Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1937, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 3, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE REASON A MYSTERY A husband had hard a funny storj and decided to toll it to his wife. The Blory Btarted with the question, "Mary, why am 1 like a mule?" But the story got wrecked rijfht there. She said, "I don't know why, George, but I know you are." Now we won- der why some men are like mules? But we also wonder why some women are forever taking the joy out of life by saying embarrassing things and b> their silly gossip making life hard for others ? He who in the end counts is he wlio refuses to take the count. [\TPlEMYOi Try This Appetising Recipe FISH CHOWDER I'/'i Pound* of (re»li Ii>h (cwl, hflddock or other fi>h) 2 CupfuU of diced poutocf 1 Cupful of diced carrots 4 Cupfuls of water 1/4 Pound of salt pork, diced 1 Medium onion, chopped 3 TablcspoonfilU of flour 2 Cupfult of milk Salt and pepper to laftte Rfmnve Ihr sLiii ;in(I Ixmcs frnnj the ^l^ll and cul lulo small pirct-a. Cii'ik the fish, Ihr dicfil polatciia anil Ihe cairoti in tin- water fur I' minuU-i. I'ry ihf sail pork until crisp, remove the imcei anil cook tht; imitin in the fat until lender. Aild the lliiiir, slit until \»rll bli-nilicl and gr.vlually aild the milk, slirrinn until tin- miilute is smiicith anil thick, Oimhlne this mixture with the fish anil vcitctahlcs, si-avin tn tasle with salt and pepper, sim- mer f'lr nbciut 10 minutes, stir- ring Irequrtitly iuiil serve hot. BRING Canadian Fish and .Shclihsh more oflrn to your tabk*. Benefit hy their richness in proteins, minerals, vii renins and iodine. Knjoy tiieir delicate, easily di[;estecl and fine- tasiinR meat. And make a saviiit; in your budget, too, for (^.an.idian I'ish Koixl.s, tliroiinh their threat noiirisli- insT (|ualities, Rive you full value for every cent S|>ent. •Serve C'anadian I'ish and Shellilsh more often. Fresh water fish or sea- food ... in fresli, frozen, canned, pickled, dried or smoked form . . . whatever way you prefer tiiis deli- cacy ... it is available in prime condition. DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES, OTTAWA (Ui^\ Write For FREE Booklet Department of Fifheriet, Otuwa IMe.'ise send mc your free 52-paKr buiiklt-t, "Any Day a Fish Day", cuntaininK 100 ileli}<htful and econu- niical Fish Kctipes. Rev. Thos. Watson Dies Many old friends will learn with regret of the sudden passing of Rev. Thomas Watson on Tuesday evening, February 16, l!i37, at his home GO'J Uulliol street, north Toronto of heart trouble, in his 79th year. Up to a few weeks ago he had enjoyed very good health. He was born in York- .shiie, England, in 1857, coming to Canada when a young man, he en- tered the niini.stry, having charge of and preaching at Flesherton Baptist, I'riceville and Ceylon, After five years on this field he left Dec, Oth, 1890, going to Cramie, also pre^i-hing at 'Ready in VMo; Coburg, Ridgetown and many other points. He wag a great writer of poems. One book worthy of particular mention is "Can- adian Crystals," respectfully d(;dicat- ed to Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. Rev. H. W. Lang of Park Rd. Bap- tist church had charge of the service at the home on Tliursady, speaking of the many beautiful Christian qual. ities referring to him as a good soldier (if Christ, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith," also read the 23rd psalm. Dr. Webb led in prayer. In the year 1881 he was married to Miss Mary .Sprathy to whom four children were born. Mrs. Watson passed away in 1914. In 1915 he was married to Rosa Parker, who also died in 1928. His son, Albert, of Sask- atoon arrived in .January and spent two weeks, later his wife came to take care of him. He leaves to mourn his passing. Miss Evangeliiw, who al- ways remained and tenderly cared for her father; one son, Albert, of Saska- toon, and one sister. Miss Watson in England. Two other daughters, Klos- sif and Irene, passed away a number of years aPo, The i-emains were taken on Friday morning to Ridgetown, interment be- ig made in Greenwood cemetery School Reports Flesherton Public School •Ith â€" Jim Thurston, Beity Tenter, Fred Conking, Dorothy Patlon, Dor- othy Welton, Joe Banks and Florence Newell equal; Bernice Leavell, Mar- jorie Thistlethwaite, Auldus Curran, Stewart McRae. Sr. 3rd -^ Diana Goldsborough (H), Jean Loucks (H), Jean McTavish (H), Jean Duncan, Dalton Pocock, Bob Banks, Doris Loucks, Marjorie New- ell, -Margaret Thompson, MargaiHit Pocock. Jr. 3rd â€" Earle T^iurston <H), Ruth Leavell, Ethel Taylor, Arlene Taylor, Ted McCracken, Evison Wil- son, F'lorence Pocock, Carman Loucks, Stanley McClean. Sr. 2nd â€" Ken Henry, Margaret Turney, Edna Thompson, Ken Lang- ford, Mary Banks. Jr. 2nd , â€" Marjorie Brackenbury, Jean McCracken, Jack McDonald, Genevieve Milne, Gordon Dungey, Vic- tor Langford. Sr. 1st â€" Marjorie Hardman, Mar- jorie Curran, Helen Brown, Gordon Miller, Velma Sewell, Shirley Mar- riott, j Jr. 1st â€" Ted Banks, Norman Dun- gey, Bob Turney, Don Langford, Elma Talbot, Eileen McClean, Evelyn Mc- Tavish. Edmund Thompson, Ruth .Marriott, Geo. Meggitt. Pr. â€" Lois Sijarks, Shirley Mc- Ciacken, Bruce Thurston, Neil Smith, Bob Long, Colleen McCutcheon, El- eanor Williams, Frank Taylor, Don Banks, Gloria Ball, Vema Loucks, Bud Dungey, Marion Stauffer. MR.FARMER AIVY HAY A JblSH DAY Are your Hogs thrifty ? Are they doing well'.' If not, they may have parasites. Take no chances) on wasting ex- pensive feed. Dr. Lionel Stevenson's (of the O.A. C.) Formula will eliminate Parasites and allow Hogs to fatten and grow. Why take chances on wasting feed when Dr. Stevenson's Hog Tonic will guarantee you success. Put up in live pound boxes at $1.00 per box. One box will treat sixty hogs, all sizes, less than 2c a hog. Have your trucker take home a box to-day. n'lhis Hog Tonic is handled by the 0, & A. Co-Operative, Flesherton, ami by Frank Taylor, F'lesherton, Distributed by FIRST CO-OPKRATIVE l'A(KKKS of liarrie. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO..Ltd OHAOi VTOKBB Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER 9AVES YOU A fOT OF MONEY Special Showing of New Spring Dresses A luiKc a.^.Mirtnk-m ol new 1 'rinlcd Crepes LADIES' SILK PANTIES FOR 19c in i)ictty floral (lesigii.s, sizes 14 to 20 aiul .r , , . i ,...,i;,., .;ii. i)...,,;<.o ..„ ,, ' /, , , .,, ,1 .1 -•' to/en uodd ( uality silk I anties, le- 30 to 44. \()ii wil like tliese siiapny , , '^ , ',-> ^ . , -, , ,. , , i>^ular values itn lo 39c .styles. ! Iicsc lines are verv iiKxleiatelv 7. . o , • 1 .. io_ priced at $3.95. $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.95 ^''*'^* ^ at 19o a pair and $8.95. NEW BROAD CLOTHES AT 19c New Spiring Prints are Here Ml tlu' new .shades in a Kood (|uality, . , I- I. .. f 1- , Extra value at 19c yard A lar>.;-e ranj^e ol i atlerns from whicli to choose. 36 inch print.s in fast colors at .... 15c yd. GrOCerV SdCCISII 36 inch llroaddoth Prints in extra heavy (|iiality. vSpecial at 22c yd. 5 string- iirooms for 25c tiood size Prunes 2 lbs. for 21c o loi crkLiDj- cu» Matches. 3 boxes for 23c Special Sale of Double Bed size Sheet. (,^,,,,, ,.„„^ (^.„^.„^^ 2 lbs. for 25c 72x85-good quality cotton. ,^,,^^. ,.,..^,^^, |..,,^i„j.. ,.,,^^,,,^.,. ^^ ^-^ ,4^ Special $1.09 each \'ip~ a real <lrink, 2 sizes 19 and 39c Dates 4 lbs. for 25c PILLOW CASES AT 45c PAIR l!r:^:i.*^^^:::;::;:;:::::ii^ 10 do/en only hi^h j^rade F'illow Cases 10 Ihs. v*^iiuar tor .... 50c, with order of in 42 inch size. Special 45o pair $2.00 or over. BUY AT HILL'S AND SAVE Kimberley Public School Sr, 4th â€" Nellie Haynes, Gordon Chard, Ivan Camack, Elvie Morwood, Mervyn Ellis, Lois W^ebcr, Alma Wickens "Absent". Jr. 4th â€" Harold Graham, Kendall Chard. Donald Graham, Garry Ellis, Gloria Belfry, Donald Belfry, Mervyn Gilbert, Lincoln Wilson, Rege Faw- cett, Leota Gilbert, Junior Allen "ab- sent. Sr. 3rd â€" Clare Dillon, Irene Wick- ens, Audrey Fawcett, Dalbert Wick- ens. Vernon Fawcett. Average attendance 'JO â€" 2. G. Jenkins, Teacher of Sr. Room Jr. .Srd â€" Barbara Allen, Betty Graham, Jackie Haynes, Marjory Bel- fry and Gwendolyn Ellis absent. Sr. 2nd â€" Stanley Hutchinson ab- sent. •li". 2nd â€" Leona Kirkpatrick, Jack- ie Dillon, Eleanor Ellis, Vernon Corn- field, Shirley McMullen, Willard Ward. Merle Smart and June Belfry absent. Jr. 1st â€" Gladys Haynes, Marie Hutchinson and lona Smart absent. Pr, â€" . Blane Pickles, Barry Wallace, Willie Haynes, Dorothy Haynes. Jean Carruther.s, Teacher of Jr. Room U. S. S. No. 15, Proton Sr. 4th â€" Clarence White, *Vern Corbett. Jacqueline Sims, Marjorie Bates, *Laurie Sims*. Sr. ;<rd _ Helen Pevey, Fred Batch- elin', Emily HIake. Irene White, Zella Lyons. Jack Barker. Sr. 2nd â€" Marvelle White*, Edith Blake, Kenneth Bates. Margaret Blake. Jr, 2iid _ Margaret Mills*. Henriet- ta Sims*, Cecil Barker, Allen McKaye, Bert Bndgerow*. First â€" Everette Lockhart, Marion Baker, Marion Lyons. Primer â€" Helen Corbett, Ruth Lyons, Murray Shaw, Murray Watson. * Perfect attendance. â€" (J. B. Littlejohns, Teacher S. S. No. 4, Artemesia Sr. 4tli â€" R. J. McNalty 74; Mur- iel Talbot GG; Jack Bnnnon 47. Sr, ard â€" Fred Bannon 71!; Winnie Awde 7.S*; Laurene Talbot 01*. Jr. 3rd â€" Russell Lee 66*. Sr. 2nd â€" Christena Duncan 87; Sr, 1st â€" Helen .\wde 02*. Jr, 1st â€" Anne Stinson 85. Pr. â€" Leslie Duncan 82. * Denotes perfivt attendance for month, â€" H. M. HENDERSON. Teacher Vandeleur Public School .Sr, 4th â€" Mac Rutcliffe* 6$); Mel- ville Buchanan (!7; Billie Johnston* : v.d Frank Warling (US; Joyce MeGeo* <12. «r. »rd â€" Aleda Ratcliffe* 73; Verda ("argo* 04: Freddie Boland 63. Jr, 3rd â€" Muriel McOee* and Dor- othy Johnston 71; Kay Ratiliffe and Beth Warling 08; Frances Buchanan 02. Sr. 2nd â€" Helen Wyvillo 77; Ray Warling* 73. Jr. 2nd â€" Marie Johnston* OD; R, .1. Cargoe 64; Nelson Kitzsimmons. Sr. 1st â€" Bruce Shepperd, Ronald Brett. Sr. Primer â€" Mary Dolan. John Warling, Marion Summers, Jr, Primer â€" Dorothy Mi-Gee, El- mer Cargoe*. Dorothy Hutchinson*. • Mark.s thos,. with pevfiH-t attend- ance, â€"II. I THOMPSON, Tearhcr Misg Isobel Rowe is spending this week at her home at Lome Park. Mr. Albert Colgan left on Saturday to spend a few weeks at Strathroy.. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and babe of Toronto were in town over the week end. A rink skipped by Mr. Roy Piper reached the semi-finals at the Mark- dale Curling bonspiel last week, but were unfortunate to lose 10 â€" 9. Miss Anne McClean of the Toronto General Hospital staff spent the week td with her sister. Miss Betty Mc- Clean. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Selina McKee of Flesherton, who celebrated her 83rd birthday on Mon- day, March 1st. Mr. Herb. Poulter, Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Field and son, Bruce oi Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Field. Mr. H. L. Eubank returned to his teaching duties on Monday, after h two week's illness with influenza at his home in Cayuga. Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald and daughter, Jacqueline, of Chatsworth spent the week end with Mrs. W. E. Morgan. The editor of this paper celebrated the 78th anniversary of his birthday on Tuesday with his brother and sis- ter in Chicago. He is expected home this Thursday. Mr. F. Pinder is discontinuing bread delivery in the village and an an- nouncement in this issue states that the price per loaf will be seven cents, cash and carry. Miss Irene Stewart and Mr. Vernon Stewart of Toronto and Mr. Jackson Stewart of Markdale visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. .\lf. Down of town and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Carruthers of Kimberely represented Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A. F. & A. M., at an '•.At Home" of Grey Lodge in To- ronto. Monday evening. Small Ads. FOR SALE â€" Bronze turkey gobbler and hen. â€" Fred Mathewaon. FOR SALE â€" Two Geese and one Gander. â€" J. I. Sewell, Flesherton. FOR SALE OR RENT _ Farm, 150 acres, Osprey township. â€" Apply to E Radley, Box 14, Thornhill, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Dark Roan Shorthorn bull, aged 9 months. â€" Apply to D. MacMillan, phone 1-2 on 49, Flesh- erton. CAME ASTEAY â€" To my premises, young collie dog. Owner claim pro- perty and pay expenses. â€" Sam Croft, Flesherton. STRAYED â€" Came to my premises On Friday, Feb. 12, Beagle Hound. Owner prove property and pay the expenses. â€" G. Wauchope, Flesherton FOR SALE â€" Stove or nut coal; Best Pennsylvania Anthracite, $13,50 per ton. Free delivery within 5 miles. â€" Phone 38 r 3, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Two good Jersey cows, five years old. will freshen in about a week; also pne good heifer calf, weighing about 300 lbs. â€" Walter Akitt. Flesherton.. S. S. No. 6, Artemesia Sr. 4th â€" Eileen Irwin, Janet Cam- eron, Donald MacKinnon, Virginia Wilson. Jr. 4th â€" Gordon Sturrock, Marvin Sturrock. Emerson Beaton, Keith Cairns. Arthur Fisher. Jr. 2nd â€" Betty Tucker. â€" E. M. OLIVER. Teacher LOST â€" .A small purse, containing a five dollar bill, between Lome At- kinson's On gravel road and Flesh- erton. Anyone finding same, please leave at Advance Office or John Ottewell. Flesherton. HOG FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wond«r. OXâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. . Conqueror 315 â€" 167820. will be kept for service. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1,00 if paid within foar months. â€" Laurie Pedlar. Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining: the same, wi9 -sacrifice for $150.00 cash. â€" Thoma« Owler, 40 Doel Ave.. Toronto. Springhill School 5th â€" Roy Best (absent for tests). Sr. 4th â€" Eileen Pattison 77, Bruce Beard 67, Sr. 3rd â€" 'Eugene Goetz 73; Grace Parker 71; Ruth Blackburn 70; Edna Doupe 70; Leone Johnson 59. 2nd â€" 'Eunice Allen 88; Bernice Johnson 81: Shirley Himlle 68; Allis- ter Pattison and Elgin Waller (ab- sent). 1st â€" Eva Doupe 82; Elmer Best 75; Jean llindle 67; Gordon Waller (absent). Pr. _ Kenneth Barber 82; Lavina Stevens (absent). * Perfect Attendance. â€"INEZ BROWN, Teacher The yuar 1936 was the fourth in succession in which the Canadian wheat crop hag been estimated at less than 300 million bushels. The 1936 wheat crop is now estimated at 229.- 218,000 bushels f«-om 25,'289,000 acres -the smallest crop since 1919, The 19:t5 crop was 281,935,000 bushels; the 1934 crop 275.349,000; and the 1933 crop, 281.892,000 bushels. Tenders Wanted The undersigned will receive tend- ers up to and including March 6, 1937, for gravel crushing for the Township of Artemesia. For particulars apply personally to â€" W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk, Feb. 16, 1D37 Towship of Artemesia NOTICE TO CREDITORS .All persons having claims against the Estate of Jane Isabel Bentham late of the ViHage of Flesherton, Married Woman, who died on or ivlH)ut the 3lst of October, 1936, ai-e hereby notifie<l to send particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor for the iVdministrator of hev Esstato on or before March IB, 1987. Dis- tribirtion will \w made after that date to those who shall have filed I'laims. DATED at Markdale the 17th day of February, 1937. Walter E. Harris, Markdfkle, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. PROPERTY FOR SALE The large building and stables on the main street of Flesherton, own- ed by the late Wm. Moore and occu- pied by Mr. Fawcett, the Flesherton bus man. For particulars apply to Mrs. W. Moore, Flesherton. PROPERTY AT CEYLON FOR SALE Business property at Ceylon, form- erly the McLachlan hotel, 14 rooms, solid brick construction; good barns on property. A snap for quick sale. Apply to The Advance office or to J. C. McLachlan, Marrie, ont., execu- tor of the estate. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" .Afternoons l.SO to 4 Evenings T to Sundays and Thursday aftei-nooni bf appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old SUnd. Telephone 89 ROY LANGFORD District .Agent for Ml Tl AL LIFE OF CANADA ACC1J>BNT & SICTKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON, Ont. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All taim conducted on Business princlplea all parties reauirini; work done on tke above lines wit] do well to call at tke Advance Office or write Wm. Kali. tine. Euirenia. Thone 4Sâ€" 11 Prince Arthur Lodgre No. 883, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hnll, Flesherton, the second Tnesday in each month. W.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGEON Grndnnte of Ontario Veterlnnry (M- let*. Profenlonal serrleeii reaaoMthlei â€"Phone. Dundalk 2 !»

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