Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1937, p. 2

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<: N ews in Brief » Defeat For de Valera C VIA.AV, liiah Krce SlaU'. I'ln.-ii- deiii K".nioii dj Viilora suffeind a political ivvoise ill llie Calway corpor- ation c'cctloiiH this « '1; uhoii only 1 onl of 12 contoslP.I .si';«*s was won by hi.i Klanna Fail I'aity. Nin<- InUe- penilcul biisinfiss caniliilaLs; and I wo Lahir m. n were r â- â- â- l"ct(!d. Mr. dn Valcra'a party oiitMiMl seven contest- anis. Begins Important Tour I'AHIS. I'onimi Miiiisler Yvon Delbo:!. uiiiifd with u di^claralion ro- affinninK the community of oiidook and llif altitude of Ki;in((' and Croat Britain oti world problcmH, loft last weekend on an important diploniallo tour (;f fculral and Ka-:turn Huropo. Ills lour, which will take liim to (our capitals liy I)cc<;nibor IS. wuh desiribiMl by Kiench diplomats as the third and pi iliaps key phase of the prelimii'ary convfrsaiionH wlikh niust preceU ' any eventnii! round tabli' dia- Cuss!o:hi poinliiiK at u F"ti.iul Kuro- pcan settlt'incnt. Arc'.imp'inud by Hcv.'ral political expcrti; ot the Forei'^n Ofbce. Dclbos first will visit tlie Polish capital of Warsav. . tiuTi Iliicharest, llninania. Beltiraii'-. V:iKoslaviri pnd I'ranne, Cz^rhi â- â- 'â- n;i::-i. Rc-nan Allies' Conference VIKN.'^.' A â€" It is aiuv)i:ni'(l in well- Inftirnicii i ij' )â- "< hir'- that tin- n"Xl Conff re:.( c of th'' lioinan I'rotocol Sta'is « II \'c iifVI in i'.idai)! SI in llie miiUlli- of .'miliary. PifiiaiMtory KlepH have nli'ady ln'iti lak<n and the o(ll- clal invitations are awailr-d this week. Perld.lieal nn'cti'rjts of thi' Iliri'C Ko- man alli'M, Italy. Aniitii.i and IIiui- garv. were foreseen i;i the consulia- tlvc acrecn •Ml which v,-as addi-d to the forthci li.iiiK c"nf"!'( â-  le on arcoutu of Ihi' recoil' to obtain a Euro;ii.'.n : i Mi-nieiit wliicli bcBan •with Vijcoiin:;fe..>:'K visit to Heilln and V. .-f I in'iiiiipd in l.nndon. Rusiian Planes Arrive SlIANCllAi ( iiina last week was reporlfd to he massing a fleet of 300 BuEsian bulli waiplani-s for an attack on advMiKing Japanese. VV'ellinfoi tncd and responsible for- eigners at Hankow, one of China's new £:'ats of Koverninent iSOO liiili'S up the YaiiKtze river from KankinK. â- aid at li-ast 20 twin-engined bonib'-rs have arrived there. Monzu-chist Spanish Flag TOKIO.â€" 'Iln' Mold and red fia^ of Jloiiaichisl Kpain was raised ovei I lie Spanish l^ecaliciii li''ie this week fol- lowing .lupans recognition of the Spanish rebel leuiino headed by (ien- eralissiuio Francisco Franco as the legal Covt-rnrncnt of thi- Spsnlsli na- tion. Imports Increase OTTAWA.â€"Tlie IXinilnlon Biireau of SlaliHticH has reported an Increase Of 32.1 per cent, in f"ana<llan imports for the first seven inonlhg of I be cur- rent fiscal year (April l-(»cl. 31) In eomparisop willi the correHpoiiding previous fiscal |)erind. Accord With Atistria IIOMK. Italy laid week signed a coinmorciul accord with Austria sim- ilar to one concluded witli Hungary in November. Kcon< tnic observers said the Hun- garian pad WHS negotiated to liKhlen the financial I'lirden placed on Italy by Iho Ht'M Koine protocols which gave Austiia and llnnKary preferential markets in Italy. Recommend Five Provinces WINNIl'KC;. â€" Five Provinces in •lead of nine to cut duplicate costs of Provincial (iovernraent and parlia- mentary administration to a minlninm, Is part of a plan submitted lo the Do- minlon-I'rovincial Uelatlons Commis- sion this week. It iiroposes lo unite the lliree Maritime Piovinces In one: the threi' Prairie Provinces In one and llriiiHli roliimbin and the Vnkon In one. Onl.iiio and Qiieb'-c would re- main as at present. Social Defeat I.KTHHItllHiK. Alia. -In Its llisl ap- peal lo Hie electorate In Soulhem Aliierla, the fiilty I'arty won a vU^ tory over Rocial Credit last week-end In the Ivfitlibrldge Provincial by-elec- tloii. Dr. J'eter M. f!anipbell, physician of frontier day.-*, defeated A. .1 Hui' nap, Social Ciedlt. High Command Shake-up LONDON' Mnjor-Ceneral Viscount Oort, V.C.. tills week was named Chief of llie Imperial Ceneral Staff in what military rlrcIcH considered a drastic sbakeup of Ihe high command. The ril-.\ear olil fireni War hero was pronioti>d to the rank of general. He â- urceeded Field Marshal Sir Cyril Deverell, who resigned. This wan Mie most imporlani of a series of changes lovolving leslgnatloii of three of lliu (our military members ot the Army Council and their replacement by younger men. Given Up At Dead MOSCOW.- Siglsmund I.evanefrsky and live cnnipanloiiB who vanished August 13 on a trans-Polar flight from IfoHcow toward the United Slates ' C-N ~ were given up for dead this week by M'ball Vodopyanoff. Hnsslun Arctic flier, upon his return from an extend- ed search ot the ley wastes in which Ihe I .'vaneffsky plane dlsn^penred. Charge Barrister With Robbery VANCOUVER.-Charles if. Cahan. Jr., Vancouver barrister and sou of a prominent .Montreal family, last week- end was arrested by city police on a charge of bank robbery. 'llie charge named Cahan as Oie lotie gunman who held up a subiirlian branch of the Canadian I3aulc of Com- inerce here and es<'aped with about V'D In cash. Will Not Separate CAIKO. Egypt.â€" The Coptic Church patriarch who resides in Cairo refused this week to recognize a proposal at- ljil)iit(!d to Italy for separation of the h:;;y|itian and Klliiopian churches, wlii<'!i have been united since the fourth century. lie declared he would excomniiini- (ale Ahuna Abraham. 75-year-old lilind prcl.;te. whom Italy reportedly has nani(>d Aichhishop of Ethiopia. "Go Ahead With Trip" f.LASCiOW. â€" George Bernard Shnw til is week urged the Duke and Duch- ess <'f Windsor lo visit the Pnitcd States. Their iiidetinitely pcisluoiicil trip, he v.ifite in Ihe (ilas^'ow Labor periodical Forward, "would liave been eiiorni- otisly useful to IIS botli dii)loni;iIi(ally and commercially." Brilliant Meteor Falls WI.NDSOR. (jm.â€" In a blaze of while Ii);lit lliat illuminated the c(iniilrv for miles around, ii liiige meteor foil lo eaith in the Windsor district last week, according lo many observers. The light was particularly lirl'.;ht soulli of Ihe cily where tlio p;iili of the fleiy projectile e:i.«ily fellow- ed. The sky was bri;;lit a.-; i! i\ and objecis stood out cli'arly. Lloyd George Lashes Out I.O.N'DON'.â€" Di liveiini; a tilisleriug indblment of the "limp, flaccid liatids" 'f democratic "quitters."' Dav- id I-lo>'i 'ieorge told a peace aialience here that enemies, "growin.!! In strepglh and audacity and reckless piiwer," were on Ihe march along the .Mediterranean and threatened Hrit- ain'.i c<minitinicalions In time of war. Prince Marries Actress \IENNA. â€" In a mountain cliUKh ovei'looking the Danulie, Prince Ernst Ili.digei- von Starhemheig. .swaggering ( liiet of Ausliia's outlawed Fascist â-  Heimwehr." this week took as his liride beautiful Nora Gregir, the Vien- jiese actress whom he elevated lo star- dom. Assassination Siupects CAIRO.- -More lliau 300 inembers of Ihe }')gyplian Greenahirt Nationalist organization have been arrested In the round up resulting from an unsuccess- ful altonipt to assassiuate Premier Mustapha Nahas Pasha week. No olTlcial flgures have yet been released. See Herring Comeback PCJUT DOVKU.â€"Veturan flsheiniBU lieie are of the opinion recent catches of herring in liake Erie indicate Ihla type of fish is deflnituly on the >vay back In Ihe lake. For some years fow, if any, herring were caught. Now caloliRs are being reported from Ufiarly every port. Uncover Illicit Munitions PAItlS.-^Discovery of the III si ex- plosive factory operatBd by llin Cug oiiUrds, KlghllHl oigniiizalioii alieiied ly plotting ovi'rtlirosv of the Iti'piiblic, was announced by police but week en (I. The factory was found in the Koii tainobleau Forest. Hundreds of Kieii ado cases, powder, detonaiors and fiiBOB were seized. Arrest of leclinic- lans charged with maiiufaeturing iiiii nlllons was expected shortly. Indian Burial Site Found lllfAMPTO.N'. Ont.-'l'he discovery of what was apparenlly an liiillan bur- ial sKh on an Ks<|iicsiiig Towiishiii farm tills week, may assume Import ance as an archaeologiCHi llnl, hc- cording lo A. K. Cooper, authority on Indiauology. The find was made on u fariii In West Ksqiicsing Townslilii. .Although lliH low circular mound of sandy soil Is believed to have constituted an early Indian burial-groi^nd from the nature of Iho discoveries made, It Is thought thiit Ihu discovery of an In- dian village site may follow shortly. Japanese Parade Bombed SIIANCHAI.- A lioinli e.xplodeii in Nanking Kond last week end as B.OOO Japanese troops nmrched through Shanghai In a victory parade. The parade sratterod Iminedlatoly. The explosion was about one block from Iho Wing On depart meni store. Soldiers ran in all directions. The parade had passed through Iii- lernnllonal Settlement side streeta along the boundary between the French Concession and the aelllemont and entered Nanking Hond wilhout incident. Radio Must Be Improved CHICAGO.â€" A blunt notice thai the Control Over Resources Suggested For Provinces Before Rowell Commission It Is Asked That Dominion Government Should Do Research In Mining, Forestry, Fisheries â€" Provinc'al Governments Having Administration of the Practical Work. WINNIPFX.â€" Before the Domini- on-IVovincial Relations Commission Saturday, two Deputy Ministers sep- arately and consecutively expres;sed the view that the proper function of Iho Dominion Government is to do work in mining, forestry and fisheries in the appropriate depart- ments, and the corresponding depart- ments of Provincial Governments .should have full control and admin- istration of the practical work in each Provincial area. These men, Dr. V. W. Jackson, Deputy Minister of Health and Public Welfare, and K. J. Allen, A.ssi.stant Deputy Minister of Natural Resour- ces, were asked to give their opinion as to means by whicii any overlap- pinfr in the work of these depart- ments might be cut out and economies thus made. Speaking broadly, there had been little overlapping due to collaboralioa and close co-operation between Federal and Manitoba De- partments, but nevertheless serious evils had arisen in some cases be- cause the Dominion was not living up to its responsibilities. Ottawa's Best Service Mr. .-\l!en sai'l that the only places where tlie forestry services of Do- minion ami of Manitoba could con- flict are in the national parks and in the experimental area.s operjvted un- der Federal supervision. Ottawa's Iksl service to all Canada was to conduct research work to prevent sDiead of insect infestations and fun- gus diseases. A recent outbreak in Gaspe Peninsula has still more re- cently appeared in Manitoba. So what happens to forests in Nova Sco- tia or New Brunswick is important to every Province. If stamped out in one locality, it mie-ht rave the for- ests of ail Canada. It was Manito- ba's interest to have it stamped out not in Manitoba, but at the source, so that it would never get to Mani- toba. There was not close collab- oration between the Federal Techni- cal men and the Provincial practical men. The later could, on their Jobs, collect a lot of information to help the Federal men. More work would be done with less money in that way. The Dominion Entomologrlst should make more use of the practical for- ester, he believed. Neglecting the Field As betwicn Federal and Manitoba Fisheries Departments, the Manitoba men feel that Ottawa is neglecting the field Riven it under the constitu- tion. The Province collects all li- cense fees, and suggests regulations to Ottawa, which passes them. The Dominion spends no money. Regula- tions passed by the Dominion because of this set-up differ in every Province. It is a very awkward set-up. 'The Province should occupy the whole field except research, and in the latter department Ottawa is not livinjr up to it.s responsibilities under the present nebulous jurisdiction .set- up," said Mr. Allen. standards of radio programs must be improved b.v law, if necessary â€" was sei'cd upon bioadca-iters of the Unit- <'d Stales Ibis week by Federal Com- loMnications ('â-  iniiilssioni'r tieorge Mcnry Payne. Poslpcne Air Service CAN'HEllUA. Au.araliaâ€" The flying- boat service, originally scheduled to start early in .laniiary between Eng- land and Aii:.lralia. h m struck a tem- porary snag. It.s inauguration may be delayed until next summer. Prime Minister Josejdi I-yons attrib- uted the postponement to uncontroll- able circumstances. Nazis Criticize "Times" HI;RL1N. Two (leniian newspai>erB Ibii week criticized the New York Times for nn editorial urging co-op- oration among the democracies. The nnw8i>apur Nachtausgabe de- voted much front page space to com- ment on Iho editorial, published by the New York newspaper Tuesday, calling for United States co-operation with Cireat Brlluln and other donioc raeles toward "understandings on trade, money and credit" which the paper suggested would "servo as cer- talu weapons against Ihe tri^aly- breakers." French Newspaper Ban PAKIS.â€" The Legislation (;<ininiiltee of the Chamber of Deputies this week approved a hill ompoworing the Gov- ernment to enforce an export Import ban on any newspapers and magazines conlniuing writings capable of troub- ling foreign opinion or diminishing French prestige, Jap Apology to U.S. SI I A. "^GH A 1. Japanese authorUles returned the American-owned tug, Felting, Ibis week and formally apol- ogized. Vice .Admiral Kyoshii Hasegawa, commander-in-chief of the Japanese .Ird fleet was understood to have made the apology to Rear Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, commander of the United Slat.s Asiatic fleet, and United Slates Conr-ul Clarence K. Gauss. Yarnell had protested to Japanese authorities when the tug. property of the William Hunt interests in the Far Fast, was hijacked from its base at the Kin Ijco-Yuan wharf In the French concession. The Japanese naval party ripped the American flag from Its standard and threw It Into the W'hang- poo river. Blaze In Palestine JERUSALEM.â€" Five persona diel and five others were seriously burned In n roaring blaze, believed to have been started by Arab terrorists, that consumod a Public Works Department storehouse at Tulkhareni last week- end. Firefighters were unable to quench the flames, fed by Inflammable ma- terial stored In tho building. Rescue work was Inipo.sslble. The son of tho Arab watchman and four others died in the fire, while five Arabs, including a policeman, were seriously Injured as they sought to quell the blaze. May Probe Fascist Activities OTTAWA.â€" The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada may press for a Federal investigation Into Fascist and Nasi actlvltleg In Canada, V. M. Dra- per, President of tho Congress, Indi- cated Ibis week. Succession Duty Penalties TORONTO.- Penalties involving a fine of $50,000 or Imprisonment for two years, or both, are provided In the bill to amend the Succession Duty Act, presented In the oi>ening-day ses- sion of the Ontario Legislature by Hon. Gordon Conant, Attorney-fien- eral. The amendments make It an offense -J] â€" THE NEWS INTERPRETED A Commentary On the More Important Events of the Week. By ELIZABETH EEDY ! - KEY POSITION: In the new tiade negotiations now going forward be- tween Great Britain and the United States, Canada holds the key position, says the Financial Post. The impend- ing deal, so it is claimed, finds the Dominion in the place ot one who has an option that can be swapped for valuable concessions; practically nothing can be done without this couutry's approval; and Canada will undoubtedly have the final word. Although the new trade pacts in the proposed three-way arrangement may result In no great economic benefits, it is thought that the political effects ot such an agreement will be far- reaching. When tbe Fascist nations see the two richest countries of the world joined as links in an economic chain, they will be obliged to pause and reflect before initiating any ne\.- aggression. Therefore in the long run it Is believed that the coming agree- ment may lend a much-needed stabil- ity to the wavering cause ot world peace. RUSSIAN ELECTION: Nearly 100-, 000,000 people (think ot it)! are ex- pected to cast their ballots next week in the first direct, universal and sec- ret voting ever staged in the U.S.S.R. The election called under the consti- tution of December. l'J3C, will see tho new .supreme legislative body, to be • known as the Supreme Soviet, chosen by the ordinary citizen for the first ' time. Some observers believe that the new democracy Is more apparent than ' real, that Stalin intends still to dom- . inate the political life of the vast nation, including the elections. * It is now twenty years since the . Bolshevist Revolution of 1917. Should 1937 mark the inauguration ot another - era in the Soviet, next week may be- gin the story. FLAVOUR OF SAVAGERY: And. speaking once more of dictators, which would you rather have, Musso-, lini, or his sons, Vittorio and Bruno? The man who plans the wars of ag-, gression, or the ones who take an, active part in the slaughter? Last week Son Vittorio announces to the world that "war is the quint- essence of beauty" fcnd "bombing ia magnificent sport." Says Vittorio further in describing the Abyssinian* campaisn: "I remember that on* group of horsemen gave me the im- lu-ession of a budding rose as the' bombs fell in their midst. It was ex-. coptioally good fun and they were easy to hit, offered a perfect target.". This v.eck his father backs up Jap- an's claims of victory over a helpless* China. » to mutilate, destroy, deface, alter or conceal boolcs or documents relevant to any invcstisaliou tiiat misrht bt' made on account of collection of suc- cession duties, provided notice has been served of tho investigation. SPORT TODAV By KEN EDWARDS ', iii.-^ .-^eries of chats a'^out boxing and the arrival of iack Denipsey in our town the other day I o referee a wrest- Img match seems to Mc a kind of coin- idence. Well, if it's O.K. ith Dempsey, who now recovering â- oiii acute appendi- citis since his trip here, we'll continue a synopsis of official boxing rules or notes on what to do and what not to do in and around a ring. 1. When a contestant is down, his opponent shall retire to the farthest neutral corner and remain there un- til the count is completed. Should he fail to do so, the referee and time- keeper may cease counting until he has so retired. Should a contestant who is down arise before the count of ten is reach- ed and again go down intentionally, without being struck, the referee and timekeeper shall resume the count where it left off. Should a contestant leave the ring during the one minute period between rounds and fail to be in the ring when the gong goes to resume box- ing, tho referee shall count him out, the .same as if he were down. And so folks, until next week, if .â- Mi Baba is still matched around these parts, I'll be back with wrest- ling notes. So long. Lord Tweedsmuir Buys Calendar His i^xccllviicy l.oril '!.• vcdsimiir, (iovernor-General of Canada, and president of the Canadian Red Cross Society, inaugurating- Ihe Junior Red Cross Calendar campaign, through which the Juniors of ('anada raise funds lo ho-ipitalization for tick and crippled ( bildrcn. The subject of the cal- endar this year Im a |)ii'ure ei i heir Koyal llighnes.;es, Piincess Klixabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, used with ih' g:raciuiH ]> iniis:uon and goo I v.ishes of Their Majesties Kini; Ceo -go VI and Queen lUi-.;a- abeth. The Juniors in this phutnirraph, v^hii.h was taken on the steps of (iovermiient House, Otla\iH, Bears Go Without Air -Conditioned D^ns- Bruin roiidents of Vancouver and. Victoria Park zoos seemingly are un- concerned over proposed legislation, to air-c:ndition their living quarters. E. E. Winch (C.C.F.-Durnaby) ' .gave notice he would introduce in the Brit'sh Columbia Legislature a bill for better bear dens. While t'le member drafted- his plans for ventilated dens opening on hard surfaced court yards, three • shaded grass plots and concrete-lined bathing pools, park board officials shniggoil off such ideas as "too ex- pensive." "Besides," said A. S. Wooton,, Va: oouvcr parks superintendent, "grass plots wouldn't be sanitary and as for trees â€" well they'd have to be full grown to withstand the anf.cs of such bears as Trotsky.'' Trotsky is i half-ton Siberian bear acquired a q-aiter of a century ago- came lidiii Hull Inte'iiiei'i-it^ Excelloiioy, Creek, Chine: j utrl i'.vi pri'?' II,', rea.Lnic from LEFT to RIGUT; I of Hull .S:-hcol, N. A. Todd. English, Ktench, His ~ THE MARKETS HAY AND STRAW No. 2 timothy, $10 to $11 per ton; • No. 3 timothy, $9 to $10; oats and wheat straw, $6 to $7. .\bovc prices fo.b. Toronto. DAIRY PRODUCE Butler â€" Quotations to wholesale trade at Toronto this week-end. Creamery solids, No. 1 30% to 00 do 88 score 29% to 20% do 37 score 28% to 28% do 36 score 27% to 27% Cheeie New large (paraffined) 14% to 14% do twins 14% to 15 do trip]ots 15 to 15V4 (.\verage price paid to shippers, f.o.b. country points.) New huge (parafRned) 13% to 00 do triplets 14 to 00 POULTRY AND EGGS Buying price*: Toronto do.".!ers this nv.-> K-end A-cve quoting prj Uictrs for uo.:-.raded eggs, delivered, cases returned : Egg«â€" Grade A large 29 to 00 tirade A medium ^5 to 00 Pullets 23 to 00 Grade B 21 to 00 Grade C 18 to 00 Dealers were quoted on graiicd eggs case.; free: Grade A large 31 to 00 Grade A medium 27 to 00 Pullets 25 to 26 Grade B „ 23 to 00 Grade C 21 to 00 POULTRY Pi'icea paid to country shippers: Dressed. M''lk Sel. A Scl. R. Ted A. Sprins Chicken* 1 to 2 Ib.s 20 18 22 'J to 3 lbs 16 14 00 ;; to 4 lb.s 18 IS 00 â- 1 to 5 lbs 1!> 17 21 r. lb.s. and over. ...20 IS 22 Rabbit meat 17 to 00 Note; C grade poultry 3c below U gr.ide. Turlicyt â€" ::.\ grade, 10 lbs. and over, dressed 2C- Geeio •:.\ Grade, dressed . _ .14 X â€" Nominal. fT.''

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