'^.. :« * «;^'- >♦ ♦â- ♦»»»< Rainbow Gold by E. C. BULEY SYH07SIS Dan Priiscott and Goi-aun Wealeiby flnd Bold in the urid bush of Australia. They slake thiir claim and start the lone )nurn«y to the coast. Westcrby has a (lancee. Gladys Clem- ents in England, but when they arrive In Sydney he marries a pretty blonde. Gordon forwards a photo of Dan to fornuT llancee. Gladys Clements, In London and when Dan arrives she be- llevPS he is Gordon. Eve Gilchrist, n typist, obtains worlt In Medlicotts of- fice, the broker who Is HoatinR the mine. WEST PLANTS ( MANY TREES War on Drought â€" Five Million More Will Be Started Next Year EVERY DAY UVING A WEEKLY TONIC by Dr. M. M. Lappin To her surprise, she found Mecllicott in quite his normal humour. His calm was unruffled, and ho twinkled at her In the familiar fa.shion as he remark- ed: "Well, Eve, Dan has got to produce a bunylp. or we are all ruined m^u." "But it's disgraceful, llr. Medlicott," Eve flamed. They talk about my pam- phlet as It it were a pack ot lies." "They've certainly let themselves go," Medlicott agreed. "The law of libel has not been repealed, I under- stand. I've telephoned to Preacott's hotel, sending his straig'ht to my so. Hcitor. and I'm going on there my- self. That yarn says nothing ot the gold we showed Burden. I feel like going after them, but I must hear â- what Cairns says.' He left soon afterwards, and t4ie ftiorniiig dr.igged on without any word Shortly before noon Frankie invaded Eve's rsoai with a serious face. "There's a lady outside demanding Mr. Dan Prescott," she announced. "I think yuu'd belter see her. Eve." "What t^ort of a lady?" Eve asked. "He kaows nobody at all." ".\ kissy-kissy kid with goo-goo eyes,'' Fraukie explained descriptive- ly. "All hot and bothered, too. Take a tip frsm me, old dear, and separate her fr»m our boy friend on a day like this." '"I'll aee her anyhow," Eve decided. As soon as she set eyes on Gladys Clements, Eve hated her instinctiv'ely. She disliked the clothes she wore and the emphatic perfume which she used; She distrusted her appealing eyes and the droop ot Jier sensuous mouth, Gladys for her part, assumed the offensive after an appraising glance at Eve. "So you're Mr. Prescott's secrtary! '• ehe said. "I thought I should find somebody like this. It just shows what tie is." "What is your business with Mr. Prescott?" Eve asked coldly. "It js my business, and not yours," was the quick reply, "Mr. Prescott Indeed! Westerby I call him. And I want to see Mr. Gordon Westerby whether he goes by that name or by the name of Prescott." "Mr. Prescott Is very much engaged this morning,'' Eve said. "Mr. West- erby is at present in Australia." •'Is he"" Gladys a.sked, throwing a Find Out From Your Doctor if the "Pain" Remedy You Take Is Safe. Don't Entrust Your Own or Your Family's Well - Being to Unknown Preparations BF.FORF, you lake any prepara- tion you don't know all about, for the relief of headaches; or the- pains of rheunuitism, neuritis or neuralgia, ask your doctor what he thinks about it â€" iu comparison wilh "Aspirin." We say this because, before the diiicovery of "Aspirin," most so- called "pain" remedies were ad- vised against by physicians as being batl for the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the di.scovery of "Aspirin" largely changed medical practice. Ciountless thousands of people who Iwvc taken "Aspirin" year in and out without ill clTect, have proved that the medical Dndings about its safety were correct. Uomcmbcr this: "Aspirin" is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains . . . and safe for the average persoa to lake regularly. ^^^ "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every lablel. Demand and Get "ASPIRIN" "Thea who I have a letter before me now, ty- pical of a good many letters that I have received from time to time, and Sask.â€" Western Can- raising a matter about which I iiuve _ It enables niers to stabilize its agriculture. but Indian Head, ada is bringing the forest to its far- always intended to write. me to sound a much needed warning. Providing shade in summer, shield in winter and aiding agrarians in their war on drouirht and soil drift- ing, 14.5,000,000 trees have been I planted as shelter belts on 55,000 I farms m Manitoba, Saskatchewan 1 and Alberta in 35 years of systeni- This letter gives me an opportunity to do So now. I The letter is from a young woman â€" a spinster of thirty-flve. She writes in part: â€" photograph on the table, is that?" Eve tried to steady her voice it shook as .>lie faltered: â€" "That is cerlaialy a photograph u£ Mr. Prescott." "Thea why did he cull himself Gor-, „„„ AHjcrta m 60 years or system- 1 -i uve all alone iu a small apart- don Westerby when he asked me to atic planting. Five million more ment and go out to business each marry him?" Gladys asked. "Tell me .yill be planted in 1930. ] day. I have always been backward Uiat. you who call yourself his secre. ^,^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^,^.^^ ^^ the tree and slow to make friends and, con-, lary. Secretary. 'planting division of the federal for- sKU'.eutly, I have very few iriends. J "Mr. Prescott asked you to marry | ggt nursery station here, and his as- None tljat I call intimate friends.! him?" Eve exclaimed iucredulouaiy. | sistant, C. A. Edwards, dipped into : Lately I have been feeling loneliness •Weslerby, I call him," Gladys cor- facts and figures and fount! the love rather keenly. I noticed an advertise- 1 reeled. "That's the name he signed of trees brought by farmers from ment in the inserted by a; to the letters that prove it. T'hat's the' older settled areas provides the lev- 1 "gentleman"' who would like to meet' name bv which he is known to my eler for western agriculture. a companionable woman of my age to j frien.is and my family. I suppose yuu Yolk who pulled up stakes in the ' *'-'<'0"iP'>"y ^im to parties and break | don't believe me. W'hat about this ring , Maritimes and Ontario and moved! ^^^ loneiiness of life for him. At first I he gave me, and this wrist watch?" I westward at the turn of the century \ ^ li^sitated, then I pictured a young Kve felt t.hat her heart had turned ; or came from the Old Country «»» 'â- » f similar position to myself, to stone within her, for the girl car- brought their love of home i)eauty , =0 I replied. It has turned out very ried conviction. How could she have ' with fnem. And in that was boisi much differently trom what I expect-, a photograph of Dan Prescott if she; the tree planting program which is -d. Thts man was evidently looking a pnoiogiapa °^^^^^J,^ ^^^.^^^ g^e I Proving its value in dollars and wr something other than companion. to see Dau. and so p.i- ; ""'* t<"^^y '» niouem farmers. To the credit of the tree planting program was placed better farm gardens, adequate protection against windstorms, improved appearance and added home comfort, retention of snow moisture, an anid in growing one that is being played daily. Hun-j fruit successfully, protection for dreds of innocent women and girls stock and poultry. attraction for iiave been caught in the mesh of bird life, protection against drought such rogues and have learned by bit- and provision of small fuel. | ter experience tiiat it is not always Fifty thousand trees were planted safe to answer such advertisements. , in 1901,the first year the federal My correspondent is fortunate indeed ; government directed the work. Since if she has been able to free h'-rself . then, Manitoba has planted 18,700,- before becoming wholly ensnared. To . 230 broad-leaf and 344,693 ever- say the least, it is always risky to , greens on 3'2,T05 farms and Alberta answer such advertisements. What would vou do yourself, and | records showed 37.879,855 broadleaf! and 001,370 evergreens on ll,12d 1 My correspondent seems to have a £jjy^g grudge at the paper in which she saw ; the advertisement, but that is foolish. | In all fairness It ought to be said TEA is delicious sot Teacher's License is Refused Because She Weighs 182 Pounds with an.xiety to call were ju was so eage tiently burniu him to account. "Well?" asked Gladys triumphantly. "What does Mr. Prescott's secretary say to that?" I might have kuowu what I would find going on beiiud my back. More like somebody trom the beauty chorus than an honest sec- retary." "You must bridle your tongue ma- dam," Eve said, with a successful ef- fort to preserve her dignity, "or else I must ask you to leave this office." Gladys burst into tears at the re. buke. ship and 1 have had the greatest difficulty getting rid ot him. The ex- perience has g:eatly upset me and 1 1 am in constant dread of him turn-' ing up.'' I There it is. A very old game and wiat would you think?" she sobbed. "I was hysterically happy for two short days. Two days of bliss. No girl ever had a more devoted lover than Gordon. All the girls were green with envy. Nothing too good for me, while it lasted." "You have not been treated well," Eve said coldly. "What can I do for you?" "JIar said that perhaps I was too cool," Gladys sobbed on, unheeding. "But It wasn't so. Miss Whats-it. I'm warm-hearted by nature; and, see- ing I was properly engaged, I wasn't afraid to show how much I loved him.'' •Please!'' Eve begged, restraining a shudder. "Then off he goes to London on business,'' Gladys went on. "Not a word for days and days; not a word for weeks. Then I read in tlie news- Oddities Of Playing Cards two look to the right and two to , the left, whereas both Kings and paper about this goldmine which was : Queens are "eves left" in the pro- the same name as Gordon's mine. So; portions of three to one. mar said I'd better find thLsMivPres. I ^.^^^^ ^^^^^^^ j.^^ ^^^^^ ^^p^^, cott, and that he'd probably be the j ^j^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ invisibility of same as my Gordon." | j|,g fa„,iiiar. How many people play "And you wisOi to see him?" snid , ^^jjgg regularly, and would yet be Eve, who could endure no more of it. pugzi^d to answer this e.xamination "I cannot say when he will be in; | paper, "unseen''? but If you care to returu at four this i ^^^' ^.^.^^ j^'^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^,y ^^.^ that the greatest care is generally i taken to see that advertisements ac. i cepted for the papers are bona fide. ' But even witii the greatest ot care ad. I vertisements will sometimes appear i It has been left for a correspon-i that not what they appear to be on: dent of The Times to point out that the surface. Such advertisements are ' the club suit of cards "is the only usually inserted by very crafty people one in which the royalties together ; anj are cunningly worded. If they possess six eyes" (the knave being i^^.ere not so, no advertising m:inager 1 counted, for this purpose, as a roy-;,vould accept the-m. Every reputable] alty). All the others have no morejpgper wants to build up circulation, than five. It is perhaps a matter â- ^j^j ^„^^ advertising would only pull | of gallantry that the Queens are the ; ^jg^^,,, ,,,3 circulation figures. Clean. I only figures who always get their j^„.„ig^,fjjj.^.^,.j ^^,,.prtising is tiie de. I full set of eyes: the Kings have only , ^^.^^j ^j ^^j. ^^.^^^ ^^jay. seven among them, and the knaves six. The Knaves, on the other hand. | To me, it is somewhat surprising have a monopoly of symmetry, fori that anyone will seek companionship through press advertisements. There are so many legitimate channels through which one can make friends. afternoon you may find him here. I'll' do my best to arrange it." "Can I trust you?'' Gladys said, dry- ing her tears. "W'hy shouldn't you?" Eve said. "I'm Mr. Prescott's secretary, and It is my duty to arrange interviews with ihim." "Probably not.'' Eve said Icily, "I can suggest nothing else. It you wait here you may wait for hours. And if he does not wish to see you, he will probably find some way of e.'caping, even then." "I suppose you're right,'' Gladys sighed. "It's a funny business, isn't it?" "It's not my business, anyhow." Eve said pointedly. "At four o'clock, then. Good morning.'' TO BE CONTINUED his face? (2) How many jewels are there in the royal crown? Lonely girls can always find compan. ionship through the medium of one or other of the girls' clubs that are in vogue today, or througih the YW. C.A. It a girl is living at some dist- ance from such organizations, a let- ter to the secretary will, I am sure, i always be sympathetically treated. '. .\nd apart trom these organizations, 1 there is always the church. All churohes have youth organizations in The board of examiners of the Board of Educotion ot Now York has filed an answer with Dr. Frank P- Board of Education of New York has cation to an appeal made by Miss Rose Freiatater, ot 19!)a Davidson avenue, the Bronx, for a review of tile hoard's refusal of a te:iclier's license on the ground that she was over- weight. Miss Froistater applied for the license in March, 1931. The board of examiners denied the application be. cause s-he wieghed 1S2 pounds. Miss Freistater, being five feet two Inches tall, should, in the opinion of the the board, weigh 120 pounds it sie was to be licensed to teach in New Yoik. The board agreed to Issue the license, however, if Miss Freistater could reduce her weight to 150 pounds within the next six mont.hs. In her application '0 Commissioner Graves for a review of the case Miss Freistater said that sh"? had not been able to get down to laO pounds in six months. The trouble was, she said, tihat her mother had not been well during the six-month period and she had to devote so much time to her that she had been unable to diet whole-ilieartedly and had got down only to IfiO pounds. She had asked the board, she said, for an extension of another month to get rid ot the ten pounds. This request had been refused, said Miss Freistater, an action on the part of the board of examiners which she characterized as "arbitrary and unreasonable''. The board of examiners said in Its answer that Its retiuirements as to weight and other i)iysical char- acteristics were those adopted by in. suraee companies for standard risks. The board held that such require- ments were reasonable, in view of the insurance aspects of the teacl. »'â- '•' reiirement system. "Teachers should, moreover," said the board, "be acceptable hygenlc models for their pupils in the mat- ter of weight.'' As to riiis, the board of examiners adiled that Miss Freistater was now back at ISl pounds, which substan- tiated the original opinion ot the ex- amining physician that any reduction la weight would be ni'^rely temporary and the condition In t-ho middle years ot her life might become a handicap. Not only, said the board, was there no record of applicaiion for recon. sideration ot her case but there was "no confirmation or official evidence'' that S'he had even reduced her weight at one time to 160 pounds, â€" New Y'ork Hera'.d-Tribune. (3) What do the Queens carry irt *'!'i^^'» amiable companionship can * . ,,..,. nil.* Via #,M<t,/l their hands? usually be found. (3) Which King has two handsj The best thing to do is never an. (4) Which King carries the orb5 swer an advertisement of the nature (0) Which Knave is threatened that has caught with an a.xe? moustache my correspondent napping. I have known cases where it has led to the ruin of a splendid type of girl. To my correspondent I want to say. it this man turns up and begins to pester you threaten him with the police. If he persists, communicate with f 3 police. It Jie (7) Which King has a that does not curl ? (8) Which King wears ermine? (9) Which Knave has a W on his shoulder? The slvle of all the cards is em-, phatieallv Tudor. The King of . ''oes not turn up again, you may count Hearts is said to show Henry VIII, yo'irselt extremely lucky, but be sure in his proper robes, and the Queen that you have profited from your ex- is a picture of Elizabeth of York, peiience. Don't let It worry you. Put wife of Henry VII. But the ladies,! the whole thing completely out ot as a whole, are an insipid lot. The'.vour mind. Join some church society kingly attitude is one of authority! or the Y'.W'.C.A. and find companion- rather than bonhomie. The Knaves! s*ip that will enable you to forget offer more variety of type, but they about this nasty Jar which you have are uniformly poor creatures â€" as ' received, knaves should be. The practice of « • « i duplicating the figures, so as to be The total tonnage of j equally intelligible from either side.l NOTE: The writer of this column is comparatively modern: it would | Is a trained psychologist and an au. be interesting to know whether theithor of several works. He Is willing earlier pictures gave fuller details of to deal with you problems and give costume. â€" London Observer. British Tonnage In Sharp Decline LONDON merchant ships registered under the British flag declined 2,008,492 tons i)etween 1930 and 1934, the Board of Traile Journal revealed today. On December 31, 1934, there were 8,- 062 steamships registered with a total of 12,878,412 ton.s; 4,108 mo- torships of 2,820,100 tons, and 4,435 sailing vessels totaling 359,409 tons, according to the Journal's statistics. Beaver Things To Remember In nothing is human nature so un- fair as in its liking for some animals and its dislike of others; and the beaver has always been lu^ky. To have stood on a dam and see a lodge in some far spot of Canada or New- foundland, and even to have looked for, without seeing, the bubbles or the nose-tip that mark tlie passage of a beaver, is to feel a special, al- most proprietary, interest in the creature. But even so little as that is not neeesary. To have read of you the benefit of his wide experi. enee. Questions regarding problems of EVERYDAY LIVING should be ad. dressed to: Dr. M. M. Lappin, Room 421, 73 Adelaide STeet, West, Toron. to, Ontario. Enclose a (3c) stamped, addressed envelope for reply. Women Haters Getting Anywhere In Alberta College ED.VIO.NTONâ€" Ted Bishop, found- er of the University of .Alberta Wo- men Haters' Club, is going to the -National Federation of Canadian University Students' Conference at Kingston, Ont., next week. And Ted admits he may seek formation of women haters' chibs in every university in Canada. He or- ganized the women haters' organiza- tion here a few years ago and it has a membership of five. So if other varsity clubs do spring up, co-eds won't have to worry un- less the membership goeif over big- ger than at the University of Al- berta, Thrift Workshop Has Number of Interesting Exhibits The tiiuniph of creative handicraft in an age of machinury was illustra- ted by an exiibition In London to which women in villages throughout Enzland and Wales sent work. The exhibits were shown by the National Federation of Women's Istitutes, and they combined beauty with economy. Tile Duchess of York, offered her choice of a gift, bought five velvet pigs. Economy was especially apparent in tie Thrift Workshop. There banana crates m'ado baby cradlet. Bits of linoleum made soles ot bed. room slippers, of whicli the uppers'^ were m.ule from last year's discarded' felt hats. Hen's featiiers and sheep's wool which had been picked up from the hedges, were used as fillings tot dainty quilts. One of the exhibits, contributed byl a Cambridge shire woman, Mrs. Ber- nard Jackson, was a beautiful rug made entirely of old sill: stockings on a foundation of coarse sacking. "The (lay has gone by when any physicist thinks that he understands the foundations of the physical uni- verse as we thought we understood them in the nineteenth century."â€". Robert A. Mil'.ikan. ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Give Your Child an Unknown Remedy to Take Every day. unthinldngly. mothen take the advice of unquiuiiied i)erson« â€" instead of their doctors' â€" oa remedies for their children. If thev knew what ttxe .scientists know, they would nevtr take Uiia chance. Doctors Say PHTLLIPS' For Your Child When it comes to the frequently-used "milk of magnesia,' doctors, for over 50 years, have said "PHILLIPS* Milk of Matme.sia â€" the safe remedy for your child." Remember this â€" .\nd Alwai/s Say "Phillips' '• When You Buy.' Your child deserves it ;' for your ow n peaca of mind, see that voti yet il â€" Gen* uine Phillips' .Milk of .Magnesia. Also in Tablet Form: Phillips' Milk 3f MaRncsia Tab- lets ^ire now on sole it all Llrug sioces cvtTvwltere. t.icli tiiiv tati- let 15 tlif equivalent ot a teaspoonfiil oi Gen- uine Phillips' Milk of jfev--'?'^' Atagnesia. ^^^'^ Phillips' _ MADE IN CANADA '^t co^ What shall we keep from out the misty past? What keep in mind through all the passing years? Pictures of joys whose memories e'er shall last? Or sorrow's days with all their sighs . beavers is to love them. They have and tears? (the tiuality of dearneas. shared with Better to keep in mind the happy the squirrel (the beaver is by fam- scenes. ' ily an acfuatic squiiTeH, the pen- Days that were bright, undimmed by guin. and the kinkajou, â€" London cloud or rain. Times. RUB IN BACK OP cafUG- INSERT ^ B iw wu>tmh4m.. ^^ KAtt . OIX« »ia All OnitiisJi iBCiPM Ii«« M rmwt Alio excellent for Temporary De«fnc«i â- nil He»d NiiiM» duo to oonumtion cwiMd br colds. Flu and awimminc. A. O. IKONARD. Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City <ll>\ /f vv* ^^. ^HEATING ASSURANCE POLICY ^nslsh on 10-35 Issue No. 2 â€" '36 [l eco Ohz Goljjiui Qaa/voLntizeA thz â- -e^ -'-'â- ^••^-•â- •'•'"