â- •-» 2:» - • > I < / 4*. * • * f 1 1 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 8, 1936 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS PRICEVILLE Tendei-s are asked for mail drawing on R. R. No. 1 and 2. Radio lic- enses are also being secured at the post office. Choir practice on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. J. C. Harrison. Mr. Geo. Campbell, at one time a resident io Swinton Park was a recent visitor in town. We are glad to learn of the welfare of the others of the family, known favourably by us many years ago. The members of the Women's Inst, met in the basement of St. Columba on April 2nd and had 3 quilts deftly stabbed many times with cunning fingers. St. Columba W. M. S. will hold their Easter Thank-offering meeting on April 15th at the parsonage. Mrs. House of Durham, who is the 1st vice- president of Grey Presbyterial W.M.S. has consented, to be their special sppaker for the occasion. All the women of the congregation are invit- ed to be present. The Lnion Pi'ayer meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .Mdcorii on Wednesday last was well attended. Next meeting on the 8th at Mrs. D. G. McLean's, and the next at tht- home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McAj-thui Town line on W^(?dne.sday, April l.'ith A good attendance is hoped for. Preparatory service will be he'd or Good Friday evening at St. Columba United. Sacrament on Easter Sun- â- day following. We were all well pleased to hear of the sucecss of the Durham Hockey team at Gait and Oshawa. Champions of the intermediate "B" series. More strength to their elbows. Mr. and Mrs. Ramage spent the week end with relatives at Dui-ham. Visitors here over the last week end of March were Mr. and Mrs. F. Shackleton, teacher at Arthur. EAST MOUNTAIN We were surprised to see the sleighs out again after being put away for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis of Kim- berley spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Smart. Mrs. J. A. Lever spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. G. Mc- Mullen. Miss .Rawlinj^ of Egypt vtisited recently with her brother, Mr. Harry Rawlings here. Mr. Delbert Pawcett was in Col- lingwood last week. Mr. Gordon McMullen is able to be around again after being laid up the past couple of weeks with a broken hone in his foot. Many around here have tapped but there has been no great run yet. Mr. A. B. Idle spent the week end at his parental home at Clarksburg. Mr. Wm. Haines met with a very painful accident while working in the bush on Friday, when he got his leg Inoken above the ankle. Mr. Elwood Partridge spent the week end with his wife and family at Rock Mills. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. !ind Mrs. Gordon McMullen were Mr. and Mrs. J. Brackenbury and Marj- orie of Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fawcett, and Vernon of Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and children of Rnck Mills. EUGENIA Friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCuaig â- On Wednesday evening last to spend a social time with them before their departui'e from our midst. The evening was spent in dancing to fine music supplied by Messrs. Bert Wat- son, Prank McArthur, Archie McCuaig with violins, accompanied by the Mc- Kinnons wdth guitars. At an appro priate time Mr. Angus Hooper called upon Mr. and Mrs. McCuaig to come forward and a complimentary address was read by Missi .\nna McEachern and the presentation of a purse ot money was made by Mr. Orval Mc- Kinnon. Mr. Mc-Cuaig, in a few well chosen words, thanked all. on behalf of himeslf and his wife, for the gift and invited all to come and visit them in their new home. All joined in and sang"For they are jolly good fellows." A delightful lunch was served to all and. a pleasant time .spent. - Best wishes from all follow them to their new home near Durham. Mr. Archie McPhail was a patient in Durham hospital last week. Miss Effie McCannel returned home on Monday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. Stuai't Carson returned home Sunday after spending some time at Swinton Park. The farmers have tapped the maples, but there has not been much of a run as yet. Keep in mind the Holdfast U.F.W. O. Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Tucker this Wednesday. A concert will be held "Tuesiday, April 14th, under the auspices of the Willing Helpers Society, when two plays and other numbers will be given. Lunch will be served. Come along and bring your friends. iiDCi'. MILLS Rook Mills Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam Fisher on Wednesday, April 15th. Lunch i-ommittee: Cake, Mrs. A. Blackburn, Mrs. Harry Patton; Sandwiches, Mrs. Wallace Fisher, Mrs. Sam Shier. BORN â€" on Saturday, April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith the gift of a son. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dargavel and family in their recent bereavement, by the death of Mr. Dargravel's mother, the late Mrs. E. Dargavel of Doi'noeh. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft and Glen- ard and Mrs. C. Newell attended the funeral of the late Mrs. E. Dargavel At Dornoch on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Patton spent a few days' in Toronto. Mrs. Kearns retui-ned to her home in Owen Sound after visiting with her daughters. Mrs. J. Ottewell and Mrs. Sam Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell, east back line, visited recently with re- latives here. Mrs. '^am McMullen spent a day with her daughter, Mrs'. Prank Betts. Master Ted Croft spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os- borne and family. Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and family, and Mr. Murray Fisher mot- ored to Owen Sound, Sunday and vis- ited with relatives there. A number from here attended the sale of Ml-. .1. D. McLeod on Thursday of last week. IN MEMORIAM LITTLE â€" In loving memory of our dear sister-in-law. Mrs. J. J. Little, who passed away April 12, 1935. Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin. IN MEMORIAM LITTLE â€" In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. J. J. Little, who passed away April 12th, 1935. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. â€" Ever remembered by Husband, Daughter and Son. . ' . I Bright Spring Weather Sure Shows up the Dull Fadded Wood-work I : Rev. Mr. Bushell preached an ex- cellent sermon on Sunday, appropriate for Palm Sunday and also rendered a beautiful sacred selection, "The Palms," accompanied by Miss Muriel Carruthers on the organ. On Sun- day Saci'ament was also taken by the members of the church. Sunday was the first day of what is known as the Great week; Passion Week or the Holy Week; because of the very things that took place on the last week of Jesus' most Holy Life, such as the cleansing of the Temple, the institution of the Lord's supper on the same night that he was be- trayed, the watch in Gethseniane, the cruel Cross and passion. His precious death and burial. Therefore this week is a Holy week. Mrs. H. Foerster and Mrs. John Campbell visited a few days with friends in Toronto recently. Misij Rowena Magee was home from Flesherton over the week end. Mrs. Wilson spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Jamieson, 8th Line. Mr. and Mrs. Watson from near Orangeville are assisiting Mr. Neil MacDonald this spring. We welcome them to our community. Mrs. W. Ratdiffe. "Mac and Aleda of Vandeleur visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and children of Owen Sound were visitors recently with Mr. Joe Sherwood and Mr. Neil MacDonald. Mr. Herb Haney of Toronto visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham of Flft~,h-' erton spent Sunday wth Mr. E. Paul. Mrs. Shortt and little sons Lyle and Ivan vis>ited Rob Roy friends. Miss Marjorie Benson was home from Flesherton over the week end. Mrs. Ed. Graham and son Victor of Clarksburg visited at Mr. A. Cam- eron's last week. Mrs. Graham ac- companied Mr. Cameron to ""oronto to attend the funeral of a relative there. The Y. P. S. held their regular meeting on Wednesday evening, .April 1st. Mrs. C. Martin presided and took the worship period. Scripture pass- ages were read by Miss Leone Duck- ett and Miss Doris Fawcett. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Christian Fellow.«hip Convenor. Miss Irene Din- sniore took the discussion, the topic of which was "Ti-ust in God." "The hornets song" by Miss Dinsmore, Mi.ss Evelyn Campbell ad Miss Doris Faw- cett accompanied bv Miss Ida Benson on the guitar and Miss Ha/.el Turner on the oriran, was enjoyed. For re- creation. Miss Dinsmore conducted a â- contest, the answers of which could be spelled backwards and erive tlin same word foi- example Ma<iam. The meeting closed in the usual way. CEYLON Mr. Peter Muir accompanied Mr. Harry Huston to Oshawa where he will visit with Mrs. Huston and fam- ily. Mr. George Melrose left Thursday for Toronto, after spending the win- ter at Mr. F. D. Cairns'. Miss Stella Marshall returned Tues- day after an extended visit in Tor- onto Mr. Charlie Boyce, Stone's Line, is a patient in the Toromto GeUjeral Hospital. «â- ' Mrs. T. Chase, Dundalk, spent the week end with Mrs. Peter Muir. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith is construct- ing a colony house for Mrs. Henry Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. CoUinson and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns attended the funeral of the former's aunt, the late Mrs. Emily Dargavel, of Dornoch on Sunday. Mrs. George An-owsmith is visitsng â- n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shier visited friends on the 4th line, Thursday. Mr. Earl McLeod visited his parents near Priceville on Sunday. Mesdames Muir, Hunt, Matheson :ind McjWilliams motored to Owen Sound, Saturday. Mr. J. C. McMullen, Toronto, spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai-chie McMullen. Glad to re- port Mrs. McMullen greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and fam- ily. Shrigley, and Mrs. D. Macphail visited Sunday with the latter's sis- ler. Mrs. (Rev.) McGregor, near Hope- ville. Mrs. McGregor leaves Wed- nesday for Europe Mrs. Jas. McWhinney and Mrs. C. Archibald have returned to their home here after spending te last couple of years at Proton. (rR Mrs. W. Whit« is visiting in Tor- onto. Mr. Farquhar Oliver M. P. P. re- turned to Toronto Monday after spending the week end at his home here. Watch out for the date of the Ceylon dance in Easter week. Maxwell Garage ^- McCall-Frontenac X I Gas, Oils and Greases '} ___ I Firestone Tires * 'â- ' Fleury Flows and Points | y ? T T ? y y y y V Repairs to all makes of Cars M. and G. SLED SWINTON PARK Don't have too many friends. He who can't count his friends, can't count upon them. MAXWELL Mr. George Morrison and Miss Kathleen Morrison visited in Toronto over the week end. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Len Seeley on the birth of a son, on .â- Vpril 2nd. The concert given by the Ladies' association was a decided success The program consisted of duets, solo.s and men's' quartette and an hour and a quarter play, "No men admitted,' which was very much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mrs. Dixon's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker. Mrs. Benson of Eugenia also spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Miss Mabel Ross spent a few days with Mrs. R. J. Colquette of Fjever- sham. Mrs. Colquette is under the Doctor's care at present. Miss Marion Hawton of Feversham 19 staying with her sister, Mrs. Joe Wright. KIMBERL£V N arvo a product of Murphy quality * Ready for instant use on Floors, Furniture, Wood- work, Automobiles and Linoleums. Will brighten your Home at trifling cost. SOW WEEDS .A.ND OF WEEDv^ REAP THE HARVEvST We sell seeds for Farm and Garden FRESH, CLEAN GROCERIES Every Article a Special Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON Mr. Henry Elli of Pawasson has been the guest of his brother, Mr. W. T. Ellis and Miss S. Ellis for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ash McCallum and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wallace of Col lingwood visited with Mrs. Clark and Mrs. D. Wallace on Sunday. The entertainment put on by sv travelling co. during the week was humerous and enjoyed by a fair at tendance. Mr. John Haines is quite ill at pres- ent. Miss Violet Fawcetrt is attending him. Mr. and Mi-s. Harold Thompson of Vandeleur visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burritt over the week end. Mr. Will Haines had the misfor- tune to get his ankle broken at a wood bee during the week. Little Shirley May Weber en.ioyed her first birthday on Sunday. Mr. Morrison, school inspector of Meaford made Kimberley school an official visit Monday. The Ladies Aid quilted a quilt on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mi-s. S. S. Burritt. ' JUST A HEALER "Don't you agree that Time is the great healer?" "He may be â€" but he's certainly no beauty specialist." Depression is a time when one can- not buy the things one's parents never had. Nothing new under the sun, and very little sun; yet, we in the Park wish all the readers of the Advance a joyous Easter season, and all the school children a fine holiday after the long cold winter, and this Monday looks like the worst day of all the bad ones'. George Campbell of the Campbell Construction Co., Toronto, has been in this burg for some time looking after the old' home farm, he has stocked the farm with .sheep and has engaged Mr. James McLean to look after it, to remodel the barn and house, also refence the farm. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. McLean back to the land of their birth. They have for some years lived in New Ontario. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ferguson on the birth of a daughter last week in the Park. Syrup making, as yet, has been mostly in anticipation, but after this storm the sap will run. A good friend brought us in a bottle of the very best and we licked our lips as far as we could reach. This morning all kinds of convey- ances are on the road, the snow banks are softened by the i-ain, and trucks are having lots of trouble getting through them, but live stock and cream has to go to market. Not many are getting out to church, but next Sunday being something special,, we trust it may be fine and many able to be out. iNow that Hauptmann has left this world of cares, what will the United State's Courts concentrate on for the next four years, but the election is coming on. Easter Meats Swift's Premium Smoked Ham 30c Boneless Hams 40c Swift's Premium Side Bacon.. : 35c Barbe.cue'd Ham 50c All kinds of cfooked meats BEEF. PORK and VEAL JAMES WILSON BUTCHER Flesherton, Ont. Clean Up Brighten Up GIVE NEW LIFE, NEW CHARM, NEW BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME. USE PAINT AND VARNISH. THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR THE HOUSE LOOKS DINGY. PLAN NOW TO REDECORATE. Sherwin William's Paint ^ives lasting beauty and more permanent colours. Spreads easier and covers more surface. Moreover use a ^ood brush. We also have Enamels, Flat Paint. Stains. Terpentine and Oil. Brush- es. Paint Cleaner, Etc. Poultry Supplies:â€" Buckeye Brooders, Cluck Founts, Cluck Troughs, Royal Purple Poultry Specific. Shovels, Rakes. Hoes. Pails, Tubs. Royal Purple Gar- den Seeds 10c size for 5c per pkg. FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone 54 Flesherton, Ont APRIL OFFERINGS- HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Full fashioned pure silk, all the new spring shades, crepe, chiffon or service. 79c and $1.00 MEN'S SHOES New spring styles on the newest and snappiest lasts. $2.29 to $4.95 SPRING FOOTWEAR Oxfords, ties, pumps, in blue, brown and black. $1.98 to $4.00 FINE SHIRTS New patterns, fast colors collar attached or separate. $1.00, $1.25, $1.9S CONGOLEUM RUGS With border, new sprinjjf patterns. 9xl2.$10.50. 9xl0y2-$9.25 HOUSE DRESSES A host of pretty styles; all new tub-fast fabrics. 98c to $1.79 LINOLEUMS 4 yards wide : a good sel- ect ion of new patterns. $3.25 yard TUSCAN CURTAINS New patterns in this wanted color. $1.00, $1.25, $1.95 BILTMORE HATS New shapes in the newest colors ; all genuine fur felts. $2.95 WORK BOOTS A big selection, all reh- able quality. $2.19 to $4.50 Bordetless CONGOLEUM New designs. 9x9-$5.75 9>fl0y2-$6.75 9xl2-$7.95 SUNWORTHY PAPERS Suitable for all rooms in the house. 12^2 to 30c single roll Easter Millinery on Display This Week !| Watch for our Announcement of a SPECIAL DISPLAY of Ladies' Spring Coats, Swagger Suits and Dresses to be given during April. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont.