Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1937, p. 8

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Wednesday, December 15, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦K. t ? T t ? ? T t t t t t ? T t ? ? ? ? t Y Y ? Y t Y t ? Y Y A Tip From SANTA BE PREPARED FOR Christinas Many Suitable and Serviceable Gifts BUCKINGHAM Electrical Goods Washing Machines Hot Plates Toasters Heaters I rons Largr Selection of Lamps Sporting Goods â€" Skate Outfits Skiis Toboggans Sleighs Hockey Sticks Guns and Rifles Flashlights Batteries Al.ADDIX AND COLEMAN LAM I'S AND LAN'J'KRNS Stoves, Ranges and Heaters â€" We can supply a large range of Stoves; prices to suit everyone; give us a call before you buy. DISPLAY OF OTHER CHRISTMAS GOODS. CHINA WARE, TOYS, Etc. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON t Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y >l<^X<Hl^^^l<Hll4hitl^l4H>^^^ THE STORE WITH CHAIN STORES MARKDALE, Ont t Y Y SERVICE â-  • F. T. Hili & Co., Limited :: t ♦♦11 **i' H ♦ ♦ *»i > â-ºâ™¦ ♦ ♦♦» t „___^ ,^^^ Y Y Y Y Y OUR BUYING POWER Y Y SAVES YOU A LOT V OF MONEY ********************* t AT HILLS Extra Values in Christmas Gifts *5 VISIT THE HARDWARE DEPARTMENT FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS IN EL- *} t X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (Last week's Items) Wo ai'e KliiJ t" welcome to Ihib com- munity Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sanimonds who have recently moved into Mr. Al- fred Hawton's house on the li2th line. ConKiutulations to iViiss Viva Miller ol Gibraltar and Mr. Kobert Teal of Collin^wood who were manied last week and lor whom a shower wat* held at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller on Wednesday evening. With an attendance of forty the Community Club meetititr at the hoini of Mrs. Chestor Lohk on \V odnesdiiy. December 1 was o«e of the most en- joyable of the year. The president opened the nieetinK with the usual de- votional exercise.s. Some time was then spent in discussing plans for the coming Christmas season, and a com- mittee was appointed to look after the forwarding of Christmas hami)er.s and Kifts to the needy The ladies realized S20.(K) from the sale of the woollen Afghan and Mr. J. E. Keenan of Owen Sound was the holder of the lucky ticket. Prizes were awarded to those whose efforts were responsible for thi- larpre sale of tickets. 1st prize Miss Irene Hudson a woollen cushion trimmed with crochet in colors, 2nd Mrs Chestor Lonji, a mirror, -Ird Miss Doris Conn, a framed picture, 4th Miss Charlotte Richardson and 5th Miss Ev- elyn Hawton each a picture. The election of fjfTicers was the final item of business. Mrs. J. T. Davidson was iirjred to continue as president but up- 'in declininir was tendered a hearty vote of thanks for her untirinf; efforts durinp the year which with the splend- id co-operjition (riven by all members succeeded in makinir the meetinffs so interesting and worthwhile. The elec- tion of officers resulted as follows â€" Pres. Mrs. .Tas. Fawcett, Vice-Pres. Mrs. .John Brown, Secretary Miss Ev- elyn Hawton. Trensurer Miss Irene Hudson, Ruyinc Committee Mrs. Herb. Hawton. Mrs. T. Davidson. Sick Com- mittee Mi's. .1. Rrown. Mrs. Alex Mc- Mnllen. A social hnlf hour was then t-nr'n*- nnd nt 5. HO the hostess and her 'la'i"-hters sevved lunch. The next nioofinc v'O} h- held on .January 5 at *hi> hon'e nf Mrs A1"v ^'"I'in Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn Brown snent a day la«t week with Mrs Brown's mo- ther. Mrs. Taylor, at her home near M;irkdal" Mrs. T-'vlnr was 00 vears old December 4 and although confined 'o her bed for over two years still re- ♦ â- â€¢;n<; -ill her fncnltios, and is quite cheerful nnf? orin^'y •Kn C'^'tinnri^' of 'â- ><»»• fnnv'^^' n"d f)M<*"rl(!. •â- "w '';n~- nt the Royal Winter Fair. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and two childien of Dundalk were in town on Monday. Skating was enjoyed in the rink for ihe tirst time this season on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of To- ronto and Mrs. Brooks of Pickering remained to spend a few days with Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. C. WTiite of Waubau- shene spent a few days this week wit; the latter's sisters, Mrs. Geo. Black- burn, of Springhill and Miss Tena Henderson. A splendid moving picture show \v:is irivcn in the town hall on Thursday ev- ening and despite the stormy weather there was a good attendance. Some splendid pictures were shown. The W. M. S. of St. John's United Church will meet in the school room on Thursday at 3 p. m. when election of officers will take place and the bus- ness of the year concluded. Christmas services will be observed in the Baptist churches next Sunday, Uec. lyth: at Flesherton ll.Ot) a.m. and 7 p.m. The choir, under the lead- ership of Mrs. D. Williams, will render special music, and the Pastor will give appropriate messages. At 3 p.m. Rock Mills church will have their Christmas service, when a Sunday School choir, under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Foster, pianist, will render Christnia music. A hearty welcome awaits everyone. ♦ ECTRICAL APPLIANCES, GLASSWARE, CHINA AND SILVERWARE ♦ EXTRA VALUES IN EVERY LINE Y ♦ CHINA GIFTS ^ '- > -^ '- 'â-  '^ 75 1 Cups and SaiULT> lr<iin,cach .. Ltc t<> 7oe Y Cake & Scrviiv I'latcs 25c to $1.(1) Faiicv Tea I'lits .^5c loSl.UO Cut Glass Specials Wines, v^lK-ibcts and ('.<il)Ic-t s. half dozen $1.25 to $.V(j(J SinK't' Pieces from 5Uc to $2.50 \' on wii Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J y J J Y to $1.95 ♦♦♦ Choice Selection of Men s, A Ladies' and Children's Slippers â€" ^ \\>\i can lind Shoes in this line to suit 4Q» any purse. Specially priced 49c to $1.95. Y Ladies' Wool Sweaters â€" I Special prices. l'<\tia values at $1.75 5! and $2.45. Y ♦*♦ Ladies' Kid Gloves â€" Y .\ Lar^e Assortment from wliicli to Y choose, hotli liiiefl and nnlined. Si)eeially Y priced at Si. 25 to S2.25 per pair. ♦I* _ . _. . >â-  Bath Towels â€" ^'on will like the i|iialitv and valiie> iii this selection, i'ancv honlefN priced irom 45e to $1.25 per pair. A Leather Coat â€" WOol W indhreakers or Mackinaw Coat.s for Dad or Droller. (k-nuine I forsehide Coats with fnr col- lars. Si)ecial $11.95. Horsehide Coats, self collar, $9.95. I 'lire wool W'indbreakers at $3.25, $3.95 and $4.95. Men'sand l^oys' Mackinaw Coats, pure w.iol from $3.95 to $0.95. Christmas Values in the Dry Goods Department â€" Cixe her llosierv for C!hrislnias, full- fashioned Silk Hose, guaranteed i|ualit\ : all the newest shades. Special l)er i)air f)9c. Supersilk Hose â€" ill Cliillou and vService weiyhts, fulU HiiaraiUeed to ^ive j^ood service. Kxtra value, i)er pair $1.(X). Children's Cashmere Hose â€" In sizes 5j/2 to Hyj" in all the wanted shades. .Sl't-'cial 25c per pair. Lingerie Sets for Christmas â€" Electrical Departmentâ€" Crills, ToaMeis, 1 'kites and Irons at .s])ecial Christinas |)rices. Shoe and Furnishing Department â€" Men's Fine Kid Glovesâ€" In hrow n ami Kie\ , a lari^e a^s^irtineiit from which U) vSi)ecial prices 95c Men's Gloves al Slteciul 1 'rices $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 per pair like this assorlnuiit. Men's Mufflers â€" At Low Prices. These come in silk, Kavon and Pure Wool. l"",xira values lidin 75c to $1.50. Men's Tie* â€" In a lai Ke assortment. Special displays at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and 95c. These arc real Christinas Values. Men's Fine Shirt* â€" The largest assortment in Markdale Rayon and Crepe, a real selection from frob which to choose. Values from 79c which to choose. Specially priced from Y 75c to $1.75. Y t Y t t Y Y Y Y ♦♦♦ Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y CHRISTMAS GROCERY SPECIALS Sick or half-sick animals are n draft on your efforts to make farming pay. It Is coniparativfly simple to pro- vent your stock from gettintl many of the ailments that lay them up, or lessen their market value. A few day's treatment with Pearson's Condition Powder will do wonders, for it is a tested and proven spec- ific for kcupinft farm animals in prime condition. PEARSDNS Condition Powder Live Stock Report (By Dunn & Levack, Toronto) With only about 1700 cattle for the opening market Monday morning, the trade showed .some improvement and the prices were .somewhat better on the cattle of choice quality. A few fancy baby beeves were in demand for the Christma.s trade, which sold at from 8.00 to 9.00. There was no im- provement on the sale of heavy steers as the demand seems limited just now. The fact that the reduced tariff on Canadian cattle entering the United States will become effective January iKt/, Jis expected to be helpful to thi- market as a whole. However, our .\merican representatives advise cau- tion in not over-loading their markets with Canadian cattle, until the outlet is established on American markets. Choice heavy steers sold Monday at from 7.00 to 7.50, with a few extra choice at 8.00; fair to good from 5.50 'o ().50. In the butcher section, a few i<ia choice steers sold at 6.50, but i.iie l)ulk of the sales of good to choice anged from 5.50 to 6.00; fair to good roiu 4.50 to 5.25; common to medium 3.75 to 4.2."). Choice baby beeves brought from 8.00 to 9.00, with those 'I iiKdilini lo qrood quality from 5.50 .0 7.50. StJcLers and feeders were •cry .slow of rale. The cow market :l.-^ improved, wi^h choice light heif- â- 'V o.v.-s scHng Irom 4.25 to 4.50 and ii>icc Tat tows from ;i.75 to 4.00; fair > good from ,'i.25 to .-5.75; common to ne.' -.mi 2-50 to .'1.00; cnners and cult- 's 2.00 to 2.40. Choice butcher bulls :'i-nm .1.00 to 4.50; f.â- ^^ heavy bulls 3.75 io 4.00: botoi'nas ;Vno to 3.50. S'i>>plios of lambs were fairly heavy 'n â-  th.. |)!-escnt oiitipt and the market 'lU'iK'd slow. A few lots of choice 'ainbs liiiught 8.00, with the bulk ot the truck lambs soiling at 7.50. Choice iiutcher sheen sold at from 4.00 to 1.50. Calves held steady, choice from 0.00 to in. 00: fair to good from 8.00 >r> 0.00; mmnion to niodium 5. 50-7.. 50. Following lust w'ck's shxrp advance 'n hnor nrtccs, suiipHes were verv mucli too heavy for Monday's market and trading was very slow, truck deliveries- selling on the basis of from 8.25 to ''.35. The nrospcots fnr the balance of the week nr-- iiiicp'-tain. but It i? cxpectod the mnrkot wi'l he better for Tiext week and the latter part of the month. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Five pigs 7 weeks old; $7.00 a pair for quick sale.â€" Stan- ley Campbell, Eugenia. WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows, suitable for mink feed.â€" Jas. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Aladdin hanging lamp, in class condition, also a wood burning heater Wm. Gibson, Ceylon. SHEEP STRAYED â€" Prom my pro- mises on Friday, Nov. 19th, a ewe and ram. Finder please notify Em- erson Wright, R. R. 1, Maxwell. CAME ASTRAY â€" About last of September, to my premises, one cattle beast. Owner prove proper- ty and pay expenses. â€" Thos- Phillips, Maxwell p8 FOR SALE â€" Pennsylvania anthra- cite coal, furnace or nut sizes. $13.50- per ton. Free delivery within three miles. Terms:- Cash. â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. WANTED _ Any amount of cattl* or horses for fox meat. My r»» frigeration system enables me to keep any amount. Good price*- paid delivered. â€" H. E. KarstedV' Priceville. HOUSE TO RENfT _ 7 room brick residence in Flesherton, newly dec- orated â€" Apply to Leslie Chard, phone 42 r 2, Flesherton. Sometimes It doesn't t-iVo a verv smart innn to t'-l' -r-^i"-! tirofesspd wis- '-^'â- n is only mouth deep. Made fry tha makert of "CREOLIN" â- 4 THERE'S A DEALER NEAR YOU C. J. KENNEDY, h'lesherton, Ont. WANTED Alfalfa Hay Any Quantity Paying Top Prices H. R. METCALF Phone 47 Markc! \le Y Mixed Candy 2 lbs. for 25c ♦♦♦ Mixed Creams lb. 2Uc «♦ I'^esli Chocolates lb 20 and 25c ♦> Mixed Nuts 2 lbs. for 2yc ♦!♦ I'eamit.s 2 lbs. for 25c «♦ iNew (Jran)»^es doz. 19c, 25c, 35c &. 3yc ♦> Fresh Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. for 23c ♦!» l'"riiu-\ (irapes ...'. 2 lbs. for 10c «♦ C\\\ IV'cl, mixed lb 25c ♦f* Mince Meat 2 lbs. for 25c ♦!♦ Icintf Siiijar 2 lbs. for 15c ♦> jellv I'owders 6 for 25c ♦> iM-csh Prunes 3 lbs for 25c ♦> Jv Luncheon Cloths â€" 4» Kavon and also Pure Linen. Specially ♦♦♦ priced from 69c to $1.9.^ Robin Hood I'lour. 98 lbs. $3.89 ♦!♦ V ^ â- i>fJiAi'!^}fM*fj^^ n Chri&tmas Greetings | TO ONE AND ALL from DUNN & LEVACK . ; LIMITED i ''- Canada's Leadint; Livestock Salesmen M .. Union Stock Yards - TORONTO, Canada 1 ^ i FOR SALE â€" A pile of wood in the pole, suitable for furnace or large stove;also Hardwood tops, mostly- maple, to be sold by the cord; A- number of pigs five weeks old. Apply to Tho»i. L. Hughes, Markdale R. R. 1. Phone 132r4 Markdale. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Hog for ser- vice, Glenafton Sultan 92Pâ€" 186251, sire and dam qualified in advanced" registry â€" Ross Stevens, Proton Sta- tion. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley 'Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. .4. C. Conqueror 315â€"167820, will be kept for service. Terms |1.00.â€" Wea. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont.. R. R. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MALCOLM LEITCH of the Village of Flesh- erton, laborsr, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the above named deceased, are required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the executor on or before the Twenty-fourth day of December, 1937, after which date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall at that time have been received. â€" C. C. MTDDLEBRO' Barrister, etc. Owen Sound, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS t:^ K DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 io^ft^ Evenings ^ to iM » Sundays and Thursday afternoona by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Tuesday in each month. W. M., Dr. J. E. Milne; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE Special low rate for farmers A. D. MacINTYRE, Agent FLESHERTON Qat. ROY LANGFORD District Agent for MUTUAL LIFE Op CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRR AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone, MARKDALE, Ont. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Professional services reasonable. â€"Phone, Dundalk 2. DR. G. A. LEDGERWOOD. V. S. Night and Day Call Profe.oHJonal Service Feversham, Phone 4 r 5. at resideno* of Ed. Nixon, Maxwell. / :

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