Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1934, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24, ll«34 TIM-: l'I,i:silKI<T(.)N ADVAXClv 5,000 Live Hens Chickens Wanted Our huyiT will l>c ai Mark Wilson's Butcher Shop, Flesherton, each Saturday, starting on Saturday, October 27th. \\\' will jiay tlu' hij^lic^ts possible cash ]»ricos, for all your good 4ualil\ live hens and chickens. Your cntiii' shipiiK'nts solicited. 'Phone Xo. 47\\ . h'k'sherton for prices. Beaver Valley Creamery CLARKSBURG, Ont. Hardware Anniversary DO YOUR FALL REPAIRING NOW BEFORE THE COLD WEATHER COMES Glass, Putty, Roofing, Nails, Screws, Hinges; Locks Monarch Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnish still on at 49c quart. Real value and in quarts only. And here is another anniversary Special â€" A full size Zinc Washboard at only 29c Also a full line of Enamelware & Dishes â€" open stock or in sets. , ~ WK LNVrnC YOU TO CALL " " Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54, Flesherton Saw Seven Deer .Sevt'ii tli't-r wuri' seen on the west iiiouiituiii near Kiiuberley one day lust wi'tk hy two Kiinberli-y hunttTs when tliey wcTu out afler paitridgo. They also alanned a fox tlial was lestiiig close by. A Her seeing the fox they walked a short distance and surpriised the .seven deer as they were resting' in a lioliow of the ground. Th.;y !eai)Ld to their feet and cantered a short di.slance into the hardwood bush und then stoppe<l to see what had ulurnied them. They remained for a few moments and then wheeled and were out of .sij^ht. If the hunter.-; had been inclined they could easily have shot one or two of thejn. At the same time as they si^litcd the deer .several partridges also made their appearance, but they refrained from shooting them in their eagerness of v.-atching the deer. PLANTING OF KVKKCJKEEIIS The nurserymen'.s slogan, "It is not a home until it is planted," is very true; and the farmhouse which has to stand on its own merits, and is often set among unsightly outbuildings would seem to be more in need ol background and foundation planting than the town or city house which, in many cases, gains in value and ap- pearance from the plantings on neigh- boring grounds. Evergreens ar« being extensively used for foundation planting now and where circumstances perniit are unquestionably the most satisfactory. Once established, ever- greens require a minimum of atten- tion and are attractive at all sea- sons. Dwarf Mountain Pine, Japanese Yev/, and certain varieties of juniper and cedar are most suitable for foun- dation planting; and, while the cost is greater than for many other shrubs, they are worth the difference. After planning on the shrubs to be planted, the work can be accomplish- ed over a period of years. In this way the outlay at any one time need not b-- unreasonably high. Water- inp; can also be better attended to when only a few are planted at a time, because evergreens must not be allowed to dry out during the first year. If a rabbitt's foot brings good luck, an elenhant's foot ought to insure you f^ controlling interest. j German scientists are reported to be making rubber out of onion.';. But doesn't a flat tira bring tears soon enough ? THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. ...^ - CHAIN 8TDBBS Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Shoe Sale THIS WEEK WE WILL FEATURE SHOES AT VERY SPECIAL URICES. HUNDREDS OF PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM AT PRICES THE LOWEST IN YEARS. LOT 1 100 pairs Women's Kid .Slfap Slipp- ers in }4f()c)(l lasts; sizes 3 to 8. .\ real '^ood sliue lur less than hall price. Spec- ial, per i)air $1.00 i.o r 2 100 pairs W Omen's Calf Shoes in lull fitting- lasts with nicdiiim heel, sew n Miles, f^uaranteed solid leather. ]\e;,;iia;- ^2AV value. Special this week .... $1.29. I, or .^ 100 i)airs WonRii's Calf Ties i\m\ Ox- fords. .\ belter quality than l,ot 2. Sizes 3 to 8. Wonderful value at $1.49. LOT 4 100 pairs Women's Kid and Calf Ox- fords. Strajjs and ties in the lot. Val- ues up to $3.95 pair, all sizes, 3-S. I',x- cellenl values at $2.49 pr. LOT 5 60 i)airs Misses patc-nt strap slippcis in a g'ood fittinj; last, sizes 11 to 2. Very special at $L19 pr. , GROCERY SPECIALS 10 11). pailhoney $100 Clarke's Canned Soups .... 3 for 21c 1 Canned Corn, 1 Tomatoes for l.Sc Weston's Fancy Biscuits 2 lb. 29c DcLuxe Jelly Powders .... 6 for 2Sc 10 Ih>- (^raniilnte.l Sutrar S^c DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Ladies flaimelette ni^Iitgowns in white with \' neck, fancy trim. Four different (pialilies and the price less than you can buy the {.i^oods by the yard, '^^'oii- derful \ahie at 59c, 69c, $1.19 ea. Women's All Wool Turtle Neck Sweater 3(.) only â€" all wool sweaters in all the wanted shades. Special at .... $1.19 ea. Cotton Plaid Dress Goods A larj^e rang^c of patterns to from; the newest cloth on the market for children's and misses' dresses. Special at 35c per yard. Women's Fall Weight Hosiery 25 doz. only â€" A real buy in ladies' wool anfl rayon hose made to sell tor 69c. All the wanted shades. F.xtra value at 39c per pr. Children's All Wool Cashmere Hose .\ rep^ular 50c line; shades of grey, fawn and fan; all sizes. ICxtra value at 39c pr. This store open Wednesday afternoon<». A\'e have discontinued the Tuesday ni-ht openini; for the season Mr. John Wright spent a few day.* ill TQionto last weik. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley spent the week end with relatives at Luck, now. Kathleen McDonald of Orillia visited on Saturday at her parental home here. Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto r.pent Iha vveek end with his parents on the Meafoid Road. .Mr. Harold Fi.sher of town ha.s en- tered Markdale hospital where he will undergo an operation. The rain which fell the past few days will a-ssist the farmer with his plowing. A ma.squerade ball is being held in Friceville on Friday evening of thi:' week. See posters for full particu- lars of prizes offered. Mr. Robt. Swanton is leaving this Wednesday evening for his home at Donald, Wash., after spending th* past three weeks visiting old friend.-: Mns. John McDonald accompanied her daughter, Kathleen, to Toronto and spent the week end with relatives there. Archie Mclnnes, Lot 28, Con. 7, Osprey, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements and house- hold furniture on Monday, October 29th. .See advertisement in this issue. Goo. Duncan, auctioneer. The annual meeting of the South- East Grey U.F.O. Political and Co-op- erativc Aissn. will be held at Priceville on .Saturday, October 27th at 1.30 p.m. W. R. Graham, Sec; T. A. Lawson, Pres. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Durrant and two daughters, Dorothy and Helen, of Mitchell and Miss D. Thurston of Toronto .spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurs- ton. Mr. W. W. .Trimble is ill at his home here, suffering high blood pres- sure. He was taken ill while in To- ronto and Mrs. Trimble was called home from visiting her family in Michigan State. We trust that he â- ,vill be improved in health soon. Recently thieve,s got in some of their nefarious work when they en- tered the cellar of Mr. G. E. Henry in town and decamped with about two dozen sealers of fruit. Others in town have supposed that they have lost fruit hut not in such quantity, nor were they sure that such had occurr- ed. The Variety Store moved on Mon- day to the store property in the Mit- chell block, next door to the Canad ian Bank of Commerce. Mr. Stauff- er will have considerably more room for the (lisnlay of merchandise. Mr Howard Milligan will move his harb- or shop from the Richardson block to the premises lately occupied by Mr. .Stauffcr. Live Stock Report On the Toronto live stock market an Tu;.'.sday butcher .-iteera and heifer.s brought $2.25 to $3.50 for common to medium kinds, with a faw good heif- er.-' fcoing to $-1 to Sl.lO. Cow.s held r-teady at $2.y0 for koshers and $2.25 to $2.50 for good. .Some good heavy bulls made S2.25 to $2.75, while bolog- nas brought S2. Choice fed calves'; jlcsed steady at $G.50 to $7, while plain moved .slowly at $-1.50 to 5W. .Stockers and feeders ranged from $2.- 75 to S3. 25, with common at §2. No weighty .steers were sold. Hogs rose 10 cents on gome sales, while others held at Monday's 20c higher level. Closing Prices were $7.60 to $7.;u f.o.b^ for bacons, $8 to $8.10 off truck and $8.35 to $8.45 off car. Calves closed at $6.50 to $7 for choice vealers, $2 to $2.75 for common grassers and $2.75 to $3.50 for heavy westeras. A few top calves went to $7.50. Lambs sold slowly after an unsettl- ed opening and closed unchanged at $6.25 to $6.40 for good ewes and wethers. A few off trucks went at $6. Sheep were slow at $1 to $2.50 cwt., though a few of better quality made $3, the week's top. Mrs. Sarah Cudmore Dies The death occurred suddenly at lu-i home, near Wareham, of Sarah Ann -Ak-Donald, wife of the late William Ciidnicre. Deceased died from a heart attack. Born in Proton Town.ship .she was 06 years of age. One son Mac, survives. The funeral was held on Saturday from her late homo tt St. Paul's Cemetery, Melaucv^-m Township. BORN BANKS â€" In Flesshcrton on Sat- urday, October 20th, 1934, to Mr. and -Mis. Geo. Banks, a son. ROYAL WINTER FAIR ^he Royal Winter Fair is being held November 21st to 29th, at the Royal Coliseum and Winter Fail buildings, Tdironto. Its objects art the nroniotion of Canada's basic in- dustry, to link the nine provinces ii. common interests, and to set high national standards for farm products. The Royal Shows for horses, cattle sheep, swine, dogg, cats, poultry and pet stock, fruit, flowev.s, seed a«d grains are large and specialized shows for each. The assembly of so much excellence under one roof gives te Royal a distinctiveness not match- ed anjrwhere else in the world. NOTICE Mr. A. B. Chard, collector of taxes for th» Township of Artemesia, will commence delivering tax bills at once Th> Niairava Fall Review has an editorial headed "What Happens When Good:^ Are Bought at Home? Well sonietim-.'« the meivhnnt doss not get paid for them. <«<~M~:~:~:»^~:"X'^>«:~:~:«<'<«':~:">'M«<~>v Insurance of all Sorts Phone 87, Thornbnry, and 101 call Stan. THURSTON Re-dislillcd, sujxir-refined Oil of F.uca- lyptu.s. All impurities removed. No pungent irritalin;; odorâ€" never goes stale - never losci its strength. A Powerful Germicide Four limes as effective as carbolic acid as proved by actual tests on typhoid Rcrms, but is non-p<jhi>noxis and A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colds, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma. Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerchief. Read directions. A Reliable Liniment Penetrates and dissolves the acids and falls which cause Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc. Givej marvellous relief from sprains and bruises. For Internal Use Recommended for stomach, kidneys and bladder. It cleanses and stimulates these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relieves distress and induces restful sleep. Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutes There is none "Just as Good" Be sure to obtain our leaflet KivInK foil directions for the many uses of this wonder oil of nature. 2Se, 40e, <5c, 90c From your Druggist, or ACSTKALIAN DRUG COMPANT 7S Dnchcu St., Toronlo WAvcrley 45!1 Small Advts. ♦♦»»o»«»»»»»o»»0»»o»»#o>»oa»»»»»»»»»»^»»» » »»»»»»»^»^ y PIANO FOR SALE Bell piano, black case, good tone.- Apply at the Advance office. FOR SALE 40 young sheep. Will sell or give out on shares. â€" A. C. iMuir, Ceylon FOR SALE Barley, 58c bu, Quaker Ivory Flour, $2.40 bag; also oats, wheat, chop, etc. â€"A. C Muir, Ceylon. RAM FOR SALE Dorsett ram 2 years old, registered, for sale. â€" Fred Jami^son, Eugenia phone Feversham 5r24. COW FOR SALE Young cow, fresh 1 month. Can be seen at Ed. Louck's. â€" W. W. Trimble, Flesherton. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE Government graded .\x and xxx Oxford Down ram lambs, also a few good Oxford Down breeding ewes. â€" Russell Ellis, Kimberley. FOR SALE Di^essed spring chickens and boil- ing fowl. Leave orders with Jas. .'\. Stewart. Flesherton, or communicate direct with J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. CALVES FOR SALE .â- \ number of purebred Hereford bull calves, to sell at market price. â€" Thos. Btatty, R. R. 2, Singhampton phone Feversham 2 2. -- -^ HEIFER CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises on or about ihe 13th of October, one heifer. Own- ar prove property and pay expenses. -Chas. Stafford, Flesherton, Lot 31, Con. 5, Artemesia. R.AMS FOR SALE Leicester Rams, three years old. registered stock. â€" Robt. Chard, Kim- berley, Phone 48 r 23. CATTLE FOR SALE A number of purebred Jersey cows and heifers. â€" G. E. Henry, Flesher- ton, phone 27. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS Fishing, Hunting and Trapping oo Lots 176, 177 and Part of Lot 178 S. W. and Lot 178 N.E., strictly forbid- den. All dogs found running at large on the above property will be- shot. By order of â€" THOS. J. STINSON. FARMS FOR SALE Lots 140, 3 N.E. and lots 143 and! 144, 2 N.E., in Artemesia Township,. 2% miles from Flesherton; good barn stone foundation, drive shed with stone foundation and a frame house well watered. Apply to â€" MRS. A. B. FERRIS, Fleshertot* Administratrix of the late Sarab Thompson estate. TIRE LOST 32x6 Goodrich Silvertown tire and rim, between Feversham and Owen Sound. Rewai-d. Finder please communicate with this office or Win. Kerton, Maxwell. FARM WANTED Farm to rent with view to purchase if suitable, not less than 100 acres. Apply to Geo. Udell, Proton Station P.O., iVa miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 highway. FOR SALE Several milch cows and quantity ot well cured Timothy hay, also house- hold furniture and closed car in per- fect condition, all priced reasonably; would consider trade on car. â€" Eric Eyre, R. R. 2, Priceville, oppositt Glenelg Towwhip hall. FARM FOR SALE lOO acres, one and a half miles south of Fleshertwn on Provincial Highway No. 10, Good buildings and well watered. Also a barn in Flesherton for sale or rent. â€"MRS. M. THISTLETWAITE, Flesherton, Ont. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 mftnths, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE Retfistered Yorkshirt Boar for tn- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club^ the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST At Thomson house, Feversham,. every Friday. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to AM p.m» Residence: Eufirenia; Phone: Fever- sham 5 r 42. AUCTIONEER I Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for farik and stock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent., with small sales at eor> responding low prices according tc size. Make dates by phoning 43 r 11 or at The Advance tiffice. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. AA.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or befors the full moon. W. M., R. W. Piper, Secretary, H. A. llcGauIey. ^^^.^ 4j

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