Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Oct 1938, p. 3

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.^ SHE WAS A VICTIM OF HEADACHES Knuchen Got at the Cause This woman's headaches were of the (rrippinp kind that redwe the sufferer to somethng like helplessness. She tried tablets. She tried pills. All without avail. Ouly Kruschen could help her. "I used to jret t'ery bad head- aches," she writes. ".N'o tablets or pilfa of any kind could relieve them. One morninf;. casually, T tried Kruschen Salts in a (rlass of hot water. I continued takin? it, but I have not had one nf those awful headaches since. Kruschen suits me better than anvthinfr else. 1 find it very good." â€" (Mrs.) L.A.W. Headaches can nearly always be traced to sluppishness of the kidneys, liver and intestines, and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnatinsr waste material which poisons the blood. The numerous salts in Kruschen stimnlate the internal organs to healthy, regular action so that no clofrerinr wast* is allowed to col- lect. Your inside is kent clean and serene. And that is just how Kruschen Salts brtntrs nuick and lastinir relief from headache?. Caught a Doe In His Arms There's a new game in Algoma district â€" home of the famous AI~ goma wolf â€" catching deer by hand. Robert Agnew, cottaging at Harmony Bay on the Batcha- wana road, near Sault Ste. Marie, saw. a two-year-old doe in a bay 75 feet off shore. About that time the department of highways road grader came along with Ed. Labelle and Max Wannamaker. Labelle took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his pants and waded into the water. When he went to touch the doe, the animal ran to shore and into Wannamaker's arms. Nearly 30 vessels are Undsr con- struction in Norway. The BOOK SHELF \ By ELIZABETH EEOY •WITH MALICE TOWARD SOME' By Margaret Hulaey It's on the "Best Seller' list, and everybody's reading this book that bite.s the hand across the sea (if we may be allowed to mix our me- taphors). A great many things that we knew vagvely to be wrong or funny about the Eagliab have been caught and bottled by the author so they can't get away. And there we have them! Margaret JIalsey is the wife o( a young Ph.D. who went to England on an exchange professorship. And while her husband taught, the au- thor saw life as it was being lived in a small English village. A nice, sweet little book of essays about the English countryside sliould therefore have been the result. In- stead this demure lady, possessed of a superlative sense of humor and leaking acid at every pore, care- fully worked at an etching of Eng- land that will cause a war between the two English-speaking nations if !t gets in;c the right bands. "With Malice Toward Some." By Margaret Halsey. Illustrated by Peggy Bason, 278 pp. Toronto: Mis. sion Book Co. $2.25. Plenty of Trouble In the Holy Land Record Puffballs One of the largest puff balls on record in the Caledonia (Ont. ) district, was found by John Will- iamson in a field on the outskirts of the town. It measured 43 in- ches in circumference and weighed eight pounds. That puff ball is just an infant compared with the one found by Lome Harett, south of Summer's Corner on the Fourth Concession of Malahide. It was found in his orchard and weighed fifteen pounds. Egypt has increased its excise duty on alcohol. AGEXTS WANTED LADY IN EVERY UDCAUTY TO represent complete line of ladles' lingerie, men's shirts, socks, ties. Popular prices, highest commU- alons. Reliable firm. 15 years In bnslncss, will stand any invcstlgn- tlon. Du Jour Lingerie. 1649 Am- herst. Hpntreal. WORLD'S Lu<RGEST PUBLISHING company can u.«e full or part-time aaents to solioit orders tor Pictor- ial Review. Good Hou.«ekeeplnK and Cosmopolitan, which are Just a few. Hijrhest commissions paid! For complete list and information write: P. E. Wilson. .131 Bay Street. Toronto. NEW INVE.NTION ESllS IIRIVING risk at ni^ht. Xew. ini^entous atop the Klare spectacles, .-i sensa- tional contribution to niKht safety. Dangerous headlight Klare effect- ively filtered out without Impair- ing view. Relieve eye strain â€" in- enre comfort and protection. Well built, attractive. No lenses to break. Will last a lifetime. Can be worn with or without eye Klas- 8e«. Onl.v $1.75 postpaid. E, M. -4*enfold & Company. Richmor.d. Que. r)ealer> and asrtiits wanted. AH.\TEt'K ARTIST TO PAINT AND .SEr,L TO THEIR friends Cards of Cana- dian Scenes. 12 Sample Cards worth $1.00 when painted sent on receipt of 15c. Money cheerfully refund- ed If not satisfied. This is pleas- ant, profltahle work at home. Hollywood Studio. Room 30. 310 Spadina .\ve.. Toronto. Al'TOMOIIII.K l<KI>AIII<i Shook AbaorberM SAIJBS AND .»<RRV1CE. ALL MAKES. We specialize. Fred .Stratford, Limited. .1.'> Uerrnnl We«t. Tor- onto. BIG .HfAKK TIME MONKV ANYONEâ€" A. WW HEKKâ€" CAN SELL Canada's he.«t value Personal Chrlrtmiis Cards. Experience un- necessary. Samples Free. Kxten- nive selection of forty printed-to- order cards priced one dollar per dosen, none higher. Fi-ee cards with early orders. <0 lonts liiKh- est cash €*t>ninii.*<sion paiil on every single order. Also 50% nommis- alon possible on complete line box- ed assortments, se:ils. calendars, etc. Kcoiioniy Printers. :;.T;' King- tton Road. Toronto. UO(;S KOIt S.\I.K HOI-NP.Sâ€" 7 MD.s. FEMALE. $8,00: IS Mos. $L'.'..liO pair: 7 Mos.. H hounds, J.). nil pair. Clarenn- Hunt- er. Hawke.-*bury. Ont. i:l>VCATH»X.\l. V|1:AHFV Fon OFFICE I'tiSlTlON by home siud>'. ''ourse.'* inexpen- sive. Easy pnyments. Write for booklet, ^'an.ida Pusincs.-* College, 'Tiatham. Ont. Flit .IIKKEUIMC Vr«l('K FOR MINK. SIl.VEK FOXES AMI Illue Foxes of high Kraile breeding fstock reasi>naltl.v priced, wrile I.. A. Jones. ."iS .Vrthur .\venue. St. Thoma.-*. Oniario. Pi:i{\iTiini <iAi«iii':\ vrwcK t>AKWIN Tll.ll'S: CHOICE VARIE- tiea. Top Size, tc each, J3.25 per 1(10, mi.xed $3 On. Crocus 20c do*. William Imporlor. Seaforth. Ontario. STOCK REDUCTION SALE Reconditioned Furniture LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge SL, Toronto 45 DINING ROOM SUITES. OAK ^** walnut and birch in walnut finish. Thoroughly cleaned and re- conditioned. 8 and 9 piece suites. Priced from SM.U.I op. 07 BED ROOM SUITES â€" REAL. *" hiph cla.=s suites in ."olid wal- nut, or walnut and enamel finishes. Guaranteed clean and completely re- conditioned. Priced from $24.50. •7K CHESTERFIELD SUITES IN' A '*' wide variety of covers and styles. Mohairs, repps, tapestries and velours. 3 and 3 piece suites. Guaranteed clean and complelel.v re- conditioned. Priced from (I4.K!. LARGE .'STOCK OF ODD DRE.SSERS. chiffoniers. bed.«. springs, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets and stoves at rock bottom prices. Buy With Confidence EVERY ARTICLE IS THOP.OUGH- ly cleaned, reconditioned and sold with a positive money back ^uai-an- tee of satisf.Hction. LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto OlXtl Kt.KSK i'Oli.ET«> VOU CAN HAVE CITY i:ONVE.Nl- ences In yuur village or farm home without water supply or sewers Write for tree Information on our modern, sel t-emptying, odourless Toilets from $40.00 up and leave behind for ever the dread out- house with its flies, cold and un- healthy discomforts. Kaustlne En- gineering Company. IS* Portland Street. Toronio Ont. WAverley S3S.1. PATE.VTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Company. Uesistered. Patent At- torneys. 37:1 liank St.. Ottaw.i, I'an. l'EUSO>.VI, yllT TOliACCO. S.NUFF. EASILY, iru'xpensivelj". Home remed.v. Tes- tinioiiial.-i. <;uaranteed. .\dvice free. t'artiell'.-^. H(»x 1. Witinipeg. l*HUTO<;l<.%l>HV FKEK ENLAKCE.MENT â€" ROLL Aim developed â€" S prints or re- prints 3.'.c. S enlarged prinl.s 30c. Established over â- .T, years. Llright- lin< Studio. 1"' Kii'hniotHi .*<ti-vet F.;ist. ToroiUi'. iMi(>'r<i<;i(Ai'H\ IIE\ KI.OIMMi tMI i>lll.>TI\<l liEACTlFlL ENLAUUE,MENT FREE â€" Koll Developed and eittht per- fect prints 2jc. Satisfaction guar- anteed. .Mail Order Photo ."Ser- vice. l!ox 8 t;:'. IVterbor ough. O nt. "" HI ll.T KKMX.*\TS fpke: •yriiyriNG patt' 7i'-;>o tnchis. With six pound.". U'ush- remnants: Prints. Hroad- cloths. .Silks. Flannelette.", "^'ol- lecf i\.-:< Guaranteed: SampUa â€" 2.'iO. P,o.^•^l Textiles. WL135. OutreMioiit. Monti I ;t I. IXSTHI CTIOA L.EAKN SHORTHAND .\T IU)ME IN one week! Complete course. $1.00! Money-back KUarantee. Modern method. SIshthand Systems, 19H Kirby. Tinimins. Ont. ]tRfV<l|>AI>KI( PHOrKKTV W.»NTKD ADVERTISER IS INTERE.STED IN purchasing Ontario Weekly News- paper. Can make rea»»ii!,blc down payment In cash and monthly pay- ments for balance. Must include good job business and well eatab- lished newspaper In growing dl»- trlcl. C Emerson, 9 Delaware Ave., Toronto. SCRAP IS GOLD IIUING YOUR SCRAP IRON, n.VGS, paper, mattresses and all old met- als to us and get higher prices, .No amount too small. Consolidated Iron and ,MeI il i'„ :,<< Niagara St.. Toronto. ___^_^^_^^_-^â€" >rA>mERi.\«; ST.VMMEKING COIIRECTED. HELV- ful booklet giving full Informa- tion. Write today. W. Dennison, 150 Carlton Street. Toronto. TR.IITIIR »I»«;\ET(» AXU tiEN'KRATOH KKPAIK't SEND US YOUR TRACTOR .MAGNE- to and Oenerator Repairs. We save you monev. Allanson Armature Manfr.. S5i Bav St.. Toronto. The long-smoldering Arab revolt agfainst the British control under League mandate of Palestine has broken out and fighting has reached a scale unprecedented since British and Turks fought there during the Great War. Four additional battalions of British troops have been despatched to the Holy Land. Machine guns set up in city streets, ABOVE, are now common, as the British move to put down the up- risings, while Arab agitators, INSET, exhort their countrymen to rise against British rule. HAVTH heARD NOT ALL ROSY MEMORIES A bunch of lovely roses graced the table In my hall, And oh, the memories they brought to those who came to call. An older woman sighed as she, re- called the days of yore; When in her own small garden, she grew roses by the score. A maiden saw a lover, who has sent her flowers bright â€" An old man viewed the grave of his adored one, passed from his sight. Each mind saw something differ- ent, smiles, tears and sighs, yes, all Were found in those same roses, on the table in my hallt Teacher â€" Now, Jimmy, what happened when the cow jumped over the moon?" Jimmy â€" "Somebody got an idea tor vanishing cream." Tony â€" "She said I could kIsB her on the cheek." Jack â€" "Did you do It?" Tony â€" "Not exactly. I did not know which cheek the meant, and to I kitted her in between the two." Today â€" Don't believe this thing of lite beginning at 40 â€" or at 20, or 30, or 50. Life begins each morn- ing. The dawn of the new day is the open door to a new world, one that challenges us to make the bett of it. So forget yesterday; live only in and for to-day. Collector â€" 'Tve called to collect some back payments on what antique furniture you have." Head of the House â€" "You are crazy. I never bouaht any antique furniture on the instal. ment plan." Collector â€" "Well, maybe it was not antique when you bought it." Young Mac â€" "Father, I have to have an atlas for school," Old .Mac â€" 'Ah. weel, ye'd bet- ter wait till the wor'rld's mair set- tled.' Auyjody cau break a good habii, but it takes a he-man to break a bad one. REAI> IT OR not: United States is the home of very neaerly twice as many people cal- ling themselves Irish as there are in the Kmerald Isle itself. A storekeeper kept a black- board In his store and as dif- ferent people patted he ask- ed them to write what they did. A lawyer cacne along and he wrote. "I plead for all!" Next came a preacher who piously wrote, "I pray for ail!" A doc- tor pasted next and wrote, "I prescribe for all!" Then came along a redneck farmer, who tcribbled, "I pay for all!" Ti-.ere are some things that should be always 1 om,-inbc.ed, for instance: At a diuiur party the ab sent-minded prof.»ssor was sealed nent to a charming woman. She I smiling) â€" "Don't you re- member me, professor? Why, tome years ago you asked me to marry you." Professor â€" ''Ah, yes, and did you?" Collector Seeks Old Typewriters Is Up In Canada Looking For Rare Specimens â€" Has Small- est Typewriter in World WINNIPEG. â€" "Any ol' type- writers?" Carl P. Dieti of Milwaukee, Wis., collector of ancient and strange typewriters, was in Winnipeg re- cently to see what the town had to offer. It took him just two hours to lo- cate two early-type machines. He will add these to the 315 different models he already had given the Milwaukee museum. "The typewriter was invented in Milwaukee," Dietz said. 'There, Sholes and Glidden made a machine using piano keys. 65 years ago. When I decided in 1934 to collect machines I thought 15 or 20 would be a good collection. I have since found there are more than 300 kinds manufactured under 647 dif- ferent names." Woiild Go In Your Pocket Detz, a Milwaukee alderman, claims his collection is the only one iu .\merica and believes it is three times as large as either of two collections in Europe. The collector carried with him probably the smallest typewriter in the world. It would fit an overcoat pocket easily. He has three of these in his collection. With 12,500 officers at present, the British .A.rmy want.<! only 600 new ones in the ne.xt year to keep it up to strength. mOUflT ROVfll HOTEL Your Uixuriuus Pus catrits you sw^iftl.v .ind smuulhly ovtr modern hiKhwii.vs to Monlival. Crtyhound Linus lonnoct with Champlain, Colo- nial und Provincial Transport Bus l,iiies to give > ou eiisj-, speedy and ^.-oiivenit-nt road triinsportution to Canada'.t metropolis. Arrived in Montreal after a com- torlable and scenic Jouiiie.N, .rou na- turally stop at YOIK Hotel â€" The .\K>1 NY i:e>v.\i- J. .\ldrrlc Ka.i ihumU I'ivsidtnt % rr»«M (>. Cardy Vico-l'ri.--.ii»-ni Ac ManiKniv I'irector MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL O N T R 6 A L What Science * Is Doing * UNIVERSE MAY BE STATIONARY Dr. Edwia Hubble, noted astron- omer who baa been reaching ttag- geriug distances into ;..pace with the world's largest telescope, try- lag to learn the secret of the uni- verse, reports: "The results, at the moment, do seem to favour the concept of a stationary universe, but they do not definitely rule out the possibil- ities of an expanding universe. The judgment is probably reserved until further information becomes avail- able." TO CURE PNEUMONIA Pneumonia, ''king of diseases," may be conquered through a new laboratory product developed by experiments with sulphanllamide. Sir EWward Mellanby, secretary of the Medical Research Council of Great Britain said at Ottawa, last week. The new product is called M and B 693. "All work on it has indicat- ed a specific curative effect in the case of pneumonia," he said. "It will not cure all cases because the most patients come to the doctor only when near death." Experi- ments showed that in 100 cases studied 27 untreated patients died. Only eight treated ones died, and of these six died In the first week be- fore the drug could demonstrate its curative power. FROZEN FISH REVIVED Fish and fi-ogs, both cold blooded animals, can be frozen solid and re- vived repeatedly without apparent ill effects if electrical currents are used in the reviving process, Dr. L. C. Barail, of New York, reported at the recent annual meeting of the American Society for Biophysics and Cosmobiology. One of the fisli had been frozen more than one hundred times, in some of the ex- periments staying in the litiuid air for three hours. The retjuisites for keeping tish alive in repeated tests are quick freezing and thawing out under the influence of a high frequency elec- tric current. SAYS FEVER HELPS In speaking of fever in Urology and Cutaneous Review, Dr. F. H. Redewell says: ''Fever is a process which aids in the removal or destruction of in- jurious substances which get into the body. It results in an increase in leucocytes (the white corpuscles or disease fighters in the body), an increase in the rate at which all the body processes work, and a great increase in clasmatoctes t^lhe large blood cells) the increase re- sistance to infection, in the blood, in the lymph (the other portion of the circulation) and all tissues of the body. To-day, instead of reducing the temperature, it is not unusual for physicians to use methods â€" elec- tricity or others â€" to increase the temperature of the body thus act- ually increasing Its fighting or dis- ease resisting forces. Air Services Are Stressed Windsor M.P. Tells League of Nations of the Progress Made In Canada â€" Important Inter* national Link With establishment of the Trans- Canada .\ir\vays and preparations for the regular trans-.\tlantic air services, Canada is rapidly becom- ing an important link in interna- tional and inter-continental air com- munications, Paul Martin, M.P.. of Canada, informed the League of Nations committee on communica- tions and transit, Canada's View .\ ineiu!)i?r of the cominitteo. Mr. Martin said that as a widespread system of communications and transport has been of such decisive importance in the formation and de- velopment of his country, it is only natural that his .Koverntnent should appreciate the significance of the or.sauization for communications and transit, and should wish the sreatest possible effect to he given to its activity. Jt has. however, been felt that, although of importance to fc^rope, where questions of transit and com- munication are complicated by the great number of national frontiers in a comparatively small area, the work does not so greatly concern Canada, whose only land boundary is the United States, said Mr. Mar- tin. Spsndthrift October is a spend'.hrift All aKicc. The birch tree scatters copptrs Recklessly: The maple wears a crim.-:on urown, .And they ate sayinit up and down That bittersweet boujtht out the town Fabulously! - M;;rijaiil Hess Hay Issue No. 43- LIGMT UP WITH OGDEN'S You'll beam with de- light at the iriendly flavour of this grand-tasting ciga- rette tobacco! Ogden's Fme Cur hos lightec the way to more enjoyable smoking lor roll-your-owners every- where. Why not laam for yourself hovy Ogden's stonds high above them all when it comes to giving sotisfacfion'' Get a package today ^^hoose the best papersâ€" "Vogue" or "Chanlaclet ' â€" and light up for extra smoking pleasure I OGDEN'S I N E CUT Will Mark Grave Of *Beautif ul Joe* Meaford Women's Institute Plan to Immortalize Dog Made Famous Through Writ- ings of Marshall Saimtiers Monuments and plaques have been erected around the world to great statesmen, famous cows and important historical events. Now the .Meaford Women's Institute plans to mark the grave of "Beau- tiful Joe," a dog. To Erect A Fountain .Many years ago a mongrei dog lived his span and died iu Meaford. During puppyhood his ears were clipped. He was "just plain dog." Finally he found love and care so abundant that to cover up his mis- fortune and the tragedy of his ap- pearance his mistress named him "Beautiful Joe. " Miss Saunders wrote about him in the book 'Beautiful Joe." and now the Women's Institute wiil im- mortalize him further. A stone will mark the resting place and a foun- tain will be erected where a'.l the dusty, weary dogs will be sure of a refreshing drink. Canned oysters are proving valuable to Mrs. I. R. Daly of Munson, Alta. In the space of a week she found two pearls in cans of oysters, the second being about the size of a green pea. TRUE STORY PICTURES That Everyone Who Takes "Aspirin" ShouM Stydy Drop an "Aspirin" Tablet in vi^ater â€" It starts to disintegrate in 2 seconds â€" hence is ready to "90 to work" rapidly. This Quick Dissolving Property of ".\spirin" Tablets EtpUins Fast RelieE If you siuTer w iUi headaches or the pains of rheumatism or â- euritis, keep the above picture about ".\spirin" in your mind. Especially if quick relief is what you want. For the way an " Aspirin" Tab- let works in the glass is the way it works when you take it. It starts to dissolve almost at once â€"hence is ready to "take hold" of the rheumatic pain or headache with astonishing speed. Relief often comes in a few minutes. lemanJ and Get ASPIRIN THADC.MAtK U«. il »»

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