Weduestlay, Augfust 24, 1938 THE iP LESHERTON ADVANCfi MOTHEB AND THE ECHO The Jones family went for a day's «utins to the cave of echoes. When they reached home Jones noticed hi^ wUs wasn't with them. ,,<,#» "Do you know whe;;^ your mbther k?" he asked i,ig dauffbt«r. "Oh, I suppose she's trying; to have the last word." V Mr. and Mr-^ ^. „ ^^^, ,„^ Marione M ^c^,, „, London visited '"^ '^««k with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. . i«her. Toronto has opened its parka for tennis, baseball, etc., on Sunday. Is this the entering wedge of the Amer- ican Sunday? ^^ KENNEDY'S ^O for Fresher Groceries SODAS, Fresh. .â- 2 ^'- "c CATSUP, Large botUe, only â- -- JJ^ MATCHES, Large family size 3 boxes Z3c CORN FLAKES, 2 giant packages ^ac shopp/ing bag free New HONEY in all trade sizes PICKLING TIME SPICES, JARS. RUBBER RINGS, PAROWAX VINEGARS, ZINC RINGS and also TOMATOES PEACH TIMEâ€" Buy now while Crawford Peaches are at their best Men's HARVEST BOOTS, real good value and real good prices. C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER ONE MORE REASON Amid all the hulabaloo *that has beea heard from coast to coasat, it remained for a local radio license inspector to advance a refreshingly Dew idea on the reason for the in- crease of the license fee from f2.00 to $2.50 annually. This inspector had called at a local residence with the request to see the radio The lady of the house, not accu.stomed to visits from such dignitaries, was somewhat flustered, but invited the official to come in and have a seat while she conducted a hunt for the nece.s.sary document. After the lady had consumed a few moments in a finiitless search in the back of the radio and other places which women ordinarily employ to (leiiosit such articles, the inspector fidgeted uneasily and began to ex- pound his ideas on the subect. "You know,'' he said, "the reason it was necessary to raise the license fee fifty cents was because we in- spectors lose 80 much time sitting around waiting for women to find out what they have done with their licenses.'' He proceeded to elaborate on this statement for a full ten minutes or more while the hunt for the license was temporarily forgotten as the housewife hung breathlessly onto his words. The license was eventually recov- ered and the demands of the inspector met. But the housewife since has been mentally pondering just how much time the inspector himself loses in a 'day if he indulges in this lengthy if naive explanation at every port of call.â€" Walkerton Herald. Local and Personal ' AUGUST! t ? T T t The Month of Sales • *.* t t T ? ? T T Ladies' Sheer Dresses with slip re^ X duced to ....;.;.. wi.. ',',.'.....> ?fc»o" ^ ChUdren's Organdy Dresses, size| ? ^ to 6 years. Clearing at 69c A ? DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS | J LADIES' SUEDINE DRESSES $1.94 X Our Ladies' Ready-to-wear is feat- f uring a Special Sale of Ladies' Suedine ♦* Dresses. Selling at low price of .. $1.94 BEAD THE "SMALL ADVTB-. X Terry Towelling, heavy weight. On ♦!♦ Sale at, per yard •••• 25c ^ Ladies' Cotton Bloomers. A real /& bargain "••"•; ^^^ ♦ Children's J^otton Vests & Bloomers -^ VegBlaf 25c line, reduced, each ........ 15c i* Hooked Rugs, greatly reduced, reg. ^ $1.00 for ^^^ Chintz, 36 in. wide, slightly soiled. ,^ lOc 1^ Clearing at, per yard Paiow Ticking in beautiful bright ^ stripes, reduced to • •â- •••.^''*' ;> Extra Special. Sockees in all sizes, -^ slightly soiled. Cleaflrig at lOc A JCiddies Play Suits in different styles A selling at, each 33c 44c, 59c |* OUR BIG HaLf PRICE SALE CONTINUES | _ ^. . ,*-=_ 171.., Fv^rvthin.. Men's Fine Socks, big special 2 pr. 25c f X See Display on Main Floor Evenrthmg t on this table clearing at Half Pnce. % Bovs' Khaki Pants, reg. 98c 49c X Boys' Knee Pants, reg. 38c ... 19c % Boys' Tweed Pants, reg $U9 59c % Men's Work Pants, slightly soiled. A clearing at per pair Men's Dimity $1.00 Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers regular 49c for 25c Combinations reg. /5c for •;•••"• 39c Men's Summer Shirts and Dmwers, black only. Clearing at, each .... Z5c Mens' Khaki Pants, a few left $1 Me"n's Felt Hats, fine for working .. $1 ^ ^ ^ Great Reductions In Shoe Department rs o 1 ei oc Just Arrived! A shipment of Men s Ladies' House Shoes, i^^^'^f |}-;^ up to-date boots and oxfords. Selling Laics' House Shoes. On Nile ^i.^a at extremely low prices, per pair Ladies' 1-Strap Shoes, slightly soiled at extremely i i ^^ ^v ^v^^ ^^^^ Clearing at, per pair •••••••• »^J Soeciali Sale of Men's Oxfords. Ladies' Canvas Sho.. in oxfords and ^ali^^ up to $3.75. Your choice $2.8» straps, selling at the low price of .. 69c V / ^^ SPECIALS IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS . . „( Men's Felt Halt in the latest styles, Men'. Cp. i" ? l^ge assortn,e„t of p^^,'J„Z.. $1.39. $1.95 up to $2.95 and save *â- ^ P^' ^ . MEN'S FINE SHIRT SALE NOW ON' in large assortment of patterns, regular Prices $1.00 and $1.25. Gearing at - " -" "^^ "^ " ", GROCERY SPECIALS Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 25c Viiit our Grocery Department and be convinced our prices are Icaa. Broken Rice 1 6 lbs. 25c Clarke, Libby's Pork & Beans 2 for 19c Shortening, all kinds 2 lbs. 25c Whole Wheat Flour 8 lbs. 2.Sc Corn Flour, 8 lbs. for 25c Prepared Mustard, large jar Wc Tea Special! Orange Pekoe 49c Cooking Bran 4 lbs. 15c Whopper Pies each 5c English Toilet Soap Spegjal, Regular 2 for 25c .... now 2 for 19c Regular 3 fir 2Sc.... now 3 for 19c Ladies why be bothered with flies. Buy FLIT. 8 oz. tin 20c 16 oz. tin 33c 32 oz. tin 55c 1 gallon can for - $1.75 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. ♦♦^ Mrg. W. P. Crossley is visiting members of her family in Toronto. MisB Lena 'Wright of Detroit visit- ed last week with Mrs. J. Wright. Mrs. Ray Woods and son Ivan are visitign in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer of To- ronto were in town on Tuesday. Mr. Mack Duncan is visiting this week with Paisley relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carrington of Windsor were visitors in town over the week end. Miss Oly McDonald returned from Toronto Sunday after spending the past three weeks with her sisters. Mrs. W. H. Dyre is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Henderson, in Toronto. Mr. and Mi's. Allan Keith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. D. McLeod is spending a month with her daughter, Mrs. Bowes, at Stratford. Mr. Bob Bellamy left last week to take a position with E. D. Smith and Sons, Winona. Mrs. . E. Henry and son. Ken, re- turned home last week after visiting a month at Granton and London. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigo of To- ronto spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Miss Annie Akins has returned to her home after completing a summer course in Toronto. Provincial Constable S. H. Cooke, Mrs. Cooke and Betty are holidaying at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and two children of Toronto were in town over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon, Caledon East. Mr. Prank VanDusen and daugh- ter, Mary Ellen, of Detroit were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan. â- .. ', ' "• â- Mrs. W. Boyd and daughter, Laura, returned on Thursday afternoon af- ter a delightful trip to Banff, Alta., visiting friends and relatives enroute. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgson and daughter, Barbara of Islington vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and son, Hugh, of London spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. G. E. Henry. Mrs. Will Karstedt of Indianapolis, who lived here with her husband over forty years ago, is visiting relatives here. Dr. Cyril A. and Mrs. Dyre of De- troit visited their mother recently at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. Black- bum. Messrs. Claude and George Akins and Miss Minnie Akins of Thorold and Mrs. Lampman of Buffalo visited several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Mr. George Stewart of Flesherton will hold a clearing sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on Thursday, September 15th. Watch bills for further announcement. Geo. E. Dun- can, Auctioneer. Mr. John Maccaluso of Chicago, Mr. William Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah of Berkeley and Mrs. ^ F. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyes and sons of Chesley visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. R. McArthur of Toronto will be 4t the Munshaw House, Flesherton, on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, to do perman- anent waving. Appointments made at the hotel. Mr. McArthur is a reliable workman and has previously worked in Flesherton. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant and Dorothy of Mitchell spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Miss Helen Durrant returned home with them after spend- ing the past three weeks with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Jr., and daughter, WUla, from the "Soo," Michigan, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- intosh and son of Midland called on old friends of the senior gentleman who resided here fifty years ago. Week end Tijitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald were Miss K. McDonald of Colliagwood, Miss G. McDonald and friend, Mr, Doug Mc- Arthur of Toronto, Mr. L. Thauhurn and sister, and Mr. Cecil Dykeman of Toronto. Don't Guess But Know Whether your livestock U in the hands «f capable aalesmen TAKE NO CHANCES- CONSIGN YOUR SHIPMENTS To DUNN & LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards, Toronto Patronize the trucks who are an- xious to give you 100 per cent, service by delivering your ship- ments to us, where they will be sold in competition in the Open Market. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having daims ataia>t the estate of Mary Fisher, widow, late of the Township of Art* emesia in the County of Grey. de> ceased, who died on or abont tlM twenty-fifth day of July, 1M7, UW hereby notified to send to W. B. Har- ris, solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased <m or before the Slst day of August^ 1938, full particulars of their claims^ Immediately after the said date tho^ Administrator will distribute tbe as- sets of the said deceased having re» gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice to the exclus- ion of all others and he will not be liable to sny person whose claim he- shall not then have notice of for the- assets so distributed or any part, thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day- of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator.'. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Beecroft, married woman, late of the Township of Art~ eraesia in the County of Grey, de- ceased, who died on or about the ninetenth day of May, 1938, are hereby notified to send to 'W. E. Har- ris, solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased on or before the Slst day of August, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Administrator will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice to the exclus- ion of all others and he will not be liable to any person whose claim he shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Best, widow, late of the Township of Art- emesia in the County of Grey, de- ceased, who died on . or about the • fourteenth day of March, 1938, are hereby notified to send to "W. B. Har- ris, solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased on or before the 31st day of August, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Administrator will distribute the as sets of the said deceased having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice to the exclus- ion of all others and he will not be .iable to any person whose claim he shall not then have notice of for the assets so disti-ibuted or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. Small Ad. Golumn FOR SALE â€" Aberdeen-Angus bull, sei-viceable age. â€" Herbert Corbett, Proton Station. 24p2 ROOMS AND BOARD for high school students. Apply to Mrs. E. Fisher, opposite high school. 24p3 LOST â€" Between Milne's omer and Eugenia comer, canthook, on Tues- day, Aug. 16. Finder please leave with John Foster, Rock Mills, or :ecil McKechnie, Flesherton. 17c2 LOST _ In Flesherton on August 1, Stuart Tartan Highland Plaid with silver crest. Anyone returning same to J. M. Leslie, Owen Sound, will receive reward. REWARD _ Lost between Durham and Stayner, Goglin Ace Electric- Cleaner, No. 23993. Leave in- formation at the Advance office.p2 LOST _ Package containing $10 in quarters. Finder inform The Ad- vance office. Reward. 17c2" FOR SALE â€" Screenings, $1.10 per cwt. sacks included; wheat and oat chop $1.30 per cwt. sacks included; barley 60c per bushel. Phone 38r3. â€"A. C. Muir, Ceylon. - lOau ROOMERS â€" Rooms for high school students. â€" Mrs. M. Janiieson, Flesherton. 24p2 NOTICE â€" Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estim- ates free. â€" Rose Mitchell, Dundalk. Phone 77. Septl4p FOR SALE â€" Quantity spruce, pine and other softwood lumber. â€" Earl Fenwick, Eugenia. 8pl7 WANTED _ Horses or cows snit- able for mink feed â€" J. R. Sinclair, . Ceylon phone 40r2. BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, OrclMU*' Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 176771 Sire OJi, C. Conqueror 815â€"167820, will be- kept for service. Terms $1.00.â€" Wei. . Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yomshire Hog for ser* vice, Glenafton Sultan SaPâ€" 186251,. sire and dam qualified in advanced^ registry.â€" Ross Steveas, Proton Sta- tion. FOR SALE â€" Car load choice qual- ity Quebec cedar shingles at fol- lowing special prices off ear: Ex- tras, $3.75 per sq.. Clears, $3.46 per sq.„ 2D elears, |S.16 per sq.. Seconds $2.25 sq. Ten square or more delivered free. Terms cash. Phoae 38rS. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Hugs, stock of kte importer, inclttdea 'Wiltons, Broad- looms and Orientals, extremely low prtws while stock lasts, will sh% â- tail oidwe promptly. Write iiur priee Met. Traders and Importers, M WeakiatoB at W.. Toronto.Myll FARM TOR SALE The fana of the late J. J. Lyness eonsisliiix of 150 acres, good build- ings, water at house and in bam, S aiiles west of Ceylon, most be soM to eloae estate. Any reasonable of- fer aeeepted. ScS Mrs. J. J. Lyness, Ceykm. FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale the farm and premises being Lot 163 hi the 2nd concession, north-east of To- ronto and Sydenham Road in the Towsship of Artemesia, eontaining forty-five acresâ€" known as Thomas Henry estate. Frame dwelling and bam en the property, running water, 21 miles from Flesherton. Term* cash. Apply to Mrs. A. E. Hopkins, Executrix, Meaford. Jy 6 BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within foar months â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flediertoo^ Ont R.R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Darhaas St Office Honra â€" Afternoons, l.SO to «.- Eveafaigs, 7 to 9Mi, Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. US, AJP. A A.M., meets ia the Fraternal Bal^ Fleeherton, the seoend Friday in eadk month. W.M., W. G. McBride; Seo> retary, C. J. BeUemy. INSURAN9E AUTOMOaiLE Special low rate for faraen A. D. MadNTYRB, Ageat FLESHERTON, (Mk. ROY LANGFORD District Agsirt fer MUTUAL LITE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SICKNESS, TIMM, AUTOMOBILE. BURGLARY Mnnicipal LiaMlity Gaareatee TtniWh Any Insui-ance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Onft^ '^ '« <« » *