THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 19U < • » 4 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS CEYLON Mr. iWni. Nixon of Kindersley. Sask., was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod last week. Mrs. A. C. Muir and son, Kenneth, motored to Berkeley and Owen Sound last week. Miss Bessie CairKs of Markdale spent the week end with her pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mrs. Archie Sinclair spent Satur- day in Owen Sound. Miss Stella Marshall left Monday for Toronto, where she has taken a position. Congrratuations to Miss Mabel Adams who won principal Wright's prize for the highest mark in French in second form at the Christmas eX' ams. Friday evening the Sunday school will hold a concert in the church and Rev. Scott will present lantern slides, with a 10c admission for adults. The Ladies' Aid will meet at Mrs. A. C. Muir's on Thursday.^ December 27, when the election of officers for 1935 and a Christmas erchange of gifts will take place. com:. Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Jas. McMullin; sand- wich, Mrs. Plester, Mrs. Smilley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver spent the wek end with the latter's brother, Mr. Allan McKinnon at Stoaffwille. Mis Agnes Macphail, M.P., accom- panied by .'â- -'rs. Macphail, motored to Southampton Saturday. Miss Mac- phail returned Monday, but her moth- •er will remain for the Christmas va- cation. Miss Elsie McMullen of Flesher- ton spent the week end with Miss Margaret Copeland. Master pordon Nichol spent the week end in Flesherton with his ^andmother, Mrs. Gilchrist. PROTON STATION Santa Claus is coming to Proton Station. Oh yes! of course he has always been coming in a private way. But this year he has decided to honor us with a public visit just like he does the larger places. So be on hand kiddies and do not disappoint him for he will have a treat for you on Saturday, December 29th, around 2.30 p.m. We are sorry we made such a stu- pid error regarding the day and place of the Sunday school entertainment. The event will take place in the Or- ange hall on Thursday evening, Dec- ember 20. Enthusiastic preparations are being made to ensure a good pro- gram. Mr. Alex. Hergott is taking the load in reinstating the telephones in this village. He had his telephone connected on Monday. Mr. A. Hergott is in Toronto at present. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lome Hodgin spent Sunday with friends near Swinton Park. Miss Jean McCannell and friend spent the week end with the former's parents here. EUGENIA A Merry Christmas to ye Editor and staff, and all its readers. The Sunday school entertainment takes place this Friday evening in the church. There will be a supper, pro- gram and tree. Messrs. G«o. and Clarence Williams accompanied by Mr. Martin McCrome of Toronto spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacDonald of Chatsworth and the latter's mother, Mrs. Morgan and son, Douglas, _ of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, Miss Georgina and Mrs. Well Graham and daughter. The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid of the United church will be held on Thursday afternoon of this week. The Y.P.S. met on Wednesday even- ing of last week with Mrs. C. Martin presiding. .After the usual opening exercises it was decided not to have a meeting this Wednesday evening, owing to so many entertainments, etc. in and around this locality. During the week between Christmas and New Years there wll be the regular meet- ing along with a social evening. Wt hope there will be a good attendance. Mrs. S. Croft and Everett of Flesh- erton were visitors on Monday after- noon at the home of Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. Fred Pedlar has returned horn*; from MeaJord where he has spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopps have gone to Collingwood where Mr. Hopps has secured a few months' work in the ship yards. We extend our sympathy to Mr. H. Cairns and other relatives in the death of his sister's husband, Mr. Robt. Hogg of. Winnipeg. Mr. Hogg was a former resident of Eugenia and kept a store here some years ago. FEVERSHAM ROCK MILLS -HAVE YOU RENEWED? Your correspondent wishes the Ad- vance staff and its many readers a Merry Christmas. Mrs. Harold Osborne of Feversham spent a day last week with her sister Mrs. Ned Croft. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Les. Chard is laid up with a badly sprain- ed ankle, but trust he will soon be better. Mr. John Wilkinson of Redwing spent a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs E. Russell, and also visited with friends at Portlaw. Miss E. M. Oliver visited with rel- atives at Markham. Quite a number from here attended '. the concerts put on in Flesherton dur- ing the past week by Paddy and Mick- ey Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkinson and Hazel, and Mrs. E. Russell and Orval visited recently with the former's sis- ter. Mrs. Earl Plummer, and family of Portlaw. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Moore in her bereavement by t'tie sudden passing of her husband, the late Wm. Moore. (Intended for Last We«k) A very pleasing event took place in the S. A. Hall here on .Wednesday evening Dec. 5th when the- annual .Sunday School entertainment was held and prizes given to the scholars. Mrs Harvey Pedlar and Mrs. Em Hawton were requested to hand the prizes out and Mrs. E. Pedlar handed out nice presents to the little tots, mem- bers of their Cradle Roll. The prizes consisted of books,and were well chosen. Mr. John Poole acted as chairaian in his usual happy style. The entertainment consisted of songs readings by the scholars. The village male quartette sang and responded to an encore by the audience. All the scholars acted their parts well. The Sec. ITreas., Miss Mary Speer gave a very satisfactory report with a bal. on hand of about four dollars which with the collection that night, left them about fifteen dollars to buy supplies for the coming year. They have about sixty on the roll and av- erage attendance of about forty, a number of them have attended thirty Sundays in the year. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pedlar and other teachers and officers of the school deserve great praise for their faith- fulness in carrying on this school. The Sergt. -Major and superintendent Mr. E. Pedlar thanked all who gave them help and also thanked Mrs. G Eby for the donation of a good organ for the use of the school. Lunch was served at the close. Mr. and Mrs. McGrath ard babe of Burlington spent Sunday v. .:h Mrs McGrath's brother, Mr. Milton Nich- oil and family here. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oldfield of Dun- dalk visited with Mr. and Mrs. Xich- oU here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Dun- dalk were visitors with the latter's parents here over Sunday. L V ON Sâ€" FISHER ROCK MILLS LADIES- AID SHOP IN FLESHERTON. ^^,^ A Qi/t , , . ^S^ for the ENTIRE FAMILY THE Remington . . . PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Make this Christmas one your son and daushter will remember. Give them a Remington Portable Typewriter. Not only will they , appreciate it, but it will help them all through life. : : : : Ask About Our Monthly Terms F. J. THURSTON, Agent Flesherton, Onl. The Baptist Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft on Decembei 12th, for their annual meeting: with eleven ladies present. The meeting opened by singing "We're Marching to Zion," followed by scripture i-ead- ing and prayer. It was moved and seconded that all the old officers be re-elected for an- other year. The treasurer's re^KJrt showed that the aid had a very suc- cessful year. Receipts were $226.91 e.\penses $135.07, leaving a bala'nce on hand of ^i'l-S-l. The officers are as follows: prts., Mrs. B. Field; vice pres., Mrs. H. Patton; secretary, Mrs R. Clark; asst. sec. Mrs. Joyce Port- eous. treas.. Mrs. Ned Croft: flowei committee. Mrs. H. Patton, Mrs. Wol- stencroft. sick committee, Mrs. Thos. Fisher. Mrs. Sam Shier; treat com. Mrs. Ned Croft, Mrs. B. Field. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. B. Field on Jan- uary 16, 1935. Liinch com.: cake, Mrs. Ned Croft, Mrs. H. Patton; sand- wich, Mrs. Sam Fisher, Mrs. R. Clark. The meeting closed with singing ".\ll hail the power of Jesus name.'' after which lunch was served. A-i the parsonage, Maxwell, on Saturday, Deci^^mbei- 15, 193-4, at 4 o'cl<x:k, Marguerite E. Fisher, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fish- er, 4th Line. Artemesia, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Boy F. Lyons, youngest son of the late J. W. Lyons and Mrs. Lyons of Portlaw. Lohengrin's bridal chorus was nicely playe<I by Miss Jean Bush- ell and the wedding ceremony was perfomied by Rev. A. Bushell in the presence of Mrs. Bushell and the two attendants, Mr. Wilbert Fisher, broth- er of the bride and Mr. Murray Fish- er, nephew of the groom. The bride was beautifully gowned in a dress of skipper blue silk crepe, with accessories to match and wore a wreath of orange blossoms. After thp ceremony the happy couple re- turned to the home of the bride's par- ents where a 4^ompany of the most intimate relatives were present tc welcome them. After many happy congratulations were given, the gath- ering sat down to a dainty wedding supper, preside^d over by Mrs. .Stanley Patton and Mrs. Lewi.s Fi;'.:. . The table was centered with the three story bride's cake and the dining room was prettily decorated with white streamers and bells. . The high esteem in which the young j couple are held was shown by the many beautiful presents they re-! ceived. -A. pleasant evening was ' spent in music and games by all pres- ! ent. The best wishes of a host ot friends follow the young couple in their journey through life. To finish the evening a number of neighbors assembled and formed a charivari. A shower was held on Tues- day evening of this week at the home of the bride's parents. Quality Groceries F'esh Roa.sted Peanuts 25c Mixed Nuts Per I.b. 20c Celery Hearts 2 Bunches 25c Red Empire Grapes Per r.b. 13c Oranges Per U. 35c & 39c. Lettuce Heads 10c Christmas Cards, Seals and Writing Paper at all Prices K. G. BETTS WE DELI\'ER - FLESHERTON, Ont. Unemployment Intensifies Plight ^ of the Tuberculous Orillia Fire Brigade responded to i was necessary to have police to re- more than 150 calls this year. The'gulate the traffic and the charcb town's fire loss has been in excess of $75,000. When the Duke and Duchess of Kent went to church on Sunday it building was packed. Unfortunately we are a little short on Dukea and Duchesses in this country and our pulpiteers have to go ahead nndet their own steam. The unemployment problem has in- tensifled the work carried on at. the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives, the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives and the IJueeii Mary Hospital for Con- sumptive Children, where more than a thousand patients are now being treated. It is hard to realize the pUaht of the unfortunate victims of tuberculosis. many of wliom come from the homes of the very poor where cramped quarters make the supply of fresh air and sun- shine often as meagre as that of noiu'ish- ing food. At these three institutions, men. women aud chlldreu are now being provided <rith that which they hitherto lacked and there is hope for tlieir recovery if friends continue the voluntary contributions of other years. Only a few patients are able to pay anything toward their keep: there is not one for whom the whole cost of maintenance is received Each ' year, there is a difference of thousands of dollars to be paid out. Will >gu send yotu: gift to George A. Reid, Treasurer. Cage lustitute. 223 College Street, Toronto 2. Support Wm. Heitman For the office of REEVE Township of Osprey for the year 1935 *««*<&**<>«<~j-»*-:~:"M-:'<~:~:~:~><~>«>-:k":~:~x~:~>-:":~:~:~:~:-^^ j Why do your Cows j Chew Bones BECAUSE THEY LACK MINERAL IN THEIR FEED We sell Bone Meal and Cattle Mineral, Feed Flour, Bran, Feeding Molasses, Shorts, Poultry Concentrate, Cooper's Dri Kill, Hellibore Sulphur and Salts * * * * Lemon, Orange, Citron and Mixed Peel, Cherries, Extracts, Spices, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Prunes Walnuts and Almonds. What about prices? Always the lowest. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON PORTLAW Congratulations to Miss Margruerite Evelyn Fisher and Mr. Roy FVasei Lyon.>;, who were recently married. We join in wishing the young couplt a long, happy and prosperous jour- ney through life. We are sorry to hear of the ser- ious illness of Mrs. .\lbert Blackburn and her daughter, Mabe'. .-VU will be glad to he-ar of their early recov- ery. Gordon N'icholls arrived home from the Hospital for Sick Childi-en. and appears in a fair way to complete re- covery. Mrs. John Wilkinson of Redwing visitetl last week with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Plummer, and renewed friendships with old neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Bert MoCarman and son of Newmarket and Mrs. Poritt and son of Gilford visital with Mr and Mrs. Sheardown recently. Mrs. McKenzie received word ol the death of her cousin, Mr. Clarence Little, through blood poisoning. Mr. George McMaster has returned from a trip to the north country where he was looking after some min- ing tlaims. I at the Superior Store Gift Suggestions for Men PRICEVILLE Mr. Lachie Mc.Arthur rfnd Mr. .\n«ly Ford are i"0!x>rted as improving in health. I .\ bunch of the "Bonnie Blooming! Heather" was sent from an Edin-| burgh Scotsman to Mi-s. Burt of thi«, town, who divided the bunch aJTions the three ' represented here. I United. Pi 1 and R. C. | Shirts from 79c to $2.50 New Caps, latest patterns 69c to $1.00 Underwear $1.95 up Mitts and Gloves 25c to $2.50 Tie Clips with initials 50c Collar bars to match 50c Sweaters from $1.50 to $3.75 Ties, lovely paterns from . 25c to 75c Scarfs from $1.00 to S2.00 Genuine Horsehide coats, plush lined, $10.50 Belts from 50c to 75c Braces from 50c to $1.00 Socks from 25c up Handkerchiefs 5c to 25c PIPES, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES CHRISTMAS WRAPPED \VK XKVER H.\D .\ XICKR .\SSORTMKXT OF C-\XDIES. XUTS. C.\XDV PACK.VGES. OR.Vxr.Ev^i. GR.\PE?. CR-AXBERRIES. Etc. Mixed Candies 2 Lb*. 25c Craaberrio? 25c Lb- Mixed Xuts 20c Lb. Ripe Tomatoes 20c Lb. Oranges 29c. 39c and 49c Doz. FREE PEANUTS Celery 10c Bunch H Lb. Free with 1 Lb. Royal York Tea Lettuce, largje licads .... 15c or 2 for 25c or Coffee . It Will Pay You to Come Tn and T.ool: Theni Over W. G. KENNEDY, Flesherton, Ont.