Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1938, p. 8

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Wednesday, Auj^ust 17, 1938 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Men still die with tbair boots on Iwt one is usually on the accelerator. A story fn a Toronto paper tells %bout the big task a squad of city employees had in cleaning up after the corps reunion. The surprising thing is that there was anything left to cloan up. ATTENTION Mr. R. Mc Arthur of Toronto will be dt the Munshaw House, Plesherton, on Wednesday, Sept. 7th, to do perman- anent waving. Appointments made at the hotel. Mr. McArthur is a reliable workman and has previously worked |m FU'sherton. ^^ REMNEOrS ^O for Fresher Groceries 1 Large SUPER SUDS 20c and 1 reg. 10c both for 21c Chase & Sanborn COFFEE ground while U wait per lb. 39c and 49c FLY SPRAY, gets them all, only, per gal $1-00 FOR PICKLING & PRESERVING Spices, Peppers, Ceilers, Rings, Certo, Certo Crystals, Memba Seals, iRubbers and Parowax BLUEBERRIES â€" Last call as they are at an end. MEATSâ€" Fresh and cured, electrically refrigerated C. J. KENNEDY PHONE 37 WE DELIVER ADDITIONAL LOCAU !• Mrs. L. Brown and daughter of Toronto are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite. Mrs. Isaac Smith is visiting with her son, Laurie, and family at their summer cottage at Ferndale Park. Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite and son, Bernard, returned to their home in Toronto after holidaying with rela- tives hero. Ml'. Sum Stnuffer moved his family and household effects to town on Tuesday, after residing for the past few months at Stouffville. We are pleased to have Sam back with us a^ain. Local and Persooal MATTER OF CHOICE The burglar's wife was in the wit- ness box and the pro.secuting attorney was conducting the ci-oss-examination. ".Madam, you are the wife of this man?" "Yes." "You knew he was a burglar when you married him?'' "Yes." "May 1 ask how you came to marry such an individual?" »'You may," replied the witness sarcastically. "I was getting old and had to choose between a burglar and a lawyer." LOST Between Milne's oi-ner and Eugenia corner, canthook, on Tues- day, Aug. 16. Finder please leave with John Foster, Rock Mills, or Cecil McKechnie, Flesherton. 17c2 J ? T ? T T ? ? ? T ? T T 1 AUGUST! The Month of Sales LADIES' SUEDINE DRESSES $1.94 Our Ladies' Ready-to-wear i.s feat- uring^ a Special Sale of Ladies' Suedine Dresses. Selling at low price of .. $1.94 DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Chintz, 36 in. wide, slightly soiled Ladies' Sheer Dresses with slip, re- duced to $2.89 Children's Organdy Di^sses, sizes 3 to 6 years. Clearing at 69c Terry Towelling, heavy weight. On Sale at, per yard r.-T. 25c Ladies' Cotton Bloomers. A real bargain • *^*^ Children's Cotton Vests & Bloomers regular 25c line, reduced, each 15c Hooked Rugs, greatly reduced, reg. 69c Clearing at, per yard "•". ?*^ PiUow Ticking in beautiful bright stripes, reduced to •â- â€¢.^ Extra Special. Sockees in all sizes, shghtlv soiled. Clearing at 10c JCiddies Play Suits in different styles selling at, each 33o, 44c, 59c $L(X) for .^,. ,--*«% OUR BIG HALF PRICE SALE CONTINUES Men's Fine Socks, big special 2 pr. 25c Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers regular 49c for 25c Men's Dimitv Combinations reg. /5c for : 39c Men's Summer Shirts and Drawers, See Display on Main Floor, Everythmg on this table clearing at Half Price. Boys' Khaki Pants, reg. 98c 49c Boys' Knee Pants, reg. 38c 19c Boys' Tweed Pants, reg. $M9 59c Men's Work Pants, slightly soiled^ clearing at per pair •••••• Jl-JJ Men's Felt Hats, fine for working .. ?l Gres^t Reductions In Shoe Department Just Arrived! A shipment of Men's up-to-date boots and oxfords. Selhng at extremely low prices, per pair black only. Clearing at, each .... 25c Mens' Khaki Pants^ a few left $1 t t t t ? T T t t T T t t r T t t t t Ladies' House Shoes. /^^"^'\1^' fj" Laies' House Shoes. C)n Sale $1.25 â- Ladies' 1-Strap Shoes, slightly soiled Clearing at, per pair .•••••â- â€¢â€¢ 95c Ladies' Canvas Shoes m oxfords and straps, selling at the low price of .. 69c J $3.45, $3.75 $3.95 Special! Sale of Men's Oxfords. Values up to $3.75. Yoiir choice $2.8S SPECIALS IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS I t Men's Caps in a large assortment of patterns from which to choose 59c Men's Fine Wool Pullovers, regular $1.95. On Sale 98c Men's Felt Hats in the latest styles, Prices from .... $1.39, $1.95 up to $2.95 Boys' Blue Denim Pants, elastic tops. Clearing at - *9c Men's Silk Hose, greatly reduced' 2 pairs for 25c Miss Mable Binnie of Toronto was a «aller in town on Monday. Mr. W. G. Robs of Georgetown is visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lawrence of Crceinorc visiu-d on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. ^. Fisher. Miss Luurine Cammage of Mount Forest is holidaying this week at the home of T. J. Fisher. Mrs. E. C. Murray left on Satur- day for St. Thomas after visiting in town for a couple of weeks. Messrs. Douglas and Bob Stuart of Bracebridge visited last week with their brother, Mr. Gordon Stuart. Mrs. C. E. McClean and Eileen vis- ited for a few days in Owen Sound last week. Miss Annie Howard left on Satur- day to visit her brother, Charles, in Vancouver. Mrs. Mark Fawcett and two child- ren left last Saturday to join her husband at Larder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stitt in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. J. Code (ne« Olive McCalmon) of Toronto were tallers at The Advance office on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Mki Kathleen and Jacki* spent Sunday with Meaford and Owen Sound friends. Mr.s. Emma McLean of Warren, Ohio, visited last week with her (granddaughter, Mrs. Ken Betts, and other friends. Mrs. McDonald (nee May Middle- ton) and two children of Detroit are visiting the Duncan and Shier fass- ilies and other relatives. Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Gaudin of Win- nipeg and son. Nelson Gaudin, of Nelson House, Manitoba, are visitirtg the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mr. Bob Can-others spent the week end in London. Mrs. CaiTOthers re- turned with him after spending the past two weeks at her parental home there. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McKinney and babe of Orangeville, Mr. Russel Rennick, Norma and Lois of Shel- bume visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rennick. Messrs. William, Gordon and Clar- ence Carswell and Gordon Melville of Palmarston and Mr. Clayton Cars- well of Harriston visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Wilson of St. Catherines spent the week end in town. Mrs. Legge and two children returned home with them after spend- ing a couple of weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Fie'd and son, Bruce, of Toronto and Miss Lil- lian Field of Cincinatti, Ohio, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field and other relatives over the week end. . r ' â-  Mr. D. W. Clinton and son, Kendall, and Mrs. Turner of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum near Portlaw. "We were pleased to have a long chat with our old friend, Mr. Clinton. The past few days have been very warm, the thermometer reaching 90 degrees in the shade. Heavy rains on I Monday evening and again Tuesday AUCTION SALE An auction sale of farm stock, etc., property of Hugo Klitzka (on the old Binnie farm) 114 miles north-west of Proton, on Monday, Aug. 29th. See lext week's Advance for complete list. ieo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. A ng« once uid: ''If yon tfont ffvt k everything you want, think of fh« things you don't get tb»t you don't want. Don't Guess But Know Whether your lirestock is in the hands of capable saleemen TAKE NO CHANCES- CONSIGN YOUR SHIPMENTS To DUNN & LEVACK Ltd. Canada's Leading Livestock Salesmen Union Stock Yards. Toronto Patronize the trucks who are an- xious to give you 100 per cent, service by delivering your ship- ments to us, where they will be sold in competition in the Open Market. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claima agminst the estate of Mary Fisher, widow, late of the Township of Art- emesia in the County of Grey, de- ceased, who died on or about th« twenty-fifth day of July, 1937, ar« hereby notified to send to W. E. Har- ris, solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceased on or before the Slst day of August 1938, full particulars of their claima. Immediately after the said date the Administrator will distribute tl^e as- sets of the said deceased having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice to the exclus- ion of all others and he will not be liable to any person whose claim he shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Beecroft, married woman, late of the Township of Art~ emesia in the County of Grey, de- ceased, who died on or about the â- iNctenth day of May, 1938, are hereby Mtifiad to send to "W. E. Har- ris, Mlieitor for the Administrator of the Mtate of the said deceased on or h*t»T» the 31st day of August, 1938, full particulars of their claims. Imm»di»t«ly after the said date the AdminJikrator will distribute the as- sets ef the said deceased having re- garil ealy to the claims of which he shall th«i have notice to the exclus- ion of all ethers and he will not be liable to any person whose claim he shall not then have notice of for the assets IS distribated or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Best, widow, late of the Township of Art- emesia in the County of Grey, de- ceased, who died on or about the fourteenth day of March, 1938, are hereby notified to send to 'W. E. Har- ris, solicitor for the Administrator of the estate of the said deceaSvVi on or before the 31st day of Aui^st,. 1938, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the Administrator will distribute the as sets of the said deceased having re- gard only to the claims of which he â-  shall then have notice to the exclus- ion of all others and he will not be liable to any person whose claim he shall not then have notice of for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this ninth day of August, 1938. W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. Small Ad. Column Men! Buy your Work Socks now and save 2 pairs 2Sc MEN'S FINE SHIRT SALE NOW ON' in large assortment of patterns, regular Prices $1.00 and $1.25. Clearing at GROCERY SPECIALS VUit our Grocery Department and be convinced our prices are less. Broken Rice i 6 lbs. 25c Clarke, Libby's Pork & Beans 2 for 19c Shortening, all kinds 2 lbs. 25c Whole Wheat Flour 8 lbs. 25c Corn Flour, 8 tbs. for 25c Prepared Mustard, large jar 19c Tea Special! Orange Pekoe 49c Cooking Bran 4 lbs. 15c Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 25c Whopper Pies each 5c English Toilet Soap Special, Reguhr 2 for 25c .... now 2 for 19c Regular 3 fir 25c.... now 3 for 19c Ladies why be bothered with flies. Buy FLIT. 8 oz. tin f. 20o 16 oz. tin 33c 32 oz. tin 55c 1 gallon can for .* $1.75 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. J evening have cooled the air to a point where a person can be comfortable •tgain. Miss Belle Loucks of Ottawa and sister, Mrs. Stella Wyville, of Mark- dale called on many old friends in Plesherton last week. Miss Loucks IS manager of the Holiness Movement Book and PubHshing House, Ottawa. Visitors at the F G. Karstedt home on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Buck, Mrs. H. Alirena and Mrs. Laps lay of Kitchener, Mrs. Geo. Seiler and Mr. and Mrs. Le« Seiler, also of Kit chener, Mr*. Mary Traub, with bet two daughters. Misses Vema and Theo, of Regiaa, Mr. Wm. aad Mias Addie Meuser of Elmwood. Friends of Miss Naomi Colgan of Markdale were pleasantly surprised to hear her voice come over the air through CFRB Monday noon from Vancouver, B.C., on the daily street broadcast from the Pacific coast Naomi and her sister, Eunice, dauglT- ters of Editor and Mrs. Colgan of the Markdale Standard, were attend- ing the C.W.N.A. annual convention in that city. Some things wear well â€" and some are as lasting as a permanent Robert 10c2 FOR SALE â€" Screenings, fl.lO perFOUND â€" Marker 434X cwt. sacks included; wheat and oat Oliver, Priceville. chop $1.30 per cwt. sacks included; â€" â€" barley 60c per bushel. Phone 38r3. LOST â€" Package containing JIO in â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. lOau quarters. Finder inform The Ad- vance office. Reward. 17c2 LOST â€" In t'lesherton on August 1, Stuart Tartan Highland Plaid with silver crest. Anyone returning same to J. M. Leslie, Owen Sound, will receive reward. WANTED â€" Horses or cows suit- able for mink feed. â€" J. R. Sinclair,. Ceylon phone 40r2. NOTICE â€" Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estim- ates free. â€" Ross Mitchell, Dundalk. Phone 77. Sept.l4p FOR SALE â€" Quantity spruce, pine and other softwood lumber. â€" Earl Fenwick, Eugenia. 8pl7 FARM FOR SALE _ Farm for sale or rent, 80 acres, S. .^nd R. 11. Ap- ply to Angus McCannel, R. R. 1, Proton Station, Ont 10c2 FOR SALE â€" Car load ehoice qual- ity Quebec eedar shingles at fol- lowing special prices off car: Ex- tras, |3.76 per sq., Clears, $3.46 per sq.„ 2D clears, |3.16 per sq., Seconds |2.26 sq. Ten square or more delivered free. Terms cash. Phone 38r3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Rugs, stock of Uto Inportar, includes 'Wiltons, Broad- looms and Orientals, extremely low priopa while stock lasts, wiU shi^ mall orders promptly. Write lor priee iiat Taaders and Importers, M WeMpfftoii 9t W., Torooto.Myll FARM~rOR SALE The lana of the late J. J. Lyneas eonsistiag of 160 acres, good baild ings, water at heuse and in bam, S miles west of Ceylon, must be sold to olosa estate. Any reasonabto of- fer aeeepted. 8eS Mrs. J. J. LynesB, Ceyloii.. FXRM FOR 8ALB The undersigned offers for sale the farm and premises being Lot 16S ia the 2nd eonceesion, north-east of To- ronto and Sydenham Road in the Township of Artemesia, containing forty-five acres â€" ^known as Thomas Henry esUte. Frame dwelling and bam en the property, running water, 21 miles from FlesherUn. Term* cash. Apply to Mrs.. A. E. Hopkins, CxecutnK, Meikfard. 3y 6 BOAR FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard' Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire OJi. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, wiU b«- kept for service. Terms |1.00. â€" Wea. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yomshire Hog for ser* vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186261^. sire and dam qualified in advanced' registry. â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Ybrkshire Boar for vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within foor months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Fleshertoiv. Ont R.R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE 1 GiTice â€" Durham St Office Hours â€" Afternoons, 1.30 to 4*. Evenings, 7 to SMi, Sundays and Thursday afternoons hif appointmeat only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, AJP. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hal^ Flesherton, the second Friday in sack month. W.M., W. 0. McBride; S««> retary, C. J. Bellamy. ae INSURANCE AUTOMOBILB Special low rate (or farmert A. D. MacINTTRB, Agrat FLESHERTON. Oat. ROY LANGFORD District Ageat ier MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT and SIG|CNESS, FIR^ AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY Municipal UabiUty Gaaraatee Baadi Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALS, Ont it "^ ' \ /

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