Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1937, p. 7

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Want Strike 3TRA.TF0RU. â€" Kiftseu hi ndred , furniture workers iu twenty-aevea factovioa In nine different Ontario ' ceulies, including nixie Toronto plants, • are to be called out on strike thla • wpefc, , A UastUy summoned conHeienco ! Uero lato Sunday attended by J. P. Marah, Ontario Deputy Minister of "Labor, and members of the District .CouiicJI ot the Furniture Workers' Union, failed to a%-ert the strike. Mr. 'Marsh asked the union to delay the •Walk6ut until after a new conference between manufacturers and union re- 'preselitatives. Frank M. Wright. ' President of the District Council ot .the union, said the request could not be mot. The union made plans Sat- urday to call out the men Tuesday •nd .Its plans could not be altered, he • declared. Naib Slancler LONDON.â€" Tlie Sunday Referee said in Its ^e^v8 columns Sunday that a "malicious whispering campaign" concerning the King's health is being conducted by scandal-mongers, among â- whom it uumbereti ''famous Mayfair hosts and hostesses, prominent stock brokers and Left Wing politicians, ^os^. fit whotr are disappointed offlce- •eekcrs." Denying King George's health Is in any way questionable, t' newspaper called attention to the fact that it is a ^troaaonablo offense to spread slander- ous reports regardin-' 'he person of the K-^'g. The Referee said the basis for the rumors include the tact his Majesty did not broadcast a Christmas mes- gagu, paid only one visit to the Brit- ish industries Fair, and the recent postiwnemeat of 'le Durbar iu India. The reason the King has not ap- peared more frequently in public since Ms accession, the newspaper continued, is because he is fully occu- pied learning the complicated task of kinsship. Stops Train, Then Dies NUW YORK. â€" Fitty-fivoyfar-old Joseph Wal. h brought his subway train to a safe stop and slumped over dead. .The motorman's fatal illness Bti-uck him btfween the 34th and I'lth Street stations of the line, and he ap- parency ,ght oft death until he could safely halt th< train. He died, said a phy-Biclan, at the Instant he broi â- ' t the train to a stop. Wi-id Grounds Plane SODCURY. -HlKh winds Sunday grouurled most of the pla-es at the Sudbury air base. A plane owned by Haro'd Milllgan took off In the wind, rose about twenty feet, and landed un- injniTi! .tbont thirty feet from the han^a-. Hilligan tied his plane after that an;1 decided there had been •uougli Pylng for one day. Fears Mass Suicide PUENFKIRCHEN. Hungary.â€" Dark- ness, tunser and danger of death from explosions failed to shaka the deter- mination of 275 minprs to remain on a ''stay iown" strike In the coal pits here until cbelr demands for a 20 per cent, wago iucreatjo are met. Butteries iu the strikers' lamps have burued out. Their only supplies woro siigai and llquo^ PIOCS. Hungary. â€" Two demonstra- tors were shot and killed and six. In- cluding two women, wounded in a clash with police near the mluo where 267 coal minors were entrenched on strlVf. Threft hundred men and women engaged In the demonstration and stoned police as they t ied to clear the wa.» to the pithead. The six in- jured wore taiteu to hospital. Mine Director '.chick, who said he thotKht the demonstrato-s were Com- muajat sympathizers, said the demon- stration occurred after the striking miuers returned unopened a letter sent to thcui by the ^^anag9ment. The Govc-riinunU launched an iuvestiga- tlon of the troubles. Need Riot Says Mother FOKT WltlE.â€" Treatment accorded her 17-year-olJ sou Harold in school here brought Mrs. Morloy Spratt be- fore the Fort Erie board of education with o remark: "What we need Is a riot like in Guelph in our high school." If ouch a riot occurred, she said, there would be an investigation ''and clea;;l'is up." She said her sou had to stand In a hali'.vay for 35 uiiuutQS one day be- cause he uilsbel'aved. Principal H. E. 'ihompsou said Spratl's tv'acUer found him shotting paper balls with an clastic baud. He said the case was being investigated. Hungry Strikers Rvfuse Pies LOS â€" Ten men â- went hungry in a pi« factoy this wee!;. Conducting a "sit-down" strike for 86 per cent, wage increases, they have had no food from the outsids and n.)w deotiue to eat the company product. There arc dictic as well as moral reasons for this, they s.iid: '\\'c won't touch a non-union pie," â- aid Paul Majjyar. Salesgirls Hold Fast DETROIT.â€" One hundred and fifty "flveand-ten" girls slept In the as- sembly room of Detroit's central F. W. Woolworlh store while their lead- ers debated whether to include other units ot the company's forty-store me- tropolitan chain In a ''sit-down" strike. A Tneeting of the Strike Committeo of the W. liters' and Waitresses' Union was postponed without explanation. Plans for pressing the strike were to have been formulated at the meeting. A. J. Dalilquist. District Superin- tendent of tha chain, said all stores In the Detroit area would open In the morning with the exception ot the main one held by striking girls. Rules Millar Will Valid TORONTO.â€" Upholriiug the decision of Mr. Juptice Middleton, court of ap- peal at Osgoode Hall recently ruled the ''baby-raco" clause of the Charles Vance Millar will valid and held that mothers of illegitimate children are not entitled to share. The claus. ::!av°s the halt million dollar residue of the eccentric law- yer's estato to the mother giving ,,irth in Toronto to the moat children with- in 10 years from Millar's death as shown by registration under the Vital Statistics Act. Appeals of I. F. Ilellmutb and Sam- uel Factor, on behalf ot relatives at- tacking the validity ot the clause on the grounds that it offended against public policy, and of John R. Cart- wright on behalf ot Mrs. Pauline May Clarke, were dismissed. In delivering the judgment ot the full court Chief Justice N. W. Rowell indicated the flndiugs were unanimous. He pointed out that Mr. Justice Mid- dleton had held that in the clause un- der consideration the word "children"' meant legitimate children and did not Include illegitimate children. Toxoid Campaign RICHMOND HILL. â€" Within the next few weeks it is expected that every school child and every pre- school child in thi:< village will have received the complete course of anti-diphtheria toxoid. One of the largest groupii to turn out so far was toxoided at the public school Monday and Dr. Rolph I.. Langstaff medical officer of health, stated that the villagf is now in a fair way to cut down the danger of any serious epidemic to a minimum. "The par- ents of the younger children have shown a lively interest in the mat- ter," aside one of the teachers, "and seldom has a movement been pro- moted showing such an excellent response." Favour Strike TORONTO. â€" Following a meet- ing ni the Labor Temple of members of the International Itrotherhood of Maintenance - of - Way Employees working on the Canaian National Railways, H H. Dancy, Chairman of the union, stated there was a pro- nounced feeling among the men in favor of a .strike to secure a restora- tion of their wage-cuts. The meeting, Dancy stated, had been called to explain the state- ment issued >ecetttly along with the ballot sent to all members of the seventeen unions working for the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways. The ballots must be returned by March 15, he said. "The maintenaiice - of - way em- ployees are receiving (19.68 for a week of 43 hours. There are other railroad workers sarning less. While I cannot say so officially, the work- ers are in favor of a strike," said Dancy. Famous Editor Passes NEY YORK. â€" Unable to combat pulmonary congestion following a heavy cold, RoUo Ogden, 81, editor of the New York Times since 1922, died here this week. Famous with the profession of journalism, Ogden's name was not well known to the general public because his work was done in the editorial columns of the Times, where writers are anonymous. Throughout his long service in jour- nalism, he was associated with only three newspapers â€" the Times, the New York Evening Post and, for a time, the Manchester Guardian of England, for which ha was New York correspondent. Oliva Dionne Appreciates Act of Government CALLANDER, Ont. â€" • In two sen- tences, Oliva Dionne confirmed an announcement in the Ontaio Legis- lature that ho had become "one of the keenest advocates of continued Governmental protection and a.ssist- ance" for his quintuplet children. .\t his home acros.s the road from Dafoe Mirsery, v.'herc the quints live apart from the rest of the fam iy, Dionne said: "We appreciate the l^rotectlon of the Government. We couldn't get along without it." It was the first admission by the n'.ender father that he agreed in any way with Ontario legislation under which all busines.s and personal ar- rangements for the quints are in the hands of a board of guardians. .-V member of the board, Dionne sel- dom, if ever, attended a meeting of the bo.Trd. $100,000 Price Asked For E. P. Ranch Three Groups, One From Torcn- to, Were Negotiating fcr Pur- chase â€" Duke Needs Money. OTTAWA.â€" Ona Imndred ihocaand dollars is the approriniato price anti- cipated for the Cuka of Windsor's Al- berta rauch, now for sale under the direction ot an English bank. It is learned in Ottawa. Three groups of prospective pur- chasers were uegoliutlng for it, one of them a Toronto sroup, but lliu To- ronto group is understood to have to have dropped out. The ranch, soon to pass from the ownership of the Duke, is regarded as one ot the fluest iu Canada. It has oil iwtentialities which have never been probed. It is uuder.stood the Duke of Wiudsor is in need ot the cash expected to lif; Involved in any transfer. Relax Restrictions on Lumber Exports REGINA.â€" A bill to relax restric- tions on shipments of timber from Saskatchewan for pulp and paper manufacturing was given second read- ing in the Legislature this week. The bill would enable the Province to salvage burned-over timber that is fast deteriorating. It is designed to bring to c I'lpletion negotiations which have been in progress between the Government and certain Wisconsin in- terests. Existing legislation does not permit export of timber for pulp and paper manufacture. The bill would restrict shipments to timbers that would de- teriorate rapidly. 1 7 Different Ways and None Con-ect NEW YORK. â€" Seventeen crack spellers from New York University and Hunter College managed to spell the name of the German .Nazi emblem seventeen different ways and none was correct. The word, whicli .stump- ed an Intercollegiate spelling contest, was "fylfot," synonym for "swasti- ka." Vincent Massev Visits Canada's New Destroyers CHATH.VM. lO.N'UL.VND. - Hon. Vincent .Massi-y. Canadian High Com- missioner, accompanied by Mrs. .Mas- sev. visite<l Canada's new destroyers, the Fraser and St.'Laurent. Saturday. They were met at the Chatham dock- yard by Captain V. C. Brodeur, com- mander of the Fra.iei'. and were re- ceived by Admiral Sir E. R. Evans. Then they boarded the St. Laurent, where the officers ot bolU destroyers were Introduced. The High Commis- sioner spoke to the crews briefly at the quayside and lunched on board the Fraser, whore lie presented silver cigaret boxes to the wardroom mess of both ships. Hunt For Oil VICTORIA. â€" British Columbia lias joined the Western Canada hunt for oil, which lh« optimists of the oil fields hope aud prophesy ultimately Is to mean "from $75,000,000 to $100,000,- 000 per year' to Canada. British Columbia's quest tor oil Is being pursued in u 50 square miles area bordering on Alberta aud .Mon- tana. B^latheatl, where they have drilled 4,000 feet through hard rock, iu contrast to the spasmodic hard rock strata underlying Turner Valley, Al- berta, is the scene of present B.C. efforts. Wells may have to be sunk 8,000 feet here to the limestone, as against 6.000 feel In Alberta. The cost ot each exploratory venture is likely to be a quarter million dollars or nearly twice as much as the aver- age Alberta well. SPORT REPORTER By KEN EDWARDS .\apoleon La- Jiyie is probably •he only ball play- er who ever sign- ed a contract on the back ot an envelope. Ty Cobb, Jr., sou of the great- est baseball pluy. er that ever lived is- the Unlversi ty of Georgia's new court coach. Did you know ahout "toughy" EddiQ Shore; at the top of National Hockey League frjme for many years .... ha led his own orchestra b e fo r e his hockey debut, sa.xaplionlng all the way . . . look out, maybe Vallee Is tough, and we don't know It. It has been niy -'rivilege la tl.t past to talk with all kinds ot speed demons, holders ot records on land aud water (including Sir Malcolm Campbell, the man who drives faster than a bullet). but never have I had a tete a tete with a paracuhte jumper, nevertheless, I have gathered facts that should be of interest. Parachute junipers are usually call- ed members of the 'Suicide Squad- ron.'' John Tranum, an Englishman, fell 17,500 feet before pulling the rip- cord of his parachute. One would probably think a Jump like this would mistaken, as I was. Gene Austin, vet- mistakes, as I was. Gene Austin, vet- eran jumper, stepped off a plane at 20,000 feet, falling lii.OOO feet before doing auythiug about it and received S50 as per contract. Austin says he travelled 120 miles an hour in thi;; jump. He says after about 1,500 feet you take your first somersault, and reminds us not to pull the rip-cord unless we are hori- zontal to th earth and facing it, oth- erwise we will experience a terrifflc jolt . . . say, wait a minute, who's do- ing this? . . . thanks just the same. Gene. Happy landing. Financial Review OTTAW.X â€" Following arc high- lights in the financial review pre- sented today in the House of (Com- mons dring the Budget Speech of Finance Minister Charles Dunning: Estimated grand total expendi- tures fiscal year 1936-37 of $53i»,- .518,000 ag'ainst total revenues $452,120,000, leaving gross deficit of .$87.31(5,000 Revenues highest of any other year in Canadian history exeepit 1928-29, largely due to sales and income tax increases. Ordinary expenditures $51,528.- 000 less than ordinary revenues, showing first surplus on ordinary account in many years. General improvement in all branches economic activity except building and agricultural produc- tion, but compensating increase in prices of farm pro'', f*-*. Dividend distribution highest since 1930 and increased 13 per cent., as compared with 1935. A warning against speculative fever such as brought on the finan- cial collapse of 1929 and expression of the Government's hopes this movement may be restrained. "Disheartening" failure of num- bers on relief diminishing propor- tionately with revival of business. Aberhart Admits Failure Of Pla n In Tim e Pledged Asks Vote of Party â€" ^FulBb Promise of 1935 That If Social CrMM Not Established In Eighteen MonShs He Would Appeal To The People â€" Prenaier Only Seeks Advice of Fol- lowers, Fo Declau-es â€" No Comment Is Asked From Political Opponents CALGARY/â€" The fate of the Aber- hart Government was entrusted Sun- day to the men aud women ot Alb«rta who elected It, the first Social Credit Administration in the world, in 1935. From the pulpit of the Calgary Pro- phetic Bible Institute, Premier Wil- liam Aberhart admitted bis failure to establish social credit In Alberta In the eighteen-month Ime limit be set in the election campaign. He asked his constituency crganizatlons to ad- vise him whether he should resign or carry on his efforts toward establish- ment ot a new economic order. He desired no advic" from political oppo- nents. Honest Government la the meantime, the Aberhart Ad- ministration will carry on until the men rind woi. n who elected it have expressed their wishes. The Promier suggested no association votes be tak- en until the first week in June, al- though he would welcome expressions of opinion any time. ''May I assure you wo arc not throwing ni» our hands,'' the Premier cautioned his supporters. He impres.':- ed on them he had uo intention of re- signing unless the people desired a chanso. "itiier in leadership or party. "We arc more and more convinced," he said, "that iho now economic order can oaiy be introduced Ly constant and gradual pressure until oui- peo- ple rcalizu its true worth and full value. We still are anxious to con- tinue our imdeavors and you can be as.sureil of honest goveinmeut.'' lieanwliile. the (iovernmeut was pushing ahfud. Mr. Aberhart said, and Una was no lime for ''iukewartuness and half-hearleilness. " Legislation to lake ihe ''final moves tor further action'' would be presented at the present session ot the Legislature. One of the reasons .hy he suggested the vote of his supporters be delayed until .lun« was to see this legislation oiuicted. Says Promise a Contract Tile I'l-Hmiei said many •'stranije rumors and old wives' tales" hud been Hying around the past few days about his possible resignation. He could say definitely he was not resigning. "At the time of the Proviniial elec- tion in Alh-'rta. previous to .\uBUst. 19:!5," Mr. .\berhart said: "I made you a definite promise. I made it not fur the purpose of gaining your sup- port, but for the reason that I wanted to give you deliiiite assurance that you would b makin.: no mistaka in honoring us Willi yoii:- lonrtdence. That you did .splendidly. ".Now. T believe that a promise is a contract that should be fultilled if at all possible, and it is my intention to fulfill my promise today. "I promised our supporters faith- fully that in eighteen months I would try to establish Social t'redit in Al- berla. -id if. for some reason, I was unable .) do so I would tell them frankly ind leave the matter In their hands whether I should continue my efforts rurtJjer or resign. "Next Tuesday. .March 2, the eighteen months will have passed and. as you know, in spite of all our ef- forts, we have been unable to Intro- duce Social Credit as we had hoped. Probably, the reasons for our falltire are more or less evident to yon. Ethiopian Leaders Render Unto Caesar That Which Is Caesar's .A. dolcsation of Ethiopian leaders vi.sits I'remicr Mussolini in Rome â€" at the specific request < !! D-Joe â€" on a social scale. While the bearded visitor eyes the eonqueror of his country .^teruly, tl: one in the centre smiles and bows humbly. March 9 Set As Budget Day Ontario House to Receive Year's Figures a Week From Tuesday TORONTO.â€" Premier Hepburn aa- nounced Sunday night that Budget day In the Ontario Legislature had beea set for Tuesday, March 9. The Cabinet spent all Saturday af- ternoon putting the semi-final touches to various estimates and to the bal- ance of the legislative program which will be revealed before the session ends. Some twenty spoukeri. Liberal and Conservative, arc to be heard this week before the debate on the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne is wound up. It will require night sittings, Tuesday and Thursday, and probably Wcdncsda;-, to dispose of them. Highlights of Budget OTT.V\V.\,â€" Following are high- lights in the Budget forecast present- ed !n the House of Commons ThiU"s- Jay by Finance Minister Charles Dun- ning: Estimated expenditures for 1937-38 for all purposes, ♦520,000.000; estim- ated revenues, J-185.000,000, leaving a deticit of $35,000,000, which is equal to the net cash deilcit of the Canadian National Railways. Forecast ot balanced Budget at end >it fiscal year 1937-38, provided pres- iMit improvement maintained. No change In income, excise or sales taxes, but some additions to exemp- tions under sales tax. Numerous downward revisions of tariff rates iu general, intermediate and pr«ter«liiial schedules, apart from changes Incidental to the uew Canada- United Kingdom Trade .•Vgreeraent. Free entry to Canada from all coun- tries ot small personal gifts. Restoration next April 1 to 5 per cent, reduction fro-n civil servant sal- aries, now applied to all salaries of $1,200 or over. Total trade in 1936 up to $1,633,- 093,000, an increase of $274, 435,00* over l!t:{o. Canada advances to fourth place among trading nations of world in ex- port trade, and fth place in total trade. Vi»il)le aud invisible trade llgures, including tourist traffic, show Canada ' to have a favourable balance ot $617,- 000,000 ot exports over imports. Ouring the last fiscal year tourists spent $250,000,000, an Increase of 2« P r cent, over the previous period. Since the new Canada-t'uitod States trade pact became effective, exports to the United States have increase* 26 per cent .anil imports by Canada IS per cent. Head-On Crash Fatal to Five Three Children amd Driver Killed Instantly in Nova Scotiaâ€" Tot Dies In HosDital .MIDDLKTON, N.S.â€" Death ot 5- yearold Mary Eisen in hospital lioi-s ^ increased to five the nuinbrr killed in a highway accident at nearby Wll- mot Hill Saturday. The chilli died !a(e Sumhiy nighl, less than twelve hours after her twoi sisters succumbed to injuries suffered ' in the head-on collision of two auto-, mobiles shortly before noon yester- , day. 1 The two oilier liisen girls killed la â-  the accident were .-Vgnes 7. and (lOor-j giua, 3. .\rnoId Keddy. driver of one ot the cars, was killed almost instiint-j ly and 7-year-old Keith Hatl. one ot' five chililren in the two cars, died be-' fore he could receivi; nnHlical treat-; nieiit. ' Th"ri> were f«w details of the col- â-  lision, but it was believed one of thai cars was on the wrong side of <ha ' road .IS it approached ih summit of' Wilmot Hill. ' Hospital authorities said Sunday the/ condition of Mrs. Mary Noble, ono of) the five survivors ot the accident,, was j still critical. The others, most ot theaj painfully injured, were expected to ra-j cover. I Mrs. Mary Kisen. mother of threa ot the vicllnis, was one of those In* jured. Siie and her f.Timlly were In aa automobilo driven by Arnesley Hatt^ father of Keith and Wllloighby Hat^ also occupants of the car. The cur driven by Keddy contalnad his brother Wilfred, who suffered a fractured log and Internal Injuries, and Gordon Hudson also seriously Iop jured. Pussongcrs ot both cars were totlr dents of this district. ___

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