Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Sep 1935, p. 6

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'^ / Rainbow Gold by E. C. BULEY MUSIC FOR WORKERS THE ODD AND THE URGED AS STIMULANT L>an rrurjefTit uiul Uoidon Wcstirby fliiil jwUMn Itio urlJ bush of Australia. •TtWT stake tlielr claim and start the Iciiit Journey to the coast. Westtrby has a llamce, (.Iladya Clein- ciitH in Kneluiid, but when they arrive In Sydney ha marries a pretty blonde. Gordon furwardH a photo of Lian tu former nnnoee, Ulartys ClementH, In ]..ondon and when i>an arrives she be- llovea he Is Uordon. H^e tJilrhrlst. a typist, obtains work In Medlli-ott's of- ft<e. the brolter who is IloatinR the mine. VVJic-n lunch was over, Cladys de- creed tha, Dan must take her to the piclurcs. She poltled comfortably in her seal at the ciiiema liouse, rcmov. ed her hat, nostlcd lici' Ixatl on Uan's »boLlUer, and look pu.s (•:<aioii of tiia hands. Dan c'liiergcd fioin ihe dark. f:aeii houso like a swiiiiiniT coming from the d'M'His. li'ii* suffocatod by the wpa!th of airertioii lavi.shed upon tiim. There wa:i w-ha. Mi-. Clements de. Bcribed as a knife.and-foik tea, and then Gladys dlsappe.-ired. to make way for Ihe ycungcr Bister. "Gladys Is dolling her elf up for the pallay d»e donse," Kltly explain. nd. "She wants lo sliow you ofl to all the g'ris, an-1 to rub it in lo Tommy W.ire. It's her day out. a'l right." â- â€¢Who's Tommy Ware?' Dan asked idly. "His niidiUe name is 'J5roken.'," Kitty explained, hummins a popular air. "There he i.s, broken, beartcd; and he doesn't care who knows il." .\t a dance hall Dan was presented to a iiimher of girls, Gladys employ- ing a formula whicii ran: "Meet me feeonay; this is lleriha, Gordon." Dan had to dance wilh them all in turn. He was inured to dancing in the bush, where the gir s put some life into wha they regarded as a vigor- ous exercise. Jiut Ihe male perform. er must no; take liberties at those dances. Holding to,) tight was an im. mediate cauHu of offence. "If you can't show respect to a lady, take your dogs off Hie floor." Dan had heard .-^aid us a mild rebuke. The e girls were dlfferen'. They clung tight, anil leaned against their partner. They ogled Dan at short mnge. Bertha, a willowy blonde, with VI ry fair hair and f'lina blue eyes, aaked Dan to do her a favour. "Give me an iiitro. to that parliu^r of yours," she coaxed. "If Gladys is Roliig lo many half a gold mine, save till' oilier half Jor me." Tommy Ware beiame eviden'. as n Jiial little man. who Invented his own dnncG 8tep;i. He scowled at Dan for an hour, and I'leii gulprd ilown Ills jealousy. "(.'ou'd you pill one away'/" lie ask- ed abruptly. "Thank;?." -aid Dan, "but I don't UHO it." Incredulous, Tommy Ware retired Into a corner. He conlidcd dark doubts of Dan's reniiineness tu every girl with whom ho danced. "t;alls hlm.self an Aussie, and _ wovldn't have one," he grumbled. Having seen Gladys home, Dan got away to hi.-, 'lolel about midnight. Thp good night salul(! was a memor. nblp bu.tlnes . "Hcriha y.-.l;rd to see me ilng," O'.-idys whifi'i '• -I :â- â€¢.,! i\(.(\ indoors. There was little sleep that niglil for nan Prescott, How ii had all liap- peiifid was beyond him. but »iiB po. Bilion v.'as plain enough. Under a falso n.'ime he had become engaged to a loving girl, whose kis cs had set hl;i blood riiclng in a way thai niacli' Dan think bo would never regain a normal temperaline. To-morrow he wou'd buy I'le ring she desired; tlyjre was no way out of It. Dan w7iB not sure that he wiiiiteil -^._ Aj} a wa- out. It was wonderlul to b« petifcil and caressed; and there wn« even some satisfaction In being exhibited us an object of great worth. It was all so novel lo Dan that lie wai not qiille sure whether *\o, wanted to continue; but on one point be w:in quite det'-rinined. The confusion of his Identity with that of Gordon Weslerby had lo be Cleared up; and Westerby was the London â€" Music for workers, par- ticularly those in mass turning out standardized pieces, warminu the air supplied to pneumatic drills, and special apparatus for detecting dust in certain industries are among the recommendations made in the fifteen- th report of the British Industrial person who must do it. Doriia or no i Health Board. Lorna, Westerby must put him | The reason for the music is that rig'ht, and explain bow the whole mis. ; it would eliminate boredom and take camo abo;.t. He must do It by I increase efficiency by rhythm; for cable, and never mind the expense, j the warm air that it would increase After she knew the truth, perhaps ! the efficiency of the drills; for dust Gladys would chuck him overboard; I detection, because it would dimin- Dan was humble enough to think it j ish certain eye, nose and lung com- more than probable. Anyhow, no more plaints. sailing under false colours. | Experiments to investigate the His nrst act next morning was to Psychological conditions of Indus- INTERESTING THINGS ABOUT BELGIUM try. especially in repetition work, have been carried out, and the re- sults show cler/rly that where con- ditions are satisfactory the comfort and cheerflnijss of the worker be- ing studied and helped (e. g., by music in some instances), efficiency improves. Studies of causes of invalidism have produced valuable results, but support to the statement made by surgeons and others that bus drivers are specially prone to gastric trouble. In order to settle the ^natter a spe- despalch a long and impera'.lve cable lo Westerby, and another to Slade, urging that Individual to employ his inlluenco on easy-going Westerby. Then Dan called at Truro Villa, and j was initiated into the delights of the ' first eporiums of HlUingdon. Gladys was a born S'hopper, with a correct eye for value, and an in- ' satiable craving for new po.^sessions. existing evidence gives no The ring was bought; and then Gladys was so fascinated by a wrist- watch that shy came out of Ihe shop wearing it. Dan found himself buy- ing silk stockings by the dozen; and i cial committee has been set up in before he knew it, was confronted | association with the London Pas- wi:'i garments even more In Jmate senger Transport Board, and expensive. The girl sales-woman ] The well-recognized risks of bared bis embanassmont, but not j workers in dusty trades have been Gladys. Chocolates were added by carefully studied; a new instrument the seven-pound crate and a hint sent has been constructed by means of Dan selecting jiresiiiits for Mar and which it is possible to take samples K't'y- of air practically at the breaking Ulonde Rertha came in lo tea, and i point, i.e., the mouth and nose, was shown the plunder. It has been proved that a stone- ' What a gold-digger's wile you'll '""•'"J"'s exposure to dust may be make, Gladys, darling." she said, I '^'"'^^ ''"'^^ ^^ ^reat on a calm as veiling her ligh; blue eyes and glanc- ' °" " windy day. Preventive mea- ing sideways at Dan. | â- '*"'"es have been suggested, includ- •Tm a born gol.l-digger mvself," '."^ the wearing of "respirators." Gladys raid, willi no trace of < 'ffnce. ' ''-^ »PPl'''"^es resembling "gas "But Gordon loves giving me pretties, j ' ' don't you, Gordon?'' I â€" Well, Gladys was generous after I her fashion, |f!o. Dan saw that ho! need never fear from her the sort of; opposition that embitters life for so More English people go for their holidays to (or through) Belgium than to any other country, writes J. H. J. in the London Daily Mirror. This summer, the time of the Inter- national Trade Exhibition, there will be more English visitors than ever, yet very little Is known in England about Belgium. One knows what to expect from the Dutch: they are fat, clean, and j grow flowers. One knows what to! expect from the French: they are,! as the old lady said, ''so French." i But about the Belgians many things , are surprising. j In the first place, they are not one , nation, but two. There are two en- tirely different languages. South of a ' articles on Character from Hand- line running just below Ypres and i writing, 1 have endeavoured to deal Enjoy the Best Tea "SALADiC Your Handwriting Tells Your Real Character! By GEOFFREY ST. CLAIR (Graphologist) All Rights Reservea. From the outset of tiis series of A Chain Of Smiles Ob.:crves the Christian Science many married couples. If he had .any j Monitor: "When a woman entered wish it was 'her law. She wair.ed to i » certain cafeteria, the first thing please him by every means in her | •'â- ''e observed was the serious, almost power. "Are you going to â- ^eltle down in Hengland, D?" Jlrs. Clements asked, on Ihe evening of the seeond day. "1 never thought of it," Dan con- fessed. "When I'm Ihroiigli with my business here I'll have to get back to the mine." "I don't know whether 1 .sli.ill like Australia,'' Gladys confessed, â- llul its for you to say. A wife's place i; by her husband's, isn't it. Mar'.'" That's true.'' Mrs. Clements agreed. "But don't talk about it till you have lo. G. I 'ale llie lOioughl of losing you.'' Gladys paid for the piTsents with parling caresses nioio lavish I ban Brussels the people are Walloons, and the language is French. North of tiat line the people are Flemings, and the language is Flemish â€" which is more like Dutch than anything else. Belgium has been a self-govern., ing nation for no more than a cent, ury; it was not until 1830 that she became an Independent state. SHE IS AN EMPIRE Secondly, Belgium is not, as one migLit expect from her size, an agri- cultural country; she Is in proportion to her population the most highly industrialized country in the world. Like South Lancashire and the West Riding, she is a country of towns, and lives by exporting manufactured goods. Thirdly, Belgium is more Uhan a wit,h the technicalities of the science only enough to reinforce the evid- ence presented by the various per- sonal analyses that I am giving. 16 has been my aim to deal almost entirely with the human angle of Graphology. To show you, more by actual practice, what Graphology has lo offer, rather than by exhaustive, and sometimes ex-haustlng technical discussions. It appears to me that Graphology today needs no extensive or elabor. ate defence. There are, 1 have no doubt, still some scepticsâ€" those wlic refuse to believe that handwriting CAN tell anything of characterâ€" bur, to be quite frank, in the course of a long practice of tiie science, and after receiving many thousands of letters from coast to coast, through my kingdom; she is an empire. Actually i newspaper articles and my radio she Is the fourth colonial power In the world. There are only about 8,- 000,000 people in Belgium, but there are over 9,000,000 natives in the Con- go who are Belgium subjects. The broadcasts, I have only come across one or two out-and-out doubters. And it has been my pleasure to con- vert most, if not all, of these. Graphology has so much to offer Belgians are intensely proud of tiheir to tiose who are earnestly desirous empire. Not very long ago they had • of finding tile real truth of their nothing to be proud of; King Leo- 1 characters and also 'o those who are natives in a scandalous fashion THEIR BEST CUSTOMERS Our own Cecil Uhodei, himself no angel, described Leopold U as "Satan I himself." But now all that has been di.-aKieeable, expressions on the changed, and in some respects t<be faces of the women attendants be-| Belgian Congo is a model among hind the long counters. None of tropical colonies. The exports of the them even raised their eyes when i Congo In 1931â€" gold, diamonds, palm- they asked what she wished. | di, ivory, rubberâ€" were worth 1,000,. With a smile .«hc said, "Good j 000,000 francs, morning!" Without exception, each in turn pold H oppressed and exploited the anxious to find what their friends are really like. It tells your weak points. and shows you how to strengthen looked up astonished, pleased, and I answered with a smile. | After only a few times of going | there, she found that each face would light up with a smile of pleasure and good comradeship when Fourthly, Belgium has a couple of awkward frontier disputes in store. She claims the left bank of the Scheldt Estuary, wbioi!i is at present Dutch. And one ilay Germany will claim Eupen-Malmedy. which is at present Belgian. That district, with them; it pom:s out faults, thus pav- ing the way for you to^ discourage and finally eliminate t-heni. And it also uncovers characteristics that you could cultivate to your advant- age, to the end that you will be hap- pier and more successful in your en- deavours. And one of i;3 most vital missions is to delineate the characters of your friends so that you will know them bettor and understand them. Much of t^e misunderstanding and even the quarrels that create havoc In many friendships, could be eliminau: ed, if people but knew and under. ' s.ood one another. In a letter 1 received recently, a- young lady who lives in Nortihern Ontario said: "Isn't it funny that we should pay in order ao learn things about ourselves that we already know â€" but suppose, after all, we don't really know ourselves thorough, ly, because we are tempted to thinit ourselves as we would like to be â€" and that isn't always just the same thing, is it?" However, even if that were all that Graphology did, it would still be wort.hwhile. for many of us, even though we know our faults, refuse to face them courageusly, and the ad- vice cf an unbiassed outsider often acts as a spur to us . . . Actually, however, Graphology in almost every case uncovers characteristics that we fail to realise ourselves. That^ this is so is proved by the many iet-j ters, to ti.'iis effec:, that I have re- ' ceived. Future articles will continue this discussion. • • • Can Mr. St. Clair help YYOU as' he has helped so many of our read, crs? He will tell you the truth, and nothing else, about both yourself and your friends. Send specimens of the handwritings you wish analysed, stating age. Send 10c coin for each specimen enclose with 3c stamped, addressed envelope, to: Geoffrey St. Clair, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto, Ont. All letters are confi dent'al and will be answered as quickly as the volume of mail allows. Speed A Woman's Life „!,„ „.,„,„ ;„ r' 1 ,. , Its 60,000 people- mostly German and she came in. F.ven amid the rush I ^ ,, „, , , .„„, „« ,i,„; ,, ., 11 i 1 »• I German-speakingâ€" was filched from or ttieir work they would take time to make some plcaant remark. This game -was after a misconduct- Germany in 19: â-  . , -1 .1 cd plebiscite, a chain of smiles, i as .she calls it, .she has been playing i The Belgians have a great admira. and fairly ran lak','s her over most of the United ."states and into other countries. believe in constitutional monarchy like us, they believe in colonizing; Waiters, clerks at hotel desks, clerks I'ke us, they are an industrial people. ,„|ieg pp^ ],ou,.. post-6ffice employees, We are, next to Ihe French their best janitors, and scrub-' customers. Altogether we mighr well know more about Belgium. ever, elinging until Dan put her gent, for many years, and her business, tion for Englishmen. I^lko us, tiiiey ly from him, saying he must be go- ing. "Don't you wish we were married now?" Gladys whispered. "It's ler. rible, having t„ part like tiiis.'' "G'nighl," Dan said a way. He knew now that he must gel away from all Ibis sensuous warmth of affeetloii and rich living, and think over the position In solitude. He wrote :i note t,) Gladys before he went to bed. saying that an urgent telegram called .'ijni to Lmulon by the llrst train. 1I(( signr<l tiijn "Dan," being On the salt flat of Utah, Sir Mal- colm Campbell drove his famous racing automobile Bluebird at the ama-/in.i; speed of 301.337 miles per hour in both directions. This is by far the fastest speed ever reached by any human being upon the earth's surface. Sir Malcolm has more than achieved his great am- bition- â€" to drive at three hundred in stores, bootblacks, women, all are her companions in the game; and she has found that a smile is never wasted." Root Vegetables Keep Well In Dry Sand lioot vegetables, such as beets, relnelant to put a lal.^e signature lo | !::'.'.',',",V ."".l.!!."''f,I'''''''_.'""^'...!''". '"'?" Ihe letter. Hut he made Us look a TEA DRINKERS LOSE IN ENGLISH TEST Enjoy a really fine hand-made ciqarette by roUinq â- your cum u>itn GOLDEN VIRjGINIA • ALSO MADE UP IN PIPE TOBACCO Issue No. 38 â€" '35 good deal like "Don." Next morning he ran away from llillingdon at break of day; and found it astonhhingly difllcult to tear him- self from the fond embraces of the girl whom he had known for two brief days only. "Cripes!" Dan rellecleil, when the train was well on IIk^ way. 'That sort of thing could easy become a habit." •Jn his arrival in London he rang up Milton Medllcolt, and was bidden ! lo come rlghl along lo Ihe oMIce, and j lalk I'hings over, in company with a i bite of lunch. Medlicolt sat opposite Dan at the j restnuranl table, and llie two men un- feigmdly began sizing oiu. another up. 'I'm prelly deep In this goldmine of yours, I'reHcolt.'' Medllcol, began. ".Slade rather cnrrl(>d me off my feet. Tbal'i Ihe worst of being able lo lelep.'ionn from places as distant ns AnHtralla. A man is a|il lo he rushed." Dan said nolhiiig, a disconcerting liiik of his. Mis silence only meant lliiil he had nothing lo say, but a ni:in like Medllcoli was npl to con- strue it as dictated by tactical reas- ons. ""How iiiuch gold dill you ay was In sight?'' Medllcolt asked. (To Me Conlinued) served during tlie entire winter in a perfect state by keeping them packed in dry sand. The sand snould be jilaied in boxes or barrels in a dry, cool part of the cellar or store room, in layers alternating with layers of vegetables, until the re- ceptacle is full. From this storage the vegetables may be dug out as retjiiircd. Why any one should go to the trouble of canning beets when they will keep perfectly well all winter in sand, and are fully as palatable when cooked, is a mystery. •Some members of the Women's In. stitutes, in their .study of economic- al ways of cooking ami of time sav- ing, have discovered this fact about vegetables, nnd are pn.ssing it on for i general use. "It would bn folly to try to re medy the things that are wrong hy Mrs. Grundy Holds The Spanish Fort Madrid- Mrs. Grundy has ap- parently found her way to Spain. At lenst, the well known Spanish stage and nim .«tar, Kmcsto Vilches, thinks so. Vilchcs visited a bathing pool with a number of friends, and to swim, wore a costume that he had worn in the United .States, Mexico, the Argentine an<l Cuba. It was one' of those costumes where th But if speed were all, there would be very little sense in attempting these feats. There is, however, the infinitely more important and prac- tical side,â€" ^scientific facts to be 1 gleaned from driving at such a pace; j the effect upon the engine, the car, the resistance offered, and a hun- dred and one other features that may have a vitally important bear- ing upon car and engine construe- tion in the future, from all angles. Sir Malcolm took a fearful risk. Hut he has been Uiking risks all his life. It is to be hoped that he w'll now rest content, and leave to other and younger men the task of pcr- Manchester, Kng. â€" Britain's tea'sonally driving at an even faster drinkers were recently adjudged the speed- He has given the world proof losers agajnst the coffee addicts in' and to spare of his daring and his an earnest contest conducted to the courage. He may well resolve to last drop through the columns of the' pursue in safety the investigations More individuiility To Cart'- fiiIl>-Brewed Cup Of Cof- fee, Is Verdict. Manchester Guardiann. The decision was based on variety in coffee-making. Coffee drnkers wouldn't admit there were any "grounds" for the ten ilrinkcrs. Their isfaction when they claimed that are the inevitable and important aftermath of his achievement, â€" Montreal l^tar. The scientific approach may prove cups brimmed over with snt- necessary before Ihe prevention ol there' war becomes an accomplished fact.'' was more individuality to the care- 1 fully-browed cup of toffee than the drink brewed from tea-leaves I Coffee fans argued coffee is the mental stimulant of the scholar, the: physical stimulant of the tired busi- ness man and a necessary adjunct | tp every gourmet's dinner. The ten-| brewer, so they argued, has become stereotyped in his procedure. -Julian Huxley. When a woman's been a-workin' .Makin' garden all day long With chicken scratchin' in it And everything goes wrong â€" When beans a-cookin' on the stove For a hasty dinner snack Boil dry, while you're a-workin' .^nd burn 'til they are black. When you rush in through the kit-) chen door, Your dress snags on a tack, .\nd then it rips from neck to hem The whole way down the â-  back. When you rush to set the table .'\nd drop a dish ker-plop! The sweat runs down your fore- head And you feel like you will drop. Then you trip yourstlf upon the rug And crash down on the floor, Of all the troubles that you've had. You know "there ain't no more." But for every morn there's cvenin'. With the lights a-burnin' low, .\nd ycu kiss away a small one's tears. Or wrap up a stubbed toe. Then when you tuck 'em into bed And kiss 'cm all "goodnight," When all the little prayers arc said. You know that things are right. In the dusk you sit a-thinkin' When you feel your ole man's hand A'holi'in' tight your lingers, .And you say, ".Aint life just grand?" â€"Edith .\rie. DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES Inspect Each Ewe Kveryone who purchases one or a flock of breeding ewes should in- spect each ewe carefully for any de- fects which miglit make her unde- , . , " '''*J Kocs j xiraiiie f(,f breciling purposes. All! almost ns far down ns the knee. | breeding ewes should have sound Appaifnlly it was a little too much ; udders. Largo numbers of ewes are 1 g< ing at them at too rapid or radical, '^"'' ^^^ "ttendnnt who ordered Vil- iliscardeil annually because theirs .uitiii "DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH INFERIOR BAKING POWDER. LESS THAN If WORT H OF M A GIC MAKES A FINE, BIG CAKE. AND MAGIC ALWAYS GIVES GOOD RESULTS," layt MISS KTIIKI, flHAPMAN, />uiiulai cov>*«(ry editor of Tha "arttuT. ches, out, as his costume was against ' udders have become spoiled, or they , the new regulations which have been' have not been able lo produce enough issued. I niilk to raise their lambs. For this What Ihe new regulations are like reason, each ewe should be examin- be gets much; where he expects lit- j can be judged fr(mi the fact that ed carefully to determine whether "" '"' •*"'• "â- " I they forbid sun-bathing except when or not she has two good, siund teats, -Abbe ErnoBt DImnei. clad in a dressing gown! and whether her udder is soft. 11 pace."---l'helps Phelps. 'Where the teacher expects much Lending Caan.'.-.i Cook.r> Kipertc warn iiftnl'" ;t tnistlnft ftood ingredients to Inforloi liaking powder. I'hoy advise MAGIC Hakinji t'owdc'.' fur perfect cakes! • «:ONTAIN.S .!C AI.UM- Tliin «t«t«m»nf on .very (In U , your iMiariintoo thul Itimk- ..iikluil Puv.tirr I Ini from ntuin or auy harmful luAradlvitt. Uatl* lu UniuMta poWdhR « f T A r T ' N

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