Wednesday, January 3rd, 1940 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE «.JK t -'It « "â- ' « ♦ 4 â- ir V i^- V--V:i I'-W 1m >..-4 ,' â- » I [ t .^-c*- VICTORIA CORNERS A few Christmas gruests were not noted last week: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montcromery and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mitchell and daughters of Dandallc with Allan Kfontfiromery; Mr. Jack Spiers of the RJ^.F., Trenton, with Milton Bannon; Mr. and Mrs. Haw- ton and Kathleen, Feversham, Mr. an4 Mrs. Joe Wright and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled of Max- well and Miss Viola Cole of War^am with Elwyn Ferris. On Thursday evening the Y.P.S. â- held a social evening at the home of Mr. Allan Montgomery. After the regular program a social time was spent iD contests on names of birds, also names of local families, which were composed by Mrs. Montgomery and Gertrude. Chinese checkers and other games were finished off with lunch and chat. A number of friends and rabtivea met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bachelor on Tuesday evening to spend a social, time with the newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor (nee Marguerite Batohelor) who are -residing at Woodstock. Many beau- tiful gifts were- presented to the young couple, to remind t^em that the "fifiends back home,, were wishing them happiness and success. The ad- \ ''ith Mr. Jack Batchelor at Bethel. Talbot and family, including Winn- ifred of Toronto at the parental home, also the Sam Talbot family. Mr. and Mrs. \yilfred Gallagher entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Batch- elor and family including Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor '^ewly weds." Mr. and Mrs. James Copelasd spent Christmas at the home of their son Mr. Thomas Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson an4 Mr. James Acheson spent Christmas with Mr. Johnny Acheson. The Richardson family of Toronto spent the holiday under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. - Russel Linton and Peggry were with Mrs. Linton's par- ents at East Linton. Messrs Wm. and Elwin Moore vis- ited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Bert Hodgins of Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pietre and son spent the holiday at Mrs. Pietre's home. Mr. and Mrs. Qhas. Best visited with Mr. Fred Russel at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferris and Wylie were at the home of Mr. El- wyn Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson and children were with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henderson of CoAetton. Mr. Chas. Moore and family were chairman for the meeting and Ken Teeter as secretary. Mr. George Mathewson has secured the caretaking of the community skating rink at a salary of |26.00 per. month. The people of Vandeleur church gave their Christmas pageant "He came to Bethlehem" at Ebenezer a. B. McArthur, Senior trustee, acted ehurch last Sunday afternoon. This as chairman, in a very beautiful pageant and well j^^ ^ p PRICEVILLE EUGENIA worth seeing. About 25 persons took part, most of them dressed in cos- tume. All took their parts well. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sewell and Carman spent New Year's day in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville and , . _, „ Donna were witi the former's mother ^"'"^ ',!T »•!»"*?" on Sunday, and in Markdale for the holiday. Mrs. H. J. Thompson and A. C, spent a week with friends inOrange- Christmas visitors were: Miss An- yjljg na McLean with her parents, Mr. and Miss Marion Boland of Mimico, Mrs. H. B. McLean, Miss Marion and Mrs. Byres of Tara, were recent Muir, teacher at Palmer Springs, is visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bol- spending the holiday here, Mr. and (Intended for Last Week) There will be a dance in the hall The school entertainment held here here this Friday evening, Jan. 5th, on Thursday evening was a sucess. : under the auspices of L.O.L. 1118. The weather being bad kept many -A-dmission 25c. Ladies with lunch from attending. The recitations, drills i free. Come and spend an enjoyable and vocal music were well given. Mr. evening. We hope the Editor, Staff and the Readers of The .Advance had a most ; enjoyable Christmas, and we extend â- our best wishes to all for a prosper- j ous and happy New Year. Much sympathy is extended to Muir was in attendance at a concert in his Salem church on Thursday evening. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Jas. Weir is now able to pay a visit j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and sons ia to her family on the farm. Mr. John i Ritchie and son, Alex,, brought her she will be going back to her duties on Wednesday. and, and family. dress was read by Mrs. Alex. McLean of Toronto. On Wednesday night the charivari boys' and nuij^ous friends met at the home of Mr. Dave Blakey to wel- come Ifix. and Mrs. Leo Blakey to our community and to spend a jolly even- ing with them. The time was spent in dancing, cards and social time. During the evening Miss Helen White re^d the address and an aluminuni Utden outfit was presented besidei other gifts. Mr. Wm. Moore and Elvin enter- tained their family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Batchelor and four girls, Mr. and Mrs. Otto ' Lee and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hodgins and two daughters, and also Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gall- -agher to New Year's dinner. Messrs. J no. Robinson of Hamilton and Jim Bannon of Toronto visited with Mr. Milton Bannon and family. VANDELEUR (Intended for Last Week) The frozen ground last week had snow covered patches of ice, and Mr. Irving, when delivering the mail, fell and hurt himself badly. One of the ladies of our nighbor- hood thought she would try a fresh milk bath as a beauty aid. So when carrying two pails of milk from the bam she sat down in the middle of, the path, splashing the milk over herself and putting one arm in the other pail. We understand she needs a couple more treatments. Last Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blakey, the newly-weds were serenaded by some of the men of the community. The music was supplied by saws, plough shares, mould boards and other instruments. The music lasted for fifteen minutes, then Mr. and Mrs. Blakey invited the boys in, and on request of the serenaders, they treated them to some of the Blakey brand of music. Miss MacDonald and pupils enter- tained a number at their school con- cert last Friday evenii;r- With the term pupils and very little outside help they gave a grand perfor- mance. Special mention should be made of the Indian drill. This feat- ured Indian Chiefs and squaws in a drill. Mr. Sam McDonald and wife of â- Toronto, a former teacher and bro- ther of Miss MacDonald were present. Mr. and Mrs. George McGregor, (nee Marguerite Batchelor) of Wood- stock, visited at the ladie's home with Mr and Mrs. .Tas.Batehlor. Mis.s Anna Maud Acheson visited for a few days last week at Berkeley. The Christmas visitors were: Wm. There was a good attendance at the annual school meeting on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The report of the trustees, auditor and teacher were read and adopted. Mr. Chas. Boland was re-elected auditor and Mr. W. Johnson trustee. The other mem- bers of the board are as follows: Messrs. W. Ratcliffe and Louis Teeter, with the latter acting as secretary. The following contracts were let: 20 cords of wood to H. Thompson at $2.90 per cord. 1 1-2 cords of cedar to C. Boland at $2.95 per cord. Care- taking, Jim Cargoe at $35.00 per. year. Howard Graham acted as NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims or ac- counts against the late JOHN PORT- eous of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Retired Farmer, who died on the Fourth day of Decem- ber, 1939, are required to send full particulars thereof to the under- signed solicitor on or before the Twentieth day of Janurary, 1940. After which date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled there-to having regard only to those claims or accounts of which notice shall at that time have been recieved. » C. C. Middlebro, City Hall, Owen Sound, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims or ac- counts against the late John W. Davis of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on the Eleventh day of AprU 1939, they are required to send full particulars thereof to the under- signed solicitor on or before the Twentieth day of Janurary, 1940. After which date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled there-to having regard only to those claims or accounts of which notice shall at that time have been recieved. C. C. Middlebro, City Hall, Owen Sound, Ont. (Intended for Last Week) A happy and prosperous New Year to all readers of The Advance. Vandeleur school concert which was held in the Khool Thursday evening, was quite successful in every way. A program of drills, choruses, dialog^ies, recitations, etc., was given by the pu- pils. An interesting feature was the presentation of two splendid books donated by the T. Eaton Co., for the pupil taking the most points at the Artemesia School Fair. The 1st prize went to Marion Summers and the sec- ond to Nelson Fitzsimmons. At the close of the progrram Santa Claus appeared and unloaded the tree, after which candy was served. The teacher, Mr. Thompson, directed the program and a short address was given by the pastor. Rev. S. E. Annis. The pro- ceeds amouted to about $18. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sewell and Carman spent Christmas with friends at Holland Centre. Mr. Ted Fawcett was a week end guest with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wj^viUe. The church was filled to the doors Sunday afternoon to see the young people present the Christmas pageant "He Came to Bethlehem." About 20 young people took part, dressed in costumes, and gave all their parts well. A beautiufl Christmas message was thus presented. The pastor Rev. S. E. Annis, opened the service and spoke briefly. Following the pagreant a "White Gift" service was held. The pageant is being • presented at the Ebenezer church next Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Wyville, who has spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill at Nashville, has returned home. Misses Wilma, Elta and Jean Cargo of Toronto spent Christmas at their parental home. Miss May Graham spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Russell Freeman, and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thompson and .A.. C. are holidaying with the former's parents at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson and Pauline attended the Christmas gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutton. ^ M iM i m i m i ii iii iM i m i m* * ;; Cream Patrons DELIVER YOUR CREAM TO US AND GET THE EXTRA lo PER LB. BUTTER FAT ^' OVER TRUCK PRICES :â- WE STILL H.WE STORAGE ROOM FOR YOUR MEATS. CAtL AND ENQUIRE ABOUT THIS CONVENIENCE. Have you receivsd one o( our Calendars? Highests prices paid for CREAM, EGGS and POULTRY Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager MARRIED y WHITEâ€" DUCKETTâ€" -On Wednes- day, Dec. 6th, 1939, Marjorie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett, Ceylon, to William Lawson White, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. White, Saugeen Jet. AUCTION SALE PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE GEO. HUTCHINSON Lot 6. Con. 4, Euphrasia in the Village of Kimberley TUESDAY. JANUARY 9th, at 1 p.m. sharp. 1940 Mrs. Huston and family, of Oshawa, visited with the Muirs at Six Cor- ners. It is reported that Mary Alcorn and brothers Charlie, Robert, WLUiam and Walter, are on their way to spend New Years with their father who is not well, though improving. Messrs. Victor Adams and Gordon Geddes, with their charming wives, (members of the Hooper family) with Miss Eva and their mother and brother Joe, Mr. Ray and Wallace .A.dams and their wives, spent a happy Christmas at the home of their sis- ter, Mrs. Thomas Harrison here, and enjoyed a turkey sent by their sister, Mrs. Bothwell of Islay. Mr. John McVicar is spending the vacation from college with his par- ents. Miss Margaret McArthur is home from an extended visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarlane and Mr. Alex. McLean and his wife were Christmas visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean. Miss Monica Lambert was a holiday visitor with her uncle. Rev. Suther- alnd. We cheerfullly acknowledge a Christmas gift of candy and fruit from the Women's Institute, given to the lonely and aged annually. I write reverently, may th< Lortr tiless them all. Miss Cormie returned to her home ir. Elora for the school holiday and will be welcomed back in January for her school duties Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Karstedt and daughter, Jane, visited over the hol- iday in Toronto with Mrs. Karstedt's father, who is not well and is suffer- ing much. .A.I1 is being done that can be done by two nurses. Happy New Year to all. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean and family spent Christmas at Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLellan of Ni- agra falls were Christmas visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. Campbell. Members of the Hincks families spent Christmas on Saturday at the home of A. L. Hincks Christmas visitors at their various homes were: Miss Monica Lambert, Miss Elizabeth Brown of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean of Toronto, Miss Anna McEachern of Walters Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Marilyn and Miss .\lmeda Hincks of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Knox and Garnet. Mr. Donald Carson, all of Toronto, Mr. Stuart Carson of South River, Mr. and Mrs. .\rt Richardson and family of Swinton Park spent Christ- mas at the home of .\lex. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKenzie and Neilburt and Mr. R. Brodie of Toronto spent Christmas at the home of Wm. I McKenzie at Dromore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and fam- the lost of their home and contents by fire on Sunday night. We extend our deep sympathy to Mr. Henry Tudor and family and Mrs. Dave Roberts and family in their re- cent sad bereavements. Mrs. Robt. Smith has returned home after spending a few days in the Markdale hospital and a visit with her sister, Mrs. R. Bentham, at Flesh- erton. We hope that Mrs. Smith's health will continue to improve. Mrs. Bert Graham and Ruth spent the Christmas holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr. Ben Hanley spent Christmas in Toronto. Mr. Stuart Elkins of Toronto spent the week end and holiday with his wife here. A number from the village attended the Sunday School entertainment at St. John's United church, flesherton, on Friday evening and report a very enjoyable time. The Woman's Association will hoM their January meeting in the church this Thursday afternoon, Jan. 4. The Woman's Association officers \ for 1940, are as follows Past Pres. â€" Mrs. W. Gordon. ' President â€" Mrs. Jas. Ottewell. Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. Francis Genoe. Secretary â€" Mrs. Chas. Martin. Treasurer â€" Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Organist â€" Mrs. Court Smith. Asst. Organist â€" Miss G. Smith. Auditors for 1940 â€" Messrs. Ross Smith and Fr6d Jamieson. Parsonage Com. â€" Mrs. W. Gordon and Mrs. Lewis Genoe. Flower & Decorating Com. â€" Mrs Francis Genoe Miss Georgina Smith and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Rep. on M. & M. Com. of Church â€" Mrs. Garnet Magee. Buying Com. â€" The Executive. Visiting Com. â€" All Members. Rep. on Official Board â€" Mrs. Lewis Genoe. , A "Watch Night" service was held at 11 o'clock on Sunday night in the church here. The service was spon- sored by the Y.P.U., the theme being "Ring out the old; ring in thenew." Mrs. M. McMullen went to Toronto for Christmas and will spend some time with friends there. - Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto spent the holidays at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and ^wennie spent a few days of the past week in Toronto. KIMBLRLEY - -^ (Intended for Last Week) The annual Christmae tree and con- cert sponsored by the teachen^Mr. G. Jenkins, Miss Weller and Mr. Perry for the pupila and the Sunday School was a success in every way. Two hours program of the finest quality was given without a poor number. The carols given by the girls were es> pecially good. The girls gave the car- ols in parts without a mistake. They were all dressed for the occasion "Molly be Jolly" was one of the feat- ures. All appreciate the help of the teachers and Mr. Perry. Great Im- provment is noticed in the singing under the teaching of Mr. Perry. Rev. Graham presided. Santa Clans distributed over 100 bags of oranges, nuts and candies. Over $36.00 wa« taken in. Many families gathered at their parental homes for Christmas. With Mr. and Mrs. L. McMullen, were all the McMullen fnends, 18 ia all. The Ellis family of Mr. and Mrs. N. Ellis of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. B. Chard were with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eliss at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Eliss. 28 in all. Mrs. G. Proctor with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernie Proctor. Miss Marjoris Proctor in Toronto. Mr. :i"(i :ir3 >:. E. Burritt and children with Mr. and Mrs. C.Thomp- son of OrangevilUe. This occassion was also Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's 'iOrh wedding anniversary. ill-, r.u.ssel Chard, Misses Winnis " "'â- -â€"( a-d .^nnie Haynes are home ^•om Orangeville. Miss Lois Weber is spending her I holidays at her home. , :.: . and Mrs. D. L. Weber had all the members of their family home r C.iristmas, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pattison of Toronto. Miss Margaret Hill of Thombury was at her home here. The school meeting passed off quiet- ly, and Mr. Bruce Carmthers was re- elected trustee for another term. It was decided to instal lightning rods on the school building. Miss Tena Hutchinson is home for the holidays. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs Arnold Lawrence spent the week end at Oshawa, the former remaining for the holidays. Mrs. Goodfellow is spending a â- week with her daughter, Mrs. Russell Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. D. .\. Neff and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gra- ham and Jack. The W. L met at the home of Mrs. E. Morwood when 19 members and visitors were present. The quflt tickets were distrfbnted and a com- mittee for an even'nar's entertain- ment was atmointed. at which the tncky ticket will be drawn. The sp'-- retary is to ntirchapp $10 worth of varri tr be knitted into socks for the snTdip'^. The roll caTl was an ex- ehanee of eift?. Mi=s Bettv Proctor of Toronto is <!TiendiTie a few dav^ w^th her fister, â- ^Tariorie. and grandmother, Mrs. (Jeo. (Intended for Last Weekl Two of the Eugenia guards visited \ Proctor, friends near Markdale last week and j We are very sorrv to report the reported having a grood time. ' ''"nth of Mr. .Tohi GrtiTinm r,f fSt. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting of I Thomas, who is a brother of Mr. T. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting | Crahan. here. Mr. and Mrs. Omham of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Stan n'-e attending the funeral which is Menzies of Flesherton, Miss Queenie heme- held this Tuesdar. We extend Princess Chariotte Fairfax (90536) | ''>' ''P*"* Christmas at the home of Mr. I. MacCuaig. Mulock. and Mrs. .\. L. Hincks and 6 years old; Roselie Fairfax (94211), I 5 years old; Betsy Fairfax (80617), 8 i years old; Queen Fairfax (100646), 3 i years old; Jewell Fairfax (94209), j 5 years old; Fanny Fairfax (69869), 11 years old; Belle Brae Fairfax (63- ! 440), 13 years old, Minnie Fairfax (108585), 2 years old; Audrey Fair- fax (108590), 2 years old; (above cows supposed in calf; Agnes Fairfax (116446), 1 .vear old; Topsy Fairfax (116448, 1 year old; Minnie Fairfax (119363). calf; Aggie Fairfax (119- 394), calf; Rose Fairfax, calf: Estelle Fairfax, calf; Roxy Fairfax (122338), calf; Grant Fairfax (122339). bull calf; Laddie Fairfax (743871, bull calf: Roy Fairfax (111740) bull. 2 .vears old; Jersey Cow, 4 years old, supposed in calf. (Above cattle T. B. tested). 8 Breeding Ewes, suppo.'ied in lamb. 2 Brood Sows. 4 hags of Sudan Grass Seed. TERMS:â€" 6 months' credit by fur- nishing approved joint notes, satisfac- tory to Bank of Commerce. Flesher- ton. hearinc interest at 6 per cent. FARM FOR SALEâ€" At the same time the 125-aere farm will bo offered for sale, subject to reserve bid; terms made known day of sale. â€"GEO. E. bl^NCAN, Mr. family were Christmas visitors with her sister. Mrs. G. A. Black, at Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane and son of Toronto were Christmas visitors at the home of C. A. McLean. Miss Jean Hincks of Lisle if spend- ing the Christmas vacation at her home. Raise More Pork According to a circular from the Dominion Dept. of .Agriculture, the demand for pork for export purpose is likely to be very acute this coming spring and farmers are urged to jTo into this line on as extensive scale as possible. .A much larger export than normal is certain to be required because Denmark supplies are cut off from Britain. Also Polani and the other Balkan states will be out of the (wpotting. bu.'Hness to the British mar- ket. Modem automobiles are becoming «o easy to run they si-e making driv- cri la7>-, it is said. Well, what about .A actioneer. shiftless cars? Kaitting and friend of Owen Sound and Mr. Guy Kaitting of Duncan spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting at the Club House. Mr. Bennie Hanley visited over Christmas with friends in Toronto. Miss Irene Martin from near Isling- ton, is home for Christmas vacation. Miss Dorothy Jamieson. teacher at i Feversham, is holidaying at her par- ' ental home. | Mr. Thomas Tudor of Toronto at- tended the funeral of his brother's ^\^fe, the late Mrs. Henry Tudor, on Sunday, and remained for a few days with his brother and family. Mr. Billy Hanley, accompanied by Mr. George .Akitt of Rock Mills, spent Christmas with St. Catherines friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker spent Christmas Day at the home of the lat- ter's sister. Mrs. Albert Ellis, near Kimberley. We are pleased to see Mrs. Baker able to be around again after receiv- ing injuries when she fell during the past week. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Osborne and daughters spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne and family, â- n^ay Markdale. Mr. Bryce Hanley spent Christmas with friends at Hatherton. Mr. Jas. Harrison of Springhill was :i visitor at the Martin home Monday. Misses Mary and Isobel McKee and *"riends of Toronto visited with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee, oyer the week end and Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Rov McMillan and '"amily sppTit Christmas in Toronto. Mrs. Wilson, who has been visiting •here, returned home with them. Miss Doris Magpp of Toronto visited over Christmaa at her parertal home. Miss Dorothy Oenoe has returned home from Toronto, where she spent our ^vmpathy to the bereaved. With a "'looniT- look ori his connt- omnce. the nrivnte pime down the 3fon« of thp militarv hosnital. "Hal'o. BHl!" said a passing com- rade. "And how is the sergant-mafor this "There's no hone." he said s.ndTy. "He returns to duty to-morrow." the past month or so. Mr. .Tohn .Tamicson of .ATexandrIa V'sited over Christmas with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and Horothy and Wes. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe and f^anehter. Dorothy, spent Christmas a*- the -Tamieson home. The Y.P.r. held a meoHne in the bpsement of the church when the elec- tion of officers, eondticted by Rev. Dr. Mercer, resulted as follows: Hon. Pres. â€" Rev. Dr. Mercer. Past Pres.â€" Mr. Argyle Martin. Pres. â€" Mrs. John Cairns. Jst Vice Pres. â€" Miss Jean Proctor. 2nd Vice-Pres. â€" Miss Dinsmore. Convenors â€" Christian Fellowship, M=ss Dinsmore: Missions. Mrs. Chas. Martin: Citizenship. Mr. Dong. Cafms; Culttiral. Mrs. Well. Graham. Rec. Sec. â€" Miss Marjorie Proctor. Cor. Seic.- Miss Winneta Martin. Treasurer â€" Mr. Dorland Campbefl. Orarani'stâ€" Miss Mabel Betts. .Asst. Orsmnist â€" Mrs. K. Proctor. Press (^o'<r\. â€" Mrs. Mart-'n, Ren. on Officii! Board â€" Mrs. Cnims. "Sunshine" Com. â€" Miss TJvehrn rnmrhel!. Mrs. Nerval Betts and Miss MTrs-nre* MucMiTlan. Ren. 0" M. * M. Com. of Church â€" ^rr«. C. Mirtin. .Auditors 'ir T?>if* â€" Arthur Prnctor pnd Flward CampbeH.