Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1934, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1934 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Big Special for Our 21st Anniversary Never before have we been able to otter to the public such a special offerinf? in Paints, X'arnish Stains and Enamel which we are now able to make, under special arran^emeiU with the manufacturers. These paints arc sii'irantced to '^'\vc entire satisfaction. Monarch Paint Regular value $1 per cjuart 49c - â- â€¢ Quarts only Included in the lines offered are the following: Quick Drying Varnish Stains. Dark Oak. Light Oak and Ground. All-use Varnish. Quick Drying Enamel. COLORS â€" White, Nile Green and Ivory. Porch Eloor Enamel. COLORS â€" Light Gray, Dark Gray and Medium Brown. Flat Wall Paint. COLORS â€" Nile Green, White and Ivory House Paints. COLORS â€" Buff, Cream, Ivory, White, Light Gre«n. Make your home more livable, lovable and salable and fall is tlie logical time for painting and getting the house and outbuildings ship-shape for winter. We believe you will be well advised to make your pur- chases of this i)aint at once, at the price quoted will be quickly bought. An exceptionally low price. Car of Cement arriving this week. Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE -:- Phone 54, Flesherton Miss Macphail Feted PRICEVILLE A fine larRe ({arden party or picnic was held at the honieo Mr. and Law- son of Durham on Saturday at which our highly regarded lady M.P., Miss Affiles 'Macphail, was honored with an address, read by Mrs. John Hill of Boothville and a beautiful quilt by Mi-s. .Walter Fcrgu.son of Mt. Forest who was the maker, on behalf of the U.F.W.O. Miss Maci)hail expressed her api)reciatioii of both, in the kind- ness and affection of the donors and and expressed the satisfaction and strength given to combat all annoy- ances that sometimes arise and de- clared, truthfully we believe, that hei whole thought was for the better- ment and good of the people. The approval of all present was shown in no uncertain manner. She has met with many great kindnesses from the people of Bruce in her recent meet- ings there. Mr. F. R. Oliver, M.P P., spoke of the appreciation of her people for the seadfastness and cour- age shown by her in her work in Parliament. Mrs. W. H. Rpgers occupied the chair very cleverly. Mrs. McLean and Mrs. D. Lamb, Aberdeen, gave readings. Miss Jean Adams, Leslie Adams and W. W. Ramagc contributed solos. Mr. Dougall Mc- Kiniion and Mr. and Mrs. Aitcheson of Chatsworth and their two daugh- ters, Dorothy, of Owen Sound were present. passing ofl very satisfactunly. Ma^^ter John Ritchie and little Winnifred McConkey, Evelyn McDermid, Marg- aret iWeir and Eileen Karstedt took part. Rev. Gowdy of Durham preached on Sunday in the Presbyterian church hei'e and took the anniversary serv- ices at Swinton Park. Mr. Clifford Hincks and sisters, Beth and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Mrs. Stanley Harrison spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. A number from here attended the Uundalk fair. BORN McFARLANE â€" At the Durham hospital on Monday, September 25th l'.)34, to -Mr. and Mrs- Neil McFarlane, a daughter. Live Stock Report TORONTO LINE NORTH At a Presbytery meeting of the United Church in Owen Sound a mem- orial service was held in honor of the late Rav. J. A. Moir at which Rev. J W. Johnston and Mr. J. M. McGilli- vray expressed the sympathies, sor- rows and regrets of the congregation at the passing of their beloved pastor. Rev. Mr. Caswell will preach here on Oct. 7th. Rev. J. W. Johnston will take his anniversary services- St. Columba United Church purposes holding their anniversary on the 14th with an entertainment the Monday evening following. The Sunday School Rally Day ser- vice was duly observed on Sunday, ksurance of all Sorts Phone 87, •Thornbury. afid I'll emil Stan. THURSTQN THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. iL:iU- emjkm wnrnm MarkdaU, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special Sale of Ne^r Fall Merchandise AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS AT 10% REDUCTION, AND A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR COAT UNTIL YOU WANT IT. SMARTEST COATS OF SEASON MEN'S FURNISHING SPECIALS In the new Free UacR Cloth with the Lot 1 â€" Men's Hats in newest shades season's nc\Tcst colors. Priced at and styles. Wonderful value, each $2.25. $14.95, $17.95, $24.50 , . , , , ,..,,.. Lot Z â€" -A better hnc \n tiie Iniest fur SPECIAL SALEâ€" Men s and Boys' 6- felts, all the best shades. Special $2.95. evelet .Monitor Rubbers; early buyers u'ill .save a lot on winter rubbers at these MEN'S CALF WORK BOOTS 1" '<^e=^- At IJarji^ain Prices. 30 pair only Men*-- om-z^iAi inn D • r» I \r>.,'. c^lf .solid leather Work Shoes, made bv SPECIAL â€" 100 Pairs Only â€" Alens ,..,,. ,,i ^^ • i. . n ' ,, . ,r "lA 1 I ij 1 1 . . ;.,i \\ ilhains Shoe C (). IB Lrawinton. Ke^. .NOnitor Ifeavv Durable Rubber.s, special ^.,,,- i c -i . â-  to ca *i ca S-->'^ value. Special at per nan- $2.59 at, per i)an- $l.o9 i;<.y>- Heavy ()-eyclet Rubbers in the GROCERY SPECIALS same style as men's. 1 to S. special $1.69 Buy at Hill's and Save Men's Kubbor 15oots in black with ,ure.- Weston's Soda IJi.scuits. rcjr. lOc 3 for 2.") .Sf)le, sizes (> to 10, •'Special, jyair $2.69 W eston's h'ancy vSweet Pjiscuits 2 for 29 Pure Clover lloney 10 lb. pail $1.00 MEN'S WORK PANTS Western Queen N.i. 1 blour $2.49 Lot lâ€".T doz. only, aVIch's Work Pantj Peanut lUitter. lar^e jar 25c aixl < Keralls. Values up to $1.75, F.xlri Lux. rejr. •2?c larjrcpkg 3 for 5Qc Special, per pair $1.0'^ Clark'- ^'i""-. Tomal.) it Vepfeiable 2 15c Lot 2â€"5 dozen onlv. Men's Pants in , . ,i- • , brown shad( \ pant that will -ivc i ius stureopen W edncsday atternoons. months nf hard wear. Ref^ular S2.9r> We have disc.>ntnnicd the Tuesday nit^h; ,.,!.,,• Special ''t "â- â- 'â-  v.i'i $2.25 opetiii\!^ foi' (bo scn^on Mr. W. W. Trimble is visiting with his family in Toronto. (Monday, October 8th, will be Thanksgiving Day, a Dominion na- tional holiday. iMr. and Mrs. Chas- Ball moved into the residence beside Mr- Alf. Down on Sydenham street. Mrs. E. C. Murray is in Toronto attending the Toronto Conference W. M. S. annual convention. If you have something to sell let The Fleshertcn Advance tell our readers about it. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smail and daughter of Meaford visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C- Chappie. Miss Ruby Aikenhead and Miss Betty Keith of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. The 57th annual convention of the teachers of South Grey will be held in Markdale on Thursday and Friday, October 11 and 12. Miss Priscilla Mitchell has return- ed to the home of her brother, Mr. Geo. Mitchell, after spending some time with her sister in New York. Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Meaford, who is holding evangelistic services in Markdale, was in town Tuesday dialling on old friends. W. A. Blackwell, R.O., €yesight specialist of Toronto, will be at the Park Hotel on Wednesday, Oct. 10th. Eyes examined; glasses fitted. Messrs. El.., Wilfred and George Mc Master returned on Friday from 'â- anoraie. Que., where they had be«i driling for gas. Dr. J. 0. Moore of Wilson, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Petty ol Durham spent Monday with theii brother, 'Mr. Wm. Moore, and Mrs. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Henning and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Almond .and daughter of Meaford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hewston and three children of Duntroon and Miss Bernice English, Nottawa, were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr. Isaac Smith. Mrs. R. M. Ellison, Mr. R. M. EIH .son and the Misses Lila, Bert and Hazel Ellison of Toronto and Dr. J G. and Mrs. Bannerman of Owen Sound were callers on Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland on Sunday. Flesherton high and public schools are holding a joint field day on the agricultural grounds on Thursday afternoon. The people of the village and others are invited to attend the sports. Mrs. W. E. Morgan moved on Sat urday to an apartment in Mrs. Boyd' residence and Mr. S. Stauffer is now occupying the house on Toronto St. vacated by Mrs. '.loigan and owned by Mr. Geo. Brackenbury. Nc doubt there will he a large num- l)er nf visitors in this district for th? Thanksgivin.n: holiday. Kindly telj- ihono i;^ and glva us names of your visiter?. If a telephone i.s not avail- able writo us. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clo.^e and daughter, Peggy, of Rudyard, Mich motoiod «ver and spent the week end with Mr. and Mi-?. W. W. Trimble Mr- Trinihip returned with them for a short vi.ait. Rally Day was obscrxed in St -lohn'.s I'liitcd Church on Sunday lost. The prcgrani, prepared by the Board of Christian Education, was used throughout. T)r. E. C. Murray, the Supoi ii.tendent of the school, took charge of the sarvico and the pastoi. Rev. ,W. J. Scott, gav« the addrsM. I'he two divisions of tha Toronto Live Stock Market â€" Iambs and hogs-- which dropped on Monday, recovered part of their losses Tuesday. Hogs after an unsettled opening, gained ' cents, while lamtos finned toward the close, with late sales 10 cents higher. Cattle trading was fairly active and the holdover was brought down from 1.400 head to 500 head. Calves and sheep sold and closed steady. Butcher cattle from $4.25 to $4..'{0 for choice, while common to medium.s brought $2 to $4. The few weigiiU steers sold at $3 to $4.60. Bulls-- moved within a range of $1-75 and $2 for bolognas to $2.25 to $2.75 for .ijood butchers. Cows were steady at $2.25 to $2.75 for best gi-ades. Med- ium to good fed calves went at $5 to $6.50, and one sale wa.s as high as $7. Stockers went readily at $2 to $3. Hogs closed with a 5 cent gain at $6.65 f.o.b. for bacons, $7 off truck and $7.40 off car. The market was unsettled for the greater part of the day. Lambs pushed up near the close, with 30O head going 10 cents higher at $5.85 for good ewes and wethers; culls, bucks and heavies sold at ?4.75. Calves held firm at $6.50 to $7 for best kinds. Common vealers went down to $3.50. Heavy Westerns brought $3 to $3.50 with odd picked lots at $4. Sheep showed no change closing at $1 to $3 cwt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dezell of Owen Sound visited at R. Richardson's. iMiss Ethel Artley and Mrs- J Armstrong of Markdale visited with Mrs. R. Richardson recently. Mr. Clarence Stafford and sister, Marion, of Toronto sPent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Mrs. M. Lever visited on Sunday with the Pendleton family near Markdale. Mr. Nelson Wilson of Barrhead spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. H. Richardson, and family. Tl.c farmers are busy these days (ligging potatoes and pulling roots, which arc good crops. > Mrs. H. Richardson spent a day in Ov/en Sound. Mr. Henry Carvill attended the ploughing match at Shelburne Tues- day and was successful in obtaining a prize for ploughing. MINUS Visitor â€" "How old are. my little man?" Boy â€" "Darned if I know, mister Mother was 26 when I was born, but now she's only 24." TAKING MEDICINE "Where have you been for the last four years?" "At college, taking medicine." "And did you finally get well?" ; Small Advts. For Sale STRAW FOR SALE Large stack of straw for sale. â€" Ed. Loucks, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE Gurney-Ojcford range â€" Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. FOR SALE General Purpose grey horse, 10 years old. â€" Hugh McPherson, Ceylon FOR SALE Rural Eimpire range for sale; â€" Mrs. T. J. Stinson, R. R. 3, Proton. FOR SALE OR RENT 8 roomed House with garage and garden. All modern conveniences.â€" AJf. Down, Flesherton. FOR SALE SO Good young sheep, also 2 rams and 2 cows. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, Phone 38 r 3. GRAIN WANTED Grain wanted, for which highest market prices will be paiii. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Six roomel house with soft water, in Flesherton. Apply to â€" W. J. Stewart, Flesherton. FOR SALE Furniture and sundries. May be seen at the residence of the late Mrs. M. Phillips on Thursday and Saturday evenings. FOR SALE Dressed spring chickens and boil- ing fowl. Leave orders with Jas. A. Stewart. Flesherton, or communicate direct with J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE House and lot for sale in Maxwell, lot 7, concession 7 in Charlton Square. Term.s: cash. Apply to Mrs. Mary Henderson, R. R. 2, Ravenna, in care of Jas. Fletcher, Gibraltar. FARM WANTED Farm to rent with view to punchase if suitable, not less than 100 acres. Apply to Geo. Udell, Proton Station P.O., m miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 highway. PIANO FOR SALE Heitzman & Co. upright, modern st.vlp, rovered by original Hcintzman guarantee. Cost $600. .Will snjri- fice â€" OWHM- leaving Ontario for 0!J Country. For complete informaii»;i and price apply by letter to Box No 14, Th" Advance. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, one and a half miles f.-mth of Flesherton on Provincial Highway No. 10, Good building.? md well •watered. A 1:^0 a barn in Fleshert«n for sale or rent. â€"MRS. M. THISTI.ET.WAITE. Fle«hertwi, Ont. SHOOTING MATCH * A shooting match will be hfeld at Wm. Swanton's on Thanksgiving Day, October 8th. Ducks geese and chick- ens. Ammunition supplied. Will commence at 1.30 p.m. GUN LICENSES Licenses for Guns, Trapping and Deer can be purchased from F. G. Brown, Feversham, Ont. GUN UCENSES Licenses for guns, trapping and deer supplied.â€" J. 0. Dargavel, Flesh- erton, Ont. HOUSE FOR RENT House for rent in Flesherton, six rooms, furnace, bathroom with runn. ing water, hardwood flooring on every floor, alectrjc lights. â€" Mrs. Wm. Wilcock, phone 44 r 13. FARMS FOR SALE Lots 140, 3 N.E. and lots 143 and 144, 2 N.E., in Artemesia Township, 2% miles from Flesherton; good bam stone foundation, drive shed with stone foundation and a frame house well watered. Apply to â€" MRS. A. B. FERRIS, Flesherton Administratrix of the late Sarab Thompson estate. HOG FOR SERVKB Registered Berkshine hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and gorernraent inspected; Wms: ca^ 75c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Bock Mills. BOAR FOR SERYICB Registered Yorkshirt Boar for _â€" - vice by Fleeherton Baoon Hoy Clnk^ the property of the Ontarto Depart ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST At Thomson house, Feversham, every Friday. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to 4..S0 p.m. Residence: Eugenia; Phone: Fever- sham 5 r 42. AUCTIONEER Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for t&m. and stock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent., with small sales at cor- responding low prices according U. size. Make dates by phoning 43 r 11 or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. &A.M.. meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flcshertofl, everj; Friday on nr befor* the full moon. W. M.. R. W. Piper, Secretary, H. A. llcCauJey. ..^t » ^1-

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