« » • )/' I ,1 * > .», 1 1 f 1 ♦ ^ V THE FLESHERttJN ADVANCE Wednesday, July 6, 1938. j iii mn ii mnnmnm ii mnnn i mnnum i Haying Tools We have a full line of Hay Forks â€" 3^^ foot, 4 foot and 4y2 foot lengths; also separate Tine and Fork Handles, Snaths, Scythes and Scythe Blades, Whet Stones and Carborundum. I POTATO BUG KILLERS Include quantities of CLIMAX BUG KILLER, which kills blig-ht as well as the potato hug. We have Arsenate of Lead and Arsenate of Lime in 5 lb. bags. Paris Green in Vz and 1 lb. packages PAINTS and OILS A special on MONARCH PAINTS and ENAMELS new stock ; some of the best selling shades, at per quart 59c We handle Jap-o-Lac, Martin Senour and C.V. lines of paints and varnishes. All reasonably priced. F.G. KARSTEDT, PriceTOle EUGENU MAXWELL The numerous friends of Mr. Mil- ton Shouldke met in the Orange Hall on Tuesday evening, June 28, to say flroodbye and wish him success in his cbosen career. Mr. Shouldice has taught in Maxwell for the past five years and has been a real help in all eonunonity affairs. The community took the occasion to present Ifr. Shouldice with a table lamp and ring. The address was read by Miss Kath- leen Morrison and Mr. William Seeley made the presentation. Mr. Shoul- dice made a suitable reply of thanks. The strawberry festival of the IJnited Church was a very successful affair and the play "Wild Ginger" by the Bethel young people was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Pickering of Bletdieim spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Miss Phyllis LeRoy of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with her friend, Mis4 Merle Buckingham. Miss Shirley Buckingham is leaving for Toronto where she is taking a summer course in study. Miss Merle Buckingham is visiting in Stayner this week. The Women's Instiute will meet at the home of Mrs. Ernest Hawton on Friday, June 15. BUCKINGHAM Mr. Bruce Taylor of Toronto spent the holiday and week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J<An Brown visited on Sunday with the latter's mother near Markdale. Mrs. J. E. English and little son of Detroit visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mnllin. Miss Margaret Brown RJ^. of Col- lingwood spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Faweett. We are glad to know Mrs. W. J. Conn is able to be oulj again. Miss 'Winnifred McMullen of To- ronto is home to spend a holiday with her mother and brothers here. Mr. T. J. Hawkins of Detroit who is spending a week's holiday at his home on the tenth line visited with his sister, Mrs. Alfred Hawton. Owin^ to illness, Mrs. W. J. Conn was unable to entertain the ladiea of the Community Club on June 29 so the meeting was held at the church. The next meeting will be held at the homei of Mrs. Herbert Hawton on August 3. VICTORIA CORNERS Nazis are provided with ready- made excuse for Schmeling. Is not his manager, Joe Jacobs, a Jew? Summer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June, 2Sth Leave FLESHERTON To Toronto c 11.50 a.m. b 7.26 P-m. To Owen Sound c 5.60 p.m. d 7.46 pm- bâ€" Sun. and HoL; c â€" Sat. only; d â€" Fri. only. Tickets and inforaation at Gray Coack Lines Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McClure and granddaughter of Toronto visited ov- er the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGrath of Buffalo visited a f^w days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore. Mrs. Moore returned to Smithville and Buffalo with them. Mr. John Talbot left Saturday for summer school at Hamilton. Miss Viola Richardson visited hei sister in Toronto. Inistoge garden party was a grand success last Monday evening. After an interesting ball game between Mt. Zion and Proton in which the latter carried off the laurels a meat supper was served by the ladies. The pro- gram consisted of the very interesting play "Wild Ginger" and music by Mr. Harry McDonald and the Misses Johnson of Shelbume, and also Miss Elliott of Drayton and Miss Shirley Wolfe and Kenneth Coutts of Mel- ancthon. Several towns are considering a $6 head tax on girls as well as boys as a means of increasing the revenue. , < I For The Young Shavers \ A SAFETY RAZOR and 10 Genuine Steel Blades All for 19c For The Kitchen ' A fun display of KITCHEN TOOLS, any article 15c ; :; : ]\ For Poultry and W Livestock \ MASTER FEEDS SOL-MIN BONE MEAL SALT OROLIN CHICK TABLETS and COOPER SHEEP DIP : Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. > « FLESHERTON, Ont. 9 t%tt it ******* * *** * ********************** ********** We are pleas«d to report Mr. Gl«a Pedlar rtcovering from bis illneaa of typhoid fever. Born â€" On Saturday, June 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell a danirbterâ€" Gloria Jacqueline. Con- gratulationa. Miaa Ghristena Magee has gone to Toronto to attend summer school. Mra. Ckaa. Bfartia and Marge spent a few days with her mother at Flesh- erton. Mr. Ken Kaitting of Pinedale ipeat the week end with his parents. Mr. Jack Busanell of Smithville vis- ited over the week end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.George Lawlor, while enroute to his parental home in Locky Lake, Saskatchewan. Jack is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ; Ruasnell formerly of Eugefiia. The Y.P.U. held their closing meet- in«r on Thursday evening, June 83, taking the form of a banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Betts and Mr. R. Haney visited recently with friends at Paisley. Mr. Clarence Williams of Toronto is visiting at his parental home. Mrs. Lever of Flesherton and Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin and Miss Ruth of Windsor visited over the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Mrs. Irwin re- mained to spend a few days with friends at Dundalk. School has closed and our teacher, Miss Dinsmore, has gone to Northern Ontario where she has secured a po- sition for the summer months. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and family were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton, Mr. Ken Clin- ton, Mrs. Turner and daughter. Beryl, of Toronto, Messrs. George' Magee and Jos. Little of Ravenna and Mrs. Florence Lyons and children of Cen- tre Line. Mr. end Mrs. Dean Clinton and Beryl Turner are remaining for a fortnight's visit. Mr. aad Mrs. Les. Chard and Mabel of Rock Mills and Mr. ar^ Mrs. W. Poole of 10th line were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Newby and daughter, Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wil- liams and son, Harold, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wil- liams. Mr. Chas. Park who has been work- ing for the H.E.P.C. at Amherstburg was home for a few days Mr Ray Genoe of Bala spent the week end with his wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MvCowell of To- ronto visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Bert Magee, husband and fam- ily. The Misses Josie and Louise Fal- coner of Toronto are holidaying at their parental home here. Mrs. Griesbach of Saskatchewan is a visitor with her brother, Mr. John Magee, and sister. Miss Esther Ma- gee. Mrs. Bert Graham, Frank and Ruth have gone to Point-au-Baril for the summer months. Pior to Ruth's de- parture her girl friends presented her with a slight token of remem- brance. Mrs. J. E. Large and grandson, were recent visitors at the Eugenia House with her father, P. Munshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting of Detroit have returned home after a week's visit with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Miss Delsa Kaitting returned with them for a visit. Six members of the Beaver Fishing Club spent the week end at the Club House Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent the week with hei brother. Will Kaitting. Mrs. Calvin Boyce and daughtet, Jean, of New Liskeard are spending a fortnight's visit with friends here. Miss Irva Magee won the contest for the most popular lady in the con- test conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Lay- ton of Grimsby during the week they advertised medicine here. Mr. Art Lawlor left on Saturday for Ottawa where he will attend the Connaught Military School Miss Gladys Wiliams has return- ed home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto spent the week end with the fonner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pui-vis. The children remained with their grandpai-ents for the summer months. Miss Bernice Campbell has gone north to "Fern Cottage" when? she has secured a position for the sum- mer months. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie and Mrs. j | HoUingei- of Toronto wort- week emj 1 1 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jam- iesen. Miss Dorothy Jamie.'»on is takinjt ' | a course in music at a Toronto sum- ' mor school. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford UGard ano 1 ; thvee children of Toronto were cal- 1 1 lers on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrtfreo. i Miss llano Klitike of Proton w^.is j a recent visitor with Miss Doris Ma- | ^'ec and also at the lamleson home. | < CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wharin of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc- Leod and Mrs. Wharin visited in To- ronto. Miss Jeanette McLeod of Toronto spent a few days at her home here. Misses Bessie Camu of Weston and Catherine Cairns of Toronto are holidaying at their parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and babe and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walker and babe all of Toronto are the guests of their mother. Mrs. W. White, and Laura. Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Holmes of Owen Sound visited Mra. A. McMillen and Mr. Fred Chislett last week. Miss Hazel Oliver of Toronto ac- companied her grandfather, Mr. Jos. Oliver, home hiat week and will spend her holidays here. Mrs. George Cairns is spending a week at Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wariing of Vandeleur attended the Hogarth- Stewart wedding on Saturday. Messrs. Arthur and Angus Callaher of Toronto are holidaying with their uncles, Messrs. Arthur and Angus Whittaker. Miss Agnes Macphail M.P. is en- joying a much needed rest at her home here. Mrs. E. Mitchell was a visitor in Toronto last week. Mr. Jackson Stewart and Miss P. CoUinson are in Toronto and Hamil- ton attending slimmer school. Mr. Melville Hunt holidayed In To- ronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family accompanied by Mr. Grant Muir attended the McCuaig re-union at Owen Sound on Saturday, Mr. Muir supplying the highland music. Mrs. Wm. Manson of Toronto is visiting Mrs. Robt. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McLeod spent Sunday in Alliston. Mr. Albert Hazard is visiting in Windsor. Mrs. Archie Stewart left Saturday FEVERSHAM Miss M. E. Heron returned to To- ronto after s month's visit with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Colquette. Bom â€" On Tuesday, June 14th, to Mr. and Mm. Wilfred Teeter, a daugh- ter. Mr. and Mra. Eby were week end visitors with Mrs. Eby's parenta at Port Elgin. Mr. Burton Conron who has been attending CoUingwood Collegiate is holidaying with his grandmother, Mrs. A J. Conron, here. The Feversham softball team won the I1S.0O prise at the League tourn- ament at Rediekville on July 1. The Robinson family spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. A large number were present at the Short family re-union held on July 1 at Guelph. The committees for the Feversham Old Boys' and Girls' Re-union are busy preparing for the event to be held on Civic Holiday. Mrs. W. G. Dand of Long Branch is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette also Miss Grace Hor- ton of Long Branch spent the week end at the Colquette home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Haw- ton over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Lewiston of Port Colbome, Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. McDermid of Col- lingwood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferris of Proton Station and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wright of Maxwell. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound visited with her sister, Mrs. G. Burke, over Sunday. A number from here attended the Rock Mills garden party on Tuesday evening. We understand that our bell team won again at Singhampton on Mon- day evening. The boys are going to town lately. A CRUSHING RETORT He (dtiring quarrel) â€" ^Now I know why women are called birds. She â€" Oh, why is that? fo^^n extended visit among friends He â€" Because you are always chirp- in Western Canada. She will spend considerable time at Duff, Saskatche- wan, and McLeod and Edmonton, Al- berta. Miss Virginia Wilson is spending the summer vacation in Florida. Miss Alice Muir has returned home after visiting Oshawa friends. Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and babe are visiting in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Tate of Sherron, Ont., and Mrs. Bowler and daughter of Saskatchewan were callers on Stone's Line friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. CoUinson and Marion spent Sunday in Hamilton. Miss Mable Parslow is spending the summer vacation touring Europe and the British Isles. Week end visitors in the commun- ity were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pattison and family of Toronto with Mrs. J. Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Peggy of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hus- ton and family, Oshawa, at P. Muir's and E. McLeod's, Mr. and Mrs. Frew- ing and Doris of Toronto at G. Udell', Mr. Roderick McLeod of Detroit at Roy Piper's, Miss Delia McPhail and father of Toronto at B. Irwin's, Mr. and Mrs. Stantion of Durham at Neil Cameron's Miss Mamie Teeter at Mrst M. Teeter's, Miss Jean Copeland of Victoma Comers at J. R. Sinclair's, Mr. and Mrs. Nixon of Caledon at J. Stewart's, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mc- Knight of Montreal and Mr. T. W. Berney of Caledon East at Snowden McLeod's and Miss Blanche Genoe at Thos. Genoe's. mg. She â€" That's on worms we pick up. account of the ROCK MILLS Miss Ruth Russell who has ag the past few months in Toronto returned home for the summer. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mn. Laurie Betta were Mra. Calvia Boyea and daughter, Jean, «f New LiskeaHL Mr. and Mrs. E. Bruder of Noranda, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grabaaa and daughter, Loreen, and Miss Dor- othy Daley of Walkerton and ICiaa Helen Graham of Walkerton. We are sorry to report Mrs. Sas Croft not enjoying good health ai present bat trust she may soon fMl much better. ' Mrs. George Newell Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Newell and daofltfatar, Irene, of Durham and Mrs. Allan Mc- Kinnon of Port Arthur visited over Sunday with the former's sons Chas. and W. J. NewdL Mr. and Mrs. BCcDowell and son. Garth, and Mr. Jack Foster of To- ronto visited over Sunday with ICr. J. A. Foster and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips visited recently with relatives in Owen Sound. Visitors over the week end with tha Croft families here were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wariing and Doris of Barton- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Carl VanDusen of Grimsby, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warl- iag and babe and ylr. Broadbent of Hamilton. Miss Hopper of Toronto visited the first of the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Merren Croft of Mc- Intyre and Mrs. Sam Badgerow of Hamilton spent a day last week with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Croft. In the f&ee of the fact the Senata lias granted eighty-eight divorces this session, who will dare to say Upper Chamber hasn't any worlt to do? IN DUE SEASON The burly truck driver leaned oat of his cab and soundly abused the young man in the stalled car. The girl stood it as long as she could. Girl â€" "Jack, surely you are going: to say something to that surly kiut.'' Jack â€" '-You bet I am. Just wait till I get the car started." • ii m i f K »»> n >»»>«> MAiLtJMn t nn iiii n ii m a m Nine million dollars is the revenue from one year's operation of the cig- arette tax in New York. SUMMER SUPPLIES SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE CLOTH DOOR SPRINGS, CATCHES and PULLS RAKES HOES FORKS SHOX'ELS SPADES SCYTHES and SNATHS ELECTRIC WASHERS HOT PLATES TOASTERS IRONS Lawn Mowers Lawn Hose Flower Pots Hanging Baskets CEMENT LIWE HINGES PLASTER TOOLS LOCKS MASSEYHARRIS IMPLEWENTS - REPAIRS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON, Ont | 4 ^9***** ******* * ****************** ***************** m i l iii i »> **4 H tt»t t tt * t************** * * ******* ********** i Your Chance To Save Dollars 1 1 Half Yearly Sale Of MEN'S SUITS Tailored To Your Measure Ten per cent, discount on all fancy suitings. All this season's fabrics, â€" long wearing â€" good looking â€" a choice to please every taste and purse. Forsyth Shirts Biltmore Hats Summer Neckwear Swim Suits Sport Trousers Hickox Belts White Shoes Swrim Trunks LADIES' COTTON STRING KNITTED DRESSES Fancy and boude knit white, sky, turquoise, mais and rose. Smart styles â€" durable wear â€" wash well. Full se- lection of sizes, all new season's styles Reduced to $3.59 LADIES' FANCY STRING PULLOVERS New pattems.,popular pastel shades Special 98c LADIES' BATHING SUITS A lovely selection of the latest artist mocel styles and colors. Botany wool all sizes. Priced $1.49 to $2.95 F. H W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. Ont RE.VD THE "SM.\LL ADVTS". \ ^ ^, ^ ^^^^,^^j^, j t^. t ,ttt A . ^ ;t. tt .: t t., p ^t* * ** ** * ** ** * ** * 1 1 ** * ********* * ******* * ** * ****** * * ** * **