• \Vednesda)', January 6th, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I \ THE fLE2»H£RT0N ADVANCE I'ublished on Collin^wood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance fl-gO; in U, S. A. |2. per year, when paid in advance |2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THURSTON, Awociate Editor ******** t *'ll*******i'****** J> \ I Advance Recipes For The Ladies : : \ School Reports S. S. NO. 11, AKTEMESIA JLfa â€" Mac Ratciiffe 74; Joyce Mc. Uev' "3; Franlc VVarling O'J; Melville Buchanan (>8; Billie Johnston 67. Sr. ard â€" Aleda Ratciiffe 76; Verda Carjjo 6S>; Fred Boland 68. Ji. ;ird â€" .Muriel McGee 72; Kay Rattliffe 72; Dorothy Johnston 67; Beth Warling 60. '•i>r. 2nd â€" Frances Buchanan, Ray- mond Warling, Helen Wyville. Jr. 2nd â€" Marie John.ston, R. J. Cargoe, Nelson Fitzsimraons. Sr. Pr. â€" Marion Summers, Mary Uolan. John Fitzsimmoiis, Patsy Warl- ing. Jr. Pr. â€" Dorothy McGee, Elmer Cargoe, Dorothy Hutchinson. HAROLD J. THO.MPSON, Teacher , ********\***\******** ^ ** ^ WALNUT CAKE 1 cup brown sugar and '^ cup but- ter, cream together 2 eggs well beaten 14 cup sweet milk 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 teaspoons cream of tartar 1 teaspoon soda 1 Vi cups flour Bake 25 to 30 minutes in moderate even in square pan. â€" Rose McGirr I lbs, currants 1 lb. citron 2 qts apples put in large crock and add: 1 ounce cinnamon Va ounce ginger 1 ounce cloves 2 nutmegs 1 lemon -^ '/2 tablespoon salt 1 lb. sugar Vi teaspoon pepper Put in kettle: Vs ()l. cider vinegar boiled, Ml qt. molasses, lump butter, let it come to boiling point and pout over contents in crock, mix thorough- ly. â€" Mrs. John Wilkinson the remainder add: 1 cUp of sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon - 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup i-uisiiis '/i cup dates Vi CUp walnuts and 1 well beat<(n egg. Stir the batter well and put in a shallow ])an, sprinkle the cup of crumbs on top, fine cocoanut also sprinkled on top adds to looks. Bake 45 minutes in slow oven. â€" Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Flesherton f ? y % CHOCOLATE CAKE 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 teasi)oon vanilla 1 '/4 cups sweet milk Boil and let cool 1 cup brown sugar Yolkes of two eggs 'z CUp butter Add custard and 1 '2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in a little liot water Beat egg whites stiff and add last. â€" iMrs. R. McGirr S. S. No. 6, Artemesia Sr. 4th â€" Janet Cameron, Eileen Irwin, Virginia Wilson, Donald Mac- Kinnon. Jr. 4th â€" Knierson Beaton, Marvin Sturrock, Gordon Sturrock, Keith Cairns, Arthur Fisher. Sr. 1st â€" Betty Tucker. ^EMMA M. OLIVER. Teacher S. S. No. 4, Artemesia Fred 86. Sr. 4th â€" i<- J- Mc.Nalty 75, Muriel Talbot C'.i; Jack Bannon 55. â- /Sr. 3rd â€" Winnie Awde 78, Bannon 75, Laurene Talbot 04. Jr. 3rd â€" Russell Lee 71. Sr. 2nd â€" Christena Duncan Sr. Ist â€" Helen Awde 79. Jr. 1st â€" Anne Stinson 81. Pr. â€" Leslie Duncan 83. • Denotes perfect attendance for term. â€"HELEN .M- HENDERSON, Teacher ABOLISH THE SPEED LIMIT SALAD DRESSING 2 eggs beaten well 1 tea.spoon mustard '/i cup water 'a cup sujjar V2 CUp vinegar 1 tablespoon flour Pepper salt and butter Put in double boiler and cook until thick. â€" Mrs. R. McGirr PEACH MARMALADE G ibs. peaches (30 good sized ones) 'i. oranges 6 Ibs. sugar Put oruiigPs through food chopper, rind and all Boil all together for one hour. â€"Lottie M. WTiittaker, Ceylon, Ont. Thoi He who nple pay very little attention to lai the legal speed limit loail is 35 miles per hour. Fiive within tlial limit do Bo because the ear "runs better" at moderate speeds. But the folk who are driving newer automobiles find it easy to skim along at 51) and 60 miles per hour. Atid they do it. Practically all of them. When they're "goinK some plucc" it .seems like a waste of time and good machinery to poke alonif at 35 miles per hour. Rumor has it that a bill propos- ing abolition of the s))eed limit will be introduced at the next session of the Ontario Legislature. Although We are not convinced that the limit should 1k! the sk.v, we fwl that the present limit is a farce. Perhaps a limit of 50 miles per hour would win more vreticral respect. The aim of limitint; the spead of motor traffic is to reduce the num- ber and severity of accidents. Yet traffic experts say that fast driving is a minor factor among the prim- ary causes of accidents. Dr. Miller Mc(;iintock, head of Harvard Uni- versity's Bureau for street traffic research and considered to be one of the ablest traffic experts in the Un- ited States, says that engineers have found that, while sptK?d nmkes for worse accidents, barely nine per cent of all accidents come from speeds over fifty miles per hour. If We acce|)t this finding of experts, then univi'rsal olwervnnce of the 50- m.p.h. limit would eliminate nine per. cent of the accidents. But it would Btill leave Us 91 percent of the pres- ent number of accidents to contend with. More strict regulation^ governing the is.snance of driver's permits, stif- fi-r penaltie.i for violations "f traf- fic laws and stern treatment of those convicted of driving while under the Influence of alcoholic hi'verages would do more to reduce motor necidents than anv speerl-limit law could do. BITTER TAKTS 1 cup of white sugar 2 eggs '2 cup sweet milk Butter the size of an egg Flavour with lemon or vanilla, beat all together and bake in tart tins lined with good paste. After putting this in tart tins put shredded cocoanut on tO]) instead of putting currants in. â€" Mrs. John Campbell LEMON-APPLE SQt'ARES 1 cup pastry flour 1 tablespoon lard 1 tablespoon butter Vi teaspoon soda \'z teaspoon cream of tartar 1 egg Sift flour, soda, creann of tartar, rub in shortening and mix to paate with beaten egg. FILLING: 1 large apple 1 lemon juice and rind 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 1 e;gg Grate apple and lemon, add lemon juice, sugar, butter and beaten egg and boil all together till clear. Top: 2 cups shredded cocoanut 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 egg Mix together cocoanut, sugar, beat- en egg and butter. Line cake tin with the paste, put in filling and cover with the cocoanut mixture. Quick oven for fifteen or twenty minutes. â€"Mrs, H. M. LeGard SPONGE CAKE 4 eggs '/I teaspoon .salt 14 teaspoon grated rind of lemon 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup granulated sugar or fruit sugar % cup flour Method: Beat whites with salt until real stiff, then beat in Vi the sugar; Beat .yolks well, add other half of sugar, then grated rind and juice; Combine whites, beat thoroughly, fold in flour, bake 20 minutes. â€"Aleda 'Mitchell DREAM SQUARES Crumb and rub together cup Vj. '1 cup brown pan with this butter, 1 cup flour, sugar, line a shallow mixture and put in the oven, while the following is being mixed: 1 cup chop- ped walnuts, 1 cup cocoanut, 1% cups of brown sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, Vi CUp flour, mix well, spread over the first mixture and return to the liven 20 minutes. Cut in squares. â€"Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Flesherton RAGGED ROBINS 3 cUps cornflakes 1 cup shelled walnuts 1 cup dales, cut fine 3 egg whites 1 cup white sugar ] teaspoon vanilla Beat egg whites very stiffly; add cornflakea,^ choped walnuts, dates, sugar and vanilla. Mix well and drop from a teaspoon on a greased pan. Bake in a moderate oven, 375 (leg. F. â€"J.Mrs. W. Scott, Delia, Alta. BUTTER TARTS \ cup currants '/a cUp brown sugar 1 heaping tblcspoon batter 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil until it thickens. â€"Mrs. W. Scott, Delia, Alta. GLUTTON DROP CAKES 2 cups Gluten flour 3 teaspoom.s cream tartar m teaspoons baiking soda Vi teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter % cup milk % CUp water Sift and mix dry ingredients to- gether, rub butter into mixture, add milk and water, mix into a soft dough, drop with spoon on a greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (460 de- grees) for 20 minutes. â€" Mrs. H. Piper LEMON CLSTAKD PIE 2 tablespoons butter and 1 cup white .â- -ugar creamed together Volks of two eggs 2 tablespoons of flour 1 cup sweet milk 1 lemoti, juice and rind Lastly fold ill well baalen whites of eggs Turn into pie crust, sprinkle cin- namon over lop if you wish and bake like custard pie. â€" Mrs. John Campbell SECOND VE(;ETABLE DISH Put alternate layers of sliced on. ions and i:reen cucumbers in baking dish. Scrub cucumbers well but do not peel !ior i-eniove seeds. .Salt and pejiper each layer slightly. Pour a creani sauce over all well up to top of vegetables. Sprinkle with but- tered bread ciumb.s and grated cheese, (paprika, if preferred). Bake in oven until vegetables are well done, .Serve very hot. â€" Tena Henderson GLUTEN EGG TOAST Gluten bread, 2 slices, toasted 2 hard boiled eggs 'i cup cream Heat the cream in tlouble boiler and add the finely chopped egg whites. Pour the saUce over the toast. Grate the egg yolk.s on top as a garnish. â€" Mrs. H. Pi()er Lost At Shelburne Flesherton played their first game of the season, in the Centre (Jrey League, on Monday night, when they lost to Shelburne 3 â€" 6 on Shelburne Ice. Spectators cJaim that Flesher- ton may give Shelburne a hard knock on their return game, when it is hoped that the home team shall have the help of the two players who were missing on Monday night last. Trying to get even for what hap- pened day before .yesterday causes many |>crflons to miss the opportun. Ity of today. CANTEKIU RV TARTS 1 cupful of raisins 1 egg 2 tablespoons "f lemon juice 1 cupful of sugar 1 soda cracker Grated rind of half a lenu)n. I'ASTKV - Put the raisins through the food (hopper, add sugar, the slightly beaten egg. the soda cracker which hiis been i-olled fine, the lemon juice and rind Line tart tins with pastry rolled thin and fill with mix- tui-e. Bake for twenty minutes. When iiartly bake<l put a nuirsh- mallow on the top of each one and finish baking. -Mrs. Wesley White, Severn Park. MANANA. IMNEAPlM.i; AND 1*I;A( H SALAD I'liice rounds of pii\eapple on lettuce braves On siiiail plates. Stand half a peeled Imnaiia in centre of pine- apple. Lay peaches around pine- apple, place a red cherry on top of the banana and poui' salad dressing over all. Mrs. Wes'ley White, Severn Park. SYRUP TARTS 2 tablespoons bread flour Btitter size of a walnut 1 egg 1 cup mnple syrup Si)rinkie with chopped nuts or shredded cocoanut. â€" I.Mrs, Frank Chard 2H lbs. 2 lbs. ri MINCR ME.\T beef, .1 lbs. snet Jslns .' BABY FRUIT CAKE 1 cup blown sugar 'i cuj) butter 2 eggs V2 cup sour milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 ''2 cups flour 1 cup raisins 'a lb. dates 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon nutmeg â€" Miss Lena BEEF LOAF 2 Ibs. hambourg steak 1 onion (chopped fine) 2 eggs 6 or 8 so<la biscuits (rolled) 1 cup milk Salt aiul pepper Mix all together and bake. hot or cold. â€"Mrs. S. Phillips I y I I y s y HOCKEY Thursday, January 7, 1937 DROMORE AT FLESHERTON Semi-Pro Game Friday, January 8, 1937 ' DURHAM AT FLESHERTON Centre Grey Lague SKATE TO MUSIC MONDAY, â€" WEDNESDAY â€" SATURDAY From 8.00 to 10.00 o'clock p.m. Free skating for beginners Saturday afternoons >•>•>«!>* How To Kill Your Town (Huntsville Foreater) Always cultivate the idea that you can do better in some other towiL Denounce your merchants because they are trying to make a living here. Glory in the downfall of any man w^o has done much to improve your own town. Get all you can out of the town and the merchants, but spend your money somewhere else. Tell your merchants that you can buy elsewhere cheaper, you probably can't, but charge them with being ex- tortionists anyway. Always believe everything that ped- dlers and specialty agents tell you and buy from them. You could no doubt do better at your own stores, but, don't ever, ever do that. If a stranger stops in town, tell him he'd do better to go on to the next place. Call your merchants and the place where you live, as the meanest on earth. Always have your mind firmly made Up before you go in any of your own home stores, that you simply can't get anything to suit you there. And now after having religiously done all of the above, you ought to have the satisfaction of very shortly seeing your town reduced to a small burg, with possibly a general store, a servjce station or two, and a post of- fice. All this may not have enhanced the value of your property any or im- proved your own living conditions, but you don't care. HE NEEDED A FRIEND READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". A youth from England seeking work near Wingham, entered a barn for thg purpose of sleeping there over the night, In doing so he tripped over a skunk. The story goes on to re- late what happened the following morning: "Yesterday morning the fanner or- dered him off the premises because of the pungent odor. "Another farmer gave him some clothes and the old ones were bur- ied." Leave the skunk out of the situa- tion for a moment, and consider the predicament ia which that youtli found himself. It is revolting to thg point of producing nausea to try and wear clothing after an experience with a skunk. It seems, without approaching a spirit of levity, that the tale of the two farmers might justify the words used in St. Luke's record of the good Samaritan. . . "Which now of these two thinkest thou was neighbor un- to him?" The next time the weather man gives Us a thaw he had better make a real job of it and not turn the town into a skating rink. A vessel ran aground in Lake Mich- igan with 5,000 barrels of whiskey on board. A ship with a cargo like that could not be expected to pass a bar â€" not even a ^and bar. TRUCKING SERVICE F. Curran Transport Service, Flesh- erton. Serve Vandevord I IHtAN MUFFINS cups of brown sugar 2 lalilespoons of Bee Hive Golden < 'orn Synip 1 egg 1 \-i teaspoons s^'t .! tablespoons shortening I ''i cups sour milk 1 teaspoon liaking soda '-• cUp raisins 1 cup of chopped dates 2 cups pastry flour 2 CUps of natural health bran Mix together, sugar, shortening, syrup and egg, add salt, beat this well then add milk, bran and flour, also raisins aiul dates, mix all well togeth. or, |uil in tart tins and bake. - Nathalie M. Patton DATE PUDDING 1 iU|) sour milk, 1 cup sugar or molasses. 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tea- spoon soda, spices to suit taste, 1 pound dates, stir Mnite stiff with (3ra- bam flour and steam 2 hours. Serve with cream. â€"Nathalie M. Patton PRINCE OP WALES CAKE 2 eggs 2 cups flour •â- Vi cuj) butter '-i CUp buttermilk 1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons sy''KP 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt Dissolve soda in hot water 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup raisins. â€" Alma Wallace, Toronto. rnrMR cake 2 cupR of flour 1 cup granulated sugar \ cup butter, make these ingred- ients into crumbs, take out 1 evip, to ROLLED O.VT COOKIES 2 cups rolled oats 1 CUp shredded cocoanut 'L- cup shortening 1 cup flour ^h cup sugar t teaspoon baking powder V4 teaspoon soda 1 egg, a pinch of salt and a little milk, drop on greased pan and bake in a moderate oven untill a nice brown colour. â€" Mrs. Claude Akins ♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ â- l ^â- ^ â- n â- â- ^ ♦â- ^^^f^â- â- ^ â- ^ ^ ^ â- ^ ^ | iâ- ^i^i ^ i♦♦♦ ^ >. t â- .|i. ^ ♦. ^ â- ^l H >â- ^ .|i» ^ ^â- ^^»M.^^^^^^iâ- iâ- » I Wc arc Headquarters for * SPORTING GOODS :: C.CM. SKATE AND SHOE OUTFITS, HOCKEY :: STICKS, PUCKS, Etc. ♦ Even the youngsters like a fat man especially if he has white whiskers, a flowing red robe, and drives a team of reindeer. Many people have been mulcted lately by travelling shoe salesmen. They paid a deposit but did not re- ceive the shoes, or if they did come they were of an inferior grade. Ser- ves them right for not patronizing their home merchant, who is there to serve them every day of the year, and who stands behind the goods he sells. SKIS, SKI HARNESS, AND SNOW SHOES SLEIGHS AND TOBOGGANS • > • > • â- SNOW .WD ST.XHLE SHO\'ELS Stall Irons, Cow Chains Axes, Crosscut Saws, Axe TTandle's, Wodj^t's. Saw Sets, Jointers. HEATERS, RANGES, PIPES AND ELBOWS Everything in Hardware YOURS FOR A PROSPEROUS YEAR FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 -:- Flesherton, Ont. % ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦^ ^♦^ ^ ^ ^»4'^''^^^^â- ^^^4^^'4^4^^^»^^^^^^^^^4^^^^'^^^^^^^^^<^^^^^^^4'^^*^i''.*^^^^^4^^W^«l">â- » â- • • > â- > â- > < • >> l> >> l> I » â- â- â- f *************************** * ****'*********************** * ***^******<**«*t********* Subscribers The Advance ti â- III III » -^ III is agent for all j i daily papers. Substantial reduc- tion made to all our i ; subscribers. Let us renew yours. 1' • • r » * It -4 .- T :|: • \* • I' ' f ' III .f 4p/ r 1' '(^ i^V^Â¥ >******************* * ********* * *******^^ti^^^^^^ i ^^^^^^^^^