/^ . \y^^ je /totj^rtutt atrtnittc^* "% \'oI. 54; Xo. 10 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8. 1934 W. H. Thurston & Sen, Proprietori MAXWELL Wedding bells are ringing. Miss Beatrice Bushell of Toronto visited over the week end at her par- ental home here. Mr. Charles Ferguson and daugh- ter, Edyth, Mrs. Cowie, Messrs. Geo. Smith and Harold Obrien of Pleasant- dale, Sask., left on Monday for their home after spending the past month in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison took a motor trip to Michigan and other points last week. Mrs. Burnett of Weston is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison's. Miss Ella Wilson is visiting rela- tives here at present. (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Heron visited their daughter, Mrs. Dinaghan at Listowel on Sunday. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. Ed. Hillock in the death of his wife who passed away last Mon- day in Toronto hospital^ Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Guy and two sons, Ernest and Willard, of Cor- onach, Sask., are visiting the form- er's mother at present. Mr. and Mrs. F. Young, Mrs. Fish- er and family and Mr. and Mrs. Coutts, all of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Jas. Radley over the week end Mr. Geo. Long of Niagara is vis- iting his mother at time of writing. The truck load of blueberry pick- ers had a very successful trip last week, Mr. Wm. Kei-ton being tbe trucker. Miss M. Jacob and Miss Margaret Tozar of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestley. Mrs Will. Allan and daughter Mary, have returned to their home in Detroit. Olr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross accompanied them as far as Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Marice McKee of To- ronto have been visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Hall. FEVERSHAM CEYLON EUGENIA PROTON STATION The Y.P.S. of the United church is having an ice cream social this Wednesday night, Augu^st 8. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McCannell were: Mr. and Mrs. James Sandiland and Mrs. John Sanueriland of Dundalk, Mr. Percel ?nd Miss Percel of Cayuga. Miss Lillian Hemphill of Toronto is visiting at the home of her uncle Mr. James Hemphill. Mr. S. Beamish and Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Black cf Dunialk visited thi latter's sisters, Mrs. Bates and Mi-s Hemphill. Starlings ar« in multitudss en the stooked grain, causing much damaje. (Last Week's Items) Wedding Dslls? We, in this part of the country have reason to be thankful for the rain we get just when we need it. iMrs. Dever's guest, Mrs. Sinclair of Dundas. has returned home. Miss Jones of Toronto is holiday- ing with her grandmother, Mrs. Mc- Kalty. Mrs. Johnston and son, Go»don, of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mcs. Wy-i!!o. Misses Emily and Maud Acheson are holidaying at Buffalo. Visitors at the home »f Mr. R. G. Ache^cn were: Mrs. Dawson and daughter, Margaret. Mrs. Proctor and daughter. Miss Orma. all of Toronto and Mrs. Armstrong and daughter Velma. of Dundalk. Dever Bros, and Mrs. Devcr Sun- dayed at Berkeley. Mr. Alex. Hergott and Mr. Ernest Stinson were at Kitchener recently. Mrs. Charles Lyons spent last week with the members of her family who reside in Toronto. Her daughter, Miss Gertrude and son, Lloyd, return- ed home with her on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Hutchinson has re- turned to Toronto after a holiday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. X. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. ,W. \\. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson of CoUing-wood were week end visitors with Mrs Miller's twin sister, Mrs. A. J. Con- ron. Mr. ana Mi-s. Fred Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bracksnbury of Flesh- .Tton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barbtr. Mr. Ben Bar'aer of Rocklyn was a recent visitor with his brother, Mr. Jos. Barber. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church here will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Spofford on Wednesday, Augusx 15 th. The Anglican Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. R. McGirr on Thursday . August 16. Air. and Mrs. Ernest McGirr of Petrolia and Mrs. Margaret Stewart cf Palermo were visitors with R. J and Miss Ella Alister last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Flesh- 3rton, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burk. Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound is holidaying with friends in this locality. Mrs. Fred Tyler has returned home- after a %nsit with friends in Gle;. Huron. Miss Verna Hudson of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Miss Buckingham of Collingwood has been a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Howard Short, and family. Masters Jim and Ted Pedlar are holidaying at the home of their grandpai'i-'nto, Mr. and Mr;-. Ed. Peu- lar on the county road near Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oldfield of Dun- dalk and Masters Jim and Earl Mc Grath of Burlington were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nichol over Sun- day. Miss Dorothy Robinson and two lady friends, the Misses Arnott of To- ronto were week end visitors at Miss Robinson's home here. Mr. Harry Burk of Erin spent Sun- day at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. McGown and son, Melville, of Ravenna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burk. Masters Jim and Billie McKee vis- ited with their aunt, Mrs. Will. Col- quette in Owen Sound. Mrs. Andrew Douglas and son oi N'ew Liskeard visited with the form cr's brother, Mr. Chris. Thompson. Mrs. Fred Tyler is visiting Vv-ith .'riends in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Elliott of De- troit were week end visitors with the t'ormer's mother, Mrs. Thomas Elliof^. on the 10th Line. VICTORIA CORNERS Jack R<?gan and Jack Spiers of To- Tonto arc spending a few weeks at Milton Bannon's. Little Ileen and Marion Lusty of Toronto are risiting at Chas. Moore's. Mrs. Stinson, Mari«, and Ann. re- turned to Bright with Mrs. Wm. Lud- low. Ernie motored down for them 0" Sunday. Miss Sylvia Acheson ia holidaying at Eugrenia. Mr. Woo* of Corbetton preached on Sunlay for Mr. Wilkimson, wko was away attending a funeral. Wc wish to congratulate- Mis.-' Sylvia Acheson on her success at Normal. Try a "Small Advt. (Intended for Last Week) â- Mr. Albert Eby and son. Ted, of To- ronto and Mr and Mrs. A. E. Eby and uaughter. Mai-garet. of Red Dc'cr Alberta, were visitors with Mr. anj Mrs. G. Eby last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutouburg ol Hamilton and Miss L. Davidson ot Buffalo visited last week with the Mr. James A. Davitlson. Mr. and Mi-s. Bers Osborne of the Batteau and Mr. John Osbonw ot Duntnoon called on Mr. and Mrs Har- old Osborne Friday Inst. A very p!easii\g evint for rtia little folks of the village took place at 4he home of little Shirley Suringgay to celehrato h<.-r Tth birthday. Shirle.v re?tivcd some nice presents. .Aboul fifteen of her little schoolmates on- jsyed a pleasant afternoon and Mi-s Springgay sei-\-ed a dainty lunch, which capped the climax. Mrs. Ed. Croft of Rock Mills vis- ited with her sister. Mrs. Harolii Osborne over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Colquette and two daughters. Shirley and Muriel, of Winnipeg are \1sitors with Mr and Mrs. Colquette. R. D. is associate editor of the Country Guide in the western city. Mrs. Thomas Heroa of Morden, Man., is visiting with her brother, Mr. Geo. Burk. and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. (Dr.) Sharps of Rc-dl Creek, N. Y. were callers in the com- munity during the holiday. Miss Chapman of Toronto and Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Houston and family of Oshawa spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher and fam- ily of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Le roy Bean and children of Red Creek N. Y., were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper. Mr. Snowden McLec-d of Toronto holidayed with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald an-j Isobel, Weston, visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. McFayden, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson. Mrs. A. C. Muir Mr. D. Muir, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. J. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir, Mr and Mrs. Archie Stewart and family Mr. Alex. Stewart, Miss May Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver and family and Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Oliver attended the "Gathering of thp clans" a: Caledon, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Coleman and fam- ily and Mr. Ted Beckett, Wheatley were week end visitors at J. F. Coll- inson's. Miss Marion Muir is on a visit to Toronto. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting her brother, Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and son, Vernon, attended the wedding ol their eldest son, Mr. Will. Stewart of the Inspector's Dept., Bank of Mon- treal, Toronto, to Miss B. Pugh of Kingston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson and family were in Owen Sound Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall and fam- ily attended a family reunion at Bol- ton Monday. Mr. J. P. Stewart is visiting in Caledon. Mr. Job". McMillan of Owon Sound was home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown anf Miss Dell White were recent visitors at their home here. Mr. A. S. Muir and son, Gsant, are visiting in Toronto. Miss Willa Patterson and Miss Gladys and Goldie have returned from a week's motor trip. Mrs. Geo. Snell has returned from an extended visit in Oshawa. Mrs. Raney and Jean of Southamp- ton are visiting Mrs. Macphail. Miss Margaret Collinson spent the week end with Miss Marion Miller in Flesherton. Mrs. J. Barrett and family of Owen Sound. Miss Margaret Leavens, Mr. â- ^ya!l .\rrowsmith, Toronto, and Dr. r. McRae, Mrs. C-oldhousu and daugh- jer, Mildred of Dundas were v.-eelv end visitors with Mr. Geo. .â- \rrow- smith. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker anj family, Toronto, were holiday vishor-j here. PORTLAW Our sympathy is extended to tlu- widow and other relatives of the late Tbos. A. Gilchrist. Miss IX'Ua Pedlar of Toronto \i vis- iting with brothers and sisters and other relatives of this part. Mr. Robt. Plantt of Eugenia vis- ited with his sons hare durins; th. past week. Miss -AUie Little of Toronto visited at the parental home recently. Miss Grace Hopps has been snend- ng the past three weeks with friends -.t Rivpvview. Mr. J. J. Little vi:.itcd with friend in Toronto recsntlv. Mi-s. J. L. Wood of Torotno i_-. vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Tay lor. Rev. R. Dingwall and wife of Mas.^ ey Station are visiting at the home of Mr. W. H. McXally. The W. A. are justly elated o.o the success of their annual garden party which took place Thursday evening last. The softball was won by Inistioge. Proton Station being the losers. After a sumptuous supper provided by the ladies in the hall a play was given by the Maxwell Dra- The lawn social held under tlve au:ipices of the W. A. of the L^'nited church at the home of Mr. Lewis Genoe on Monday evening cf last week was quite a successful event. The football game between Kimber- !ey and Eugenia boys was won by the former 2-1. The program v.-as en- joyed very much and consiste:! ol vccal selections by Miss SyMa .Ache- son and Miss Marjory Park, Mrs. T. Fenwick and daughter Miss Edith Miss Jean Bushell, Misses Annieta and Harel Turner and Mr. Perc\ Smith; instrumentals by Miss Jear. Bushell, Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith also the Mi^es B. Campbell, B. Genoe and H. Gordon; readings by Mrs. J. Parson, Miss Queenie Kaitting, Mrs. W. Walker and Carmel Martin. Every- one received ice cream and cake. A peanut contest was staged in which votes wer; given for the most pop- ular girl. This was won by Miss Hilda Gordon who recei%'ed a suitable prize. The program committee con- sisted of Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mrs. C Martin and Mrs. :W. Gordon and the booth committee was leomposed oi Mrs. W. Gordon and Mrs. J. Camp bell with assistants. Rev. Bushel acted as chairman. The prccaod: amounted to about $30. Mr. and Mrs. Eckhardt and child- L-en of Oakville have taken apart ments for tbe summer in Mr. Jos Shei-wood's residence. Mr. Eckhard' is engaged with the King Paving Co Mrs. John Sled and daughter, Mr and 2vlrs. Dan Van:ise of Stayner, aisc her son, Mr. Jim Sled and wife ana babe cf Lunisden, Sa.-^k., visited one day the past w-eek with the former'; sister, Mrs. W. Magee. Mr. and -Mrs. Herb LeGard of Pick- ering and Mr. Ken Kellar of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. anc Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Miss Queenie Kaitting, teacher, is spending a few holidays with hei brother, Mr. Will. Kaitting and wife. Miss Christina Magee is spending 1. week v.-ith friends in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Duncan of Armstrong B. C. is on an extended visit with her brother, Mr. Geo. Lawlor and other relatives. Miss Sylvia Acheson from Victoria Corners spent :•. few days with the Proctor and La.imer families. -Argyle Martin has returned to Flesherton after spending a week at his parental home here. The Sunday school picnic was held on Friday afternoon of last week when everyone present enjoyed e pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mander, Jr. Mr. Hai-ry Mander. Sr., and Mrs. ,1 Warrilow and daughter of Toront were visitors over the holiday witl Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett. We were pleasetl to report Miss Muriel Carruthers improving in health. The Misses Mary and Isobel Mc- Kee spent the week end and holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T MjKee. Mr. R. Plant spsnt a few days with his sons, Fred and Wes.. near ,Ware- ham. Miss Kathleen Pedlar cf Markdal, was home over the week end. Mrs. Johnston Wood of Mimico i; visiting with her sister-iH-law. Mrs. Will. Magee. husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher and son and lady friend. Miss Smith, of To ronto were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Mr. Flstcher wa- employed here in the building of the first pipe line. Mrs. Tom.bs ci Copper Ciiffe was ilso a caller on Mrs. S. Campbell. Mr-;. Jen Fenwic'c of Lon-.lon is holidaying with her cousin. Mrs. Joe Willi?m-5. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fenwick of To- ronto were visitors with relatives here ivcr the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family spent the week end and holi- day a» the fornwr's parental ho?r.e. .A number from here attended the Civic holiday event i-n Flesherton andj|; enjoyed a good time. i > CalhiirincK ^ isited with Mrs. VV. C. Hanley and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hanley over the week end. Their daughter, iliss Pearl, returned home with them. Miss Helen Size, who has been vis- iting with the Hanley family has re- turned home to Toronto. Miss Hilda Williams an:l Mr. Chas. .Annett of Toronto spent a fcw days with Mr. Jake Williams recently. Mr. Brethirton and Miss Irene Clinton of Toronto were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis, ac- VANDELEUR Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto spent a few days with her parentSj Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gilbert spent a couple of weeks with friends in Chatsworth. Mi-s. Roy Oke ha.s returaed to her home in Toronto after spending a short time at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mrs. (Dr.) Tumbull of Ottawa is tht companied by Mr. Henry Tudor and I S^est of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, daughters, Jean and .\lice, went to! Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto Toronto to spend a few days and at-' tended the soldiers re-union. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and little daughter, Elnora, visited friends in Paisley. Mrs. Fenwick's father, Mr. Parliament, who lives in Harris- burg, is over SO years of age, and was on a visit with Paisley friends. Misses Gladys and Marjorie Hemp- hill and Mr. Elmer MacLellan vis- ited over the holiday w-ith Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley, Eugenia. Miss Irene Martin visited in To- ronto recently. ROCK MILLS Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto ha; ^een holidaying at the home of hei â- i'ster, Mrs. W. J. Chard. Prayer meeting was held at tlie home of Mr. Thos. Betts oa Fridaj evening when a goodly number wert present. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker ol Toronto spent a few days with Mr and Mrs. Cecil Betts and Mr. anc Mrs. Laurie Betts. Nearly everyone from this commun- ity attended the picnic in Flesherton on Monday and report a splendid time. Master Billy Osborne of Owen Sound spent a few holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Xewell and two children of Durham visited or Monday with tit? former's brothei here and attended the picnic in Flesh- erton. Miss Marjorie Lee of Owen Sound visited over the holiday with friends here. Mrs. Harold Osborne of Feversham visited with her sister, Mrs. Xed Croft. were recent visiters with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mrs. Topping of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. .-Vmos Smith and son, Clare, ox Meaford spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert re- turned home with them for a short, visit. Recent visitors with Miss Minnie- Graham were: Misses Inez and Isobel Jickling, Jean Hadlow, Agnes Swee- ton and Mary Roland, ail of Listowel Bom â€" On July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. McGee a son. Mr. Garnet Blair of Toronto and" Mr. Will. Blair of Sask., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. L Grai- ham and family. Vandeleur Court of the C.C-F. at- tended di\'ine service in a body in the church here on Sunday afternoon. The pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren, preached a splendid sermon on the subject of "Friends'nip. NOTICE \ A. L. BROKENSHIRE. R. O. Eyesight St»ecialst Associated with J. P. Davis, R.O.. eyesight specialist, Collingwood, Ont, will be at Richardson's Drug Store the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Eyes examined â€" glasses fitted. Make appointments at Richardson's Drug Store. PASTURE FOR PIGS ♦♦»»>»♦♦♦•*»♦»»*» • » ^ 5 s Pasture for pigs may undoubtedly be made good use of on the average farm. This method of feeding, how- ever, has disadvantages, particularly >-:th the active bacon hog. owing tj he opportunity for excessive exercise 'rom the standpoint of fast finishing 'nd the liability of little pigs tc stunting through sunburn and thi combined effects of sunburn and dew. With plenty of skim milk or butter- milk, both the experimental evidence and that cf practical feeders would indicate that growing bacon hogs may be fed for market rnore economically indoors or in w^ell shaded pens, sup- plied with racks or green feed, pref- erably in the form of alfalfa or clover. Racks are essential to the prevention of waste. o < z 2 â- < ? = g 2 % ~ 'ji > < -5 ~ Read the Small Advertisements < >»<t><> n <>t>«**** fS. /^ t s •> \ \ > > ^t - Forks FOR THE RVEST TWINE ROPE AND CABLE Fork Handles Machine Oil Cup Grease and Bincing Gloves Mrs. A. T. Hut^-hinson and da^gh- \ matic Club, entitled, ".\n Old Fashion ter of Strongfield, Sask., are visiting her sister, Mrs John Brown of Rob Roy aad other friends in this locality. Mr. Fred Hawkins of New York is visiting with his brother, Mai-, and family on the 10th Line. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Colquette. Billy and .'Vilan, of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mrs. H. .\lex8nder hire. Clifford Hickling of Toronto are spending a few days with Mr. and Mr. Hepburn took over the rein? about mid-July. Jitet a matter ol donning Mr. Henry's overalls. This is one of the best ^rs. Park Miss D. Jamies»n has grone to To- ed Mother. plays we have ever heard, and was splendidly rendered. The 4th Line orchestra rendered some fine selec- tions between the acts. The net pro- .'eeds amounted to about $65.00 Three miller* at Neustadt make a husky trio. Three of them were r< duced to step on the scaU-s to deter- mine their combined weight, and thoy FOR PICKLING AND PRESERVING Fruit Jars Sugar Vinegar Pure Spices Rdbber Jar Rings Metal Jar Rings ronto on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and daughter Hazel a.id -A. Perry of Gait visited j with Mr. and Mrs. F. Jamieson. j The Misses Dorothy Monck and , Dorothy Slater of Gait are spending! tw-o weeks at the home of Mr. and , Mrs. Thos. Fcnwi.-k. | Callers at Mr. Jake Williams' rec- I ently were Mr. Ralph Bicknell of T^w SPECIALS Hand Sprayers, each Fly Go Spray. lt> oz. bottle Swan's Suds. Fksj Swan's Washing: Soda, large pkg. Fre.-ih Sweet Cocoanut. lb 15c 45c lOc .. 8c ISc registered 785 pounds, good for a i j ronto and Mr. Junior Snyder of Penn average weight or 262 pounds. The j sylvania. heaviast of the trio weighs 306 lbs. j Mr. and Mrs Osprey & Artemcsia Co-opcralive Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON .>'â- t w c. B. Wilson of St. ♦♦*♦<^•>-^♦•^^><^•^^^^<â- •^>^^^-^-^.^^.xs^•^.><^«^♦♦♦♦•>^K••^<^^•M>-^^^^