THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE WEDN'ESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1931 \ ICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Gocde of Dundalk visited the week end at Milton Bannon's. Mr. Alfred Harrison from iieai Flesherton visited his cousin, hhs Tiios. Bannon. Margaret Moore, nurse- of Buffalo is spending a few week-s at her par- ental home. Mrs. Robt. Lee and Rus.sel are vis- iting in Toronto and attendintj the Winter Fair. Chas. Moore received word on Wed- nesday of the death of his aunt, Mri!. Ellen Arnold, of Mount Albert. Mrs. Arnold would have been 91 just be- fore Christmas. Mrs. Russel Linton and Peggy are visiting in Toronto. The hot supper and social evening at Inistioge church on Friday even- ing was a great success. The Irish stew and all good things tasted just right. The gentlemen of the con- gregation, assisted by Messi-s. Should- ice, Fred Ross and Ren. .Acheson of Maxwell showed great talent. Dress- ed in women's costume they depicted themselves as the "Inistioge Upleft Society", giving man's version ot women's meetings and we think the greatest need for uplifting was right in the meeting; but it was indeed very humorous. Inistioge Sunday school and day school are beginning plans for theii Christmas concert. ROCK MILLS \'ery mild weather at time of writ- ingr. Mr. W. R. Emerson of Whitby who was visiting at the home of hi« uncle at Maxwell called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. N'ewell during the past week. Mr. St«wart Foster is still a pat- ient in the Markdale hospital. Mr. and Mi-s. Joyce Porteoas and bab,» visited the past week wifh rel- atives at Kemble and attended the .-^howcr gi'.'en for her brother, .Mr. Clayton Johnston, and bride. Miss Leila Clark has gune to Owen Sound. There will be no school on Thurs- day owing to the holiday given in honor of the Royal wedding of Prince George and Princess Marina. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the first of the week with the form- er's mother, Mrs. Geo. Newell, of Dur- ham. MAXWELL HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The annua; meeting of Holdfast U.P.V/.O. was held at tjie home of Mrsv Robertson on November 14, with 16 members and several visitors present. Roll call was answered by "How to Promote Peace." Miss Agnes Macphail explained the bullet- in questions. Discussion follow^ Election of officers then took place as follows: Mi-s. W. Beaton, pres.; Mrs. Henry Tucker, 1st vice-pres.; Mrs. J. A. Nichol, 2nd vice-pres.: Lottie Whittaker, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Tucker was chosen as delegate to attend the convention. Just be- fore the meeting closed Mrs. Ben Mc- Kenzie, the retiring president, was presented with an address and cheque in appreciation of her services during the past year. The December m«et- ing will be held in Ceylon hall, on December 19th. Visitors welcome. CEYLON Mr?. Angus Morrison is visiting , riends in Toronto. Garfield McLeod and Norman Patt- erson are visiting in Toronto and at- ;ending' the- Winter Fair. Mr. Robt. Priestley and Mrs. Les. Poole motored to Toronto and spent Sunday with Mrs. Priestley. Mrs Priestley's many friends will be pleas- ed to know that she is makms satis- factory recovery after her operation Miss Mabel Ross left for Toronto where she intends to spend the win- ter. The W. .\. will meet at the hon\fc c.i Mrs. Edgar Betts on Thursday, December 6. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Hyslop, Eugenia, is visiting her brother. Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and family of Holland Centre wore Sunday visitors at their homes here. Miss Barbara Marshall retained home wit"-. them. Mrs. A. S. Muir and s< n. Grant, v.j- ited in Durham last we' k. Mr. and Mrs. W. M.^Fiu'den. Mailv- dale. spent a day last week with M. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown and Mr. Yates of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs Geo. White, Springhill, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. White. Miss Bella Kennedy was a visitor in Holland Centre last week. Miss Bessie Cairns. Markdale. and Miss Audrey Brown of Flesherton spent Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pii>er and fam- ily motoi-ed to Owen Sound Satur- day. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campbell and family of Hopeville were callers on Sunday with relatives here. Miss Agnes Jlacphail, M.P., speaks at the Canadian Club in Midland this week. .â- V foolish contemporary remark.* that it would'nt hurt any if the col- leges would work their way through some of the students. Mr. Chas. Perigoe and daughter, Betty, of Delhi spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart returned with them for a vis- it. ^- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson vis- ited with Toronto friends a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Markdale spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Lever. Miss Ruth Wolstencroft of Flesh- erton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long. Mr. T. R. Lever was buzzing wood in the valley for Mi-. W. Kaitting. one day last week. Miss Marion Wickens is spending a while with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar in Flesherton. IN MEMORIAM GIBSON â€" In loving memory ot cur dear mother, Ella Gibson, who passed away November 29th, 1928 also our dear father. Willam .^. Gib- son, who passed away on October 17th. 1924. One by one our dear ones leave us .A.nd tho bitter pain of lo?s Teaches us the heart's best shelter Is the shadow of the cross. We shall meet them some bright morning Resting by the water fair. They are waiting for our coming In the Master's garden there. â€"Ever remembered by your Children IN MEMORIAM GIBSON â€" In loving memory of our daughter and sister. Ella Gibson, who passed away November 29, 1928. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Teai-s in sil-ence often flow: Memory keeps her ever near us. As it did six years ago. â€" Sadly missed by Mother, Father Brothers and Sister. .\utomi,ibile dris-ers who stop to drink are apt to be in poor condition to stop and think. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE CONCERT to be given by the PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN and the TRAIL RANGERS In the Town Hall FLESHERTON Friday, Dec. 7 The program will consist of Drills, Dialogues, Songs, Recitations, Minstrel Show DOROTHY FOSTER, Pianist .\OMlSSR>X: 30c and 15c Mrs. Rufus Wickeos KIMB£RL£Y A highly respected citizen of Kini- berley Valley, Mrs. Rufu.'j Wickens, passed away on Monday, November, I'Jth, at the home of ber son-in-law Mr. Frank Weber. Mrs. .Wickens whose maiden name was Sarah Ann Summers, was born in Lxbridge in 1856. With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Summers, she came to Eu- phrasia at two years of age. In 1876 she moved to the Beaver Valley r.nd the following year married Rufus Wickens, who deeply mourns his loss. Surviving: her also are two sons, John and F'red, on the old Tvomestead, three daughters, Mrs. Frank Weber and Mrs. Chas. Camack of Kimberley and Mrs. (Rev.) Banks of Lovena, Sask., also survive. .â- Another daughter, Mrs. Willard Gilbert predeceased her four years ago. The funeral took place to Markdale cemetery on Wednesday, November 2lst. The pallbearers were Mr. Chas. Camack and Mr. Frank Webtr, sons- in law; and four grand.:o:is. Merle and Billy ,Weber, .\rthur Wickens and Kenneth Gilbert. The flower bear- ers were her four granddaughters. .Among the many floral tributes was a spray from the Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid. Mrs. Wm. Ellis The community of Kimberley was doubly shocked on Monday, November 19, when a beloved mother and friend in the person of Mrs. Wm. Ellis, pass- ed away at her home here. Mrs. Ellis, whose maiden name was Ellen Jano Stuart, was the only of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stuart of this valley. She w-as born in 1872 and continued to reside here all her life. In 1890 she was married tc Mr. W. T. Ellis, who survives, along with two daughters, Mrs. Robt. Chard and Mrs. Les. McMullen of Kimber- ley and five sons, Victor and Stuart of CoUingwood, Harold of Meaford and Elmer and Russel of Kimberley. Mrs. Ellis had seven brothers. W. H., who passed away three years ago; Robt. of ThoiTibury, John of Burks Falls, Geo. of Powassan. Jasper ot Meaford. Fred of Flesherton and Chas. of Kinsston. After a brief private service in the home the remains were removed to the United church, of which the de- ceased was a valued and active mem- ber. -A helpful and beautiful sermon was preached by Rev. S. Mc.A.uslan. Interment took place in Thornburj cemetery. There were many beautiful floral tokens, among which were included a spray from the Ladies' .\id and W. I. also sprays from the Softball club, baseball club, Y.P.S. and Young Men- Bible class of CoUingwood, and Nat- ional Grocers of Owen Sound. Friends from a distance were: Mr. Geo. Stuart, Powassan; Mrs. W. H. Stuart. Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. C. Stuart, Peterboro; Mrs. Mnwatt and daughter, Campbellford; Mrs. Chas. Laidlaw, .\twood and Mrs. Jas. John- son of Dundalk. -. The pallbearers were Messrs. A. Knott. Geo. MeConnell, Howard Baii er, Alex. Carruthers. R. St:>fford ana Chas. Graham. PRICEVILLE Keep in mind the banquet on Fri- <lay night, November 30th, St. An- drew's Day, in the basement of the Presbyter?"" "hurch. Come along and bring a partner and enjoy a Scotch sup<per and HaKgis, toasts and program. -Mr. and Mr.». Tom Hincks of To- ronto and Mr. Jack Hincks of Egre- mont were visitors with friends here on Saturday. Messrs. Thos. Currie and Jno. WoHard si>ent the week end at the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKenzie re- turned to Dromore. after spending some time here. Mr. John Clements of .Arthur vis- ited Wednesday with Mr. David Hincks. Miss Mai-y McEachern, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Hector McEachern, un- derwent an operation last v.-^ek \r. Durham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. .\. L. Hincks and fam- ily enjoyed a fowl dinner at Wm. Hays, Swinton Park, ^n Saturday. The initial program of Paddv and Mickey Brown, comedian t;-.'t; .. lass- ed off very pleasantly and success- fully on Monday night here, to a large crowd. Succeeding nights promise to be eijually as' pleasing. Some fine, lucky gifts, were found in the packages bou^ght. The transfor- mation affected by the young lady of the caste, to that of the old maid of questionable age, was realistically wonderful, coupled with the laugh- able jokes. Tuesda.v night Ls again promised for free entry, thereaftei a small nominal fee will be taken There is no medicine doses to be given, but votes for the most populai lady in a radius of si.x miles. Where- ever their concerts have been held, they proved popular. FEVERSHAM The funeral of .Mr. Husrh Wright who passed away after an operation in the General â- hospital, in Toronto took place from his home near here on Friday afternoon to the Pitsby- terian cemetery. The service wa.^ held in the Gospel Workers church of which he was a merabe", and wa^ conducted by his pastor, Rev. F. Dean, who preached an earnest and touch- ing sermon. Other ministers of the church, who took part were: Rev. Gofl of Clarksburg, Rev. Arm.strong ot Meaford and Rev. Mills of Markdale. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved family was shown by the large gathering who attended. The flowtrs were numerous and beauti ful. The pallbearer.'! were Messrs. S Hemphill, Charles Weldrick. John Izard, Wm. Davidson, John Pocle and Z. Robinson. Miss Florence Gekill spent Sunday at her home near Heathcote. Miss Kaitting of Eugenia is vis- iting with her grandmother, Mrs. W. McKenzie. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- Ian church purpose holding a bazaai in the Orange hall on December 8. -About this time of the year people svi.-h they had some of the money they spent during the summer vacat- ion. PRK EVILLE W.A. & W..VI.S. The November m&eting of the W. A. and W.M.S. was held in the base- ment of the United church, Priceville. on Wednesday, November 21. The W. A. decide*! that the four grroupe would each make a quilt at the be- ginning of the year. The W.M.S. held their meeting at the conclusion of the W.A. Reports of the .W.M.S. conference held at Hopeville were given by the dele- gates Miss Jewel Mac.Arthur and Mrs Joe Harrison. The election of of- ficers took place at this meeting with the following results: â€" Mrs. John- ston, president; Mrs. A. Muir, Ist vice president; Miss Be-itha James, 2nd vice president; Miss B. Weir, secre- tary; Miss L. Mather, treasurer; Mrs. H. B. McLean, associate helper; Miss L. Mather, Christian Steward- ship and finance convenor; Miss An- nie SKortreed, .Missionary Monthly secretary: Mrs. D. G. McLean and Mrs. Hazzard. strangers secretary; Miss B. Weir, press secretary; Miss L. Mather, supply secretary: Mrs. F. McKinnon, temi>erance secretarj':. Miss B. Weir, Mission Band Leader; Mrs. Johnston, assistant leader. Hymn 408 closed the meeting, aftei which lunch was served by Mrs. H. B McLean's group. A hockey loop may insure its re- ferees. That's too risky. Knowiiig this, the fans may shower them with pop bottles. ***«>*««<M-M~»«<~>-:->.>.vx~>.>*<~:~:~:~:~x~:~:~>':-vM~:":~:~:~:'<'^~«'<">--^^^ The .Athletic Club held anothei meeting on Saturday evening, to allot the various characters in a play tc be put on in the near future. The play put on by the Maxwell Dramatic Club ^^^th Rev. Mr. Bushell. director, passed off most successfully credited with being the best ever put on in this town. The new hpuse of Mr. .Aldcorn's is going to look fine, a credit to the owner and the town. The roof was erected during the fine weather. The Misses Edith and Bertha James visited Mr. F. Shackleton, the latter's oar kindly coming for them late Sat- urday evening. Christmas only 4 weeks off. Prep^ arations are being made for the usual tree celebrations. I How to Make I Dough . . . . Some wives' i«lea of teamwork is to do the spending while their hus- bands do the earning. The honeymoon is over when the groom begins to miss his mother's cooking â€" and the bride misses her father's allowances. Buy Pnre; Gold Flour at $2,40. per bag, Or Blossom of Canada Flour at $2.75 per bag. I W'e gxiarantee satisfaction with both of these.) Cattle Mineral, Bone Meal, Tankage, Salts, Big 50 Laying Consentrate, Coopers Dri-Kill, Zenoleum, Sulphur, and Cooper's Sur- Shot Bot and Worm Remover for horses. -: POULTRY & EGGS WANTED :- * * * * Fresh Clean Groceries at Right Prices. Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON ^^^,^,.jH>^,.>.>.>.><M.><k.:~>.:~>.j.>.>.>.>-><M>.:..;..;..:.^><~:KK*^-:~^ BORN â€" On Friday, November 2;> to Mr. and Mrs. G. Wallace, a daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. John Haynes spent several days in Toronto. .Mr. Haynes went to the VVesters hospital for rad- ium treatment. We are glad to re- port him feeling better. Mrs. N. E. Burritt and Mr. Wm. Grieves spent a couple of days in OrangevSlle visiting Mrs. BuiTitt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomp- son. Messrs. Len and Carman Haines. .Allen Ferguson, Clark M-Connell and .Angus Bowles returned from the north where they had gone looking lor work. They report the camps filled I'P. Mr. Cecil Kitchen has sold out his barber business to Mv. W. Cargoe of Markdale. We welcome Mr. Cargoe and the boys to the village. Maxwell Dramatic Club put an c-x- Calient play on Wednesday night. Mr. C. Knott. Mr. and Mrs. HaiTV Hawkin of Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferguson of Thornbury were welcome guests at the Burritt home during the week. Miss Edna Burritt is spending v month or two with Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson Brown of Clarksburg. A Fresh Supply o! Raisins, Currants, Peels Nuts ; in fact Everything Fresh for that Christmas Cake FRY'S COCOA ^ ?\b. tm 21c M Toronto "At Home" Keep in niind the ".At Home" of tht Fleisherton Old Boys' and Girls' .As- ; sociation to be held in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday. November 2i'th. It is hoped that a large delegation will attend from Fle.«lK'Tton, and assist the committee in thriv work, besides h.-ivine a good time. Tr.- a "Small .\dvt." arma 32 oz. iar 25c Iad( BLUE BOY COFFEE 25c ib. Sockeve SALMON 18c tin Breakfast Bacon Bv the piece 26c SHORTENING lOc lb. CELERY and HEAD LETTUCE Besides our regular Fruits MAPLE BUTTER Try Some! 25c Ib. RINSO Large Pkg. 21c Jelly Powders DeLuxe 6 pkgs. 25c COCKING ONIONS 12 lbs. 25c Pineapple Singapore Sliced lOc tin KENNEDY BROS, FLESHERTON Phor.2 37 MARKDALE Phone 17