J I Wednesday, December 9, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I ^ J 'I »«*â- Presentation Made To Mr. and Mrs. F. Taylor A very pleasant tinu' was spent on Friday I'veiung; when about UK) friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor tralh- ered at the town hal| and presented them with an electric floor lamp, re- vorsible wooUon blanket aiul a smoker. Mis..; Gertrude Lever read the ad- dress and the presentation was made by Alfred Down and Clarence Alex- ander. Mr. Taylor thanked the friends for their expression of pood-will and thouphtfulness in pre.sentiiiji: them with the lovely articles. The Hart- ley orchestra of .Markdnlf supplied the music for modern and old tin^e danc. inir; Norman Hartley Jr. also sang several cowhoy sonsrs with pruitar ac- companiment. CEYLON (Intended for Last week) The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meetinK. Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Jimmy McMullen. Due to the condition of the roads, the attendance was not as large as other- wise it would have been; Mrs. George Udell presided for the opening exer- cises, and conducted the general bu.s- iness of the meeting. The roll call was answered with "A Funny Story". Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Roy Piper had charge of the program. The captains of the cop- per contest, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Piper, turned in over |13. As there are still some, who have not sent in their contribution, the winning gjde has not been announced. Lunch wa^ served by the social committee at the close of the meeting:. The Ceylon Women's Institute met «n Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Kennedy. In the absence of the president. Miss Dora Stewart, the vice-president, Mrs. Archie Sin- clair presided. The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode, after which all joined in repeating the col- lect. Owing to illness, Mr. T. S. Cooper was unable to be present, to address the meeting. Miss Mcln- •nis read a report of the recent Insti- tute held in Toronto. Mrs. George Mathewson gave a paper on "Peace." It was decided to send letters and greeting cards to a number of the members who are ill and a first-aid l«it will be supplied the Ceylon school by the Institute in the near future. At the close of the meeting, the hostess served a very delightful lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of Oshawa spent the week ^nd here. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir, who had been visiting at Oshawa and also Mrs. Wiight of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Murd. Raney and duuKhter Jean and Miss Dorothy Snell, Southampton were Sunday vis- itors at their homes heit. Mrs. Fred Mars.hall visited over the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Ifutlcdge, Holland Centre. Miss F.joise Mathews is holidaying with her friend Mrs. Gordon Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Ciiorge Cairns and Mrs. W. Wilcock accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Alton of .Markdale to To- ronto on Sunday. Mrs. Robt. Rutledge spent Thurs- day at Ml'. Fred Marshall's and Rut- ledge's. Mr. Jos. Snell has returned to Wes- ton after visting at the home of his brother Mr. George Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey, Dun- dalk, were visitoi-s during the week with Mrs. D. Macphail. Miss Florence Copeland and broth- er, Ivan spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. J. R. Sinclair. Mrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Archie Stewai-t, and Mr. J. P. Stewart Stew- art attended the funeral of the late Mr. Petei Baxter, Caledon, last week. Mr. Henry Carvell had the mis- fortune to receive a very severe cut in the head, from a fallen tree, while working in the bush on the McKee farm last week. Dr. Milne dres.sed the injui-y. AH Henry's friends wish him a speedy recovery. Were at Owen Sound .Allatt Auto Parts Company of Owen Sound held a Millionaires' Might at Owen Sound on Friday evening to which were invited all their customers in this district. Those who attended from Flesherton were J. A. Richards, E. J. Bennett, F. W. Duncan, C. Mc- Tavish, R. Carrothers, Lloyd Genoe, and D.' Hopkins. Everybody enjoyed the evening to the fullest extent, as is usual in these popular events. The difficulty with some compos- ers of jazz, it seems, is that they can't distinguish between a melody and a malady. 13 Days in a row ev^ry day one less to go arf: you pri:pared? WE HAVE FLOUR, ICING AND ALL THAT GOES BETWEEN, FOR THE CAKE OR PUDDING SPECIAL PRIZES SANTA CLAUS DAY ON SAT., DECEMBER 12 WE ARE OFFERING THREE GOOD PRIZES 1st, 2nd and 3rd These prizes will be awarded id llie three customers niakiii}? the larj.!:e.st cash <ir hade purchases starting' on Monday, December 7th until Saturday, December 12th 1st prize 98 lb. bajj Cream uf VV\'st Munr 2nd prize 4'J Ih. ba^ I'ure dold l>'luiir 3rd i)rize 1 ib. each Red Rose Tea and C'ofU'c- In order to win all you iiave to In is make your pur- chases durinj? the week, keep your counter checks and turn them in not later than Tuesday, Decenihcr l.S. and the resull> w ill ;i])piar in The .Advance on Dt'ccinher W). A Few Sample Prices liulk Peanut Hutter 2 lbs. for 25c Fancy Biscuits, fresh 2 lbs. for 25c Hulk, Jewel Shortening 2 lbs. for 25c Clark's Pork and P.eans, Rejr. 2 for 2.Sc each 10c P. & G. Soap 5 bars for 19c Peerless Soai) 5 bars for 17c Cream of the West l-'loiir 981b. bag for $3.50 WE BUY POULTRY ; Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. \ \ FLESHERTON J 1 tie re is a ;» Santa Clau*. *I**.**I**.*»l»*t*»I«*I*»2**!»«!**l»« •:••:•♦:♦•:•♦?♦>•:♦ ..;..X~X•♦<♦<••M•<"><♦<~M~X~:•<~M^•K•<">♦<"M~W••!"X♦<»<~^•^*•"••^~^*"^ ' AS IIOSS UL'TTO.V tlnlMlied lellinu his little ilaiiglitei' the slnr.v of rin-i.slinas, of tlie slie|ilienls mikI the Clirlst ehiiil, and liiid lis tiiciriilly U8 jidssilde explMilied iil>iiiit S:\iitn ('laiis, I'oll.v hfjiveil II slirh "Well I think there's a Saiit.v Clans mid 1 Impe he liiin;;s rn»* a sliee|i like the ciiies in the story." T(ic d.iy hofore ChrisiiiiMs, lioss saw a white wixpM.v liiiiih In tlie window of a td.v slii)|). lie WHS uliid lie hiid walked to lil.s ollire. Otherwl.se lie iiil;.'ht nor have seen the iiiinl). He wmild sfnji on his wa.v hiniie Hiid srct it. Uiit une of the men In the (illiee iilTered to drive hini Inline, so the liinili whs l'(ir;.'iitteii until he heard I'nil.v iis she wiis lieiii^' put to lied lell her iiiiilher she liiiped "Sant.v" wouldn't fni-jtet iilmllt the "sheep." Koss Uxiked at his watch and decided the shop would proliahly still b« o|)en. Anne ealled to him to ask where he was ifoInK, and he an.swered "Hack In a few nilniite.s." When he parked his car before the shop, the thought that the lanili niitrlit not he there, struck hlni for the lirst time. Me felt much relieved, there- fore, when he saw the lamb In the window. As be tucked the package under Ills arm and turned to leave the shop, a The . . . Gift Shop Where your Christmas Goods can be supplied at a very moderate cost, with a large variety to choose from, consisting of Christmas Dec- orations, Toys, Toiletries, Silverware, Papetries, China, etc. Santa Glaus Had Brought Her a Sheep and a Baby Doll. UtU« boy came In. Itoss beard him aak the proprietor If he iitill hud the laaili that was In the window that mornlOK. He was told the gentleman Just leaving had bought it. "Oh," the dlBappolntment be felt showed In his voice. Wasn't there something else he would like'/ But there didn't seem to be anything else. As he got Into bis car Koss caught sight of a small boy standing before the window, his ga/.e fastened on the place where the lamb had been, lie seemed so disiiii|iiiiiited. It was too had there wasn't another lamb for liiiii, lloss Iboiiglit as he drove awa.v IJiit probiilily soiiielhiijg else woiiiil ratdi his fancy and he would forget all almul the lamli. Children were like that. Koss wondered tbiingb tf i'olly would have forgot ten so easily, lie scarcely thiiuclil so. The poor little thing would have been mightily disappointed. He was glad he had remeiiiliereii before It was too late. Hut try as he would be oiuldn'I get the picture <if the little fellow out of his mind. Halfway home he turned his car around ami went back to the shop. The lioy had left, so Itoss HHke<l the proprietor If he could tell him where the Ixiy lived. He lived Just around the corner, lie often caine Into the shop. Tonigbl he had come to buy the little laniii for his small sister, and was .so disappointed wlicn he found It gone. 'I'he pro|irletor liad tried to interest him In somelhing else, hut he hadn't lieen successful In dulng It. H<iHS Interrupted to know In Just which house the hoy lived. Then In order to have some aallsfaclory excuse to otter at home, he bought a baby doll for PoJIy When somewhat later he caiiie into ttie living room where Anne was busy trimming the Chrlslnnis tree, she want- ed to know where on earth he IiihI been, lie shook his head and put his linger t<i bis lli;s as a WMrnIng not to waken I'olly. He placed the package under the tree and with a happy smile he began helping with the work of triminlng. 'riie next morning be was awakened by I'oily's hapiiy cry that she knew there was a ".Santy Clans" lieiausc lie iLad brought her a "sheep" and h baby doll Jiisl as she asked him to. lioss sprang out of bed and into tlie living room. Where could the "sheep" liavo come from? h'or there was I'olly with a laaili under one arm and the doll under the other. â- Wtiere?" Itoss asked, poliiliiig to the lamb. Anne whl.spered that she had bought It. "There Is a Santy Clans, Isn't there, iJaddy?" I'oily's voice Implleil she was glvlDg informatlou rather than asking It. Koss beartlly agreed with Her: "There certainly || a Santa Glaus be- yond a doubt." For HER Satin lllouses .. Pyjama I5aj;s ... Child's Lin^'erie Gift J.inj^erie .... $2.59 49c 85c $1.00 Boxed Hankies 15c, 19c, 25, 35c Cedar Chests 80c, $1.85 vSilverware $1.00 Aprons 25c, 29c, 45c Paijctries 25o, 35c, 65c Bath Salts 25c, 35c Hot Water P^ottle 49c Silk Hose 69c Silk & Wool Hose 35c, 45c, 69c Wool Sweateis $1.98 Lace Runners 29c, 39c Tie Scarf 25c, 39c Pillow SHps. pair $1.00 i'.ath Towels 85o, $1.00 r- ' For HIM Distinctive Harvey Hall Tie .... $1.00 Boxed Ties 50c Woollen Scarf 69c Fine .Socks 35c, 45c, 55c Hankie Sett 45c Shirts 85c, $1.00 Leather Ties 25c Leather Gloves ,. 85c Ttjilet Setts 50c Xnias Tobaccos X^lb 40c, 50c, 65c For Children Baby Comb & Brush Setts .... 29-50c Boys" Ties, boxed 25c Boys' Scarf and Tie Sett 50c Bath Robe ..„ $1.29 J'ullover, ?ipper $1.00 Fountain Pen Setts 25c to $1.00 Boys" Braces, boxed 25c â- ] I A I..\ROE .\SSORT.\IENT OF NOVELTIES, from 10c to $1.00 VARIETY STORE A. D. Mclntyre, Prop. â- » Flesherton, Ont. «i« »i» * , . * 4 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦â- > | | '*- r ii- l - »»* **- ^» - » - l ' i ' V *»-» » *| >*»< ' *» ******4'4' * *' l '* ** '* ** **** ?g »' > ' >* * * * * *^ KENNEDY'S! Simplify Your Shopping :: START NOW TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS WHILE ASSORTMENTS ARE •• : : AT THEIR BEST. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE IN " ' * TOWN ON SANTA CLAUS DAY * Ckriitmat Boxei owing OhrlsluniH boxes is siild to j spring from an old eusioni of prie.sts piiiting on board of all outgolli); ships boxes for nlins. These were opened at Chrisluiastime and masses said for tlie givers of the alius. The box w-is railed (^hrlst mass box and I'niin this comes the eiiatoin of Christmas bnxea and gilts .Alherta made the mistake of sac- rifichig credit for social credit. inaPlace : ; A 1 iut Assortment of Windbreakers and Leather Coats Fruits and Vegetables :: Celery, lettuce, to- • " matoes, grapes, cran- ;; berries, lemons, ban- 1 ; anas, prape fruit and oranp^es '' FOR THE CAKE Fresh peel, Currants* raisins, fi^s, almonds and sliced i)ineapple, in fact everything- desired. SUITS AND OVERCOATS We can fit you in anything' you need. BOXES OF CHOCOLATES See us, with a biggfr and better assortment than ever. CANDY We have them by the ton or by the pound, prices are ranged for one and all. TIES All Christmas boxed 25c and up UNDERWEAR All different kinds, priced to suit every- body. MITTS & GLOVES A fine assortment of both. HATS AND CAPS .'\ real good line to choo.se from SOCKS latest and newest shades, priced to suit evervbodv. C. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 Flesherton, Ont. We Deliver i; ♦ . I I i