Wctlncsday, September 2^, 1936 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FEVERSHAM ^\ A number from here attended the fuiu-ral oi Uie late Mrs. Samuel Colquettc at Flesherton on Wednes- day, September 16th, on the arrival of the mornintf train from Toronto. A iicmber of her relatives are living hyre, one sister and one brother, Mrs. Thos. Freethy Snr., and Mr. James Ottewell on the 12th line, also one brother, Richard Ottewell, in the West. The remains were laid to rest bc.side her hu.sband, who prede- ceased her by eighteen years. .After their honeymoon the young couple will reside in Toronto. .Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn visited with (I'ousin.s at North Bay and went to Callcndar to see the quints, they hud a fine trip through the north country. CEYLON (Last week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Albert McConnell, Shelburne and Miss Verdun Kidd, Markdale, were callers on Mrs. sAnna Two I McMillan, Sunday. daughters and three^ grandchildren j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bird, Ualt, are residing in Toronto, Flossie (Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. George Alton and Walter Marr) and Miss Bertha at I daughter Helen visited Mrs. Wm. Wil- home. The flowers were numerous '.o^-k ^^ George Cairns', Sunday, and beautiful. Mr. Bonar W. Balfour spent the Mr. Fred Field of Mimico was a latter part of the week at J. F. Col- caller in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters and little dacghter of Toronto were visit- ors with the former's uncle, Mr. Chris Thompson over the week end. The Poole families were in Toronto this week attending the wedding of Commandant and Mrs. Poole's eldest daughter, Lillian, who was united in marrioge to Mr. Williamson of the staff of the Consumers' Gas Co., in fToronto, The weddinjf was solem- nized in the Dovercourt Citadal and the reception held at the home of the bride's parents at 325 Passmore Blvd. liiison's. Miss Macphail M. P. returned Fri- j (lay from her trip abroad. Miss Jeannette McLeod left Thurs- day for Toronto. Miss Susie McKinnon visited friends on Friday in Owen Sound. Mi.ss Blanche Genop, Owen Sound, spent the week-end at her parental home here. Mr. John Stewart has returned after visiting relatives in Toronto and tak- ing in the Canadian National Exhi- bition. ~ Misses Frances Collinson and Susie Mc'Kiniion left on Monday for the Xoi'uiilo Kornial School. •Vir. Vernon Stewart made a bus- iness trip to Guelph on Friday last. Mrs. W. McMullei> left Sunday to visit relatives at Creeniore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kirk and son, ! Kouyn, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. Uussell Kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kirk., Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beech, Buffalo, N. Y., were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. C Muir. The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting ut Mrs. Knox's, on Thursday, at 8 p.m., after this week. Roll call â€" "Something money cannot buy," .Mrs, Marshall has the current events paper and Mrs. Sinclair will lead a di.scussion on house plants. Lunch, Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. lyles of Kimberley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McMullen. l -H-l-H ' 1 Unt \ i|.. i ..|i.|.. ; .». t .. ; .4,4. . FOR THE FIFTH YEAR IN SUCCESSION Robin Hood Flour i WINS Ist PRIZE FOR BEST LOAF OF WHITE BREAD at \ CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION (Toronto) '•[ 58 out of a possible 89 prizes for Bread, Cakes and ;; Pastry in open Competition with exhibits baked with ',', all other Flours. ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Milled froiii washed wheat. "THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" P. HEMPHILL !! Ceylon Ontario ',', kOCK .YilLLS Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held in the Baptist Church. Sunday evening, September 27th, at 7.30. Subject, harvest lessons from the feeding of the five thousand. The .service will be conducted by the pas- tor, Rev. J. R. Wolstencroft. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Cameron vis- ited recently with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Mrs. Cameron and son Donald return- ed with them for a week's visit at .Milverton. Mr. Cameron went down for them and they visited with Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Hossack at Innerkip, also at Woodstock, before returning home. Mrs. Chas. Newell visited on Mon- day with Mrs. E. Warling at Van- deleur. Mr. Chas. Hopper is building an addition to his bam. Mrs. L. Atkinson spent a day at Clarksburg and attended the camp meetings. Mr. Dick Clark is reshingling part of his barn this week. Mr. Alex. Cameron is having a new roof put on his driving shed. Mrs. Fred Pedlar and Kathleen of Eugenia spent a day with Mrs. W. J. Newell. High blood pressui-e is unknown nnioMg the Eskimos. Probably be- cause there are no radio crooners te bring it on. Small Boy: "Father, what do you do at the office all day?", Father (busy and exasperated): "Oh, nothing." Small Boy: "Then how do you know when you are finished?" THE STORE WITH SERVICE F, T. H!LL&CO..Ltd. CHAIN STORKS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY First Showing of New Fall Merchandise LADIES' COATS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY IN A LARGE SELECTION AND AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY POCKET BOOK. 100 Elegant Ladies Coats with costly furs All the lU'Avest C'realionsâ€" a woiidertnl Boy's Long pants â€" in good serviceable Tweeds. All Sizes. collecti<jn fruin whkli to e.lioose. I'rice.l Special at $1.25 and $1.49 from .i; 10.95 to $35.00. Sqp them before you Ixiy elsewhere. LADIES' NEW FALL DRESSES AT VARIOUS PRICES DoKCns of New Dre.sses in the newest fall shades and stvles â€" priced al $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 and $7.95. .Ml a real value â€" .see tlieiii. NEW FALL MILLINERY AT A LOW PRICE 100 New Hats, just arrivedâ€" ii*ny .styles from which to dioose. Priced at $1.95 and $2.45 SCHOOL HAS JUST OPENEDâ€" OUT- FIT YOUR BOY AND GIRL at HILL'S Roy's wool Jerseys in all shades â€" a real fif"<^fl garment, made in T'j>j?land, Sizes 22 to 26 75c Sizes 28 to 32 89c Boy's wool Jerseys in tke hqtter Cradea all the New Heather Shades. Sizes 22 to 26 89c 9>iTm*'yH tr> ^7 »*f*M,f*** *»*•*«• "X $1 no Boy's Pants in Shortsâ€" A real pant for kard wear in Grey and Tan Shades. Special at 89c P'- MEN'S DOE SKIN WORK SHIRTS FOR FALL 25 doz, .Men's }>:tu^d weif^ht doe skin shirts in lUue, Tan and (irey Shades. Extra Value at each $1.00 10 do/.. .Men's Pure Wool Work Hose in a p:ood wei<;ht. Extra Value at per pr 25c ' GROCERY DEPARTMENT Canned soujjs in Ckirke's and Crosse and lilackwell's 3 for 23c Meaford Canned Pumpkins 2 for .... 19c h>esh Dates 4 fbs. for 25c Harmony Coffee per lb 29c Fresh Swfet Hiscuits 2 lbs for 25c Corned Betf-f 2 tins for 25c Pork Bolojrna Saifsapc 2 lbs. for 25c Unwrappfd I,aundry Soap 10 for .,.. 25c Angle Salmon per ti« 10c ChtTice Rice 4 lbs. for 25c «old Stancjard Soda Biscuits 2 lbs for 25c Toilet Swap. ff<iwl qualtlx' 3 for 10c Mrs. H. Down spent some time at tile camp meetings at Clarl<»i)ur({. Miss Gc'orgena McUonaid returned to Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joiin Latimer of To- i-oiito were in town over the weel< end. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart and -Mrs. Gik'lirist spent Sunday witii Mr. and Mrs. Joiin Nixon at Caledon East. Mrs. Walter Chappie of Meaford visited on Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Bibby. .Mrs. C. .1. Crossley and Miss Laura Boyd of Toronto spent the week end with their mother here. If you have anything to sell let The Advance tell the people about it. Mrs. D. .McEachnie has returned to her home here after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Miss Kathleen McDonatd of Ham- ilton, .Miss Joyce Arbuekle and Mi. T. Hornburn of Toronto spent Sun- day at the former's home here. -Mr. Maurice Wright and Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto visited with the former's mother who accompanied them to Toronto last week. At a recent meeting the Public School TiTistee Board rejected the proposition including music in the curriculum of the Flesherton school. Mr. Thos. Clayton last week under- went an operation at St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, and is improving nicely. Prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Down on Friday, September 25th at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham. Everybody welcome. A number from here attendad the Barrie â€" Southampton ball game at Barrie, the former winning .'iâ€" 1. The fifth and deciding game to be played at Owen Sound this Wednesday after- noon. A number of the ladies of Carna- tion Lodge 545, Flesherton, attended the 14th birthday party of Lady Car- son Lodge of Owen Sound on Moaday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent. A quartette of tennis players from Markdale spent last Sunday after- noon playing on the tennis courte here. The local Club welcome vis- itors from other Clubs, but do not wish the courts to be used on Sun- days. We were pleased to receive a letter on Tuesdav fiom Mrs. Bert. Wagg of Tomnlo enclosing a recijie for a cake with which she took first prize at the V. N. E. ('ongratulations, .Mr.s. Wagg. This will be published shortly in our ifcipe column. !The Advance wishes to very sin- I'erely congratulate Mr. W. W. Ram- age of I'riceville upon the attainment of his 83rd birthday, which happy event takes place to-day (Wednes- day). The Advance is proud to luinibcr Mr. Raniago among its most cherished friends. Considering his age he is most vigorous, both mentally and physically, and frequently visits Us ill the editorial sanctum, where he is always welcome. Back to School! • • •-A^' â- School days are here again! In thousands of households, life gets back to after- holiday regularity and routine. The home telephone helps the children- to keep in touch with their new-found , classmates â€" lightens the home-keeping burdens for Mother â€" keeps Father in touch with his world. , j Have you a telephone in your home? Notliing yields more for what it costs than the home telephone. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston and Jim Stew- art visited friends at Shrigley re- cently. Quite a number from here attended the Artemesia school fair at Flesh- erton last week. The pupils from this .school made good showing and car- ried off 52 prizes. There is no need for children to worry about what they will do when they grow up. They will pay taxes. "How's collections at your church, Brudder Jackson?" "Well, we ain't nebber had to stop in de middle of a collection to go an* empty de box." j Small Advts. FOR SALE - General Purpose Maw, ROOMERS WANTED - A coupl* also 3 months old Genoe. Flesherton. colt. â€" Harry FOR SALE â€" A quantity of fresh lime. â€" Harry Akins, Proton Sta- tion, R. R. No.3. FOR SALE â€" - 8 Barred Rock Roos- ters, fer breeding purposes. â€" J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, 40 r 4. NOTICEâ€" Good prices paid for horses or cows suitable for mink feed. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. VANDELEUR The annual Sunday School Rally Service was conducted in the church on Sunday afternoon, and was well atkonded and ((uito interesting. The pastor. Rev. }l. S. Warren gave a fine address ami readings were given by Mioses .lean Cargoe and Evelyn McGee. A duet was sung by Dor- othy .Winston and Frances Buchan- an. The three Scriirture readings were read by three of the classes. The Secretary Treasurer, Miss Pau- line Hutchinson gave a report •( work (hiring the swiiinier months and an- nounced that the "Red" side, led by Evelyn McGee had won the attend- ance contest. Miss Jean Cargfle was pie.sentud with a five s»ar merit cer. tificate l)y Rev. Warren. Mrs. D. McGee (Tcmjierance Supt.) Mrs. Geo. Buchanan (Missionary Supt.) and Mrs. H. 1. Graham (Cradle Roll Supt.), gave good rejwrts of the work done in each dept. The Supt., Mr. H. L tiraham, presided, Mrs. Geo. Buch- anan pla.ve(r the or«an and BillSe Jithnston and Melville Buchanan took up the offering. The Blue side led by Miss Jean Cargo* will put on the program at a social evening to be held in the near future. The Ladies' Aid held their Septem. bcr mei'ting at the home vf Mrs. W. Johnston one afternoon recently. Vhove was a large attendance of ln<lie8 and a good program was pro- vided. Rev. H. S. Warren gawj an ad- dress and MvK. W. G. Hutchinson n paper. IfUnchoon was Rervcrf by t]|« boste*!. Mrs. Will Johnston. Mr. W. J. F. Hutchinson spsnt a few days with his sister, Mrs, Devins ' of Enipry, and also attended thf Ix- ' bibition. I FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow, 5 years old.â€" A^iply to Edward Ottewell, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Oats 45c per bu; Pall WTieat $1.00 per bu., also Barley and Scree«iings.â€" Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. CAR FOR SALE â€" 27 Buick Coach in good coadition, tires and finish like new. See this one before you b«y. Snap at flOO.OO.â€" Can be seen »t Poster's Serrioe Station. FOR SAL» â€" Stove and nut coal, $13.60 per tea, free delivwy within 5 miles. Terms: Casfe.â€" A. C. Muir Ceyloa, Pkone 38 r 8. FOR SALE â€" Registered Hereford bull, 13 months old, also one six â- lonths old. â€" Wm. Fadden, Pev- ersliam. SrrRAYED Fiom Lot 22, Con. 12, Artemesia, in the beginning of July, one small red steei'. â€" Wallace Gra. ham, Eugenia. -_.__ HEIFER STRAYED â€" From IZth line, Artemesia, a week or so ago, roan yearling heifer, two pig rings on right ear. Information will be thankfully received. â€" John Badger- ow, Flesherten P. 0. FOR SAIoE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the sam«, wfll sacrifice for fSBO.OO cash. â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Tonmto. of girls wanted to room for the winter. â€" Mrs. Parker, Flesherton, (Across from High School). FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford Dovm ram lambs, best of breeding, non* better. â€" Claude C. Akins, Proton Station R. R. 3. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT â€" 9t acres of good crop land with g^ood buildings, good well at door with windmill; hydro runs past farm; three and one half miles from Markdale. â€" Apply to Silas Hill, Markdale, Ontario. HOG FOR SERVICE A good young pure bred Yorkshire hog will be kept for service on Lot 14, Con. 5. Osprey. Terms $1.00.â€" Luther MiHs, Maxwell, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICl Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser. vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within fonr months. â€" Laurie Pedlar, Fleshertoiu Ont, R. R. 3. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternooas 1.80 to ♦ Evenings 7 to SJt Suadays and Thursday aftemoona *]9 appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old SUnd. Telephone 69 PROQBRTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 8 roam hoase, brfck iwneer, hard and soft water; abou' two acres of land on which is a larg^ barn with cement itaUing and garaate. Apply to Vr. J. Meada; K. R. S, PrieeviUa. 1 WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. AI] aalat conducted on Business principlw all parties reouiring work done on th» above lines wil] do weU to call at th* Advance Office or write Wm. KMW tine. Eugenia. Thone 48â€"11 Prince Arthur Lodge No. 383, AV. & A.M., meets in the Faatemal H«U^ Flesherton, the second Tuesday la each month. W.M., Alfred DowiH SecPeHnipi, G. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE Veterinary Sarcean and DeatM. Graduate of Ontario Vaterinary Col- lege. ProCeaslonal services reaaaaabla. â€" fhone. Dnndalk. 61 r II. . \ •f 5: It r V.(«