THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 15, 1937 * â- »• EUGENIA We have been enjoying real winter weather the past week. The roada »re quiie neavy. Owing Co ine disagreeable weather tind bad roaas iaitt week the Y.P.U. (lid not bold their weekly meeting on Wednesday; nor did the Woman's Association, but postponed it until this Thui-sday afternoon. On Tuesday evening of last week the many friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie (nee Annie- ta Turner) recently married assembled in the L.O.L. hall and spent a vei., enjoyable time in social chat and dancing. During the course of the evening an address was read by Mr. Earl Gordon, while a presentation of four chairs, end table, and a number of cream and green granite kitchen utensils was made on behalf of the community by Victor Campbell, Jos. Hawkins, W. Walker, Jos. Williams and Cecil Magee. Mr. McKenzie replied on behalf of himself and wife, thanking the people for their kindness and inviting all to visit them whe.i they are settled in their new home. All sang for "They are jolly good fellows," after which lunch was serv- ed. Annieta has been an active mem- ber of the Y.P.U. and also attended â- our Sunday School and church and "will be missed from the community. As she is not going so far away to reside we will have the pleasure of meeting her occasionally. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Ed. LeGard and grandson, Mr. Edwin LeGard of Glenside. Sask., will take- up residence in Mr. Thos. Fenw^ick's house on the 8th line until spring, •when he will move to Mr. H. Cairns' farm in the suburbs. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Alex. Carruthers, husband and family in the loss of her sister, Edna (Mrs. Balph Weeks) of MacTier, who passed away last week after a prolonged illness. Mr. Nerval Betts has been on the sick list the past week or so. We hope he is soon well again. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson and Roy- den were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Bd Fisher and family in the loss of her rushand, whose death occurred the past week. (Intended for last week) Sunday was Sacrament Day with a fair attendance. Rev. Mr. Elliott was present for the Sunday School â- which also had a small attendance. A dance was held in the L. O. L. hail on Saturday night in honour of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferris (nee Don- alda Sloan) who were married last September. Owing to the paralysis epidemic it was deemed unwise to hold large gatherings. During the evening an address was read by Miss Irene Dinsmore and the presentation of a beautiful floor lamp was made by Messrs. Will Walker and Norman Williams on behalf of the community. Les and Donalda showed their apprec- iation of the gift by replying in well cho.sen words, thanking all and invit- injr them to their home in Toronto. Lunch was .served near midnight. „ A numbpr from this vicinity have received letters from Rouleau, Sask. from families who received vecetables etc. from the relief car sent from Flesherton. Mrs. MUim Smith re- ceived a letter from a Hepburn family Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe from a Mr. and Mrs. Benson, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin from a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spoone. The Y. P. U. met on Wednesday evening last at which Miss Irene Dins- more took for the discussion topic the "Life of David" which was quite in- teresting. Her group sung a hymn accompanied on the organ by Miss Ooorsrina Smith. The meeting closed by the Mizpah Benediction. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Graham and Dor- othy of Thomburv and Mr. and Mr?. Fred Orahini nf WTlkerton were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Well. Graham CENT RE LINE We wish the editor and staff and all Advance readers a very Merry Christ- mas. The past week we have been having real winter weather, with heaps of snow and the air very frosty. Mr. Ernie Little has returned from St. Thomas, where he has been work- ing for the past two months. The boys attending the short course dt Wareham spent a day at the Guelph Winter Fail- recently. Mr. Robt. Sheardown visited with his mother at Weston recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little visited their aunt, Mrs. John Arnott, at Hatherton on Monday. Mrs. Arnott is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hislop and babe of Clarksburg visited recently at the home of Wm. Little. We are glad to report that Mrs Wm. Nicholls, who underwent an op- eration in Markdale hospital, is recov- ering nicely. Mr. Neil Mclntyre, who also had a serious operation in Owen Sound hospital is doing as well as can he expected. Next Sunday there will be a special Christmas service at Mt. Zion. FEVERSHAM nnd Miss Phyllis and other relatives n the village. Congratulations to Messrs. Robt. Purvis, E. Stinson, and N. Hostrawser on being elected to the Artemesia Council. We wish them, along with Pfeeve J. A. Davis and Deputy Reeve E. Warling a successful year in office. We are pleased to report Mr. Ronald Parson recovering from his illness. A shower was held last Wednesday evening in Feversham for Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie recently marr- ied, by Victor's many friends and neighbours. They received many use- ful and beautiful gifts. Sorry to report Mrs. Fred Duckett ill. We sincerely hope she will soon be well again. We also hope Mrs. Kaitting who was ill during the past week will soon recover; also Mrs. Stanley Campbell who has been on the sick list for the past few w^eeks. Wd are sorry to report Mrs. Will. Magee's health to be still impaired. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Myles and babe of Heathcote visited with Mrs. McMuUen recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Goddard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe at Cey- lon on Monday. Mr. ,U hn Gibson of Orange Valley has takeri apartments in Mr. Jas. Shei-wood's home. Mrs. Timmins of Traverston visit- ed with her sister, Mrs. Will. Walker. We extend our sympathy to Miss Lucy Walton and relatives in the loss of her brother, the late Mr. Henry Walton whose death occurred on Wed- nesday of last week. BETTS _ DUCKETT A quiet wedding was solemnized at Ma.xwell United Church parsonage on Saturday, December 4. at 4 o'clock p m. when Leone Louise eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett of Eu- genia was united in marriage to Mr. Norval Percival Betts of the 8th line Rev. Mr. Elliott officiated Thoy were attended by the bride's sister. Mi.-;s Mabel Duckett, and Mr. Kilbourne Hawkins. .After the wedding' cere- mony the bridal party motored to tht- home of the bride's parents where a dainty wedding supper was served. .\fter their honeymoon trip to Toronto and other points they will reside on the 8th line Osprey. We extend our heartiest congratulations to the happy voung couple. IN MF.MORIAM P.^TTON â€" In loving memory of niir dear mother. Margaret .\nn Pat- ton, who passed away Dec. l«th lO.'^O. While she lies in peaceful sleep, Her sweet memorv we do kcop. â€"Sadly missd by The Familv ♦ > > i i ^ >*i>.>i» T . i i » > »t' »** - n - â- >â- â- > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ â- ^ ♦' H â- â- ^ â- ^ â- | lâ- ^' ^ â- ^ ' ^ . > â- ^ â- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ â- ! 'â- ^ â- l - ' â- • The Biggest Room I in the World is the Room for Improvement AND THIS APPLIES TO HOG FEEDING Shur Gain Hog Concentrate $3.00 cwt< Master Hog Concentrate $2.65 cwt. Master Pig Starter $2.65 cwt. Master Piy Grower $2.25 cwt. A FEW GROCERY SPECIALS Cream of the West Flour, per bag $4.00 ! I 3 lbs. TAPIOCA 23c \\ 3 Boxes Federal MATCHES 23.c : Red Rose TEA, per lb 5Sc Bulk SHORTENING 2 lbs. 25c \ Osprey & Artemesia Co-aperalive Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON Mrs. Holt of Toronto is visiting her son, Robert, here. Mrs. Heitman received word that her mother, Mrs. Jas. Potts, of Badg- eros is on the sick list. Miss E. Smith, student nurse in the CoUingwood hospital, was home for a day last week. The weather for the past couple of weeks has been quite cold and several inches of snow has fallen; enough for good sleighing, but the cars are runn- ing from Maxwell to Plesherton on the county road. The snow has been too deep from here to Maxwell and the trucks have not been carrying logs for a few days. The weather has now moderated and the roads will soon be open for motor traffic again. The thermometer reg- istered zero for a few mornings last week. S. S. No. 6, Artemesia Grade 9 â€" Virginia Wilson, Janet Cameron, Eileen Irwin, Donald Mac- Kinnon. Grade 8 â€" Emerson Beaton, Marvin Sturrock, Gordon Sturrock, Keith Cairns, Arthur Fisher, Willard Jones, Grade 4 â€" Betty Tucker, Annie Jones. Grade 2 â€" Winnifred Wright Grade i â€" Jimmie Jones. â€" E. M. Oliver, Teacher. PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM SCHOOL CONCERT Feversham's Public School Conceit will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 20, commencing at 8 p.m. Admission: 20 and 10 cents. Mr. A. B. Chard, tax collector for the township, took a lot of money away on Saturday. Not one was heard to complain of the amount; it was of no use, anyway. The play advertised for the 9th inst. was 'closed lips" as far as the actors and the public was concerned. Some other day it might be nicer weather. Miss Mina Wright is ill in Mrs. J. Nuhn's nursing home at Flesherton. Mr. McBride Sr. of Bala was on a visit with his son, W. G. McBride. station agent here, and family. We were srlad to meet him asrain. All is in readiness for the big annu- al Sunday School Christmas tree in St. Columba United Church on Friday. Decijmber 17th. There is a man in this town whose table manners never cause his wife a moment's worry. He is a bachelor. Most people who "know just what they would do if they were rich," wouldn't if they were. ' SPRLNGHILL SCHOOL CONCERT Hold Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, for the Springhill Public School Conceit. Admission: 15c. VANDELEUR SCHOOL CONCERT Vandeleur Christmas Concert will be held at the school on Tuesday, Dec. 21st. Everybody welcome. Ladies of community will please bring sand- wiches and cake. CEYLON SCHOOL CONCERT A public school concert will be held in Ceylon school on Friday. Dec. 17, commencing at 8 p.m. Admission 10 and 15 cents. COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND hav« met their master in ZEV â€" made by the mak- er* of Buckley's Mixture. Stockmen, poultry breed- ers, etc., who have used ZSV say it ti poiitively relief for all respiratory (flKa»e* in borset, cattle, sheep, pigi, poultry and dogs. It is ami^ jiT>g how quickly it gets rwulta in the most stub- bom cases. In fact, we guarantee ZSV to do in a day or two what it took old- fashioned rexzicdiea a month to do. Pit •in 50«, Stock sb* $1.00. Q«t ZSV m C. X. RICHARDSON ••sure fire" Priceville's BUSY STORE Do You Know that we carry a lar^e stock of Woollen Blanket.s, Flannelette Blankets, Wheeling, Scotch Fingferinff and Monarch Dove Yarns ? Do You Know that our stock is very extensive in Wo- men's Stanfield's and Cela-Suede Undies, Slips, Flan- nelette Pyjamas and Nig-ht Gowns, Debutante Silk Stocking^s in all weights, Cashmere Hose, Kid and Suedene Gloves. Do You Know that our China Department has beauti- ful Gift Glass Ware, Tea Pots, China Novelties, Jugs and Pitchers, Dinner Ware, Odd Cups and Saucers? Do You Know that our Stationery Section has wonder- ful values in Christmas Papetries, Correspondence Cards, Pen and Pencil Sets and School Supplies. Do You Know that our Drug Department is complete in all the Toilet Goods for Christmas, Wampole's Oil Extract, and all well known Tonics, Patent Medi- cines and Liniments, Vicks' Vapo-Rub, Mustard Ointment and Antiphlogestine? \\"e believe we have the best equipped GENERAL STORE, with an assorted stock of well known lines, similar to be found in the most exclusive stores; and. best of all, our prices are in line with the lowest offer- ed anywhere. F. G. KARSTEDT, Price ville,Ont. Christmas ^ Suggestions This Store Offers a Wonderful Selection of Entirely New Seasonable Goods at Very Reasonable Price s Ladies' Wool Pullovers i: LADIES' SILK SCARFS 25c to $1.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS Broadcloth and Flannelette $1.49 to $2.50 LADIES' HOSIERY Full-Fash wned; Silk, Silt; and Wool 49c to $1.00 LADIES' KID GLOVES Impored Flare Cutf.s $1.50 to $1.95 HANDKERCHIEFS In Fancy Bo.\ 15c to $1.00 Men's FANCY HOSIERY New Designs Ladies' SUEDE GLOVES 39c to 75c Pull-on Style; all Colors 50c to $1.00 MEN'S MUFFLERS Keelers and Squares 50c to $1.95 LADIES' GOLOSHES Plain or Fur Trim Velvasuede PYJAMAS $2.25 to $2.95 Non-run; now colors; one or two-piece styles $1.50, $1.95 and $2.50 MEN'S NECKWEAR All Now Patterns 25c to $1.00 WOOL SWEATERS New Color Combinations $1.25 to $4.50 LADIES' FOOTWEAR Pumps or Ties $2.25 to $4.50 Ladies' NIGHT GOWNS Crope and Velvasuede; white and colors $1.50 to $1.95 MEN'S SUSPENDERS Gardters or S!e<.-ve Holders 25c to $1.00 LADIES' STAPAKS LADIES' NECKWEAR Organdy Lace and Satin Collars, Jabots, Collar and CulF Setts 75c and $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS Collar .Attached or Separate 79c to $2.50 The Newest in Bagi^a^^e $4.95 to $9.95 SKI SLACKS Gift LINGERIE SETTS Crepe and Velvasuede; White and Color"! $1-00 to $1.50 Ladies' CREPE HOSE $2.25 to $2.75 Newest Shades; Wl Sizes 69c and $1.00 SKI CAPS, all colors 89c to $1.50 LADIES' BLOUSES New Styles $1.00 to $1.95 FANCY APRONS New Patterns 25c to 49c Maderia PILLOW SLIPS Lovely De.-sisrns $1.50 to $1.95 Bij^ Seieelion 98c to $2.95 Men's Lined Kid GLOVES (Jrey, Tan and Cream Crepe $1.00 to $3.50 Linen LUNCH CLOTHS With Coloi'ed Border; Some with Napkins 69c to $2-50 RAYON BEDSPREADS White and Colors $2.75 to $4.50 Jacquard Bath Towels New Smart Designs 25c to 89c BEDROOM SLIPPERS Bi)f Ranjre of New Styles 59c to $2.50 Ladies' H.AND BAGS New Shapes Very Special $1.00 MEN'S BELTS .\11 New 50c to $1.00 v-^<: TOYS for The Kiddies Wonderful Assortment of Children's Toys on Display on the Second Floor JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A T REASONABLE PRICES China and Glassware ALL NEW PURCHASES. Tea Setts, Dinner Setts. Berry Setts, Cups and Saucers, Bon Bon Dishes, Bridge Prizes. Crystal Goblets, Tumblers, Sherbet Glasses, Fancy Glassware, Flower Vases, Jardinieres. Christmas Groceries Raisins, Currans, Prunes, Candied Peels and Cherries, Isings aiid Icing Sugar, Shelled and Whole Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Figs, Dates, Grapes, Jelly Powders, Cranberries, Candy. All new purchases. General Merchant F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON .1 â€" . <