>Vcdncs(lay, v^eptcMiihcr 11. 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ PRICEVILLE THe W.M.S. and Willing Helpers' â- *'ill meet in the Presbyterian chuivh, Tuesday, September 17th. Topic, Mrs. Boyce, The Ideal Guest. Topic, Mrs. D. Campbell, The Ideal Hostess. Roll Call, date of birthday. Solo, Nellie McLean; Lunch com. Cake Mrs. A. L. Hincks; Sandwiches, Mrs Ray McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baird and family and Mrs Clarence Hopkins (nee Pearl McCuaip) of Pontiac, Michigan, are spendiiiR two weeks holidays with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family, Mr. and Mvs. \eil Norman and Ruth of Dundalk, visited Sunday at Mr. Chas. Tucker's. Mr. David Nichol and Marparct vis- ited friends in London. Margaret remained for a longer visit. Mr. Colin H. McLean spent a week visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts of Toronto, were recent guests at Mr. Colin Mc- Lean '.s. Mr .and Mrs Jack Best and son Roy of Proton, visited the first of the week at Mr. Alex. Carson's. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks of Tor- onto were callers Sunday hero. Mrs. Dave Nich.il, Mrs. John Cook and family and Mr. Wm. Nichol vis- ited friends at Winghani recently. Miss Phyllis Graham of Eugenia ?pent the week end with Miss Jean Hinck-s. Mr. Robert Brodie, Toronto, is vis- iting at Mrs. Ben McKenzie's and at- tended the funeral of the late Hiiph McPhcrson, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mino and Mrs. A. B. McDonald of Owen Sound vis- ited recently with Mrs. D. G. McLean. Mr. and Mi's Roy Oujrh of Toronto, visited Wednesday at the home Andrew Hincks. Master Marvin Sturrock returned home from Markdale hospital aftei an operation for appendicitis. (Intended for last week) Misses Ellon Bolwell and Elsie Tyroll of Toronto visited, Miss Belle Weir for a few days last week. The W. A. of St. Columba United, purpose holding a parlor social at the Pansonage on Friday, Sept. 6th, at 7.30 p.m. A good program is being preparc<l. Tlie object is to secure cutlery for fowl suppers and such things. Popular admission, !.'> and 10c. Mrs. R. Dingwall (Maud Reiley) and ilaughter Debora left on the 22ii(i for their home at Presque Isle in Maine after a very pleasant visit with relatives and old friends. Our old time appreciated organist of 28 years ago, we are pleased to meet, looking as good as ever, if not taller. Mr. Thos Binnie, B. C. was a visitor at the home of his grand nephew and niece, Jas. and Belle Weir. Ho leaves for his homo in a week after a month's visit to his old home here, at Durham. Mr. Binnie and his sis-j tcr, Mrs. TJhos. McGirr of Durham, (the two eldest) are the only ones left of the well known and popular Binnii.' family. Mrs. Robt. McConkey, daughter and two sons took in the exhiliition at Toronto la.st week, returning on Sat- urday last. Mr. Chas. McConkey, Guelph is at present on a visit to his cousin, Robt. postmaster here. The Misses Catherine and Alexis, McVicar returned on Saturday from a pleasant visit to the C. N. E. and ••elatives in To''onto. Misses Sadie McKinnon and Delia McPhail are holidaying visitors over labor day here. Mr. and Mrs. McN'ab, Miss Alice Frizell and .Mr. J. Cavall of Clark- of i son, Mr. Joe Black and daughter, Mad- eline and son Joseph, Mr. Bowie and daughter, Mary, Toronto, were holi- dav visitors at Mc McVicar's. Mrs. Hall of Kimberely is visiting at llie home of Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs. A. Carter of Toronto is vis- iting this week with Mrs. W. Moore. CEYLON 1^ Electors of Grey-Bruce Conic t(. ilic TOWN HALL FLESHERTON WED., SEPTEMBER 11th at 2 p.m. t(^ hear the Hon. Ernest Lapointe Former Minister of Justice speaking on hchalf of Dr. W. A. Hall, Uibcral Candidate. Grey-Bruce Liberal As.sociation. Dr. J. H. Sncath, Prcs. W. Iv Harris, Sec. Treas. My rough and irritated skin is cur- ed. I u.,e Stafford's Alco-Borine Lo- tion. â€" At Richardson's Drug Store. Mrs. (Rev.) Raymer and daughter, Donna of London spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. E.C. Murray. Down & Boyd had their garage painted the past week which has gieatly improved its appearance. l^e Flesherton Dairy now has a fine new milk wagon on their milk route in the village. Miss Mary Camemn of London, former teacher in the high school here, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. White of Waubau- shene spent a few days last week with the latter's sisters. Miss Tena Hend- erson and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn. .Mrs. Ed. Kennedy of Glenboro, Man. and granddaughter, Miss Peggie Ken- nedy of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. .Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean ol Warren, Ohio, who have been visiting Kimbereley friends all summer, are visiting relatives and friends here for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burton of De- troit and Mrs. Maud Radley of Bever- ley Hill, Cal., Mrs. /^thur Appleton of Gait, and Mrs. Bruce Hall of Kimber- ley called on Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. O. W. Phillips one day last week. In last weeks issue, Mr. W..\. Hawken was named chairman of the meeting when a presentation was madej guest of her aunt, Mrs. Luther Duck- ito Dr. and Mrs. W.D. Bryce on their jc't- Uiepartuie from Flesherton, Mr. jWm. Miller was the ocenpant of that position. Mr. and Mrs. R. G, Patterson and two children, Toronto, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stew- art. Miss Katie Stewart returned with them after visiting in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Whalen, Sault Ste. Mari-ie and Mrs. Herb Fisher, Toronto, visited, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper, whiit attending the funeral of the late Mr. Hugh McPherson. Mi-, and Mrs. M. Raney and Jean, Southampton were week end visitor.^ with the latter's mother, Mrs. D. Mc- phail and Mi.s.s Agnes Mcphail M.P. They were accompanied home by Miss Dorothy Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, Mr. John Gibson, who attend- ed the C. N. E. returned with them. Mrs. Phil Wharin returned to Tor- onto, Monday, after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mrs. B. Brodie, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. Ben McKenzie while at- tending the funeral of Mr. Hugh Mc- Pherson. .Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon, Brampton, were week end guests ol | the former's sister, Mrs. Archie Mc- ' Mullen and Mrs. Geo. .Arrowsmith. VICTORIA CORNERS There will be no service for the next two Sundays at Inistioge. next Sunday being Bethel anniversary and the fol- lowing Sunday Proton, but we hope to j make up for it the next Sunday. Sept. 2yth when we will hold three services. Rev. Mr. Pietrie will hold services morning and evening; Mrs. Pietrie in the afternoon which promises a treat. On Monday last. Labour Day, Mr. and Mrs. Thos Crawford of Allenford called at Milton Bannon's. On Thurs- day word was received that Mr. Craw- ford with his brother- in-law and nephew were instantly killed by a train early that morning on th«ir way to Sarnia. Mrs. Crawford is a sister of the Dover Bros, at Proton We extend our sympathy to the ber- eaved ones. School opened Inst T^iesday with a sore knee but is some better. We expect anniversary services in the United church here, Sept, 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ellis, Owen and- Keith, spent a week end with Mr, and Mrs. Will. Goodfellow at Dob- Yiinton. ' i The W. I. met at the home of Mrs, B. A. Carruthers. There was a good turn out. A fine paper on some glimpses of China was given by Mrs. Ellis and a good report of the con- vention by Misses Myrtle Fawcett and Stafford. PROTON STATION Threshing and more threshing Is the farmer's business this fall, but there is not the yield of grain com- paratively. There has been consid- erable stook threshing done, but the Miss Henderson again in attendance, j g,.ai„ is not all harvested yet in this Doris Bannon went to her school at locality. Harkaway, Sylvia Acheson to Maple Grove. Kathleen Bannon and Sid. Moore back to Flesherton High School, Marjory Stevens and Beth Stinson. this year's successful entrance class, to Dundalk High School. KIMBERLEY Farmers are now through with hay Duck Is Real Breeder Another record has come to our notice this time in the duck family, that is woi-thy of a place in the fir- mament or unusual occurrence. This duck is owned by Mrs. Edward Loucks of the oast backline, Artonicsia and last spring laid !»tJ eggs in a great effort to keep the duck and drake population above par and to give hungi-y mortals enjoyment this fall, .at Thanksgiving and other occasions. Imagining that her spring record was not enough this prolific duck started laying again and has several eggs to her credit. No doubt the cool woath- ei' of the past few weeks has bewild- ered her, causing her to imagine that spring was just in the offing. Mr. and Mrs. T. Chase and child- 1 and grain crop and thre.shing well oi- the way. A number are getting fall wheat ground ready but the extreme dry weather is hindering them. We are sorry to report Mrs. Fred Wickens quiet ill at present. Mr. D. L. Weber and men are busy' on a job near Toronto. Ml-, and Mrs. Stan. La-wi-ence, Jr. and Carman Lawrence of Empire are spending a while with Kimberley friends and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon at the "plant". Mr. and Mrs. Dewar and Miss Jean motored from New Brunsw^ick, spend- ing a day as guests of Mrs. B. A. and Mr. Carl Carruther- also Rev. and Mrs. MacPherson at Mclntyre, Miss Jean returning to Flesherton Hign School. More than the usual number took in the ex. this year. Mr. Elmer Elll.s taking a truck load for a two day stay. Mr. .and Mrs. Will Hammond, Paul reti, Dundalk, spent Sunday at Mr. Peter Muir's. Mrs. Harvey Griffin, Miss Cather- ine Cairns and friend, Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald, Weston, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Miss Jeanette McLeod has retumea from visiting friend.s in London and Detroit. Miss Naomi Lyssett, Owen Sound, is spending a few days with Mrs. -Anna McMillan. Mr. and .Mrs. J. D. McLeod and Mrs. George Cairns were in Collingwood, Monday. Miss Mamie Kerton, Toronto, is tht Mrs. T. Gilchrist, Miss Fanny Wil son and Mr. Melville Boyce, Portlaw, were in the village Monday. | .Mr. Harry Udell, Fevcrsham visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell on Thursday. I The sudden death on Friday, of Mr. Eleanor and Lueellc visited a while Hugh McPherson Flesherton, came as with Kimberley friends before school Many from here attended the Gos« pel Workers Camp meeting at Clarks-" burg on Sunday. The colored quin- tette from Cleveland drew a huge crowd to the meetings. Mrs. Wilson who has been holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley has returned to her work in Toronto. Miss Ruby Lyons of Toronto is spending her holidays at the parental home here. Miss Leila Jackson who has been nursing her grandmother, in Holland Township has returned to her home here. The Dover family here sincerely mourn the loss of an esteemed brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Crawfora of Allenford who met «uch a tragic death In a railway crossing accident; last Thursday. The sympathy of the community goes out to the Devers and also to i»trs. Crawford who is well known in this village. Mr. Goldwyn Littlejohns of Mark- dale is again in charge of the Proton Station Pitblic School. Miss Emily E. Ache.son, B. A. is principal of the Wardsville High School in Essex county. Miss Maude Acheson has returned to her school at Melancthon Station. The United Church is preparing for their anniversary servic-es to be held on September 22nd. . . , â- ., shock to his many friend-s opened. Mr. and Ml^s. W. Grieve and Mrs. Chas. 0^ TOE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Lt(). CHAIM STORBB Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Fur Trimmed Coats At A Low Price i^^f. LOT 1 â€" 40 only, fine (juality. trinniie-l coats in Blue. lilack and Bnjwn. |)iirc Wool Cloths. iCxtra Rood ([uality Lin- infjs. September Price $12.95 LOT 2 â€" 40 only, fur trimmed Coats in Women's. Misses' and Juniors* sizes. Extra fine Kur Collars and Pure Wool Cloths. Made to sell at $19.50. September Price $15.95 LOT 3 â€" 15 only. Sample Coats in the newest Shades and Cloths. SomeCoJit.s -^ -^^^^ ^^^^^^ j ^^^^ ^^^^^^ j ^..^^ ,,,„,at,u.s in this lot were made to sell at .... :f.">O.OU .^H September Price $27.50 LADIES' HATS Dozens of Hats to choose from in Wool hVlls, iMir I'Vlts and Velvets. See these heforr von hnv. Priced at $1.69, $1.95, $2.45, $2.95, $3.50. New Crepe Dresses at a Low Price LOT 1 â€" '^^ <>'ily. Crepe Dresses in r.liie, r.lack and Brown. \ real heavy cloth that will ^i^'^' excellent wear, l.ont; sleeves and lace I rimmed. September Price ^ $5.95 LOT 2 â€" .V) only, 1 feavy CreiK' Dress- es, similar to I,ot 1 in (piality. with no sleeves, lace over the .shoulder. September Price $4.95 GROCERY SPECIALS Jai)an Rice Stb for 25c omat 3 for '= 40 oz. jar oratif'e marmalade for . :.->c 21c 211) i)k^'-., Weston's Sodas for 25c 4 hars of Sunlight .soap ( small Kinso free) for 25c. h'ancv Sweet Biscuits 21b for 20c Puffed Wheat lOc pkj^^. Shredded Wheat lie. pkjif. Pork it Beans. \(^ oz. size 4 for 25c An<;ler Salmon 1 tall 2 for 10c Buyasak h'lour 0811) for .1?2.50 Every W\^ (lUarantced a ffreat here. Only last spring in company with i Myers visited Mr. and Mrs his sisters, Mrs. Roderick .Stewart, I Thompson at Orangeville. and Mrs. Duncan Muir, he moved to| Mr. and Mrs. Norman Burritt and Flesherton after livinur continuously babe visited Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. in this locality. He was held in the Thompson. Flesherton. an afternoon very highest esteem hy his nian\ friends and these extend to the ber- eaved ones their sincere sympathy. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mi's. Frank Collinson on Thui-sday evening, Sept. 19th at 8 p.m. It is hoped there will be a large at- tendance from the community. Mrs. Harry Piper had a very na row escape Friday, when she fell into the cellar through a trap door in the home of Mrs. Kiwx. Apparently unnoticed by Mrs. Piper, although the <loor was open but a couple of min- utes, Mrs. Piper stepped back into it. That no bones were broken is a mir-' acle. Mrs. Piper, although stilnnea by the fall was later able to walk to her own home, and is now suffering from the severe .shaking up she re- ceived in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Patterson and two sons Fric and Gordon, of Toronto visited with .Archie .Stewart and fam- ily over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard made a business trip to Toronto this week. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. A. E. Ellis on Tuesday after- noon making plan* for the annual fowl supper which will be held be- tween Oct. 15 and the end of the month. There was a good attend- ance. Our teacher. Miss Curry and Miss J«an Carruthei-s are busy training the pupils for the school fair on Oct 19, at Rocklyn. Mr. W. Harris has been laid up with Optometrist and EYE SPECIALIST R. M. McKay R. 0. of Kincardine at Wm. F. Potter's Jewellery Store FLESHERTON for consultation _ _ - on - Mon., Sept. 23 from 10 o'clock a.m. and monthly thereafter. Com- \ Plete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please make your appointment. «<^KK^<.<..><KK..KK..M^«^>^^ Small Advts. FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Down ram. â€" Geo. Stewart, Flesherton. FEVERSHAM Miss l>orothy Robinson of Toronto was a week end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson of Meaford and Miss Blanche and Ruby Henderson of Weston, nurse in train- ing in that town, were visitors here over the week end. A great number of people from this locality attended the camn meet- ings at Clarksburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby have I'eturned home after a visit with friends in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe ol Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mi-s. For.syth(e1^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby, here. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Flesh" erton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette and attended the camp meeting at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis of Midlana were week end visitors with their daughter, Mi-s. Taylor, here; also Mr. L. Curtis of Rochester and Mr. Geo. Curtis of Hamilton were visiting, theli sister over Sunday. FOR SALE Two good Durham cows for sale, T, and 6 years years old.^Dannie Cam- eron, Eugenia P. O. 'Phone 7 r. 14, Feversham. FOR SALE Hog choj), $19.00 per ton, sacks included. Special allowance for :•♦ WANTED Good prices paid for horses or coWs suitable for mink meat.-James Sin- clau', Ceylon. Ontario. NomCE TO TRESPASSERS Any person found removing fruit from the orchard on lot 147, 2 S.W. will be pixisecuted. â€" Roy W. Ceylon. Piper, HOG FOR SERVICE «rain in exchange. One ton or more nje^Mn!^^ ^^^^t''^ 'l"^' ^'•^*'â„¢-' H„iiv„,.<.,4 f.o„ pu OQ - o ^ I '".®"* Inspected. Tewns $1.00 if paid • withm 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. delivered free. ('. Muir, Ceylon Phone 38 r. 3.- CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises, lots 6-7, Con. 4, Ofprey on or about July 20t.h, 1935, one cattle beast. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" Jon Stephen Maxvell. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.00. -.WES. SMITH, Roclt Milta. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will .sAcrlfice for cash.â€" Thomas Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. W Canada, the United King<lotn, France, Gornifiny and Austria arc leading world importers of fruit. Canada does not reqiHre to import apples, but the average annuaH im- ports of oth«- fruits into Canada from 1 028-32 included 74,000 to«s of bananas; 7.^,00fl tons of o*-angos; 20,- 000 tons of dried grapes; 12,000 tons o/ lemons. ll.UOO tons of grape.*, and 8,000 tons of pears. PROPERTY FOR SALE Ijn Flesherton 6 room house, brick vOTger, hard and soft water; about •V^ acre,! of land on which is a largt j'barn with eement stabling and garage 'Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. BUSINESS CARDS DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Ih-. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Two hundred aci'es, good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, steel steun- chions, windmill, water in pasture, 170 acres uiuler cultivation, on the Fourth Lino of Osnrey, cne mile ea^t of Mc- lntyre. â€" Apply, K. Rinn, Singhampton P.O., R. R. No. 1. F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO A DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered. Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates. Plana. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont Prince Arthur Lodge No. 338, A.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or befora the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Secretary, H. A. UcCauIey. , . â- 4 A