEWliLV. Wo pay :iie fvoirilu. all you p.iy is a ruck-bottom price lor eliesiei. fields trjm Toronto's laruesl dir- jjreat pieces â€" chcsiertield. - chairs and modern stool to match, rebuilt and u|diolsieied In brand uew repp and tapes, taucstiy cov- erliiifs. spriny lilled back, cush- ions, uttruetive desli;ii, only j411. Another bargain, orlyliiutiy e.\- penbive suites. Lhuroutihiy i--'con. dilioned. S:;i'.3ii. Send Jl'J.Uii now. balance Sl.UU weekly. VVa iM,y the frcitilil to your station. .Sut.sfuc- tioii or Jour money baolc ltu.val Chesterfield ilfurs., uii Richmom; _EaSL, Toronto. Kl>l CA I lO.XAI., STIjUE.NI's .MJw l-J.SKOl.HNU FOU ouui ses in .Mall iculatiun. Short Story. Jouiiialisni, Shorlhand and Speech Culiuie. Make use of your spare ttiue. Wiiie today. Canad- ian Cuj respondence Colieise, (es- tabliohed Kiu::) :i2:i Vouija Street. Toronto. ELE( riiic .>njr«M<» EUJCTKIO -MOTOtt. :! ll.f.. ALSO several other .sixcij. Jones Ai .Moore Eloctiic. »'.l(i AJeluida Su W_ Toronto. •II.M"* â€" I'KI.'VTS FREE ENL.\i:CK.MENT l.V STL'UIt). Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by e.xpcrts. i5e; reprints It) tor 25e. .Nu-Way Fbuto Servlco. Station â- '.V. Tor- 00 to. ii.%icii\ .%ri-i.i-: ii(KK<» UAKU* Al'l'LJ:; I'UEES â€" iJ CIS. eucli. Canada's Lowest Triced Nur- sery. arowing leadiiia varieties Fruit Trees. Oriiaraenial& Write '.mtDedlttiely ie<iuesiliiti scn.^atlon- al offerings. Tobo'3 Tteery. .Ni.i- liari-oii-tlie-l.:iU-.'. oi.turio. ICE-LO.VI)l-:i«S i'.\IT It'E-LO.VDEHS, WONDEKFL I. capacity, utrontr, practical, dur- able. ca.<ily moved. John Talt, Iron BrldKc, <)n;ario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -> New «l>RCiAI.I/.IM: IIV HRIII'II.T MO. Vimn, fOWKK-l M'l<>, Mrriniallr ilaUta. Wlarhc*. i.tutrmton, StarC- cra, Mnunertia, ;'i«rliorr(ora. RadlRt- •>« â€" KTfhnnn* S»rTlc«. Glawi â€" satlarn<'il»a or rrfBnd. Levy, aalv Carta, T»roa(9. I.Ei;lll)R\!> KOn HiALE BECKER STR-UN. SINGLE :OMB dark brown Lcsh-^: -•ti, ;i»nles S3.00. trios $11 on. H.fivr 1^^*!-. Water- loo. Ont irio. ;.. - ^$V Mli.\ \V t^ â- 4^:^) ARE VOL THE .MA_N'.' VOU CAN havo a .<iOlld business pstablished within three months. If you are tired Of working to earn profits for somsoue else, own your busi- ness, and enjoy amazing profits every hour, sellliier 20U guaranteed necessities used in every home. No obligation. Got details and cat- alosn.i I'HEEI Faniilex Product-"!, .'iT'l .-^T. i'1,.ni**nt. M.iiifrenl. MU.KIVi; .«ACHI-M-:S GB.\13E 'A' M!L)i_EH illLlCS TWO oow-j at once into sopiu-ate con- tainers. .\'o pulsators. No old-fa«h- toned uipeline.-!. Write to-day. Wil- linni E. B-.iwdcii. I'l Qii'>bec Ave., To:-.. I! I. J. .Ji M.iClllXEKY KOK 'S.tI.E WADE I'OR'r^VELE DRA'J .?AWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are loifs to be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The A. H. Williams ilachinery Co., Ltd.. H From t-t.. We st.To ro n t o. n.VUAZl«ES 10 U.VCK NUMBER ilAC^V^ilXES •ent postpaid for Me, Love. Detec- tive. Sport, Western, etc. StooH of 75.000. Dept. ilS, Bo.x 7. Kog'-.ia _^Book E.M.'hunso, Regiua ijaslc. Ol-PKIt ro 1X\K>T0HS A-N OFFER ro EVERY INVEN'rOit List ot inventions and tuU infor. mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Regristered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street . Ott a w a. C.i t! ad a . I'EKSO-XAL QUIT roU.VCCO, SNUFF. E.-VSILV, me.xpeuslvely. Ujino leiuedy. Testimonials. Uuuranieed. Advice free. Uartleil's. LSo.s I, Win npeij. STUl'S J;U1.TI.RE. CIU-YK^LNTEED llai. scit-adjustiuij sprlub's. No auaei-straps, »4.5u, i-fce Trial. Flcininy, I'j'JU Urunvillo, Vaucou- IIKFATOL-V RELIEVES .STO.MACU and i..iver troubles. .Symptoms: Jt'ams in right side, un-ier shoul- der tjlades and acro.ss nips, iudi- i;eslioii, gas, constipation, tfall truubie. I'ormula ot doctor. ite- ouiis In one nay: rricu 55.(1U. iti-s. Uoo. .S. .Vimaj, Box 1U73>V'. Sadka- loon. .Sitsk. STu.w.-.t K sufferers: let l'R. Mcl..t:oa"s siieC'.-sstuL scientific retneav Stomacnic clear up your stuuiui'h trouule. like it has for so many utners. One user states: "For years I wajj troubled with gnaw iiig pain l>oiow bieast-bonc. It caused iiHs and bioutiiig. t tried many remeaies, but my ouly relief was soda, and that fo,- short time oniy. Alter meals it didn't bother me for a tew hours, men it I ate something it stopped, coming again alter some lime. The pain botiiered mo worst at night. .-V-fter taKing three bottles ol Dr. .Mc- Leou s .Siomachic, 1 was free Ironi pain. 1 Kept on Impruvlnij and nave now been well lor .six years, cnjujiiig my meals without medi- cine-, .-"[â- â- machic is iiseiul in over- coming ga:-, bloating, .sour stom- aen oiul is especially lieipfnl tor pain ei'int, timo utter ctitlnK and nigtit iiiitig',»stion. Ask ;our drug- gist or u ,ite to Dr. .>tcLood s stomucliic Co., 5o8 Uathui'st. 'Tor- onto. >Efc;u.s SliED LiEALh-RS â€" URUWEKS â€" Secuie riigaest M.arKet prices. Sauipio lo ilairy r isiier, 3V83 Ja:v;s ?^::ecl, Toronto. ••i:>-JI) l-OTATItES BLil.N'-i, SELUl.M.;, CAR 1^'TS, TrucKiOiius, Table. Ccrtilied see>l. Outarios, islanas. .\kk jiisc^ s, ttie largest potat-' aoaicrs in Oniar;.', Hi J- rout 8t. 1-;., Toroiit.i. SWI.UlEtt'> >><>.\»ic KOI.L AMI CEU'l'lflCATE UO.NUR ROLL Uit CERTIFI'.'-VTE ol service, beautiluily dcsigne,! •vc.-y province and unit ieprc- sented. Size ll> x :::: in ,' colours, â- uilaKie lor iruniing, spacu tor photogrnpa and scroll tor perm, auenl locerd. Every soldier's home ueods one. Mailed lu any place in Canad;i. J 1.00. E. .MacKlntosli, puoiogrjpiier und copywriter, 5J Orann y Stre et, To ronto. TWELVE UE.H.\A.\T>« â€" 91.00 ALL WOtiL IIEM.NA-NTS â€" FINEST mans suiting material, minimuui size !<" by on' and larger. Mailed Collect. .Money-back Cuarantee. Aronoff Bros.. Ltd., i74A DemoD- liKt'-y East, MoDtraal. rit\i.\Eu L>i!:'i-Kcrit Es .V.UBITIOLS ME.N 17 AND OVER wanted iromedlatcly for aecret- ••rvlce and detective work, com- plete training course by corres- pondence. Free inrurm.ition. Writs to C -VL Julieii. Uox ii. Station T. Uonlreal. l^y.O CI.OTHLNW SENSATIi'NAL BAlt'iAlNS !N USED clothing! Write for b,g. free Illus- trated oa'.ilogue on Men's. Ladies' and Children's ustd clothlnR. •3owdy'« Mall Ordar Department. JI7 Notre Dama Avenua. 'Wlnnl- P»S. Mtinltoba. LYONS FEnRI'.»IlV Cl.IlARt-SCK SALE SEW .\.\IJ RI-U'<>\mTIOMKIJ KfR-MTtHE Outst.-indlnsr V.ilues that will impel you to buy now for later require- ments. Fre» SrarnKTC Open Ewainir* UIXIM; ROO>tl UAI(«;.4.I\.<> 1 V? Zr< Solid oak dining room suit*. buffet, extension table and »ix leather upholstered chairs. 'yA 7 5 Fumed oak dining suit*, -'^•' -' larga buffet, extension table and six leather slip-seat .hairs, com- pletil.v reconditioned. 3Q Nine-piece dining suite, biiffrf. â- J'' china cabinet, extension t.'ibla and six leather upholstered chairs, perfect condition. C(-j Beautiful large dining suite. In •'*-'• rieb walnut finish, ouffat. ix- tension table, china cabinet and four leather upholstered chairs, com- pletely rcflnished. CO Modern English oak dlnetta suite, (floor sample). buffet, extension Jack-knife leaf table, and four chairs, in red leather. <n Smart nine-piece walnut din- ing suite, large buffet, china cabi.".cr, extension table and six lea- ther upholstered chairj; '.iko new. 4>(^ Modern English oa'K dimna suite (floor sample, regular $133. >, beautifully carved buffet, ex- tension table, china cabinet and six cLairs upholstered in red leatlier. 4 AQ Beautiful raahog-any 18th cen- ^ '-'â- '' lury period dining suite (a. floor sample, regular S275). larga buff<;t. extension table, cliillii cabin- et and six chairs upholstered wiii* shade, ioom curl, one only, /i 7 S -irge assortment of odd buf- ^•' -' fet.", and extension table.-!, :n oak and walnut finishes, 'to ;<-\ And up, several odd cliina cabinets, in solid oak, blr.-h and walnut, reflntshed. IIEDnOOM BARr.AIXS 5 0» '''" mattresses, ail sizes, deep- ly packed With fresh cotton, closely tufted, roll edges in good qiJBiily floral art ticking". No C.O.D. orders. 1 '> q: Simmona steel bed outfils. 'â€"•--' in walnut finish, jjagleis ateel spring and new cotton-filled mattress /i On ami up. large ns.«ortmont of \J. J â- } dri's.s,, s. Ill walnut, birch and enamel finishes. 3Q Complete bedroom suite. In rich -^ -'â- walnut finish, large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed. Saglesa spring and new inuit. u.,... ci. m- !y rerinished. 4q Hcituilful four-piece bedroom ~-'- suiic. in two-ton-i walnut fin- ish, dresser, vanity, chiffonier and full size bed. â- .•oniplet-.'ly retlni.^heu. ;q Modern bedroom suite, in the -^ â- '' new bloachod walnut finish. with \ enetian mirror (floor sampl, i dresser, with round .ilirror. ehiffoi'.- icr. full sine bt>d, Siigtess spring, new innttress and two pillows. <.;; Iloautiful large va'uut bedroom *-'-'• suite, completely roflnistied, dr-'ssor, chiffonier, vanit.v, beiicli. full size bed. Sagless spring and a now mattress. 'jT. L'ltra-modorii bod''ooiu s-aite. ' -'• completely reflnished, dresser, chiffonier, vanity, bench, full size bed. .-<aglcss spring, new mattress an,l pair pillows. I tQ (licpo.ssessedl, beautiful wa!- '-•'• nut bedroom stiire '.used one month, cost S13:0. large dresse;. vani-y. chiffonier, full stxo bud and Saglo.s.s spring guaranteed purfecu (-HESTKUr'IKI.U lt.U«iAlNS < T q; Conuonable studio lounge, sprctig-filled ni.i'.'ross. thr(?-i v.eli-.'illi'l cushions, upholstered in ligurcd repp easily- eviiverted into double or two single beds. .-Q Floor sample, chesterfield bed. W>'. upholstered In good tjuality brown repji. h.-is largo wardrobe compartment for bedding. 'iX) Studio suite, liirue pieces, mod- -J - • oro design, in chromo frame, • prina-tiiled throughout, covered in •tttray repp; your cbulce of colors, in -'onipioto living room outfit. •^â- '' 30 pieces). 3-piece chosteriield suite, upholstered in brown repp, reversible Mirshall spring cushions, bridge lamp and siik shado. walnut end table, silk cushion, table lamp and shade, and modern metal "smok- ing .stand. 3-1 Smart 3-piccQ chesterfield sui;e upholstered In novelty repp, figurea reversible Marshall spring t-ushlons, pillow arms and carvd 8ho» wood facings. â- >0 Beautiiui large thrco-plece chesterfield suite, -ipholatcrsd in figured brown v.doiir. Marshall spring cushions, spring-filled arm.s, thoroughly clean. X\ t)s California hcd ohairs, large assortment of cov-jrs, full Marshall .spring ciishi-)ns._ B1'<S SPECIALS ^Seamless «iuality. Oriental, modern and conventional patterns, in Ax- lUlnsterH, Wilton.s, Uroadlooms and tape.strie.i, in moat ail sizes, at pre- war price.?. ODD PIECES 3() Modern brenkfust suites, buffst -' '^" table and six chaira in water fall design; your choice ot color combinations. o QC and up. ga.'^ stoves. 3 and «- *â- '•- -' burners.thoi'ouKhly clean and guaranteed. to So Kit'-hen cabinets In oak and iv'..jv c„ ,,„ol finishes, with slidiSH porcelain i.ible tops, C4mc:eiclv re- conditienid. 14 ^n 'â- â- '''e'^s breaktast suite, buf- i-r...v (et^ drop-leaf table and buf- fet, in good order. OI'K.-V EVE?(l\GS nuy nKh ronfldraoe. .til i(iH>da tnlil OB a poKldtr nionr}-hnok Kiiar«ni,.a o( f«iitiiifnt'ii,»B. LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Vonge St., Toronto Oae niork 5»rlli of Collrae ISSUE NO. fr~'40 .T'-'^gSBWBSBaWBB**â„¢-'