A . «> .^ â- n^ i < /«i %X\t /kgl)^rlirn .^^tidtic^. Vol. 59; No. 3 FLESHERTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1939 VV. H. THURSTON & SON. Proprietors Artemesia Council Had Busy Session Council met as a Court of Revision on the 12th day of June, 1939. There were present: J. A. Davis, Reeve; R. D. Purvis, Deputy Reeve, and Coun- cillors I. B. Whittaker, Frank Betta and J. A. McLoughry. After each member of the Court had signed and mads the necessary oath of office, the Coutr opened and the following appeals were heard: Rev. A. Mills appealed against the assessment of lots 130, 131 and 132, Con. 1 N.E., as being too high and upon hearing the Court thought otherwise and the amount was sus- tained; F. B. Edmonds appealed against assessment of lots 148 and 149, Con. 3 S.W. as being assessed too high and the Court struck off f 100 on buildings; Peter Gardiner claimed that he did not own property assessed to him in the Village of Priceville, but the Court of Revision decided to let the assessment stand, as there was no evidence as to whom the owner is; E. Fenwick appealed against the assess- ment of lots 39 and 40, Con. 11, as too high and upon hearing the Court ordered the roll sustained; George Allen appealed against his assess- ment on lots 181 and 182, Con. 2 N.E., as being too high, no one appearing the Court confirmed the asse'ssraent. After some minor alterations to the Roll it was confirmed, and it was moved by Mr. Whittaker and seconded by Mr. McLoughry that the Roll now revised by this Court be adopted and certified and be the Assessment Roll for all purposes for the year 1939. The Court adjourned. After the Court of Revision closed, the Council met fpr general business, all members being present, the Reeve in the chair. Correspondence was read from: C. C. Middlebro', regarding Public Wel- fare; Municipal Roads Audit Board, regarding date for audit of Township road expenditures; Walter E. Harris, regarding suit of Thompson vs Town- ship of Artemesia. Purvis â€" Betts â€" That Miss Irene Martin be paid flO for transporta- \ tion of an indigent patient to the | Toronto General Hospital. â€" Carried, i Whittakerâ€" Bettsâ€" That F. R. Bo- land be paid fl5 balance of Assess-, sor's salary, f 10 for equalising two \ school sections and $2.25 for Assess- or's supplies, totaling $.7.25. â€" Carried Betts â€" Purvis â€" ^That the claim of Charles Hopper of $10 for sheep killed be allowed, and that John Campbell be paid $1 for valuating. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" McLoughry â€" That the hospital account of Grey County, am- ounting to $63.87 for indigent patient, be passed and paid. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" Purvis â€" That the ac- count of 0. W. Phillips & Son, repairs to Assessor's satchel 75c, be paid. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" Purvis â€" That the treas- urer is hereby authorized to receive the Roll from the Collector for 1939. â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" McLoughryâ€" That the following committee work be passed and paid: â€" J. A. Davis, 2 days $6; R. D. Purvis, half day $1.50: I. A. McLoughry, half day $1.50 sfnd phone calls eOe: L B. Whittaker, half day $1.50.â€" Carried. Whittaker â€" Betts â€" 'Fhat the Road Superintendent Voucher No. 5, am- ounting to $474.67, be passed and the various amounts paid. â€" Carried. The Council adjoHrned. Coachiog Conference RepresenUtives of the committees of christian education of the Presby- teries of Toronto West, Centre and East, Dufferin and Peel, Grey, Simcoe and Muskoka, convened in Wesley United Church, Alliston, Friday and Saturday, June 16 and 17. The im- mediate purpose of the conference was to prepare the ground for the annual Workers' Institutes held unc'er the auspices of the various Presby- teries in the fall of the year. The whole field of christian educn- tion was made the subject of studv by several committees which reported back to the whole gathering. The general feeling was that a splendid piece of work had been accomplishes. The thanks of the conference wore tendered to the pastor and official board of the church for the use of the building, to the entire congree"*- tion for their overnight hospitality to visiting delegates, to the ladies of the Woman's Association for the excellent meals served by them, and to Dr. C A. Myers who had charge of progi-am arrangements for the conference, and other leaders of the department of christian education of the headquart- ers staff of the United Church of Canada, who successfully piloted the conference through its sessions. lis . .^..lOIUAr*! PORTEOUS â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Selina Porteous, who passed away June 26th, 1934. Five years have gone, how swift time flies. Love's sweetest memory never dies; We miss her help, her cheery ways, With her we spent our happy days; We miss her when we need a friend. On her we always could depend;. She cheered our life, she smoothed our pain, God grant some day we'll meet again. â€" Sadly missed, but fondly remem- bered by Husband and Family. IN MEMORIAM McINNIS â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Archie Mc- Innis, who passed away June 19, 1937: Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his days. Sincere and true in heart and mind. What a wonderful memory he left behind. â€" Saiy missed by his wife and daughters. Centre Grey W. 1. |St. John's Ladies' Aid | first Band Concert 10 lie neiu Juue29 iViet At iiaVennai ^'>e VV-oman's Association of St. John's Church held the June meeting The Centre Grey District Women's "' ^^^ *^°'"*^ °' ^'''^- ^"^don Long on Institute held its annual convention I Tuesday evening. The President, Mrs in the P^venna township hall on <^e"'K« McTavish, opened the meeting Friday, when the following officers I '" ^'"' "="*' manner. Mrs. Service ' read a devotional leaflet on the first Ladies' .A.id meeting, which originated in the home of Mary and Martha of Bethany, which was very much ap- pieciated. Mrs. Cargoe and Rev. Ser- vice led in prayer. .\rrangements Gift To Teacher were electd President â€" Mrs. Fell, Proton. Vice-Presidentsâ€" Mrs. R. N. White, Epping; Mrs. F. V. Parkinson, Thoi-n- bury; Mrs. Thompson, New England; Mrs. Dickson, Walters Falls. Sec.-Treas.â€" Mrs. E. Knott, Epping. \ ^^""^^ '"^f^*^ ''o'" the garden party to be District Convenor of Legislation â€" Mrs. Geo. E. Wright, Clarksburg. District Convenor for Historical Re- searchKMiss A. Randall, Caraperdown. Mrs. David McGowan of Ravenna was appointed representative to the Federal convention to lie held in To- ronto early in September. Mrs. Stafford, the retiring president, occupied the chair and conducted the business until new officers were elected. Miss Flora Dumin of the Depart- ment of agriculture had charge of the junior work, while Miss Hopkins, also representing the department, conduct- ed the election of officers. An unique feature of the proceed- ings was the singing of two numbers by the pupils of the Ravenna public school, under the direction of Pi-incipal Perry. There were about 150 dele- gates present, among whom were the following from Flesherton: Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mrs. T. Brady. Mrs. R. .Alex- ander and Mrs. J. Cargoe. held in Memorial Park the last of June. Mrs. .Armstrong, on behalf of the --Association, said a few words of appreciation to Mrs. Service for her work and help during her three years stay w^ith us; her service has been graciously and willingly given and it is with much regret that the local .Association severs connection with them. Mrs. Service replied in her very gracious manner. Mr. Service spoke a few words of appreciation to the members of the .Association for their kind help and co-operation during the three years of his pastorate. Mrs. Sparks' group had charge of the social hour. Miss Marion Wickens gave a violin solo being accompanied by her » mother with the auto harp. Mrs. W. Lever rendered a vocal solo, and lunch was then served to 47 present. Good Week End Fishing At Eugenia The big fish have again commenced to be brought from the deep waters of the Eugenia Hydro lake. For the past few weeks they have been very scarce but the first of this week Mr. Wm. Pinkerton landed three beauties the largest measuring 21 inches in length and weighing three pounds and fourteen ounces. This fine speckled beauty put up a real battle, as he was caught on a four ounce fly rod and it required delicate handling to land him. Mr. Pinkerton thought Thursday evening, June 2yth, at 8.15 p.m., the Flesherton junior banu and assi.sting artists are to present a varied program of band selections, solos, both vocal and instrumental, also piano duets, bagpipes, etc., in the town hall, Flesherton. This band has made very fine pro- gress and mere sentiment alone- should not prompt you to take in this concert, a.s an enjoyable evening is promised for everyone. To hear a children's band with their infectious, lively rythm. is to come away feelinj; that the world isn't such a bad place to live in after all. So snap throtigh the chores or whatever you have to do in double jig time and come out and have the best evening you-ve had in a long time. Band Organization Flesherton Junior Band provided u concert for the parents of the mem- bers 01 the band on Tuesday evening under the direction of Bandmaster C. Trickey and showed what progress young people can make under the new system of instruction. The concert was the end of the eight wee!-", trial period and to say that the parents were pleased with the result would b-j putting it mildly. The players gave everything they had to make it a success so that they could go on with their musical training. The parents decided at a meeting followir.g the program to organize and go ahead, so a junior band in Flesherton is now ai; assured fact. This decision was also made from the fact that so many have been interested in the welfare of the band and who hoped that it wovJd continue. Mr. .A. B. Cruchet, general that it required about three-quarters of an hour to subdue his antics suf- j manager of Boosey & Hawkes. was ficiently to use the net. The other i present and explained the aim of the two fish were slightly smaller than | junior band movement and hoped tl/at the big fellow, and by themselves ' the Flesherton band would be a rif' would have been something to write success. Following are the officers ' home about. IN MEMORIAM SMITH â€" In loving memory of our dear Burton, who passed away June 22nd, 1929. Jesus is coming, joy to the sky Oh, happy day! Oh, happy day! Then all who love Him shall heaven- ward fly. Oh, happy day! Oh, happy day! We upward shall fly to the Lord in the air, Together with Jesus we all shall be there. Far from this earth and from sorrow and care; Oh, happy day! Oh, happy day. Sadly missed by Parents, Grand- parents, Sisters and Brothers. When a man seeks to fly the -At- lantid in a tiny plane, it is possible to admire his courage without aplauding his discretion. • » H I II »»»l»»' Mm <*4i*. > . H i**. » *i l i.»'»** l ' * ' »* * * *-'" V -^ 1 Fvneral Chapel DIGNIFIED AND SYMPATHETIC PERSONAL SERVICE Whethei YOU PAY LESS THAN flOO.W For Complete Funeral (•- Mort NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR CHAPEL BATES & MADDOCKS 124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Night or Day 'Phone KIngsdale 4S44-8458 Amateur Concert .A big amateur concert will be held on market square, Flesherton, on Wednesday night of ne.xt week, June 2Sth. There will be classes for every- one, and everyone is invited to take part. Here is your chance l» sing oi put on any act over the microphone. Good prizes offered in the different classes. Entries must be made to C. S. McTavish by 8 p.m. at the Mun- shaw House, or belk.>re that if desired. Help make this a huire success by taking part. Come one, come all. CO.X â€" GENOA On Saturday, June 17th, at 2.30 o'clock, the marriage took pla«e in St. Cyprian .Anglican Church, with the Rev. H. P. Charters officiating, of Thora Christine, elder daughter ol Mrr. and Mrs. Eltwood Genoa of To- ronto, to Mr. Philip Baynton Cox, youngest son of .Mr. and Mrs. Bayn- ton Co.x of St. Catharines. Standards (rf pink and white peonies formed an attractive setting for the ceremony. The brivle was given in marriage by het- father, and wore a pi'incess gown of whhe suede lace, over bridal satin, with fin«rer tip veil over a coK>net of pleateil tulle. She carried a cascad* bou«»uett of roses and baby's bwath. Miss Edythg Genoa was her sister's only attend- ant and was attired in a bouffant frock of pale piak net over taffeta. She wore a pink net picture hat and carried a fan-shaped bouquet of vari- colored sweet peas and maiden hair fern. Mr. David Collingwood act«r as (rroomsman and Mr. Bruce Little rendered the wedding music. Standards of vari-colored peonies and oranjre blossoms decorated the bride's home, where Mrs. Genoa re- Tiv^'d the If nests, wearing a pa''sv eeorgette dross, white accessorie'* and corsaee of sweet n-^ns. .After a motor trip to the United States, the bride fl»d eroom will r«>sido in Toronto. For travelling the hridc wore an all- whit" pnfsemMe ind corspge of red rose*. eiected: President â€" F. W. Duncan.. Seci-etary â€" C. J. Bellamy. Treasurer â€" Mrs. J. Brackoi.iiu'. y Committee â€" W. G. McBride. R ^ Mi'i^'onkey. J. Brackenbury, <,G. W. Buchanan, C. R. Chappie an.f F. J Thurston. Won By f ricevilie Lady Mrs. John McMillan of Pricewlk- was winner of the first prize lasi week from the Community Chest, anu Roy McNulty of Proton Station re- ceived the two dollar prize. Three one dollar prizes wenc to Jos. '^ielc of Flesherton, Ronald Parson â- ; o; Kugenia and Ernie Proctor ol Kui;- enia. The wini\ers of The Advance prize who quaiifitd were: ArciiUr troctor of tiugeiHu and Mrs. M Doupe of Flesherton. .A freu' streei JiUKv was held and Misses Ruth Gra- ham and Evelyn McTavish \\.;ro thi winners of the spot dance, 'h** piizi being a cake. J. W. Cook's broad casting cmtfit supplied the nui.iiv". 1'. was :i;inouncod at the tii.-^t di'tnx that aommenciiig tonight, June '21-sl the prizes will be awarded to thoe* v.-iu) .»>-e in town that 'li;;'!'-. IT f ticket is drawn and the winner di>ei >(>t fp^pond to his name anoUiC tick et will be drawn until a winr»er if prodiMMd in the crowd. This app-'ie* to the five prizes being awardad. The .Advance will again this week jiive a six months .subscription fi-ec to the three names taken oat in .i sji-.x-ial draw after tlie five priz»s have beer, awarded. The six months will be added to a subscription if it is paid in advance. Holland Junior j Fanners Judging On Thursday, June 15th, the Junior Farmers of Holland Township held a judginj^- competition in which eighteen .^•vl!^;iip .joys participated. Horses. .>heep, swine, dairy and beef cattle were given the boys for judging practice. Mr. Melville Hanna. son of Reeve Geo. Han".a. organized the competi- tion, which was most successful. Co- operating with Mr. Hanna was Mr. Goi-don Bothwell of Sydenham town- ship. He brought five boys with him. Messrs. Hanna and Bothwell have tak- en one and two years respectively at the O.A.C., Guelph. The work was under the supervision of the Department of .Agriculture. Markdale. Some members of the Markdale Calf Club were taken to the competition also. The Holland Town- ship council very generously donated the sum of ten dollars to be used as prizes. Other contributors to the prize list were: Bob Harper. Holland Centre: the Macdonald Hardware, Chatsworth; C. Price. Holland Centre: M. .A. Cook, Walters Falls; Carson Wheildon. Holland Centre; John Hill & Sons. Chatsworth: Cecil Weeden. Chatsworth and Geo. Hanna & Son. Holland Centre. The training clas.ses, which number ten in the county during the past month, are preliminary to the final County Competition, which is to be held at Owen Sound on Friday. July 23rd. It is anticipated a large number of boys and girls will be present. STIOE.NTS WIN PRIZES Prizes for highest standing in Grade X English, given by Miss L. Pallett, were won by Frank Warling. Minerva Stafford and Laura Pedlar. The standing was judged on daily work, examination results and inter- est shown in class work. In a short speech, the teach.er congratulated the winners and hoped that they would keep up the good work so well commenced. FEVERSHAM PUPILS WHO PASSED ON YEARS WORK .M1»DLE SCHOOL RESULTS English Composition â€" Margaret Courvoisier. Murray Lepartl. Eng. Literature â€" Margaret Cour- voisier, Bernice Wright. Canadian History â€" Barry Eliott. Physics â€" Mable Fenwick, Noreen Grummett, Bernice Wright. Algebra â€" Mahle Fenwick, Xoreen GrumuK'tt. Norma Heitman, Bernice Wright. AN APPRECl.VTIOW A social hour was spent in the high school on Monday afternoon when Miss Laura Pallett was honored by the staff and pupils. Miss Pallett who has resigned from the school staff, was presented with a gift in appreciation of her work in the school and its various activities. The address was read by Melville Buchan- an and the gift was presented by Annie Haynes. Following is (Ihe address : Dear Miss P:i!!ett:- It was with deep regret that we learned of your resig- nation from our school staff. In the time that you have been on the staff you have become endeared to all the student body. " You have always be»ii ready to assi tsin every activity of the school life, as well as taking a real interest in the community at lar'je. Your cheerful disposition has always been appreciated by us, your pupils. in athletics your coaching and ex- ample have always been of true sportsmanship character. We feel chat we are losing a real friend, but oui- loss will be some other's gain. Our hopes go with you, as you take your new position. Of course it is only a few miles to Meafoid, so we may see you often. On behalf of your pupils, we ask you to accept this small token, not for its intrinsic value, but as a remembrance of the happy days that you spent in the Flesherton High School. Warden's Banquet The members of the County Council, ex-\Vardens, the press and others were the guests of Warden John .A. Davis and Mrs. Davis at the Warde-rs banquet held in the armories. Mark- dale, on Tuesday evening. A splendid time w'us enjoyed by all who attended. Following the banquet J. C. Mercer, County treasm'er. acted as toast- master and the following toasts were made and suitable responses were given: "'The King"; "Canada and the Empire,"' by .Alan Stewart, Mayor of Owen Sound, replied to by Col, F. J. Rutherford; "Grey County." proposed by W. S. Hunter. Reeve of Durhr.ni, i and replied to by R. L. .Aiteheson, Reeve of Sullivan; ".Agriculture.'' proposed 1^- D. J. McDonald, Reeve of ! Bentinck, and replied to by F. R. j Oliver, M.P.P.; "The Guests," pro- ' posed by Earl Radbourne, Reeve of j Keppel. and replied to by various ' guests present; "The Press," was pro- posed by .Alfred Down, Reeve of Flesherton, and response made by Editors Colgan of Markdale, Irwin of Durham and Dulmage of Owen Sound; "The Ladies."' was proposed by Wm. McGregor. Reeve of Sydf^n- ham and response was made bv Miss A. C. Macphail, M.P. CONVENTION OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS AT VANDELFXR The 40th annual convention of Art- emesia, Markdale and Flesherton Re- ligious Fducntion Council will be held in Vandeleur church on Wed^.l.^dâ- ^y afternoon and eveaing, J.ino 21st. ,A good program will be provided and everyone interested in Snndav S^h vv work is nrefHl to ot*"T>d. Come, bring vour basket. Tables wiil bo i\id ar.d tea, sugar, etc., provided. I wish to take this means of ex- pressing lay apreciation and thanks to my friends who were so kind in bringing treats and for visiting me. â€" Mrs. .Albert Wilkinson. PL.AY & SOC lAL AT MT. ZION A play â- •Second-Story Peggy", by the Priceville Dramatic Club, will be presented at an ice cream social at Mt. Zion. Wed., Jun« 21. Music sup- plied, also ball games. Concert at 8 p.m. .Admission: 26« and 15c. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George D. Short of Feversham wish to announce the engagement of their second youngest daughter, Nellie, to Mr. William Rozell Conn, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn, Feversham. The marriage will take place early in July. Fust Young Motorist: "That's an attnactive village we're coming to, wasn"t it?"' Strawberry Festival School Grounds, Priceville THURSDAY, JUNE 22. 1939 auspices of St. Columha United Church McDUFF - rOPEL.AND KNTERTMNERS of Toronto Supper at 6 p.m. Admission: 36c 20c Special SALE of Floor Coverings Wall Paper Betiding Studio Couches Chesterfield Suites Electrical Appliances All prices reduced for this from 10 to 20%. Compare our prices be- fore huviner. See our Used Furniture. Special Sale Prices Bennett & Ricbanls Home Furnishers Phone 41 We Deliver