4 s Cs 1 e -a ;< !/ ^^ B. / â- >i-. > . >• 'fl^*^ •â- y- i*- VOL. 57; NO. 5 WEDNESDAY, JULi: 7, 1937 vV. 11 THURSTON & SON. Proprietor* Lad Hit By Car Funeral Of C. R. Wood Running out onto the pavement from behind a parked car on Saturday morning, Jim Hamilton, young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton of town, was struck by a car, owned and driv- en by Mr. F. W. Duncan, but fortun- ately escaped with only a few bruises. Mr. Duncan was proceeding at a slow rate of .speed at the time and stopped wjthin ten feet, but struck the lad with the fender and tossed him to the pavement. Jim had only a small cut on his arm and .some bruises to reoiind him to look and see what is coming before he steps onto the roadway. The Duncan car had a slight dent in the fender. How the youngster es- caped so easily is hard to explain, even though the driver was travelling slowly and watching the road. Town Softball League Last week a softball league, com- prising Springhill, Ceylon and three teams from Flesherton, with Smith, Gorrell and Hoplvins having charge of one each, was formed and a sched- ule drawn up for the month of July as follows: July 7 â€" Ceylon v.s Springhill. July 9 â€" Smith v.s Business Men July 13 â€" Springhill v.s Business Men. July 14 â€" Hopitins v.s Ceylon July 16 â€" Smith v.s Springhill. July 19 _ Hopkins vs. Smith. July 2i â€" Business Men vs. Ceylon July 2.3 â€" Springhill vs. Hopkins July 26 â€" Smith vs. Ceylon July 27 â€" Business Men vs. Hop- kins. Card of Thanks The family of the late Mrs. Isabella McKinnon wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindnesses and lovely floral tributes in their recent sad bereavement. In any* accident the only tfiirig better than presence of mind is ab- sence of body â€" Brandon Sun. On Tuesday, June 15th, 1937, at his farm home near Cadillac, Sask., occurred the death of C. R. Wood a highly respected resident of that dis- trict. Mr.. Wood had been under care of doctor. s for more than a year, and had been confined to his bed for six month.*, being tenderly cared for by his loving wife. A testimony of the high esteem in whicli he was held was shown by tha untiring helpfulness and kindly deeds of his neighbors and friends towards him and his family during his long illness. Mr. Wood was born near Villisca, Iowa, Sept. 4th, 1891, and when a hoy of 4 years came to Canada with his parents. In the spring of 1920 he was married to Miss Zella Ben- tham of Flesherton. Mourning the loss of a kind and loving husband and father are his wife and five children â€" Lavern. .Madge, Lois, Dennis and little Joanne. .Also four sisters and three brothers. ' A funeral service, attended by many friends, was held in Cadillac United Church. .\mong friends attending i from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. I George Paul, of Vanguard, Sask.; Mr. and Mr*. McKee, of Neville; Mr. David Bentham. of Saskatoon, (broth- er of Mrs. Wood). The body was then brought to Yellow Grass, where another service was held. Friends and relatives at- tending from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paul, Khedive; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Paul, Lang; Mrs. Thomas Wilcoek, Regina; Mr. Kilburn Magee, .Aneroid ; Nurse, Mrs. .Alex. Laurie, .Messrs. J. Baker and Ed. Close of Cadillac: Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood. Re- gina anii Mr. D. E. Bentham of Sask- atoon. Interment was made in Yel- low Grass cemetery, beside his fath- er and mother. Beautiful floral tributes were sent, silent messengers of the love and esteem felt by many. â€" Yellow Grass ITAald. â- ^ â- ' June Entrance Exam. Results Mrs. McKinnon Passes' Regiment In Camp READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". -â- â- A .*..* â- » »â- • • *â- •â- •- •- •- -â- » »â- •-.».•-â- â- -â- »-â- *-.»- •^•n*P^ • 'F i V V V F 'F It Vt ^^^^T^T^ i 1 ^ SUPERIOR STORES SPECIALS ARE CASH ONLY CLO\'HR Uv\K PINK SALMON. 2 for 25c JELEY POWDERS, RIv\E OOOl^ 6 for 25c EMFOTOiM.VTO JUICE, large tins 10c CERTO FOR PRESKR\L\G 27c SOD.\ BESCL'fTS, one ih. bass. 2 for 23c SUNXY SP.\LV OEIVES. 21 oz. jar 25c GUARANTEED CVrTEE SPR.\^' gallon tin .. $1.00 TWO IN ONE BUG KIEEER 25 lb. bag for 75c ALSO PARIS GREEX TX 1 lb. and y. lb. SIZE FOR THE PICNIC PAPER PLATES AND CUPS, ICE CRE.MVl AND SOFT DRINKS. "• C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 We Deliver Many write and many receive hon- ours. Dorotliy Boyd, of the Markdale SehooC carries off senior honours for tiie Inspectorate, wins the Dr. Jam- ieson Gold Medal, and takes the high- est mark in the history of the Inspec- torate. FLESHERTON The following obtain honors on their year's work: â€" Fred Betts, Doris Duckett, Doris Fawcett, Eileen Patti- son, Earl Plester, Ada Pride, Hazel Wilkinson, Virginia Wilson. The followinsr pass on their year's work:â€"- Marjorie Bates, Janet Camer- on. Fred Conking, Bill Johnston. Ber- nice Leavell, Hazel Magee, R. J. Mc- Xalty, Doiothy Patton, Mac Ratcliffe, Betty Teeter, .Jim Thurston, Frank Warling, Dorothy Welton, Clarence White. The following obtain honours by writing on the regular examination: â€" Janet Campbell, Eileen Irwin, Robert Nieholls, Jean Proctor, Marjorie Stew- ai-t. The following pass on the regular examination: â€" Joe Banks, Bruce Beard. Melville Buchanan. Irene Campbell. Te<i Croft. Auldus Cur:-an. Bryce Hanley, Verna Kennedy, Jim Mague, Donahi McKinnon, Stewart McRae, Laura Pedlar, Marjorie Thistlethwaite. Orval Russell gets aegrotat stand- ing. PRICE\aLLE The following received honours on their year's work: â€" Marjorie Whyte. The following pass on the year's work: â€" Ross McConkey, Earl Mc- Kinnon, Robert O'Dell. Robert Suth- â- i-lan<l, Dorothy Watson. The following receive honours on the wi-itten examinations: â€" John D. .VIcKinnon. ulat ai ler MoBiide. Blanche Sweene.v. FEVERSHAM T^e following receive honours on their year's work: â€" Ruth Armour. Leonard Hannon. The following pa.ss on their year's work: â€" Anna Fisher, Hazel McMil- lar). The following receive honours on the written examination: â€" Norma Long. Mae Maxwell, ^oma Whiteoak. The following pass on the w-ritten test: â€" Gordon Breadner, Bruce Doug- las, Mina Douglas, Bert Freethy. Jean Freethy, John Grunimelt, Isabel Hill, Great Lakes Circle Cruises Canadian Pacific Steel Steamer "Manitoba" Gross T«Mnage 2616 â€" Length 303 Feet Port McNicoU or Owen Sound to Fort William and Return LEAVE MONDAYS RETURN SATURDAYS DURING JULY and AUGUST from Port McXicolI or Owen Sound .... $40.00 frcuii Toronto $44.50 Westbound via North Channel â€" Eastbound Tia Mackinac Plenty of open water cruising on Georgian Bay and the great Inland Fresh Water Oceans of Huron and Superior All outside rooms-a cruise purely and 8imply-no tedious port layoi^ors Reservation lists now openâ€" Consult your Travel Agetit or any Agent CANADIAN PACIFIC Tlie following pass on th^ j-egulat , â- xiimination:â€" Bei-nicV 'tarsbn. Wal- [ XeUi* Ottewell, Reba Priddle, Val- I vetta Sayers, Edna Smith. Laverna [ Smit^, Wilfred Springgay, j ; DLNDALK The following pass on their year's I work;-5- Ernia .\che.son, Gordon Ait- I cheson. John Allen, Helen Duncan, •â- Xrchie Grummett. Islay Honors, Keith Livermore, Carl Liverniore. Herman I Mills, Leslie Ruttle. I The following receive honours on I I he Wi-ilten examination: â€" Russell Doln^er, Alvin Stafford. ! The following pass the written ex- jamin&tion: â€" Harvey ('larke, Stanley ; Clarke, .loe Connor, James Copeland, I Tack Crawford, Leonard Donkin. .\\- I vyi Elliott. Doreen Hayes, Maurice ' Heaps; Fred Hobson, B'.rtha Ihinking, ! Fred Irwin, Ted Irwin. .Art Langdon Alice' Layboui'ne. Maigaii-l Morrow, i James Mortimer. Stanley Mulligan, [ [Roland Munrn, Kevin Murphy. Lorna I Russiefl, Marjorie Smith, Marjorie I .Stevenson, Fred Stewart, Gladys Win- ( ters. , CEDARVILLE Th« follow'ing pass on their year's work:. â€" Jack .\dams. Donald Cut- tress, Loraine Donald, Eva McTavish, The following receive honours on the written exaniinatii,»;s: â€" Betty j Phelan. The fiillowing pass the written |lests;i â€" Douglas Bell. David Dow, Bert~'i Fearis. Neil Funston, Delia Hockridpp, Raymonil Love, Francey McMillan. Bill McTaggart. Viola Mc- Tavish, Ray Moore. Clarence Morri- ! *on, Stella Morrison, Edwin Rawn. I M.ARKDALE Honours on year's work: â€" Leonard ' Carefoot, Vivian Cooper. .Mice Free- i man, Eleanor .Moirison, .Stanley Mor- i rison, Hari'y Osborne, Jean Wilson. Pass on the year's work; â€" Phyllis ^^'^Bt ^'^'-l-J't.^^"- Siuidy Gillen, Mabel Lever, WnHanr Smith.* j Honour* on the written examiiia- iiioii: â€" Dorothy Boyd, .\ngeline Bro- :die, Irene Clarke. Phyllis Lee. Roy I Mc(;ee. Leito Mclnnis. Pass on the writti'n exa:iiination: â€" William Arrowsmith, Jean Carbert, Cecil Knglajid, Russell Harvey, John Kinney. Lloyd Kivk, James Brown, Lloyd McPhadden. .loyce .McGee. Car- son Page. .Toseph Quinn, Verna Scott, Russell Sewell, Clarence Tebutt, Gar- net Walsh, Ethel Yates, Russell Yonng. Ruby Dennett gets aegrotat stasd- ing. BORN W.ATTERs â€" At Priceville on Thur.sday, June 24th, 1!);!7, to Mr. and .Mrs. Elfnrd M. Walters (nee Alice Keiley) a (laughter. Fiances Catherinft. Married At Buffalo Mrs. .Margaret l^unstadler announc- es the marriage of her daughter, .Alarguerite Mary, B.A., M.D.. to Mr. William Everaid Cudmore, M.D.. C. M.. on Thursday. July 1st, 1937, at Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Cudmore is a native of Flesh- erton and received her primary educa- tion here in our public school. The .Advance tenders the happy couple best wishes for a long and useful life together. MARRIED WILSON'â€" CARRUTHERS â€" On Thui'sday, July ], at the United Church, Richmond Hill, Ontario, by Rev. C. W. FoUet, Rev. J. S. Ivi.son Witeon and Mrs. Mary Louise Car- ruthers of Oshawa, Ontai'io. DIED SANPILAND _ In Dundalk, on Friday. July 2, Minnie Inglis. beloved wife of .Tohii Sandiland, in hor 69th year. Funeral on Monday, July 5. Service in DuiKlalk Presbyterian Church at 2.30 p.r«. Interment in Badjoros Cemetery. SH.WV _ At Lions Head an Friday, Juno 2.")t.h, 1937, Mr. Wm. Shaw, aged 85 years. Mr. Shaw was the father af Rev. H. Shaw of the Holiness Work- ers' Ckurch at Proton Station. PRICEVILLE Our Dramatic. Club, with "Closed Lips." met with a good reception at Fevershani on the 30th of June, with many encomiums and expressions ol â- ai.isfaction. , The garden party here »n the 2'Jth ! roved ;i fine success 'ISie play put On by tile Chatsworth Tennis Club, •fhe .Vdveiiiures of Grandpa," was a mote or less comical skit. There may have been better plays, or just ah good given hei-e, but to this observer. il was the most pleasing, inasmuch as every word was heard and acting well jin keeping with the sentiment fhe "Sifory could be followed all through so well. The proceeds at the gate were .S73.()o and the bazaar $16.00 and booth profits making a total of over l$it;i.OT), with footballteams free. Their ga.-:".-. ix'sulted :n a victr y ol' 1 U,: Holstein and 2 for Priceville. On the 2nd of July, the Y. P. S. of i St. Columbu worked up an excursion i to Niagara Falls. Tjhirty-four of j the young people took advantage of . thi' cheap rate afforded. Going by i Guelph, Hamilton, where they had lunch, and on to the FaMs through a . . down pour of raip. The longitude i I of t.h'.' tarpaulin covering being rath- 1 ! er scanty, poured some of its con- : 'lents on the blanketed .seats. The : shower let up about 8 p.m. and they j I wore ti"eated later to the view of the I Falls ilhnninated. spanding the night I comfortably in tourist cabins. The j return journey was njade b.y way of I Hamilton to Toronto. They dined at St. Catherines on the way home, and they left Toronto at p.m. after i f doing the city, arriving here at niid- , nighf. tiretl, but happy and jolly. We ' failed to secure »ny impressions form- , }ed of the magnitnde of tisi^ scenery |ind the intervening country, By Our Fvugenia Correspondent Death again visited our village on c>unilay morning, June 27tli, and took i.o the "Great Bayond,'' the life of Ml'S. .McKinnon. Tht- deceased, whoso maiden name was Mi.ss Isabella .Sin-" liair. was born at Piiceville T() years ago, where she «p,ent her girlhood days. Fifty-eight years ago she was hiarried at Tiverton to the late Mr. D. .McKmiion. residing there until moving to Fle.sherton about "8 years ago Thf past few weeks the latf Mrs. -McKinnon was staying with her daughter, Mrs. H. Foester, where -he was tenderly cared for. Owing to heart trouble she became weaker and weaker until at last she had to -urn-nder to death and go home to her Maker where pain ami suffering are no more. Tliose w'ho knew her found in her a faithful friend. She was a kind mother and a good neighbor. The funeral was iield on Tuesday attiinoon. June 25*, from the home of â- ler daughter; Rev. Mr. Bushell of the Eugenia United Church officiated He read scripture passages from the book of Revelations and <lelivered a very comforting and impressive mes- sage, based on "death". The minis- ter spoke of the Christian qualities of the deecased and was assured that they had won fw her a home among the blessed. The hymns sung were, "Jesus Lover of .My Soul." and "For- ever with thi- Lord." The choir of the United Church sang, "When the Roll is Called up Yoniier. ' The pas- tor closed his servicn by a most eom- forring prayer to the bereaved ones. Floral tributes of sympathy and lovi- were very beautiful, among which were a pillow from the family, wreath from the Bell Telephone Staff, wreath from sisters, spray from Eugenia neighbors and basket from the Flesh- erton neighbors. Interment took pla<-c in the family plot in FleshiTlon cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. I.ouis Gen- ue, .lack Campbell and Francis Genoe of Kugenia,* .Messrs JVarnt-s' Weltw»r Thns. Fishor and (Jeo. .Mc-T:ivish of F-'leslierloll. Two sisters and one brother sur- s '.ve. namely: .Miss .Minnie .Sinclaii' ,ind Mis. .1. .McKae of Toinjnto and .\lr. Neil Sinclair of Turin, .Uta. I'uo brothers. Donald and Duncan and one sister. Tcna, have predeceased her. Out of a family of four sons ;>nd two daughters, there are left to mourn the loss of a dear mother, two sons. Charlie in the West and Gordon if Toronto and one daughter, Tena. ! Mrs. H.irry V'oester) of Eugenia. Two sons, Neil and Donald and a dau^ihter. .Annie (Mrs. Geo. N'orris) have pa.<»sed on before. Friends from a distance that attend- ed llif funeral were: Mr. and .Mrs. J. McRae, Miss Minnie Sinclair. Jack Sinclair. Mr. and My-i, Wni. Drier and children Frozer and Bernice, Toronto; .Mr. and Mrs. .\rmitage and Mr. and Mrs. Ross -Vrmitage of Guelph; .Mr. Miller and two other members of the Bell Telephone Staff. Toronto. Wf extend our profound sympathy to the family in their sail bereave- ment. The Grey and Sinicoe Foresters left for their annual camp at N'iagara-on- me-Lake Sunday evening and will re- lurn home this Saturday night. Major Wm. Turuey of Flesiierton is in com- iiand of ".\" Company, with Capt. T. 1, Thompson of Owen Sound as .second in cominapd. "B" Company come* iVom Meaford and the ottier two com- panies from "the Simcoe area. One ;)lat()on was r-.cruited from Flesherton .listrict and me from Durham and Hanover. Those who entrained on. Sunday evening from here were: Ma.ior W. Turney Lieut. F. J. Thurston. Sergt. H. G. Burke : Sergt. E. Dixon ' '*? .Sergt. A. Lawler ' Sergt. .\. Turney Corp. R. Bellamy Cor)). F. Gorrell Corp. S. Mc.Mullen Pte. T. Banks Pte. B. Conroii Pte. R. Goldsborough • ' Pte.- W. Henry ^: Pte. H. Johnston Pie. T. McKenzie Pte. F. Patton Letter Of Appreciation The f)ll(jwing letter of appreciatiot> I a long time friend has been for- warded us by Mr. Herbert N'eill of l3sprey : Xeighbor .Arehie Melnnes has mov- ed :iway and we are the poorer. But We hold dear the memory of a friendly honest !nan. Wf knew him well and long. Faults he had and those he did not try to hide. More virtue he also had :iiid those he did not try to :idvertise. His desire to do work and .--erve rather than to iiold office and dominatv made him very lovable to ..thers with like ambitions. Tolerant :ind forgivmg to a degree; liberal and ojieii niiniled without a known enemy; always better pleased to be one of the 'worTce'r? fhiiri fo" be boss, "may his grille :tK le;i.~e." We haV(. now with ':- me ii-s< ,if ihe good old guard who ».re proud of a hard da.v's work well done, even for .i veiT small day's pay. Comnuinicativi' and a great reader Mai!,, htoi mI'.vm'.-s <si'.i-i\ company e v i when ill ])oi)r health. "If you ran t:ilk with crowds and keep your virtue. Or walk with kings- -nor lose the com- mon touch. If neither fni>< nor loving friends can htirt you. If all nun eonnt with you but none too much. TORONTO LINE NORTH Blackburn Re-Union .\ very i>lea.sani re-union of the Bhickhurn family was held at Eu- genia Park on July 1st, when 140 gathered from the following places: Detroit, St. Catherines, Hamilton, To- ronto, Port Credit, Guelph, Creemore, C'ollingwood, Noitawa, Stayiier, Mount "orest, St. Thomas. Feversham, Ce.v- on, Flesherton and vicinity. (Intended for last week) Mrs. Minnie Lever of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Brown. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Frank Cairns and the CoUinson family in their recent .sad bereavement.. Miss Gertrude Lev"r, accompanied by Mrs. Patton, .Mrs. Strong, Mrs. i.5iniis and Mrs. Masters of Richmond il:!l. visited at the former's parental Uonie the first of the week and attend- ed the L.O.B..\. birthday tea Tuesday evening. Mastei' Howa;d .Morgan of Moore- •ield is holidaying with his grand- oarents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. .Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond till and sister. Mrs. Nolan and son, •f Toronto, spent a day with their mother. Mrs. T. R. Lever, who cele- brated her birfhdttv Don't make them say; "1 spent .\ear in that town one Sunday." --Mi ^ . S,r,VJa.1) ^:;.,)^j[,.^ j;^l Xs' ''- Owinp t« lack of space we are forc- ed to omit several of our correspond^ ence budgets this week. Mr. John Cook and ffimily of Cal- lander. Out., Bve holidaving at h^r I ; ._-_ -':,_ M^h- I- (Continued on Page Five) . | TUB FLNKK.\J< CKAl'bL. .% dignified, pcrson.iI funeral lervlre. Available In all parts of Toronto and suburbs at price* to iult the income of evcr.v faniilj, MiiM Sc i^latJbocfeg HBnmi Co. FORMERLY BATB8 BITRI.VL CO. Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Mgr. Kl «3 4-4-3 4Se 124 AVG.M'E KO/U> O.NB BLOCS •OOn OP OAVBNPOKT ROAD (