/ niaiie a v<:ry eubsiauiial iiirmdae All metals except arsenic and t^i- quuiiiity u( gold sliowed blK advunces UoUl uutliut was only oue per eut. I'.aa lliuii iti tile tliRl six months of lUSa but the average price of gold In CaimUiau (undtt during the period eud;.ig June 30 waa 134. liT, ia compared wiUi $25.7!) iu tbe Ursi bait u( 1933. Ouli>ut lutul- led |4!),862,6U2, a new record tiigli and an iniproxemeut of some S3% over the 1933 period. Total of all niiuerals for nm period under review amounted to tl31.942,. ' Last week we gave youse all 180 as against $90,647,151 Ui 1933. an couple of ucruunts of the rise increase of iipprdximutely 4t>% a of l^ublic Enemies No. 1 and 2, Rudy I Vallee and Bing Crosby respectively. Sturgeon River Exploration ^K'] "^'ll^ 'f'^led feelings that we s J* ♦ relate the story of the rise and fall, Syndicate ^^^^^ f^,,^^ already so soon) of a Following Uu' iiUcMue interest singer, with a future that was every which has ueveloped Ihu-ugh the , i,it gg bright as those of public widespread and almost <.llu^•atioual L.ne,„ies Nos. 1 and 2 have proven to financial; aimus discoveries iu the Suirgeou Kivei dis. trict, announcement is in.iiiK of the formation of the Sturgeon (i.vei Kx- ploralion Syndicate for the purpose of actiuiring properties and iiiteresis in other companies operatiuii iu the area. The Syndicate has iXiieady ob tained a substantial interusi in one tbree-mlllioa stare company with ac- reage in the heart of the area where spectacular surface iiliowings were responsible for tJie urefent in. tense interest in the duuut; Uus several p-uperties under oytion and has others under cousldmaiioa. Recognizing the tremenduuo profits which accrued to pioneers in such ! >'"" «pe<:tcd, after his first be. Just think back a few years to those early morning programmes t'nianaling from New York and sponsored by a big soup manufactur- er. The whole hour was built around a young singer who had earned a fair degree of success in and around New York, and the powi*rs that be, decided that he was star material and only needed the building up to put him in that class. The pro- grammes were a big success, so the next step was to give him an or- chestra of picked men and spot him at the Statler Roof in Bo.ston. As week, KEPT AWAKE BY BACKACHE She Was Always Tired fields as the Little Long Luc Area, j '-'Vcryone, with the "what-ittakes" the Syndicate management teels that "'^ro tliere dancing to his music and the same opportunity exists iu On- tario's most recent prospective mine- making district, and it is the inten- tion of t^e syndicate to wholesale part of its holdings, but at the same time retain interest in the properties through holdings of securities to be issued by the operating company. listening to his singing. The second week though, something seemed to have gone wrong, the band was bet- ter than ever, but his voice had hit that long long trail. He would at- tempt a note, falter, hit it, then waver miserably. As the weeks pass- ed, it became apparent that his The Sturgeon River Development i voice was getting worse rather than Interest Centres on Sturgeon River Area Once again western Ontario is ex- periencing the mad excitem'iQt of an- other GOLD rush and many important looking discoveries have been made over a stretch of territory with a length of some forty miles and about four miles wide. While a number of promising showings of visible gold were uncovered at earlier dates, the real excitement did not -.tart until June, and since that time the length and width of the district has steadily grown. It is seldom that so many of the older and soundly '•siablisbed mining companie.s have been sc prom- inent in securing ground and options as has been the case in t-nls Held. Among those who have ii.vt-ad} se- cured claims are Coniaga.s Alines, Kirkland Hudson Bay (coMii .'lied by Lake Shore), United States Smellers, Macassa, International Nicke:. McVit- tie Groham and others. Several of the properties held by these compan- ies are already under active develop. ment and results of work do.ne to date in the district cannot help biU create enthusiasm over the outlook Liter- ally hundreds of veins have been opened up and showings of visible gold has become a common occur- rence. 'The eastern section of the new dis- trict lies some sixteen miles north- west of tbe Little Long Lac field, which has been so prominent during the last year. In this part of the field several properties have been un- der development tor some months, and last winter a shipment of gold ore from surface of tbe Dik-Ulk prop- erty was sent to the Flin Flon smel- ter in Manitoba and it is said that after all charges were paid h return of some eighty dollars per ton was obtained. Other companies in this sec- tion include the Joniac Gold Syndi- cate, Sturgeon River Exploration Syndicate, U.S. Smelters, Iiil. Nickel Syndicate, which will shortly be pub- licly announced, will have as its pur- pose, actual financing and develop- ment assigned to it by the H^xplora- tion Syndicate. Unit holders ot the I Exploration Syndicate will participate on a preferred basis iu the Issue ot ! Development Syndicate units and will also get preferred position as, iC and when share companies are formed and offerings made. In Sturgeon River, during the past month or two, literally huudreds ot veins have been reported to have been discovered, and many of tcese are said to be of a spectacular nature. Geological conditions are reported as excellent and it seems reasonably certain that a number of new produc- ers will be added to Ontario's stead- ily growing list. Briefs Mclntyre Porcupine Mines is report- ed to have three drills working on pro. perty recently optioned i'x Hislop Township, with eleven holes complet- ed to date. Tried Kruschen â€" Now Full of Life Only those who have experienced backache can understand how painful it can be. Only they can understanti the disappointment of this woman as .she tried one remedy after anotherâ€" only to find that they failed. And they will appreciate her delight at now being able to write the following letter:â€" "I was always feeling tired, never had any energy, and could get no sleep at night, for the pain in my back. So after trying several differ- ent so-called remedies (which did me no good at all), I decided to try Kruschen Salts. 1 am delighted to be able to say that I am now a different woman, full of life and energy, and free from the pain in the back." â€" (Mrs.i M. A. Backache is commonly caused by the kidneys becoming inactive, and allowing impurities to accumulate in the bloodstream. The six salts in Kruschen will coax your kidneys back to healthy, normal action so that they will rid your blood-stream of evei-y particle of poisonous waste matter. As an immediate result you will ex- perience joyous relief from those old, dragging pains. .\nd as you persevere with the "little daily dose" of Kinis- chen, the twinges will become less and less frequent until finally your back- ache will be no more than the mem- ory of a bad dream. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45c. and 75c. per bottle. Canada's Exports Up $51,273,382 Dominion's Show Big- Last Year. Trade Increase Over Figures improving. Needless to say, his con. tract was not renewed. N.B.C. must have dropped him completely also, for he was heard only occasionally in the two years that followed his dis- mal debut. The past week, we were listening to the very fine music of Leo Reis man's orchestra on the ciggie hall- hour, when, of all things, who should we hear singing, but the very man who seemed to have missed out as far as reaching the top was concern- ed. Lou Conrad, for that is his name, is singing a song or two in an ab- solutely obscure role. It goes to prove what Winchell says, "It's tough enough getting to the top of the ladder, but it's tougher to stay there." Teck Hughes has reduced as divid subsid^uary, an~d Ki^kiand' Hudson" B"ay ! T.'^'J^l^l.?''!^.^.^^':..^^''''^ I'l-'*''^''.'^ (Lake Shore). in the central and westurn sec- Just in case you wondered as to the identity of the queer assortment of names we published last week, here they are: â€" Cab â€" Well, that's an easy one. Le Calloway of the Hi-De-Iio sch<Jol of music. Miff â€" Who answ-Crs to Mr. Mole. One of tlue finest trombonists sliding around these parts or any other parts. and is planning immediata develop. 1 Ishamâ€" of the "keeping up with meut. I the Jones" clan. And what a band! Calgary and Edmoiuoii Corporation I Muzzy â€" We suppose that most of Ottawa,â€" Canada's exports for the last five months of the present fiscal year totalled $25S,S'J7,407 or ?51,273. 3S2 more than for the corresponding period of last year. Imports up to August 31 came to $221,531,524 or $U0,083,285 more than last year. Total revenues amount to $l-tl,215,- 849 in the five.month period or ?19,- 776,838 more than last year. where a lew building stands today in the city. Tbe dentist was amazed when several of his patients having sat down in his surgery chair, chang. ed their minds about having the ex- traction done, saying: "I won't have gas today." The dentist could not un- derstand the change of front until one day he sat down in the cbair himself. Directly opposite on the wall ot the Salvation Ai-my Citadel, In large leU ters. were the words: "Prepare to meet your God."â€" Banffffshire Jom-nal New Land For Old India is so far away that most Can- adians if they ever give it a thought regard it simply as a land of teeming millions and overwhelming heat â€" and fasting Gandhis. But India is in real- ity becoming a more and more impor. tant factor in the British Common- wealth of Nations, and therefore any- thing that affects its prosperity ought to be of interest to them all.. The Indian goverumen has Just been celebrating the completion ot a great work of irrigation whici mu.s; be add. ed to its triumphs of peace. .Mother India utilizes irrigation as Kuropean countries employ emigration â€" to aid her surplus population. Instead of re- lying entirely upon the latter to re- lieve her congestion, she aclaally pro. vides now land for her people within her own borders, by providing water Canadian Weeklies Merge in London Canada and Canadian Gazette Abandon Competition London, â€" The weekly iliu.nrated paper, "Canada," published here for the past 27 years is being merged with another weekly the -Canadian Gazette." The editor and founder of the for- mer publication, Walter Letroy closes 37 years of prominent association with Canadian news work in London. Announcing the merger rho direct- ors of "Canada" remark the recent years oi depression severely affected, the fortunes of many newspapers. It had been wisely decided the two Can- adian weeklies in London ahoulu cease their wasteful competition, they add- ed. Mr. Lefroy. an liisliman who lived in Canada for some years. Is 04 years of age. He first visited the dominion iu ISlil and after 3i.\ years' residence returned to London, contributing ar- supply for areas that could ii.)t possib- lic^'es to leading publications concern as compared with former laie of flf. I teeu cents per share. ,. ,_ „ . „.,,,' Lee Gold Mines has aciiaired hold- t.ons ot the c-amp Coniagas Ku'kland j„g, j^ ^^^ ^^^ Sturgeon River Area Hudson Bay, Oliver Severn S.yndicate, McVillie Graham, the Connell inter- ests, Spring Exploration and many others are prominent wibh ituportant , ,„J-„„,77o^â„¢; "-r"â„¢; "J .'oth was I you said, "The guy who writes that looking strikes having been made. f $vj^si6. as compared with no.SGB tori radio column is screwy, there's no the previous fiscal year, while income 'one by the name of Muzzy anywhere, in realization account was $132,477 i But there is; Muzzy Marcolline, the as against $97,124 iu the previous i scat singer with Ted Fiorita. year. i Fessâ€" One oi Mrs. Williams little St. Anthony mill is now ireating i beys, leading a hot style dance band, General opinion, of those who have \ visited the newi area, is thac it seems \ likely that this district will outshine ' even the spectacular Little Long Lac i section before many months have ! passed and certainly as tie situation i some 14G tons per day. Gross produc- Rush To Market Wheat Western farmers arc said to be rushing their wheat crop to market at an unprecedented rate, according to reports eminating from western centres. It is estimated, uow, that this year's crop will e.\ceed the 1933 one by some 15,000,UOU bushels and in addition the price is about seven- teen cents higher. One third of the marketable crop is already i.t the ele. â-¼ators, with quality being good from the southern sections. Frost has af. fected grade from the northern sec- tions with the exception of tht Peace River country which escaped the frost and is ^aid to have a very dne crop. Malting barley is reported at a pre- mium and present prices are over 60 cents, as compared with about 36 cents last year. A considerable amount has been shipped tu the Am- erican market with tbe result that Canadian buyers are unusually active In soliciting this grade. Ca.sh quota- tion for the best quality of malting barley is around 80 cents. looks at present, this does uot seem I tion in August was $36,300 ..s against to be any exaggeration. j^S.OOO in July. Trafalgar Long Lac Mines has uu. covered a new vein on its property in the Long Lac section. When Hollinger shares soid through $21.50 last week t*ey touched a new high record since 1927. Profit of Beattie Gold Mines tor six months to June 30, reached $122,078.00 with over $75,000 of this beiiii; earned for the second quarter. Long Lac Adair Mines Word coming down from inis com- panie's property continues to be of a decidedly optimistic nature and Frank Leslie, in charge of operatious, states that another new vein, running at right augles to the big number Qve, has been uncovered for several hun- dred feet. First assay from four-foot ebannel ran well over |7.00. Two ad- ditional assays from the number Qve nm over $14.00 and |6.00. The man- agement are now considering plans tor winter development, and It seems likely that shaft sinking will be started in the near future. Results of work to date on this property Konld Indicate that Long Lac Adair las real possibilities ot bringinc in a troducer. Rail Revenues Rise The steady Increase in traffic rev- enues of the Canadian Railways, wliich has continued almost steadily lor over a year provides one of the bright spots in the Canadian econo- mic picture. With the exception ot June, when a slight decline was re- corded, combined tiaffic revenues ot the two roads have shown an increase each mouth over the same period a year ago. During tile montn ot Aug- ust the increase amounted to 4.89% while the first two weeks ot September recorded an increase of over eleven per cent., as compared wit the same two weeks in 1933. Dominion Coal Co. It is reported on good authority that notice will soon go out to share, holders proposing a reduclicu in the preferred dividend rale to 6% and at the same time offering preferred stock in lieu of arrears ot dividends on the issue. It is understood that, if this arrangement is completed, di- vidend payments on the now basis will be resumed right away. ly be properly cultivated as they are The latest development in this di- rection is the Mettur dam on the Cau- very river iu Madras Presidency. This vast work is second only to the huge SuUkur barrage on the In-hia which was completed two years ago. it ranks in Iniporlaiice and size with the splendid worlis at Assouan ou the Nile It is one mile long and 170 tcec high, it has created a reservoir one hundred miles iu circumference, from which seventy miles of main canals provide ample water supply for three hun- dred thousand acres of land which has known not hitherto been under cUitivatlou. The total cost was $3,000,000 and the Goveiimieut expects to rea'izu six per Mustn't forget to recommend the I cent upon its investment. All the American Album of Familiar Music "lachineiy and materials employed up- to those lovers of the semi-classic and | "n the work were British, light music. Virginia Rea and Frank j Thus it brought to completion a Munn make a grand team interpolat- dream of the eleventh century, for the and finally, Oswald Nelson, better as Ozzie. ing the resources and development of Canada and its growing importance. Before, he founded "Canada," he e«. tabli.'i.hed the â- British Columbia Re- view." Can very was damned then. Jluudreds of thousands of people are also assur. ed of an ample living who have hith. erto had to eke out a precnrlous e.x- istence, dependent entirely for their water supply upon the ratner unrel. iable monsoons. British energy and ^ ,L I - n J- Ti 1 1 u I enterprise conliiiue the Kreat work n( I of the big Radio Broadcasts here ml, „„.,... , ,. i^ « s'cat woik oi '-...-. I developing India tor the Indians ing the songs. We have often wondered .iust what type of music you folks in the small- er towns and country villages favour the most. The sender of the best let- ter will receive a free ticket to one whe. Humberstone Shoe Co. For the year ending July 31st this company earned $2.87 per stare on the outstanding common atock and sales were reported as being tbe high- est in tbe company's history, learnings were shown at $66,073 as against .63,- 429 tor tbe previous year. Working capital also showed im- provement, being $383,103 as compar- ed with $369,172 in July, 1933. Mineral Output Shows Big Advance Figures released by the Uominion Bureau of Statistics show that miner- al production in Canada tor the flrst six moDths ot the current year has Buys New Yacht Something new in yachts is being ; Toronto '-his winter. i ih„,. f.,„,ii.i r„ , e- , , built in the 64-foot sailing schooner | Once again then, until next week,' g,^,,. ^ **''' '''^'^ "'' ^'^'''^•---â- «°»^«a' uow under construction at Newport | Heigh-Ho and aren't the middle^ Beach for Richard Arlen Paramount â- strains of "I Saw Stars" a steal from star. The vessel has a spri;i!i floor iu "Now you can make my life a Bed the galley, which according lo Arlen, of Roses." Am I right'/" means that no matter how r^ugh the j . seas and no matter how roi.gh the sea, and no matter how far the boat may rock, the floor of the galley re- mains perfectly level, thereby per- A Chinese Champion Under Anaesthetics mitting cooking in all kinds of wea- ther. TUe measure ot choosing well is whether a man likes what he has cho- sen.â€" Lamb. Dr. VVernet's Powder For FALSE TEETH A Joy To All Users Can' t Slip Of Sl ide Sprinkle on Dr. Wenjct's Powder and you won't have to think about your faiso teeth all day long. Joyous com- fort is vours. Eat anything you want â€"it holds plates firmly in place â€" they positively ean't slip or slide. Forme protective cushion for sensitive guma. Leaves no colored, gummy substance- keeps mouth sanitarv, breath pleasaot: Prtacribed by world's most noted 6at- tista. TIte cost is smattâ€" ibe comfort yi Aiqr drucpili Miss Gem Hoahing the lemarkable little thirteen-year old player ,vbo won the Midlese.x Girls' Tennis i hnmpion. ship last Saturday, has nil ;be mak- ings of an Kngland pl.nyer in ner â€" and fortunately though she is C'.r.nese by ] of dentists with patienu under and parentage she is Britisii by birth. [ alier anaesthetics were described Mr. Handicapped though she is by not ] H. Wilco.x, Bristol, L,poko of t.'.e wreck, ."landing more than a head higher! '"g of his surgery by a stalwart and tliau the net, she fought her way wiUj \ violent Welshman, a former lugby in. There were held the other day at Dundee meetiiig.s in connection with the British Dental Association. At one of them there was discust,iou on anaesthetics that might be used iu dental surgery. livipan was tpoken of as were also chloroform, ether, nit- i uus oxide and oxygen. In course of the talk, experiences lernatioualist. After the troublesome looth had been extracted the patient became very violent. He caught the dentist by the thighs and threw him several feet against the wall. The nurse jumped out of the surgery win- dow; but the anaeaibetist, a young Scot who played football brought the I patient down with a rugby tackle, and i Two of the disabilities of ner youth i "'^'â„¢*'^'y ^^ was overpowerea.' The are that she cannot play in the Wim- i '""'^'^'^ '"'^ a sport however, and af- bledon Junior Championship this year'*"" say'hg he was afraid be had be. or next or take the London matric for '"^^^d 'n an extraordinary manner, of- ihree years. Her father, watching' her , '^^'^'^ ^° P*y double fees. .Middlesex triumph -was a monument ***"• ^- ^- Scott Dow, of Kdinburgh, of Oriental impassivity.- The SpecU ' 'â- *'****1 '*>8 experience of a Dundee ator denUst, whose premises bad been i out check or hesitation into the final I and won that, against a player fully up to championship staudard, by 6-3, 6-1. She plays with bolji her uead and her feet. Her footwork is ::iriarkable and so is her mental concHutratioD. Not of a physique to make hard driv. ing a specialty she wins her games by skill in placing. You Take Your Choice Bruce Bliveii, editor of tUo .New Re- public, New York, says the radi«, broadcasting in Britain is luoo per cent superior to that of the United States. Joseph Hergesheimer, in the Saturday Evening Post, ridicules the British service and says it would be impossible t. foist it on the .-Vmericaa public. Both men spent som.i time in England studying the systt-ra there So there you are.â€" London .Advertiser! Confidence in auolJier man's virtue is no slight evidence of a maus own. â€" Montaigne. Classified Advertising , , MINKS J^abrailor and .\,„il, Shure Lower St Lawrence minks: sekctively bred fur en yeiirs. at reusoiiable prices If taken Lantlcr, P.Q. 3" PATENTS .^ N OFFliK TO 12VL-KY INVENTOR. LIsi uf wanted inventions and lull informiuion sent tree The Bamiay Company, Woila I'aient .Mioimlvs jj'j Bank Street. (Htaw.-i. Cana.011. AQENTS WANTED ^liSOLUTiiLY THK KlNliST lino ot personal Cbrisliiiius Cards sellins at $1.00 dozen. Large selection embossed anil hund-coloreo uesicns, ciileiidars. uookmarks. choice of greetings, many new features, all folders, some witn. customer's Initial, us shown at our ex. hibit at Canadian Nalional Exhibition. Send tor samples. Liberal commission and bonus. Fast-selllnB box o.ssortmenta also. .Manufactured b.v Repral .Stationery Co.. 73 Adol.Tiile .«ir,.,.i \Vp.«t. Toronto. Off Colour? How Is Your Liver? Wake up your Liver Bile â€"Without Calomel Tour liver's a ver.v small organ, but It certainly can put your diKostlve and ellminatlve orsans out of kilter, by refu.sing to pour out Its daily two pouiuls of llt4Ul(l bllo Into yo>ir bowels. You won't completely correct such a condltinn by taking salts, oil. mineral water. lu.xative candy or chewing gum, or roughagQ. Wlien tliey've moved your bowels they'r tiirougti â€" and you need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon bring back the sunshine Into your tlfB. They're purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse sub- stitutes. 25c at all druggists. iMue No 39â€" '34