I Classified Advertising: C" V v" V V V v AGENTS WANTED pOOU PROFITS EVEUV DAY SEL- ^* ling our guaranteed hosiery. Plen- ty of repeat orders. Protected terri- tory for producers. Clarion Company, Poat Office 102, St. Catliarlucs, Out. pitOGUESSIVE AGENTS WANTED for madeto-measuro men's cloth- ing. Suporcraft Clothes, 5044 St. Law- rence, Montreal, Quebec. SEND 1-01{ FKKE KIT COKIK'S, manuiactuicr.s for their own 24 city store.s across Can- ada, want aprents to become exclus- ive factory representatives. Men and women, cam bijj money! Sell Sobie's guaranteed LinKcrie und fine Ho.s- icry. (ict into this profitable busin- ess now. Write today for free outfit. Sobie's Silk .'^hops, I)e)iartin('nt .S.T. Farnhaiii, (^ik-, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS LIANGER STANDARD LIMB CO., â- * 126 Wellington Street West. To- ronto. Improved light metal and wil- low artificial limbs without shoulder straps. BARN ROOFING â€" FENCE POSTS QUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES save you money on Supertite gal- vanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Super- ior Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. DOGS UIGH CLASS SCOTCH, ENGLISH Collie Pups, natural born, low heelers, good watch dog. Males, two months, $3.50. 3 months $3.75. Females 12.00. Failures replaced free. Trained cattle dogs, trained fox, coon and deer hounds. Rapldvlew Kennels. Morris- burg, Ontaiio. FILMS AND PRINTS ENLARGEMENTS FREE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 25 cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brlghtllng. 29 Richmond Street East. Toronto. gPARKLlNG, HIGLOSS, DECKLE I'dRed prints, three extra with . â- â- (â- h roll finished 25c. Twelve reprints â- Jfi'' Delhanty's. Webbwood. Ont. poLLS DEVELOPED: PRINTED, * " one free enlargement 25c. Re- pi.iils 10 for 25c. Photo-Craft. 183'/4 Kin-; St.. E. Toronlo DOLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT prints with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo S'-rvice. Dcpt. B.. Outrnmont. Quo. 25^ - ROLL DEVELOPED AND c)i;e di'fklo edge print of each. R''I>rints 3o, 10 for 25c. One Free en- liirnement with each order 25o or more Snap-Y' Photo Service. Hox 72, Station K. Toronlo. â€" ^ FURNITURE SPECIAL OFFER Free delivery to nearest freight depot if you enclose this advertisement or present at our showrooms if shopping in Toronto. HUGE SALE OF TRADE-IN FURNITURE Every article completely recondit- ioned and sanitarily treated in Tor- onto's largest used furniture marliet. Special attention given to mail orders. 6 95 I^''-''*-'"'â„¢' excellent condi- tion, all finishes. 1#J CQ Singer drop head Sewing ' machine, perfect shape. fi QC Day-beds, complete with new mattresses. 1 1 QC Kitchen Cabinets, perfect shape, porcelain top. 7 95 '' ""'' "* ^"'''"^'' ^** Stoves perfect condition. 14.50 "'â- ''"'^f*'''' ""om Suites, 6- pieces complete includes Buffet, several colors, enamel finish. 12.95 "'â- '' Outfits, walnut finish, all steel panel beds, way- sajrless springs brand new mattress. 19.50 ''P'''''*' GhesterfieM Suite, genuine French Jacquard fovciintr, .Marshall cushions, a snap. 29.00 •'-P''''''-' ("hesterfield Suite in heavy repp cover, used less thr.n I year, reversible Marshall cushions, a dandy. 35.00 '•^â- f'"''''' Ghcsterfield Suite, covered, finest quality mo- hair, wiilnut. Marshall springs through out. reversible cushions, like new. re.Tllv hcautirul. 19.50 *^'r'''""P K"'i<l "'il: fining room Suite, buffet, tnble, mil <; leather seat chairs in perfect iihane. 59.00 ^'"''''''" "-piece Rcd-rooiM Suite, large dresser, vanilv with Venetian mirrorc, rl.ifi'onicr and lull size tied w!!li snplcHs sprliic; and new iiiHttre.^s. onmpleti'lv reflnlHlied". 89.00 nf-a"'""! !lplece Solid ^"nlnut Dinlnir-ronni Suite, large buffet, chinn cabinet, extens- ion table, fi leather upholstered chairs, cos;, nov; over .?.'?00, Complet- ely refinished. 49.00 '^â- I'''''''' walnut finished Dining-room Suite, buffet, square extension tnl)le. china cabin- et and <i leather upholstered chairs. In perfect condition. Bend money order for coi detn price of goods. Money brck gnur- tntee. lYONS CHESTERFIELD MFRS. Trade-in Department 478 Yonge Street, Toronto FUR FARMING DAISE MINK FOR PROFIT â€" GET ^^ Mtiirted right with Moss "Quetlco" strain mink â€" guaranteed stock. Write for full Information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists). Supawc, Ontario. lyf l.NK with a proven pelt record, the same strain which averaged $3C..^0 in l'J3C and $4L50 in 1937, and that after the best have been sold for breeders. O. Lee, Faust, Alberta. ELECTRIC WELDER The Trindl Electric Welder yyONDEHFUI. NEW INVENTION. Operates from (i-volt battery. Weldsâ€" Soldersâ€" Brazes. $4..''jO de- livered. H. H. Anderson. Lindsay, Ont. LILY BULBS pLANT LILIES NOW â€" ADD TO brightness of your garden with Lilies from homegrown bulbs of re- liable varieties. Also other perennial flowersâ€" and fruit trees for northern gardens: all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with In- structions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants In good condition guaran- teed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner. Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba. MACHINERY QET OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold, Shapley & Muir gas, gaso- line, and fuel oil engines and grinders. Also repairs for Brantford engines, pumpe, windmills. J. A. Fellows & Co. Brantford, Ont. CANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Grader, guaranteed Increase crop. Write, Kline Mfr . 121 Empress Ores., Toronto. MEDICAL (CONSTIPATED?â€" Immediate Re- lief â€" (money back guarantee.) Perfect (brand) Laxative Pills, 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00, Mail orders in- vited. Perfect Chemical. IfiO Rich- mond W., Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, Trumpet, Trombone. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' termsâ€" no In terest. Literature free. Greene Music Company, 67 Quf-en St.. East. To ronto. PERSONAL J^ING'S Own Scolti.sh Borderers veterans desiring Rcrwick-upon- Tweed cards and re-union informa- tion. Send nasnes, address to Box 0, Room 421 Wilson Bide, Toronto. gOOKR KVKRY MARRIED COUPLE â- •''] ' -â- â- 1- ).'itoniphitlng marriage slioiil 1 I .: I MiriterhiK Marriage," 24 Iiasrr.s, [jjiiip.'ild. 15c. ''Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page Illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies, and household novelties, free upon request. Supreme P^efinltv. IfiO Yonge, Torotiln A RE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, Comfort, Positive Support with our advanced method. No clastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturin- r.i n-?t. ?in. Preston. Ont. Same Couple Thrice Married and Divorced WORCESTER, Mass.â€" There was <iuite a bit of "maybe" about Mrs. Mae M. Hall. Slie divorced and mar- ried the same man three times with- in 10 years. Her first divorce was granted eight years ago. She remarried her for- mer husband. In 1931 she was divorced, and two years later Hall again "popped" the question. Mrs. Hall says that the last time he married her for "spite" and she divorced him again. No man is so ignorant that he does- n't know what he would do if he were In your place. Friend â€" ''See that fellow giving im- itations over there? What does he always remind you of?" Manâ€" "The $10 I owe him." A free country Is one that doesn't let any political or social group have things entirely Its own way. POULTRY AND EGGS ACT QUICKLY â€" IF YOU WANT THESE PULLETS AT ROCK BOTTOM PlllCES A II healthy birds from Government Approved bloodtcsted stock. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, 6 weeks old 18c, 7 weeks 22c, 8 weeks 26c, J) weeks 28c, 10 weeks 30c. As- sorted breeds, 6 to 7 weeks old 17c, 8 to 10 weeks 20c. Super Quality 2r per pullet more. Write for prices on older puUet.s. Terms: Shipped O.O.D. anywhere, 100 per cent, live delivery guaranteed. BADEN EL- ECTRtr cniCK TIATCHi^nY. Baden, Ontario CEDARBROOK GAME FARM QP'FERS, AFTER SEPTEMBER first, large, hardy young Ring- necks, all breeds fancy Pheasants, Wild Ducks, Geese, Wild Turkeys, hundred Ringneck breeders, non-re- lated, imported stock. Write for price list 240 .Tarvis Street (De- partment 0), Toronto. RADIO pAHM-CITY RADIOS $7.95 COM- plefe. Save half. Agents free offer. Amazing prices wlndchargers. power t)lants, nccessorlc." Marco l:Miy Mr- Cce, Kansas City. Rln STAMPS lyANTEl), CANADIAN STA.\y'S IN quantity. Host prices for accumii- bitloiiH and rolleetlnns. Queen Stamp Co., Toronto, SALES^:EN WANTED CALESMKN, EASY TO EARN $26.00 weekly. S<'11 shirts, pyjamas, miidetomeasure. Dignified work. Ev- ery man Interested. Write D. Stetson, llox 2110. Montreal TELEVISION AND RADIO £NGINKRRIN(1 TAUGHT PRACTI- cally. Motors, generator!', arma- ture winding, electrical drafting, etc. Day and evening classes. Special cor- respondence course. Employment ser- vice guaranteed. Canadian School of Eloetrlclty, 282 Ontario West, Mont- real. Harrisâ€" "When the house-wreckers tore down Brown's house they found a collar button he had lost twelve years ago." Kramer â€" 'Td think it would have been cheaper for him to have bought another collar button. If you would know the value of health go try to buy yourself some. A visitor at the Insane asylum was watching one of the inmates pushing a wheelbarrow upside down. Visitor â€" "That's not the way to piish that thing. You've got It upside down." Lunatic â€" ''Oh, have I? I used to push It the other way, and they put bricks In It.'' There are people In every commun- ity that would get a monopoly on air If they could. Mrs. A.â€" "JImmia has been In the third grade for two years. I wonder how he will ever get ahead?" Mr. A. â€" "Don't know. If he wasn't born with one, he never will." We'd rather listen to the story of a public hanging than bear the details of au unsuccessful speculation In real estate. A Prayerl •'.May every soul that touches inlne. Be It the slightest contact. Get therefrom some good. Some little grace, one kindly thniigbt. One aspiration yet unfclt, one bit of courage For llie darkening sky, one gleam of faith To brace the thickening ills of life, One glimpse of brighter sky beyond the gathering mist. To make this life worth while, And heaven a heritage." Mrs. Robert Katz Velephoned her husband that she would call for him at the office. Not finding him there, she looked In at the barber's shop on the floor beneath. ''Bob Katz here?" she asked. "No, madam," replied the Indignant barber. "Wo certainly do not bob cats here." Read It Or Notâ€" Absolutely pure gold Is 24 carats fine. It Is because there are so many fools in the world that the wise man gets an occasional break. Mr. Wise was evidently not feeling In the jolllest of moods. ''Just look at that notice," he said. Indicating the words ''Post No Hills" on a blank wall, near the husincss section of his good city. "What is the uso of stick- ing that up there?" ho continued. ''Why don't they put these things In the riglit plare?" ''Where would you put It?" asked his friend. "Over every letter box In the coun- try," was the candid reply. No animal may go about after sun- down without n tail light, in Berca, O., Mii'ordinK to city ordinnnce. TRAPPING I CAUGHT l(i FOXES IN 3 DAYS. Ydu can do it. Particulars free. Wells lladley, Stanstead, Cue. TIRES jyjENZIK'S USED TIRIOS $2.06 UP for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth ("lodge, riuick, Oldsmobllo, Packard, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks. Every tiro gnnrnntood. 190 King West, Toronto. WATCH REPAIRS .10 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1.00 '''P'"'"''^ mainspring, jewel, cleaning, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2-yenrs guarantee. Re- turn postage paid. Formerly with Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd, Dcyt. W., 4318 Brebcuf, Montreal. New Rail Route In Selkirk Range Shortly to be Opened â€" Will Put An Elnd to Loss of Lives on Dangerous Stretch of Track. DOWNIP:, B.C.â€" As an aim to groat- er'safety two and a half ijilles of rail- way lino near this station high In the Selkirk Range of the Rocky Moun- tains is going to be abandoned this fall. Before the snow begins to fly trains will be travelling over a new route which Is now ncaring completion. This new route is expected to cost the Canadian Pacific Railway more than $250,000â€" but they think It will be well worth it. For over that 2U mile stretch at least 22 lives have been lost In recent years and thousands of dollars have been spent In clearing away rock and snow slides and in repairing trackage damaged by them. The now track commences half a mile from Alberta Canyon Gorge, about 25 miles east of Revelstoke. At the gorge trains regularly stop to give passengers a chance to view the mag- nificent scenery and the 200-foot de- cline to the course of the small moun- tail stream. Where 17 Were Killed It was on the doomed stretch that 17 men were killed a year and a half ago while they were clearing a snow cut. The tender of a railway engine broke away, hurtled into the cut, and smashed them like files against the towering banks of snow. Single and double accidents have added the oth- ers to the toll. But now, the rumble of trucks â€" the first heard in these mountain fast- nesses â€" is paving the way for the new route, moving material for a huge "fill" at the west end. It is a far cry from the equipment used when the original route was built. Spurring the workmen to their tasks Is Mervin "Red" Dutton, the famous hockey player who now man- ages New York Americans of the Na- tional League. Dutton Is one of the partners In the Winnipeg contracting firm (Dutton and Company) which has charge of the work. Problem Child ''Rod," whose hockey club last year became the N.H.L.'s ''problem child," has found plenty of difficulties to over- come â€" but he has proved a match for them. Ke has had to pitch his ten- acity against the determination of the roaring IlleclUewaet river, battle with the crumbling shale and tussle with the smaller mountain freshets that nibbled at his big Oil. The huge expenditure Is the second taken by the railway in a diversion to eliminate slide conditions. The first was the construction of the lengthy Connaught tunnel, a step that allowed the railway to skip the hazardous Rog- ers Pass route. On that stretch 67 men lost their lives on Mardi 4, 1910. Primitive Diet Urged For Moderns NEW YORKâ€" Dr. Weston E. Price, Cleveland diet specialist, re- turning this week from two months' studying of Indians in Peru said modem civilization is slipping large- ly because people don't eat the right foods. The specialist analyzed foods cat- en by pure-blooded and half-breed Indians and said those who have re- tained their primitive manners of diet are splendid physical specimens while those who have gained the habits of Europeans have deteriorat- ed physically and mentally. Poem Warns Long Speakers Used as Prank on Mayor of Wall- aceburg Who Takes Hint Maybe the following little four-line song, Introduced last evening at Wall- aceburg at the testimonial banquet tendered to Donald Lament, Canada's oldest active employee of the glass Industry, Is appropriate at election time: "Give us a speech, make It peach: Let It be brief brother, lot it be bright. But be a sl>>.it, and cut It short; Tomorrow we work, we must sleep to night." Set to the tune of ''Here Comca the Bride," this little songlet was first used just prior to calling on Mayor E. U. Dickorson, who appreciated tlio Joke on himself. The song Is a com- posilion of Song-Leader H;irold Krout, and so well wa.s It received tliut sub- sequent speakers of the evening will be greeted by It, and guided by it.â€" Windsor Daily Slar. Modern Bagpipe Music The initiative is being taken by a well-known London Highlander and exponent of the bagpipes to interest enthusiasts for the pipes in the pub- lication of modern bagpipe composi- , tions. Many new piping tunes are composed by pipers in all parts of England as well as Scotland, but they are not published or collected and made available to exponents of the pipes generally. The Scottish Piping Society of London has many members who compose originDll tunes, and they exchange th<ira among DIXIE Plug is fresh when you buy it.lt is cellophane-wrapped with the easy-opening ribbon for your convenience. h %.M..^m.. DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO >â- •â- ♦»♦â- •• •••♦♦•••»» »♦â- ♦» ••♦•»>>â- <»♦» SLICED VERY THIN By Sizbits "No Matter How Thin You SUce It â€" Ifs StiU Boloney" What seems to be the crying need in sports circles at the moment would seem to be some sort of a school or educational course for box- fight judges and referees so that there could be a line more close harmony in their decisions. • • • When, in an important tangle like the Farr-Louis affair you find the referee scoring only two rounds for the Welshman, while other alleged experts gave him as many as six or seven, it would certainly seem as if they hadn't all learned out of the same book. « • • We don't think that Farr won the fight â€" his own manager's ad- mission that Louis had been the better beit>g pretty conclusive; but if Clem McCarthy's vision doesn't need plenty of sharpening, it certainly â- was a whole lot closer than any thirteen to two. • * • However, Mr. Farr did real well for himselfâ€" much better than was expected by anybody excepting, po.ssibly, himself. He is in a similar position to the lucky gent who fell down the sev.er and came up with a gold watch and chain; and if he only watches his step does not need to worry about ever having to go back to the mines or the tent shows either. • • • If Tommy only packed a wallop in keeping with his moxio and fighting spirit he would be champion of the world right now and they would probably be trying to prove that he was really an Irishcr, as seems to be the custom when a new char.'.pion is crowned ; although, as far as we know, nobody has yet tried to claim that Joe Louis has any Harp blood for some reason or other. • • • But Farr seems to lack that old lethal larrup wth either fist, which seems a pity, although it is perhaps too much to expect real perfection from any mortal. « • * Like the ancient one about the two street sweepi;;s who were standing talking about one of their former confreres who had re- cently passed on to his reward. "Poor Mike," s ghed one. " 'Tis certainly a pity, to swing a mean broom." He sure used "He did that," replied the other. "And yet, do you know, I sometimes thought that Mike's technique was just a bit faulty around he lamp-posts." • * • As far as the great election brawl is concerned â€" well, the general feeling seems to be to echo the one President Roosevelt borrowed from the Immortal William â€" "'a plague on both your houses." • • • It's too hot and there are too many other things to worry about for most people to bother their heads over an election which nobody can see any real reason for holding; and the electors appear to be talfing the atttude of strict impartiality shown by the dame who was watching her husband fighting a bead. "Go it husband â€" go it b'ar." • • • But from the financial statistics being published and broadcast by both s des it would seem as if there was still a lot of truth in the old saying, "Figures don't lie â€" but .some liars certainly do figure." members of their own society. It has not yet reached the stage when it can afford the funds to print new pipe music, a list of the compositions set in the last few years in this country would make up many volumes. Many of the marches and other tunes are dedicated to individu- als, and arc only heard at the Scot- tish Society gatherings from the composer himself. It is felt that modern music ought to bo given in competitions at Highland gatherings in preference to the older tunes. â€" Kdinburgh Scotsman. Postcard Delivery Took 26 Years BRANTFORD. Ont.â€" A postcard nmilod hero 2(i years ago was deliv- ered in Cleveland two weeks ago, ac- TRENCH'S REMEDIES KnerKV Imll.llnR TONlf TABLETS. STOMACH TABLETS 1.. relievo itoni- ach IrcublM. TRKNClfS RKMBDV, free Bouiilet on rcijucst. Write t.>da.v. TRENCH'S REMEDIES LTD. i>Ki-r. w. no niriicn st - Toronto Issue No. 37â€" '37 Aâ€" 1 cording to Mrs. Charles Norris, ol Brantford. There was no indication on the card why it was delayed so long. The card was addressed to Mrs. W. C. Penfo'd, Cleveland, who died foul yi:\ "s ago. An alert postman re- called the dead woman had a daugh- t .n- residing in the city. The card finally was delivered to Mrs. JuHui Eastman. Veleran Locomotive ValuabU CA.XAMOtJUE, Ont.â€" The r.y-year- old looomotive of the >Thousand I.-lani"s Railway Company has beer ?old to a Kingston firm for scrap, Xumbcr 44 â€" cut of commission foi several yearsâ€" will be dismantled where she stands and carried ignora- inous'y to Kingston by truck. POULTRY RAISERS Check ROUP (Bronrhial Flu) With a Feiv Drops of m