THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE W'ednesday, X(;vember 25, 1936 -U \^ • i • • >'> . I » • 1 1 • r ' >â- â- •â- .• 'A :\' f LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS VANDELEUR KIMBERLEY The storm of the last few days have made the roads heavy but as yet no one has had any difficulty getting out of the valley. Miss Opal Weber and Miss Myrtle Fawcett were delegates to the W. I. convention in Toronto. Mr. D. L- Weber reports their work at Port Elgin progressing favourably. We are glad to hear some of our local hunters got some of the foxes that have been making tall inroads on PRICEVILLE EUGENIA the chickens on the farms. Some have lost as many as 50 chickens. The stork has also had a nice time visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.j Jas. Kirkpatrick, on Wednesday, Nov.! 18, a son and on Thursday, 19, to Mr. \ and Mrs. N. E. Burritt a daughter. We sympathize with the families at Owen Sound in the I0S3 of their dearj ones, who went down with the Hibou, also with Mrs. Saul Fawcett ir the death of her sister, Mrs. Tibbit. The Weber Bros, are busy these days building comfortable winter quarter for their trucks. The teachers and pupils are busy practicing for their annual Christmas tree. Miss fena Hutchinson spent the week end at her home here. VICTORIA CORNERS We are having some snow fall every | day and although our Indian Summer, if any, was short, yet the weather hag the appearance of winter setting in, in good style. Mr. and Mrs. Ames and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Miners of London, vis- ited their aunt, Mrs. Albert Stevens, who is again improving in health, We are glad to report. Mr. Thos. Bannon celebrated his 80th birthday on Monday last. Mr. Bannon is confined to his bed btit is not suffering very much. His sister Mrs. W. A. Annstrong of Flesherton â- Was visiting them and helped cele- brate. Clearing IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR CHRISTMAS GOODS Windbreakers. S2.00 Now at... $1.49 Children's and Misses', Rubbers and Overshoes at ffreatly reduced prices A full assortment of Christ- mas goods now on display. VARIETY STORE Flesherton, Ont. The W. M. S. and WiUing Helpers met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Watson with twenty one pres- i^nt. Mrs. Sutherland presided over the W. M. S. After the usual opening exercises Miss Margaret McArthur gave a splendid paper on "Missions." A letter was read from Flesherton inviting the Priceville Ladies to their mt^ting, Wednesday, November 25th, after which the election of officers took place. Pres, -Vlrs. Sutherland; Vice-Pres., Miss Mary McEacher'n; .Sec'y., Miss Margaret Mc.Aithur; Ireas., Miss Nellie McLean; Supply Sec'y., Mrs. McMeekin; Glad Tidings Sec'y., Miss -Mary McEachern. Mrs. John Nichol Sr., presided over the W. H. meeting after singing a hymn, prayer and repeating the creed. The Roll Call was answered by a Christ- mas suggestion, after which a splen- did address was given by Rev. X. Mc- Donald on Cape Breton Island. Plans and arrangements were made for the fowl supper. Mrs. McMeekin, Mrs. Elmer, Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Miss Margaret Nichol were chosen head waiters to choose their helpers, after which lunch was served by the hostess and Misses Nellie McLean and Mary McEachern. Mrs. Elizabeth Frank of Caledon is visiting with Mrs. A. B. McArthur. Keep in mind the fowl supper on rhursday night, November 26th in St. .Andrew's Church when the Sharp Orchestra from Dornoch will play, also solos by Mr. Roy Langford, Flesher- ton and a play "Aunt Maggie's Will,"| will be presented. Congratulations to Miss Donaldai Nichol and Mr. Donald A. Mclntyre of i Mclntyre who were married on Sat- 1 urday at the bride's home, by Rev. N. MacDonald, ! On Friday night a miscellaneous I shower was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mdnnis, recent bride and groom, in Township hall, Glenelg, when a large crowd wa^ present. The evening was spent in music and danc- ing. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and use- ful gifts. Lunch was served at mid- night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and fam. ily visited Friday at Mr. W. J. Hincks'. Mrs. Mary Dingrwall returning home from Montreal visited last week at Mr. Ed. Dingwall's before going to her home at Cedarville. Miss Ada Whyte has gone to Toron- to for the winter. Messrs Eby Ostrander and Raymond -McDonald and Miss Martha Ostran- der spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Green and family of Caledon were recent visitors at Mrs. A. B. McArthur's. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. McLean and Mr. Innis McLean. Toronto, spent the week end with their parents. The Sunday School entertainment of St. Andreiv's Presbyterian Church will be held on Thursday, December 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald have moved into the viilage from near Boothville. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Haniilton and family of Mt. Forest visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin. Mrs. Stephenson. Markdale, is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. W. Hincks. â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? C P»r 49 ANNUAL Fall Paint Sale This Special Prke good for a short time only QUICK DRYING ENAMELS White, Ivory, Pale' Green. PORCH AND FLOOR I Light and Dark Grey, Mtdiuin Brown, Yellow and Tan '- '< ^ CLEAR VARNISH I Light Oak and Dark Oak Stains and Ground Color 1 1 FLAT WALL PAINT White, Ivory, Nile Green and Baby Bhie HOUSE PAINTS White, Ligrht Green, Ivory, Buff and Cre^ni â€" â€" All Fine Quality I FRANK W. DUNCAN X Phone 54 •:- Flesherton, Ont ♦ < I ♦♦ • II ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ > ' »» *» » > * > n »♦♦ > n 1 1 ♦ ♦♦ t Best wishes to Miss Selena MacDonald, who was married on Wed- nesday of week to Mr. Frank faylor of Flesherton. We wish the young couple many happy years of wedded life. Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto sPent the week end with her father, Mr. Jake W'illiams. Mrs. Jas. Fawcett has gone to To- ronto with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Mander and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Legard and two children of Pickering visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. We ai-e sorry to report Mr. Robt. Smith ill at present with heart and nei-ve trouble and i^ under the care of Dr. Lindsay, Miss Marjorie Ben- son of Ma.xwell is' assisting in house- hold duties. Miss Donalda Sloan was home over the week end from her school near .â- Vyton. Mrs. Chas. Park and little daughter, Owennie have gone to spend a while with Mrs. Park's parents. Mr. and | Mrs. A. Carruthers, during the ab- sence of her husband who has re- ceived employment at St. Catherines. The Y. P. U. did not hold their re- gular weekly meeting last week, but instead attended the rally of the Y. ! P. U. of the South Grey Presbytery in \ the United Church at Priceville. where | Rev. Mr. Wright is the pastor. Every' one enjoyed a pleasant time. The meeting was opened by the Pres., Miss B. Potts Of Mclntyre. Mr. Royden ; Hunter, Secretary for South Grey | called the roll. Rev. Mr. Gordon of Dundalk gave a talk on "Duties of' Officers- of the Y. P. U. Rev. Mr. j Service of Flesherton gave a fine! address, emphasizing the work of the ' youth of to-day in buildijig a world; of peace, love, etc. Each one must walk in a Christ-like way in order; to carry out God's great work, that lies before us. A solo by a Hanover \ lady with piano accompaniement was ' enjoyed as also was a duet by the ' Misses Irene Diiismore and Marjorie i Park of Eugenia, with Miss Alice Armstz-ong of Flesherton at the piano. 'â- Mr. Wes. Wright of Hanover gave a i humorous talk on "Recreation"' after; which all retired to the basement! where he conducted some games and i told a ghost story. A sumptuous lunch of sandwiches, cake and coffee was served by the Priceville people, after which all departed for their homes. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Tlios. Gilliland and to Mrs. Thos. Betts and family in their recent sad bereavement by the death of their brother, the late Mr. Will Gilliland which occurred in the West one day the past week. Mr. Jos. Williams, Jr. motored Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sherwood of Ceylon to Bolton On Monday to attend the funeral of a relative. Mr. Peter Muiishaw visited his son, Laurie, and family at .\lliston. re- cently. Messi-s Munshaw and Proctor were both successful in securing a deer while on their annual hunt up North. Mrs. Wni. Magee and Mrs. John Campbell, who have been on the sick list are on the road^to recovery. The concert, given under the aus. pices of the L. O. L. in their hall here on Thursday evening of last week was quite successful. The pro- gram consisted of a play. "The Family Disturbance" given by Badgeroes Yo«ng People. It was quite humorous and well delivered. Lunch was ser- ved at the close of the program, after which damcing was iatful^sd in. We are sorry tkat in naming the •ffic«rs "f the Y. P. U. in last issue, the aauie «|f Mr. W<»8ley Jamieson was unintemtioiially omitted. He w«j appointed «itzie«»hip convenor. At the W'. M. S. meetiat keJd at Flesherton on Nevember 5, evening it wag Rev. Mr. Smith of Durham and Mr. Ha«vld HcKechnie that gave a«J- dresse^, not Rev. Mr. Bashell a« was stated in last week's paper. The Women's Institute held their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnston on Thursday evening of last week. It was com- munity night and a very large num- ber were in attendance, including a goodly number of gentlemen. The President, Mrs. Will Ratcliffe presided and after a short business meeting a good program was provid- ed. Mr. W. E. Harris of Markdale was present and gave an address and Mrs. Harris gave several selections on the piano. Community singing, readings, solos, mu.sic, etc., made up the rest of the program. Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the meeting. The Y. P. S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Teeter on Friday of last week with a good attendance. The topic was taken by Mrs. H. J. Thompson. Mr. Thompson read a poem. Rev. H. S. Warren gave the fifth of his series of lectures on lead- ership Training. The President, Mr. L. Johnston presided. At a meeting following the service in the church on Sunday afternoon it was decided to hold the annual Christ- mas tree entertainment in the church on Tuesday evening. December 22nd. Committees were appointed to take charge. Little Miss Milne of Flesherton, spent the week end with her friend, Frances Buchanan. Californian 100 years old says he's chewed tobacco all his life. Some one should point out the danger to him before he ruins his health. Credit Auction Sale Farm Stock and Implements FEVERSHAM The Robinson family, Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. Eli Robinson, Misg A- raelia Robinson and Mr. J. W. Robin- son, motored to Toronto and visited with friends there for a few days. Mrs. John Robinson, Eli's mother is an old lady 93 years of age and is wonderfully smart. She enjoyed the trip of nearly 100 miles each way to the city and her friends were pleased to see her again. -Mr. Charles Pedlar of Neepawa, Man., when on his trip east this fall called on friends here, who were pleased to see him again. Charlie used to live here before he went west. | Mrs. Ivan Alexander of Owen I Sound visited with friends here last ( week. Ivan came down on Thursday evening and she returned home with him. Miss Elsie Wright went to the hos- pital ast week for an operation for appendicitis. AM hope for a speedy recovery. The Salvation Army Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas en- tertainment in the S. A- Hall here on Friday evening, Xovember 27th, all welcome. Mr. Ed. Seeley's car was found in -Markdale on Sunday, where the fel- lows who .itole it at Singhampton had left it. Two Hanover young men we hear. DA-NCE .\T MA.XWELL A dance will be held in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, on Wednesday, Nov. ember 25th, 1936, to commence at 9 o'clock p.m. Dynes' Orchestra of Shelbume will supply musK. .Ad- mission: 25 cents. E. J. HADLEY W'ill sell by public auction on LOT. 4. CON. 6, OSPREY (1 mile and a half west of Maxwell) SATURDAY. NOVE-MBER 28. 1936 W'hen the following will be offered HORSES â€" 1 Bay Mare, aged 5 years, supposed to be in foal; 1 Bay Mare aged 4 years, supposed to be in foal; 1 grey mare, supposed to be in foal; 1 Bay Horse, 14 years old; 2 colts 1 year old; 2 spring colts. CAITLE â€" 1 Grey Durham Cow, 8 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 Red Durham Cow, 5 years old, sup- posed to be in calf; Hereford Cow 8 years old, supposed to be in calf; Rea Durham Cow. 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; Red Durham Cow 4 years old, .supposed to be in calf; Blatk Cow, 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 Holstein Heifer rising 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 Black Heifer. 2 years old, supposed to be in calf; 4 Spring Heifer Calves; 2 Veal Calves. SWINE â€" 8 Fat Hogs, weighing 200 lbs. apiece; 4 store pigs; 1 Brood Sow. SHEEP â€" 11 G<wd Breeding Ewes; 35 Barred Rock Hens; 3 Geese. IMPLE.MENTS â€" M. H. Binder, 6 ft. cut; McCormick Mower, 5 ft. cut; M. H. Cultivator, 13 tooth; 1 M. H. Roller, 10 ft; 1 Cockshutt Walking Plow N'o. 21; Daisy W^alking Plow, No. 2; Cockshutt. 2 furrow Plow. No 2 (Kangaroo Kid); Cockshutt twin Plow; M. H. Disc Drill. 13 Disc; Scuff ler. Hay Rake, Set Disc Harrows; Set of Drag Harrows; Wagon, Set Sloop Sleighs; Hay Rack. Stock Rack. Wood Rack. Rubber-tired Buggy, Steel tired buggy, 2 Cutters, Chatham Fan- ning Mill; Set Renfrew Scales (2000 lbs. ) ; Renfrew Cream Separator : WTieel Barrow ( Steel >: Wheel Barrow, Fairbanks, Morris Gasoline Engine; Quantity of Hay, Quantity of Oats. HARNESS â€" Set Heavy Brass Mounted Harness; Set Heavy Har- ness; Double Set Light Driving Har- ness. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE â€" .At- water Kent Radio; Corona Cooking Range (nearly new); Wood Heater, Souvenir Range. Kitchen Cabinet, Kit. chen Table. Number of Kitchen Chairs, Number of Small Tables; Writing Desk, 4 Dressers; 5 Beds, Springs and .Mattreeaes; 2 Leather Rocking Chairs; Roll of Carpet; Roll of Stair Carpet and padding; Barrel Churn, New Hav- en, 8 day Clock; Coleman Lamp and Lantern; 3 Oil Lamps; Wash Stand, 2 Cupboards, Hall Rack, Settee; Other articles too numerous to mention: No reserve as owner is giving up farming. TERMS â€" Grain, Hay and all Sums of 10 dollars and under. Cash; over that amount 7 months Credit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable notes, bearing interest at 5 per cent. GEO. E. DUNC-AN, Auctioneer. F. J. SEELEY, Clerk N3TICE TOWNSHIP OF ARTE.ME.SIjV A meeting of the Electors of the Township of .Artemesia will be held at the Town Hall. Flesherton, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., on Friday, the 27th day of November, 1936, for the pur- pose of nominating Candidates for the Offices of Reeve and Councillors for the Township of .Artemesia for 1937. If more than the necessarj* number of Candidates for any particular of- fice and qualify, the proceedings will be adjourned and polls will be opend in the several polling subdivisions on Monday, December 7, 1936. at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m.. and will remain Qpen until 5 o'clock p.m. to receive the votes of the qualified Electors. Dated this 12th. day of November, 1936. W. J. BELL.AMY, Township Gerk NOTICE VILL.AGE OF FLESHERTON A meeting of the Electors of Flesh- erton will be held at the Town Hall on Friday, t'ne 2Tth day of November, 1936 at 7.30 p.m. for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors, Public School Trustees and Cemetery Trustees. If more than the required number of Candidates are named and qualify, the proceedings will be adjourned until Monday, December 7. when a poll will be opened at the Town Hall, at 9 o'clock a.m.. and will remain open until 5 o'clock p.m. to receive the votes of the Electors. Dated November 12. 1936. W. J. BELLAMY, Village CTerk % iSoynut^Bread Has won thousands of new customers TRY IT TO-DAY Finder's Bakery, Flesherton <k<.^4«>.x~x-:-:-K~>->-:~:~M"K~>-:~:-:~:- .:^»:~5»x~>-X"K~:~:~X">->-x-:~>*> MAXWELL We are pleased to report that Mr. Ed. Seeley has recovered his car that was stolen last Wednesday evening in Singhampton. We trust not much the worst after it's wild trip through the country. There was a good attendance at the United Church Sunday evening, when the new seat? were dedicated. The Y. P. S. met as usual Friday evening with a large attendance, the meetings ai-e very interesting. Mrs. (Rev.) A. Bushell is visiting this week in Toront*. Special 10-Day Offering of Winter Overcoats This ofh^rin.a: vs of exceptional interest and includes. Raglans, leltcd Model*. Ul- ; y< sters, Balmarons and ChesterfieMs. .Ml this season's irarments made up in Xavy. Black and Brown Silvertones, Brown and Blue Mellons and Fancy Check Overcoat- ings, well tailored and warmlv lined throughout. Sizes from 35 to 42. Regular X'ahu-s from $lh.50 to $10.50. ' All at one Price $15.M CONCERT AT MAXWELL The Anglicans of St. Mary's. Max- well, will hold a concert in the Orange Hall on Monday, November 30th. A play entitled. 'The Antics of .Andrew" will be given and lunch served. Doors open at 7.30. .Admission: 25 and I5c. at $15. 00 Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear GOLD LABEL $1.55 RED LABEL $1.SS Per Garment BLUE LABEL $2.25 ;; Stanfield's Combinations, Buttoned or Buttonless styles. All sizes. Popular Frices. Mitts Windbreakers Leather Coats Sweaters Doeskin Shirts Plaid Shirts Gloves Felt Hats Wool Pullovers Winter Hosiery Caps ^ An Entirely New Range of New Xeckwear and Men's Scarves. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. •