Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1936, p. 3

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-^ i i j i nw w Kjij 'j i iwii m i M. '"' • «r hijtt 1^ -~ 1,250,000 Packets Solo Every Day BLUE UBEl JIC YELLOW UBEl 28c rmv/.MH.v.'Ji.UiVMitujj Fairbanks A Co-Producer HOLLYWOOD. â€" Dou-las Fair- banks and Samuel Goldwyn an- nounced they would produce joint- ly Gary Cooper's first film under a contract with Goldwyn. The picture will be "The Adventures of Marco Polo", a story Faii-banlcs lonq: con- seidered as a starring vehicle for him.self. The association of Goldwyn and Fairbanks a.-? a production team marks the former film star's first venture in pictures in which he him- self does rot play I'r.e Ipadiiiij ri.:.>. In Bed For Weeks With Bachache Quick Relief with Kruschen It was advice from her mother led this woman to take Kruschen Salts for her backache, and before she had finished the first bottle she wm feel- ing better. This is the letter she writes: â€" "About this time last year I had severe pains in my back and was prostrate 'or three weeks. I could not even rise in bed. I tried several well- known remedies, but to no avail. Then 1 wrote to my mother ti^King her of my trouble. She wrote to me by return of post urgin? mo to try Kruschen Salts. [ immediately bought a bottle and I can truthfully say be- fore I had taken the fifth dose I could Bit up. I kept on takins; them and in less than two weeks I was about again. I am never without Kruschen now."â€" (Mrs.) A. G. Unless the kidneys function prop- erly, certain a-id wastes, instead of being expelled, are .liiowed to pollute the blood-stroam and produce trouble- some symptoms: backache, rheuma- tism, and excessive fatigue. Kruschen Salts is an excellent diuretic or 'id- ney aperient, valuable in assisting the kidneys to excrete acid Impurities. Cornhusks Are Thick; Bad Winter Coming Salem, Mo. â€" Ozark old-timers are holding up for a long hard winter. Hill residents say corn husks have been unusually thick and the fur of wlUl animals more luxuriant than us- ual. Weeds, too, have grown tall â€" Indicating a high snow level. Mountain folk say the weeds grow high so their seeds will re;»ch above the snow and provide food for the birds. M r Â¥ FLA, f ^. g 4^=> J l£S A. L.Reading-, engineer of Rkh- mae Gold Mines, in a wire to local officials reports that assays of re- i-ent channel sampling on claim 432 indicates ore for a length of 128 ft. averaging $34.60 across 9 ft. with the vein traced 200 ft. further nort'i. Sampling of the western sector show.-5 consistent values across 20o ft. and more. The company has pur- chased a diamond drill and will car- ry on an extensive campaign of drilling on the west section of the property. James Boyle, pres., wi*l supervise drilling v.hich will be en- tirely separate from No. 1 vein, where drilling is to commence im- mediately. The Richmond Develop- ment Co. are developing the Richmae N'o. 1 vein under an agreen':ent whereby the Richmae Co. are to re- ceive 50 per cent, of any net profits from the mining of ore on this vein without incurring a::y development costs. Brcngold Mines has completed ar- rangements for Winter operations at its property in the Sturgeon River area, according to E. M. Hand, sec- retary. L'ndcrground work is pro- ceeding and a raise has been start- ed from the 200-ft. level to prove the dip of the vein an dcontmuity of values, as recommended by Allan J. .Ar.ders.jn. m ihai-ge of oper^itior.s. On the 100-lt. !e\e! the N'o. 2 vein has been sampled over Its full length of SO ft., so far opened up. and this distance shows average width of 20 inches and avera^i grade of S3C 22 gold per ton. Drifting is being con- tinued with the face in ore. The cross cut to the south ha,^ cut a numter of high grade strin.cers with one section running St'. 10 across width" of 21 inches. Officials beiieve they :iro just er'.tenng the i't>. 7 vein in this area It is planned to Continue uii'ti-'.g on ti-c :_- lowing tj tile v.e.-:. per ton in gold were secured across widths of 8. .5 to 17 feet. Hamlin D. Hatch, geologist, reports the hole gives good V. idth of commercl.T; ore on the hanging wall and suffests a wide lov,- grade orebody. Wendigo Gold Mines' enlarged three-compartment s'laft has been timbered to the 300-foot level, ac- cording to H. D. Tudor, president. While production for October win i>c curtailed somewhat due to the fact that millfced has been dra-vn from the surface dump while the :;haft was being enlarged to 500-ft. depth, by ti'.e first of November mill- feed will be drawn from the under- "round v.o i ngs on 2 or 3 slopes at the 200-ft. level which recently re- vealed high values in gold and con- siderable improvement in recovery is anticipated. The mill currently treating h'A tons of ore daily, Is be- ing gradually stepped up and wiil be handling close to Go tons by the first of ne.nt month. The shaft at the Crescent Kirk- land Gold Mines has been dewater- ed weil below the 100-ft. level, ac- cording to company officials. The shaft goes to a depth of 400 feet, with stations and lateral work at 100, 200, 300 and 400-ft. levels. Most of tne old lateral work was en the 200 and 300-ft. levels and it is the company's objective to complete dewatering as quickly as possible and to carry on a com.plete check of all underground workings. In the mean- time, four channel samples taken on the south breast on the 3.5-ft. level (adit) are reported as giving values of from .04 to 3.67 ozs. across widths of 18 and 12 inches, respectively, or an average of .81 ozs. across the 5 feet. ^, Little Old New Ycrk AU Industries In Sweden aie fic- llve. To Quickly Ease Pains of Rheumatism ' ' .Itpirin ' ' Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by siop walrh, an "Aspirin" tablet staria lo dinintt'- Itrato ajHi go to work. l-}rop ait "AHpirtn" lab- let ntu a gtasH «f wafer. B; the time it bim the boUotn of th« Klaw* it is diHintcuratJng. What happens io this staAi . . . happens in jouc â- tomacb. .A.s?ay results obtained from tn* vein which was encountered at the end of the 33-ft. crosscut on the sec- ond level at Mooslila Gold Mines, gave an average of $60.20 across IS inches, according to a wire re- ceived from the mine manager. Be- fore continuing sh"ft sinking to ti'.e .'Jrd level, the vein was drifted on for a length of 12 feet and samples across the last face arc reported to ir.ivo averaged $-32. ''S over a width of 42 inches. At this point accord- ing to the wire tlie vein was getting stronger. The shaft has now reached a depth of 25.3 ft. and at the pres- ent rate of progress is expected to be bottomed at 360 ft. in about 3 weeks tinie. Following completion of this work the 3rd level will be op- ened at ?4r> ft. and several hundred feet of drifting carried on. Diamond drilling is progressing on the Ga;fney Mines property on Man- itou Island, Lake of the Woods area, where the first hole has been com- pleted. The total length of core as- .sayed was 133 ft. from the hanging wall of the extensive sulphide ore- body and values of from ?2.40 to ?Ji The New York Times writes: â€" Life has become much quieter for former Mayor James J. Walker, who resigned under fire four years ago. .Vow he practices law. he'.ps his wife, the former Betty Compton, raise Irish terriers, watches over his adopted daughter, Mary .Ann. and stays pretty well away from politics (althougli recently he praised the New Deal and criticized Alfred E. Smith for a "run out"' on the Demo- cratic Party). He even reminisces sadly, as last week before the Grand Street Boys Association, on the good old days. "I'm a sentimental, oid-fasijoned .New Yorker.'' he said. "Now and then I have been given the reputa- tion of being a wise-cracker, a smart guy. a play-boy Down underneat'i I have a deep, abiding affection for the city. This N'ew York of today is not the greatest New Y'ork I have known. It started to decline when it lost its neighborhood spirit." Aileged vi but (ioii't Be wiser than othere- tell them. â€" o â€" Father â€" Sonny, why don't yoa get the habit of gcing to the dictionary when you v,-ant to know how to spell a word. Sonny â€" 1 do â€" but somehow the dictionary always has it wrong. Judge to the Prisoner â€" Take your choice: Ten dollars or ten days. Prisoner â€" I'll take the money, your honor. Our fathers sought to give credit where credit was due. but this gen- eration seeks to obain credit wnere credit is obtainable. â€" o â€" Conjurer â€" Now, sir, you hear your watch ticking inside this hand- kerchief. -Are you satisfied 7 Spector â€" I'm more than satisfied; I'm amazed; that watch I grve you hasn't gone for six mont-^.s. â€" o â€" When a man is a bridge widower and bis wife is a golf widow they ought to get along pretty well when they see each ether. • â€" o â€" Mother â€"'t you sorry you bit -Mary? THERE'S something about cutting your own tobacco right off the plug that makes it taste fresher â€" and it smokes longer. ;on- ta.ste very interesting. Tell me, w' do yoa use for bait?" We would be able to accompiish i more things of value if we wouldn't scatter our forces too much. Too , many scattered interests, too many of happi- diversions, make for m.ake-shift work which can be nothing but meiiiocre. To be afraid is the mise.-abie con- d:tion of a coward. To ilo wrong, or omit to do right from fear, is to super-add delinquencv to cowardice -D.D. Field. ^ I hate.l t::e â€" â€" Regular loafers find that time hangs hea\y because IJ'.ere are not io many busy workmen to watch. â€" o â€" Customer â€" I suppose yoa are your own boss'.' Barber â€" Xo sir. I'd give anything to be single ;;gain. â€" â€" A Request .•Ml I ask is j.:.-;t e::v;- ness and pain. Enough that I can realize the â€" o â€" worth of sun and rain; ! Mrs. Cattermole â€" I believe I For when both como into life may won't keep my rubber plar.: any I reai courage show. longer. .And meet them wisely, unafraid, .'^hs. Gingeipop â€" Why. I ti;ir.k it no matter where I go. ! looks very nice. â€" â€" . Mrs. Catterr.'ole â€" Yes, but I've Mrs. Clari-; â€" Has y-ur husband had it two whole years and it h:isn't given up golf'.' '. raised a single pair of rubbers yet. Mrs. Foster â€" Yes, but he still uses I don't believe it is going to bear. the language when changing tires. \ â€" o â€" â€" â€" ! "Drink." said the .Negro preacher. Ho-hum says he has stopped his "is the greatest curse of the coun- subscription to the funny papers try- It makes you quarrel witii yer until the's new style hats go neighbor; it irakes you shoot your out. 1 landlord, and it niakes yer n;:ss htm. -0- I -o- The dear old soul watched the Li^o '^ ^^hat we make it, bat it '-•owboy dcicterously sw'ngnig his salves our fee.'im iar-so on the grounds of the circus, somebody else. "Wha a long ropel" she .<aid at last. "What Ai^ you use it foi'.'" "Waal, lady," he drawled, "when I'm out west on the ranch 1 use it to catch cows." "Catch cows?'' she ech> cd. 'Huw DIXI PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO to bid It on Dominic ns Sent Inviictions To The Coronation O.' At;ackt»i by i.^.iien'i Park Thugs.â€" Headline. Bu why blame it aii on the organist? What about the choir? â€" Toronto Ma'! and Empnt;. -A. gigautic scheme to p:.:nl over a mi!;io:i .icres of forest.i so that the trcei will protect t.-e fertile green belts tne Ucstrt winds has c«n approved i^y the central authc:'.: .c-^. Classiried Aidvertising F:.-r.rr,-;> . .MILL â€" KiiM- o:i.ini;fj*.B. Kiirm- 'Kni. Vr-.if K.-v r aifiuiy, l2l iN'.L'.\T<:i-:s tent : r-**^. :â- - TO Kvrcr.Y invkntcii. Ust iM [nvcr.-,- :â- .- .v!:4 ;,.;: infurmation Tir-: K.t :.:.-â-  -W .â-  'riiiuxy. V/<jrld ! .::".~c;. -â- â- .',. ! {.\A\ i NS r.\ NTLV P.irKtnteJ. â- A.y.-- LONDON. SCOUTING Here There E V erywhere A brother io every other Scout, without regard to nice ot creed (I ( .( It is expected that tl.OOO Scouts will represent the British Empire at next summer's Fifth World Boy Scout Jamboree in Holland. Ask Your Doctor About "ASPIRI?^" Any person who suffers from pains of rheumatism should know this: Two "ASPIRIN" tablets, taken with a full glass of water, will usually ease even severe rheimiatic pains m a remarkably short lime. Ask your doctor about this. He will nrobably tell vou there is noth- ing better. For "Aspirin" tablets not only ofTcr a I'ofent analjiesic (pain reliever), but start sjoiiig lo work alnK)st instantly you take them. Note illustration of glass. Try this simple way. '^'ou'll bo surprised at how ijuickl'y paiu eases. • "Aspirin" tablets arc made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bavcr Con>i)anv, limited, of Windsor, "Ontario. Look for the name Baver in the form of a cross oa every tabid, Demand and Get ASPIRIN MAHK RCa LOOK rOH THK BAYICX CKOSS POULTRY RAISER CONQUERS ''ROUP" Rraises Mtnard't Linimerxt As Remedy for Roup or Bronchial Fla R««d In this letter trom tJ. Minvlelle, Kort Garry, how h< checked Roup (Bron- chial Klu) when it broke out amooff his young hens. "After trying other remedies and obtaining no results whatever," writes Mr. Minvlelle, "I tried Minard's Liniment, five to six drops en the tongue and some- times more, depending on the birds. I am positive that it helped m« out a lot." Minard's Liniment is a tried and proren remedy for sprains, burns, bruise* and skia diseases, aa well as for Bronchial and Rheumatic trouble. For sal* by all druggists. 87 1,000 Montreal Scouts were pres- ent at the football game between McGill and Royal Military College on a: recent Saturday, as guests of the Athletic Board of McGill. They paraded into the stadium headed by the Viekers' Scout band and wer« reviewed by Principal A. E. Morgan of the University. At "half-time'' a 15-minute display was given by a number of the Scout troops. Flags of the 1st Kingston Scout Troop were recently dedicated at a Sunday morning service in St. J.tmcs Church, by the rector, Rev. Pr. J. 0. Mackenzie Xaughtoii. The troop was present in a body under Scout- master -Albert Thompson. FoUowii* the service Dr. Xaughton. as Presi- dent of the local Scout -Association, i::spected the troop. McKenzie Red Lake Recent developments at the mine . . . their possible effects on earnings and ntorket prices of this stock are dis* ctissed in our SPECIAL REPORT Copy on Request ALLAN THOMPSON & CO. LIMITED TEMPLE BUILDING BAY & RICHMOND STS. TORONTO, CANADA ng.^ Invitations to the premiers tt tanada. .Australia, New Zealand and South .Africa to attend the King next May are being despatched by the Duke of .Norfolk, Karl .Marsha!. This is in a -.erdance witii tho "atute of Westir.nister, which gave • Dominion Rariiaments the i;ght . ^iirect acce.-is to the Sovereign. I'he Dominion Prime Ministers who attenit ti:e ceremony c:i May 111. in Westminster -Abbey, there- ,' f^re, will be taking part at the Four hundred Cingiiiese Wolf Cubs | Coronation in a new historic role as I junior Scouts) assembled for a Cub I representatives of the peoples o* field day on the estate of Sir Franci* entirely se'f-g.v, , Dominions. and Lady Tyrrell, in Ceylon, and â€" â€" performed episodes from Kudyard Kipling's "Jungi eBook" Illustrating the value of a know- ledge of first-aid the following let- ter was received by the Kditor of tl'.e Nottingham (England I Journal: Sir. â€" The value of a knowledge of first-aid is not appreciated until the time arrives when it is ir.ost needed. On -August Bank Holiday, Tuesday, I. with my family, had a day trip to t>;indown. Use of Wight. 'V\hi!e wait- ing at the pier steps to catch a re- turn boat to Southaroptcn, we ob- served an aged lady wi-.o had the misfortune to stifmble. her leg slip- ping between two iron steps. She received a very severe cut behind her knee. There were at least For Backache Kidney and Bladder Trouble Slop Geliinjc Up Nights and Feel Younger 7Ar;;.ii'A!t â- ^ rVT'- -.:•.; an. L'eiit:-.! This M.iK'l'- â€" A. .I Sni!r;:i S nuiUI.-itul. ' T t- ta^.l, <â- :-:â-  •â- :<!. \:!:rrl- .vni'Tf.-;!.-!*. i*" â-  1 <:"l"nla!8. PCI. 11.1 .-..Uecti. n lr*'c Lur Sc. V STSMP (-., . Pi-r. r«.' . To- â- >N V. â- . N : calks:.: XT'; vvANTi:f - ;-'!NA\.-iAi. isni-.i-o *^ 'if* • '..'".e scr'U'--^ â-  f -a h::::! ci.-i."" man 1"» reire«tiu them in thi^ 1> <';tl!*.v Wo tmve a mining ;>su<i . t n.'il rr.'-v : \V»' !i.>n»i'o ii'-tnict? eipe â€" • i.T !;tjt two l.s:-uo'« -.vere b«nh winners with thr p.-^ iiortte-: in pr -c.i-"'- u: c- in:".,:J?h-'n bn?^--. Ai'p:;. Bi.x *ii. Wi:- ii r;:.i;. •.;.!!.,; Cu., T3 A..e;;..i.e ST. V.' T" .-' nt.'. â- .STu;, SIF!-- »ST]f:.l\ -- \ UU:.;>I. n.irv Ir.-ni i:i#ija t iil- •^ pifi.-.> rtnovs.t 't ai-t'-.m.i ij : pui » . jco wtll Rl.t.:::- ^fn.t xaiu.ibio in.'-r-n.i" n t-i -iny sufter<T, Sent nane anil ulnt^s. t.lnflys Ruber.^. jU2V,' Avenue C .ul, T.'. Ont TUITION FKEE H A!HrKKSSKKS nut J..iaK I'ertn.infv.l W.iv- Inc, " • Iher i>;.rlK ano. t'-ach ar>»l eiiim> : i;.ir"s. w.lte Ivi-x 'i -.1 fro,' P^tr- I I â- ; n-.-r 0:it- W H Y FEAR Here's one good w.-iy lo flush harmful waste from kidneys .md stop bladder irrisalion that often causes scanty, buroing and smart- ing passage. Ask your drug.nrst for a 4i)ceut box ot tloltf Medal Haari ..i Oil ; Capsules â€" a splendid safe and people- waiting to catch the boat audi hamiU^ss diuretic and stimulant tor not one had anv knowledge of first- ' weak kidneys and irritated bladder, aid. The poor ladv had to await the ! Besides getting up nights, sojue arrival of the bvx>t fifteen minutes f-^lP'T' ^-^ '^"'"'^'' 'â- ''"'^â- '' 'â- >''' , , , , jr- i u , t^,tu backaches, puffy eyes, leg cramps, later before efficient help was forth- | .„^j ^^^j^^ ^^,,^j_ j^^^ ^^ g^,,.^ ^^ ^^^ coming. All this time her leg was oOLD MKDAL â€" it's the genuine bleeding profusely, b&ihing towels ^ medicine for weak kidneys â€" ri.cht which had been wrapped round her â-  from Haarlem iu Holland. log being saturated with blood. [ â-  -^ â€" When the steamer arrived there \ were calls for a doctor, or anyone j with first-aid knowledge .Of at least ; 200 people on board only one step- j ped forward, and he was a Boy i Scout. He did the job well, and the lady was taken to hospital. I envied | that Boy Scout'* Imowledge and efficiency. â€" AV. 6. Nottingham. Proof DONl^UFFER^ . P I L fe S St Sun to On^r irMmi*f 'IPOK INTMNALNHb ' a FOn tXTMMAL NlU "Li^si/ni «r« uontitr/ttily helpful tirui insttiring. 'â- ' ••I have bttn abl0 definiteiy to chanoLr the habtt of~." "You are a artu-i help and I hope ii ic ffivtn me to measure up." '*Re9uit9 are wnndcrfui,'* Wo could Quote from many more loiters, but the above extract<i are proof that eth- ers are being helped. If others. WHY NOT TOUT Give that mind of youra a chance. Write today for parliculaj-s of an lulcnslve oourse ot mental tniinlTit;. The Uutihite of Practical and Applied Psychology 910 Confeiiorat.t'ii BuKiiliii;. Mciitro..;. r g. MOTHERHOOD? yiit period 111 a w oir.m's liic .iiijt Ixfore her child is bcFn i.ccd iKit be a umc i^ iWcrss .aid a!-.::icty. At such a tinic it is essciui;il that good heaifb and gucxl spirits be maiiitatiicd. fhe Ionic cfTttt oi Dr. Fierct's F.ivuiiic •n.Miip- tion Rourishrs ant! strengthens tltc botly o^ the rxpcctaTit niolhct. ^^hich r!«:an«, of eour^, liirft tl i:* ai!io st*fiTi:ititiunp the cllifd. .^i!0 for gills gruwing inio ^lUiuaiihooU and ior womrn in uitldlc hfc i:vin3 ihroutth the "change.' "havrrilc Ptes*.Tijition ' w just the vegetable tonic nccdtd. Buy nowL .Ni>v S..-1-. labid* 5iiC. li.,iMd $:x>} t iUi, » TORTURE In A Minutt For quiet rr\kl from Ihe Itehing «( «Mmia. Wotohra, JiUU|.l.â- ^ alhlf-s dxil. >nli», rastea and other nUa •nirUoiis. 3|iply Dr. rViini?' mire, cgolinr, aii'.U*l>. He, ll.ijki D. 0. 0. PHESCRIPTION. ka jenLV a& •octbe tlie irrilate^i iiiii. C'lcar. greaseitss anj st.ii». leas-jnea fasL Stnps ihe m«t iuleoK lU-ti.iig In- U:m y. \ 3.1c ttial Iwltle. at dr^n slonsk pr.ivi-s itâ€" a- ;n,ii-,j luck Asi lor 0. D. 0. PRESCRIPTION. 28 Issue No. 45 ' 6=T- '36 The Graphcchart SIkv, s liow lo rcul ciuir.'ctcr irom lundwnting, al a glance i:c P.^EPAID Graphclogisl Room '121 73 Ac'e'.iide St. V.'. Toronto I '«.»

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