Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1938, p. 7

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> t\M> ^- Classified Advertising | ARTICI.Ba FOR SAI.R CUT YOUB OWN HAIE UVTL.S1 OIANT POCKET BARBEU. • &• automatic hair-cutter, for men tjid boy*. Kealir do«t cut an<! trim 4m bair, and does it well. Send tor ♦Ircul&r. R. J. Jackion, IS7 Bloor Want, Toronto, Canadian distributor. tillCKfi. JOKES. PUZZLES AND KakIc Noveltlai. Send 25 cent* for catalogue, deducting from flrat order at %l or more, tl, t<. |5 aasortmanLB. catalogue, deducting from flrat order of tl or more, tl, t<. t^ aasortmanLB. .Crown Supply Company. 12A Queen East, Toronto. ffoSICAL INSTRUME.NTS. CORNETS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- • Ineta, Boebm ayatam. thirty-eight dollars; trombones, twenty dollars: Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollar*: • Terms. Barrow, 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. S I _En GRADER (KUNE) WEIGHS each Kernel, proof beet, Used Klines bring price new (Farm Salea). Kline ' Manufacturing Co., lallngton, Ontario. ItJTO KNITTERS, YARN, NEEDLES: also machines for extra coarse aockf. .Bellhoufe. 1446 W. 8th. Vancouvtr. AVIATION <k)UnSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, •navigation, airplane and engine me- chanics, home study courses. Leaven* Broi-. Air Services, Limited, Barker airport, Toronto. r â-  FKATHKns WA.\rKD Leathers bought, goose and duck. Highest prices paid. The Cana- 8ian Fe.Tther and tress Co. Ltd.. 41 Sprure St.. Toronto. FILMS AND I'KI.ST.s ROLL'S DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25e. Re-prints 10 fo» ;oc. Photo-Craft, 1S3H King E.. Toronto. ZERO llilCES. EXPEl'.T WuIcK. P.uLL wifh free enlargement :;5i-. Studios-. S3 Niagara Street. St. Cath- ar'iiifs. Out. FREi;:â€" TWO BEAUTIPLI. E.NL.\RC.E- mtnt.'< lone colored) with roil de- veloped, eight glossy. fade-proof prints, -Sc; highest qual::y. Machiay F11m.-<. Winnipeg. PBjI.ST OVll OWN .NEi-.ATlVES AT home on any surface, cicth or paper, Witliout ?kill or darkroom Less than cent each! Miracle Foto Kit complete â- with instructions for !5u prints, |1, J. C. Williams, 6 Richmond East, To- ronto. FREE ENl^\nGEMENT WITH E\ ERY 2&e (>rder. Roll Aim developed and 8 "pri'i'-'. -5c. Reprints 3i- each. Bright- lint; Studio. 2» Richmond St., E . To- Tonlo. __^__ Kl K.MTI Hi: LYONS' TRADE-IN FURNITURE BARGAINS *LiMi»l beiow are ju>: .i lew of liie oul^>::.IltiJllh' valuee pieked ut random from the hundreds of wi-nderful bar- gttirib >A.'U will find in our Trade-in «pl. If you cannot pay us a visit be aure to write fur our new r.>3g Illus- trated catalogue to give you an idea of L.\ (U)s' remarkable values in both naw and used furniture. #^Q f\f\ 4-l'ieic. walnut fiiu^li BeU- ^p9.W ,.„oni Suite, larye dre««er. chiffvn.t r. full size bed and sagless â- prln»: â€" . iinpletely re-flnirhed. ^0| (\(\ S-l'iece Dining-room Suite In ^Al.W i.-rench walnut llnish: buffet, «.xt( n9<.<'ii table and ti leather seat ch:iir> in t^ood condition. •0"T e/\ Heauliful 3-p;eie *'he8terllcld ^^i.iJV jiuile. upholstered in figured Freiu li jaetiuard with reversible Mar- shall >i'nn(; eushion.'. Thoroughly cleaiu<l and re-conditluned. $12 Sfl "'""'""' Urafs l!ed. full size y-'*""*' with sagless spring and br.tni ni\v all-felt mattres.«. *00 (\f\ Six-piece Breakfast Suite â€" '***'•"" large buffet with glass top. table and 4 Windsor type ^Chait.^ Ill ivory enamel â€" m splendid 'condit ion, • e QC Several S-burner Gas Stoves • â-¼*'•*'*' with oven. Guaranteed. tfAK ftn 3-Piece fhe.«terfteld Bed V^*^'^J^ Suite, Kroehler Ohesterfleld 'bed ui'li 2 big chairs to mutch, uphol- , ftereil 111 a good mohair with revers- ible .Mai shall cuab'ons. in perfect con- ,dltlc.n. Cost new Jllio.l'O. .$59 fvn 3-Plcee English <"'ak Piiiliig- •^^^ room suite, buffet, rhinu cab- ,$5.95 drawers. Ine;. square extension table and alx •leatlier seat chairs. Cvnipletely refln- Ished, Dressers in assorted finishes with large mirrors and three Chiffoniers In oak and walnut nish with Ave large drawer?, nKer drop-head Sewing Ma- hines In good coiulition, nn Ttenutlful 6-plcce Bedroom '^^^ .-Suite In excellent condition, Ijirge dresser, triple mirror vanity Chlffrobe. saglesa sprinjr, full-size beu •fkd brand new all-felt mattress. :$7 $9 $65 Jl IQ en Solid walnut Book-ease, don Ishc .$38 • L)Mra<tf( 0-4 fc'%9l>al<l1 Ch4<l !*).*« •k« â- '•'*% ^ •â- > Tk,% a«4i,n4 t. II M«J» •«.*!, !• «4.r'l,«« MAlO«'(«COk0MMier ^«.^M« lot « iMM.Iftf !,«« #«'. W<,i« f<*Wi» n • Mil •Mtti»«d \f9mft4 *M«I*#« m4 r*«* Wlk ^ft AMiM*- Rsymar, Mason Rimcdics Limitid HA in (iOODS WIGS. TOLfES, TR.W.'^FOH.MATIO.VS. Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair <;<ioda. Write for Illus- trated 1 ataliigue. Toronto Human Hair Supply I'll. MS I'athurst. Toron- IIAIIIDIIKS.SIKt; !!i('IiOOL,S MADAME HtDSON SCHOOL HAIR- dressing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St.. Toronto. MEN AND I.uAl)lES. LEAR.V BARBER- Ing or Huirdrest'ing. under New Mo- ler System. Free Information. Write 690 Y'onge Street. T< ronto. .HKOIC.'il. JOOO EDMO.VTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) I'owder. herbal remt- djr â€" rheumatism, arthritis, ncurltif*. stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, 11.60: one month, t3: two mon<h!<. I.'' Druggists, or J. C. Mclntyre, Edmon- ton, Alberta. MISCBI.I.ANEOtS ble door. Completely refli. fwrj Dinette Suite in Flemish oak. '•"" buffet, extension table ami 4 leatlier seat jhalrs. Completely re- â-  l)nislii<l like new, *|Q en 2-Plece Chesterfield Suite - â- #*^««'" large chesterdeld with blg chalr t.' niHti h, upholstered In a heavy • iOngli'-h lapestry. A re«l bargain. • 1^ QC Walnut finish Cliiffrobe with ,#*"'^*' sid(» wardrobe five drawers jHid 'wiim mirror. Completely relln- • Faheil ^ . *a fe studio Coueh In ruet sha<J. â-¼O. /O 'cpp â€" makes Into twin beds . with " • ushlons tor back, Brti.K purchasing anything In used fUTiiituic he sure to visit our Trad«-lii ' Dipt,, or If unable to do so writ* for our new l'.'3» lllinlrated free catalogue ' All our nierehandise Is put In first . OlAKs .oiiilitlon and sold nndsr a monev-ba.k suarnntee if not satlsf'ed •1 Carefully rn- ked for s.ife •h.pnient Pti 'rsi-iirt "f 111. <ne> order LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers ' 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO LEARN SHORTHA.VD. ACCOrNTANCY Typewriting by mall, i^atlsflsd stu- dents tbrougbout Canada. Write for free prospectus, Dept. C, Canada Business College. Hamilton. Ont. mi»<;ki.i.a.\f.«ii >« furs were the animals fur- nlshing your coat tortured in steei traps or do you buy humane furs? Information. Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers. 73 Ber- nard Avenue. Toronto. >ovKi.rii-;> PORTRAIT IN FOLDER â€" FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY' developed and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Service, 16C King St. West, Dept- Y,, Toronto. l'.4IK.\r ATri>It.>'K.\ ROY L KNO.X. HEGISTEFIED ATTOH- ney. Information regarding inven- tion I^itents: Drawings: Registra- tions: Sales, 14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. rATi:.\T» AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR- Llst of Inventions .inj full informa- tion sent free The Ramsay Company. Registered Patent Attorneys, :73 Bank St.. Ottawa. Can. rF.ii»(.\Ai. ARE YOU RLPTIRED? RELIEF. COM- fort. positive support with our ad- vanced method. No eia,stlc or under- straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept. 21?. Preetcn. Ont, I'Ol LTKV AMI I'Ol I.TH\ E«il IHMK.VT POULTRY EgrirMEKT, HIGH QUAL- ity at low cost. Made in Cuada for Canadians Write for our new cata- logue. Model In.'Ubators Ltd. US River S' . Torc-nto, HOLD EVERYTHING â€" IWTIL YOf get our early I93f price list on Mills "Sure Pay" chicas. Never before bare we offered our Government ap- proved ehlcks at su'-h Iotv prices for early delivery. Don't delay, write to- day for price list The Mills Hatch- ery. Napaiiee, Ont WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CAT.\- log â€" Hersom Brothers, Streetsvllle, Ont. Breeders of large type bred t<^ lay single comb White Leghorns WOULD YOr LIKE' TO WIN IC-' Tweddle Special Mating chicks ab- solutely Free, This Is the first prUe In the 193.'! Tweddle Chick Contest 2.1 Major prizes and a worth-while prize to everyone ei,teiing the con- teat. Send for contest form today, Tweddle Chick Hatchery Ltd. Fer- gus, Oi-rario Box 1 -V ill II, r ni:>iN t> r» FIVE rcuNi\«?â€" griLT remnants $1,00. Free! â€" 110 Patterns, Designs. Wa.shfa.-i- Cottons, Prints. Broad- cloths, Silks, Collect Samples â€" 2.^c, Refund Guarantee' Maritime Textiles. Peparrment WII.S $"t9 Degaspc Montreal. <• \I K'iMUX « \M-KH TA1IX,)R1VG SALESMEN MAKE BIG money selling our Made-To-Measurc Clothinsr Free sample outfits. Mor- ton Clothes. ll'''S St I.jiwrence Blvd. Montreal. ••IVMI'* AM) roiNs WE BIY .-^NP SELL OLD STAMPS, Toronto St.imp Company, 56 King Stree' AVest, Toronto. 5.1 DIFFEKENT ST.\MPS INCLUDIVi; Jubilee .-Virniall. CommeniorjitlvM. 10 cents. Murray I,*ngllle. HopeweU. Nova Scotia Find Runaway Dog 660 Miles Away Kt U K\RM1\<; 'mink raising â€" S.VMIM.E lOl'Y magazine tuc. book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal. Bi.v 31. T..i..iito, On- > tarlo. CHOICE EASTERN MINK, TlllOS. ' bred females, priced low. Hail ford Fur Finn, Route 4, lllenheim. Ont. O. D, Wills' wanderiug dog was all ready to come home Friday, to Ty- rone. Pa., after an absence of more than a year In which he travelled Rhotit 060 miles. The pedigreed aniiiKiI ilisapiHjared from home, on August !>th, 1936. Last week Wills received a letter from ter Halverson. of I.eUmd. Ill,, advis- ing thai Halverson had found the dog, slarriiiK on a loudmide near Lelaud. Wills readily agreed to pay the coi<t of shipping the animal back to Ty- rone. Towu.-s ;ill over Gioat Billaln have Installed automalic niiichiiies which disprutio twopenny brickets of Ice cream. Bunkers Herbal Pills for P I L E S MnlK'ul aulh.irilies iiulle Keuera'ly ,^^ree ih.a ITOlIINi;. BLKKDl.NC. OR rROTRUDlNf. PILKS are caused by an Inflametl condltUm u( the Um-er binvel atul eenKested liver. This HERBAL medicine has been mad* from the extract ef HKRBS ONLY for over 75 years, to treat the INTKRN.M. OAl^SK of rlLBS. price »2.00 by mull, (•lalniy wrapved. 8end P, O, or Kxpress Unler, V.air MONKV BACK If not re- lieved. Bunker's Herbal MedlclnM. Toronto 9. Ont,, Can. Issue No. -'38 Aâ€" C Tpy KRUSCHEN PREE TRIAL OPPER NOW ON GET YOURS NOW A Reducing Diet Based On Bread Hamilton Women Conduct Suc- ceuful Experiment on How to Reduce Without Hunger or Fa- tigue â€" H«aJth ExperU Will Check on Results. How to reduce without hunger or (atirue on a diet that any woman can follow, has been discovered by a group of Hamilton women. Results of an experiment in reducing conduct- ed under the aupervisioD of a phy- sician by 16 women in Hamilton, just announced, show that the women lost in weight, amounts ranging from nine to thirteen pounds each. Amazing feature of the diet follow- ed by the women In the test was that it was based principally on bread, ihe one Item usually avoided in the or- dinary reducing diet. The Hamilton experiment was con- ducted under the direction of Mrs Thomas Taylor, mother of four ath- letic daughters and enerti.tii; C'lpon- ent of peii=onal health. Five Times a Day Organ'zlE? the group tf womon to test the bread diet which was alre.idv popular in Britain. Mrs. Taylor had the assistance of Dr. J. E. Tilden. Hamilton physician, who supervised the test, examined the women before and after the diet peiiod and recorded their weights before starting and Rt the end- of each week of the diet. Though the British diet popularized by Elizabeth Ann Loring used plain white bread, for the Hamiiton experi- ment the group used a special loaf prepared ft^'m a recipe made up by Liloyd Jackson, cereal chemist. This bread was slightly higher In protein and mineral salt content than the or dinary loaf. The diet consisted of two ordinary slices of bread with butter, five times a day. Twice a day the women drank half a pint of milk with the bread. They also had tomato Juice and were allowed tp.'i or coffee. Tht mtals wi re spaced out during the day at (airly regular intervals'. Loss In Measurements Most interesting feature nf the re suits was the loss in mea.siiremonis that accompanied the reduction In weight. Tbia reduction in waist, bip or bust measurement tended to nrrur . where it was moat, ui loriiing to Dr. Tilden, I./)sing 13 pounds, one woman lost two and a liaif liu hea from the buFf, three and a half from the waist aid five from the hipH. An- other dropped ten poundi lo reduce her bust two inches. hip« one Inch and wai^t teven inches. In each case, the reduction occurred where it •*as mott needed. Inter- viewed at the end of the test, Mrs. G, Cremer. who lost 19 pounds, wa.s en- thusiastic about the pep she continued to have all through the diet period. Mrs. R. Richmond had a happy ex- perience because a far coat which had become too .small two years be- fore as her weight increa ei'. now fit- ted her beautifully again. Results of the test are beiug studied by dieticians and health experts and may possibly be made the basis of an education health campaign iu dieting. * Rooster napping" Is Latest Crime Beautificus. a pedigreed rooster. was probably the meaty part of a stew in Dallas. Texas, last week. The deadline for his release of $25 ran- som passed and Attorney Maury Tughes. his owner, feared the worst. Hughes had been instr-acted to place S25 in a tin can at a spot in the resi- dential section. Failure to fo'.iow in- structions, the ransom deniand said. would place Bea'itifio-js in a stew pot. Hughe? knew the "roos'ernappcrs" were on the level â€" they er.closed t'vo of Beautificus' tnil t'ep.-hers with their note. The Deepest Dive 820 Feet Down An Italian naval officer this week descended 820 feet into the water? of the Mediterranean in a newly-in- vented diving suit weighing 900 lbs. at L« Spezia. Italy, (Previously the greatest depth a human bsing had ever reached was tb« dive hy Max E. N'ohl. of Mil'wau- ks«. Wis., who truched the bcttom of a valley in Lake Michigan 420 fest below the surface December 11. Lieut. N'otarl was sealed ins ids the div-. ii« suit whicl'. a crane swting ever the atie of a barge. Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting Royal Bank of Canada Expansion o( Foreign Markets for Canadian Wheat Pressing Na- tional Problem, Says Morris W. Wilson. â€" Urges Reciprocal Trade Agreertients to Secure Outlets for Staple Commo<}ities. â€" Drought Problem Reviewed. Bank's Balance Sheet Reflects Satisfactory Year for Business States Sydney G. Dobson. â€" Looks for Reasoiuibly Good Conditions In 1938. â€" Answers Alberta Critics. The exiiaiis;on of foreign markets for Canadian wheat by reciprocal trade agreements and a truly na- tional approach to the drought prob- lem were urged by Morris W. Wil- son. President and Managing Direc- tor, at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meet- ing of The Royal Bank of Canada. Canada was a fortunate country stated Mr, Wilson. The high level of national well-being reached by the phenomenal recovery of 1936 was maintained In 1937 and the activity in most lines of business compared not unfavourahlT with the record ye:ir of 1929. A tragic exception to the general improvement was experienced In the Prairie Provlnceu. Obviously the need which exists Is acute, the situation cduld not be handled by the Province, and the Federal Government Is to te commended for having 8li,ouldersd the greatsr part of ths burden. The Imoiadlate problems created by the drought rsqulre eniergenor meas ures: but a situation has also been brought to a hsad which has been un- satisfactory for years sVid rSquires treatment on a national basis. I^rge areas, ordinarily unsuitable for the purpose, have beeu planted to grain. I'nder favourable weather con- ditions the crop from an area equal to that planted in recent years would furnish serious marketing problems. The effoits towards self sufficiency In food supplies on the part of many countries, and particularly Oermany, Prance ami Italy, have also narrowed the International market for wheat and flour to a point where total over- seas sales of the four important non- Kuropeaii exporters have Heeii reduced as follows; Kmports oC >\krat and >«lifiil Flour vCrop ye.ira. .\ug: 1 to .'uly Sn Mlllloas sf IllMhfIa 1823- 1928- 19.18- lilSti- 1337- S4 29 34 s: 'JS <'anad;i . , S4« 40(! 194 \9!' JS IT.S 13li 164 19 all 104 Argeiuln.i 173 322 U7 1«2 80 Australia 88 109 86 102 t04 TotHl 4 Countri«ks 891 4aS 459 37(j • Hroomhair-* estimate ot Pcvcnil'or 15. 1937. It is a sad (omnientary Ihat a larn'" crop iu Canada, unless accompanied b.v crop failures In other countries, would bring liitlo more total lemuii- erstlon to our farmers as a whole than they have secured in the ysars of drought. There was no single reiuady to bring about Improvement, said Mr Wilson. Diversifltid agriculture, with- drawal of sub-marginal land from wheat, and more scientific methods would help. But these should be com- bined with exceptional efforts on the part of the government to open the Joors of foreign markets, so that when Canadian farmers again reap a good crop the whea: may b« sold to ad- vantage. It Is clear that the Prairie Provinces cannot solve this problem alone. This Is a task which calls for prMon^ed, consistent and whole- hearted co-operation The best possible hop« of securing outlsts for our grain and other agricul- tural products Is through nsgotialions with countries which are now grow- ing food crops at as exortiltant cost. I view with satisfaction thi present t^adency among democratic countriM (h break down barriers Iwr^din^ the dttural flow Of business. A^lth the general staieiuent that Canada should admit freely articles not producid within the country there can bs little basis for dlssfireement. But I would go further sind say that reduced tariffs should be ^pplied to a/flclei which are mads In Canada only on a restricted and uneconomic scale. The problem Is not simple. \^)it studies undertaken by tlie Tariff Board to determine what concessions should be made to foreign countries In exchange for an Important market for our staple commodities, should receive the support and encourage- ment of experts from the industries directly affected. MINING The continued growth of mining had contributed materially to the general welfare of the country, said Mr. Wil- son. Durlug the past year, he said, production of gold, copper, nickel and zinc, has been between iwo and two and one-half times the high level of production attained In \929. It is es- timated that In 1937 the expenditures of the mining IndiisVry for w;tgea and supplies have been between 5225 and J25i> million. Of »SO0 million paid m dividends by Canadian companies In 1'.'37. one-third wag paid by the mines. THE TEA THAT IS NEVER Insipid. Change to UPTDN) Uft^ SSeK»b Premium List of Wm. Rogers Son Silvopiat* write llios. J. Lipton Ltd., O Pr«at E^ Toronto FOREIGN AFFAIRS The posiiiijr. abrcad Is complex and dlfflCQlt but one gets few hints of the tremendous desire for peace whl«sh la latent m all parts of Korop*. I know of no European cooatry where the mass of the people are lyinpathetlc 'With the s.sgressive ezpreeslcns of some o! their leaders. la many coun- tries. desp»-raie ecooomic eoadttlons hare creareii mass tetr. Ruthless, cynical and irresponsible leadership Is gambling ti; keep itself !n power. Just as there are constructive psycholog- ical fuclors beneath the surface, so there are favourable economic forces at work. Those of us who continue to fee! hopeful ba.^e our optimism upon ite belief that idealism Is n>.t dead ar. I that It cannot be long bet', e ec.r- on.!'" '•en r.-^' .:Mion gives even thus* who are mo.-; tie.-peratt- a Ir- ;i;i;;i'.-' spe!!, UNITED STATES One of the trest import.u-- n .i-s- tions nf the day is whether 'iie Inii- ed States is merely experiei;. ;â- â- ,.- au Interruption in the Ion.? "t^rin tr' tui of recovery, or whether the wh-e! ha< turned full cin le and ths country is again facir.^- a major depressii n. In my opinion, fundamental coniitions now and In the period Immediately preceding the last depression are not comparable. Or.e would be tempted te say without hesitation that the pres- ent se'jack is merely a temporary re- cessloi:, were It not for the unfortun- ate lack of co-operation that exists between Government and business. It eurelv cannot he long before a plan for pra tical co-operation be- tween c( v^rnlnent. industry and lab- our will t-e I'dopted. CONCLUSION: Whi e 'r.i- te.eiit prosperity in the United States has l>een dependent ma'iily upon large-scale goven:ment detlcits. the Canadian r^overy took Its origin from foreign trade, Without doubt, prosperity based t;p- on world demand for Canadian pro dutts Is more «o'indly established than that b.ised upon .leflci: spending. Six- ty P'-r tent, of oi:r exports go to coun- tries other than the United States, and even w'th a ^'abstantia! decline !n ex- ports to that ootintry. total Canadian prospeny should be only ni<^d<»-a'elr affected. On the whole, 1 le.ok forward to iS3S as a year in whicliâ€" barring •^â- â- 'nie up- set in international affairs not present- ly anticipated â€" I expect to see an im- provement from present levels In the United States, and a further orderly economic reconstruction In many for- eign countries. If this proves to be an accurate forecast, we can. I believe, look forward to further substantial prcg:- â- !,« •ew.triis full recovery In Can- ad;i. GENERAL MANAGER'S ADDRESS In reviewing the i;eneral H.ila;;.- Sheet. Mr S. G. I'tobson. General Mar ager. referred with satisfaction to an increase of $14'^0'i,0OP In total assets a renewal of the upward trend in comraet'lal loans and a growth of 190 million dollars !r. Royal Bank d-'pos Its In l*ss than Ave years. Conditiors !u Canada definitely iin- prONed (Inr'ng the year, said Mr, Dob- son, the one dark spot being th" drought areas In Western Canada. Referring to tlie unfair crlticisiu in Alberta. Mr. Dobsou gald in this cam- paign of misrepresentation, efforts have leen m.ide to stir up resentment against the banks. And yet. during the last tlve >ears not in one single Instance has ai;y farmer or home own, er iB Alberta been deprived of his farm or home by this bank through foreclosurw. To den^Histiate the wide di\er8ity Ot services banks provide. .Mr, Oobson took occasion to analyie cerain of Uie bank's ttgurvs. At the end of the year, the bank had on its books loans to farmers toialUug $16.000.i»00. to re- tail merchants J21.O00.OO0. to profes- sional men and oiher prlva'e itutivi.l- uals $51,000,000, .\s a further example 6t the extent to which we facilitate the affairs of what might be termed ue 'smaller client". I may say we bad loans outstanding to 61,000 bor- rowers whose liability to the bank did not exceed JiiOO each. lu conclusion. Mr. Dobson said that a profitable year for business was Clearly reflected iu the Bank â- < own l>alaniie sheet fc- i?:?7. %ltchm^ TORTURE In A Mnjtt For 'lulck rWIri from th« ''.n n« of k >, â- ,.'tcSl«, flBplo. Mhlclf 1 loot, Kmilifc ;»iJl« iinJ oli<- •«.« wflpUoo*. fc^l-tT IV. D«onw' , ;.-*, co*J,,as. »Dti«»i^ tio, lUiusa 0. 6. 0. PREScnii'TioN. lu (uii> oii« •oothe th« Irnutui ika. Ow. rfue^rx twl W*!*- h»â€" driM lut. S»ot« Uif nnwl i-i'-n â- â€¢ itch^ft ic- MMli' \ ,».V trk»l Uir'f. St u-m •' -*- l';.^*** * - â-  hon>b«k AiH«a0.aP1«»CK(PTI«»l SI Elmphant Tusks SoldFor$4,000' MOMBASA, Kenya Con^ly. Ap^i ea. â€" A pair of elephant tusks, cxataM ed t« be the heaviest in ti;-i Ksc/a Colony, has been soid to Amerkaf^ laUrests for betwstn J3.000 and %â- '...' 000. The tusks, weighing 1''3 sad' i87 pounds respectively, were believ-' ed destined for a N'ew York n.uaetimj^ poasibly the Air.erica.n Mu,-:-.rr. of Natural History. They fere -iized- from two men -vho wire fin-,- : f-jr il- legul possion because the â-  lonjr'B gan^.e laws f.rbid the r' •.;,:.: of ivory from the interior. New U.S. Anibasscdor \^- • S"'M ;Ti :â- :, _ Tl:.. s has coniirmed President Roo.-.- â- .â- â€¢ = uom- Ina'lon of Joseph P. Kecr. I-,- -,, B« Unite,: s^tu'e-; Amhassader • â- ' ireal Britain. Ker.n.iy. ioni of tii- .i.i;:..:iiS- tr'itf.ns pr'.t; '.^.ai bUMr. •.-.-- sl'.'iiers. win succeed the late Rol)-: r. \v,rtk BinghaiE. CARRY YOUR ALKALIZEit WITH YOU IF OVOI-EATINa CAUSES ACID ^ INDIGESTION* â€"HERE'S THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO Tht fastest uay to "aikalize" is lo carry your alkaliztr uith you. Tl-at's what thousands do now that jen- tjine Phiiiips' comes in tiny, p^-i tier- mint flavored tablets â€" in a t^.it tin for pocket or purse. Tl-.en ; ., are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Pi il lips' tablets â€" equal in "'alkalizin^' eiteet to 2 teaspoonftils ct liq'aid Fh'.ii;ps' fixina the bottle. At once yzw feel "gas." nausea, 'over-crowding" from hvpcr-acidity begin to ease. "Add l-.eadaci',es."' "ac:d br.;'th." ever-acid stomach are corr,','t-'i at the source. This is the t:;'... . 'vay to ease your own disirt-- avoid offense to others. DISTURBED AT NIGHT? ^ DIURETIC stintular; such as Dr. i' tree's .•\-nuric is oitett in- d-cated atid .t-iually it is suffic:fnt to re- lieve m-n-T It'.duey irref- ularitie*. rheie A nunc Tablris put up Sv JDr. 1* erte And solJ l;y dnif- j; >i» arc ot va'ue :-i rt- reviiiff t;-.e bu-:ii.-i^ uA -â- renrss, and the Je^ir* t'-'r tre^uen; -,i-inAt;oa v-aus«i by or a.<^Ov-!atM w-:'i -x..-*^ ftctd, .mJ they tpiij tu use tlie rt •« .: urint. Head ih[> : RonaM Suooner, li: Br->,« St. »r»ntiord, Ont,, ..:J : 'In tli- .-n )ramg I wou.J be JO s:it? and sore ibat I i-nd hirJ- 1» stoop over to tie m» shoes. Ihm >nil iii.v kidneys gave inc :â- -,:â- :-. the trcrelioiH r^ued verv otien a!,J burned -n paua^e. I :>x>'s Or, ('••'-•e'« .\ nunc Tabirn arj wM relieved Mi lu} ni.jery." I'rice, 65 cents. DO YOU FEEL SLUGGISH? Mayb e you need bile mor* When you feci >ou haven't « frl ill the world iiiNl life i.i not worth a â- â- out â€" th«''s the 'Itne your liver Is ting you down, lion't fall for It. Si your liver behave. Taiiol T:iblets will do the Job Thi act directly on the liver, .stiniii^atll th« livtr's production of bile. *-'vtnp ing a special blend of certain laxatli Tanol Tablets include a small pro tlon C't i-.Hloint-l. probabl.v the most fective liver stimulant known. In lav ov two your liver i^ at work s well us cviT luul yoti feel at frlel with the wide, wide world. ."Ml dr Kifts have Tanol Tablets, tOe 1 â- â€¢ I

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